• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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25: Follow the Leader

It was another night in New York once again, it's been a bit since the mutagen was spread all over the city, and Spike and the turtles were trying to search for any canisters they could find.
"Come on Donnie, don't get so bent out of shape about April. She'll come around." Raph assured as Donnie turned on the device.
"I've seen friends separate from fights before, things will get better, i know that for a fact." Spike said in agreement.
"Yeah.. i guess your right guys.." Donnie said still feeling sad that April had left them like that.

Spike continued searching for any canister he could find, he found a few of them within the last week and he and Donnie have been working on making a retro mutagen to cure Kirby who became a bat monster.
"You got anything with the device Donnie?" Spike asked looking at it.
"I'm getting something, but i just don't know where it's properly going to.. aha! I think i got something." Donnie said interested as the device was beeping rapidly.
"Ah your scanners just about as useless just as much as a trench coat on a turtle." Raph said annoyed.
"Just give him a chance Raph, it's our fault those canisters went missing, we gotta find em before some rando ends up getting mutated.
"Over here guys!" Donnie said as the device kept beeping.

Spike quickly jumped up to the rooftop and found a canister lying down.
"Guys! i found it!" Spike said as he held it out.
"How many does that make?" Leo asked looking at Donnie.
"Spike found 3 so far, so that leaves.. 4 and a half." Donnie announced and they all groaned in annoyance.
"Hey we still have 59 more to go." Donnie assured.

On another rooftop, someone was watching them from afar.
"So, the turtles and Spike are hunting for the missing mutagen supply, this makes the game so much easier." Karai said with a grin as she sliced off a nearby can in half.

Spike and the others were now on another rooftop searching for more canisters.
"We've been searching for mutagen for days now dudes, this is so boring, i'm gonna scream." Mikey said before Spike glared at him.
"You start screaming, i'm gonna put duck tape over your mouth until we find all of them" Spike threatened and Mikey shut up instantly.
"Spike's right, it's probably best we take for a bit and do something fun." Leo suggested.
"All right!" Spike and the others said in relief.

"Training session! Yes!" Leo announced and they all groaned in annoyance.
"Guys, sensei want's me to train you, and that's what i'm gonna do." Leo said as he looked down for something.
"You see that dragon gate over there?" Leo asked pointing down and they saw it over a china part of town.
"Sweet design." Spike complimented.

"I'm gonna defend it, like the king of the mountain. Now, the only was you can get past me, is to use traditional close quarter fighting. got it?" Leo asked.
"Whatever you say fearless leader. Let's just get it over with." Raph said crossing his arms.
"Sounds more interesting then the endless searching we've done all night." Spike said as they all jumped down and headed to the dragon gate.
"Guys, i got an idea." Raph said stopping Spike and the others as he whispered a plan to them.

Leo was now standing on the roof and drew his sword to them as they were on the other side, Donnie chuckled as Mikey took out his weapons and put on some earpods
"What's up ninja?! Wha wha! Whoo!" Mikey shouted as he danced to the music.
"What are you doing Mikey?" Leo asked frustrated as they stood on some lines. Mikey proceeded to break dance on the line as Leo charged at him, he tried knocking him down, but Mikey got out of the way, he proceeded to just dance fight his way through it while Leo kept up his guard.
"Real funny. Come on." Leo said as he slashed at him again, Mikey backflipped out of the way and made the rope go down a bit until he went high into the air and landed on the other side.

"Made it! Whoo!" Mikey cheered.
"That's not fair, that wasn't a real fight!" Leo said annoyed, he looked behind him and saw Donnie walking up next.
"Alright." Leo said ready as he thought this was easy, Donnie took out a ninja star and used his brain to coordinate a proper attack, he then threw a good number around him and hit him from multiple angles.
"Ow! are you kidding me Donnie?" Leo asked annoyed as he tried deflecting a ton of them from multiple angles and was feeling exhausted.
"Ow! King of the mountain baby!" Donnie cheered as Leo saw him next to Mikey. Spike was next and he balanced on the line carefully.

"Okay, i hope at least you can be fair with this." Leo said raising his weapon.
"I at least tend to be." Spike replied as he got in a fighting stance. Spike screamed as he used the rope and jumped high into the air, Leo gasped as Spike came down from the moon view and he almost hit Leo, Spike drew his sword and clashed his against Leo's.
"Impressive, but your gonna have to do more then that!" Leo said pushing him back.
"Already ahead of you!" Spike shouted as he wrapped his tail around the sword, Leo gasped in shock as Spike threw Leo over the line and he landed on the other side without falling off, when Leo got up he saw Spike was with the others.
"Does that count as fair?" Spike shouted from across the roof.
"You put more respect to it then the others that's for sure." Leo replied as he turned to Raph.

"So what's your trick gonna be?" Leo asked him.
"Trick? What are you guys talking about?" Raph lied before he threw his sai at Leo who deflected it with his sword.
"Hey Ninja's don't throw they're weapons!" Leo said annoyed. Raph suddenly lunged at him and punched Leo off the line and he fell to the ground, he got up and saw his sword said Lame-o- nardo on it.( Guess that joke has been used before).

"You okay?" Spike asked as he helped him up. Leo looked over and saw the others high fiving eachother.
"Why must you always undermind my training?! At least Spike knows how to put respect into it!" Leo said annoyed.
"You just want us to fight, exactly like you fight. But the whole point is, to make it to the dragon gate, anyway we can right?" Raph said in response before he and the others were walking off leaving Spike and Leo alone.
"It'll be okay Leo, they all have they're ways of doing it, we just have to focus on what makes us do best in fights." Spike explained as he patted him on the back and walked off as well.

Back at the dojo, Leo was currently telling Splinter about what happened and how he feels like he's not cut out for this.
"Leonardo, a true leader doesn't always help impose his will. But helps his followers flourish, grow." Splinter explained.
"Maybe i shouldn't be the leader.." Leo said sadly.
"My son, how can your team see you as leader if you cannot believe in yourself?" Splinter asked again while Leo was thinking to himself as we cut to Karai in another dojo.

Karai was currently sparring against some foot soldiers, but it was revealed that the ones she was fighting, were new robotic soldiers built for tougher training, and she actually was being overwhelmed.
"Enough!" Shredder ordered as he made the robots stop as he came out of a door.
"The Kraang swore these new foot soldiers would be deadly. They were true to their word." Shredder said impressed.
" I thought they'd finish me off, but you wouldn't let them do that right father?" Karai asked concerned.

"I am leaving for japan for some urgent business, you are to not make any moves against the turtles or dragon until i get back." Shredder explained.
"But i told you.." Karai said before he held out his blades.
"Disobedience comes with a stiff penalty, child." Shredder warned as he started to walk out.
"Even for your daughter?" Karai asked him.
"Especially for my daughter." Shredder responded as he left her alone.

Spike and the others were now in the shellraiser again searching for more canisters while Leo looked upset.
"Your not mad at us are you Leo? I'll give you my mutant plus number 28." Mikey offered holding out a comic.
"I'm not mad, i just think you guys need to be a little better at following my orders." Leo said annoyed.
" We should at least respect what he tells us to do, it may be boring to us sure, but it's for our safety." Spike said in defense.
"Aw, i'm glad Leo at least has a playmate with him " Raph said sarcastic.

"What's your problem lately Raph? Still jealous your not the leader of the team?" Raph asked him.
"You remember the last time that happened right? It backfired on all of you." Spike said recalling what happened with Snakeweed.
"Stop the shellraiser, the scanners picked up another mutagen canister." Donnie told them, the tires screeched and Donnie slammed against the computer.

Spike and the others all got out now and were now near the location.
"We're close guys, the signals coming from the basement." Donnie explained.
"Okay, let's not make any sudden moves before i give the.. " Leo said before he looked over and saw Raph and the others had already left.
"Give me a break.." Spike said annoyed.
"I'm glad your at least following orders respectfully." Leo said as the two jumped down again.

They were searching through the basement searching for the next canister as the device was going off. Mikey looked over and found a canister laying in the ground.
"Oh yeah! Found it! Go ninja, go ninja go!" Mikey shouted as he ran up to it.
"Wait, it's a trap!" Spike shouted before Mikey picked it up, but it had a wire attached to it, the doors behind them were slammed shut, as well as the other doors in the room.
"You see what we mean guys?!" Spike asked annoyed as he was upset at them for ignoring Leo again.

"Easier then i thought." Karai suddenly said, they looked over and saw her on a crater with her weapon drawn.
"Karai!" Spike and Leo said at once.
"Long time no see Leo, nice to see you again Spike." Karai greeted while Spike was on his guard. They were now surrounded by foot soldiers and drew they're weapons.
"Your lady friends getting real good at setting ambushes." Donnie told Leo.
"Maybe if you listened to him, we wouldn't be in this situation!" Spike said annoyed.
"Thank you!" Leo shouted in response.
"Whatever, they're just foot soldiers, we won't even break a sweat." Raph said as they all split up to fight them.

Spike was engaged with a couple in front of him, he rolled under a sweeping kick and flipped over another punch, he grabbed the soldiers arm and elbowed his arm before kicking him in the face, Spike threw another star at the other one and it hit the soldier in the leg, but it brushed it off like nothing.
"What?" Spike asked in shock as he saw they're eyes lighting up.
"Guys! Somethings different about these ones!" Spike warned as he dodged another onslaught of attacks. Spike drew his weapon and clashed with the robot, he pushed it back and sliced through it, but to his shock, he saw sparks of electricity coming from the body.

"Are these guys robots?!" Spike asked in shock as he dodged another attack at his head and threw a star into ones head making it go to the ground.
"Everyone fall back!" Leo ordered.
"What?! We're running away?" Raph asked frustrated.
"It's not running, it's a tactical retreat, move!" Leo ordered as he and Spike started running.

"I don't care what Leo says, i'm not running from the foot." Raph said as he charged at them, he tried to land a hit on them, but the new robots were far stronger and were able to knock him back to the others.
"We need to get out of here now!" Spike shouted to the others, they all quickly got up with the soldiers running after them.

They were trying to escape through the elevator shaft, but the robots were putting off a good fight.
"Whoa! Get off of me you bug eyed creep!" Mikey shouted as he tried shaking one off. Leo jumped off the wall and fell down to the robot, he kicked it in the head and it fell to the ground and revealed it was a robot.
"Those guys are robots! This is bad!" Spike said in shock as he kept climbing. Raph managed to reach the top, and was trying to help out the others, Leo was about to grab his hand, but the foot bots caught up with him and were trying to drag him down.
"Hurry Leo!" Raph shouted as he tried reaching him, but the weight was too much and the wires snapped off.
"Leo!" Spike shouted in terror as he jumped down after him while the others watched in shock.

Donnie had picked up the cord and looked at it in shock while Raph looked ashamed.
"He's gone.. and Spike took the fall too.. this is all my fault.." Raph said with regret, we cut back to the lair as all of them were thinking.

"We didn't follow his lead." Donnie said ashamed.
"How are we gonna explain this to master Splinter?" Mikey asked worried.
"Explain, what to me Michelangelo?" Splinter suddenly asked as he appeared in the room.
"It's Leo and Spike sensei, Karai.. captured them.." Raph said with regret.
"Hmm.. i knew it would come to this eventually.." Splinter said worried.

"Come to what sensei?" Donnie asked curious.
"Karai wants to take revenge. She believed that i took one of my loved ones away from her.." Splinter said sadly.
"But that's not true, right?" Mikey asked worried.
"It is very much.. the opposite of what she thinks, find Leonardo and Spike. That is what matters, rescue your brother and friend." Splinter instructed as we cut to Leo in a cage with Karai looking over it.

"You know i i'd make a small fortune if i sold you to a lab. Could you imagine the press? Talking ninja turtle, found in the sewer." Karai said with a chuckle.
"Sweet, captured and totally humiliated, awesome day Leo, awesome day." Leo said sarcastic.
"You deserved everything your getting Leo, after you betrayed me last time." Karai said holding out a knife. Karai snapped her fingers and the dozens of foot bots marched up and sat down in order.

"Don't you love it? My new robotic foot soldiers follow my orders to a t, no arguing, no prodding, they do whatever i want, cool right?" Karai asked as she looked over them. Spike was hiding on the rooftop watching the whole thing happen, he was able to sneak away from being captured and was trying to rescue him.

"I've been teaching the foot bots some skills, but now i'm turning the training to someone new." Karai said as she threw her knife at the rope of the cage and it cut Leo from it and he fell to the ground.
"Foot bots de-shell him." Karai ordered as she tossed Leo his weapons. Leo gasped as a soldier appeared behind him and he was able to slice the thing in half, but that was far from the only one as there were more throwing ninja stars at him. Spike was watching the thing happen and decided to make his move.
"Okay Karai, hope you don't mind a little extra!" Spike shouted as he used a smoke bomb.

Spike suddenly appeared in the room and sliced multiple robots apart.
"How things going Leo?" Spike asked as he grabbed one of their arms and threw him to the wall.
"What took you so long?" Leo replied as he was trying to hold back another robot.
"Waiting for the right moment" Spike shouted as he readied his mutant arm and punched the thing to the wall.

"Well well, looks like we got some extra company huh?" Karai asked as she saw Spike and he turned to her.
"Been a while huh?" Spike asked as he dodged another attack and chomped down on the robots neck and threw it down.
"Sure has, i see you've grown a little since i last saw you." Karai said seeing his new height.
"Hit a growth spurt, but i'm still not fully done yet." Spike said as he backflipped over another bot and sliced it's head off.
"Interesting to know, let's see if that helps you stand against my foot bots." Karai said as she snapped her fingers again and they're eyes all glowed again.
"Let's find out then." Spike said as he readied his sword and he and Leo charged at the bots.

"You spend years and months learning these skills. But robots can learn it in seconds, from you two." Karai explained as they all spun around them and Spike blocked another clash.
"Fighting just improves their skills." Karai said as Leo was tackled to the ground and Spike was surrounded.
"Karai!" Leo shouted as he was struggling.
"I never got to know my mother because your rodent master took her away from me.

"Splinter? That's a lie" Leo shouted as he tried charging at her but was restrained by the bots.
"Get him out of my sight." Karai ordered.
"Karai listen to me, Splinter would never hurt your mother" Leo argued as she turned around, Spike grabbed the next bots head and slammed him into the wall and shattered it.
"How do you know Shredder's your real father? Is there any real pictures or proof that showed that they were together?" Spike asked in anger as he flipped over another bot and sliced it through it's chest, and that question shocked Karai for a moment.
"What are you talking about?" Karai asked confused as Spike still fought them off.

While this was happening, Raph and the others tracked Leo to the dojo by following the footage of Karai's van, they were now on the rooftops and made it to the place.
"Guys, i think someone's already been here, the security cameras already down." Donnie said as they saw a broken camera ahead.
"Must've been Spike, he might have escaped." Raph suggested, he opened the hatch and the others went inside, they heard grunting at they looked down and saw Spike still fighting them off but was looking tired, they looked ahead some more and found Leo tied up with some tape on his mouth. Leo screamed from his mouth trying not to make them come down, but they didn't listen again and they landed down on the soldiers guarding them.

"We can't understand what your trying to say Leo." Donnie said as he took off the tape.
"It's a trap" Leo warned, they looked ahead and saw even more bots come into the room and Spike groaned.
"You have got to be kidding me!" Spike said annoyed as he readied his blade again.
"Nice Leo, you could have said something." Mikey said annoyed as the door opened behind them and Karai was revealed.

"You got two choices sweetheart: let us go, or walk away from this inside a sandwich bag." Raph threatened as he freed Leo from the ropes.
"Sorry Raphael can't let you go, it's not really that personal with the rest of you turtles, and nothing personal against Spike at all, i just need you for bait." Karai explained as she sat down.
"She wants Splinter." Leo told them.
"Your sensei will eventually track you here, and when he shows up, Splinter will know what it's like to truly suffer. Restrain them!" Karai ordered as the robots charged at them.

"Let's smash some robots!" Raph shouted as he slammed his weapons against they're heads and was dodging more attacks. Spike rolled out of the way of another attack and went under it and sliced it to pieces again.
"These things are fast learners! Keep your guard up!" Spike shouted as he made a backflip and punched another down with his mutant arm.
"I must admit, your Spike has good stamina, he's been going at it with them for quite some time now" Karai said impressed as Spike took another down with anger.

"My foot bots know every move." Karai said as Leo took down another, but the others were being pushed back.
"Every skill, every attack." Karai said again as they were all backed up as the robots eyes glowed red.
"If i order you guys to run away, will you fall back?" Leo asked them.
"Heck yeah. And we can still call it a tactical retreat if you want!" Mikey replied as he barely avoided another knife.
"Then let's go!" Spike shouted as he flipped up to the higher ledge and was helping the others.
"Foot bots, don't let them escape!" Karai ordered.

Spike and the others were running across the rooftops trying to run away.
"All our moves are useless." Raph said frustrated.
"They know e very move i can make.. every fighting style, every skill every.. wait a sec" Leo said as he got an idea.
"Hang on a minute.." Spike said in shock as he realized something.

"Guys, remember king of the mountain?" Spike asked looking back at them.
"Yeah sure/ what about it?" Mikey and Raph asked as they jumped off the roof and was being gained by the foot bots still.
"Whoop, whoop, whoop!" Leo shouted as he tossed one of his swords in the air, and threw his other sword at the robots head.
"Oh i get what your saying, be unpredictable." Donnie said in realization.
"Use what you used to beat Leo at that game!" Spike shouted as he dodged another attack.

Donnie was running around and looking for a way to attack.
"Do our thing." Donnie recalled as he coordinates a special attack, he jumped over a dumpster and took out some ninja stars and knives, he threw them at multiple angles, and with precise attacks, he was able to take them all down.
"Didn't see that coming did you?" Donnie asked with a laugh.

"Yeah boy!" Mikey shouted as he flipped over a playset of swings and was using his dancing skills to fight them off. Raph charged at the other foots bots, he uses his aggressive skills to mercilessly crush their heads.

Spike was surrounded by some more bots and was thinking of a way to fight until he got an idea.
"You know what happens when you mess with dragons right?" Spike asked before he took a deep breath, he held out his sword and breathed his fire onto it having it be surrounded by the green fire.
"You get fire!" Spike shouted as he charged at them, he swung his blade at each one with aggression, he sliced the head off another bot again, he then did an upper slash at another and did a new spin attack and sliced the others to pieces.
"That's what we do!" Spike said in victory. Raph had just finished helping Leo with another bot and tossed it down.

"I never had so much fun following your orders." Raph told him.
"We're even, i never had so much fun giving them." Leo replied before they barely dodged some more stars and saw more bots climbing upwards. Raph screamed in anger as he jumped down to them with aggression. Leo heard a battle cry and suddenly saw Karai in the air and she engaged in battle with him. Spike saw this and dropped what he was doing to join in and help.

"Karai! Stop this! You don't know what your doing!" Spike shouted as he blocked one of her attacks and joined in.
"What do you know?! You attacked my father and your master almost killed him!" Karai said with anger. Spike and Leo backflipped from the attack and were jumping up to the higher ledges and still fighting her.
"Remember what i said? How do you know he's your real father? Was there any solid proof he was other then him raising you?!" Spike asked as he pushed her back and delivered a strong kick.
"What do you know about me? he raised me and that's more then enough for me!" Karai shouted as she charged at them.

"Do you really think that? Despite him raising you, did he ever really treat you like a daughter other then having you be raised as a warrior? If there was anything you wanted to do besides this, do you think he would let you do it? A real father let's they're children do what they want with they're lives, even if it's different from they're own" Spike shouted as he backflipped behind her and avoided a slash from Leo.

"Spike's right, you don't wanna do anything else because he never let you do it!! You were always raised how he wanted you to be, not how you wanted yourself to be!" Leo shouted as he kicked her back. Karai was stunned from this news as she stopped at tacking them for a moment.
"What do you mean?" Karai asked still in a fighting pose.

"We're saying that if you were really his daughter, he might've had you do what you want, but you've seen what he does! " Leo shouted as he threw his sword at her and she blocked it.
"He's all i've ever known! he gave me the life i have now!" Karai countered as the sword flipped into the air.
"That's the point! You didn't have to have this life!"" Spike said again as he jumped in the air and delivered a strong ground pound with his mutant arm and she was starting to be knocked off her balance. Spike growled and charged at her.
" Listen to me Karai, if you trust me, you need to listen to this! Do not trust what he says to you, you'll never know he's your father if you don't see proof of it!" Spike shouted as he clashed swords with her. Leo screamed in anger as he joined in again and delivered another kick to her, and this one sent her flying off the ledge and she fell on the ground.

Spike and Leo jumped down and landed next to her with their weapons.
"Shredder is lying to you, Splinter would never hurt an innocent." Leo told her while they took some heavy breaths.
"Your grudge is with me, stay away from my sensei, and my brothers. understood?" Leo asked her as a warning, he put away his swords and started taking off and Spike looked back at her again.
"You'll never know he's your real father, if you don't have proof. I'm sorry we had to fight again Karai, but i'll do what i can to protect the only family i have now, please think about this." Spike said as he took off again leaving her alone to think about this..

Donnie was breathing heavily and was on the ledge.
"Um Leo, Spike? The robots have learned our moves!" Donnie said worried as Mikey joined in.
"Our crazy has become normal Man i hate that!!" Mikey said annoyed as more bots came onto the rooftops again. Raph was kicked back again and he and the others started running again. They made they're way over to the dragon gate from before and went across the wires to the other side with Spike and Leo. They took out they're swords and cut off the lines and separated the lines from the bots and they were stopped. Spike and the others escaped as they used a smoke bomb and vanished..

They made it back to the lair once again, and was watching Mikey playing pinball once again as he just got a new high score.
"Leo, you or Spike wanna play next?" Donnie asked them.
"I've had enough for one day." Spike said casually.
"Yeah, we're both good for now, thanks." Leo replied as they started to walk off. Raph stopped and looked at Leo and wrapped his arm around his neck.

"It's good to have you back Leo, i mean it brother." Raph said gratefully.
"Thanks Raph." Leo replied as they gave eachother a fist bump and Spike smiled as he was glad they made up again.

"Spike thanks for your help back there, would've been in trouble if it wasn't for you." Leo said turning to him.
"No problem Leo, i wasn't gonna let our leader go like that, i'll always be there for you guys." Spike said giving him a high five.
"I'm glad to hear that. It's great to have you apart of the team." Leo said with a smile and Spike did the same, Leo went off to talk to Splinter while Spike looked on, he just hoped Karai can learn the truth about this one day.

Leo had now went into the dojo and went up to Splinter.
"Sensei, there's something i wanted to ask you, about Karai." Leo asked as Splinter stood up.
"It is late Leonardo. These questions will have to wait for another time." Splinter replied as he still had his eyes closed.
"She said you took her mother away from her, i know it's not true, right?" Leo asked worried.
"No, it is not true, but the truth is.. almost as difficult.." Splinter replied as he walked away some more.

"Please sensei, tell me, trust me.." Leo begged as Splinter stopped, he sighed and turned around to him.
"Karai.. is my daughter.." Splinter answered as he looked worried..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this next chapter, I know that the next episode introduces Casey Jones, so it's important to the plot, i'll do what i can to have Spike be properly put into it, i hope you all are liking this so far and look forward to more!

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