• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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20: Enemy of my Enemy

It was another night in New York city once again, Spike and the others were currently looking out over TCRI to see if anything important is gonna happen.

"Nothing happening at TCRI" Leo said as he looked through a telescope.
"Nothing yet, but there will be something soon, we just need to be prepared for it." Spike said while he looked over the view.

"This game is awesome! The combat is so realistic!" Mikey said amazed while he played on his phone.
"You wanna make it more realistic?" Raph threatened.
"Guys stop messing around!" Leo said trying to make them stop.

"According to the Kraang storage device Spike and I decrypted , some kind of scouting ship is coming through the portal tonight." Donnie said looking at his phone.
"Must be for finding resources or other life forms to use." Spike said concerned.
"So we all have to stay alert!" Leo said to Mikey who was still playing on his phone.

"Yeah, you never know what could sneak up on you." Karai announced and they saw her on a water tower and flipped down over to them.
"Heh, cute Karai, but i'm not in the mood." Leo said frustrated.
"We're in the middle of a stakeout here." Spike said trying to make her leave. Karai drew her sword again and charged at the two of them, Spike groaned and took out his sword and blocked an attack.

"We do not have time for this! Get her guys!" Spike shouted to the others.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as they all charged at her, Karai blocked Donnie's staff and flipped over him and jumped off Mikey's shell and landed on the ground.
"Booyakasha? What does that even mean?" Karai asked with a laugh.
"I don't know, but it's fun to yell." Mikey replied casually. Mikey threw his chain at her and she wrapped her foot around it, she pulled Mikey to her and kicked him to the ground and clashed swords with Spike again.

"You really are showing skills with that dragon." Karai said impressed as Spike kicked her back.
"I'm young, but i can fight!" Spike said seriously before she raised her sword at him.
"I heard the scrawny one mention the Kraang, what's going on?" Karai asked curious.
"None of your business." Leo answered charging at her.
"And i'm not scrawny. I'm svelte ." Donnie said angry and they fought her some more.

"Oh come on let me in on the fun." Karai said playfully as she knocked Raph back a little.
"Look we're a little busy trying to stop the beginning of an alien invasion here, so do us a favor and get lost!" Raph said with rage.
"An alien invasion? Are you serious?!" Karai asked shocked, her question was answered when thunder was heard, they looked over to the tower and saw the portal had been activated again, the hatch opened and an alien ship had floated out into the Earth.
"We are serious!" Spike said seriously as he readied his weapon.

"This can't be good.." Leo said in shock as all of them looked really afraid of this.
"Uh guys, i think i need to change my shell.." Mikey said shocked as the ship floated to them and prepared to fire a laser at them.

The ship floated around and it saw them on the rooftop and scanned them.
"The ones who are called the turtles and dragon have been detected by the scanner which scans for turtles and dragons. They are knowing too much of Kraangs plan, attack." One of them said as the ship flew to them while they backed up.

"I hope you have a plan on fighting that thing." Karai said while she still looked shocked.
"Of course i do.. step one.." Leo said as it shot a laser at them." Run!" Spike shouted as he and the others ran away from the blast. They ran through the rooftops while they continued to avoid the laser blasts, they headed down into the alleyway while the ship activated a scanner. Spike and the others started to run again as it continued to scan for them.

"What the heck was that?!" Karai asked shocked while she ran with Spike.
"Some kind of alien scanner, it's probably best used for shooting at it's targets." Spike shouted as they dodged another blast.
"Right off our shells!" Mikey shouted as all of them screamed while running through the streets.
"How are the police not seeing this?!" Spike shouted in anger. Karai and Spike found an alleyway and barely dodged another scan.
"You see why we need to stop these things?" Spike asked looking at her.
"I think i am.." Karai said still shocked at what she just saw.

The ship was scanning for the turtles as they hid behind a car to not be seen.
"You think it knows.." Leo replied, a purple light flashed over them and the car they were hiding behind was grabbed by the tentacles on the ship, they all screamed as they barely dodged the thing falling on them.

"Man we gotta get underground!" Donnie said to Leo.
"I'll draw they're fire!" Leo said as he drew his swords and charged at it, Leo dodged another laser blast and ran up a wall and rolled on the ground.
"Over here cyclops!" Leo shouted as the ship continued to fire at him, Raph opened the manhole cover and they all started to leave, Spike flipped off another building and landed next to Raph and quickly jumped in.
"Leo come on!" Raph shouted to Leo who was still running. Leo threw some shuriken's at it which didn't even dent it, Leo joined Raph and they both quickly got inside as the ship scanned over the street again.

All of them watched as the ship disappeared with a cloaking device.
"Oh great, cause it wasn't scary enough when we could see it ." Raph said sarcastic as police lights were flashing over them.
"Just how much more stuff do the Kraang have?" Spike asked in shocked as they hid in the sewers again.

Karai headed back to Shredder in order to explain what happened.

"It's true, the Kraang are plotting an alien invasion. I saw the ship myself, they've got some serious hardware, we gotta do something before it's to late!" Karai said worried while the Shredder didn't respond." Father?" She asked worried.
"We shall proceed as planned." Shredder replied uninterested.

"But.." Karai said trying to convince him.
"Tomorrow night, we shall receive a shipment of new weapons. These shall help us put an end to the turtles and Splinter, and capture the dragon." Shredder said once more.
"We can deal with that later. Didn't you listen to a think i.." Karai said before Shredder slammed his fist on the throne.
"Karai! you have said your peace. Now you will do what i say." Shredder said aggressively and she sighed.
"Yes father.." Karai said annoyed that he won't listen.

Raph had just thrown his weapons on the dummy and Spike was repeatedly punching it out of anger.
"Why do the Kraang not give up?" Spike asked as he punched the thing even harder with his mutant arm with Raph joining in.
"I don't know, but it's a pain in the shell that's for sure." Raph said as they both punched the dummy onto the ground while Leo looked at the others.

"The Kraang ship is incredibly dangerous, we gotta figure out what it's doing here." Leo said worried.
"Or we could just skip to the part where we destroy it." Raph suggested.
"That things too dangerous to be out, we gotta destroy it as soon as we can." Spike said in agreement as he threw a knife into the dummy's head.
"Your pretty tough when they can't hit you back." Mikey countered handing Spike the knife again, and Raph made a threatening move to him and he screamed.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's load up the Shellraiser to a rematch." Raph said punching his fists together.
"First we need to find a ship that's invisible." Leo replied.
"I know, how about we shoot into the air until we hit it?" Raph suggested.
"That doesn't sound too smart." Leo said not liking it.

"Yeah Raph, not to smart buddy." Mikey joked before Raph threatened to punch him again and Mikey screamed in fear.
"Actually, Raph's got something there." Donnie said walking in the room.
"Really? How?" Spike asked curious.

"Instead of shooting objects, we'll shoot electromagnetic radiation. In other words, radar. I've built some radar beacons we can set up across town. So if the ship gets near us i'll get an alarm on my T-phone." Donnie explained and Spike smiled and took one of them.
"Nice plan Donnie, i like it." Spike said with a smile.
"Good work Donnie, Spike your with me, the rest of you split up and place those beacons." Leo said as him and the others started moving again.

Spike and Leo were on another rooftop and were placing the radar in a ventilation shaft so they could detect it, Spike did the finishing touches and activated it.
"Tribeca beacon installed." Leo reported on his phone.
"It's all done." Spike added.
"That's the last of them. Raph and Mikey are finished too." Donnie replied on the phone.
"See you back at the lair." Leo said before he hung up.

Spike and Leo both sensed something and drew they're swords and deflected another attack from Karai. Spike and Leo backflipped off a ledge while Karai leaped over and tried to attack them more, Spike rolled out of the way and delivered a strong kick to her and Leo clashed weapons again.
"This is getting old Karai." Leo said annoyed.
"The more you do this, the more predictable it gets." Spike added while he raised his sword.

"I wanna help you two fight the Kraang." Karai explained which shocked them.
"Really?" Spike and Leo asked at once, Leo backed off and she put away her weapon, Leo then realized something and chuckled.
"No, no of course not, we're enemy's, you want to destroy us. Your loyal to Shredder, should i keep going?" Leo pointed out.
"I don't know Leo, she seems honest to me right now." Spike said looking at her.

"Look, if the Kraang win we don't have a planet anymore, that makes our little fight pretty pointless doesn't it?" Karai asked them.
"And let me guess, Shredder is too focused on revenge to realize what's actually important?" Spike asked.
"Bingo on that little guy, he's stubborn and short sighted, he drives me crazy. His stupid vendetta is gonna take us all down." Karai told them.
"That's the thing about villains to focused on revenge, they're too focused on their goal, they don't realize the stuff happening around them could stop them from achieving it." Spike pointed out and Karai smiled.
"Exactly, i'm glad you can see that. What do you say? Work together for now?" Karai offered and she held out her hands.

Spike looked at it for a moment before he took it.
"Sounds good to me, what about you Leo?" Spike asked looking at him, he thought about it for a moment before deciding.
"Sorry sister, come on Spike." Leo replied before he jumped off the ledge and headed off, Spike sighed and looked at her.
"Don't worry, i'll find a way to convince him, it'll just be a bit, be careful out there." Spike said before he headed out as well.
"You too little guy.." Karai said with a smile, she was at least glad he could see it.

Spike and the others were at the dojo again, and Leo was explaining on what happened.
"I know we shouldn't trust Karai, but still, i got the sense she really is fed up with the Shredder." Leo said concerned.
"She made a good point in saying that if we continue this fight, we won't have a planet to live on anymore." Spike added.
"That's probably what she wants you two to think." Raph countered.

"I know i just.. Sensei, is there any chance she's for real?" Leo asked Splinter.
"It is possible, loyalties have been known to shift. But, the kunoichi is trained to use deception to her advantage." Splinter explained.
"So she either will or won't betray us?" Leo asked curious.
"Correct, you must trust your instincts. But beware the trap of believing something to be true, simply because you wish it to be so." Splinter warned as he started walking off.

"So i should trust my instincts, unless my instincts are wrong?" Leo asked confused.
"Correct." Splinter replied.
"Uh, thanks sensei.." Leo said still confused.
"Whoa.. you know it's good advice when your still confused afterwards.." Mikey said amazed.
"Words of wisdom my friends.. words of wisdom.." Spike said confused as well.

"Guys, seriously. An alliance with Karai? No way. Why are we even talking about this?" Raph asked them again.
"It's too bad we can't trust her, it'd be nice to have a kunoichi on our side." Donnie said disappointed.
"Um, hello? What about me?" April asked offended by that.
"No, i mean a real kunoichi.. i mean not that you aren't one! Just that Karai is better.. i.. i mean not better, just more experienced!" Donnie said as he regretted those words.

"It's okay, i get it, she's your mortal enemy trying to capture our friend, but hey, she's purty." April said in a cowgirl voice.
"No she's not. Your way prettier.." Donnie said before Spike laughed at how bad he was at this and Raph grabbed him and took him away.
"Don't fight it, you'll thank me later." Raph said walking off.

Spike and the others were driving through the streets again in the Shellraiser looking for the ship.
"Guys, i think i got something. Doesn't match any authorized flight patterns. It's gotta be the Kraang ship." Donnie said looking at his phone.
"Or Santa!" Mikey added.
The car turned around and they saw the ship just ahead of them.
"Nope, it's the Kraang ship, ugh, that's a bummer." Mikey said disappointed.

"Move it Spike!" Raph shouted as the van was driving off from more laser fire.
"Hang on to your shells guys!" Spike shouted as he turned the vehicle hard, they kept on turning through different streets avoiding more explosions, but the ship was still gaining on them.
"I think i figured out it's mission, us!" Donnie said in fear.
"Of course it is, it's never not us!" Spike said sarcastic as he stepped on the speed.

"Mikey, any escape routes nearby us?" Spike asked looking at him and Mikey looked at the map.
"Take the alley on the right!" Mikey instructed, Spike did so and turned right, but they soon came upon a blocked path.
"It's a dead end.." Leo said annoyed and Mikey looked at it again.
"Don't take the alley on the right!" Mikey corrected.

The ship hovered above them and started firing a laser at their van and they were all screaming.
"What do we do guys?!" Spike asked in fear as an alarm was going off.
"Just one." Raph said before he repeatedly punched Mikey's shell in anger. Karai was driving on a motorcycle across the rooftop, she jumped onto the ship and yelled in anger as she stabbed her sword into the ship.

"That which is known as not good." A Kraang said as the ship started to fly off with her still on it.
"That was Karai!" Leo said in shock.
"We gotta help her!" Spike said as he reversed the car and started driving after the ship, but Raph was trying to stop him.
"She can take care of herself. Let's put some distance between that thing and us!" Raph told him.

"No!" Spike said in anger.
"But the shellraiser can't take anymore damage!" Leo said worried.
"Then Spike and I will do it ourselves, drive!" Leo ordered as he and Spike got out of the seats and Raph took control.
"We'll meet you back underground." Leo said as he and Spike opened a hatch.
"Hey, the stealth bike's my thing!" Raph told them.
"Now your thing is sucking it up!" Spike replied before they went inside.
"Hey! That's my thing!" Donnie said annoyed.

Spike and Leo got onto the stealth bike and drove out of the van, they saw the ship flying around wildly and looked up and saw her still on it.
"This.. is.. so.. not.. fun!" Karai said annoyed as it dragged onto another building.
"Hang on Karai.." Spike said as he revved up the wheel and they took off at fast speeds. The ship kept trying to shake her off while Spike and Leo chased after it, she eventually lost her grip and started to fall.
"Spike!" Leo shouted with worry.
"On it!" Spike shouted in response as he drove the bike even faster, he drove up a car like a ramp and went into the air, Karai landed in they're vehicle just in time and they landed back on the ground.

"You okay?" Leo asked worried as she saw Spike and Leo.
"Yeah, are you two?" Karai asked in response.
"Fine." Leo replied.
"Since when could dragons drive motorcycles?!" Karai asked in shock as she saw Spike driving.
"Took some lessons from Donnie." Spike replied before another laser went next to them.
"Well get us out of here then." Leo instructed, Spike pushed on a button and a hatch appeared above them. They weren't able to be seen by the ship because of it.
"Kraang will find them in a time, which is a time that is sooner, than a time that is later." One of the aliens said as the ship started flying off again.

Spike opened the hatch and they all looked around and saw that it was gone.
"Your welcome." Spike said proudly before he took off again with them on it.
They went through the subway tunnels again and saw the Shellraiser in the distance.

"We're back." Leo announced as the three came inside.
"You two brought her inside?! Dudes, she'll see all our gear!" Raph said frustrated, Karai looked around confused.
"Yeah, cause if Shredder finds out you have an ice cream lamp, it's over." Karai said sarcastic as she saw they had one.

"Karai just risked her life to save us, she's earned a little of our trust. so let's hear her out." Leo told them.
"It's could be our only way of stopping that ship." Spike added as well.
"Your the boss." Raph said annoyed and he stopped the van.

"You guys need my help, you really think you can shoot down an alien warship with fire and garbage?" She asked them
"Compressed garbage." Donnie corrected.
"And, manhole covers." Mikey added.

"My point is, to take out a ship like that, you need a real weapon." Karai pointed out.
"What kind of weapon?" Spike asked curious.
"What if i got you a shoulder-fired missile launcher?" Karai offered.
"I'm starting to like her." Raph said impressed.

"Where are you gonna get a shoulder fired missile launcher?" Donnie asked curious.
"From Shredder of course." Karai replied.
"Uh, we're talking about the same Shredder, right?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah, something tells me he's not gonna want to share his toys with us." Raph said not convinced.
"He won't know about it. He's buying a shipment of weapons down at the docks tomorrow night, all we need to do, is sneak in and help ourselves." Karai explained some more.

"Really risky, but if it's what it takes to take it down, i'm down for it." Spike said in agreement.
"Anyone else smell a trap?" Raph asked them.
"Why would i trap you? Your the only ones who know what the Kraang are up too." Karai pointed out again.
"True, but you usually don't have the best track record." Donnie replied.

"Fine, i'll get you the missile launcher myself." Karai said which shocked all of them.
"Your really willing to steal from shredder?" Leo asked confused.
"Look, these things have to be stopped. If Shredder's not gonna do anything about it, then i will. With, or without your help." Karai replied. Leo looked at the others, and all of them were liking this idea.
"All right, here's the deal. You get us the missile launcher, and we'll team up." Leo offered, Karai smiled and she and Leo shook hands making it a deal.

Raph and Mikey were playing pinball again while Spike was thinking about this offer
"Stoked! I can't believe we're getting a missile launcher! What should we blow up first?" Mikey asked excited
"Um, the Kraang ship?" Raph suggested
"Oh right. But what should we blow up second?" Mikey asked again.

"If Karai can pull it off." Leo said as he punched at the dummy again.
"Are you worried about your girlfriend? I see why you guys do that now, it's kind of fun." Donnie teased as Leo had steam from his head.
"It isn't gonna be easy, Shredder's gonna be there too." Leo pointed out and Raph got an idea.

"Hey, your right! For once we know where Shredder's gonna be ahead of time, which means.. we could set a trap for him." Raph suggested.
"What?! Look, we made a deal with Karai, we can't just go behind her back. This about the Kraang ship. They wanna take us out." Leo said refusing this.
"There's more at stake here, we can't worry about Shredder right now." Spike said as he did not like this at all.

"Yeah, but this may be our only chance to surprise him. Are we really gonna pass that up?" Raph asked again, Leo thought about it before deciding.
"All right guys, we're gonna take down the shredder." Leo told them and Spike looked shocked.

"Your going against her?! Are you crazy?!" Spike asked with anger as he stood up.
"Spike, Raph's right, this is our only chance to stop him and put him down, he's only gonna get stronger over time if we pass this up, we can't risk that." Leo argued.
"There is more at stake right now! Shredder is a problem yes, but the Kraang are even worse. You've seen what they can do with they're tech." Spike countered.

"Yeah, and what happens if Shredder get's his hands on them? What happens then?" Raph asked joining in.
"It doesn't matter, we made a deal with her, we can't just stab her in the back like that." Spike said getting more upset at him.
"Spike, this may be our only chance to stop him, are you really gonna let that be passed up?" Raph asked again, Spike sighed and looked at him seriously.
"If it means betraying Karai's trust.. then i'm not going with you guys.." Spike said as he started to turn around.

"What?! Dude, she's Karai's assassin! She'll eventually turn on us even if we do help her." Raph said while they all looked shocked.
"Yeah, but she's doing something selfless. She's putting the Earth first, if the Kraang mutate it and capture me, it's all done, i'm not gonna betray someone who is willing to go back on someone like Shredder." Spike replied upset at him.
"Spike, are you really sure about this? We could use your help when at the docks." Leo asked once more, Spike sighed and turned to him.

"Sorry Leo, but your guys are on your own for this, let me know how it goes when you get back." Spike said starting to walk off.
"Spike come on!" Raph shouted before he left the room leaving them alone...
"Way to go Raph.." Leo said upset at him for doing that.
"Let's just get that ship destroyed, we'll prove him wrong." Raph said before they started leaving.

Spike was in the dojo trying to meditate, he was still very upset at them for agreeing to just betray her like that. Spike can feel Karai was honest about what she was doing, and having them turn on her like that, it just made him mad..

"What troubles you Spike?" Splinter asked as Spike suddenly saw Splinter come into the room and looked concerned.
"It's nothing Splinter.. i'm just.. thinking about things.." Spike said as Splinter sat down next to him.
"Where are the others?" Splinter asked curious, Spike sighed and started to explain.

"They went off to try and set a trap for Shredder, they thought that since they know where he'll be for once, they can get the drop on him. I refused to come with them because of it.." Spike said still upset at this..
"Why is that Spike?" Splinter asked again, Spike sighed again and looked at his claws.
"They were going back on the deal Karai made with them, she said she'll be able to help us stop the ship. And they thought they could get the upper hand on Shredder from knowing where he'll be" Spike explained some more.

"And why is it that you refused to go?" Splinter asked once more.
"It's because we'd be betraying her for going back on her deal, i can tell she was wanting to take the ship down, i can feel that she wasn't going to betray us like that. I'm not like that.. i wasn't raised to go back on a deal like that.. especially when it comes to stakes like this.." Spike explained sadly.
"I understand, you believe there is good in her, and that betraying her like this would ruin any chance of it." Splinter suggested.

"I could feel something in her, she does have good in her i can feel it. She may be a kunoichi, but she's still very young, and has the chance of turning around. Her doing something selfless like this is showing signs of it. And now that they betrayed her.. i don't think she'll ever come around now.." Spike said with regret.
"The world is full of many things Spike, betrayal is one of them, and that can affect ones view in many ways, either for better, or for worst." Splinter explained some more.
"It's just.. why would they do something like that sensei? I know Shredder is a big threat, but the Kraang is even worse, you know what they did to me, what happens if they kidnap more dragons like me, and become monsters for them?" Spike asked fearful of that idea.

"My sons were all raised in martial arts, i did not raise them to think and act perfectly, they must learn from their mistakes and must see how to resolve their problems. The same applies to you, you are only 12 years old by this point. You have seen things no dragon has seen before, and it can lead you to becoming special, every person has a journey to take, and we all must face the hard choices that comes with it." Splinter explained some more.

"So, for them.. having to betray Karai like that.. was one of their lessons to learn?" Spike asked again.
"Yes, Karai will be upset at them for this, but if you weren't there, she may not be at you. You are a gifted child, and you can unlock those gifts from making the choices you are faced with." Splinter said as he put his hands on Spike's shoulders.

"Remember this Spike, no matter what choice you make, it is only a step closer in your journey of finding out who you are. You will be faced with difficult choices in the future, but the only thing you can do, is push through them, and gain the strength to return home and stop the Kraang." Splinter explained once again, Spike sighed before he looked up at him.
"Thank you Splinter, i'm glad you told me this... but your still not upset at them for going back like that?" Spike asked curious.
"Oh i am, and i wanna teach you something for a moment." Splinter explained before he proceeded to show him a technique.

Spike was waiting in the lair for the others to get back, even though he was still upset at them for going back on their word, eventually he saw them come back into the lair looking a little beat up.
"So how'd it go?" Spike asked as they sat down looking ashamed.

"Well.. we destroyed the Kraang ship.." Donnie said while Spike had a straight face.
"And the trap?" Spike asked again.. Leo sighed and looked at him.
"The Shredder was too skilled.. you were right about it.. we shouldn't have gone back on our word like that.. I'm sorry " Leo said with regret. Spike sighed and thought to himself, even though he was still upset at them for this, he was glad to know they were okay, and the ship was destroyed.

"Well, for what it's worth.. at least you guys are okay.." Spike said coming up to them.
"Spike.. we're sorry.. you were right, we shouldn't have gone back on our word.." Raph said regretfully.
"It's alright, you've learned your lesson, and at least the ship is gone now.." Spike said slightly relieved at that.

"So your not mad at us for doing that?" Mikey asked hopefully, Spike then gave him a glare.
"Who says i am not mad?" Spike asked, he put out two fingers, and using the technique Splinter used on the Rat King, he pushed them against Raph's chest and sent him flying into a wall slamming him onto the ground while he groaned in pain, and with a couple pressure point attacks, he sent Mikey to the ground paralyzed.
"Now i'm not mad anymore.. hope you learned your lesson guys" Spike said starting to walk out.
"Fair enough..." Raph said weakly as he still groaned in pain.

Spike was on a rooftop looking over the city, he sighed as he was thinking to himself.
"Well, didn't expect to see you by yourself tonight." Karai announced, Spike turned around and saw Karai alone who looked upset.
"What are you doing out here? I thought you'd be celebrating with the turtles." Karai asked crossing her arms.
"I didn't want to be around them right now, especially after betraying you like that.." Spike said still looking over the city.
"I was wondering why you weren't at the docks with them. you didn't want to go back on our deal like that, did you?" Karai asked coming up to him.

"No, it would've been really wrong, and selfish for me to do it. I wasn't gonna be with people who would just turn on you like that." Spike explained and she looked slightly surprised.
"Honestly coming from you, i wasn't expecting an answer like that." Karai said as she sat down next to him.
"Why would you think that? I'm not like that." Spike said a little upset.
"Well, given that your always with Leo whenever i see you." Karai replied.

"True.. but whatever your thinking, i'm not like him, when they wanted to go back on you like that. I refused, i wasn't willing to betray you like that, you were doing something selfless, and to have to betray you like that.. i just wouldn't live with myself if i did.." Spike said with regret.
"Well why didn't you? You had the opportunity to take down Shredder, and yet only you didn't come with them." Karai asked curious.
"Because i felt good in you, i wasn't gonna ruin any chance of it being gone, i know you feel betrayed from what Leo did, and i wasn't gonna let you feel the same with me, and for what it's worth.. i'm sorry that happened.." Spike apologized.. Karai had a look of surprise hearing this as she didn't expect that kind of answer.

"Well, as long as it's only you who i could trust.. i think that'll be okay.." Karai replied.
"Yeah.. the only one..." Spike said while he still looked over the view.

"I gotta ask you, what's a dragon like you doing in a place like this?" Karai asked curious. Spike sighed as he hoped she wouldn't tell shredder this.
"I was captured by the Kraang and taken from my own home, they were going to use me as an experiment.. a subject.. i had never felt more afraid in my whole life when i was in their captivity..." Spike said with sadness as he looked down which made Karai concerned.
"You were.. taken from your home? Don't you wanna get revenge on them for doing that?" Karai asked again.

"I do wanna take them down, but doing it in an aggressive way like what the others did is not what i want. I wasn't gonna just rush in and get captured again, or get my friends killed.." Spike said sadly again.
"But what about your family? Your parents? Friends? Aren't they worried for you?" Karai asked concerned.
"They are probably very worried for me, i've been gone for who knows how long now, and i only fear i won't see them again..." Spike said with fear.
"And.. what about your parents?" Karai asked again, Spike sighed and explained even more.

"I never knew my parents, i was raised by Twilight Sparkle, and she's been my mother figure for as long as i was alive, until i was captured, she was the best thing in my life, despite all the threats that my friends and her faced.. she always came out on top, she became the Princess of Friendship, and before i was taken away from my home.. Being there for her was what i wanted for the time. But as time passed.. i just started questioning myself on what my future would be like.. what my journey will end with? And now.. i'm afraid of that ending..." Spike said while Karai looked saddened by his story.

"Didn't you.. ever wanna know who your real parents were? Who you were born from, what they were like?" Karai asked.
"I did.. and it was always a thought in my mind on who they were.. but i never found any clues to who they were.. and.. i just thought i'd never meet them.." Spike said sadly..
"I'm.. sorry to hear that.. i can't imagine what it's like.. to not know who your parents are.." Karai said regretfully.
"It's not a great feeling.. that's for sure.. but i'm sure.. they'd be glad to know i didn't betray you like that.." Spike said looking at her and she smiled lightly.
"Me too Spike, i'm sure they'd be glad.." Karai replied as they both stood up. Spike smiled and started to make an offer.

"Why don't we make a deal? Whenever the Kraang are doing problems that Shredder's not wanting to take care of, you'll give me some help on what we should do, we take care of it, and keep it between us only." Spike offered and Karai crossed her arms with a smile.
"As long as you promise not to go back on your word, i feel like your the only one i can trust with this." Karai replied holding out her hand.
"I promise, we'll keep this between us, and not tell anyone." Spike said as they shook hands.
"Thank you Spike, i'm glad i can at least rely on you." Karai said gratefully.
"You too.. Karai.." Spike said gladly as well. He was glad to know he still had Karai's trust, and he hopes that he can keep it going with her, and help her become good one day..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this chapter! I know i skipped over the parts with the docks on this episode, but Spike not being there wouldn't change anything. As for Spike refusing to go against Karai like that, i think it's something he would do. Spike wouldn't be willing to betray someone who would do something like that, and even though she's still a bad guy for now, she's still doing something to protect the Earth. I wanted to give Spike more focus, and develop they're relationship for future interactions, i hope you all don't mind this and liked this chapter. Thank you all for reading this, and have a great day!

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