• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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4: New Friend, Old Enemy

We cut to the room at night, where a man in armor has been meditating, he is pulling some hand gestures as he is ready for a fight, a couple ninja with a weapon steps out of the shadows and sneaks up on him, the one behind him attempts to catch him off guard but his sword is caught by both his hands , the man steps up and elbows him in the stomach and disarms him.

The other jumps in the air and tries to stab him but the man dodges it, the other one tries to catch him from behind again, but he throws him over his shoulder and throws him down and punches him in the face, the other ninja tries to attack him one more time but the man kicks the guy across his face and he goes down, he looks around and they are all defeated.

A slide door opens and by a black man in strange clothing, next to a man in familiar armor... and the guy bows.

"Master Shredder" He says with respect.
"I trust that my greatest pupil has been using that time wisely" Shredder says as he looks out the window.
" I have assembled an army on ninjas, the Foot Clan awaits your orders." The man says.

"Excellent, because i've discovered an old enemy in new york." Shredder says as the guy next to him throws him two pieces of paper, one is of a man and a woman, and the other is of Spike's scale... " Hamato Yoshi." Shredder says with anger.
"Alive?" The man asks in shock.

"And he is training ninja's of his own, finally, i will finish what was started all those years ago... i want them all wiped out!" Shredder orders, the man picks up the picture of Spike's scale.
"And what of this other one Master Shredder?" The man asks, Shredder looks back at the picture with interest.

" There have been reports of what could be a newly discovered creature, it may be a far stretch, but it could be true ,i have taken interest in this thing, i want you to find it, and bring it to me, whether its willing to or not." Shredder orders and the man bows again.

"I will not fail you Master." He tells him
"I know. But to be certain, you will be working alongside Xever" Shredder says as the man next to him pulls out a knife and he grins.

" I don't need any help, especially from this street rat." The man says standing up
"Are you sure rich boy?" Xever asks.
"Any time you wanna test me.." The man says before Shredder interrupts

"I am not interested in your petty rivalry!" Shredder says with anger before turning to them.
"Xever is familiar with the dark underbelly of this city, you will work together." Shredder orders again.

"Do not worry master Shredder, we will find Splinter and his disciples and destroy them. And we will find out who and what this creature is." The man says looking at the photo again, Xever scoffs as the man starts to walk out of the room, he stomps on one of the ninjas again in anger and he walks out of the room...

Spike had been living down here for about a month at this point, he still felt upset in not being able to contact Twilight and tell her he's okay, but he's been trying to find a way to handle himself without her. Splinter has been a great teacher for Spike while he's lived here, he's started to learn more ninja skills and was able to do some basic skills like wall jumping and wall running, his combat has improved a bit as well, even though he's pretty small, he takes that to his advantage and uses it to figure out his ways around his foes. But he has a feeling something is about to change for the worst..

Spike and the others are currently running on the rooftops at night again, they keep on taking large leaps across the buildings in joy, Spike has learned some good parkour and takes a large leap and lands on the ground with a role.
"That was awesome dude!" Mikey says amazed.
"Your training is coming together nicely." Donnie says impressed.

"Tell me about it, i knew i was a fast learner, but the feeling of parkour like this, it's just awesome!" Spike says as the others land down.
" I hear that." Mikey says as they look back at Raph and Leo who were still on the other side of the roof.

"Top that Turtle chumps!" Mikey teases and the two smile.
"Alright guys, check this out." Leo says as he jumps of the ledge and lands on the other doing multiple flips and they clap at that, Raph cracks his neck as he straight up charges down at them, Spike gets out of the way just in time for Raph to hit the others

Leo laughs as they get up.
"Good one Raph." Spike says as he helps him up.
"Thanks, glad someone appreciates my kind of moves." Raph says as the others get up, one of the ninjas from before was watching them all the while, looking at Spike with interest before he runs off.

"Come on what was that? You didn't do any flips." Donnie asks.
"Oops." Raph replies with a smile, but they suddenly hear a sound nearby, they stay quiet and hide nearby another wall, the turtles pulls out they're weapons and Spike gets in his stance and they jump out of the wall with angry faces.. but they only came across a black and white cat.

They lower they're guards and Raph puts his hand on Leo's shoulder.
"Don't give up Leo, you might actually win this fight." Raph jokes and Spike chuckles a little and Mike walks up to it.
"Aw! it's a little kitty!" Mikey says as he picks him up and pets him. " And his name is.. " Mikey says looking at his color.
"Mittens!" A voice calls out, they see a nearby man calling out for him.
Mikey attempts to go out to him but the others stop him.

"What are you doing?! You know we can't be seen!" Spike says frustrated.
"What, come on Spike i'm returning her to her owner." Mikey explains.
"Are you an idiot? Wait.. let me rephrase that.. your an idiot!" Raph says pointing at him.
"You can't show yourself to a human" Donnie tells him. " Why not?" Mikey asks and Spike groans.

"Because they'll freak the heck out that's why not." Donnie explains.
"No they won't im not that scary" Mikey argues and Raph scoffs.
"Your an ugly green mutant armed with ninja weapons" Raph tells him.
"Ouch." Spike says as that was harsh.

"Look, this guy's gonna see that i'm just a regular cat loving dude like him, next thing you know, we're gonna be best buds!" Mikey tells him, Spike sighs and walks up to him.
"The world doesn't work like that Mikey, i know you want to meet other people, but there are people out there who will be afraid of you whether or not you do something good." Spike tells him and Mikey looks saddened by that.
"Spike's right, Mike, there are other ways we can make friends like what we did with April, but this is different." Leo tells him, Spike sighs and reaches for Mittens and grabs him.

"Let me handle this one guys." Spike says as he takes the cat, Spike carefully makes his way to the other rooftop without being seen, he carefully looks over the ledge and sees the man still calling out.
"Mittens?" The man calls out again before the cat suddenly lands in front of him.
"There you are Mittens i was so worried!" The man says as he takes him back inside and closes the window, Spike lands back in front of the others as they land in an alleyway.

"See that Mikey, sometimes you just shouldn't be seen, making ones day go better can vary on many different things." Spike explains to him.
"Spike's right Mikey, humans will never trust you if you don't show them your chill, but they have the tendencies to freak out without wanting a reason." Raph tells him." We don't even understand you." Raph says again and Mikey sighs sadly.

"Yeah.." Mikey says saddened by that, he then notices something and gasps.
"But i bet that guy would!" Mikey says as they look at a billboard.
"Chris Bradford, the martial arts superstar, with a chain of dojo's across the country?" Leo asks as they read it.
"He's your soulmate?" Leo asks not convinced.

Mikey twirls his nunchucks around and strikes the pose he's making." We've got so much in common!" Mikey says with a smile.
"What if you stop standing like that?" Donnie asks and Mikey stops.

"We'll have a little less in common, but still a lot." Mikey tells them before pointing back at it.
"And look! He's in town for a Marital Arts Expo. Maybe he'll show me his secret kata," The Death Dragon" Mikey says in a deep voice.
"Like that name, sounds cool." Spike says as he likes it
"And i'll show him my secret kata, The Secret Kata." Mikey says dramatically.

"Catchy." Donnie says sarcastic." Check it out!" Mikey says before he just strikes a bunch of random poses and makes ninja sounds while doing it.
"But don't tell anyone you said that." Mikey says and they look uninterested.
"No problem." Leo replies and Raph shakes his head.

"Face it Mikey, Chris Bradford is the last person on Earth, that would be friends with you." Raph tells him.
"Well.. tied for last with everyone else on Earth." Raph corrects as a bunch of ninja's watch them from above, they lower they're ropes and they all start to notice a bunch of them all around them!

" Ninja's? In New York? Other then us?" Donnie asks. They are surrounded by them and the turtles pull out they're weapons again ready to fight, they stand like that for a moment before one throws a shuriken at Donnie, Spike catches it and growls.
"Try us." Spike says as they charge at them and they proceed to fight.

Raph engaged with multiple enemy's at once, he blocked a sword with his own weapons and kicked him back into a bunch of others, he was caught of guard when one kicked him in the back of the leg and another hit him in his chest knocking him to a wall, Mikey jumped into the scene and smacked them back.

Donnie was using his staff to block a guys attacks, Leo was using his swords to take on multiple at ones while smiling, Spike used their own strength against them and was able to redirect they're attacks into others as he and the others we're back to back.

"Why are you so happy?" Raph asked annoyed.
"We're fighting for our lives here Leo!" Spike said as he grabbed another weapon with his hand and threw the guy into more.

"It's just nice to finally be fighting people, instead of robots or aliens, or weed monsters" Leo explained
"That is a nice change of pace" Spike agreed as they knocked more back, just then a large man in a helmet landed on the ground looking at them, he was able to knock Raph and Leo back into more walls, Donnie tried to use his staff to go over him but he grabbed it and used it and smacked Donnie into another wall, Mikey used his nunchucks but the man grabbed them and used it to pull Mikey to him.

"What are you?" The man asked in anger, Mikey didn't answer and used his feat and jumped off his knee and grabbed his weapon again, Leo jumped into the air and sliced the chain off.

They all stood ready to fight again until they heard police sirens as well as flashing lights, the ninja's disbursed and the others went back through a manhole cover, the man looked back at the ground with interest.
"Was that purple creature what i think it was?" The man asked as he noticed Spike before he and the others went off.

We cut back to the lair where Spike and Leo were the kitchen.
"They're leader was crazy good, and by which i mean he was good and seemed a little crazy." Leo said as he sat down.
"It was like he received training from someone just as skilled as him, if not more, this could be concerning for us." Spike said with worry as Splinter was listening.

" And plus he had all these guys with him and.. it wasn't a fair fight." Leo told him, Spike raised his eye as he said that last part.
"What do you mean fair fight?" Splinter asked Leo tried to explain but Splinter took it a different way.
"So a fair fight is a fight you could lose?" Splinter asked as he walked up to them.
"He's a bad guy Leo, he obviously won't play fair." Spike told Leo.

" Spike is right again Leonardo, it sounds like you don't want to assure your victory" Splinter told him, Leo tried finding the right words but couldn't as Splinter wacked him on the leg knocking him down and pinned him to the ground.
"Was that fair?" Splinter asked.
"Seemed fair to me." Spike said sarcastically.

"No! It wasn't" Leo said annoyed.
"Did i win?" Splinter asked again and Leo flinched.
"I see your point." Leo answered.
"Seek victory, not fairness." Splinter explained before letting him go.

"It's important we try to find out what situation can work when we are overwhelmed, me and my friends back home had the odds stacked against us before, but we found a way, it shouldn't be too different here." Spike explained to him.
"See Leonardo? Even Spike understands this, try to understand it as well." Splinter said as he walked out of the room leaving Leo a little confused.

We cut back to the Lair where everyone was doing they're own thing, Mikey was reading a martial arts magazine in amazement.
"Oh i wish me and Chris Bradford were friends!" Mikey said exited and April chuckled.

"Mikey you already have a human friend." April told him and Mikey looked at her.
"You don't count." Mikey responded and Spike smacked his head hard.
"OW!" Mikey said in pain.
"She so does!" Spike said annoyed before sitting on the couch while Raph was doing push ups.

"Too bad there's no place where people could meet you to just see how hideous you are." Raph mocked, April then got an idea.
"Wait there is! The internet! Donnie can i see your laptop?" April asked, Donnie changed his background and handed it to April as she typed in a website explaining what it is.

"Sweet!" Mikey said before knocking her back and typing on it himself.
"Chris Bradford's on here! He'll be my first friend!" Mikey said as he typed on it.
"That's kind of a weird obsession Mikey, and believe me i know a few things about possessions." Spike said a little creeped out by him.

Mikey made a friend request and waited for something to happen.
"Mikey, people don't always respond immediately." April said before a sound was heard and Mikey gasped
"But sometimes they do." April corrected.

"No way! Chris Bradford has accepted my friendship!" Mikey said beyond excited.
"Just like that? Man I should show Twilight this when i see her again." Spike said surprised on how quickly that went.
"Thanks April!" Mikey said before hugging her while Donnie made a shocked face before started to leave.
"Where you going? Hey!" Donnie shouted as he caught his laptop.

"To go hang out with my friend, Chris Bradford" Mikey answered.
"This guys famous, he probably has thousands of friends." April told him.
"i'm one to take sides with friendship and whatnot, but you don't even know who this guy is Mikey, he could have a life behind the scenes we don't know about." Spike said with concern but Mikey didn't listen.

"Then guess who's friend number 5,286?" Mikey asked, Spike looked at the screen to check if that was the right count.
"I'm so showing Twilight this when i get home." Spike said as he saw the number count.
"Daniel Ramirez! And i'm right next to him! Later!" Mikey said before running off.

"This ought to be interesting." April said with interest.
"Should we go after him?" Donnie asked as Spike walked to Raph.
"Nah, he's gotta learn somehow." Raph answered.

"Raph, how much you willing to bet that something goes wrong?" Spike asked Raph thought it over.
"50" Raph answered.
"Your on." Spike said as he held out some money and Raph and Spike placed a bet.

Spike and the others went out for more scouting for more info on the ninja's while Mikey went on about Chris who he met few hours back.

"They must have been watching us from here." Leo said as they were at the spot from last night.
"So they must have a place nearby.." Spike suggested.
"Correct, the perfect place to stage an ambush." Leo explained to them.

"That wasn't very fair was it?" Donnie asked and Spike chuckled a little as Leo explained what Splinter told him to Donnie.
"Okay i'm sorry." Donnie said with his hands in front of him. Mikey kept going on and on about Chris again and Raph was getting annoyed.
"Oh enough! You've been going on about this for three hours!" Raph said annoyed.
"Seriously Mikey, it's like when Twilight and Celestia often wrote letters back to eachother for hours multiple times a week" Spike said as he recalled how much they did that back home.

"ooh, someones sounds jealous. You just can't admit that without saying the R word." Mikey mocked and Raph looked confused.
"Rong?" Mikey asked and Spike groaned.
"It's Wrong, with a W, not an R Mikey." Spike corrected, Mikey said that if he doesn't want to talk about Chris, he backflipped over to Leo, Donnie and Spike saying they will.

"Actually i'd rather talk about anything else." Leo said annoyed
"Like the concept of a silent W perhaps?" Donnie asked.
"Going on for stuff like this for so long is especially annoying when we're in the middle of a stakeout Mikey." Spike said as he looked back over the ledge.

"Fine, i'll go find someone wants to talk about Chris Bradford more then anyone else! Chris Bradford." Mikey said before he left them and Spike groaned.

"Yep, something definitely gonna go wrong at one point." Spike told them.
"Wonder how long it will take though?" Donnie asked.
"I'm betting another night or so, why don't we continue on what is important?" Spike asked as he looked back down again
"Glad someone's wanting to keep track, let's just try to find out where these guys came from.." Leo said as they continued they're work.

Mikey had apparently been talking to Chris about more of himself, Chris was trying to get answers on how Mikey knows skilled martial arts, but Mikey wasn't smart enough to recognize it.

He and Bradford are on a rooftop currently talking to eachother looking over a smoggy gross view.
"Isn't this great? Blue skies, pizza, couple of dudes just hanging?" Mikey asked, Chris groaned as he saw a rat next to him as it ran off.

"Yeah.. great.. Since we've gotten so close, maybe you could tell me more about your brothers and this friend of yours?" Chris asked.
"Oh yeah they're good dudes, sometimes i don't think they don't respect me expect for Spike, he's a cool dude, he's a dragon." Mikey answered as he ate a slice whole.

"Wait.. a dragon?! Like a real fire breathing one?!" Chris asked shocked.
"Oh yeah, he's a great guy, been here with us for about a month now." Mikey answered and Chris looked more interested as this could explain his masters orders..

They were currently in his dojo while Mikey was looking at an old Katana.
"Look at that Katana! It looks old!" Mikey said as he looks at it.
"Yeah it's over 400 years old" Chris explained as Mikey looked at it more.

"But, getting back to your sensei..." Chris asked.
"Look Rad Brad, i'd love to tell you, but there's some things i just have to keep secret" Mikey said as he took out the Katana, Chris was trying to stop him from swinging it so recklessly.

"But we're friends, And friends share eachothers secrets don't they?" Chris asked as he took it.
"Are you saying your going to show me your secret kata, The Death Dragon?" Mikey asked excited and Chris put the sword back on it's wall.

"Tell you what, as a token of our friendship, I will teach you The Death Dragon." Chris told him.
"All right!" Mikey said excited.
"But, you have to swear you will not show it to anyone." Chris warned.
"I promise not to show a soul." Mikey promised. ( Well we all know how that went).

Everyone was currently in the lair listening to Mikey explain the move.
"And then he kicks, twists and sweeps the leg! Ha!" Mikey shouted as he showed them the move." The Death Dragon!" Mikey said dramatically.

"That was amazing!" Leo said amazed.
"Totally awesome!" Spike said as he replicated the move and was able to pull it off himself.
"Nice on bro!" Mikey said as he gave Spike a high five.
"It's devastatingly effective and complex." Donnie said interested.

"And yet even Mikey could learn it, and Spike just did." Raph told them.
"Thank you... hey!" Mikey said as he realized that was an insult before he heard a sound on the laptop.

"It's Rad Brad! That's my little name for him!" Mikey said before running to the computer seeing what he wants.
"He wants to get together for a little B Ball." Mikey explained as he typed on it." Can't wait to find out what the B stands for!" Mikey said excited as he pressed the send button before getting up.

"Your going now?" Leo asked.
"You just got back dude." Spike said concerned
"Sorry dudes, human stuff. you know how it is." Mikey said before walking out." Oh, wait, no you don't." Mikey mocked before leaving, Spike scoffed a little as he said that.

We cut to the dojo where Xever was looking at the Katana.
"The freak is on his way, the trap is set" Chris explained looking at the computer.
"Pretty weapon for a tough guy, in prison, we made our own weapons." Xever told him.

"I'll keep that in mind if i'm ever stupid enough to wind up in prison." Chris said annoyed, Xever slammed the sword on the ground and left and they waited for Mikey to arrive.

Back at the lair, Leo was currently sparring with Raph as Splinter and Spike watched, Leo pulled of The Death Dragon and Splinter immediately recognized the move.
"Where did you learn that?!" Splinter asked upset and they looked shocked.

"Mikey learned it from his new friend." Leo explained while he helped Raph up, Spike then realized something.
"He's in trouble isn't he?" Spike asked as he knew something would go wrong.
"The Man who taught him that kata is no friend! It comes from the Shredder!" Splinter explained.

"Shredder?" Donnie asked shocked.
"You mean.. Chris Bradford is one of his students?" Leo asked surprised
"He must be!" Splinter replied.

"So Bradford must be pretending to be Mikey's friend to get to you." Leo realized
"Oh! What a relief! Everything makes sense again!" Raph said glad at that.

"Guys! This means he's walking into a trap! He could be in danger!" Spike said with worry, they all then just realized he's right.

We cut to the dojo where Mikey just arrived.
"Rad Brad? Hello? Hello?" Mikey asked as he walked into the room upstairs, everything was dark as he looked around.
"Raddie Braddie! Did you plan me a surprise party?" Mikey asked as he looked around, A large man in armor walks up behind him and Mikey jumps as he sees him, he slowly backs away in fear before he bumps into Xever, they begin to corner him as Mikey looks scarred.

"Tell me what you guys did to Chris, or you guys are in serious!" Mikey warned before they started to attack him, Mikey was trying his best to avoid them, but he was outmatched.
"Haven't you figured out who i am?" The large man asked.
"Should i have?" Mikey asked back before the man was able to grab him and knock him down more.
"We've already met face to face." The man told him and Mike realized.

"No.. it can't be.. your.. the guy with the cat?" Mikey said in shock.
"You fool." The man said taking off his helmet revealing it to be Chris Bradford.
"Rad Brad? What?" Mikey asked shocked as they grabbed him and tied him up.

"I thought we were friends, i even showed you all of my toes!" Mikey said betrayed.
"You actually thought someone like me could ever be friends with be friends with a freak like you?" Chris asked. " Pathetic." Chris said upset.

"I say we get rid of him" Xever suggested as Mikey looked at the sword.
"Nothing would make me happier. But we need him, all part of the trap." Chris said as he and Xever walked out while Mikey tried to get to the sword.

Spike and the others were making they're way to Chris's place to save Mikey, they used they're parkour skills and made they're way to a glass rooftop, Donnie took out some gum and attached it to a thing he made and opened a hole large enough for him to reach the hatch.

Mikey was still tied up as he looked up and saw Spike open the hatch and he and the others snuck in, they used the shadows to they're advantage and took out more of the guards around him.
"Dudes! That was sporadic!" Mikey said glad to see them. and Spike and the others shushed him.
"That's not what that means!" Donnie said annoyed as Leo cut him free and rubbed his head.

Spike and the others made they're way out and headed through the rooftops, they went down a manhole cover and Chris and Xever were watching from a rooftop.
"Perfect." Chris said as he watched.
"We've got them." Xever said as more ninja's came behind them and Chris smirked.

Spike and the others were currently in the tunnels of the sewers waiting for them to arrive as they knew they were followed, Chris and his men landed down in the place, they stayed silent as they tried to find them, Spike and the others were quietly taking down the ninjas next to them one by one until they were alone, Xever took out a flare and they saw they were all tied up on the ceiling.

"Show your faces!" Xever shouted, Leo and the others emerged from the water below, and Spike and Donnie emerged from the shadows.
"They've trapped us!" Xever said in realization.

Chris then looked at Spike.
"So you really are a dragon? Very interesting indeed." Chris said as he looked at him, Spike growled in anger as he looked at him.
"Take em down! Capture the dragon!" Chris ordered as they engaged with the turtles and Spike.

Chris engaged with Leo and Raph while Spike and the other two engaged with Xever, they were both really skilled in battle as Xever grabbed Donnie's head by the legs and threw him into Mikey as he got back in his stance. Raph and Leo were being overwhelmed by Chris as he was incredibly large and he knocked them both back, they looked at the others and Spike snapped his fingers and they understood what it meant.

Leo and Raph went under Chris and Spike and the other two switched places with eachother, Mikey and Spike jumped over a metal pipe and landed on it, Donnie used his staff and sweeped his legs and Spike punched him in the face, Xever was fighting with Leo and Raph as Raph sweeped his legs and Leo punched him back a good distance and they began to corner them.

"They knew we were following them." Chris said to Xever
"That's right!" Mikey replied to him, Chris tried to punch Mikey but he blocked it and grabbed both his arms and kneed him in the stomach before he hit his face and kneed his face as well, Spike sweeped his legs and knocked him back even more into Xever as he gained some extra strength from his training.

Spike looked back at Leo and Raph." Now!" Spike shouted as they turned a valve and a massive stream of water came from the pipe nearby and it came to them , they both screamed as the water washed over them and they went down further into the sewers.

"Well that didn't seem very fair did it?" Raph asked.
"No it wasn't!" Leo said as they walked over to eachother and laughed.
"Hi three!" Mikey shouted as they slapped they're hands, Spike chuckled more and they looked at him.

"What's so funny Spike?" Mikey asked as they notice something on his back finally.
"Oh nothing.. just the fact that a secretly swiped that sword he had on his wall!" Spike said as he showed them it.
"You stole that?!" Mikey said as he looked at it.

"I had to get a weapon somehow, right?" Spike asked and they laughed more.
"Not like that guy will need it. Nice job there Spike." Mikey said as he high fived him and they laughed more.

We cut back to the lair as they were having pizza.
"Aren't you hungry sensei?" Donnie asked

"I feel we are celebrating too soon." Splinter said concerned.
"Too soon? The bad guys were swept away in a river of raw sewage. By my watch, that makes it the perfect time." Raph replied, Spike was looking at his new sword as he thought over things.
"He's not wrong guys, they always don't go down so easily." Spike said with concern.

"Shredder knows i'm alive, and what's worse he knows about all of you, and from what Chris said, he's wanting to capture Spike." Splinter said with worry.
"What could Shredder want with Spike?" Leo asked with concern.
"Dude, i'm a real live dragon that was taken from another dimension, who also just stole a special sword that belonged to his pupil, doesn't that sound like something he would be interested in?" Spike said as he showed them the sword again.

"Yes, it's my worst nightmare come true.. and if he captures Spike.. i fear for the worst.." Splinter said afraid.

"I still can't believe Mikey told him about me, talk about not keeping secrets." Spike said annoyed.
" Eh he's made stupid decisions like this before, but your right on this.. this is beyond stupid, even for him." Raph said annoyed.

"Michelangelo is still young, you all know this, but Spike, this will mean you have to be on your guard when facing Shredder's men, he will come after you in the future again." Splinter warned, Spike looked at the sword and looked at the metal.
"I know, and when he does, i'll be ready." Spike said as he put the sword on his back ready for the future.

Raph noticed Mikey was by the laptop again and walked up to him.
"How you doing Mikey?" Raph asked.
"This is all my fault, i should have never thought i could be friends with a human.." Mikey said with regret.
"Eh don't be so hard on yourself." Raph told him.

"So it's not my fault?" Mikey asked.
"Of course it's your fault, you just let our enemy know about our dragon friend over there." Raph said pointing at Spike, Mikey sighed as it was true.

" If you tell the others, i'll beat the green off you.. but.. your an awesome guy." Raph told him.
"Bradford didn't think so.." Mikey said upset as he looked at his picture.

"Eh, he's a psychotic killing machine. You deserve better friends then him." Raph told him and Mikey realized.

"You know what? Your right. Thanks Raph!" Mikey replied.
"Anytime." Raph said patting his head. Mikey looked back at the computer and pressed a button and he unfriended him.
"Aha! Revenge!" Mikey said as that felt really sweet

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new chapter! I know it seems out of character for Spike to steal something like that, but i don't think he'd feel remores for someone who's harming his friends like that, plus, Spike had to get a weapon somehow, i'll stick with the sword for now until i find something else. As for Mikey explaining about Spike, yes i know it's really stupid that he did that, but Mikey is the youngest one of the group and clearly doesn't know better, he goes through better development through the show, but this is only ep 4.. of an entire 5 season show, so it's gonna be a while.

Anyway, i hope you liked this and look forward to more in the future, leave any comments suggesting on what i should do for the story, i'm all open!

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