• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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31: The Kraang Conspiracy

It was another night in New York once again, Spike and the others were going out on another run for exercise, but there's one thing that's been on Spike mind lately, he still doesn't know how his powers relate to his mother in a way, he heard her voice during the battle with Shredder, but hasn't gotten any clues on what it means, and it makes Spike wonder whether or not she's still alive..

Right now though, Spike and the others were having fun jumping across the rooftops.
"Woo hoo!" Mikey said in joy as the others jumped down another ledge.
"Yeah let's do this!" Raph said eagerly as they kept moving.
"This is always fun!" Spike said amazed as he helped April get down and he rolled in front of the others.
"Let's do this!" Leo shouted as they all jumped over another large ledge.

"Yeah" Mikey said in joy as they landed on the other part, April was panting while she was following them.
"I never knew how.. how turtles could be so.. could be so fast.." April said weakly.
"Don't worry April, i got you." Spike said as he was helping her up.
"Come on April, this is just the warm up." Mikey said as the others jumped down to her.

"The warm up? For two hours?" April asked in surprise.
"I'd like to see the other dragons at home do this weekly." Spike said proudly.
"Yeah, and training lasts four to five hours at a time, cool right?" Leo asked her and she scoffed.

"Are you kidding me? I'm gonna puke, what about a real mission?" April asked curious.
"It took 15 years of training for Splinter to send us out on a real mission. You got a long way to go sister." Raph said casually.
"I'm still in training to sure, but part of the reason i'm fairing much better is because of how important most of these are." Spike added, Spike could feel a presence suddenly as far off someone was taking pictures of April and Spike.

"Maybe we should take her on more missions Leo, maybe that's better for her." Donnie suggested.
"Yeah, the best training she could have is training with the ninjas! " Mikey said casually as another photo was taken..
"Uh uh, no way, it's too dangerous." Leo said not liking this.
"What if something happens to her?" Raph asked looking at her.

Spike and April's head suddenly hurt as they felt something was off.
"My head.." April said weakly as they both heard a voice.
"What.. is that?" Spike asked weakly as well before they both realized something.
"Guys, someone may be watching us." Spike said seriously as he was looking around.
"He's right and they could be right.. over there!" April said pointing at a strange figure near the water towers.
"Get him!" They all shouted.

The man was running across from another rooftop while the others were chasing after him.
"Grappling hooks!" Leo shouted as they took out the hooks and shot a line to the next rooftop
"Get him!" Spike shouted as they landed on the other rooftop and continued to chase him.
"This way, let's move people!" Leo said seriously as they looked over another ledge and saw him going into another building.

Spike and the others made they're way over and were outside the window.
"It's quiet.. too quiet.." Donnie whispered, Leo rolled over to the sign and made hang gestures, he took out a pocked knife and used it to crack open the window. Spike and the others rolled on inside and turned on some flashlights.

The room was completely dark as they're were photos everywhere..
"Guys.. look at this.." Spike said as he was really creeped out about this.
"It's us.." Donnie said in shock as there were photos of all of them.
"Not just us, mutants and Kraang.. lots and lots of Kraang.." Leo said suspicious as they saw familiar photos from previous fights. Spike looked around for a bit until one particular photo caught his eye.

"Guys.. you need to see this.." Spike said in shock as he picked the photos up, one of them showed a small egg.. one was purple with darker purple spots..
"Is that.. my egg?!" Spike asked in shock while the others gasped in shock.
"How did this person get these photos?!" Donnie asked shocked as they looked at them..
"And.. who's that on the other one Spike?" Leo asked pointing at the next.

This shocked Spike even more as he saw it, as it was a picture of someone he never saw.. it wasn't a person.. but a dragon.. she was really large, around 10 feet, she had sharp spines on her back with what looks to be battle scars on them.. but what was most shocking of all to him is that her scales were purple.. and she had a green spine.. and green eyes..
"Is that.. my mother?!?!" Spike asked horrified as they saw these photos.
"Wait.. that's your mom?!" April asked horrified as they saw this.
"How did this guy get these?! Does he even know her?!" Spike asked at once as he was breathing heavily.
"Calm down Spike, i'm sure there's a logical reason for this." Donnie said as Spike looked through the rest of the photos.

"Donnie, i don't even know who my mother is, this is one of the biggest things i could possibly find in my life!!" Spike said in complete shock. Raph looked behind him and could sense the person hiding behind the door.
"Well i guess we've seen enough guys, let's get out of here." Raph said in a mocking voice, the man looked over but gasped when Raph grabbed him and pinned him to a wall.

"Don't hurt me! I'm a friend!" He said as Raph held out his weapon.
"Stalkers more like it." Raph said in anger.
"After all these months, finally face to face with the talking ninja turtles, and April O Neil and Spike themselves.." He said as he looked over them.
"Who are you? How do you know us, and where did you get these photo's?!" Spike demanded as he held out the photo of his egg and his mother.

"The names Kurtzman. I was journalist on the case of the missing scientists last year, and then i discovered something much bigger." Kurtzman explained which interested them all. He turned on the lights and put a strange book on the desk.
"The Kraang. The Alien infiltration is long lived, Ancient in fact. The Kraang have been trying to use mutagen to terraform the Earth for thousands of years. But they couldn't use the mutagen in our universe without some chain of human specific DNA." Kurtzman explained as he showed them extremely old photos of Kraang and humanity's history.

"They spent millennia capturing people, shaping humanity's genetic code until finally.." Kurtz said as he held out a photo of April as a baby.
"That's me.." April said in shock.
"Your mother was taken by the Kraang before you were born, then she was experimented on.." Kurtz said as they now saw a family photo of them.
"My mom?" April asked worried.
"That's why your so special April, your DNA can perfect the mutagen in this dimension." Kurtz said as April was stunned at this.

"Wow.." Donnie said amazed.
"I.. i think i need to sit down.." April said as she tried processing this.

"What about these? How did you get photo's of my mother?" Spike asked holding out the photos again.
"That one was tricky, i had to hack into the Kraang's servers, and was able to download the files, i then printed them out with what info i had." Kurtz said as he took out another collection of photos and showed them to everyone. These photos were different events that happened back in Equestria.

One of them showed the events with Nightmare Moon, another showed the incident with Discord, another showed Spike with Garble and his group of dragons, and another showed Spike during the events with Sombra.
"How did they get these?" Spike asked in shock as he looked over all of them.
"They had probes monitoring them, they always seemed to be on you specifically, and i think i figured out why." Kurtz said as they saw more photos of Spike's mother.
"Mom.." Spike asked in shock as they looked over them.

"Your mother was special compared to the other dragons, she seemed to have special physic ability's that were unique.. alien.." Kurtz said as they saw a photo of her lifting up some objects with Physic powers.
"My best are the Kraang captured her as well, and similar to you, she was taken to the Kraang's home dimension for experimentation, but it seemed like she escaped, and hasn't been seen since.." Kurtz said as a picture with a broken cell is seen..
"Is she still.. alive?" Spike asked worried as this is something he never expected to hear.
"She must be, she did escape after all, she might be somewhere out there, waiting to find you." Kurtz said as Spike was breathing heavily..

"Mom.. she's still.. i can't believe this.." Spike said as he was starting to cry.
"That could explain why Spike has powers similar to April, Spike's mother could have had a tie into it.." Donnie said amazed while April tried comforting him.
"To think she could be searching for you still.." Leo said in shock as they all couldn't believe this..

"But if they have info on April's DNA.. then they may be closer to perfecting the mutagen, we have to find a way to stop it!" Raph said determined.
"I know, and i got a plan, you and the turtles need to break into TCRI and wipe out all the date the Kraang have on April's DNA, and find whatever files you can on Spike's mother." Kurtz explained.
"Infiltrate TCRI? I thought you guys blew that place up?" April asked confused. Spike still was upset about this as this was life changing for him, and if he went home, things could never be the same if he did knowing this.
"If they have info on where my mother is, then i'm gonna find it." Spike said determined as he got up with the others looking concerned.

We cut to a shot where Kurtz was showing them the TCRI building, but it was restored to normal like nothing happened.
"Whoa.. they rebuilt TCRI? Already?" Raph asked in shock.
"How did they do it so fast?" Spike asked shocked as well.
"We break in, erase April's DNA codes, find what info there is on Spike's mother, and get out. Infiltration only." Leo said to the others.
"Let's do this." April said determined.
"Great, you and Kurtzman can stay outside on lookout." Leo said which annoyed her.

"Stay outside? On lookout?" April asked annoyed.
"No problem, take this, it's a keycard i stole from one of they're vans, it'll help you get into TCRI.
"Thanks Mr Kurtzman." Leo said gratefully.
"Good luck." Kurtzman said as Leo and the others started to move with April being annoyed.

Spike and the others were on another rooftop ready to break in, Spike took out another grapple hook and shot it to the wall, they heard grunting suddenly and saw April was climbing up to the roof looking exhausted.
"All right April, stay here and maintain radio communication." Leo reminded as he prepared to go.
"But i want in on the action to!" April said annoyed as they all started to leave.
"Don't worry, we'll be back in two shakes of a Kraang tentacle." Donnie assured as they all left.
"Wait outside like some stupid side kick? I don't think so." April said in annoyance as she decided to go after them..

Spike and the others landed inside the dark halls of the office areas, Mikey checked around the corner but almost screamed when he saw a Kraang droid, but it wasn't moving, Donnie looked over and saw there were dozens of droids charging.
"They must be charging, let's go while we have the chance." Spike whispered to the others.
"Weird, i wonder if there's Kraang inside of em?" Raph asked curious, Donnie used his staff to look at the droids chest, and yes, there was a Kraang inside. Mikey was about to touch it until Spike stopped him.
"We're trying not to get caught Mikey, let's move!" Spike said quietly while walking off.

"He's really tense on this one huh?" Donnie asked worried.
"It's for info on Spike's mother, do you know how big a deal this is for him?" Leo asked him, they all screamed right as April landed in front of them.

"April? What are you doing here?" Raph asked in shock.
"I told you, i'm sick of sitting on the sidelines." April said annoyed with Leo walking up.
"Fine, just be quiet, stay close to Mikey, and don't let him touch anything." Leo instructed while Mikey was playing with a droids rubber face before they're eyes suddenly turned on.
"It wasn't me!" Mikey said waving his hands around.

"I think they're done charging! let's get out of here!" Donnie said while they started to run.
"Go, go, go!" Spike shouted as ominous music played with all of the droids standing up. They ducked under a corner and saw some droids talking.
"Kraang, does this human suit make Kraang look fat?" The droid asked as the others went to the elevator, Spike pressed on the button rapidly and the door opened up. Leo used the Key card Kurtzman gave them and slid it across a scanner.
"The floor known as level 40, has been accessed to Kraang." The Pa announced.

"Whew, not bad so far." Leo said in relief as elevator music was playing.
"This music is making my ears bleed." Raph said annoyed.
"At least they have music, and it's not bad at least." Spike said impressed.

The door finally opened and they all carefully snuck around the place, they looked up in the air and saw dozens of alien's in they're pods, they opened up they're heads and they sent some strange waves forward.
"What's going on Donnie?" Raph asked confused.
"It's a Kraang sweet 16th, birthday part, how am i supposed to know?!" Donnie asked annoyed.

They all saw Kraang prime on a hologram and Spike and April's head hurt once more.
"It's Kraang Prime. They're meditating, communicating, we can hear they're thoughts.." April said with Her and Spike closing they're eyes and focusing.
"The experiment is nearly complete, despite the setbacks, the mutagen will be ready as planned." Kraang prime said in they're heads.
"They're talking about an invasion, they must almost have the mutagen ready." Spike said worried.

"Soon we will transform the Earth, and all it's hideous people." Kraang prime said which made Spike and April gasp in fear.
"What? Intruders?!" Kraang prime said in anger. The alarm had went off and the aliens screeched in anger.
"Um guys, what are we thinking?" Mikey asked in fear.
"Run!" Leo shouted running to the elevator.
"Some stealth mission!" Raph mocked while Leo rapidly pressed the button.

"Dudes! It's that freaky chick with the exploding elbows!" Mikey shouted as they saw the assistant march up. Leo kept on pressing the elevator right as she fired another missile which they all had to dodge. April was trying to escape another missile as it almost hit her.
"April!" Donnie shouted as he pushed her out of the way.
"Look out!" April shouted right before more laser fire was being shot at them.

Spike screamed in rage while charging at the assistant, she fired more missiles at him and Spike flipped over each one, Spike grabbed one with his arm and redirected it to her.
"Return to sender!!" Spike shouted throwing it right in her face, the missile then exploded which destroyed her again.
"And don't come back!" Spike shouted right before he sliced another bot apart and was tearing through some more.

"It is the human known as April O Neil!" A droid said grabbing his arm, April tried using her fan to knock him off of her.
"I am not gonna ask for help" April said before the droid grabbed her arm.
"Dumb! Help! Help! Donnie!" April screamed while she was being dragged off.
"April!" Donnie shouted running after her.
"Let's go!" Spikes shouted as he slid his sword on the ground creating pink sparks again.

They ran into another hallway but found April was somehow free.
"Run!!" April shouted with more lasers being fired at them.
"In here!" She shouted as she opened up a door which the others ran into, Spike didn't however and proceeded to try and find where the info on his mom is.

"So why did we run to a dead end?" Raph asked confused. Leo tried opening the doors but they were sealed shut.
"Doors locked, we're trapped!" Leo said worried. April suddenly laughed sinisterly right as some gas started coming into the room.
"Poison gas? April? Why are you doing this?!" Donnie asked afraid as she kept laughing like a maniac.

Leo and the others were banging on the doors trying to escape.
"Gotta get out!" Leo said while the others tried escaping.
"There is no escape turtles" April said sinisterly.
"April, what's wrong with you?! Are you mind controlled" Donnie asked worried.

"Try again!" April said as she delivered some hard punches to Donnie and kicked him down.
"Donnie!" Mikey said in fear while Leo started coughing.
"It's not April Mikey!" Leo said with Raph drawing his weapons.
"It's an Android, get her!" Raph shouted while charging at her, but April grabbed his weapons with impressive strength, she then head butted him and slammed him down.

"I hate having to do this, but i have to!" Donnie shouted charging to her, he twirled his staff around but April caught it easily, she then slammed him to the ground again knocked him to a console, Donnie looked at it and got an idea, he ducked under her and slammed her face right into the console and she screeched in pain and her body exploded, the door opened as a result and the gas went out.

"Kay?" Mikey said confused while they all were coughing.
"It was.. some kind of replica, a fake April!" Donnie said in anger.
"But she looked so real! Like tofu bacon.
"Come on, we gotta find the real April and Spike." Leo said running off.
"And tofu bacon does not look real." Raph added running off as well.
"It tastes real though!" Mikey shouted in response.

Spike was charging through the halls and was slicing off some more bots in rage, he hated these guys before, but now that he knows they have something to do with his mom never meeting him, it made him even more furious. Spike used his sword to slice open a sealed door, he kicked the thing down and came into a large room.

The room looked like one of those central computer rooms, like the ones he and the others fought inside to find April's dad. Spike used a keycard he stole from another bot and used it to seal the room.
"There's gotta be info on my mother here somewhere.." Spike said hopefully walking up to the computer. He took out a chip he had that will store the info on his mom so he and Donnie can research it later. He plugged it into the computer and started hacking into it.

"Alright, if Kurtzman found info on my mom with these files, then they must have specific dates going back to when they were made." Spike said while he typed the dates he remembered from with those moments. Spike saw some more pictures pop up, the first one he saw was on the event with Nightmare Moon again, one of them showed her during the moment she faced off with the mane 6, Spike was told to go to sleep at the time, so he never saw it happen, it made him upset that he couldn't help given what he sees.
"I know i was young Twilight, but you couldn't trust your number one assistant to help in some way?" Spike asked sadly as he moved through some more.
"If a probe got these during that date, and ones with my mom.. then i have to go back even further, let's go back to when i was an egg." Spike said as he started rewinding the dates by some years to before he was hatched.

Spike slid through more familiar photos of him and Twilight which creeped him out on how much they got about him and his friends.
"If the Kraang sent out these probes.. then do they have secret bases in Equestria?" Spike asked worried as he slid through the years even more, the dates went back to when he was an egg hatched by Twilight, until finally..

"There!" Spike shouted as he saw some more photos of his mother that was a few months before he was hatched, the ones she was in was of her holding his egg looking down at him with a caring smile, another showed her in a specific cave that looked full of treasures and furniture, and she had his egg close to her sleeping peacefully, and another showed her in the Dragon Lands carrying it close to her.

Spike had tears in his eyes as he saw all of this, he knew his mother cared for him, and the fact he could've been raised by her not to long before Twilight hatched him..
"We could've been together if it wasn't for them.." Spike said sadly while he put his mutant arm on a picture with his mom, Spike started to cry knowing this, he was only a few months from being hatched, and he could've had a life with her, but it was taken away from him because of these powers of theirs. Spike growled with anger and sadness as he thought over this, Kurtzman said she may still be alive, she did escape, so she's still out there somewhere.

"I'll find you one day mom, i promise.." Spike swore as he looked at the console.
"For now though, i need to download these.." Spike said as he typed on some more buttons and pressed a specific one to download the info, all the files were transferred into the chip Spike had, and he waited a few moments until it finished transferring and Spike took it out.
"Thank you Kurtzman." Spike said as he put it away and started running out with the info.

April was restrained to a chair with a needle going for her head, Raph was trying to save her but he was restrained.
"April" Raph shouted with horror.
"Do not struggle, the one called April O Neil will soon expire." The droid said while April was freaking out.
"No, no!!" April shouted as she released a powerful shockwave across the room. The aliens screeched in pain as the bots deactivated and fell on Raph. Leo and the others were fighting a defect April clone, but it screamed in pain and exploded over the area.
"Yes! Goodbye April Derp!" Mikey said in victory right before he was covered in some black goo. Spike held his head in pain since he felt it too and looked worried.

"April!" Spike shouted with worry as he ran into a room. The machine lifted up from her and Raph freed her and helped her up, Spike ran into the room with worry.
"April Are you okay?!" Spike asked worried while April groaned in pain.
"Brain on fire.. head about to pop.. Other then that.. meh. "April said weakly.
"April! Oh i'm so glad your alive!" Donnie said in relief giving her a hug.

But the reunion was halted as the alarm went off.
"Uh oh, Time to haul shell!" Mikey shouted as they started running off, they went back into the cloning room but found the April clones were free.
"April, your weapon!" Spike reminded, April took out her weapon and was slashing through them with anger.
"Come on, we gotta go!" Spike shouted as he grabbed her hand and was running ahead. Leo and the others drew they're weapons and they all took out the April clones in some swift hits, and all of them exploded all over the place.
"Okay that was just gross dudes, there's April Derp on my chucks!" Mikey said in disgust.
"Lets move!" Leo ordered as they ran out of the room.

They made it back to the bottom floor and busted through the glass windows.
"Hurry!" Raph shouted as more droids were firing at them. A van suddenly pulled up to them and they all thought it was the Kraang, but the window rolled down and it was revealed to be Kurtzman.
"Get in!" He announced. Spike held open the doors and they all hurried inside with the van starting to drive off.
"Escaping from the Kraang in their own van!" Kurtzman said with a laugh.

The van turned around another corner and drover through the streets.
"Thanks for the save Mr. Kurtzman." Leo said gratefully.
"I owed you one, so did you wipe out the Kraang computers and get the info on Spike's mom?" Kurtzman asked them, Spike pulled out the chip and showed them it.
"I got it all." Spike announced looking at it.
"What did you find?" April asked with the others curious to know, Spike looked at it for a moment and sighed sadly.
"I found what i need, I'll go more in depth later okay?" Spike asked them and they nodded in response.

"Well i'm glad that's over, the only reason we survived was because of April. Whatever you did back there saved us all." Raph said turning to her.
" I had no clue.. what i did, i was freaking out and then, zap, the Kraang were toast." April explained.
"I had a similar thing happen to me back when i fought the Shredder, maybe they're connected? "Spike suggested.

Kurtzman started to slow down and came into an alleyway.
"You walk from here." He said as the others got out.
"Well i'm off, somebody's gotta keep an eye on the Kraang, they're everywhere. And if you need my expertise, you know where to find me." Kurtzman said handing Leo his number.

"Kurtzman.. thank you for this, if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have gotten the info on my mother, i owe you big time for this." Spike said gratefully.
"No problem kid, let me know what info you find about her, and i'll help you the best i can, good luck you guys." Kurtzman said as he drove off leaving them alone.

We cut back to the lab where Donnie was running a test on April's DNA, and his eyes widened when he saw the cells.
"What'd you find Donnie?" Leo asked curious.
"This.. doesn't seem possible.." Donnie said in shock.
"What is it? What's wrong?" April asked worried.

"Based on the info i've culled up from the clone lab, your cellular makeup is actually a morphogenesic of human and Kraang DNA." Donnie explained.
"Wait.. are you saying?" April asked in shock.
"Your not entirely human April, that's why you and Spike have psychic powers.. your kind of half human, half alien.. mutant!" Donnie announced and they all gasped in horror.
"A mutant?!" They all asked horrified.
"Aw yeah! Welcome to the family" Mikey announced while April looked horrified. Spike looked at the chip he got one more time too, this info was his most important possession now, and he needed to find out what it holds about his mother..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this chapter! I know i did cut some stuff from the episode like the house fight and clone fight, but i felt replacing them with more Spike heavy scenes makes up for it, i was waiting to do this for a while now, as i think this episode really opened things up with Kraang lore and more stuff on April herself, and i wanted to do something similar for Spike. I hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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