• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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36: Vengeance is Mine

Karai was in her cell once again trying to escape with a metal coin she had, she heard a door open and saw Fishface walk in.

"Well, if it isn't the Sushi i ordered." Karai said with a smug. He groaned and handed her over some food.
"Ugh and whatever that is." Karai said in disgust looking at it.
"This is a dungeon, not a bed and breakfast, you will eat whatever i bring!" Fishface said annoyed.
"You mean whatever Tiger claw tells you to bring." Karai countered.

"Ugh, if Master Shredder didn't need you, i would teach you some manners!" He said clutching the cell bars.
"Oh really? And what does he need me for?" Karai asked suspicious.
"Just watch your tongue girl, Rgh!" He said in frustration and walked off again.

Karai used the coin again and tried to escape, she finally got a bar lose and used it to open the cell door, she looked around for a moment until she opened the door to escape, she was about to run until she heard a growl and felt a hand grab her. She was thrown to the ground and saw Tiger claw above her.
"Where do you think your going little one?" He asked menacingly, Karai tried using the bar as a weapon to hit him, but it barely hit him at all, he grabbed the bar with his hand and kicked her to the wall. Tiger claw bent the bar he had until Karai came in and delivered a kick to his face, she leapt in the air and tried finishing him off, but he countered her attack and held out his claws until someone came in.

"Stop! You will not harm her." Shredder ordered.
"As you wish, Master Shredder." Tiger claw said respectfully. Karai had woken up again in her cell, this time she had chains restraining her arms.
"Karai. I wish you could understand." Shredder said as he took off his mask revealing his face.
"Everything i have done is for our clans honor, why do you insist on hurting me?" Shredder asked as Karai said nothing.
"Have you nothing to say to me, daughter?" Shredder asked her.
"I am not.. your.. DAUGHTER!!" Karai shouted with rage.

Spike and the others were now in the lair, trying to figure out an escape plan for Karai.
"This is the only way it can work Raph." Leo said while he was sitting down.
"Yeah, i'm on board for the whole rescuing Karai thing, but if we're going through the whole trouble of invading Shredder's lair, we gotta take him down once and for all!" Raph said seriously.
"It's too risky Raph, we know what happened the last time you faced him." Spike said looking over it.

"Hold up dudes, why do i got to be the bait while Donnie's sits in the shellraiser?" Mikey asked looking over it.
"Someone's gotta be the getaway driver." Donnie explained.
"Look, everyone is important here." Leo said wanting to move forward.
"This agreement about a mission is never a good way to get in, Leonardo, Spike, may i speak with you two?" Splinter asked them.
"Um.. sure sensei." Spike said as he and Leo went to talk with him.

"I know you both are anxious to free Karai, but a plan that leads to confrontation with the Shredder is doomed to failure." Splinter told them.
"Even if we have to face Shredder, isn't it worth it to rescue your own daughter?" Leo asked him.
"She's been held there long enough, it's time we save her." Spike said seriously.
"I am sorry, but i am not willing to risk your lives, or my daughters." Splinter said walking off which made them upset.

"So, is that a no go on operation Rescue Karai?" Mikey asked as they walked up again.
"No Splinter's wrong, we can't wait." Leo replied.
"We're coming to save Karai, whether he sees it or not." Spike said seriously.
"Let's do this!" Raph said as they put they're hands together.

We cut to the Shellraiser where they were beginning they're plan, Donnie was in the van typing on a computer while Leo narrated they're plan.
"Donnie, you monitor from the Shellraiser and give us some cover." Leo instructed as he pressed on a button which blew a fuse shutting down the places power.
"Mikey will distract them with his mad skills, and while Shredder's men are distracted. Raph, Spike and i will sneak in through the sewers." Leo said as we see them sneaking in and taking down more foot bots.

Spike ran over to the cell hoping to find her.
"Karai it's us, are you there?" Spike asked looking inside.
"Spike? took you long enough." Karai said inside it.
"Better late then never right?" Spike asked as he drew his sword and started carving a way out.
"You guys stay on lookout while i open this." Spike said while the others did so.

Mikey was on the rooftop using his shadows to lure Rahzar and Fishface away, this caused them to run into eachother and it knocked them down.
"Eh?" Fishface asked as he saw Mikey on the roof using his fingers before blowing a raspberry at them.
"It's a trick!" Fishface said as Mikey was scooting away.

Spike was still picking the lock until he finally did.
"Got it !" Spike said in victory opening it. They started moving out trying to escape.
"How did you get past Tiger claw?" Karai asked curious.
"They didn't!" Tiger claw announced. They looked up and saw him in the front ready to fight.

Spike and the others screamed in rage and charged at him, Raph tried physical contact with him and was repeatedly punching him until he knocked Raph away, Leo tried swinging his swords at him but that made Leo get slammed to the wall. Spike came in with rage and prepared a pressure point attack.
"Take this!!" Spike screamed as he delivered some solid pressure points on his lower arm, and chest, Spike flipped back to Karai who held up a sword.
"What was that supposed to.. do?" Tiger claw asked before his body suddenly shut down and he fell to the floor.
"Splinter taught me great pressure points, come on guys let's go!" Spike shouted as they started running off with Tiger claw trying to move.

"You are looking good Rahzar? You lost some weight?" Mikey asked as he barely dodged another slash from him, Mikey used a slide attack which kicked him right off the edge of the roof, Mikey clenched his arm in pain until he heard footsteps.
"Let's see how well you fight with one arm!" Fishface said as he charged at him.

"Donnie, we need you here now!" Spike said as Donnie was monitoring things.
"On it, i'll be there soon!" Donnie announced as he was preparing the Shellraiser.

Spike and the others were running through the halls and crawled out of the sewers of the place.
"Mikey!" Raph said worried as he saw he was injured.
"I'm good, it's not my water balloon throwing arm. Ow!" Mikey said in pain as Raph helped him move. Spike and the others were about to escape until more foot bots landed in front of them until they were surrounded, Tiger somehow recovered from the nerve attack and was right behind them.
"Surrender reptiles! Your outnumbered!" Tiger claw said pulling out his guns. He laughed evilly until a high pitched noise hit his ears and he screamed in pain.
"Better count again!" Donnie announced as he flew into the scene and ran over the foot bots and opened the door.

"Sweet timing D" Mikey said impressed.
"Let's move, now!" Spike said grabbing Karai's arm and they started driving off at fast speeds. The foot bots weren't giving up and they were starting to climb on top of the van.
"Leave them to me!" Spike shouted as he pulled out his sword and plasma whip, he opened the hatch and jumped out and landed on the top as the van kept driving. Spike could hear motorcycles and saw Tiger claw along with the other mutants chasing them.
"Bring it on." Spike said with anger as he started tearing through the bots by himself.

Raph was looking at the camera and saw they were out of ammo.
"Okay, who forgot the manhole covers?" Raph asked turning to Mikey and Donnie, Mikey pointed at Donnie and he growled in anger at him. Spike stabbed another through the head and moved over when the garbage cannon rose and fired at the others. Tiger claw pulled out his guns and fired at Spike who was blocking them with his sword.
"Is that all you got? Piles of garbage?" Karai asked Donnie.
"This baby still has some tricks up her sleeve." Donnie said pressing on a button.

This caused a smoke screen to come out from behind them and it blinded the others, Donnie moved down and selected some grease to slip them up, Spike finished off the last foot bot and punched off it's head and watched as the grease slick caused Fishface to spiral out of control and slam into the wall. But Tiger claw wasn't done and he used his jetpack to land onto the roof of the car. Tiger claw opened the hatch and forcefully grabbed Karai and pulled her out.

"Karai!" Spike shouted pulling her back.
"I have you two now!" Tiger claw said menacingly. He aimed his gun at them and started firing at them.
"This is getting old by now!" Spike said as he and Karai flipped over them, Karai pulled out some spikes on her shoes and charged at him and held back his sword, Spike pulled out his whip and was twirling it around. Karai tried punching him over again, but she wasn't strong enough and he grabbed her and slammed her across the side.
"Enough!!" Spike screamed in rage as he wrapped the whip around him again, Spike held out his two fingers again and used the move Splinter taught him once more, he made a strong shockwave that sent Tiger claw flying off the van and went slamming into a wall.

"Eat that tin can!" Mikey shouted as they all cheered in victory, Tiger claw groaned getting up and he saw them leave with Spike waving his fingers around before getting back in.

Karai was brought back into the van and Spike landed back down.
"Guys.. Leo.. Spike.." Karai said looking at all of them.
"I know Karai, your not good at saying thank you." Leo said which made her smile.
"But for what it's worth, your welcome anyway, it's great to have you back Karai." Spike said helping her up.
"Great job taking down Tiger claw, Spike.. you did a great job." Karai complimented.
"Hey, i wasn't about to let him hurt you." Spike replied as he got in a seat and they drove home...

Mikey fell onto a beanbag as we see Raph getting some bandages for him.
"I hope this means you'll stay." Leo said as they walked in.
"Your always welcome here you know?" Spike asked helping her in.
"With Shredder after me, what choice do i have? It's actually.. not bad." Karai said looking around.
"It's awesome right? This calls for a family hug!" Mikey announced before Spike pushed him away.
"Your not in the best position for hugs now buddy." Spike said looking at his arm.

"Michelangelo, what happened?" Splinter suddenly asked walking in.
"It's just a scratch, you should see the other guy." Mikey said pointing back.
"What have you boys done? I thought i told you.." Splinter said before he saw Karai looking ashamed.
"Miwa.. " Splinter said in shock.
"Father.." Karai said before she gave him a hug which he returned with the others watching.

"See sensei? told you our plan would work." Leo assured.
"Perhaps some things are worth the risk.." Splinter said looking at her.
"And i promised i'd bring her back, and i'm glad i could." Spike said proudly looking over things.

Tiger claw was back in Shredder's lair again and made a bow.
"I have scowered the city, but could not sniff out the turtles and dragon and Karai." He explained while Shredder looked upset.
"Foot bots are still on the search, they will report to me with every detail.." He said as Shredder walked up.
"Karai's escape was inevitable, in fact, i was counting on it." Shredder said which confused him.
"Why? She knows everything." Tiger claw asked confused.
"Before long Karai will return with Hamato Yoshi and the dragon, along with his wretched turtles to finish the job, but i will have my vengeance! Get me Baxter Stockman." Shredder ordered turning to him as thunder and lightning flashed over.

Spike was now in Donnie's lab again looking over the info about his mom he got, Karai came in and saw what he was doing.
"What are you doing Spike? The others just got done training in the dojo." Karai asked walking up.
"I'm looking over something.. important.." Spike said as he showed her the photos which shocked her.
"Is that your..?" Karai asked looking at them.
"Yes.. i found important info about her.." Spike said bringing over more photos.

"That's what your world looks like? It's very different that's for sure." Karai said as she saw how different it was.
"Yeah.. i've been gone for almost a year by now.. i just wonder if they're okay.." Spike said sadly looking over the photos of his friends.
"Spike, i gotta ask you something, why haven't you tried finding your way back, you said the Kraang took you here, and what if they're out there causing trouble like with this place?" Karai asked looking at him, Spike sighed and turned to her.
"I've tried looking for a way, but i know i can't leave this place now because the Kraang are still active, and leaving this world would put it at risk, and endanger my family. So i need to stay here until it's all said and done." Spike explained looking at her.

"Spike, don't you want revenge on them? They took you from your home and family, you could've had a life back there if you weren't' taken. Haven't you thought about putting them down for good?" Karai asked sounding upset at this.
"Believe me, i have been wanting to pay them back, especially for what they've done here, if there's one thing i've learned about this world and even in my own, it's that not everyone can change, some are meant to be the way they were made or born as, and those will share bad fates in the end.." Spike explained as he saw another photo of his mother with him as an egg.
"Spike, she could still be out there, don't you want to find her? You can't if you stay here, i can help you find her, you trust me with it right?" Karai asked as he got up.
"Of course i do, but there's a time for everything, i'll get back at the Kraang one day, and i'll find her soon, i just hope you'll be at my side when it happens. I'll find out more about her soon, but for now i'm gonna go to sleep, good night Karai." Spike said patting her shoulder and walking out while she looked concerned still.

Karai looked back at the photos of Spike and his family and saw just how happy they were together, even if he didn't meet his mother yet, she looked like she would raise him like the best mother she could be, it was something she wanted for so long, and yet it was taken away by Shredder.. and like how the Kraang took her away form him.. she looked at the photos and had a serious look.
"I'll make them pay Spike." Karai swore as she threw a knife at a wall and walked out.

Spike and the others were heading to they're rooms to sleep for the night.
"Night guys." Spike said going into his room.
"Night bro." Mikey replied going into his. Karai was pretending to sleep in her room until Leo opened it.
"Karai? You awake?" Leo whispered, she didn't respond and Leo assumed she was asleep and closed the doors. But Karai opened her eyes and tried sneaking out.

"Going after Shredder alone is a bad idea." Leo said as he saw her trying to leave.
"Don't try to stop me Leo." Karai warned as he landed down.
"I wanna go with you." Leo told her.
"What?" Karai asked confused.
"Your right, Shredder will never stop hunting us, the only way for us to be safe, is to take him down." Leo explained.

"So much of my life has been about revenge, i can't ask you to risk your life too." Karai replied.
"Let me help." Leo replied, Karai thought about it for a moment and walked up to him and he looked a little nervous.
Sorry Leo." Karai told him and she took out a smoke bomb and hit him in the face, Leo coughed roughly before he fell on the ground unconscious.
"This ends tonight" Karai shouted as she ran through the subway tunnels..

Leo was finally waking up until he just remembered something.
"Guys! Sensei!" Leo announced which got them all up.
"What's wrong?" Spike asked worried.
"And where is Karai?" Splinter asked as well.
"She feels like she can take out Shredder on her own." Leo explained which made Splinter shake his head.

"I was a fool, i told her too much, too quickly." Splinter said with regret.
"We need to stop her, come on guys!" Spike shouted running off.
"We can catch up with her in the Shellraiser!" Donnie said as they all went off.

Karai made her way back to Shredder's lair and was outside, she sliced off the heads of more foot bots and was quietly sneaking in, she saw what looks like the Shredder on his throne like always. But when she got close, she saw it was a decoy.
"Karai." Shredder announced as he came out of the shadows.
"Shredder." Karai said with anger, the mech suddenly activated and restrained her.
"You returned here sooner then i expected. Karai broke free of her restraint and stabbed the robot in the chest knocking it down.

"The time has come for me to say goodbye, Shredder." Karai said holding out her blade. Karai flipped on over and threw a smoke bomb in his face which he blocked, Karai jumped in the air and tired slashing at him, but Shredder blocked her attacks and pushed her back. She tried attacking him over and over, but Shredder kept blocking until he caught her sword.
"Foolish child! I taught you everything you know, you hold no surprises for me!" shredder said as he tossed her sword away. Karai threw some ninja stars at him which Shredder deflected away.

Shredder screamed with anger and he punched her in the head and knocked her down and pinned her to the ground.
"This has gone far enough!" Shredder said as the lights came on revealing that the entire foot clan was waiting for her.
"Still no sign of the turtles or dragon." Tiger claw reported.
"They should be here shortly, take her to Baxter Stockman, it's time we begin the experiment." Shredder said tossing her to him and he walked off.

Spike and the others arrived but they were too late and saw her being taken off.
"They got Karai! We're too late! Raph, fire up the weapons!" Leo ordered.
"No, it's too dangerous, follow close but don't let them spot us." Splinter ordered.
"Hai sensei." Spike said seriously as he followed behind without being seen.

We cut to Stockman's lab as he had tons of subjects around.
"Whatever you require i can create. More mutagen, a few chemicals." Stockman said before Shredder scarred him.
"Stockman" Shredder announced which freaked him out a bit.
"Master Shredder.." He said respectfully.

"Is the mutagen ready?" Shredder asked impatiently.
"Prepared to your specifications, the serpent DNA is ready." He said as he flew up to the tank of mutagen and poured it inside.
"No! You wouldn't!" Karai shouted before she was muffled from duck tape.
"Make sure she is secured" Shredder ordered, she was placed inside a cage and was lowered right below the mutagen tank while she tried escaping.

"Your more ruthless then i thought. Mutating your own cub." Tiger claw said in shock.
"I have no intent on mutating her. She is bait, when the turtles and dragon come to rescue her i will drop them into the mutagen." Shredder explained as he put a rat into a snakes cage and locked it.
"This will mutate them into mindless serpents." Shredder said as they had arrived outside the lab.
"I want the rat to witness his own pupils become of the rats deadliest predators, i have had this planned for the dragon for sometime, and once his spirit is broken, i will shatter his mind." Shredder explained as the serpent attacked the rat violently.

"Isn't' that dragon a Psychic? Wouldn't he resist the effects of the mutagen on his mind if he was mutated?" Rahzar asked confused.
"Even if he does resist it, he will never be able to return to that home of his again, he will be seen as a monster." Shredder said menacingly, Tiger sniffed around and smelled something.
"I smell the turtles and dragon." Tiger claw said as he shot a flare to the ceiling and they saw Splinter on the top.

Splinter landed down and Spike took down Baxter with Raph as they all landed down too.
"Welcome my old friend." Shredder mocked.
"Let my daughter go!" Splinter demanded.
"She doesn't belong to you!" Spike said clutching his mutant arm again.
"Your welcome to rescue her, if you can." Shredder said as all the foot bots came out with they're weapons drawn.

Splinter lunged at Shredder and drew a sword from his staff, he and Shredder started to fight while Spike was tearing through the bots.
"Yes, fight me rat!" Shredder said as they kept fighting,.

Spike ducked under and attack from Rahzar and charged up his mutant arm before sending him flying into the air, Spike jumped up and delivered multiple strikes all over him until he slammed him down. Leo and the others continued to fight the footbots until Donnie noticed something.
"Ah!" Donnie shouted as he was pushed right into a cage right below him, the same happened with the others as well, Splinter was suddenly wrapped around with some ropes by more foot bots and they restrained him.

"Guys!" Spike shouted as he tore through the bots with his sword, he was about to be pushed into one too, but Spike held his sword up just before it closed, and the same happened with Leo. They broke free from them and tried saving Karai.
"Karai!!" Spike shouted as he and Leo landed on top of the cage and Leo took of the duck tape.
"Thanks." Karai said gratefully.
"I thought you weren't good at thank you's?" Spike joked, Karai chuckled for a moment until she saw Shredder jump above them.
"Look out!" Karai shouted and Spike saw it.
"Leo!!" Spike shouted as he pushed him out of the way at the last second.

This caused Shredder to cut off the chain, and that caused both Spike and Karai to fall.
"No!!!" Spike shouted as he and Karai screamed and they fell into the mutagen..
"Miwa! Spike!!" Splinter shouted with horror.
"SPIKE!!!" They all shouted with horror.
"Karai, no!!" Shredder shouted in horror as well.

Somber music could be heard as the cage went bursting out of the tank and they saw them inside. Spike could feel every cell in his body changing, he could hear his heart beating rapidly as he felt his cells glow bright green, he felt his legs start to disappear and he grew a large long tail, his spine stretched out and they became far sharper and deadly, and his arms turned into two separate snake heads. Spike screamed in pain as he felt his mind almost shattering, he started to have flashes in his head, he saw what looked like his mom fighting off the Kraang droids with fury, as he continued to transform.. he heard her voice again.
"Be strong my child! I will always be there for you! I will find you one day! Just hold onto your will!" She shouted which somehow blocked the mutagen from his brain. Spike screamed in pain as he released a powerful shockwave from his head and that knocked everyone down. They placed they're hands on the edge one last time before they fully transformed..

"Karai.." Shredder said as he saw the two arise from the mutagen in snake forms. Spike looked at Shredder with fury and made a loud hiss of rage and he delivered a strong strike to him and knocked him off the ledge. They both weakly crawled to the ledge and they fell down.

Splinter screamed in rage and he broke through the ropes, Splinter stabbed a robot in the head and went and caught Karai while Spike landed on the ground groaning in pain.
"Miwa.. Spike.. i'm so sorry.." Splinter said with regret as he saw Spike was mutated into a serpent like her.. Splinter didn't notice a snake tail coming behind him and it whipped him back and she opened her serpent eyes. Karai hissed with rage as she proceeded to tear through the foot bots. Spike could barely move, he didn't have legs anymore, but he still tried to help, he crawled over to the cages and freed the others who picked him up.

"Spike.." Raph said with huge sadness as they saw his state.
"Guys..." Spike said weakly as he could barely stay awake now.
"Bro.." Mikey said regretfully as Spike passed out from all of this..
"Spike.. we're so sorry.." Leo said as he started to cry.

A oil tank fell over and a spark from a foot bots head which created a fire and that started to destroy the lab.
"No! My lab!" Stockman said in horror before Shredder knocked him back.
"You, Hamato Yoshi! You did this!!!" Shredder said furious.
"You turned my daughter into a monster! And Spike didn't deserve any of this!! You will pay!!" Splinter said furious as the rubble blocked him.

"No!!" Shredder said in fury.
"Master Shredder, we must go!" Tiger claw said before he was pushed back.
"Leave me!!" Shredder said furious.
"Master Splinter will suffer for what's happened today, you have won!" He told him.
"Won?!" Shredder asked furious as he saw Karai hissing in fury again, Shredder took of his mask again and looked up at her.
"I shall avenge you my daughter!" Shredder swore as he started to escape.

The place was beginning to collapse and Raph and the others were helping the unconscious Spike move.
"We gotta get out of here!" Donnie shouted as the place was flaming up.
"Karai you must listen to me! We must go!" Splinter shouted, Karai hissed at him and coiled around him tightly which made him groan in pain.
"Daughter.. please.." Splinter said weakly.. Karai hissed at him before she started to realize who he is.
"Father?" She asked weakly, she looked around and saw Spike who had been turned into a serpent just like her.
"Spike?" Karai asked shocked seeing his state, She let go of him and slithered off and left them alone.
"Wait!" Leo shouted trying to stop her, she didn't listen however and escaped through the window.

Leo got up to a ledge and saw she was gone as rain poured down above them, the others were carrying Spike's new body up as they put him down. Splinter looked down at Spike's new body, his heart was filled with regret. Even if he would return home, it wouldn't be the same in this state now..
"Splinter.. what are we gonna do with him?" Leo asked looking at him.
"Let's go home my sons.. put him in bed, i want all of you to give him the best respect you can when he awakens, he won't take this well.." Splinter said regretfully.
"You can make a retro mutagen for both him and Karai, right Donnie?" Mikey asked sadly.
"I hope so Mikey.. i hope so.." Donnie said as they carried Spike's body off.
"I'm sorry Spike.." Raph said regretfully as they started to head home, they thought tonight would finally have they're family together again, but this only tore them apart from Karai more.. and Spike got mutated fully in the process.. they just hoped that whatever happens in the future.. Spike can handle it in his new serpent form..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this. This has been coming for a while as i've had this planned out, sure i could've had Spike separate from the turtles for a bit and try to process the form on his own, but i have plans an ideas that will help Spike develop better as a mutant now. I know some wanted to see him as a wolf or dinosaur, but i'll do that for other versions of the turtles to have some variety. Feel free to leave me some suggestions on how i can go about this now that he's a mutant. I just hope you all don't mind this and just look forward to more of it!

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