• Published 2nd Nov 2023
  • 2,540 Views, 500 Comments

Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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49: Serpent Hunt

Kraang droids were marching around the city that had been taken over for months, all the power was still out and there can be multiple mutated human captives seen, someone looks out through a window and quickly hides inside. This was Ivan Steranko , a general who was bent on collecting artifacts from legend, and in the building as well was Anton Zeck, a master thief and had high tech gadgets.

"It has been months since the aliens invasions, there must be way out of the city!" Ivan spoke in a russian accent.
"Why not use one of your fancy tanks to get us out, big S?" Zeck asked before Ivan pushed him out of his chair.
"How many times i must tell you? Show models only, i get them big discount!" Ivan pointed out, Zeck saw some open cans of soup, but a rat came out of it and ran off.

"I'm starving! All our food is gone! We're down to moldy ketchup and dead cockroaches!" Zeck said in disgust as he held two of them out.
"Secret headquarters mine, moldy ketchup and cockroaches mine." Ivan said as he ate the thing much to his disgust.
"Oh snap Steranko that's cold blooded! We gotta get out of this city dog! We gotta get out of this city!" Zeck said in a high pitch voice.
"Hmm.." Ivan hummed as he thought of something.

The two were on the rooftops barely trying to avoid being seen by the army of Kraang droids.
"No way out of city comrade Zeck, when henchmen try's to make it out of city, they all gets mutate! Ivan Steranko never turn into freak!" Ivan said determined on what they should do.
"But how we gonna make it past a million alien robots? My invisible field is totally jacked! I'm jacked!" Zeck said worried, they both gasped as another Kraang scanner passed by them and they quickly hid away and went into an alley.

"Whew! It's dangerous. But Shredder is only one who can get us out of city. We make deal." Ivan said as he had no choice for this.
"That's brilliant baby Ivan! Brilliant!.. but what have we got that Shredder want's?" Zeck asked curious. Ivan smirked and pulled out a photo of Karai.
"Right here, we find his daughter, Karai." Ivan said and Zeck took off his glasses to look at it.

"She was mutated by same stuff that made those turtle freaks. Shredder has searched for her ever since." Ivan said as they hid from more scanners.
"So your saying, we can use her as a bargaining chip with Shredder to get out of this city?" Zeck asked wanting conformation.
"Da! Oroku Saki will have no choice." Ivan said as they both laughed together looking at the photo..

Spike and the others were in their new hideout for the time they need, Spike looked out the window to make sure no Kraang were coming.
"Okay we're all good for now, let's just keep things quiet." Spike said slithering over to Psiona.
"I can't believe the Kraang were able to take over this city, it just makes me wanna tear them apart even more for this.." Psiona said angry that she wasn't able to help stop them.
"It's okay mom, we'll get back at them for this, for what they did to us." Spike assured giving her a hug which she returned smiling lightly.

Splinter sighed sadly which caught the others attention.
"Are you okay sensei?" Mikey asked worried for him.
"hmm? Forgive me.. My thoughts are elsewhere Michelangelo.. It is very dangerous out there." Splinter said as he looked out the window and saw more droids walking by.
"Casey, Jaqueline and your brothers have been gone a long time." Splinter said worried for them.

Donnie was in his newly made lab and was trying to make a retro mutagen.
"How's the new lab set up?" April asked curious walking into it.
"Ehh kinda makeshift. I'm brewing a batch of retro mutagen i started back at the farmhouse. Takes forever." Donnie said annoyed on how long it takes.
"And then we can turn my dad back? Um.. hopefully for good this time?" April asked hopefully.
"Well that's the plan, including everyone else who got mutated. Including Karai and Spike." donnie replied, but they didn't notice Splinter and Spike had walked in with Mikey.
"Karai.." Splinter said worried for her.
"Let's just hope we can turn myself and Karai back soon.." Spike prayed looking at his body again..

"Oh yeah! This is amazing!" Leo announced as he, Raph and Jaqueline came back.
"What's up guys?" Jaqueline asked coming up to give Spike a hug.
"Your okay! Thank goodness!" Spike said relieved holding her close.

"I got one word for you." Raph said as Casey came up with a bunch of stuff.
"Score!" Raph said in victory holding out all their items.
"You did it? You managed to sneak back into the lair?" April asked surprised.

"Yo Don, check it out! Got you some sweet chemicals." Casey said handing him a box.
"Oh wow, awesome!" Donnie said amazed.
"And even though the Kraang were mad dogging us the whole time, we didn't forget.. Mikey's big request." Casey said pushing a box over to Mikey, he opened it and found a Tv and a set of VHS tapes.
"Tv!!! Now we can watch Crognard again! Aw yeah!" Mikey said amazed.

Jaqueline came up and gave Spike another box of his stuff.
"And for you, your swords, comics, and masks, all secured." Jaqueline said and Spike smiled gratefully as he pulled out his plasma sword he got from that Kraang machine that hunted April, and the upgraded sword he stole from Bradford.
"Thank you so much!" Spike said amazed as he swung down on an empty box and sliced it in half.
"Anything for you Spike, hard to believe you have quite the collection huh?" Jaqueline asked as he put it on his back and the other in the box.
"Dragons have a natural instinct for claiming valuable items." Spike said proudly putting the box near a sleeping bag for him.

"I must admit son, i am quite impressed with the skills you've gained over your time here, even as a snake, your getting really good with a sword." Psiona said smiling down at him.
"It wasn't easy, but you can thanks Splinter for that, he taught me a few moves before i got mutated, if you ever need some lessons, he's the one to go to." Spike said proudly and she chuckled at his smile.
"I will son, this will make things easier for all of us hopefully." Psiona said looking over his possession of items.

Leo now came up to Splinter with another box.
"We got you something too sensei." Leo said as he handed Splinter his family photo.
"You are a good son Leonardo." Splinter said gratefully looking at it.

Mikey pushed some stuff of a table and set the tv down.
"What an awesome new home we have. It's even got that old pizzeria smell. Mmm.. Pizza.." Mikey said as he went over to an oven and pulled some out freshly made.
"It's still a little cramped for my liking." April said looking at Casey before they both looked away a little embarrassed.

"Home for me.. will never be complete without my daughter.." Splinter said looking at his photo still.
"I know how that is, no matter how long i was gone, nothing was a complete home for me without my son, it's what a mother always needs to feel whole." Psiona said patting his shoulder.
"You are right, family is everything, and i am glad you found yours.." Splinter said looking at her who smiled in response.

"The longer she's out there alone, the more she risks losing her humanity." Leo said seriously.
"We can help her, we just gotta keep looking." Mikey said worried for her.
"For all we know, Shredder or Kraang have her." Raph said crossing his arms.

"No, i saw her only a few days ago roaming the streets at night, but i was not in my right mind, i could not help her." Splinter said regretfully.
"I think we can find her. I've been updating all of my surveillance tech, and i'm just a few days off from finishing more retro mutagen!" Donnie announced.
"Alright guys, let's do this!" April said confidently.

"Sorry April, you and Casey need to stay here. Ninja's only." Leo said as he and the others started leaving.
"What? You need us!" April said upset at them.
"That's not fair, i wanna trash up some alien scum too! Why you gotta pent up my rage Leo?" Casey asked annoyed at him.
"Don't worry, i'll smash a few hundred bots for you, that'll only be a warmup for me though." Psiona said clutching her metal arm walking out with them.

Back at Shredder's lair, Shredder was looking down on his men with disappointment.
"You continue to fail me, in your search to find my daughter." Shredder said mad at Fishface and Rahzar.
"Ehh. Master Shredder.. Karai is just to scaly.. i mean stealthy.. and this city is so big.." Fishface said in defense.
"She's as slippery as a serpent! Um.. i mean.. we've searched everywhere master!" Rahzar said in fear of him.
"You will find her or i will turn you both over to Tiger claw! He is bored of having little sport." Shredder threatened and Tiger claw snarled in response.
"Yes master!/ Eh no problem! Back in a bit!" Rahzar and Fishface said quickly running off.

Spike and the others drove through the streets in the van until coming up on a warehouse and they all got out.
"Alright team, this is the last place Master Splinter saw Karai." Leo sad as Psiona got out looking around.
"You getting any readings Donnie?" Raph asked as Donnie put on a scanner.

"Picking amounts of mutagenized DNA, scanning now." Donnie said as he scanned some nearby scales.
"That's it! Snake/ human hybrid DNA sequencing. It's Karai." Donnie said as Spike slithered next to them.
"She must be shedding scales, that isn't a good thing let me tell you. Molting is not a easy thing when your a snake.." Spike said looking down at them.
"If you think that's bad, just wait till you hit your Molting stage son, that gets ugly." Psiona said looking down at it.
"Molting stage?" Jaqueline asked confused on what that meant.
"Alright guys, we follow the DNA trail, lead the way Donnie." Leo instructed as they all started moving.

Zeck was scanning the area nearby in order to find Karai. Ivan was looking down and found some skin.
"Ooh, this is funky fresh, snake skin, recently shed. I am a better hunter then my brother Boltak." Ivan said holding out some shed skin.
"Stop messing with that butt nasty skin. What you want is right down there son! Heh heh!" Zeck said confidently as he could see Karai nearby. Ivan held out a taser gun and aimed it at a green and purple serpent that was moving near the direction.
"Now i make it go to sleep.. steady.. steady.." Ivan said before Mikey came in and blew his tongue at him.

"Turtle face?!" Ivan said shocked before a ninja star hit his weapon.
"Mother Russia!" Ivan said surprised as he saw Leo, Jaqueline and the other turtles looking down at them.
"Leave.. Karai.. Alone!" Leo said in a demanding tone.
"And back off of Spike, or you will not have a pleasant night of sleep." Jaqueline threatened snapping her jaws.

"Aw man, not these freaks again! And is that a mutant beaver girl? What is going on in this world man?!" Zeck shouted pointing at Jaqueline.
"Nice outfit. 1987 called, it wants it's jumpsuit back." Raph mocked.
"oh wha wha wha?! You making fun of my suit?! I will bust in your dang head!" Zeck said in anger as he charged up his high tech mohawk and threw a energy blast at them.
"Whoa!" Jaqueline shouted as they all jumped out of the way. Leo started slashing at him and Zeck dodged them in a dancing way, Ivan went over and pulled out a massive weapon.
"Finish them off, once and for all!" Ivan shouted as he started firing at them like crazy.

Spike had managed to see Karai nearby, and was trying to help her, Psiona was looking over things to make sure nothing goes south.

"Karai.." Spike quietly announced which made her turn to him making a loud hiss, but she immediately stopped in seeing it was him.
"Spike?" Karai asked shocked seeing him and Mikey were there.
"It's me, we're here to help you.." Spike said trying to reach her, but a loud explosion was heard on the building nearby and they all saw it.
"Karai, you have to stay here, Spike, look over her for me." Mikey instructed and Spike nodded in understanding.

Psiona saw the commotion on the other building and snuck over to check it out, Spike and Karai heard another scanner nearby and hid in the shadows to stay hidden.
"Is everything okay for you? Are you hurt?" Spike whispered worried for her.
"It.. could.. be better.." Karai said in a weak voice.
"Sorry it took so long to get back here, i'm just relieved your okay." Spike said staying close to her.
"Me too, your voice is a lot deeper, it shows you've grown up since the little dragon you were when i met you." Karai said smiling at him.
"Yeah.. i really have.. we both have.. there's a lot that happened in the last few months." Spike said trying to explain everything to her.

Leo and the others were still fighting off Zeck as he kept dancing around making Michael Jackson noises.
"Why is he making those noises?!" Donnie asked annoyed at him.
"He's just trying to distract us!" Leo shouted as he charged at him with anger.

Raph screamed and tried slashing at Ivan who was dodging each attack, Mikey climbed back up to the roof and tried fighting him too. Mikey screamed and jumped in the air and wrapped his chain around his gun, but Ivan used his strength to slam Mikey to the ground. A loud roar was suddenly heard and Ivan watched in shock as a massive dragon landed on the roof growling with rage.
"Da.. Is that.. a dragon?!" Ivan asked in shock, Psiona growled at him and knocked his gun out of his hands.
"You best know what your dealing with punk!" Psiona shouted as she made a dinosaur like roar at him and she, Mikey and Raph were trying to fight him off.

Ivan pulled out some iron knuckles and struck a few poses, he then delivered a strong punch to Raph's chest and sent him flying into another wall, Mikey tried delivering an air attack, but Ivan saw that and punched Mikey's stomach and punched him to a door as Raph got up.
"Why you.." Raph said frustrated as he and Psiona tried fighting him. Psiona shot a fire blast at Ivan and he quickly rolled out of the way, he then dodged another attack from Raph and blocked his attacks.
"Freaks." Ivan said in disgust as he pulled out a flashbang and threw it at them.

They all screamed as the light blinded them which stunned them and Psiona for a moment. Ivan got out his taser gun again and aimed it at Spike and Karai.
"Ahh it is perfect.. i didn't know there were two serpents here, but the more the merrier." Ivan said aiming at them both, but Raph suddenly came in and knocked his shot out of the way and it barely hit Spike and Karai and she hissed at them all.
"Wait! Karai!" Spike shouted as she grabbed him and slithered off with him..

Psiona growled with rage and delivered a strong punch to Ivan's chest. Jaqueline joined in and whacked him to the wall with her tail.
"Leave them alone!!" Jaqueline said with rage as Psiona towered over him.
"How dare you try and hurt my son?!" Psiona shouted with rage as she turned her arm into a cannon, Leo looked down and saw Karai moving and taking Spike with her.
"Karai's on the move and is taking Spike with her. We gotta go after them!" Leo announced, Mikey came in and dropped a smoke bomb which made Ivan and Zeck cough roughly, when the smoke cleared, Jaqueline and Psiona were gone with the turtles.

"Ivan.. not happy." Ivan said with frustration.
"Aw man, we had those snakes in the can man!" Zeck said annoyed at this.
"Come, the game is not end, nyet. And if there are two serpents, then i'm sure Shredder won't mind a little bonus." Ivan said with anger as he walked off.

Fishface and Rahzar were searching through the streets for Karai and passed by more of the mutant humans. Rahzar stopped suddenly and sniffed the air.
"I don't smell a snake.. i smell a different kind of reptile.." Rahzar said as he laughed evilly before running off.

Karai was dragging Spike along with her as they were avoiding more droids.
"Careful Karai.." Spike whispered as he slithered along with her as Donnie was watching them from above.
"What's it look like Donnie?" Raph whispered to him.
"They're moving fast, we gotta get down there." Donnie said taking off his scanners.
"She's got Spike with him, we need to help them.." Jaqueline whispered to the others as well.

"But there are Kraangdroids everywhere." Leo pointed out and Psiona scoffed at that.
"Please, this is barely a Tuesday for me." Psiona said crossing her arms.
"Let's keep it stealthy my ninja's, let's do this." Mikey announced.

More droids were marching around as Leo and the others stayed quiet within the shadows. They passed by some more droids and Psiona shut them up by turning her arm into a blade and slicing them to bits in an instant. They all went to the other side and stayed quiet.
"Anything Donnie?" Jaqueline asked as Donnie scanned a trail.
"They're this way.." Donnie said as he saw the trail go to a warehouse.
"There! They're in the warehouse." Donnie announced and they quickly went inside.

"Alright guys, let's split up and find them." Leo instructed as the lights flickered on and off.
"Spike are you there?" Jaqueline called looking around for him.
"You don't have to hide son." Psiona said looking around for him too

Spike and Karai quietly hid in the shadows not wanting to be seen right now.
"Karai, it's okay, they're our friends." Spike whispered to her.
"I know.. but i'm.. to dangerous for them.. i could.. hurt them.." Karai said in fear of that outcome.
"I know, but we're both the same mutant, i've been pushing past any urges to harm them, i'm sure you can too." Spike said trying to help her.
"I just don't know if i can Spike.. i just don't know.." Karai said looking down regretfully.

Raph and Donnie were searching for them still looking worried.
"So what are we gonna do when we find her? Invite her back to the lair for pizza?" Raph asked mockingly.
"That's a good question. The retro mutagen still isn't finished." Donnie said looking around, but he suddenly heard a Kraang droid and turned around and saw a group of them.
"Oh great, another Kraangdroid party." Raph said drawing his weapons.
"And i thought things would be boring." Psiona said with a smug readying her cannon.
Take em down before they alert more" Leo ordered drawing his swords.

But before they could fight the droids, Karai and Spike slithered into the group and hissed at all of them.
"Back off freaks!" Spike hissed drawing his plasma sword. Spike dodged some more gunfire and sliced multiple bots to pieces while Karai used her snake arms to cut off their parts and Spike did the same thing. Spike hissed even more and released another stream of fire and burnt down the rest of the group .

"Um.. thanks guys?" Donnie said nervously as Karai hissed at him, Spike clutched his head in pain as he was starting to feel the mutagen affecting him.
"Guys.. my head.. it's not right.." Spike said weakly going over to Jaqueline and she held him up.
"What's going on with you Spike?" Jaqueline asked worried as his voice sounding off.
"They're becoming more snake like, Spike's affect isn't as bad thanks to his powers, but he's still at risk of becoming more like a snake like Karai." Donnie said worried looking at them.
"How do we help my son? How do we help them both?" Psiona asked worried looking at Spike who tried focusing his mind.

Karai looked at all of them and finally recognized them all.
"Leo.. Spike.." Karai said weakly as she made a loud shriek of pain, they watched her turn back into her human form, but still showed signs of a snake.
"Help me.. please.." Karai begged making another hiss.
"Karai.." Spike said regretfully trying to help her.

"Come back with us Karai.." Leo begged trying to help her too.
"No.. too.. dangerous.." Karai said afraid of herself.

"I told ya i smelled turtles." Rahzar announced which alerted all of them, they looked up and saw Fishface and Rahzar looking down at them.
"Looks like they've made our job a whole lot easier." Fishface said taking out a taser, Karai turned back into her snake form and tried attacking him, but he dodged out of the way and strapped the taser around both her and Spike and they screamed in pain as they got tased badly.

"Spike!!" Jaqueline and Psiona shouted with worry and anger. Psiona screamed and delivered a strong punch to Fishface and knocked him down.
"Spike! Are you okay?!" Jaqueline asked worried helping him up.
"I'm.. okay.." Spike said weakly as he tried to move.
"Let's see you all get a whiff of poison!" Fishface shouted as he threw a smoke bomb which started filling the room with green gas.

"Poison gas! Everyone move!" Psiona shouted as they all tried to escape.
"We can't let them get away." Leo said as Mikey tried blowing the gas away, Zeck was scanning things from the rooftop and saw Rahzar carrying Karai.
"What is goings on Zeck?" Ivan asked frustrated as Zeck took off his glasses.
"Our bargaining chip, is about to come right through that door!" Zeck said excitedly as he slid across the rooftops and hopped downwards.

"Nice job back there amigo. I'll take her to master Shredder." Fishface said holding her body.
"Wait.. why do you get to take her to Shredder?" Rahzar asked mad at him.
"Because you are to big and bony to ride this bike." Fishface insulted.
"Watch it sashimi lips!" Rahzar warned pushing him back.
"Ey! Get your claws off me! " Fishface warned drawing his knife, but they were both to distracted at eachother to see Zeck hop onto the bike and start it.

"Thanks for the ride fellas!" Zeck mocked as he drove off quickly leaving the two feeling like idiots.
"Look, there she is!" Mikey shouted as they saw her being taken away.
"No Karai.." Leo said regretfully as they saw her be dragged off.
"No.." Spike said really worried for her, he tried to recover from that taze he was hit with, but was still weak from it.

Ivan was waiting for Zeck and could see him coming up with Karai with him.
"Oh ho! Is nice work, comrade Zeck! You get snake girl, and steal cool looking motor scooter" Ivan said amazed at his work.
"I barely made it big S, these streets are full of Kraang. Let's dial up Shredder and get the heck out of dodge." Zeck said as Ivan got out his phone, but Zeck saw a cockroach on his shoulder.

"Hi, is Steranko." Ivan said on the phone, Zeck tried getting it off him but he was pushed away.
"You got a cockroach on your dang.." Zeck said before Ivan shushed him.
"Stop it, shush! Is Shredder!" Ivan whispered holding out the phone again.
"We has your snake daughter, make deal. Da, at the docks, one hour. Dasvindayia" Ivan said as he hung up and turned back to him.
"All is according to plan." Ivan said as the cockroach could be seen on his shoulder with a camera on it..

Spike and the others made it to the docks and appeared on the craters in a flash of lightning all having white eyes again.
"Donnie, you sure they're here?" Leo asked him.
"I planted a whole bunch of spy roaches on Steranko during the fight. I'm sure he ate most of them, but there's still one little guy left." Donnie said looking at a camera.
"You went back to spy roaches? Do you not remember the last time that happened?" Spike asked annoyed that he did that.
"Yeah, one got mutated, and the Earth was almost destroyed because of it." Raph said annoyed as well.

"You faced a mutant cockroach? Gross." Psiona said in disgust landing down next to them.
"That sounds like a nightmare." Jaqueline said in agreement with this.
"Oh you have NO idea how ugly it was." Raph said still shuddering at that memory.

"You guys mind telling me who these guys are by the way? I don't think i met them before." Spike asked curious on who they were facing.
"Oh right, you were busy comforting Splinter when Karai was being held by Shredder." Mikey said recalling that he didn't know about Zeck stealing Shredder's helmet a few months back.
"Quiet guys, they're definitely down there." Donnie whispered as they could see Zeck looking around.

"So, the thief who stole from me desires to make a deal. Where is Karai?" Shredder asked in a demanding voice, Zeck pointed over to another building and he saw Ivan coming out with Karai trying to escape. Shredder gripped his hands with rage seeing them hold her like this.

"You get us out of city safe, you get girl. That is deal." Ivan offered.
"I don't make deals." Shredder said mad at them as Rahzar and Fishface came onto the scene.
"But perhaps this is the exception, give me Karai, and you will leave this city alive." Shredder threatened.

"Let her go! And we'll let all of you walk out of here alive!" Leo threatened as he drew his sword and Spike made a loud hiss.
"Leave her alone!" Spike shouted with anger as Psiona and Jaqueline jumped into the air along with the other turtles.

Fishface attacked Zeck who flipped away from his attack.
"Back off fish man!" Zeck warned as he engaged in battle with him.

Shredder was fighting against the turtles until Psiona landed down and towered over him.
"So, your the monster who mutated my son.." Psiona said cracking her knuckles and had white eyes looking down at him.
"And your his mother, i must say, i didn't expect you to be alive." Shredder mocked drawing his blades.
"And i'll make sure you aren't when i'm done with you." Psiona threatened as she made a dinosaur roar and delivered a strong punch to his chest and knocked him to a crater.

Spike and Jaqueline were trying to save Karai as Rahzar faced Ivan.
"It's simple, give her to me, and the pain will stop." Rahzar threatened holding Karai with a collar.
"How about another option?!" Jaqueline shouted as she threw a ninja star at the collar and cut it off, Spike landed down next to Ivan and whipped him away from her.
"Karai, let's go!" Spike hissed as he was helping her escape.
"No!" Ivan and Rahzar shouted trying to go after them, but Jaqueline stood in the way and drew a hammer she was given.
"You want them, you'll have to go through me!" Jaqueline shouted as she charged at them with rage.

Fishface was still fighting Zeck who was dodging his attacks in a dancing way.
"That's right! Put your weight on it home fish!" Zeck mocked firing multiple lasers at him.
"You talk to much! And that says a lot coming from me!" Fishface countered as he landed on a barrel which exploded sending him into the air, Zeck bent down and charged up a blast with his hair and sent him flying down into the water.
"Whoo! Sham on! uh sham on!" Zeck said in victory as he danced around and was about to leave, but Fishface emerged from the ground below and kicked him in the face when his guard was down.

Zeck went flying into a wall and groaned in pain.
"That's better, i can finally hear myself think again." Fishface said relived and resumed fighting him.

Psiona was dodging each of the Shredder's slashes easily as he kept getting more frustrated.
"Your supposed to be the leader of the Foot clan? I never thought they needed a coward to lead them!" Psiona mocked as she turned her arm into a blade and slashed against his own.
"Don't you mock me! I've been serving my clan with honor for years! What honor do you have?! Your just a failed mother, who wasn't able to raise his son! At least i raised Karai like a father!" Shredder mocked as he was being pushed back by her strength, this triggered something in her and she growled even more.

"Shut up!!!" Psiona screamed as she delivered a powerful punch to his face and sent him flying into a wall which knocked off his helmet.
"You kidnapped Karai as a child, your not a father, your not a warrior! You.. are not.. a leader! Your pathetic, you hide under that mask because your afraid of showing your face! And i will make you pay for mutating my own child!" Psiona shouted as she turned her arm into a cannon again and charged it up, Shredder growled with anger and put his helmet back on and drew his blades again. Leo and the others joined her side and drew her weapons.

Spike made sure they weren't followed and looked at Karai.
"Karai, things are too bad here, you need to leave, do not let them take you." Spike said worried for her. Karai made a weak hiss and pointed somewhere.
"Comet... Comet." Karai said pointing at the city.
"Comet? What are you talking about?" Spike asked confused as she gave him another hug again.
"Find me Spike, please be safe." Karai told him before she jumped into the water.

"Karai.." Spike said worried for her.
"No! My daughter!" Shredder said with rage.
"She is not your daughter!" Spike hissed drawing his weapon.
"I raised her! I cared for her! She is mine!!" Shredder said drawing his blades too.
"No your not, your nothing but a broken man! And will only go down even more!" Spike countered as he threw some smoke bombs at Shredder.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw they were all gone.
"What?!" Shredder asked furious as he saw they were gone and saw Ivan and Zeck were being held by Rahzar and Fishface.
"Someone must pay for this! Take them to Stockman's laboratory!" Shredder ordered.

Spike and the others made it to the other side and were taking a rest.
"Son, are you okay?" Psiona asked as Spike rubbed his head.
"What happened to Karai?" Jaqueline asked helping him up.
"She's okay, she gave me a clue to where she is. She pointed east, and said comet.." Spike said as they all looked at the city.
"Comet.." Leo said trying to think of what that meant..

Zeck and Ivan were brought to Stockman's lab and they could see a huge tank of mutagen in the middle of the whole place. Stockman flew over to a console to get things ready while the two looked around in shock.
"Some excellent DNA to be spliced with don't you think" Fishface mocked as Zeck could see he had a warthog DNA on a computer and Ivan's was of a rhino.
"Heh heh, i wouldn't wanna be a warthog." Rahzar mocked laughing at this.

Zeck took off his glasses and looked horrified.
"I don't wanna be a mutant i'm to handsome! The ladies love me!" Zeck said terrified of this.
"You stole my sacred helmet. Hunted my daughter, your fates our sealed." Shredder said coming out of the shadows.
"No no! Shredder! How long have we known eachother? It is ten years! huh?" Ivan asked not wanting this to happen. Stockman made some adjustments and put the warthog DNA in the mutagen.

"Anton Zeck is first. For stealing the Kuro Kabuto." Shredder ordered. Zeck looked terrified as he was on the edge of the tank.
"Can we talk about this g?!" Zeck begged before he was pushed into the mutagen finally. Ivan looked on with horror as he watched his comrade scream in pain within the tank, his body twitched and turned as the mutagen turned him into a Warthog mutant, the tank opened up and Zeck fell into a net that caught him as he was now mutated fully.
"Oh no! Look at me! I'm a dang warthog!" Zeck said terrified looking at himself.

"And now, Ivan Steranko, my" Old friend." Your animal is apropos." Shredder said as his creature came on screen.
"Let us become reasonable! I am more useful to you as normal guy! Not mutant!" Ivan begged, Shredder looked over to his men and they nodded in understanding. Rahzar knocked Ivan into the mutagen and he screamed as he fell into it.

Zeck watched in horror from below as Ivan was being mutated completely as well, the tank opened up and Ivan came falling down completely mutated into a rhino like mutant.
"Oh.. don't feel so well.. Oh Nyet.. look at me!!" Ivan said in horror.
"They've turned us into freaks!" Zeck shouted as he and Ivan made roars of anger.

Spike's head suddenly hurt as he could feel something was wrong.
"Spike? Are you okay?" Donnie asked worried as they were making they're way back to the base.
"No.. something's wrong.. somethings very wrong.." Spike said worried as he could feel something off..

Author's Note:

Hey guys, i hope you liked this! I just wanna clear up that Spike doesn't know Ivan and Zeck, because he was to busy comforting Splinter when Karai was held captive, so he doesn't know them, and they don't know him, so he needed to be informed by the turtles. And while Spike is a psychic and his mind wasn't as affected by the mutagen as Karai, it's still affecting him, and i'll make sure he tries controlling himself. It's really cool that they introduced Bebop and Rocksteady here, as i thought they were fun characters in this show, and i just hope you look forward to more of this and have a great day!

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