• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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52: Battle for New York part 2

Spike and the turtles were in the blimp with Psiona flying besides them, they were heading to the TCRI building to get to Dimension X right now.

"So do we even have a plan here or are we just winging it for laughs?" Raph asked landing down next to Leo.
"It's all on the Mighty Mutanimals, first they brake into TCRI, then Doctor Rockwell activates the portal." Donnie explained as Mikey hanged upside down.
"And then it's back to Dimension X! Yeah boy! I get to be smart again!" Mikey said excitedly.

"I get the first part it makes sense, it's the save millions of New Yorkers part i don't get." Raph said still confused.
"Well Donnie's got his super retro mutagen. That'll work, uh.. right Donnie?" Leo asked hopefully.
"Heck yeah! And once change the humans back, Rockwell will home in on us with the Kraang portal, and teleport us all back to Earth.. hopefully.." Donnie said nervously.
"Yep, we're doomed." Raph said crossing his arms.

"I can't believe i'm going back to Dimension X, i never wanted to see that vile place again.." Psiona said as she could see the building in the distance.
"You spent years there right? And you said you knew Subprime, what happened there?" Spike asked as he rid on her back.
"It wasn't pleasant memories Son, with the monsters that are there, i had spent decades in there, fighting for my life, and i made myself a feared name within the Kraang, some would call me.. The Bringer of Death." Psiona said dramatically.
"Oho! Now that is a cool name!" Mikey said amazed.
"You took control of all those bots back there, how did you do that?" Donnie asked recalling what she did.

"My powers are beyond Rockwell's in what they can do, i was born with these, it's still unknown why i was though, even my own parents didn't know how.." Psiona said interested in all of this.
"Well, from the research i've done with April and Spike, they're not just normal , they're half alien mutants, and i'm guessing you had the same blood of this alien species." Donnie suggested which could be true.
"That could explain some things, but what i want to know is what these aliens were, and how they bonded their powers with my own blood.." Psiona said flying next to the blimp.
"Well i hope we find out soon, let's just hope Jaqueline and the Mutanimals can get that portal open." Spike prayed as they waited for the right moment.

Inside the TCRI building, the door to the portal room was burst down as Jaqueline and the Mutanimals arrived to activate it.
"What's up punks?!" Jaqueline shouted twirling her hammer around.
"Aw Kraang.." A droid said in shock.
"Mutanimals, ho!" Slash shouted as all of them charged at the bots.

Leatherhead began tearing through the bots with Jaqueline, Jaqueline smashed a bots head to pieces before doing a backflip and smashing another group down, Leatherhead came in the fight and grabbed her, he twirled her around like a cyclone and Jaqueline tore down more bots with him.
"For the Earth!!" Jaqueline shouted as Leatherhead made another loud roar.

"Doc! Get that portal up pronto!" Slash ordered as he tore through more bots to let Rockwell get to it.
"Hacking in now!" Rockwell said as he quickly typed on the console.
"Doc! Hurry it up!" Slash shouted as he blocked more gunfire with his shell and threw some bread to the bot who looked at it.
"Bread! Give me bread!" Pete shouted as he slammed down on the bot and took it down while Rockwell finished with the computer.
"The portal is up!" Rockwell shouted as the portal began to activate.
"Go get em Spike!" Jaqueline shouted as she chomped another bots head off.

The portal shot a beam into the sky which lead into Dimension X.
"Yes! They did it!!" Mikey said in victory.
"Unbelievable!" Leo said completely amazed.
"Hoist the mizzenmast lads! This pirate ships about to jack Dimension X!" Raph said seriously.
"Ready your oxygen converters guys!" Donnie instructed as all of them put them in, Spike put his in and saw Psiona didn't have one.

"Mom? You need one?" Spike asked as he held a spare out for her.
"I'll be fine, decades of time in that place and the experiments i went through allowed me to breath that worlds air normally, i have no need for it." Psiona said moving it away a little.
"Well.. i'll keep it just in case." Spike said putting it away.
"Booyakasha!!!" Mikey shouted as all of them began to fly into the portal heading to it..

Subprime had recovered from Psiona's attack and saw them heading to the portal.
"So those turtle freaks they can go into my home turf? Especially Psiona and that blasted son of hers?! Forget about it!" Subprime shouted as he took off into the skies after them. ( Gilbert Gottfried really was the best choice to play this character huh? What a legend).

Everyone screamed as they went spiraling around the portal again until they appeared in Dimension X again.
"Ugh.. i'll never get used to that.." Psiona said rubbing her head.
"Tell me about it.." Spike said shaking his head too as they saw they were back in Dimension X once again.
"Well.. welcome back to Dimension X." Leo announced as all of them got up. The camera pans upside down and they saw they were upside down before going back to normal as they saw tons of islands again.

"Phew.. well that's.. 23% better.." Donnie said a little relieved.
"Well i got a way of making it a thousand times better." Mikey said as Raph groaned in annoyance.
"Mikey!" Donnie said annoyed as all of them were blinded by a smoke bomb ,and when it cleared, he somehow was in his suit he had from the first time they saw him here.

"Savage Mikey from Dimension X returns!" Mikey announced.
"Again with the costumes?!" Raph shouted annoyed with that.
"How did you even have those clothes with you?" Spike asked surprised.
"And how did you get so much of the crystals here too?" Psiona asked as well as he had more on his belt.
"A ninja never reveals his secrets." Mikey said casually crossing his arms.

"Let's just go with it. So uh Savage Mikey, where do you think the Kraang are keeping all the captive humans?" Leo asked wanting to move things along.
"Hold on, i can sense them nearby with my organic antenna." Mikey said as he focused on where they were much to they're confusion.
"Is he always like this?" Psiona asked looking at Spike who shrugged in response.
"That way!" Mikey shouted pointing in a specific direction.
"You heard him Donnie, full speed ahead!" Raph shouted as all of them started heading off to save the humans..

"We gotta keep that portal open! For the sake of the city!" Slash shouted as he and the others were fighting off the Kraang still.
"It's impossible! They just keep coming! And we're getting low on sourdough!" Pete shouted as he tried flying away from the lasers.
"Don't give up! We can keep going!" Jaqueline shouted as she smashed another down.

But things got tougher when the TCRI assistant entered the room with a couple Biodroids.
"Biodroids, Irmabots" She said as more clones of Irma came into the room.
"We are in a staggeringly phenomenal amount of danger." Rockwell said in fear as they were outmatched.
"Destroy the mutants!" She shouted as all the bots charged at them.
"Mutanimals! Don't let em near Rockwell!" Slash shouted as all of them proceeded to fight bots.

Jaqueline and Leatherhead tore through more bots the best they could as Pete was being overwhelmed by the Irmabots, Slash was trying to save him until a Biodroid came in and smashed him to the wall. Rockwell lifted up some guns with his powers and fired at more of them, but the Irma bots all stacked into a pyramid and the assistant jumped off them and hit Rockwell with a plasma whip which knocked off his helmet.
"My psychic Amplifier!" Rockwell said with fear as a Biodroid climbed up and grabbed him.
"Rockwell!" Jaqueline shouted with worry as she started being overwhelmed by the bots herself.

Spike and the others were flying through Dimension X still and were searching for the humans.
"So where are all the people? Feels like we've been searching forever.." Leo asked as he held out a telescope.
"You got any idea where we're going Mikey? For real?" Raph asked looking down from the top of the blimp.
"Of course i do dudes.." Mikey assured until they found a familiar alien worm charging at them.

"These freaks again?!" Spike asked in shock.
"It's a Kraathatrogon! Everyone man they're stations!" Donnie shouted as Raph got to a cannon.
"I've dealt with these freaks before! Hang on!" Psiona shouted as she made a loud roar at the monster, the monster roared back at her and that gave her the opportunity to shoot fire right into it's mouth, the monster chocked violently and roared in pain.
"You ain't so fireproof on the inside huh?" Psiona asked as the monster flew away .
"Wow, again mom, you never cease to amaze me." Spike said surprised on how quickly she made work of that thing.
"Hmph, i could've done that too." Mikey said a little jealous crossing his arms.

Donnie looked over the area and saw a large building.
"Guys, look!" Donnie shouted which alerted them all.
"This just keeps getting worse and worse and worse.." Leo said with fear as they saw the humans being forced to mine crystals.
"Let me got, the humans that were mutated have been turned into servants and are mining crystals for the Kraang." Mikey suggested in a casual voice.
"Mikey.. you never cease to amaze me.." Leo said as all of them looked at him.

"Eh, i'm sweet like that dudes." Mikey said casually.
"So we figure out a way to turn the humans back." Raph suggested as Donnie finished the plan.
"And then the Mutanimals figure out a way to bring us home." Donnie finished.
"It doesn't seem possible..." Leo said worried on all of this.
"Dudes, it's the mighty Mutanimals, the operative word being Mighty! They got it all under control." Mikey assured as we see them being overwhelmed.
"I don't know.. i feel somethings wrong.." Spike said worried on this as Slash knocked another droid away.

"Rockwell! Leatherhead! Take down that robot now!" Slash ordered as he was struggling against another Biodroid. Leatherhead roared with rage and quickly charged over to the bots, the Irmabots tried taking him down, but Leatherhead tore them in half and tried climbing up to save him, but more droids grabbed his legs and slammed him to the other side. Leatherhead saw a bot on the floor and picked it up, he roared once again and tried using it to take them down until a droid restrained him.
"Let me go beast!" Leatherhead shouted right before another Biodroid slammed on him.
"Leatherhead!" Jaqueline shouted with horror as she was being cornered by the bots, Slash took down the last bot and saw his team was being overwhelmed.

"No! My team!" Slash said with horror as Rockwell was restrained.
"Give up mutant! Or your friends will perish." The assistant threatened ready to shoot Rockwell.
"Slash! You can't let them shut down the portal! The Turtles, Spike and Psiona will be trapped in Dimension X!" Rockwell shouted with fear, Slash was surrounded by even more droids and he had no choice, he dropped his mace signaling his surrender.
"No!" Jaqueline shouted with horror as the assistant turned off the portal.
"My friends.. no!" Slash shouted with horror as they were all overwhelmed by now..

Spike and the others were on the island still looking over the mutated humans.
"Looks like the Kraang have the human hybrids on those three islands." Leo said as he held out a telescope again.
"Those islands are huge man! I mean how are we gonna turn all those mutants back into people?" Raph asked frustrated.
"I don't know.. we just need a way.." Spike said trying to think of something.
"Don't worry guys, we just need to find a massive amount of mutagen and convert it into Retro Mutagen with this!" Donnie said holding out the container.

"Oh is that all? Let me just milk a few thousands Kraang worms." Raph said sarcastically.
"I bet that thing has a ton of mutagen inside of it!" Mikey said pointing to a Technodrome in the sky.
"A Technodrome? Mikey.." Leo said not liking this at all.
"I know, don't say it, i'm a genius." Mikey said proud of himself.

"I was going to say your crazy! Steal a Technodrome?!" Leo asked mad at this.
"How can we even hack into that thing?" Spike asked not liking this idea either.
"Don't worry, i have my ways around here, why don't we just borrow some of those Stealth ships over there?" Psiona asked pointing to a bunch of them.
"Wow.." Spike said in surprise seeing them all there.
"This is so crazy i'm starting to like this plan!" Raph said impressed.
"Alright guys, stay frosty, and keep quiet. And all those other things Leo likes to say." Mikey said landing in front of all of them.

All of them jumped off the ledge but screamed as the gravity moved them upwards and they landed on the island nearby the ships. They all peaked behind some crystals and saw the ship nearby.
"Okay team, on my signal.." Leo said before Mikey interrupted again.
"It'll be this Caw Caw! Caw caw! And we'll sneak inside the ship!" Mikey said confidently until Subprime flew right next to them.
"That sounds like a great idea!" Subprime mocked as Psiona started getting angry once again.
"You!" Psiona said with rage as he landed down.
"That's right mutant freaks! Kraang Subprime returns! You like that don't you? You like this?!" Subprime shouted as he struck poses in front of all of them.

"I've had about enough of you!!" Psiona screamed as she shattered a large crystal and threw it's pieces right at him.
"Ha! You missed!" Subprime mocked as they didn't hit him.
"Did i?" Psiona asked crossing her arms, Subprime looked down and saw the crystals were right below him, Mikey made a loud sound which made the crystals explode and knocked him off the platform.
"You did it guys!" Raph said amazed with them.
"Come on, let's go!" Psiona shouted as all of them got into the Stealth ship.

"Get this thing moving D!" Raph shouted which spooked him a little.
"I'm starting it, i'm starting it!" Donnie said annoyed as the ship was powering up.
"So you really know how to fly this thing?" Leo asked confused at this.
"I do, everyone hang on." Psiona said as she took control of the ship which took off instantly.

Subprime groaned in pain as he finally woke up again and called his soldiers.
"Kraang Subprime to base! Turtles and Psiona have hijacked a stealth ship!" Subprime shouted as droids were listening from a communication room.
"What are the orders that Kraang Subprime wishes to order as an order to.." A droid asked which annoyed him.
"Oy.. just shut up already. Do me a favor and unleash the Dracodroid!" Subprime ordered, some hatches opened and we see the Kraang bring out a giant two headed robot dragon into the room, two Kraang droids took control of it and started taking after them at fast speeds.

The ship was flying through Dimension X and Spike and the others were almost there.
"So, what are we gonna do when we reach the Technodrome huh? Anyone thought that far ahead?" Raph asked looking over everyone.
"Um.. not really.." Donnie said as he didn't think of this.
"Um guys.. i think we got bigger badder problems, look!" Leo shouted as they all saw the robot flying to them.
"A dracodroid! Everyone hang on! Mikey take control of this thing!" Psiona shouted as she put Mikey in front of the console.

"Everyone brace yourselves!" Mikey shouted as they all were being chased by the robot dragon through the Dimension, they all flew through more island until they came upon an area with a ton of metal bars floating around.
"Strap your shells in tight bros! Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as they flew through the bars and were getting closer to the Technodrome, Psiona opened the hatch and stood onto the ship as the robot dragon chased after them.

"Keep it steady!" Spike shouted as Psiona began to take aim at them. Psiona put on her armor again and began taking a deep breath, she roared with rage as she shot a powerful fireblast right at the robot and split the heads and the aliens in half completely, the droid stopped in mid air and split apart before it exploded from the damage.
"Everyone brace yourselves!" Mikey shouted as all of them screamed while they went crashing straight into the Technodrome.

We cut back to TCRI as Jaqueline and everyone was trying to escape.
"Let us out! I swear when i break these walls down, i'll.." Slash said with rage before Leatherhead came in to calm him down.
"It is useless my friend." Leatherhead said sadly as he sat down on the wall, Jaqueline had her eyes closed and was meditating besides Rockwell trying to do something.
"It's my fault we got captured! Maybe Leonardo was right.. maybe.. i'm not fit to lead this team.." Slash said ashamed of himself.
"I have seen you rescue humans from the Kraang, rescued your fellow mutants. You are a good soul Slash." Leatherhead assured as he sighed in response.
"Thank you, but if we can't save the Turtles and Spike, all the people of New York are doomed.. we failed.." Slash said in defeat.

"Oh! I'm losing it guys! The walls are too cramped! I have to go to the bathroom!" Pete said trying to escape before Rockwell slapped him.
"Calm down man, Jaqueline and i are trying to focus... Om... Om..." Rockwell said calmly to himself as he tried focusing his mind.

Jaqueline found herself within the black void of dreams again and looked around.
"If i can enter ones dreams.. then maybe i can do the same with the Kraang.." Jaqueline told herself as she could feel the minds of the Kraang around her. She focused her mind the best she could in order to enter they're dreams, she could see the horrific things they've done to dozens of creatures, but she was trying to push on to reach they're minds.

Kraang droids were in the Technodrome and they saw the ship crashed into the hallways. The hatch opened and Mikey and Psiona came down and slashed through the bots easily.
"Come on!" Psiona shouted as all of them quickly ran into the core room and Raph slammed the doors shut.
"We made it, wow, that was easy!" Raph said impressed at this.
"Don't count on it.." Psiona said with a low growl, Raph turned around and they saw dozens of more Kraang droids within the core room.
"Aw.. Kraang.." Raph said annoyed as they all drew they're weapons.

"Everyone, attack!" Leo shouted as all of them charged at the bots.
"Leo, i'm leader in Dimension X!" Mikey shouted as he wrapped a chain around the huge tank of mutagen and knocked a droid away, Spike hissed at more of the bots and was tearing through them with his snake hands with rage.
"This is for my mother!!" Spike screamed as he released a large stream of fire on the droids.
"This is for taking my son from his home!!" Psiona screamed as well as she rid on the rotating blades and was cutting through all the bots herself, Mikey jumped on two floating pods and held out two guns.
"Oh yeah! Check me out!" Mikey said with joy as he floated all around the center and shot down all the flying droids until the room was empty.

"Mikey, that was amazing!" Raph said amazed as Mikey flew down to them.
"Dimension X, plus years of video games, equals Mikey awesomeness!" Mikey said proudly.
"Great let's just get this thing moving. Donnie what do we got?" Leo asked as he was near the console.
"Good news, we have access to the mutagen supply through this fuel tube. Not only do they use it to terraform, they use it to power the ship, we got a massive supply!" Donnie said amazed as the whole thing was huge. Mikey was randomly pressing all over the button controls and somehow managed to activate the ship.
"Wow.. he is completely different here isn't he?" Psiona asked Spike who nodded his head in response.
"Yes! She's moving! Let's save New York!" Mikey announced as he took control of the ship and began moving.

Slash and the others were looking over Rockwell and Jaqueline wondering what was happening.
"What are they doing?" Slash asked curious.
"Focusing, without Rockwell's psychic amplifier, his powers are greatly diminished, Jaqueline is a Dream Beaver, so she must be trying to enter they're minds too." Leatherhead said as she focused deeply, her chest symbol began to glow blue as she raised out her hand.

In the void, she was surrounded by dozens of different brains and focused her powers.
"I am a Dream Beaver, but i am not like my brothers." Jaqueline told herself as she used her powers to enter the Kraang's minds.

The droids suddenly stopped doing what was told and they're eyes started to flicker to blue.
"Let us go.." Jaqueline ordered and one of them did so, a floating Kraang head went over to a console and the other droid pressed on it which let them all go. Jaqueline opened her eyes and saw they were free.
"Yes!" Jaqueline said in victory as she stood up.
"You both did good." Slash said patting they're backs.
"Freedom!!!" Leatherhead shouted as all of them jumped out and attacked the bots who weren't under control.
"We still have to activate that portal!" Rockwell shouted as Jaqueline got back her hammer and smashed another brain on the ground.

Spike and the others were flying through Dimension X and could see the island of humans ahead.
"We have a visual on the human hybrids Donatello. We need to have that portal ready." Leo said as Donnie held out the Retro mutagen.
"Give me two seconds, i gotta have the Retro mutagen ready." Donnie explained as he inserted it into the ship, but that caused the ship to power down and come to a grinding halt.

"Something's wrong, what's going on?" Spike asked worried on this.
"I told you, the Technodrome runs on Mutagen, the engines just can't take Retro mutagen captain!" Donnie said in fear, Psiona scoffed and she and Mikey walked up to the console.
"Not necessarily , Psiona and i just need to alter the ships fuel converters, tweak the quantum defiblitrons, and.." Mikey said as Psiona pressed on the console and the ship powered on, now having an orange glow around the area.
"We are up and running." Psiona announced as the ship became orange instead of pink.

"Guys your.." Raph said in shock of what they just did.
"A genius i know.." Mikey said a little annoyed.
"Wasting time! Get this thing moving! We have to save the humans already!" Raph shouted with anger, they suddenly heard a saw go through the door and saw Subprime on the other side.
"Oh no you don't!" Psiona shouted as she activated her powers again.

She used her powers to slam Subprime through the walls and send him flying through the Technodrome.
"Donnie! We need the portal open now!" Psiona shouted as she was holding him back and Donnie took out his phone.
"Come in Doctor Rockwell, Doc! You there?! Anybody?!" Donnie asked trying to get a response.
"They can't be.." Spike said in fear as he hoped they weren't captured.
"Great.. if the Mutanimals can't transport us back, then this rescue mission is cancelled." Raph said annoyed at this.
"And us going home.." Leo added as they thought they were done.

Jaqueline and the others were tearing through the rest of the bots as Rockwell was getting to the console.
"Just do it already!" Slash shouted while Pete flew him over to the computer.
"Now, if we can transform the portal into a 3 dimensional coordinate locked beam.." Rockwell told himself before he heard a loud thud and saw the assistant standing over him. Slash wasn't having this now and threw his mace right at her and took her to the ground, Jaqueline finished her off by smashing her head with the hammer.
"We're clear!" Jaqueline shouted as the bots were all down.
"Yes! The portal is a go!" Rockwell announced as the building shot a beam into the sky again.
"Yes, we did it!" Slash said in victory as they all saw the portal.

Donnie had his phone out until Rockwell came onto the screen.
"Donatello we are back online, 30 seconds till we teleport you home." Rockwell reported.
Yes!" Spike said relieved as they were gonna do it.
"Sending coordinates now, adjusting for fifth dimensional space.." Donnie said as he locked onto the people.
"There they are.. the hybrids!" Mikey said as they were on the console.
"So many of them.." Psiona said with worry as she could feel Subprime approaching.
"Raph, you got the Retro mutagen ready?" Spike asked turning to him.

"Locked and loaded!" Raph said taking aim at them.
"Fire!" Leo and Mikey shouted at once. The Technodrome glowed brightly and shot a beam over the entire island of mutated humans, which caused all of them to finally return back to normal
"Sweet skills Raph." Mikey said impressed at his work.
"We're not out of this mess yet." Raph replied as Subprime was sawing through the door still.
"I'm just getting started, i'll make you all suffer!" Subprime said menacingly.

"Donnie we need those humans teleported now" Leo shouted turning to him.
"I'm on it!" Donnie shouted as he used the portal and teleported the humans home who almost suffocated from the air.
"We did it!" Spike said as Psiona smiled at all of their happiness.
"We're gonna do it, we can!" Psiona said with confidence. But the victory was halted when Subprime finally burst down the door.

"Surprise! Forget about me turtles?" Subprime teased as more droids marched into the room.
"Okay let's start beaming particles Donnie!" Raph said quickly getting ready again. Psiona roared at all of the droids and was tearing through them all, Spike sliced multiple droids apart with his sword and was flipping over the gunfire.
"I've dealt with you for long enough!!" Psiona screamed as she lunged at Subprime.
"You won't escape me Psiona! Kraang Subprime will not fall!" Subprime shouted as she blocked his saw again.

"Hmph, you traitor, you call yourself honorable? I should've eaten you for lunch for what you did to those bots, following orders from a large Egotistical monster, you know your pathetic, isn't that right Kraang.. Sub Subprime?" Psiona mocked which made him even more mad.
"Don't call me that Psiona! I hate that name!!!" Subprime shouted with rage. Spike hissed at Subprime and wrapped around his suit.
"This is for my mother! And taking me from my home!!" Spike screamed as he threw him off the ledge and his suit was being cut to pieces.

"Raph!" Spike shouted as he was aiming at the other humans.
"I'm on it Spike!" Raph shouted as was getting ready.
"There's one last island guys, we got enough Retro mutagen?" Mikey asked worried.
"Down to 10%." Donnie reported, Raph and Mikey looked at eachother in understanding before he shot the last beam at the last island which turned the last of the humans to normal and they were teleported away.

"Thats it, that's all the humans." Raph said letting go of the wheel.
"Sending the last coordinates, ours, get us our of here Rockwell" Donnie shouted from his phone.
"Confirmed!" Rockwell shouted as he locked in on them.

"No!! You will not get away with this Psiona!!" Subprime said with fury as he was climbing back up with his suit being torn up badly, Psiona growled with rage and turned her arm into a cannon again.
"We already have, sayonara traitor." Psiona said as she shot a powerful blast right to his suit and knocked him straight out of the room.
"Later sucker!!" Spike mocked as all of them were teleported away.
"No!! I was so close this time! So close!!!" Subprime said with rage as the alarm went off and he saw the ship was heading to an asteroid.
"Aw.. Kraang.." He told himself as the ship hit it and completely exploded leaving nothing left..

All of the humans were teleported back to New York trying to get they're bearings just as the droids themselves were teleported away for good. The power finally began to turn back on all over the city and the humans cheered in joy at being saved from the aliens, Spike and all the others were watching them from a rooftop.
"We really did it.." Spike said in awe as they won the day.
"We did son.. we really did.." Psiona said hugging him close and he embraced it.
"We are the best! Go ninja, go ninja go!!" Mikey said in victory.

April, Casey and Kurtzman were leaving the pizza place now that everything is normal again, April felt something and turned around and saw her dad looking for her.
"Dad? Dad!" April said in relief as she gave Kirby a hug who returned it in response.

"Finally, everything is gonna go back to normal.. well as normal as this city can get.." Donnie said in relief as they looked over the view.
"Yeah but what about the Mighty Mutanimals?" Raph asked with worry.
"What about us?" Leatherhead suddenly asked, they turned around and saw Jaqueline with the others completely fine.
"Spike!!" Jaqueline said in relief as she quickly gave him a hug.
"Jaqueline!" Spike said holding her close as well.

"Looks like our plan worked doctor." Donnie said coming up to Rockwell.
"Yes, and teleporting the Kraang back to Dimension X was a stroke of genius.." Rockwell replied as all of them were glad this was done for now.
"You gotta admit Leo, we couldn't have done it without Slash and his team." Raph said coming up to the two.
"You did great Slash, i'm sorry for doubting you. Everyone deserves a second chance." Leo said holding his hand out.
"I just modeled myself after the best leader i knew. You." Slash said proudly.

"Turtles, Spike, Psiona and Jaqueline, Mutanimals, it's time to celebrate!" Leo announced.
"Aw yeah!!" Spike said with so much excitement.
"Booyakasha!!!!" All of them shouted in victory as they had won the day and saved New York...

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I know there's a lot that's still needing to be covered with the characters, i have plans for Spike, his mom and Jaqueline, i have a lot planned for them. I'm glad you've all been liking this story a lot and i can't thank you all enough for you kind support. I know the new Cover art is kind of a spoiler for new viewers, and i apologize for that, but i wanted to get something new up as the old one wasn't doing much in my opinion. Again, huge thanks to Dragonknife5 for making it, and i'm glad you all are liking it, hope you liked this and look forward to more!

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