• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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61: The Creeping Doom

We open to another shot within the lair once again as Donnie is trying to work on the Brain Worm they retrieved. Donnie was trying to work on the chemicals while Spike and Jaqueline were helping him out before Mikey came in the room sliding on the chair.
"Whoa sweet! Hahaha! Where'd you guys get all the cool toys guys?" Mikey asked eagerly looking at them.
"They're not toys Mikey, it's a trophy shelf, they're.. collectables." Donnie answered while Mikey looked at all of them.
"We couldn't just give those away." Jaqueline said looking at the chemicals trying to get a proper sample.

"Is this the Kraang mind control thingy?" Mikey asked playfully making buzz sounds which started to annoy Donnie a little.
"Don't mess with that! We're trying to figure out how to reverse engineer this brain worm, not to mention we still have to find a way to restore Spike's form before he loses himself." Donnie said while Spike slithered up with some chemicals.
"I don't know why it took this long for the mutagen to start affecting me, but it won't be a problem that we can ignore, we have to find something." Spike said concerned getting different samples before Mikey saw a familiar jar.

"Ooh the Creep! Remember when Raph into a plant? Ha, good times." Mikey joked which made Spike shake his head.
"Yeah, the times where i was injured after fighting the Foot with Leo, and got this large scar from Shredder, and resulted with my voice becoming deeper, making me sound like an edgelord ." Spike said showing the large scar which went over his chest as battle damage.
"Edgelord?" Jaqueline asked confused on what that meant.
"Aw yeah, Snakeweed's claw! And is this one of Slash's spike, and this is the obur.. ober.." Mikey said looking at a familiar book.
"Obturaculum Somniorum, the book me and my brother's were trapped in for dozens of years." Jaqueline finished taking the book away, she looked at the book with sadness and just remembered what she went through when in there.

"You alright Jaqueline?" Spike asked worried coming up to her while Mikey kept playing with things in the background.
"Yeah.. just.. looking at this book brings back so many memories, and they aren't pleasant ones.." Jaqueline said sadly looking at it while Donnie got more annoyed.
"Do you ever miss them? Even if they weren't the best brothers?" Spike asked trying to comfort her.
"Sometimes i miss Dave, but the other's just always wanted to eat people in their dreams, i never wanted to, but sometimes i had to because i had no choice. I'm just glad to finally be behind all that." Jaqueline said relieved putting the book away.
"So how come you came out of the book large like Donnie, while the other's looked like plushies?" Spike asked curious wondering how that happened.
"It.. may have been a failsafe, since i was the only kind one of the group, the one who created us must've saw me as a way to stop my brother's in case they broke free. I don't know clearly, but it's the best answer i have." Jaqueline said as she went to hug Spike who hugged her back.
"Well, i'm glad to have met you either way, no matter what happens to me, i'll just be glad to know your safe." Spike said looking at her in the eyes.
"And i'm glad to have met a cute dragon like you.." Jaqueline said before she kissed Spike on the cheek making him chuckle nervously from that.

But they're little moment was stopped when they heard a loud crash and saw something drop on Donnie's head.
"Ow! Ooh! Now look at what you've done!" Donnie said annoyed holding his hand.
"You okay?" Mikey asked concerned getting back up.
"I'm fine, except you ruined days of work! I need to get some medicine, Spike, Jaqueline, do not let him touch anything!" Donnie said seriously walking out of the room.
"You can count on us bro, won't touch anything.." Mikey said leaning on the chair which made it slide over and fall down which made the trophy's shake.

"Oh no.." Spike said in fear as they were all moving off the ledge.
"Quick catch them!" Jaqueline shouted as they quickly went over to stop all of them from falling. Mikey put the Creep's jar near the chemicals were while the other two put them down to.
"Let's make it look like nothing happened!" Jaqueline said quickly putting the stuff back up with Mikey helping them too.
"Good thing i have a photographic memory, nice work guys." Mikey said proudly high fiving them.
"Come on, me and mom are gonna get back to me training my powers.." Spike said slithering out of the room with the others, but because the jar touched the chemicals, and was cracked, it began to glow strangely meaning something was wrong..

Some time passed from the jar's strong reaction, and it had broken open and it's remains were dripping onto the floor, ominous whispers were heard as a familiar monster begins to reform in the lab after months of being trapped..

Spike and the others were in the dojo once again, getting back to training.
"Your skills have much improved April, now see if you can defend against Leonardo." Splinter instructed gesturing to him while Spike and Psiona were practicing telekinesis.
"Don't think i'm going easy on you this time April." Leo said with a smile twirling his sword around.
"Bring it on!" April said confidently bringing out her weapon.
"Hajime!" Splinter announced. Leo and April clashed with eachother's weapons while Spike focused deeply to use his powers, he held up his snake hand to lift up some objects for practice.
"Focus your mind son, don't let anything cloud it.." Psiona said looking over him while Spike kept focus.
"2 against 2 huh? unfair fight if you ask me." Raph said as he and Jaqueline were fighting against Mikey and Donnie.
"Never hurts to have a fair fight you know?" Jaqueline asked sweeping Mikey's legs with her tail, Donnie had gotten distracted by seeing April train and sighed with a smile before Mikey was thrown right into him.
"Focus Donnie!" Jaqueline shouted getting back into her pose.

The familiar monster had now reformed within Donnie's lab, and brought it's vine's over to the chemicals which glowed upon being absorbed which was making the monster stronger. It got a pair of overalls that were on the shelf and soon heard noises outside, it made creepy breathing noises as it heard voices coming from the dojo.

Raph blocked more of Donnie's strikes and Donnie countered by grabbing his weapons and throwing one in the tree.
"Huh?" Raph asked confused looking up, Donnie seemed to be distracted as he saw a little leaf fall down which resulted in Raph flipping him over to the ground and slammed on his body making him flail around.
"Okay Raph, mercy! Quite fine, i surrender!" Donnie said trying to get Raph off him.
"Wow Donnie i thought you had me there for a second, but that was just embarrassing." Raph mocked right before he saw Splinter coming up to him with a glare which made him nervous and he released Donnie.

"You hesitated Donatello, why?" Splinter asked as Spike finished up his training, and was getting better at this telekinesis.
"I.. i know i should have countered, but i guess i just drew a blank.." Donnie said nervously not knowing what went wrong.
"It'll be okay Donnie, everyone get's distracted at one point." Spike assured as the two and April were walking out of the dojo.
"You okay Donnie?" April asked concerned as the creature was looking at them.
"I thought a little training would clear my head, i can't figure out this brain worm situation for Karai, and Spike's mind is getting more vulnerable, it's just to much to process right now." Donnie said as the Creep was watching them, and vanished as they passed by the camera.
"I know, it's concerned me too, i don't know if my mom will be able to help either.." Spike said concerned on this.
"Anything i can do to help?" April asked curiously as they walked to the lab.

"Yeah, i could use a fresh sample of your DNA.." Donnie said before they gasped in shock seeing the lab was trashed up badly.
"What? How did?!.. Mikey!" Donnie shouted annoyed thinking he caused this.
"It jumped off the shelf on his own...!!" Mikey shouted before he slipped off of something.
"What the? Whoa... okay i totally didn't do this.." Mikey said in defense looking at the spilled chemicals.
"So what did?" Spike asked worried looking at the place.
"I don't know, but i won't break anything, i promise!" Mikey said in defense as they all went to clean it up.

Mikey saw an old Kraang robot head and playfully mocked it's voice which made Spike and April laugh at.
"Nice one dude." Spike said chuckling at this .
"Very funny, just don't break anything else Raph, just don't spill anything or drop anything or.." Donnie said right before Mikey pointed out something.
"You just called me Raph dude, I'm Mikey." Mikey corrected.
"And your holding the broom upside down." Spike added as he held the brush upwards.
"I am? I thought i... ugh.. i have a bad headache.." Donnie said in pain.
"Let me get you some ice.." April said as she went to leave while Spike and Mikey looked over him.
"Something's not right.." Spike said concerned as his senses were warning him of something..

April went to the freezer to get some ice and their cat handed April an ice pack.
"Thanks ice cream kitty." April said gratefully taking it.
"Is everything alright April?" Splinter asked concerned walking into the kitchen.
"I don't know sensei, i'm sensing something's wrong with Donnie, but i can't figure it out.. maybe he's just distracted.." April suggested until she saw something behind Splinter.
"Hmm.. Donatello often puts to much burden on himself, sometimes the only solution arrives when they take a step back from the problem." Splinter advised once more.
"Thanks sensei." April said gratefully until they heard a little meow.
"Please close the freezer, ice cream kitty's beginning to melt." Splinter asked as they saw him almost melt.

Psiona was meditating in the dojo while Leo was practicing his sword play, but Psiona's senses went off warning her of something dark.
"Leo, something's wrong, something's here." Psiona growled getting up for what's coming.
"What? What's here?" Leo asked seriously as she saw a shadow loom over him.
"Behind you!!" Psiona shouted right before Leo saw the Creep grab and throw him to the tree.
"The Creep?!" Leo asked with anger before he drew his other sword and went to slash at it. Psiona roared with rage and charged at the monster.
"Get out of here!!" Psiona screamed before she delivered a strong punch to it's face which sent it flying to a wall which got the other's attention.

"You!" Raph shouted with fear and anger as they all saw the monster had reformed.
"What is that thing?!" Jaqueline asked before she dodged one of it's large arms and drew her hammer while the other's went to fight it too.
"The Creep is back?! How did it reform?!" April asked helping Leo out.
"You wanna get some of our mutagen?! Then you'll have to.." Raph shouted right before the thing's body was glowing a bright green.
"What.. what's it doing?" Raph asked shocked seeing this.
"I don't know but it's freaking me out dude!" Mikey said scarred as the thing roared at them.

Splinter and Psiona teamed up against the thing and Spike slithered away from it's attacks with fluidness.
"You got nothing new Creep?!" Spike shouted right before he breathed a stream of fire on it's arm making it scream in pain, Splinter and Psiona took this opportunity to give strong pressure point attacks to it, and Splinter threw it over his body which made Psiona deliver a massive cannon blast that shot it out of the dojo.
"Is everyone okay?" Splinter asked looking over his sons and friends.
"Hai sensei." They all said respectfully before they ran out to find where it is.

They ran into the lab and saw the doors were opened up meaning it had escaped somewhere.
"You gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed seeing this mess.
"That Creep! It must've been what trashed the lab. But how did it get out?" Donnie asked worried before Mikey came out and they got the same idea.
"Mikey!!" They both shouted with anger to him which made him more afraid.
"It wasn't my fault!" Mikey shouted crossing his arms as Splinter and the other's walked in too.

"Are you guys alright?" April asked worried for them.
"You took quite the hit." Jaqueline said worried for Donnie too.
"Don't worry, i think so.." Donnie said as he was looking around the lab strangely.
"And i think it took the Snakeweed claw too, what could it want with that?" Spike asked worried seeing it wasn't on the shelf.
"I don't know, but i got a bad feeling i know why.." Donnie said before he proceeded not to explain it which was concerning them.
"Yeah?" Raph asked trying to remind him to talk.
"Um.. wait.. what were we talking about again?" Donnie asked confused which surprised them in hearing this..

The Creep was walking through the sewers in one of the larger tunnels with the Snakeweed claw, it was seemingly transferring the mutagen into it as it was glowing in a strange way..

Donnie was looking at one of his chemical jars in a weird way before flicking it and it made a sound in response making Donnie chuckle.
"Okay Donnie, focus, we need to find the creep." Leo asked as they stood over him.
"The Creep is back?! Oh man my experiments!" Donnie said in shock which was just confusing now.
"Are you alright? Your acting more spaced out then Mikey?" Raph asked helping him back up.
"Hey!" Mikey said offended on that remark.
"That jar had the the brain worm serum you, Spike and Jaqueline were working on right?" April asked looking at it.

"Yeah, we worked 4 hours on that thing.." Spike said shaking his head on how long it too.
"That was until Mikey ruined it!" Donnie added looking frustrated with him. " And spilled some on me." Donnie added rubbing his hand again.
"I think that chemical did something to Donnie, that could explain why he's acting like this." Jaqueline suggested which sounded true.
"It may be, but we won't know unless we see more of it, come on, we gotta find that Creep!" Leo said as they all proceeded to head out of the lair again.

Spike and the other's got in the Shellraiser again and drove through the streets to try and find this monster.
"The trail is starting to run cold, what do you got Donnie?" Leo asked looking back at him. Donnie was typing on his computer, but wasn't searching for it, but was playing a game.
"Is that a.. video game?" April asked confused as he was playing Pong.
" What the heck are you doing man?!" Raph asked annoyed at this.
"Did you straight up forget what we're doing?" Spike asked worried for him as this wasn't like him at all.
"Just use your ooze scanner." Leo suggested which Donnie soon pulled out.

"Oh right, i just.. i just can't.. why won't this thing work?!" Donnie asked frustrated.
"Guys, i think Jaqueline was right, that chemical must've done something to Donnie." Leo declared as this was not normal.
"It affected the creep somehow too, did you see the look it gave us?" April asked while Donnie was out of it again.
"Yeah, it didn't look like it's usual mindless, sack of creep self." Raph said concerned on this.
"Then if it made the Creep smarter, why is Donnie getting.." Leo asked before Donnie shouted something.
"I got it!" Donnie shouted gleefully before he pressed on the power button and shut down the vehicle making it come to a screeching halt.

"This is getting annoying.." Spike said rubbing his head from this.
"Donnie have you lost your mind?!" Raph asked angry with him.
"What do you mean?" Donnie asked confused on this, April picked up the device and got a reading.
"Guys, the Creep's heading north on bleaker, just up ahead!" April reported holding it out.
"Raph, Mikey, Spike your with me! April and Jaqueline, keep an eye on Donnie." Leo instructed as Donnie was moaning in a weird way.
"You got it..." Jaqueline said concerned seeing this happen.

Spike and the other's went out of the Shellraiser leaving April and Jaqueline to tend to him.
"So what should we do with him?" Jaqueline asked worried looking at him.
"I don't know, but we should get this thing working, you remember how to start this thing?" April asked curious, Jaqueline tried to think of something and got an idea.
"I think you start it with this.." Jaqueline said as she moved Donnie aside and pressed on the Enter key which powered the Shellraiser back on.
"Great work, that wasn't... Donnie?!" April shouted as they saw he was suddenly gone.
"You have got to be kidding me.." Jaqueline said annoyed at this.

The trail that the Creep left behind lead it to an old looking planthouse.
"Remember, don't let the Creep touch you." Leo warned as they all looked over the house.
"Let's pay this thing back.." Spike said seriously drawing his plasma blade.
"Right behind you buddy.." Raph said before they all jumped off the rooftops and headed downwards to the house, they hid besides the doors to peak inside and saw the Creep with the Snakeweed arm. It glowed strangely and it somehow was opening making large vines start to come out of it.

"The Snakeweed Claw.." Leo said in fear as they saw this creepy thing happen.
"What is it doing?" Spike asked worried right before Donnie suddenly walked up to them.
"Hey guys, what up?! " Donnie announced before Spike coiled his tail around Donnie's mouth to shush him.
"Quiet!" Spike whispered not wanting to be seen right now, they looked back in the house and saw that a new Snakeweed was reformed somehow.

"This is bad.." Leo said with fear as the monsters turned to them.
"Whoa.. the Creep made a.." Mikey said before Donnie finished after pulling Spike's tail away.
"Son of Snakeweed!" Donnie declared.
"That's what i was gonna name it." Mikey said annoyed before the Snakeweed burst through the door and knocked them across the roof.
"Let's get it!!" Spike shouted drawing his blade as they all charged at Snakeweed while Raph looked at the Creep with rage.

"Where did these guys.. come from?!" Donnie asked worried as they were slicing apart the large vines.
"They're working together! Like in Swamp creatures 2!" Mikey shouted ducking under another slash.
"You watch way to many movies dude!" Spike shouted slashing another apart with his sword. Raph finally charged at the Creep with rage and repeatedly stabbed it in it's body multiple times before going for it's face which didn't seem to do anything. Snakeweed and the other's went right by Creep with Donnie looking afraid for a moment right as Raph vanished like the Creep did when they went by. The Creep was confused for a moment before Raph charged at him from the other side and leapt at him off the roof making him slam right into a pole through the chest which made it screech in pain.

Raph was about to leave before he suddenly sensed something, he turned around and saw the thing was suddenly gone somehow which worried him until the Creep appeared behind him and launched it's huge arms at Raph. Raph twirled away from the attack and now tried repeatedly stabbing it again and again like before across the roof, but this caused him to be tired out after multiple strikes.
"Alright.. give me your best shot.." Raph said bracing himself, the Creep grinned at him before it sent him flying across the roof to where the other's were fighting. Mikey was knocked back while Spike and Leo tried to fight still.
"Everyone, back to the Shellraiser!" Leo ordered ready to retreat.
"Tactical retreat guys!" Spike shouted blocking another attack before slithering off with the others.

"I don't understand! I can't think of anything!" Donnie shouted in fear as they climbed up to a higher ledge.
"If the Creep is after mutagen, maybe we can lure it into a trap!" Mikey suggested while Spike freed Leo from a vine.
"That's actually a good idea Mikey!" Raph said impressed as they ran over the rooftops again.
"You always make good choices at strange moments." Spike added running with them.
"Thanks, but we gotta use ourselves as bait." Mikey added before Leo's phone went off and he picked it up.
"Leo! Thank goodness, Donnie's gone!" April shouted worried for him.
"Is he with you guys?" Jaqueline asked from the other side too.
"We got em girls, did you get the Shellraiser working?" Leo asked hopefully getting an idea.

Mikey and Donnie ran another corner to hide as Leo and Spike kept fighting Snakeweed.
"Mikey, what's going on?!" Donnie asked worried hiding behind a dumpster.
"Chillax bro, stay put, i'll be right back.. come on Creepy Creep!" Mikey shouted drawing it forward.

"The alley! Draw them to the alley!" Leo shouted getting an idea to take them down.
"That'll work! Come on!" Spike shouted slithering besides him.
"Come on Salad faces this way!" Mikey shouted as the monsters were followed them.
"Come on! Come get some!" Raph shouted as they turned another corner which made the two follow them inside.
"Come here swap creatures!" Mikey shouted as they were right above them.
"This is our chance, Now!!" Spike shouted as the Shellraiser turned on it's lights ready to ram them until Donnie jumped between them.
"I like French Fries!" Donnie said eagerly which surprised them.
"Donnie!" Raph shouted right as he lunged at him to get him out of the way, right before the Shellraiser rammed into the two monsters and were slammed into a car. Jaqueline used the trash cannon to fire multiple barrels of trash at the monsters faces, some oil leaked from the car which was sparked up and it caused it to explode where they were which made the others cheer in victory.

"You got stir fried son!" Mikey shouted in victory high fiving Spike.
"Eat fire monsters!" Spike shouted in victory as April and Jaqueline walked out.
"Guess we'll have to get that leaners permit soon." April said concerned seeing the damage.
"Don't worry April, the Shellraisers seen worse." Raph assured while Donnie got up again.
"Yeah, but what about Donnie?" Jaqueline asked worried as Donnie forgot once again.
"Wow look at that fire! You guys wanna toast some marshmallows?!" Donnie asked eagerly looking at it.
"Oh man, let's get Donnie back home, ASAP." Leo ordered bringing him into the vehicle so they all could drive off home again. But while they thought they were gone, the remains of the monster were both together, and the chemicals were spread around them making it glow strangely..

Spike and the other's made it back home and saw Donnie was playing around the lair.
"How much IQ is dropping in Donnie's head? He barely even thinks anymore." Jaqueline asked worried trying to hold him down while Psiona tried helping.
"I don't know, but i don't think my powers can restore it without proper focus, but even then it's a long stretch." Psiona said concerned while Donnie was acting like a child.
"Mikey, do you have an idea on what to do?" Spike asked turning to him, and Mikey hummed for a moment before getting something.

"Maybe, it's my fault Donnie got splashed with that brain juice, i gotta make it right, hold him down for me Spike." Mikey said heading into the lab.
"Easy." Spike said coiling around Donnie again to make him stop moving.
"Whoa Spike!... you don't have any legs! How weird does it feel to not have them? And why do you sound like an Edgelord?" Donnie asked playfully looking at him.
"It feels weird even after all this time.. and is that really what i look like to you guys?" Spike asked looking at the others who shrugged in response.

Mikey slid around in the lab and tried getting the chemicals right.
"Okay, what did they do?" Mikey asked curious as he took a jar and dipped it into another, which made a chain reaction and it exploded in front of his face.
Spike was holding him down still while his mom and Splinter looked concerned.
"What do you two think?" Leo asked worried looking at them.
"It is possible that whatever caused it is the solution to curing it, perhaps meditation could help him." Splinter suggested.
"And if he can focus, maybe i can restore his mind somehow.." Psiona added trying to make a plan to help him.
"Ugh.. even Mikey's a genius compared to him.." Raph said annoyed at this.
"At least Mikey keeps his focus on somethings.." Jaqueline added trying to help him somehow.
"Wait.. where is Mikey?" Leo asked suddenly realizing that he was not here.

Mikey was in the lab still and mixed in different chemicals.
"And one pepperoni for flavor." Mikey said flipping a pepperoni in the chemical while the other's walked in.
"Check it out guys! Brain juice for Donnie, mmm delicious!" Mikey announced surprising them.
"Are you crazy?! You don't even know what that could do to him!" Leo said worried looking at it's blue glow.
"I know you guys think Donnie's the only one that can do sciency stuff, but i pay attention, remember that freaky mutant wasp?" Mikey asked putting the drink on the table.
"I try not too.." Spike replied as he hated that thing.
"This is a whole other thing Mikey!" Leo shouted as Donnie came in and saw it.

"Mmm.. pizza shake.. " Donnie said picking it up.
"Donnie no!" Spike and the others shouted before Donnie drank the whole thing and coughed roughly for a moment.
"Donnie?" Leo asked worried.
"Say something!" April begged as he slowly turned around.. and made a dumb face which just made this even worse.
"Mikey!!" They all shouted with anger frustrated with him, Mikey chuckled nervously for a moment until the place suddenly started to shake violently.
"Earthquake!!" Mikey shouted in fear as strange large vines were appearing in the lair.

"What's going on?!" Raph asked worried as they ran into the place. Psiona went to her spot on the stairs and looked out a telescope that was there, her eyes widened in shock and horror as something huge was emerging in the city.
"Oh no.." Psiona said in fear as the thing was a mutated form of both the Creep and Snakeweed, it created a ginormous plant monster which was taking innocent people away.
"Guys, i think something worse is here!" Psiona shouted looking down at them. The vines draw back together as we see the mutated monster, it had 4 eyes and was huge, with razor sharp claws and it made a screeching roar of rage as it continued to grow more.

"I wanna see i wanna see!" Mikey shouted running to the scope, he looked out and saw the fused monster taking other people away.
"Whoa.. the Creep and Snakeweed have combined into.. Creepweed!" Mikey dubbed having a look of fear.
"How do you come up with those names so fast?" Psiona asked curious as Donnie was playing around with their cat.
"This is bad.. we need Donnie for a situation like this." Leo said worried on what to do.
"Unfortunately, SOMEONE made him dumber then himself." Raph said with anger looking at Mikey.

The place suddenly shook even more and they saw large vines emerging from above.
"It's like Creepweed's trying to make the city it's own giant buffet!" Mikey said worried while they all drew they're weapons.
"We won't do anything if we stay here, let's get the Party Wagon!" Jaqueline suggested.
"Good idea! April, you stay with Donnie." Psiona said as she rushed out with them while Donnie had a drinking hat one.
"Sensei do your healing mantra can work on Donnie?" April asked looking at him while Splinter looked upset.
".... Highly doubtful." Splinter replied thinking it won't work.

Spike and the other's drove through the city once again, and it was entirely covered up in a creepy fog, and they could see multiple humans in different pods.
"Look at the people, Creepweed's put em all to sleep." Raph said with worry.
"Quick, breathing units!" Leo instructed as they put them back on.
"I'll be fine, i've handled this kind of atmosphere before, and my armor won't let something like this pass through." Psiona said as she put her high tech armor on once again.
"I'll be fine too, i'm not mortal like you, this stuff won't affect me." Jaqueline added looking at Spike.
"Glad to hear that, let's just be careful." Spike said seriously.

"Alright guys, first thing is that we'll free those people, Mikey you said you wanted to fix this, you ready?" Leo asked turning to him.
"Aw yeah! You know it, let's go Spike!" Mikey said high fiving him.
"Let's go!!" Spike said ready to fight.

Creepweed wrapped it's vines around another human that was knocked out, it was about to eat the poor guy right before it saw the Party Wagon charging at it, two small vehicles came out of it with Spike and Mikey on them.
"Booyakasha!!/ Cowabunga!!" Spike and Mikey shouted as they charged at it, they pulled on a lever which activated a blade in the very front to cut through the vines.
"Meet the Grass kicker!" Mikey said dramatically as they flew right through the monster and tore through it's chest, but it quickly formed itself back as Psiona got on the top.
"Reform from this Creepweed!" Psiona shouted as she took a deep breath, and released a huge stream of green fire at the monster which made it screech in pain. Jaqueline soon jumped out of the vehicle and held out her hammer.
"Eat metal sucker!!" Jaqueline shouted as she whacked the monster in the face before falling down on Spike's vehicle.

The monster soon put the fire out and roared at them looking even more furious.
"I think we made it more mad." Leo said worried as they tried to drive away, but Creepweed grabbed on the van and lifted it in the air, Psiona jumped off the van and flew in the air again as Mikey saw this happen.
"Guys?!" Mikey asked worried right before Spike got him out of the way as the monster threw the van down. Leo groaned in pain as the fog had covered the inside of the vehicle and Leo saw he didn't have his breathing unit fell off.
"Oh no.. ugh..." Leo said with fear right as he passed out from the gas.
"Leo!" Raph shouted with worry right before the right door opened, sharp vines flew right into the room suddenly which Raph tried to avoid, he soon cut his way lose from the van and tried fighting it off.

The vines creeped around Raph as the fog gave it cover to strike, Raph tried to keep his guard up until the vines crept under him and wrapped around his body.
"Get away from our brothers!" Mikey shouted as he and Spike tore through them.
"Mikey, Spike, Jaqueline, you okay?" Raph asked worried as Psiona landed down too.
"We're all good." Mikey replied as the large monster took Leo away.
"Leo!" Jaqueline shouted with worry as they tried saving him, Psiona's senses went off and she sliced off a vine coming at her with her blade tail. Spike saw another vine coming and jumped over it to slice it apart while Jaqueline dodged another attack too, the vines kept coming at them from below now which backed Raph into a wall, but this caused his device to be cut lose making the air leak out.
"Oh no.. ugh.." Raph said tiredly as he passed out from the gas too.

The monster was about to attack Raph until Psiona shot a blast at the monster as she, Spike, Mikey and Jaqueline stood ready to fight.
"Alright Creepweed! Yeah that's right i named you Creepweed! You like that?!" Mikey taunted pointing at it.
"Bring it on monster!" Spike shouted as the launched more vines at them. Psiona took of in the air with Jaqueline on her back, and she tore through them with her claws while Mikey and Spike ran up the vines to cut through them too.
"Mikey, now!" Jaqueline shouted as Mikey made his move, he latched his weapons blade at the monster's head, and Psiona used her strength to flip the monster over her and send it's body slamming across the ground.
"Did that do it?!" Psiona asked as she flew in the air while Spike climbed on her.
"I don't think so!" Spike shouted as the monster wrapped it's vines around Mikey, it was about to attack him again until a familiar vehicle rammed into it, the hatch opened up and it was revealed to be Donnie.

"Donnie!" Spike and the others shouted at once, glad he was okay.
"Get away from them you monster!" Donnie shouted holding out a device.
"Get em Donnie!" Psiona shouted flying high above the monster.
"You know what this is? Retro mutagen based weed killer! Hahahaha! Come get some!" Donnie taunted. The monster roared and leapt at him to attack, but Donnie activated the device and shot the entire blast of Retro Mutagen right into the things mouth, which caused a chain reaction that made the monster explode, defeating it for good this time.

"And don't come back!!" Spike shouted in victory as they looked over it's remains. The vines started to weaken which released the captive humans.
"Donnie! Your back!" Mikey said in relief giving him a hug.
"Haha, your antidote actually worked!" Donnie said amazed with him.
"Id did? I mean.. of course it did!" Mikey said proudly as Spike and the others landed down.
"Like i said, you make smart decisions in strange moments." Spike said proudly patting his back.
"Come on guys, let's go home." Jaqueline said as they picked Leo and Raph's body's up and headed back home.

Donnie put a secure case on the shelf to make sure nothing happens again.
"Well this should keep what's left of Creepweed secure." Donnie said proudly as the others were in the lab too.
"It's good to have you back Donnie." Leo said proudly.
"It's good to be back, thanks for your help April, the Shellraiser thing was kinda embarrassing.. Like.. Mikey level embarrassing.." Donnie said embarrassed.
"Burn." Spike said chuckling at this.
"Hey!" Mikey said offended again by this.

"I can't believe Mikey actually came up with an antidote." Raph said impressed with him.
"I must admit, you did great there Mikey." Psiona said patting his shoulder.
"Really great." Jaqueline added fist bumping him.
"I guess Mikey really does have a photographic memory." April said impressed as well.
"Even the nitrates in the pepperoni acted as the perfect reversing agent! I owe you big time Mikey." Donnie said proud of him who smiled smugly.
"You know i gotta admit, sometimes i can be hard on you and act as smart as me." Donnie said patting his shoulder.
" No worries brah." Mikey said casually.
"But now i finally understand how you feel all the time." Donnie teased.
"Oh snap!" Spike said with a smug while the others smirked at him.
"Thanks Donnie.. wait a sec.. Donnie!!" Mikey shouted with anger as he lunged at him with Donnie having a smug on his face..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! While i did find this episode kinda boring at parts, it was still cool seeing the Creep return, he was a cool villain at the start of the season so i'm glad he got a cool moment here.
Sorry for the smaller updates here, but with the updates on my Kung fu panda and Ori story's i have to balance this all out, it's also because i'm working on another Spike crossover story that i'm gonna release when i finish this one, it may be even larger then this one so i'm gonna have to keep my focus, but i know when to take breaks and balance it out so don't worry, i just hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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