• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

  • ...

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30: The Good, The bad, And Casey Jones

We cut to an opening of New York once more as we see a familiar kid in his apartment looking over his notebook.

"Mutant monsters and robot ninja's are taking over my city. How long before those freaks hurts somebody close to me.. Like my dad, my little sister, April?" Casey asked as we see him doing some exercise and making his own fighting gear and skeleton mask.
"I'm not waiting around to find out, all my life, i knew i was meant for something greater. This is my calling, my destiny.. a true warrior has gotta be prepared." Casey narrated as he finished putting on his new gear.

"Who do you think you are? A ninja? Bring it punk!" Casey said as he held out a shocker he had under one of his gloves and took out his hockey stick and swung it around.
"Scum-sucking freaks of the mutated world, prepare to meet.. Casey Jones!" Casey said while he put on his skull mask looking like a real fighter.( I love the design)

Spike and the others were now in the dojo once more for some training.
"My sons, you are truly becoming impressive warriors, but to grow as a team, you must know eachothers strengths and weaknesses." Splinter instructed as they all took out they're weapons and struck some poses. Mikey struck a few poses before making a loud burp right in Donnie's face.

"Ugh! Right in my face! Really?!" Donnie asked in huge disgust.
"Garlic and Clam pizza." Mikey said dramatically while Splinter turned to them.
"This competition is a free for all, last turtle or dragon standing wins. Hajime!" Splinter announced.

Spike circled with the other turtles as he waited for the right moment, Raph charged at Donnie who was still dizzy.
"I'm still seeing spots.. oh!" Donnie shouted as Raph kicked him right into the tree.
"Sorry Donnie, it's a ninja eat ninja world." Raph said while Mikey was laughing at Donnie, Raph turned to Mikey and then engaged with him before Leo jumped in the air leaving Spike to duel with Mikey.

"What are you doing Leo? I was going for Mikey!" Raph said as he blocked Leo's sword attack.
"What part of " Last turtle or dragon standing" Do you not understand?" Leo countered as he pushed Raph back, Spike was twirling his sword around like how Mikey did.
"You wanna know what a cool thing us dragons can do?" Spike asked as he delivered a roundhouse kick to Mikey but he was still standing up.
"What?" Mikey asked curious and Spike chuckled at that, Spike held something in him for a moment before he made a loud burp and breathed fire right on the bottom part of Mikey's shell and he screamed in fear.
"Dragons can shoot fire even when we burp, weird but cool right?" Spike teased as Mikey was jumping into the air.
"Gross, but totally rad!" Mikey shouted as he accidentally hit a wall and was knocked down.

"Distraction, misdirection, powerful weapons in a ninja's arsenal, excellent work Spike." Splinter said as Mikey mocked him before Splinter gave him a glare and that made Mikey stop.
"Thanks, i got my own talents." Spike said casually as stood next to him deciding to let Raph and Leo fight.
"Looks like you've leveled up to the boss fight." Raph said as the two circled each other.
"I'm gonna wipe that smirk of your face... permanently.." Leo countered.

Raph screamed as he and Leo swung they're weapons at eachother, Raph grabbed one of Leo's swords and knocked it away leaving it to be one. Leo knocked one of Raph's weapon to the tree in response and Raph ran over to get it, Leo finished it off by delivering a strong kick to Raph's face and he was knocked right into the floor in front of the others.
"Well, looks like Leo and Spike win this one." Donnie said as Leo grabbed his swords and he and Spike gave Splinter a bow of respect.

"Uh oh.. he's awoken the beast!" Mikey said in fear as Raph was breathing heavily looking really furious. Spike heard screaming and saw Raph charge at them in anger.
"Raph! Calm down!" Spike shouted as he ducked under an attack from him, he used a pressure point move and that immediately knocked him to the floor paralyzed.

"Raph, what are you doing?!" Donnie asked upset at him as they checked on Leo who looked hurt, Spike freed Raph from the attack and he stood up looking worried.
"I'm.. i'm sorry.. it was an accident! Seriously!" Raph defended while Spike sighed.
"We need to help you with this problem Raph.." Spike said sadly.

"Spike is right, anger is a dangerous ally, it clouds your judgment. You must control it, before it controls you." Splinter instructed once more.
"But sensei i wasn't angry i was just.. determined to win!" Raph said in defense while the others looked at him.
"Why don't we go out for some air Raph, let's see if we can find anymore canisters." Spike offered as he grabbed Raph's arm and started leading him out.
"You know what Spike? I think air's something in need right now." Raph replied as the two walked out.
"At least Spike's keeping Raph in check." Mikey replied as they watched them leave.

Raph was really frustrated and was kicking things around on the rooftops with Spike following him.
"This always happens, i'm fine until someone pushes my buttons!" Raph said annoyed as he threw a ninja star to another object and sliced it apart.
"It's not like i was trying to hurt Leo, they just don't get it Spike.." Raph said as the two sat down to think.
"Raph, i know this problem, you just have stuff that triggers you, we just need to find a way to better control that anger from lashing out." Spike explained looking concerned.

We cut to another rooftop as we see the camera zoom up to Casey looking over the city.
"My city is infested. A boil, a festering sore, it stinks with evil. Pure evil that only Casey Jones can face." Casey narrated as he wrote in his notebook once more before sighing.
"Actually, crime fighting's pretty boring..." Casey said as he was feeling tired, but he freaked out as he saw a rat right next to him.
"I hate those furry little freaks!" Casey said in fear with his weapon drawn, the rat ran away and he sighed in relief.

"What? What do you want from me?" A man asked in the distance which Casey noticed. We cut to a man being pinned to the wall by more Purple Dragon members again.
"Check it out, a walking ATM, let's make a withdrawal." The leader said taking out a knife and the guy handed him his wallet.
"Attaboy!" The leader said evilly.
"The watch too! Ohh! " The larger man said before a puck hit him right in the face.
"What the?" He asked confused rubbing his arm.

The man ran away while the gang members looked ahead.
"You slimeballs picked the wrong night." Casey said in the shadows.
"Nice outfit, who's this clown?" The leader asked jokingly.
"I'm the last thing you'll see before you'll wake up in the hospital!" Casey said as he came out of the shadows.

Casey drew his hockey stick and charged at the leader and started delivering hard whacks to him, Casey blocked an attack from the large one and knocked him into a trash can, he flipped over the wall and landed by the can.
"Joke on it punk!" Casey shouted as he kicked the trash can right into the other guy, Spike and Raph were watching from a high ledge as he kept fighting off those guys.

"That guys out of control, time for a little intervention Spike." Raph said as they drew they're weapons.
"Raph, he's probably just a kid doing what he thinks is right, those guys clearly don't take a lesson once they're beaten." Spike pointed out.
"Well we need to make sure he doesn't put himself in bigger situations he's unprepared for, let's just try and mellow him out." Raph said as the two of them jumped down.

The leader was trying to run away in fear right as Casey put down another puck.
"Casey Jones shoots!" Casey shouted as he whacked the puck right on the guys leg and knocked him down.
"He scores!" Casey shouted in victory before he turned to the others.

"Hey man enough, we give up!" The large one said in fear.
"Well i ain't finished with you two low lives yet!" Casey said right before Spike grabbed his hockey stick.
"What?!" Casey asked right before Raph kicked him to the side.

"Who's back there? Show yourself!" Casey demanded, Spike and Raph stepped out of the shadows revealing they're body's to him.
"Another mutant? And is that a dragon?!" Casey asked shocked seeing Spike.
"Got a problem with that?" Raph asked frustrated while they were on guard.
"Wait, what are you some kind of Turtle and Dragon ninja's?" Casey asked with a laugh. Raph growled in anger right as the gang members ran past him.

"Hey you filthy scum, i'm not done with you!" Casey shouted in anger.
"Let us handle this." Raph said trying to stop him but Casey pushed them back.
"Out of my way!" Casey shouted as he tried going after them, but Spike landed in front of them.
"I don't want to hurt you kid, you need to cool down, you don't know what your getting yourself into!" Spike shouted trying to stop him.
"I don't care if i am, i ain't letting evil scum like them harm others, Goongala!!" Casey shouted as he charged at them.

Raph and Spike were blocking Casey's attack while he did them relentlessly.
"We told you, back off!" Raph shouted as he pushed him back. Spike sweeped his legs and Raph kicked him into a dumpster, they thought that was the last of it before he rose from the trash.
"You let those muggers go? Your gonna pay for that freaks!!" Casey shouted as he leaped over to them again.

Spike ducked under another attack and they backflipped into the air and threw some stars at him which Casey blocked.
"Gotta admit, those ninja stars are cool!" Casey complimented.
"Your gear is pretty cool as well, did you make them yourself?" Spike asked drawing his sword.
"Built them with whatever i had!" Casey shouted as he swung at Spike again, but he blocked it with his sword and slid right under him before kicking him in the back, Raph joined in by grabbing his head and slamming him to the floor.

Casey got up and drew a baseball bat and another stick before he charged at them again, Spike was flipping over his attacks while Raph was blocking them, Casey jumped over Raph and knocked him to the ground.
"Heh, aren't turtles supposed to be endangered?" Casey asked jokingly.
"Only the ones who can't do this!!" Raph shouted as he launched his legs right in his face and knocked him down, Spike finished things off by charging up his mutant arm again and delivering another punch to him and sent him into the wall.

"Oh.. that was totally rad.." Casey said weakly as he tried getting up.
"Look kid, we don't wanna fight you, i can see that your trying to fight for others, but letting your rage control you like that will only hurt them. You need to some time and manage that." Spike explained while Casey got up.
"A dragon that can talk.. super cool.." Casey said weakly, Raph was breathing heavily before they both realized this.
"What are we doing? Maybe i do have anger issues.." Raph said ashamed, Spike sighed and looked at him.

"Look, we all our fighting bad guys to protect others, but that won't help unless we control our rage, you two just need to control it better. Sorry i hurt you like that, but you need to take a breather for a bit, just go home and rest, and next time you fight crime, manage your anger better, when your foes down and say they're done, it's done, okay?" Spike asked Casey who took out some roller skates.
"Yeah.. that sounds good.. but know this, you ain't seen the last of me you two!" Casey said as he skated around and grabbed the back of a taxi and slid off.

"Well that could've gone better." Raph said crossing his arms.
"Let's just go home." Spike said as he put his sword away and the two walked off.

We cut to April's school during the day as we see April and a friend of hers walking through the hall, they heard some noise and saw Casey opening his locker.
"Well well, looks like Casey Jones has finally made it to class, what a surprise, ready for the big trig exam?" April asked him.
"Trig exam. Oh yeah! I was up all night.. studying.." Casey said as he turned around revealing his bruised face and chest which had straps around them.
"Really? Did your homework punch you in the face and chest?" April asked concerned.

"I had um um.. late night hockey practice.." Casey lied.
"Isn't the hockey rink closed after dark ever since that mysterious fight broke back a few weeks ago? So how exactly did you get those bruises Casey?" April's friend asked curious.
"What are you Irma my interrogator? " Casey asked in response, she sighed and started dragging April with her before Casey turned her around.
"I saw something crazy last night, like.. mutant crazy.." Casey whispered to her.
"Come on April, we got our exam and i will not be late this time." Irma said as she took April with her again.

Donnie was in the lair again ready to watch some Tv before Mikey jumped right next to him.
"Yo! You ready for 48 hours of some mega thrusting, evil fighting, galaxy saving super sentai action?" Mikey asked casually.
"I was.. until you spilled greasy popcorn all over me!" Donnie shouted with rage. Mikey simply took a piece of popcorn and ate it
"My bad." Mikey said casually.

Leo was walking into the room and Raph saw him.
"Hey Leo, you got a minute?" Raph asked as he and Spike walked to him.
"I was about to watch Super robo mecha force" Leo said pointing at the tv.
"Cool! So here's the deal.. See i.. me.. i'm.. uh.. sorry.." Raph said in a whisper which made Spike slap his face.
" I was i was.. sorry." Raph apologized and Leo held out his ear.
"Sorry, okay? Sorry?!" Raph asked which made Donnie and Mikey drop they're jaws.

"I thought i had my anger under control, but i didn't, but now i do, seriously." Raph explained.
"He means for now.. i give him ten seconds, 9, 8, 7.." Mikey counted down while Spike joined in.
"I'm doing what i can to help him out, all of you teasing him like this is only making things worse." Spike said crossing his arms.
"What are you saying guys, your saying he is angry, but we make him angry?" Leo asked confused as Mikey kept counting down.
"It's only from stupid stuff like what Mikey's doing right now, there are ways people get triggered easily, and you all doing it like this intentionally is making it worse!" Spike shouted to Mikey which shut him up.

"Well at least Raph's got a buddy for him." Mikey teased which made Raph mad, Spike put his hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"Raph, let's just go out again, i'm not interested in Tv tonight anyway." Spike said as they started moving out.
"Guys wait, i was just busting your shell and spine!" Leo said in defense.
"Yeah, and it was actively making things worse, man i wish Celestia was here for advice on this.." Spike said as the two went out.

Spike and Raph punched out the manhole cover and Spike watched Raph throw a trash can over in rage.
"Those guys are making me loopy! They just don't get it!" Raph shouted while he and Spike were climbing to the rooftops.
"Why can't they see that this mocking is screwing things up for us?!" Spike asked in anger as he punched a wall in frustration.
"Why can't they see things like you do? Your the only one who's actually trying to help me here." Raph said as they were moving along.
"Because i know when to mess around, and when i should take things seriously. Helping out my friends is just what i do." Spike said while calming down a little.
"I can see that, i'm glad to have you here Spike, your the only one who understands this, and tries to help me out." Raph said gratefully with Spike smiling in response.

We cut to another shot of Casey looking over his notebook in his gear once more.
"It's been three days and my body still feels like a punching bag. That turtle and Dragon are worthy opponents i'll give them that, his arm especially is something i need to watch out for." Casey said as he looked at his notebook some more, Casey looked over the rooftops and saw Spike and Raph not to far from here. Casey dropped what he was doing and grabbed his gear and headed down.. all the while some foot bots were following him with they're eyes glowing again..

Casey walked down to the streets and heard a loud crash which made a cat run away.
"Maybe we just need to get some tougher punching bags, that dummy's barely doing much at all now." Spike suggested while he and Raph walked down to a manhole.
"What punching bags are tough enough to handle my anger?" Raph asked as they opened it and headed down with Casey seeing this.
Casey opened the manhole and heard them talking still.
"Maybe we can use some Kraang tech to make them tougher? Who knows?" Spike asked while Casey jumped down and looked around for they're voices. Casey started running off in their direction with the foot bots following him quietly.

Leo and the others were still watching the Tv, and it showed they're enemy infiltrating they're headquarters by himself which annoyed Leo.
"Oh come on! How can one guy infiltrate Super robo mecha headquarters?" Leo asked confused until Mikey leaned next to him.
"He uses his laser tentacle to shut down the defense systems, Duh." Mikey explained as Spike and Raph walked in.
"You guys are gonna watch so much TV, your brains are gonna rot." Raph said walking in.
"At least i manage my time with it." Spike added.

"Yay, Raph and Spike are back." Donnie said sarcastic. Spike and Raph rolled they're eyes and sat down with Casey seeing it all.
"There's four of them?!" Casey asked in shock.
"You cool off yet man?" Leo asked Raph.
"Spike helped me, at least he knows how to help me. Move over. "Raph said annoyed as they sat down, Casey tried to sneak out, but he accidentally knocked over some pizza boxes being seen in slow motion.
"Super Robo Mecha Force!" The TV said right as he caught the box, but the fork made a sound which the turtles and Spike noticed.

"An intruder!" Donnie said in anger.
"Oh man.." Casey said afraid.
"You again?!" Raph asked frustrated as they charged at him.
"You followed us here?!" Spike asked in anger as he twisted his arm and punched him to the wall and the others restrained him.

"You know this guy you two?" Mikey asked them.
"Get your stinking paws of me!" Casey said in anger, Leo walked up and took off his mask which was revealed to have face paint on them which freaked them out for a moment.
"It's Face Paint, he's just a kid!" Leo said annoyed.
"Let go of me you stupid reptiles!" Casey shouted while Splinter and April walked in.

"Always trust your instincts April. A Well-hones intuition can be sharper for your eyes." Splinter instructed.
"Yes sensei I'll.. Casey? Casey!" April shouted as the others were restraining him.
"You know this guy/ Guys?" They all asked at once.
"Don't hurt him. He's my friend! Casey, what are you doing here?" April asked turning to him.

" A better question is, how do you know these freaks?" Casey countered.
" These are the.. other friends i told you about. " April admitted which shocked him.
"Wait, so they're not the bad guys? And your friends with a dragon?!" Casey asked pointing at Spike.
"No way they're not, and yes i have. Casey Jones meet.. Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Spike, and Raphael." April introduced turning to them.

"So the turtles are all Italian?" Casey asked confused.
"No. I named them after my favorite painters and sculptors of the Italian renaissance." Splinter explained showing him a special book. Casey gasped in pure horror and screamed pointing at him before he fainted in pure shock.
"Guess he's afraid of rats.." Spike commented.

"Casey? Casey wake up!" April shouted as she shook him before slapping him on the face waking him up.
"This is Master Splinter, Casey. He's cool." April introduced.
"You do not have to fear me my friend. Rest assured, i do not bite." Splinter told him while Casey was still afraid.
" He's a giant.. talking.. rat?" Casey asked in fear which made Raph laugh mockingly.

"Big bad vigilante's afraid of rats!" Raph mocked before he screamed in fear as Mikey showed a cockroach to him.
"Just like how you are afraid of Cockroaches!" Spike said with a laugh. But his laughing was stopped when he sensed something with his powers along with April.
"What is it April and Spike?" Splinter asked worried.
Spike drew his sword and looked at him.
"We're not alone." Spike said seriously, they looked up in the air and saw the foot bots had found they're lair and started to attack them.

The others drew they're weapons with the bots doing the same.
"Raph, Spike, you led the enemy to our lair?!" Leo asked frustrated.
"Hey, it's not our fault, Casey was following us!" Spike said in defense.
"My fault?" Casey asked offended.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as he charged into battle.

Spike and the others engaged in battle with the bots, Spike flipped over one bot and sliced it through the chest, he then ducked under a saw from another and ripped the robots head off. Splinter joined in the fight and punched a head off entirely with April fighting them off as well as Spike, Raph and Casey backed into eachother.
"Your the one who did this!" Raph said in anger.
"Did you have to follow us?!" Spike asked frustrated as he stabbed another robot in the head.
"They followed you two guys!" Casey countered while he whacked another one.

Splinter got in a fighting pose and he karate chopped one in the stomach before punching it away, he then punched one in the air and delivered several punches all over his body and knocked him down.
"Whoa..." They all said amazed.
"Stay alert, more are coming." Splinter warned as he turned around and saw even more foot bots charging in.

A specific one was scanning over the lair making it bad news.
"Hey, he'll give away our location!" Donnie shouted right before Splinter took down another one.
"Don't let that robot escape!" Splinter ordered while the others began fighting them.
"Casey Jones is on it!" Casey shouted with Spike running besides him.
"Get back here!!" Spike shouted with rage while Raph followed them out of the lair.

We cut to them in the subway with the robot trying to escape, Spike was chasing after it while Raph wrapped a hook around Casey and pulled him back.
"What are you doing?!" Casey asked frustrated with Raph running past him.
"Me? You got in my way!" Raph shouted as they chased after them, more foot bots emerged from the ceiling and they landed on the ground stopping them.

"Where'd he go?" Casey asked drawing his weapon.
"If that robot gets back to Karai and gives away our hideout, you answer to Splinter!" Raph said ducking another attack, Spike slid under a sword attack and he and Casey punched it to a wall.
"The rat?" Casey asked confused.
"Yes the rat!" Spike shouted as he saw the real one running off before chasing after it himself, Casey took out some spray paint and tossed it right onto another bot.

"Yes!" Casey said in victory, he blocked another attack from the robot and he and Raph punched it away.
"Next time, try tagging it with a real grenade!" Raph shouted running after it.
"Can you two stop fighting?! This is important!" Spike shouted with frustration as he started running on all fours to gain speed.

Casey got on his roller skates and grinded on the rail.
"Faster man, move your shell" Casey shouted while running ahead, the rocks beneath them started to shake meaning something was coming by.. Spikes senses went off and he turned around and saw a train was heading for them.
"Look out!" Spike shouted pushing them out of the way right before it hit them.

"You guys okay?" Casey asked concerned as they got up.
"I'm fine." Spike replied looking around.
"Yeah we are, thanks. There he is!" Raph shouted pointing at the robot, it got onto the top of the train with Spike looking at the others.

The robot was trying to escape, but he saw Spike and the others were on the top with they're weapons drawn, the robot used the fast wind speeds to fall on over to them, it drew it's weapons and Spike began blocking they're attacks.
"Bring it on!" Spike shouted as the three of them were dodging its saws, Spike took out his sword and sliced one of it's arms off, he then grabbed the arm and ripped it off before he repeatedly slammed it against the robots face and threw it down.
"Dang! You've got skills!" Casey said impressed.
"So do you!" Spike replied while they charged at them again.

They flipped over some pipes that came in they're way with Spike using martial arts moves to punch it back, he tossed the bot to Casey who whacked it with his Stick, and Raph joined in and stomped on its body and slammed it down. The robot got up and saw they were getting to the exit, it jumped straight into another hallway and tried escaping, but Casey jumped in as well and was swinging his baseball at it. Raph and Spike ran up the stairs they were fighting it, Casey managed to hit it with his bat and it was sent flying down the stairs.

" I can take this robot down myself!" Casey shouted as he grinded on the rails and chased after him, Raph landed down and pinned him to the wall with his sai, the robot ripped it out and tried ducking under another slash from Spike.
"He's going for the street!" Casey shouted as it was almost out.
"We can't let it get away!" Raph shouted running up the stairs.

"Guys, on my mark!" Spike shouted as he started running on the walls, Raph grabbed Casey and he threw him to the robot, Casey took out his shocker and electrocuted it which made it fall down the stairs, Raph threw his sai in the robots head and Spike finished it off by grabbing his sword with his own foot and sliced it to pieces at fast speeds, the robots parts fell on the ground and was finally destroyed with Spike getting up.

"That was.. too close." Casey said in relief.
"Yeah, i'm glad that's over." Spike said jumping back on the floor and catching his sword with his tail.
"Your a pretty good fighter Jones. Sure, your raw, unfocused, and crazy! but not bad." Raph complimented.
"Thanks, you two weren't so bad yourselves." Casey replied taking off his mask.
"Hey, for a kid you got cool gear and a skull mask, what more do you need?" Spike asked casually as they all grabbed they're fists and squeezed them.
"Being friends with a dragon, never thought i'd see the day." Casey said with a smile while they all playfully swung at eachother and made a laugh while walking off.

We cut back to the lair with Leo kicking another in the head and finished two more off by slicing them apart with rapid speeds.
"Is that all of them?" Leo asked while a robot was right behind him, but Splinter stabbed him in the chest finishing him off.
"Yes, that is all." Splinter replied as they looked over and saw the robot parts everywhere.

"So what happened to Raph, Casey and Spike?" April asked worried.
"Dude, the way we chased that thing down?" Raph said playfully as they saw the three of them walking in.
"And how about when i shocked it with my stunner, how cool was that?" Casey asked as well.
"Or how about me finishing it off by using my sword with my foot? Wasn't even on the floor!" Spike said amazed with Casey laughing.
"Yeah! That was like a combo move from a video game!" Casey said amazed.
"And don't forget the subway chase that was the awesomest part!" Raph added.

"Huh?" Raph asked as they saw the robots were all down.
"Aww what's up? No more robots for me, Raph and Spike?" Casey asked disappointed.
"Not a single one?" Spike asked as well.

"Whoa... what's up with you three? You like best friends forever now or something?" Mikey asked confused, Casey gasped in fear as Splinter walked up to them.
"I see you have found a new alley Raphael and Spike." Splinter told them.
"Yeah, Casey's cool." Raph said casually.
"Yep, and he's quite the fighter too" Spike said rubbing his head.
"Thank you for helping my family. " Splinter said gratefully which calmed him down.

"No problem rat dude, wasn't a bad warm up. But now it's time to clean the scum off the streets." Casey said confidently with the two smiling in response.
"Aw yeah Let's go!" Spike shouted eagerly.
"Let's do this!" Raph said with a smile.
"Yeah!!" The three of them said butting they're heads together with the others being confused.
"Great, you know what this means right? Now we have.. three Raphael's!" Donnie said horrified.

Spike, Casey and Raph cheered in joy as they jumped out of the lair to fight crime..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this new chapter I hope you all had a great first week in 2024, it's hard to believe it's been a week already huh? Time sure flies. I hope you all liked this chapter and look forward to more!

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