• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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46: Eyes of the Chimera

We cut to a nighttime view as a hawk is seen flying through the night sky. It looks down below and sees something and goes down to grab it, a worm is seen swimming through some water before a fish comes onto screen an eats it right before the hawks talons grabs it and it takes it out of the lake. The camera pans to the fight between Psiona and the monster robot as she uses her Psychic powers and is wrecking the monster up.

"Goongala!!" Casey screams as he, Spike and Jaqueline appear in their car driving at fast speeds, Psiona did a backflip and grabbed all 4 of them from the car and lands back down. Speed demon screams as the car rams right into him and explodes which sends him flying off the cliff, Psiona looks down at him and charges up a final blast.
"I'll be back!!!" Speed demon shouted right before Psiona shot a blast through its chest completely obliterating it, he screams in pain as he finally explodes and is destroyed for good.
"Good riddance freak." Psiona said as she blew away some smoke from her cannon arm and turns it back to normal.

However, when the monster exploded, a fair share of mutagen splashed all over the hawk carrying the fish and it is seen falling down. We cut to the former monster split up and destroyed, the hawk screeches as it's body twitches as it's talons turn into long worm like ones, it's neck stretches out and it grows strange gills from it's neck, and it's wing become enormous as the monster turns into something huge and deadly. It makes out a screeching roar as it flies through the night sky completely transformed..

We cut to the next day where Spike and April were in the barn with some strange devices strapped to they're head.
"Umm Donnie, is this thing safe?" April asked looking at it.
"And your sure you won't cause this to make me go blind or something?" Spike teased as Jaqueline was meditating near the entrance again. Donnie held up a few cables in front of them.
"Don't worry guys, i got this!" Donnie said confidently placing the cables on the helmets.

"Now, let me just adjust the straps and plug this baby in" Donnie explained as he did so, this caused the power in the barn to flicker on and off as Spike and April both looked really nervous about this.
"Donnie? Why is my son strapped to a helmet like that?" Psiona suddenly asked as they saw her and Mikey walk into the room.
"I know, it looks cool!" Mikey said amazed looking at them.

"It's a Psychic neuro transmitter, i built it so we can test out Spike and April's powers." Donnie explained making some adjustments.
"Donnie salvaged it from the Kraang ship, he's gonna use it to test our physic powers." April explained.
"Are you sure about this Donnie? There's other ways to make sure my son can use his powers." Psiona asked sitting on a nearby couch.
""Don't worry Psiona, i know what i'm doing. And i'm starting it.. now." Donnie announced as he turned the power on.

The Kraang tech powered up as Donnie turned it up a little.
"You two feel anything?" Donnie asked curious.
"Mmmm mmm.. nope." April said casually.
"A little tingle, but that's really it." Spike replied.
"Okay.. how about now?" Donnie asked as he slammed on it a little.

"Oh.. that tingles." April said chuckling a little.
"A little stronger.." Spike answered as he was still worried about this.
"Okay you two, focus on the card, close your eyes, and tell me what you see." Donnie asked as he held out a card with a plane on top.

"I see.. i see.. a bird!" April answered.
"And i see.. large wings?" Spike asked confused on that which concerned Psiona.
"Okay.. how about the next one.." Psiona asked as she got out another card with a monkey on it. April and Spike tried sensing it to get what it is.
"I'm gonna say.. a fish?" April guessed.
"I see large gills on it.." Spike said as something was feeling off.

"Okay guys, this one is gonna be easy." Donnie said shrugging his eyes a little, Psiona looked at it and rolled her eyes and saw it was just him.
"It's.. it's.. a worm! Definitely a worm!" April said confidently.
"I can see it, it's totally a worm!" Spike said in agreement. A buzzer sound was heard and Donnie's head turned into a worm for a moment.

"No? Really? But it felt so right.." April said confused on this.
"I swear i saw one of those three things.." Spike said trying to figure this out as well.
"Is there anything else you saw in your head my son?" Psiona asked kneeling down at him.
"I know what i saw mom, it was those three things, i know it.." Spike said concerned on all of this.

Jaqueline was still meditating trying to get a feel of the forest again, she felt the same thing with the Speed demon and frogs, and was trying to find something else. She could feel herself floating in the black void again and tried getting a sense of any threats around the area. She kept her eyes closed tightly and tried sensing a monsters location, and it wasn't long until she felt something.
"What the?" Jaqueline asked shocked as she saw a flash suddenly and saw a huge flying monster, she winced in pain as she saw another flash and heard the screech of a hawk, and started to feel scarred when she came face to face with the monster and it roared at her with rage..

Donnie tried turning up the machine again and Psiona was looking at Spike with worry.
"I don't think it's working Donnie." April suggested.
"Yeah maybe we should test this later." Spike said as he wanted this off him.
"Hmm, maybe if i just make some adjustments.." Donnie said as he turned the machine up even more and the lights were flickering.

The machine started sparking and the device was was malfunctioning and they screamed in pain.
"Son!!" Psiona shouted with worry as she tried getting it off him, they screamed even more as they unleashed a psychic wave that blinded all of them until it faded away, the blast hit Jaqueline while she was still in the vision and she screamed in pain as the monster roared at her again, her eyes suddenly opened again and she had a look of shock, her body didn't move at all either, almost motionless...
"Mikey!" Donnie said annoyed before he looked up and saw the cards were floating in the air.

"I didn't do that, i swear!" Mikey said in defense.
"Wow, but that means.. April, Spike, you both are telekinetically lifting the cards. April, Spike are you two okay?" Donnie asked as they didn't seem to notice anything.
"Donnie? Why do i see you in front of me?" Psiona asked as she was looking over the place.
"Your not, your looking around the barn." Donnie corrected which confused them.

"I don't get that, i'm looking around the barn, and i feel taller, and stronger?" Spike asked confused on this as well as Psiona looked down at them.
"Why... do i see my body in front of me?" Psiona asked pointing at her.
"Why do i see myself too?" Spike asked confused as well until they both realized.
"Donnie..." They both said turning to him looking upset.

"Oh no.." Donnie said in realization as he ripped the helmets off of them and helped them up.
"Donnie? What is going on?!" Spike asked worried as he was seeing everything from Psiona's eyes.
"Why am i smaller and.. have snake hands?" Psiona asked as she saw things from Spike's eyes too.
"Guys.. i think you.. switched sights.. the device and your connection to your powers must've caused it.." Donnie suggested.
"Well change it back! I cannot fight and protect you all if i cant even see where i'm going properly!" Psiona said as she was moving around the room and almost ran into stuff.

"April? What about you? Are you okay?" Donnie asked worried as her eyes were pale.
"What happened to the barn? Where are we?" April asked worried as she tried feeling her surroundings.
"Uhh.. still in the barn?" Donnie asked as she bumped into Jaqueline who was still in shock.
"What is this?" April asked trying to feel her.

"That's Jaqueline.. Jaqueline?" Donnie asked trying to make her blink, but her eyes were frozen in shock.
"What's wrong?" Psiona asked worried as she was carrying Spike in her arm and they looked at her.
"I don't know, she seems to be in a state of shock.." Donnie said as he tried shaking her awake.
"Jaqueline? Jaqueline! Can you hear us?" Spike shouted trying to wake her up.
"Somethings wrong.. i sense somethings coming.." Psiona said putting a claw on her head.

"I do to.. i see.. clouds.. like i'm flying.." April said as we see a shot of something flying through the skies.
"Totally understand, i get that way when i'm eating pizza." Mikey assured.
"Your seeing things, this is a problem, is there anything else your seeing?" Psiona asked worried as she tried moving her body through Spike's eyes.
"I'm still in the air, soaring. But now i'm heading down.." April said once more.

"Stupid leg.. i'm never gonna heal.." Leo said frustrated as Casey and Raph were sparring.
"Dude, i'm worried about Leo." casey whispered as he clashed his stick with Raph's weapon.
"Yeah man, i've never seen him so down.." Raph said worried until they heard a loud screech. They look above and see a huge mutant flying through the skies and down to them.

"Outside! I see Casey and Raph! They're under attack, we gotta help them!" April said trying to dragon Donnie out.
"Let's go!" Psiona shouted as she grabbed Jaqueline's body and Spike slithered out with her, they had almost got a hang of this already as this couldn't be to hard.

They opened the door and saw a huge worm like bird mutant with gills attacking Raph and Casey.
"Uh guys? Guys wait for me!" April said as she was still blind. The monster screeched at the two and started attacking them.
"What the heck? Another mutant?!" Casey asked shocked as he tried whacking away the talons.
"Where'd it come from?!" Raph asked shocked as they tried fighting it back.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as he kicked the thing right in the neck.

"Ohh! bird, worm, and fish! I know this one, three animals, one body! There's like a perfect name for it in mythology." Mikey said as the monster tried attacking Psiona. Psiona roared with rage and delivered a strong kick to it's chest and sent it flying a great deal back.
"Chimera?" Donnie asked as he wacked the head with his staff.
"No, turducken, but Chimera works!" Mikey said liking that name.

The Chimaera roared at them again and tried snapping at Mikey who screamed leaping out of the way. Donnie jumped off his staff and into the air, he delivered a kick to it's head, followed by Raph punching it down. The monster got up and tried attacking all of them.

"Mom! What do we do?! How do we fight this thing?" Spike asked worried as he, Psiona and Jaqueline were together.
"We need to trust our sights, whatever you see, is what i'm seeing. We just need to be careful!" Psiona shouted as she grabbed Spike and leaped out of the way.
"What about Jaqueline? How do we help her?!" Spike asked turning to her from Psiona's eyes.
"I don't know, but we'll figure something out, come on!" Psiona shouted as they tried helping the others out.

"What? Is that me i'm looking at?" April asked shocked as she was looking through the Chimera's eyes.
"Look out!" April shouted as Leo pulled her out of the way right before it burrowed it's head in the ground before pulling out. Raph jumped down and they all tried attacking the thing.

"This is my fault, i summoned this thing!" April said ashamed as they turned another corner, they saw the Chimera fly down to them and was about to attack it before a ninja star hit it. It turned around and saw Raph and the others charging at it before it grabbed Raph with its mouth.
"A little help?!" Raph shouted as it tossed him around. Donnie and Mikey tried saving him before the monster wrapped it's talons around the two as well.
"Mikey Raph! Donnie!!" Spike shouted with worry as the thing started to fly into the air.

Casey climbed up to the rooftop before it was about to take off.
"Time to bring the pain!" Casey shouted putting on his mask and he tried to attack it.
"Goongala.. whoa!" Casey screamed as the monster grabbed Casey as well.
"Agh Your pain! Your pain!" Casey screamed as all of them were being taken away.

"No!!" Leo shouted in horror.
"Guys!!" Spike shouted with horror as he and Psiona watched the others being taken away.

"They're gone.. i couldn't do anything!" Leo said frustrated as April was crawling on the ground.
"Leo? My eyes.." April said as they saw her eyes were pure white.
"April? Your.. blind?" Leo asked worried for her.
"Not exactly, somehow i got a psychic connection to the monster. Maybe from Donnie's neurotransmitter?" April suggested.
"I'm seeing through it's eyes.." April said as we see a shot of it taking all of them to a tall mountain far from here..

" I know where it's taking them, and.." April said before her stomach growled with hunger.
"Uh oh, and i think i know why too.. i feel really hungry, like.. Mikey hungry.." April said worried.
"This is just great! My mom and eye are seeing through eachothers eyes, Jaqueline's in a state of shock, Donnie and the others were taken away, it's just perfect!" Spike said frustrated making a hiss of anger.
"I know things are bad right now son, but we can't just give up. The others are in danger and need our help." Psiona said trying to calm him down.
"She's right Spike, we can't let the others die, come on!" Leo said as they started heading through the forest, they got a fair deal through all of it before they could get to the others.

Spike looked at Jaqueline with worry as still frozen in fear.
"What about her? What do we do to help her?" Spike asked worried as Psiona turned to Jaqueline.
"I don't know, i'm gonna try something.." Psiona said as she bent down and closed her eyes while putting her claws on her head.

April cried with pain and held her head.
"April!" Leo said with worry as he winced in pain from his knee.
"I.. i'm fine.. i could feel it's pain. It got dizzy.. the guys are at the top of talbot peak. We better hurry." April said as they saw the tall mountain ahead of them.
"Hurry? April look at us." Leo said which upset her.
"That's a little difficult right now!!" April said with frustration.

"My point exactly, you can't see, i can't walk, Spike and his mom are seeing from eachother's eyes, and Jaqueline's in a state of shock, we'll never make it." Leo said feeling defeated.
"We'll make it! No matter what!" April said determined as she walked ahead a bit.. before bumping into a tree.
" I meant to do that.." April said in defense.

We cut back to Donnie and the others as they were trying to fight off the Chimera.
"We gotta get off this mountain!" Donnie shouted as the monster roared at them again.
"Easy turducken!" Mikey shouted as they knocked away it's head.
"We can take this thing!" Casey said confidently as they all backed up.
"Not on it's turf!" Donnie countered right before the monster hit them with it's wing and they all screamed as they went rolling down the mountain.

They all screamed as they went rolling down into a Geyser and landed on the ground. Donnie and Casey screamed as they almost fell off the ledge before Raph and Mikey pulled them up. The Chimera landed on the top and roared at them as they were trapped inside.

"Okay, they're safe, for now." April assured as Spike and the others were following the two with Psiona still trying to help Jaqueline.
"I can't believe you talked me into this.." Leo said annoyed.
"I shouldn't have had too." April countered as they took a quick break.

"You don't understand. I thought i was better, but i got hurt again way too easily. I'm a liability to the whole team.." Leo said in defeat, Spike sighed sadly and carefully sat next to him. April could tell he was upset and tried helping too.
"Your not! Your they're leader, we have to help them!" April said looking at something.
"uhh April?" Leo asked as she was looking at a tree.

"Her point still stands, we can help them, we just can't give up right now.." Spike assured trying to help him.
"Yeah well what can we do? My leg is still hurt, your a snake and can barely fight right now, Psiona's helping Jaqueline right now, it's just.. what can we do?" Leo asked still upset at this.
"I know it's bad right now, but we can't just give up.. even as a snake i'm wanting to help, and even with this new voice of mine, it's just to show what one can do when pushing through tough things like this. We can help them all, you just need to believe we can." Spike assured again as Leo tried thinking over this.

Psiona was still trying to help Jaqueline as she was still frozen in shock. She tried using her powers to see what's freezing her and went deep into her mind. She could hear screaming suddenly and saw Jaqueline was seeing the monster again.
"Get away from me! Back off!" Jaqueline shouted as she tried avoiding it's beak attacking her. Psiona saw she was in trouble and tried helping her.
"Jaqueline!" Psiona shouted as she used her powers and tried making that creature disappear. She released a powerful shockwave from her head which blew all the way over to her and the monster.

The shockwave hit the monster and it screamed in pain as it it disappeared finally. Jaqueline was breathing heavily in relief as the thing was gone.
"Thank goodness.." Jaqueline said relieved as she sat down for a moment.
"Hey, you okay?" Psiona asked as she came down to her in the black void again.
"Yeah.. i'm better now.. thanks.. i'm taking that things already attacked us huh?" Jaqueline guessed and she nodded in response.

"Yeah.. it's kidnapped Donnie and the others, Leo, my son, April and i are all trying to help them, but we're in a tough spot at the moment.." Jaqueline admitted and she looked down a little upset.
"Yeah, to think that we keep having to deal with monsters like these. Is this gonna be like this forever? Or will there ever be a point where this stops? Spike promised he'd show me the love and showed me the wonders of what the world has, but all i've been seeing at this point is just.. violence.." Jaqueline said worried as she looked over into the void.

Psiona sighed sadly and looked at her.
"We're all in a tough state right now, even after i finally found my son again, we still have to get used to the fact we're.. mutants. I've been trying to do what i can to help him with his snake form, but all of this fighting is just making it tougher. I know what it's like Jaqueline, but there is an end at all of this, and if we keep fighting for it.. we can finally see things how we wanted it.. I can be a proper mother for my son.. and he can show you what he promised.. we all just need to keep believing.." Psiona said hopefully looking up at the sky from her own mind.
"Yeah.. i guess your right.. do you think this will end soon? I was never fond of violence.." Jaqueline said sadly.

"I'm sure there will be. But we won't find it unless we help our friends, come on.. let's get back to the real world.." Psiona said standing up and offering her claw.
"Your right.. thanks for saving me Psiona.." Jaqueline said gratefully and she smiled in response.
"No problem, it's the least we can do.." Psiona assured as they're vision fades to white before they gasped in shuck again.

They look around and find themselves in the real world again, Psiona was still seeing through Spike's eyes, but she could see they were normal again.
"We're back.." Jaqueline said in relief and Spike noticed her.
"Mom? Jaqueline? Are you okay?" Spike asked worried as he gave them both a hug which they both returned.

"We're find now Spike.. thankfully.." Jaqueline said in relief as they looked at eachother.
"What did we miss?" Psiona asked worried as she saw Leo was looking a bit better.
"Well.. April went a little crazy and tried eating Leo, i coiled around her to make her stop, she soon realized what she was doing was wrong and stopped it, and Leo's knee is feeling better somehow. He's walking fine." Spike explained as the two walked up to them.

"Yeah, i feel better now! Much better." Leo said moving his leg around normally again.
"Is Jaqueline okay?" April asked worried trying to look at her.
"I'm fine now, thanks to Psiona. I take it everyone's better now?" Jaqueline asked looking at them.
"Other then me and my mom still seeing from eachother's eyes. We're good." Spike said looking at her through her eyes again.
"We're fine now, that's for sure." Psiona said in agreement.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's save the guys." April said determined as they all looked at the mountain.
"Everyone get on.." Psiona said as she got on her knees and they all climbed on her back.
"You sure you wanna try flying mom?" Spike asked worried as she spread out her wings.
"I'm sure, we just need to trust eachother's eyes, let's go!" Psiona shouted as she took off from the ground and flew to the mountain.

Casey and the others were still trapped in the Geyser and were trying to escape before it erupts.
"Okay, by attaching Mikey's kusarigama chains to Raph's grappling line, it should be long enough." Donnie said he pulled up a long hook.
"Let's find out!" Raph shouted as he twirled the thing around and threw it into the air, Casey hit the thing with his stick and that sent it higher until it latched onto the ledge at the top.
"Yes! Goal!" Casey said in victory.
"That'll hold! Let's go." Raph shouted as they all started to climb upwards.
"Guys, the water's rising, we need to go!" Donnie shouted as the water was almost at the ledge.

Psiona flew through the air at fast speeds to the mountain and they could see the Chimera trying to attack the others.
"There it is!" Jaqueline shouted pointing at it.
"Let's get it!" Leo shouted as Psiona made a loud roar alerting it. The Chimera roared at them right as she charged into it's face.

She grabbed the things neck and pinned it down the best she could.
"Leave our friends alone!" Psiona shouted as she and the others were trying to keep it down. The Chimera roared at them again and tried to break free. Spike hissed with rage and attacked it by breathing a large stream of fire onto it's body, Leo screamed as he came at it with his swords and was slashing at it.

"Guys!" Casey shouted as they could see him and the others trying to climb out.
"Mom! I got an idea!" Spike shouted which made her turn to him, Spike motioned to the things large neck and to the hole and she realized what he was trying to say.
"Great idea!" Psiona shouted as she aggressively grabbed the thing's neck and jumped into the air.

"Heads up guys!" Spike shouted as they saw Psiona falling down to them and was going to slam the thing into the geyser.
"Whoa! Watch it!" Mikey shouted as she slammed the thing extremely hard into the geyser and it's body got stuck.
"That should hold it." Psiona said as Jaqueline helped the others out.
"You guys okay?" Jaqueline asked helping them all out.

"Yeah, we're fine, thanks." Donnie said a little relived as the monster tried breaking free.
"The hole's plugged." Raph said looking at it.
"And that's a good thing right?" Casey asked curious.
"No, that's bad! The pressure from below has to escape, if it doesn't, the whole mountain could explode!" Donnie said really worried.

"I can't see anything guys, the creature must be in total darkness." April said as her eyes were still pale.
"Guys, the exploding mountain, remember?" Raph asked reminding all of them. They all screamed as the mountain started to shake violently.
"Everyone get on!" Psiona shouted picking all of them up. Spike coiled around her neck and the others got on her back, she quickly spread out her wings and took off and ignited the boosters attached to them and took off at supersonic speeds. The mountain began to explode from the clogged geyser and they all watched as the entire thing came tumbling down.
"At least the creatures gone.." Jaqueline said relieved that that's over.
"Yeah, hopefully.." Casey said in agreement as they took off again.

It was only a few more moments until Spike and Psiona blinked again and they could finally see normally again.
"Guys, i can see you all normally again!" Spike said in relief as he couldn't see through his moms eyes anymore.
"That's a huge relief, the monster must've been causing it somehow." Psiona suggested as they kept flying through the skies. April blinked her eyes as well and finally showed her pupils again.
"And i can see too! I can see!" April said in relief as well looking at her hands, Leo looked at her and smiled gratefully.

"April, thanks." Leo said gladly.
"For what?" April asked curious.
"I'd still be at the farm if not for you, you really inspired me." Leo explained and she smiled at that as well.
"Aww Leo." April said as she gave him a hug.

"You guys were awesome! Psiona really showed that thing huh?" Mikey asked looking at her.
"It was my sons idea, i couldn't have thought of that honestly." Psiona admitted.
"Hey, we all worked together on that, let's just be glad we can see normally." Spike said making sure he can feel his snake hands.
"That's a good thing for sure." Jaqueline said in agreement and she gave Spike a hug and he returned it.
"I'm just glad that links broken, the Chimera's finally gone.." April said in relief as we cut to the mountain completely in ruin, a single squirrel comes up to an acorn and picks it up, before the rubble bursts out from all over and the Chimera was seen to be alive and it roared at the squirrel and proceeded to attack it..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this one, i know this one was all over the place unlike my other chapters and i'm sorry for all the confusing things in it, but i was trying to figure out how i could have Spike's mom and Jaqueline have a little part in this one too like the others, i know that conversation wasn't much between them, but i wanted to try and have more moments with them and the other characters, and i'm still trying to find a good way to do that. I promise i'll do it better in later chapters, and i just hope you didn't mind this one, but i just hope you liked it and look forward to more!

Also isn't it weird that the Chimera was still alive and it was never seen again? I would've liked to see more of it as it was a really unique and cool mutant to me.

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