• Published 2nd Nov 2023
  • 2,544 Views, 500 Comments

Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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38: The Invasion

Shredder was currently in his lair once more, he was going through the memories of the times he raised her, and then he remembered the scene of her and Spike being mutated into snake monsters, Spike got away with the turtles, while Karai's whereabouts are unknown.

"Master Shredder, the hour goes late. Have you made your decision?" Tiger claw asked as he bowed in front of him.
"Hmm, they are dangerous allies, but they have provided us with much technology, asking for little in return." Shredder said with interest.
"They will betray you, you know this. They care nothing for the human race." Tiger claw argued.
"Nor do i, leave me Tiger claw." Shredder ordered, Tiger claw got up and left leaving him alone until he got a message from the Kraang.

"Kraang Prime." Shredder said as she was on a screen.
"One called Shredder, Kraang must have your decision." She ordered once more.
"If i help you, will you uphold your end of the bargain?" Shredder asked impatiently.
"Kraang will deliver the ones called Splinter and the turtles." She replied.

"And once i find Karai, you will mutate her back to normal?" Shredder asked a little hopefully.
"Kraang agrees to this, but in return, you must help Kraang conquer the city known as New York! And then.. the world!!" She said maliciously.

Snow was starting to fall from the sky as April and Irma were walking through the streets.
"It's just that, why don't you introduce me to your secret friends April? I don't get it?" Irma asked confused.
"One of these days Irma. They're really good um.. people. Anyway what i wanna know is: How can you go out in this weather without a coat?" April asked referring to the snow.

"Eh, i hardly ever notice the cold, but seriously if we're friends, friends should introduce friends to friends and.. Ah!" Irma screamed as foot bots suddenly landed all around them.
"Foot bots!" April said worried.
"These aren't the types of friends i meant!" Irma said in fear.
"Move Irma, run!" April shouted as the two started to run away.

April took out her phone and tried calling Donnie, but a bot threw a ninja star at the thing disabling it.
"No!" April said in fear.
"Who are these freaks April?!" Irma asked while they kept running.
"Doesn't matter, run!" April shouted as they continued to run from the foot bots.

Raph was currently on another rooftop lookout out for something.
"Where are you? You gotta be out there somewhere." Raph said putting his telescope away, he looked down and saw Casey near the streets and landed down.
"Casey! We're supposed to be looking for Karai! What are you doing man?" Raph asked frustrated.

"Eh, i'm just taking a break man, making some art." Casey said pointing to a graffiti he made.
"Check it out, oh that is so metal!" Casey said looking at it.
"Yeah, come on Casey, Let's move." Raph said ready to go.

"Uh hold on Raph, i gotta question for you. So um.. April ever talk about me, like ever?" Casey asked curious.
"It doesn't matter, you know how Donnie feels about her." Raph replied turning to him.
"Yeah right.. so how's Spike doing? He got mutated into a snake monster a couple weeks back right? How's he handling it?" Casey asked worried.
"He's not taking it that well.. he's starting to move around properly, but he can barely fight, we're lucky he didn't lose his mind after getting mutated like with Karai." Raph said crossing his arms and looking down regretfully.
"Man, that must really suck. How do you think we'll fix this if we find a way home for him? Can we even turn him back? " Casey asked worried.
"I don't know Casey, let's just get going on finding Karai, maybe she can help him get used to it.." Raph said as the two started walking off.

Spike and the others were currently in Donnie's lab and let Donnie do his thing, Spike finally got the hang of slithering and wasn't falling over like before.
"Ugh, i'm so worried i can't even eat." Donnie said as he tossed Spike his pizza slice which he ate with his snake hand.
"Dude, what's it like? you have like three mouths now?" Mikey asked looking at him.
"It's weird.. i can still taste stuff, but having snake hands is like having extra ways to eat things. I can swear i can even taste air with my tongue." Spike said looking at his snake hands once more.
"Rad.. tasting air, wonder what it's like?" Mikey said amazed.

"You have the right to be concerned Donatello, the Kraang invasion is imminent, what plans have you made to stop it?" Splinter asked walking into the room.
"I give you my latest invention.. the turtle mech!" Donnie announced pulling up a board with the mech's drawings on it.

"It's fully armed with rockets, flamethrowers, and an electro harpoon. Guaranteed to stop a massive Kraang invasion army!" Donnie assured.
"Gotta hand it to you Donnie, you never cease to amaze me with your inventions, i honestly think Twilight would be jealous of what you can make." Spike said impressed.
"Yeah but that things not even ready, it could damage New York, more then help it." Leo argued.

"But it's ready.. enough." Donnie argued.
"There's gotta be another way. We need to establish a second base, outside the city." Leo instructed.
"There is no time for that Leo, the turtle mech is solid! If i were leader id.." Donnie said before Leo came up in his face.
"But your not leader Donnie, i am!" Leo pointed out as Mikey came behind them.
"Oh snap!" Spike and Mikey said at once.
"Enough! Your ego's are fighting one another, when we should be preparing to fight the Kraang!" Splinter said upset at them and Leo looked down sadly. Spike just looked down at his new body again and sighed, he's just worried that even with what they have, won't be enough..

April and Irma were still running as fast as they could.
"Faster Irma, move those little legs!" April shouted as they kept moving.
"I'm moving, i'm moving!" irma shouted as they came turned another corner.

"This way!" April shouted leading her to a blocked path.
"A dead end! It's the end, and.. we're dead." Irma said as April saw a dumpster
"Not quite!" April said seriously. The foot bots turned the next corner and saw it was empty, they looked into the same dumpster and stabbed in it, but April and Irma were hiding behind trash cans behind them and snuck off. The two hid around another corner and April saw a manhole cover.

"Quick, down here!" April whispered bringing her over to it.
"Your not serious.." Irma said in disgust, April began to crawl into it proving her fears right.
"You are serious." She said disgusted some more as she climbed down as well.

Raph was looking out for Karai still and he thankfully found her on another rooftop.
"Casey, i see her, Karai! She's slithering across the street..." Raph said before a police siren was heard and a cop car drove up to Casey.
"Great.. can i help you officers?" Casey asked as they walked out.

"Your loitering kid, you know what that means?" The officer asked upset at him.
"Loitering, seriously? Don't you got real criminals to bust, or a donut shop to go to?" Casey asked with a smug.
"We'll figure out the charged later, Casey Jones." The officer said as they started to grab him.
"Hey, hey what are you doing, i got rights! Let me go!" Casey shouted as they took him.

"Aw crud, guess i gotta help him, but i should let Spike know about this." Raph said as he took out his phone and called Spike.

Spike was in the sewer system, he left to think about all of this until his phone rang again, he couldn't use his hands still and tried using his tail and picked up.
"Raph? What's up? I'm in the.. middle of something." Spike said looking at his hands still.
"Spike, i've found Karai! Casey's been taken in by some cops, i figured i could use your help!" Raph said which surprised him.
"Really?! Where are you right now?!" Spike asked shocked ready to go help her already.
"I'll send you my location, hurry up!" Raph replied as the phone hung up and Raph sent him the location of where he was.
"I'm coming for you Karai.." Spike said seriously as he tried pushing past his problems to climb to the top and went to the rooftops to catch up with him.

"Leo i'm telling you, the Turtle mech is our only answer! Be reasonable!" Donnie argued as they came into the living area.
"I am being reasonable Donnie, we need a second base, period." Leo countered until they heard something and saw April and Irma walk in.

"Guys, i'm sorry about this.." April said regretfully as they all saw Irma.
"But, but.. footbots were after us and.. irma here is really good at keeping secrets and um.." April said nervously as Irma got her glasses.
"April, you have brought a stranger.. here?!" Splinter asked upset at her.
"Um, don't worry Master Splinter, she's cool! Right Irma?" April asked nervously and her eyes widened seeing them.

"T.. t.. turtles?!" Irma asked as she saw Mikey.
"What up dog?!" Mikey asked casually.
"Turtles.. rgh.." Irma said as her body looked to be twitching strangely.
"Uh, heh, Miss.. i know we look kind of different and all But i promise, we're not gonna hurt you.. Wait a minute.. where's Spike?!" Leo asked looking around.
"Oh um.. i saw him leave to think to himself, you know his mutation situations not going that well.." Mikey said nervously.
"You let him go alone?! What were you thinking?!" Donnie asked furious at him.
"I was just letting him have some alone time you know? He needed it!" Mikey said getting scarred.

Irma's head suddenly twitched until it suddenly came out like a siren.
"Holy Chalupa!" Mikey said horrified as her eyes glowed red.
"Turtles, Turtles, Turtles..." She repeated in a robotic voice and all of them screamed.
Irma's body began to change as she became a huge Kraang droid and she was revealed to be a robot and the alien laughed with a familiar voice.

"April, you gotta think your friends more carefully!" Mikey said in fear.
"Oh my gosh, Irma was a..!!" April said horrified as he grabbed the arcade machine with his claw.
"Kraang!" He shouted as he threw it to them.

"Lowly insects , kneel before the genius of Kraang sub prime! Greatest Kraang spy, in all of Dimension X! Finding the lair, was the final component to launch, full scale invasion!" He shouted as dozens of portals started appearing all over the room.
"This isn't good!" Mikey said in fear.
"It's probably best Spike's not here for this.." Donnie said terrified as well.

Spike followed the signal to Raph's location and finally caught up with him.
"Took you long enough." Raph said looking at him.
"Hey, i can barely slither properly now! What's going on?" Spike asked looking down at the cops who were trying to arrest Casey.
"Kid drew graffiti on the wall and the cops spotted him, saw Karai right before this happened, and figured you could help." Raph explained.
"Let's just help him out." Spike said looking down.

"Let me go! man!" Casey shouted trying to resist.
"Get in the car punk!" The officer shouted, Spikes senses suddenly went off meaning something was happening.
"Um.. Raph?" Spike asked nervously pointing his tail somewhere.

Electricity seemed to be forming on another park and they watched in horror as a Kraang portal emerged.
"It's starting!" Spike said horrified. Dozens of more portals spawned in and they saw more Kraang droids marching through them.
"The Kraang!" Raph said in fear. They looked down in fear and saw Casey about to be pushed in.
"Give me that stick!" The officer demanded before Casey whacked him with it.
"Oops!" Casey said nervously. The officer suddenly looked at him and his body glitched out revealing him to be a Kraang droid.
"Whoa! They're already infiltrating, they're here!!" Casey shouted as he took the one behind him down.

Raph and Spike landed down and Spike ate off the droids head and threw it away.
"Whoa, Spike! Are you okay?!" Casey asked worried seeing his state.
"I'm fine for now, but we need to move!" Spike shouted as a large portal appeared before them.
"The invasions started, back to the lair!!" Raph screamed as they ran away from the Kraang droids.

Splinter and the other turtles were trying to fight off the droids that were invading their lair as more came through.
"The signal was correct, Kraang has discovered the place the turtles and dragon are hiding!" Another droid said as they fired at Splinter. Leo was running from Kraang sub prime and dodged another object being thrown at him.
"This is so messed up! My best friend for the past year has been a kraang?!" April asked as she took cover.

"Fooled you! Fooled you all!" He screamed as Mikey was avoiding gunfire in the kitchen, he slammed the fridge door on ones face and saw Ice cream Kitty, who was a cat that was mutated into ice cream not long after another incident with the rat king.
"Aw yeah!" Mikey said giving it a high five. But he was suddenly kicked down and saw Kraang sub prime towering over him. Mikey barely avoided being sawed up by using a bagel slicer to hit the head knocking it back.
"Bagel slicer, slicing time robot!" Mikey shouted right before he screamed again fell onto the table.

The irma head fell down and watched in horror as it's eyes opened up and Spider legs appeared from it's bottom part and it roared at him with Mikey looking horrified. Mikey screamed in fear as he ran out of the kitchen dodging lasers that were being fired from it's eyes. The small bot looked up and fired more lasers at the pipes to bring the place down.
"Destroy the turtles! Wipe out the lair! But the rat, comes with us!" Sub prime said evilly.

Leo dodged another laser fire from a robot and kicked it down, Mikey twirled around and kicked the spider head right to Donnie, who bit him on the leg.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Donnie said in pain.
"Sorry D!" Mikey shouted as he took cover in his room and looked around the place.

Splinter was avoiding fire in the dojo and faced Sub prime.
"Take that ya filthy rat!" Sub prime said with anger. Splinter kept on dodging his attacks and saw a buzz saw come from its hand.

Spike was slithering along with Raph and Casey as more bots marched after them.
"Spike! Do you still have a weapon?!" Raph shouted as he took down another droid.
"I have my plasma sword and whip! But i don't have regular hands anymore!" Spike shouted as he dodged more gun fire.
"Try using your tail for now! We gotta use something!" Casey shouted as they kept running. Spike looked at his tail and tried using it like a hand, he used that to grab the plasma sword that was attached to him and took it out.
"Let's hope this works!" Spike shouted as he started using it to tear through the bots.

They watched in horror as another large mech appeared in the streets as people were running away in horror.
"What the heck/ hell!?" Spike and Raph shouted at once as the thing opened up its weapons.
"Oh snap!" Casey said in fear as it charged up.
"Move it, run!" Raph screamed as they avoided lightning being shot at them.
"There's to many of them guys! Ah!!" Casey screamed as the mech marched after them.

The three of them turned another corner and moved over some cars that were being destroyed.
"just keep going, go go go!!" Raph screamed as they tried escaping.
"Celestia help us!!" Spike screamed as he slithered as fast as he could.

More and more Kraang droids were coming into the lair as the turtles and Splinter tried fighting them of. The spider bot charged at Leo until a sword stabbed it right in the head.
"Go! Escape!" Splinter shouted as he threw the others they're weapons.
"I will hold them off!" Splinter shouted as Sub prime barged into the room and attacked Splinter.

"we're not leaving you!" Leo shouted pulling out his other sword.
"I have a plan, go now!" Splinter shouted as he held an attack back.
"Come on, head for the Shellraiser!" Donnie shouted as they tried escaping.

Sub prime kicked Splinter backed and landed down.
"You'll go nowhere!" Sub prime shouted as he fired a missile at them, they barely dodged them, but in result it got the Shellraiser totaled.
"My baby!!" Donnie said horrified. Splinter jumped down and grabbed the arm just as it fired again. Mikey screamed as he was almost caught on it and landed on his face.
"Everyone, follow me!" Leo shouted as he was running off, they all screamed in terror as they fled the lair and went through the tunnels.

"This way!" Leo shouted while they turned another corner.
"This is all my fault! I led them straight to the lair!" April said regretfully.
"Don't worry April, you we're just trying to help a friend.. uh oh.." Mikey said as they were on a split path.
"Which way?" April asked worried.

"Left! That'll lead us to the turtle mech!" Donnie said pointing in one direction.
"No, we gotta find, Raph. Casey and Spike first!" Leo countered.
"We can find them in the mech!" Donnie said frustrated.
"It's too slow!" Leo countered again.

"Your the one who's too slow! Your leading us into disaster!" Donnie argued.
"I'm just doing what Splinter would've wanted!" Leo countered right until a portal appeared between them again and another droid marched out.

"It is the one called the turtles!" The droid said as they started firing at them.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted as all of them were trying to block them.
"Run! Take April and Donnie to safety! I'll lead them away!" Leo ordered as he stabbed another in the chest.
"Dude we can't leave you too!"" Mikey countered as he stabbed another in the head too.

"Just do it!" Leo shouted as he tapped his swords together.
"Come on Kraang! This way! Whoo, yeah! Over here!" Leo shouted as he lead them away.
"I don't like this!" Mikey said worried as he helped Donnie up.

Mikey opened the manhole again and looked around.
"Coast is clear.." Mikey said right as he dodged another car.
"Okay, now the coast is clear!" Mikey corrected as they helped them out, police sirens were heard as Donnie held his arm.
"Ow, ow! It hurts so bad!" Donnie said in pain clutching his arm, April checked it to see it's condition.
"You'll be alright Donnie, i'll get you fixed up." April assured.

Mikey took out his phone and tried calling Leo.
"Leo you there? Come on bro.. poke your head out of your shell and pick up!" Mikey begged.
"It's my fault! Man i shouldn't have argued with Leo, now he's gone!" Donnie said regretfully. Another portal opened up once more and even more droids marched through, they avoided being seen by hiding behind a taxi.

"I don't think they saw us.." April said a little relieved.
"Leo was right.. We should have gotten out of the city when we had the chance." Donnie said ashamed of himself.
"Not without my dad and the others! come on guys!" April said as she started leading them away.

Spike and the others were on another rooftop until they heard a loud noise, another large portal opened up behind them and a Stealth ship appeared from it.
"Dude, this is worse then that whole Technodrome thing last year! It's totally crazy" Casey said horrified as they took cover. Raph's phone went off again and he picked it up.
"Mikey! Where are you?!" Raph asked worried.

"On the way to April's apartment! Meet us there dude!" Mikey explained.
"Guys, look out!!" Spike screamed as he ducked the others away from another blast from the ship, they all screamed as they jumped off the roof right as it exploded.

More droids were looking through the sewers and saw more of them on the floor.
"Kraang. Still no sign of the turtles." The droid said as Leo hid above them.
"Hurry Kraang, we must retrieve the turtles and dragon for the one called Shredder" The other responded as they left.
"Shredder?" Leo asked himself as he ran off.

We cut to April's apartment where everyone was worried.
"The city's overrun! What are we.. what is anyone going to do?!" " Kirby asked horrified as the roof shook.
"We're doomed! Doomed! Oh my poor sweet April!" Kirby cried as he fell on his knees.
"don't worry Mr O Neil! This whole alien invasion thing is really no big deal, look." Mikey said as he opened the curtains, dozens of people were heard screaming as the Kraang destroyed a lot of the city.
"Oh.. never mind.." Mikey said closing the curtains, Kirby passed out from all the stress much to their shock.
"Oh boy.." Mikey said in fear as he looked outside and saw the entire city being destroyed.

Shredder and his man watched on as they attacked the place.
"The city is ours Master Shredder." Tiger claw said turning to him.
"Since i was a boy, i have seen this very vision, the world.. in chaos!" Shredder said as Rahzar stood up and howled at the moon.

"Master Shredder, the Kraang have sent word, Leonardo is not far from here. They're leading him straight to us" Rahzar reported.
"Excellent, then it is the beginning, of the end." Shredder said menacingly as fire covered the screen.

We cut back to the lair where it's totally wrecked and Splinter is still fighting off Sub prime.
"Now i've got your cornered, you monsterous rat!" Sub prime said with rage.
"Corner a rat, and see what happens!" Splinter countered. Sub prime growled with rage and tried attacking him. He blocked the attacks from his fists and flipped right over him, he pushed him back roughly and dodged and attack from the saw, Splinter then took out a knife and cut the arm off completely and kicked him out of Donnie's lab. Sub Prime's armor was falling apart as he fell right out of it.

"Kraang shall dominate the Earth! You and your kin will be destroyed, Kraang will be back!" He shouted right before he was crushed by some rubble. Splinter looked around the lair with huge regret as it was completely destroyed, Splinter walked over and picked up a broken photo of him, Spike and the others and looked at it sadly.
"Don't stand here like a fool Yoshi.., find your family.." Splinter told himself as he started to leave.

Spike and the others continued to run through the streets as the Kraang kept attacking.
"Just a little further to April's place!" Casey shouted as they kept moving, Spike's head suddenly hurt badly again and he clutched it in pain.
"Spike?! What's wrong no?!" Raph asked worried as Spike opened his eyes looking worried.
"Leo's in trouble! He's not to far from here, i'll go save him! Move!" Spike shouted as he started slithering off.
"Spike are you crazy?! There's no way you can take the Kraang by yourself!" Casey shouted as Spike sped up.
"I know, but i have to try! You just be careful!" Spike shouted as he left them alone.

"Well that's just great!" Raph said extremely frustrated.
"First the Kraang show up and start invading us, then we get separated from the others, then Spike goes off in a form he can barely use to try and save Leo! Is there anything else to know?!" Casey shouted with anger. That question was answered when they heard a loud noise, they watched in horror as another huge portal emerged. Things were worse when they saw Kraang Prime herself emerge from the portal in a giant mech with the city looking on horrified.

"Yes! Kraang Prime, returns to Earth!" She shouted as people were running away in terror.
"I stand corrected.. you got some plan to fight that?" Casey asked as the two backed up in fear.
"Uh.. Not really no.." Raph said terrified.
"People of Earth, the Kraang forming of your world, is about to begin!" Kraang prime announced as she held out a large arm and it powered on. It shot out a ton of mutagen towards some people.
"No!" Raph shouted in fear as the mutated people emerged from it now looking like Kraang aliens.
"Now that, is really messed up!" Casey said horrified as they watched this happen..

Spike was slithering through the streets as fast as he could, he was trying to avoid being seen from anything the Kraang had. Spike was breathing heavily as he went after Leo. This day was just getting worse and worse, he's barely been a serpent for a day, he's barely able to fight, and is separated from the others, now the Kraang are fully invading the world and the people were getting mutated.
"Why?! Why did this have to happen?! Why did i have to come out like this?! I could help better if i had my old body!" Spike hissed to himself as he took cover from a stealth ship.
"This is all their fault! If Shredder didn't capture Karai again, i'd still be a dragon! And this may not have happened!" Spike told himself as he took some cover again.

Spike kept thinking to himself with regret as he heard more people were screaming in terror, a familiar figure was watching him from the shadows and decided to show itself to him.
"Spike? A familiar voice asked which caught his attention. He looked over and saw Karai in her snake form still.
"Karai! Your okay!" Spike said in relief as they hid in the shadows from the Kraang.

"What's going on?" Karai asked in fear looking around the place.
"It's the Kraang, they perfected the mutagen, they're gonna turn the Earth into another home for them." Spike said worried as they saw more people being mutated into monsters.
"We.. need to go! Have to.. escape!" Karai said as she tried bringing Spike with her.
"No! I can't, my friends are still in trouble! Leo is in trouble! I have to save him!" Spike said trying to let go.

"No! It's too dangerous for you! Come with me! I can keep us both safe!" Karai assured while another ship passed over them.
"Karai, there is no safe place! The Kraang are everywhere!" Spike countered as he started to cry. Karai saw this and let go of him as he lowered down on his tail.
"It's all done.. I won't see them again.. i won't see my mother.. Twilight.. or anyone!" Spike said as he broke down starting to lose hope. Karai saw this and remembered what he told her on that night, she wanted to try and help him.

"Spike.. this is not.. you.. You never gave up on anyone, you shouldn't give up now!" Karai said trying to speak the best she can.
"How can i? I've faced tons of things at this point.. but an alien invasion isn't one of them.." Spike said looking over the city which had smoke coming from multiple areas.
"Spike, if there's one thing i know, it's that i never went down without a fight, even like this." Karai said looking at her snake body which looked a lot like Spike's.

"Spike, if there's one thing i knew about you, you were never one to give up, i saw your determination. Your will to fight for others, you cannot lose that hope now." Karai said looking down at him who tried processing this.
"But.. i can barely fight.. i don't even know how to use my powers properly, and i don't know if i'll ever unlock it.. or return home.." Spike said regretfully.
"Spike.. this isn't you.. Your friends would want you to fight, even when the odds are against you, did they ever give up when it happened with them?" Karai asked again, Spike's eyes widened in realization, she was right, even when against someone like Discord or Nightmare Moon, Twilight and her friends never gave up, and they always pushed through and came out on top.

"No.. they had eachother by they're side.. And i still have mine.." Spike said in realization.
"You may be a mutant like me, but you still have them, if saving them is what it takes for your hope, then save them." Karai explained as Spike got up and looked around.
"Your right.. I shouldn't give up.. even when i'm a snake.. I need to keep going.." Spike said as he was finding confidence again.

Spike turned to Karai and looked at her thankfully.
"Karai.. thank you.. i'm sorry for what's happened to us.. i promise i'll fix it one day.." Spike promised, Karai suddenly came in and gave Spike a hug which surprised him.
"I know you will.. just be careful.. and i promise i'll help you find your mom one day.." Karai assured as they looked at eachother.
"Thank you Karai.. you'd best escape, i promise i'll see you again one day." Spike assured as they let go of eachother.
"I know we will.." Karai replied as she slithered off again leaving Spike alone.
"Alright Spike.. find Leo.. then the others.." Spike told himself as he slithered off as well.

Spike watched as the city continued to be attacked, a group of soldiers called the Earth Protection Force had arrived, and were trying to fight of Kraang Prime. Spike hid himself from all the battle's that was happening and tried reaching Leo who he could sense was in trouble.

Leo was ambushed by the foot and was currently trying to fight them off, Leo blocked some arrows being fired at him and saw Shredder and his men on the roof.
"Leo!" Spike shouted as he slithered into the scene.
"Spike! What are you doing here?! I thought you were with the others!" Leo shouted as they blocked some more fire.
"I sensed you were in trouble, i'm here to help!" Spike shouted as he barely avoided more hitting his tail.
"Spike, it's to dangerous, you need to go, now!" Leo shouted as a chain wrapped around his arm.

It pulled Leo to a wall and a foot bot and it charged at them, Spike stabbed his tail right through it's face as it was really sharp. Swords suddenly came from behind Leo and the wall burst down revealing more foot bots. Leo and Spike were kicked through a wall and they watched as they were surrounded by them.
"Celestia help us.." Spike said getting in a fighting stance.

"You should let me finish them master." Tiger claw offered.
"Not yet, i want to see them suffer." Shredder replied as they drew they're swords. Spike ducked under another attack and sliced a bots head off, Spike could barely fight in this form, but he was trying his best. Spike coiled around another bot and ate off it's head and he and Leo charged at them with anger.

Splinter was still in the sewers trying to avoid the Kraang, he saw a knife in a bots head and picked it up.
"Leonardo.." Splinter said as more droids came behind him.
"It is the one called Splinter, exterminate! Exterminate!" A droid ordered as they all fired at him, Splinter hopped from wall to wall and tried avoiding them. They kept firing until something smashed off a bots head. They looked behind and saw Leatherhead tower over them and made a loud roar. Splinter watched as Leatherhead absolutely totaled each of them and repeatedly punched at one.

"That is enough, enough!" Splinter shouted which made him calm down.
"Leatherhead, my thanks." Splinter said gratefully.
"Great Splinter, where are your sons and Spike?" Leatherhead asked worried.
"Lost in this madness, will you help me find them?" Splinter asked hopefully.
"Anything for my friends." Leatherhead said determined.
"Let us hurry!" Splinter said as the two ran off.

Leo screamed in rage as he sliced another foot bot in half. Spike breathed fire on another group as more kept coming, he used his snake hand to latch onto a ledge and join up with Leo who just stabbed a bot in the chest and kicked it down. A bot suddenly grabbed Leo's leg and he screamed as he was thrown to a ditch.
"Leo!!" Spike screamed in horror. Spike hissed at the bot with rage and stabbed it through the head again as Leo landed down.

Leo gasped for air and climbed out of the water as the snow continued to fall. and breathed heavily, Spike and Leo saw the Shredder with his man standing above.
"Finish the turtle, let the dragon suffer." Shredder ordered. Shredder's men charged at them and Spike and Leo were being beaten down. Spike hissed with rage and grabbed Fishface and threw him into Rahzar, Leo jumped off a ledge and delivered a kick to knock him down.
"I won't.. give up!!" Spike screamed as he and Leo kept fighting them. Spike and Leo screamed as they fought Tiger claw now, Spike wrapped a hand around Tiger claw and leo kicked him in the face. Leo was breathing heavily until something flashed over him.

"Leo!!" Spike shouted as Shredder took out his blades.
"Ah!!" Leo screamed as Shredder struck him down.
"NO!!!!" Spike screamed in terror as he fell on the ground.
"Don't think we've forgotten about you, dragon." Shredder said as he was knocked down again, Spike could barely keep his eyes open but he saw them looking down at them. Leo's phone rung again and Tiger claw checked the message.

"They wait for them at the girls house." Tiger claw explained.
"Bait them out, and destroy them." Tiger claw grabbed Leo's body while Rahzar grabbed Spike's.

Shredder climbed out of the pit and lightning flashed as Splinter arrived.
"Where is my son?!" Splinter asked with rage.
"I take him and that dragon like i took your child so many years ago." Shredder said as he made an evil laugh. Splinter's eyes shrunk and he became absolutely furious with him as the two proceeded to fight eachother.

Kirby was lying down in April's apartment until water splashed over him and they saw him wake up.
"I just had the worst dream.. The Kraang were trying to invade!" Kirby said in fear.
"Don't worry Mr O Neil. Reality is WAY worse then your nightmare" Mikey assured which made him panic more.

"We gotta move, Kraang prime is stomping this way!" Raph said as he and Casey ran in.
"Where's Spike?!" April asked worried as he wasn't here.
"Said Leo was in trouble, he went to save him before we could stop him." Casey explained.
"What?! We have to go find them! They could be hurt!" April said terrified. Her fears were proven right when Leo and Spike's body's came crashing through the window and they landed on the ground groaning in pain.

"Leo! Spike!" Raph said worried as Spike's body had scars all over it as well as Leo.
"What happened?!" April asked worried as they checked on him.
"The.. The.. foot.." Spike said weakly as he could barely stay awake.
"Leo's still breathing.." Raph said worried checking on them.
"Dude, his shell is cracked! And Spike's body is just as bad!" Mikey said looking at both they're injured body's.

"Come out turtles! We know your in there!" Tiger claw demanded as he and the foot were surrounding the whole building. Two foot bots charged in and drew they're weapons, Casey drew his stick and started to fight them too.
"We.. need to move.. now!" Spike said weakly as he tried to move. They burst open the door but saw Rahzar land down in front of them.
"This is for my brothers!!" Mikey shouted as he threw a couch off the ledge and it crushed him.

Tiger claw started firing at them while Spike and the others tried escaping, Spike's body was on the verge of collapse, but was still willing to go.
"This way!" Kirby shouted as they turned another corner and came upon a van.

"What the heck is that?" Raph asked confused.
"It's my old party wagon, ran it back in my hipster days, heh heh, groovy!" Kirby joked before mutagen was shot on him and he screamed in pain.
"Not again!!" Spike screamed in fear as he saw Kraang prime come around.
"Guys, move!" Casey shouted as they started getting in, Spike's body was layed down and he groaned in pain as everything hurt.
"Floor it Jones!" Raph ordered closing the door.

Casey grabbed the keys and it luckily still worked and they started driving off at fast speeds. The mutated Kirby tried stopping them but the van drove faster and he slid off. They all screamed as they were barely avoiding mutagen which was turning the ground into crystals, Casey turned another corner and drove into an alleyway just barely escaping.
"Agh! I'll get you all!" Kraang prime swore.

Splinter and Shredder were still fighting over what happened.
"You grow tired! Your skills have become weak!" Shredder mocked as Splinter blocked his slashes.
"Yet i am stronger then ever, fueled by anger! My rage!" Shredder shouted as he striked at him again, Splinter blocked this one and punched him back with both his hands making him grind on the ground.

"Rage is a tool that burns quickly!" Splinter said still ready to fight.
"Always the wise one!" Shredder said as he took out some knives, Shredder threw them as Splinter who barely dodged them, this let Shredder deliver multiple strikes to him and he got thrown to the crane, this weakened the pipes on it and the rope snapped causing all of them to fall onto him.
Splinter groaned in pain as he was grabbed by the beard and had a blade by his face.

"What wisdom do you have now?!" Shredder mocked, Shredder was about to stab him, right until Leatherhead burst through the wall and knocked him down, he bit down on Shredder's chest and threw him to the wall in rage.
"My friend, are you hurt?" Leatherhead asked as Splinter heard a blade.
"Look out!" Splinter shouted as Shredder jumped in the air. Leatherhead roared in rage as Shredder was wrangling him down, Shredder used some pressure points on his legs which disabled him and he drew his blades to finish him. Splinter watched in horror as Shredder badly beat him down too, he finished him off by kicking him off the ledge which caused him to fall into the water.

Splinter screamed with pure rage as he burst through the pipes holding him down. Splinter got onto all fours and charged at him as the pipes fell down, he lunged at Splinter and they both fell down while Splinter snapped his jaw at him as they fell into the sewers.

Casey drove the van into a clear spot to hide.
"This looks like a safe spot." Casey said as Raph opened the doors.
"Come on! We gotta find Splinter!" Raph said getting out.
"No way! What about Leo and Spike?!" Mikey asked worried looking at they're beaten up bodys.
"We shouldn't move them." Donnie assured.

"They should stick with me, i'm going back to search for my family." Casey offered.
"No.. i won't give up easily!!" Spike said in pain as he crawled out.
"Spike don't. Your hurt enough as it is, your lucky to still be alive. You can't come with us." Raph argued as Spike weakly stood up looking like he's gonna faint.
"I don't care.. i don't care what pain i go through today, i won't let my family go!" Spike said pushing through it.

"Ugh! Just stay close and don't move your body to much. Good luck Casey, meet us here at this exact spot.." April said turning to him.
"No problem red." Casey said as he drove off leaving them alone.

Mikey and Donnie helped carry Spike's weak body to the lair as they saw the place was totally wrecked.
"Sensei! Are you in here?!" Raph shouted as they ran into the dojo, April tried using his powers to see him.
"He's not here, i don't sense him." April said with worry, Donnie picked up the photo of Splinter and his family and put it away.
"We gotta move, everyone take one meaningful thing with you, first we find Splinter, then we get out of town." Donnie instructed.

Raph went into his room and went to get a single of picture of Slash before he was mutated.
"Wherever you are Spike, i hope your safe." Raph prayed looking at it, Donnie went into his lab and got his chemicals. Spike weakly slithered into his room to grab some stuff.
"What are you bringing with you Spike?" April asked worried as she saw him move around. Spike looked up at his swords and carefully placed them in a bag, he took some of his masks and his picture of him, Twilight and the others.
"Twilight.. i promise i'll see you again one day.." Spike said weakly as he had April carry him out as his body still hurt. Mikey went to get Ice cream kitty and put him in a cooler.

April and Spike looked around the lair and remembered the times they spent here.
"This was the first place i had as a home.. after i was taken here.." Spike said sadly looking over it.
"I know.. it's all my fault.." April said regretfully. Spike and April's heads suddenly went off and they saw flashes, they saw what looked like Splinter fighting the Shredder, and it caused them to scream in pain.

"April, Spike, what is it?!" Donnie asked worried as the others came to them.
"Master Splinter, we can sense him. He's close!" April said as they saw the flashes again.
"He's fighting the Shredder! Come on.." Spike said weakly as the others carried his body out.
"You really should've stayed with Casey, Spike." Raph said as they went to help him.

Spike and the others made they're way through the others and Spike could sense him.
"That.. way!" Spike weakly said pointing his snake head in one direction which had them all go to it.

"Now i will tear you to pieces!" Shredder said as they saw Splinter fighting him.
"Sensei!" Mikey said worried as they were blocked by some bars.
"Go! Leave this place!" Splinter ordered as he ducked under another attack.
"Pity that dragon is still alive and with your sons to see you fall." Shredder mocked as Splinter was kneed in the chest.

"You can do it Master Splinter!" April encouraged.
"Get that tin can!.." Spike said weakly trying to stay awake. Shredder threw a smoke bomb in his face and he screamed as he was blinded, Shredder jumped in the air and was about to finish him off, but Splinter got into a special stance and held his two fingers and hit him with a massive gust of wind.
"Whoa.. i hope i can do that.. even with.. these.." Spike said looking at his snake hands once more.
"Now quickly, we must find a way to get out of here." Splinter said walking to them.

But Shredder wasn't done and he walked through the shadows and drew his blades and slashed at him again.
"No!!" Spike said in horror as Shredder picked up his body and turned a valve.
"Don't do it!" Donnie begged as the water was being drained and he threw him into the drain pipe.
"NOOO!!!!!" They all screamed in horror as he was thrown into it.

"Master Splinter!" April said horrified as he sank into it, Raph was furious and grabbed the bars.
"You! You monster!!" Raph screamed as he tried bringing down the doors as Shredder left clutching his arm.
"No.. he can't.." Spike said sadly as he finally passed out from the pain.
"Spike! no!" April said worried as he was unconscious finally.

"April.." Donnie said regretfully as April was crying a little.
"We're not running from this Donnie, we're gonna put and end to this!" April said determined and Donnie nodded knowing what this meant.

We cut to the streets of the city, Giant steps could be heard as see everyone in the Turtle mech Donnie built. Kraang droids were marching through the city until they were stopped by them, Spike was strapped behind Donnie as he was still unconscious from the pain.
"Aw yeah! Turtle mech power!!" Mikey shouted in victory, the droids started firing at them and they all got ready.

"April, pull that lever to your left! And the pedal! " Donnie instructed. April did so and this caused the mech to raise it's foot up and stomp on all the droids and grind on them.
"Dude this is the coolest thing ever!" Mikey said amazed. Mikey pulled a lever forward and that had a flamethrower go from it's mouth and it took the rest down. The mech grabbed a dumpster with it's claw and Raph turned a wheel and had it drop on one more.
"Be careful guys, Spike's still out of it, let's not cause any more pain then he has now." Donnie said as they marched through the city.

They continued to march through until they finally came to Shredder's lair.
"There it is, Shredder's lair! Let's get em!" Mikey shouted right before a blast stopped them.

They turned around and found Kraang prime in her suit and she roared at them.
"I think we're in trouble guys.." April said worried.
"We won't stand a chance in this thing!" Raph said worried.
"We can do this! Super robo Mecha force fought WAY bigger enemy's!" Mikey said confidently.
"Booyakasha!!" Donnie shouted pulling a lever, he accidentally stepped on Spike's tail and that made him hiss in pain.
"Sorry Spike!" April said worried for him.

The mech lowered down and shot a barrel of waste at her and she screamed in pain and anger.
"Lowly insects! Do you think Kraang can be stopped?! It was Kraang who found your planet millions of years ago! It was Kraang who used the mutagen to turn the monkeys into you lowly humans!" Kraang prime mocked as she towered over them.

"And it is Kraang who will transform your world!" Kraang prime said making an evil laugh.
"And it will be Kraang, who gets kicked in the shin! Wha!" Mikey said as he pulled the lever, the mech hit the other one in the leg making a loud sound but having no effect. Kraang prime roared at them and slashed at them, the helmet on top started firing more lightning at them and almost hit them.
"Grappling hook!" Donnie shouted as the mech flew into the air and onto a building.

She charged up her blast again and the mech was trying to outrun it. They barely dodged another blast on the building and the mech fell on the ground tipped over.
"Ugh.. is everyone okay?" April asked worried.
"Sorta/ Not really." Raph and Mikey replied.
"Barely functioning.." Donnie said as he gently pushes Spike's head away and put him back.

April pulled on another lever and it made the mech stand up again as Kraang prime turned another corner.
"Donnie, Donnie! Get this thing moving Donnie!" Raph shouted in fear. Kraang prime stretched out her arm and it wrapped around all of them and they screamed in fear.
"Kraang has had enough games!" She said with anger. Donnie pulled on another lever that made the flamethrower burn her face making her scream in pain and drop them down as an alarm was beeping.

"Dude! Weapons are down!" Mikey said worried. The mech was having smoke and steam coming from it as it rose back up.
"We got one last trick left! But it might fry the mech!" Donnie said seriously.
"I don't think we have a choice!" April said as they came face to face with her again.
"Ready the harpoon!" Donnie shouted as he pulled a lever and shot the grapple to a power line and that had power surge around the mech.

"First we tap into the city's power grid, then we.." Donnie said right before Mikey finished.
"Fire!!!" Mikey screamed as he launched the claw to her.
"Goodbye turtles!" She said with anger, the claw latched onto her body and Donnie pressed a button. This caused her to be electrocuted as all of them screamed in fear as the power was overloading. The power was too much and the line exploded and it caused the entire city's power to shut down.

Kraang prime's finally fell down making her defeated.
"Ah! Gotta shut down the system!" Donnie said as he shut it down finally and the power all shut down. April was coughing for a moment until she saw they're foe was down.
"Yes!" April cheered as all of them had thought they had won.
"Kraang prime is toast!" Raph said in victory.

They thought they had won, but Kraang prime was still moving and used just the brain part of her to crawl out of her suit and she roared in rage.
"Um.. not really.." Mikey said horrified. Kraang prime screamed as she lunged to the ground and crawled at them at fast speeds.
"Donnie.. Make this thing move!!" Raph said with fear.
"I can't! It's fried! Abandon ship! Abandon ship!" Donnie shouted as he grabbed Spike's body.

All of them screamed as they got out of the suit right before she lunged at them.
"You will all suffer!!" Kraang prime said with anger as April's head suddenly hurt again. She screamed in pain as she released a shockwave of energy out her which stunned her, a car beep was suddenly heard and they saw Casey again.
"This is so metal!!" Casey shouted as he drove up the mech like a ramp and ran over her.

"You guys need a lift?" Casey asked opening the doors. All of them got in and April put Spike's body down as the van drove off at fast speeds.

The city was completely wrecked, most of the people were mutated and Casey drove through it. Somber music was heard as all of them looked down sadly, they looked at Spike and Leo's unconscious body's and put a blanket over them.
"I'm sorry Leo, you were right.. if we just left the city like you said the Kraang would've never found the lair and started the invasion.. none of this would've happened.." Donnie said regretfully as he looked down at them.
"Spike.. i'm sorry your a mutant.. we should've stopped you when we had the chance.." Raph said regretfully as well looking at his snake body..

"I have a place we can go upstate, my old family home. We used to go up there every summer, We can stay as long as we want, no ones around for miles." April offered.
"Upstate huh? Sounds good to Casey Jones." Casey said taking off his mask.
"Did you find your dad and little sister?" April asked worried.
"No sign of em.. They probably got Kraangatized..." Casey said sadly as they drove on.

"What's gonna happen now Raph?" Mikey asked worried.
"For the first time in my life.. i have no idea little brother.." Raph said sadly as they finally started to leave the city
"I miss Master Splinter.." Mikey said sadly as they left with Spike and Leo unconscious for a while..

Splinter's body was currently being moved through the sewers currents and came into an open area, a familiar person swam by in the water and grabbed his body. She gently put Splinter's body down with her tail and looked at him and gave his body a small bite which had Splinter finally breath again.
"Take care of him father.." Karai said sadly as she swam off again leaving Splinter alone as he was breathing once more..

Author's Note:

Hey guys, i hope you liked this new one! That's a wrap on season 2, i think we can all agree that this took a pretty dramatic turn, because a lot happened in this and was really shocking to say the least. I'm sorry Spike wasn't in it for the last half but i think given the context on what happened, it's best he's not for now.

Sorry i didn't have an interlude like i said i would during this season, i'm just trying to figure out how to make sure it's properly put into the story. Please don't ask when i'll make one, i'm unsure at this point. Maybe i'll go back to certain points in the seasons and put and interlude with the mane 6 looking for Spike. Feel free to leave any ideas on how i can go about it and just tell me what you think should happen with them. I just hope you all liked this and look forward to season 3!

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