• Published 13th May 2013
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HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter One Hundred Thirteen

Chapter One Hundred Thirteen

Another day, another day of work on the farm.

Applejack let out a contented sigh as she stood in the middle of her family's prized orchards, breathing in the fresh scent of the mid-August air, and feeling utterly relaxed at the moment as she allowed herself to simply lose herself in the midst of it all.

She couldn't rightly speak for other ponies, and attempting to really wasn't something that felt right to undertake. But as far as she was concerned, she'd much rather take the work on the farm over some other endeavor she could be engaging in right now.

It was good work. It was honest work. It was decent work. But more importantly than that, it was steady work. And therein laid the serenity of it all.

There was nothing really wrong with going on adventures. But after all of the excitement they'd had over the past four or so months, and the fate of Equestria hanging in the balance so many times, the day-to-day stability to be found in farm work was like a vacation to her. Where there was stability, there was security to be had. And when one had security that made having peace of mind so much easier to achieve. And a good schedule was probably amongst the most stable things one could have in life.

That sounded a little too much like something Twilight might say. A little too close for her own comfort.

"Best be gettin' back ta work," she said to herself, having allowed herself to kill enough time already. Farm work might've been quiet compared to battling evil forces, but it carried its own excitement. And in another two or three weeks, depending on the weather, things around here would be getting mighty exciting in their own right when it was time to start the full-scale harvesting of apples, rather than a few here and a few there.

Before she actually could get back to said day-to-day stuff on the farm, however, she heard something above her in one of the trees. Something that could've been the wind blowing the branches and causing them to shift in the breeze, but she knew better.

Glancing upward confirmed the fact that she wasn't currently along.

"Hey there, RD," she called up.

"Hey, AJ," Rainbow Dash called back down from her perch up in the tree's canopy.

It was a simple enough exchange between them. But there was something in Rainbow Dash's tone that Applejack couldn't help but notice. Something that seemed flat, and not exactly characteristic of her friend. She'd heard her down sometimes, but that was an entirely different sort of tone.

"Ya sound like ya got somethin' on yer mind. Ya wanna come down here an' talk 'bout it?"

She knew she needed to get back to her share of chores on the farm. But she also knew that, sometimes, work just had to wait on matters that were more pressing. And what could be more pressing than those who were close enough to be your own kin?

"Not really," Rainbow Dash replied and shook her head, before letting out a sigh of what sounded like defeat as she hung her head. "But I probably need to."

"Well then, get on down here an' talk ta me face-ta-face before mah neck gets a kink in it," she called back up.

There was no immediate move to actually come down from the impromptu perch being used. Not at first anyway. But eventually Rainbow Dash did just that, slowly climbing off the branch she'd been sitting on, and unfurling her wings to hover her way down to the ground.

"Finally gettin' some weight back on ya," she noted, glad to see that was the case. "Now then, wha's on yer mind?"

"If I say it out loud, you might laugh," Rainbow Dash muttered in response. "I don't know if I can handle that right now."

Applejack could feel her own brow furrowing in response to hearing this, uncertain of where it'd come from, or even how exactly to proceed.

"Sounds like this is somethin' mighty heavy to ya, Sugarcube. Ah can't rightly promise Ah won't wind up laughin', 'cause Ah don' know mahself. But Ah promise if Ah do, it won't be because Ah'm bein' mean to ya. Is that good enough?"

"I guess," Rainbow Dash sighed as she looked down towards the ground, before looking back up at her. "Am I real?"

There was no laughing on Applejack's part. There really wasn't much of any type of response on Applejack's part as she just stood there, not even her brow furrowing as she tried to make sense of the question. Had she missed hearing something the first time around, and only caught part of it? Maybe she'd wound up zoning out at a crucial moment?

"Uh... come again?"

"Am I real?" Rainbow Dash repeated uneasily after biting her lip, almost as if she were afraid to actually speak.

Well, she hadn't misheard. But the repeat had added nothing that might serve to clarify the question.

"Ah'm... not sure Ah'm followin' ya, Sugarcube. Ya mind explainin' that a bit more? So Ah know where yer comin' from?"

More lip biting from Rainbow Dash, uneasily shifting her weight from one hoof to another as she indecisively looked about, almost like she was nervous about speaking up. Almost like she was worried about more than simply being teased. This was starting to make her feel uneasy in turn, like there was something potentially lurking about that they weren't seeing; something that was just waiting to pounce on them when their guard was down.

"You... you remember what Discord said? About multiverse theory being real and all that?" she eventually managed to get out.

Applejack nodded in response. "Ah remember it, jus' don' be askin' me ta try an' explain it."

"Yeah, well, multiverse theory is bad enough in itself, if the comics and stuff are anything to go by. But what else Discord said, about our reality shifting off its axis because of some outside force happening. That's like the sort of explanation for the emergence of another alternate universe for a parallel story line being told. And-"

Rainbow Dash swallowed, trying to force a lump of uneasiness back down her throat.

"-Are we the alternate universe in that case, AJ? Are we just copies of the real us that exist somewhere else in the multiverse? A-am I a counterfeit version of the real me? A cheap knockoff like what you'd find sold in some one-bit store?"

Ah. So that was it then. Now Applejack understood where her friend was coming from in her question. Or at least she liked to think she did.

She would admit, reluctantly, that there'd been a fair share of unease on her part in the aftermath of Discord's explanation of things as they were. There had been questions on her own mind at the time, questions that even Twilight in all of her wisdom hadn't been able to help her figure out or come to terms with. Questions that had robbed her of more than a few nights of good sleep, as she laid awake and pondered things that most other ponies didn't have to ponder.

If only Twilight hadn't asked those questions, none of them would be in this position right now. She wouldn't be pondering about what was real and what wasn't, or wondering if the taste of the apples in their orchards was real, or a cheap imitation of the real thing when they simply weren't fully done yet. She wouldn't find her mind wandering and pondering existential matters, only to come back to just standing in the middle of a crop field with a zoned out look on her face.

But she didn't blame Twilight for asking. Just like she didn't blame Ulquiorra for theorizing the questions in the first place. Just like she didn't blame Discord for telling them the truth, horrible as it might be. It wasn't right, and it wasn't friendly either. They were here now, the bell had been rung, and that was all there was to it. All they could do was try to make the best of it.

Still, this was a mighty heavy concern Rainbow Dash was presenting to her right now. She remembered hearing the term "imposter syndrome" once or twice before, but she really doubted that it had anything to do with matters such as this.

"Lemme ask ya somethin', RD," she started, "The author of those "Darin' Do" books ya like so much, A.K. Yearlin', she prob'ly doesn' print 'em up herself, right? She prob'ly submits one of those manuscript things to the publisher who does all the actual printin' work, right?"

"Well, yeah, that's how things work," Rainbow Dash responded.

"Well, are the adventures in the books any less excitin' ta read about, or any less the real deal, simply because what yer readin' is in a mass-produced book and not in the original manuscript?"

"Well, n-no," Rainbow Dash replied uneasily.

"Do the books bein' mass-produced make 'em fake simply because they're not the original manuscript?"

"No..." Rainbow Dash added further.

Applejack simply smiled warmly as she stepped closer, and reached out to rub Rainbow Dash's back.

"RD, we are who we are, and we are what we are, fer better or worse. Even if we are jus' copies, we're still as real as we think we are, jus' like those books ya read are real. That's all that really matters, isn't it?"

To this, Rainbow Dash had no immediate response to present, other than continuing to stand there as she looked uneasy and uncertain.

"Even if we were jus' fake versions of ourselves, it's not like we can do anything ta change it. So in the end, wha's it really matter one way or another?"

Again, no verbal response.

"Wha's the point o' bein' miserable because there might be other versions of us out there, somewhere in the multiverse?"

Still no response. She was starting to suspect this was venturing into territory that Rainbow Dash was entirely unprepared to traverse, and potentially making her even more uncomfortable than she had been when she'd started this conversation. Maybe it was time to go a different route to try and bring her back to the shallow end of the metaphorical pool.

"For all we know, Rainbow Dash, the reality we hypothetically got spun off from wasn' the "real" us either. They could'a been another alternate reality, spun off from a whole 'nother alternate reality somewhere on down the line."


This time, Rainbow Dash did respond, with a near-breathless gasp and wide eyes at what she'd just heard.

"That's... that's really heavy stuff to think about," she stated/mumbled. "How'd you get to be so smart? Er, I mean, I know you're not stupid or anything like that. But that sounds a lot deeper than the sort of stuff you normally say. What gives?"

"Well when yer roommates with one o' the smartest ponies in all Equestria, ya tend ta pick up on a thing er two," Applejack replied and shrugged dismissively.

It was certainly no exaggeration on her part. The number of things that she'd learned or otherwise picked up on from Twilight during her short stay, simply in an effort to drown out her own morbid and uncomfortable thoughts at the time, had been pretty substantial. Either from listening to Twilight talk, or asking her questions, or even picking a random book off the shelf and trying to read it when she was simply too scared to sleep because she didn't want to have any nightmares.

Some of the stuff had been easy enough to follow and understand on her own with little-to-no assistance. Other stuff had been so far over her head and beyond her understanding, the words might as well have been written in another language. But she'd been mighty stubborn in her attempts to make heads or tails of the stuff, as it gave her another reason to not go to sleep when she wasn't ready.

The fact Twilight and Spike had been understanding and supportive of her efforts at warding off sleep had certainly helped make things a bit easier.

"So, ya feelin' better since ya talked?" she asked as she set her hoof back down on the ground.

"Not really, no," Rainbow Dash replied and shook her head. "I just can't get that thought out of my head, you know? I just keep thinking, what if somewhere out there in all these alternate realities is the real me, and I'm not it?"

"Well, so what if that is the case? What difference would that really make?" Applejack asked right back.

"Because if there is a real version of me out there, then what if she's the better version? What if she's more awesome than I am? What does that make me?"

"Mah friend," Applejack replied firmly, really wanting this sort of discussion to come to an end. "RD, did ya ever stop an' think that maybe this "real you" yer talkin' 'bout might be less awesome than the you Ah'm talkin' to right now?" she asked pointedly.

The look on Rainbow Dash's face did a great deal to show that such a thought had never entered her mind. And now that it was out there, she could see it was proving difficult to process and comprehend.

This sort of discussion was starting to get ridiculous. Yes, she sort of understood it, but that didn't change the fact it was ultimately ridiculous. Even if it were valid, it still wasn't something that any of them could do anything about, other than live with the fact, and try not to lose their minds to all the existential nonsense.

"Is something like that even possible?" Rainbow Dash asked, her voice suddenly devoid of the franticness it'd held just previously.

"Gimme one good reason why it couldn' be. One that doesn' involve 'er supposedly bein' realer than you," Applejack stated.

Rainbow Dash tried to speak, but failed at Applejack's second sentence effectively eviscerating her argument before her. And try as she might, she simply couldn't figure out anything else to say.

"Maybe there are other versions of ya out there, RD, but the only one that matters ta me is the one Ah'm friends with," Applejack continued. "An' honestly, that one is mighty awesome as far as Ah'm concerned. Yer the only one of 'em Ah know that went an' punched Nightmare Moon right in the face for all she did to ya, an' lived ta tell 'bout it."

At that, Rainbow Dash found herself unable to resist smiling. She certainly had that fact going for her, if nothing else.

"Thanks, AJ, I appreciate that."

"No trouble at all, Sugarcube. No trouble at all," Applejack replied and patted her back. "So. Ya feelin' better now?"

"Kinda, yeah," Rainbow Dash replied and nodded. "Thanks again."

"Good ta hear. Now, if all this mess is settled, Ah've got chores ta get to, before Ah start thinkin' too hard on this sort o' thing mahself. Ah'll catch ya later," Applejack stated.

But before she could actually leave, a particular thought crossed her mind. It wasn't a particularly nice thought, but...

"Also, RD, jus' 'cause somethin' er somepony might be the original, that doesn' make 'em better by default. If the comics are right an' different realities have different circumstances an' such, fer all any o' us might know, this "real you" might actually be workin' in fashion jus' like Rarity."

Rainbow Dash, in response, did a full body shudder of disgust at the notion being presented to her, as if she'd just bitten into a particularly sour lemon. "Don't even joke about something like that!"

Applejack could only laugh boisterously in response as she trotted off. Maybe that'd been a low blow for her to go with in closing, but at least it sounded like it'd gotten her friend out of her funk.

"Well, then for all we know, there's a version of you somewhere that's a Manehattan socialite just like your aunt and uncle!"

At that, Applejack stopped in her tracks. Now that had been downright uncalled her. Slowly she turned back around, and fixed her best displeased glare on her friend, ready to tell her a thing or two.

Not that she ever had anything against her aunt and uncle. She loved them dearly, but her heart simply wasn't in the whole socialite thing, what with talking funny and pretending to be fancier than she really was, about topics she really had no interest in.

"Ah take time outta mah busy day to talk ya through a crisis, an' tha's how ya go about thankin' me fer it?" she asked incredulously.

"Yep," Rainbow Dash replied and smirked. "You gonna come over here an' kick my ass for it?"

"Maybe Ah would, if it wasn' so bony right now," Applejack smirked back. "Get a few more pounds back on ya, an' then it'll be a bit more fair fer ya. Ya might actually stand a chance then."

The flying tackle came faster than Applejack could anticipate. But the short overall travel distance, and Rainbow Dash still not being in one hundred percent condition, had greatly hampered the amount of impact behind it.

What followed had been a short tumble, the two rolling about on the ground, before mutual giggling broke out between them as they wrestled, and finally concluding with Applejack flat on her back as Rainbow Dash perched atop her.

"Say you surrender!" she demanded as she glared down at Applejack.

"A'right. Ya surrender," Applejack replied.

"No, no! Say "I surrender"!"

"Ya surrender," Applejack repeated.

"You know damn well what I mean!" Rainbow Dash shot back angrily. "Apologize! Both to the other me for calling her a fashionista, and to my ass for calling it bony!"

"Sorry, Sugarcube, Ah'm not gonna do it," Applejack replied defiantly from her spot.

"Oh no? Well then, we'll just have to see what can be done about that..." Rainbow Dash stated as she wore a grin that would make any villain proud, unfurled her wings, and ever so slowly began to lower them to Applejack's exposed sides.

It was at that moment, Applejack knew, she'd fucked up.

Author's Note:

Not exactly what I had in mind for this chapter. But ending on a humorous note felt better than ending on a more sombre one.

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