• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,675 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter One Hundred Twenty Four

Chapter One Hundred Twenty Four

Dear Princess Celestia,

Estimated time of arrival thirty-five minutes.

Ensure the palace's airship landing pad is vacant.

Clear the airspace over Canterlot.

Have a contingent of guards present and at Defense Condition Level Three readiness.

And absolutely no singing.

Ulquiorra Cifer

Celestia slowly read over the letter that'd flashed into existence right before her.

She then read it over a second time, just in case she'd missed something on the first pass.

And then, just for the sake of being thorough -and a slight bit of desperation- she gave it a third pass, hoping it might provide some greater measure of clarity. For all of his straightforwardness, there were times Ulquiorra seemed unacceptably cryptic.

The fact the note had appeared in front of her just as her lunch break concluded, practically the moment she'd finished off her lettuce and dandelion sandwich as if it'd all been planned out to occur in such a fashion, just added further confusion and mystery to exactly what was going on around here.

Across the desk, sitting in the chair opposite of her, Princess Twilight fidgeted uneasily in the ensuing silence since the letter's arrival and subsequent reading.

"Twilight," she spoke slowly as she turned the note around to let her companion see it for herself. "By any chance can you explain this?"

She watched as Twilight's brow furrowed in confusion as she leaned in, propping herself up on the desk with her front hooves as she scanned the document for herself. And then she watched as a mix of facial expressions she'd known all too well played out, telling far more than the smaller alicorn ever could with her words.

The nervous chuckle as she looked back up really didn't help any.

"Um... maybe?"

"What exactly did transpire after I left the three of you alone in the library yesterday?" she asked pointedly.

All Twilight seemed able to do in response to the question being asked was let out a slow sigh, and hung her head in what could only be described as defeat. Or maybe it was shame. It was one of those two anyway.

"After you left, we discussed what to do about the Storm King. Ulquiorra theorized the best way to get to him was to go through Tempest Shadow since we'd have an easier time using his skills to find an isolated unicorn than a whole pack of yeti soldiers. And from there is sort of spiraled into a search and rescue mission instead of a political assassination.

"So after verifying that Tempest wasn't a student at your school in this reality, we cobbled together a message for her. With me showing her how the Storm King will betray her, Dr. Malar informing her about horn replacements and how they work, Princess Luna imploring her to return to Equestria, and Ulquiorra delivering it," she explained, unable to muster direct eye contact as she spoke.

"And not a single one of you saw fit to inform me about what you were planning on doing," Celestia surmised.

Twilight briefly looked up and opened her mouth to say something in response. But upon making eye contact she closed it back up and looked down again, unable to say anything in her own defense.

Celestia simply sighed as she set the note aside on her desk for later.

"At this point I honestly wouldn't mind ponies going behind my back, if they'd just have the decency to keep me informed about what their intentions were," she stated. "Surely that's not asking too much from my little ponies, is it?"

Twilight flinched in response to the question as if she'd just been physically struck right across the face.

"I... I-I'm sorry..." she offered up weakly, barely able to get her voice above a whisper as she spoke.

"I don't doubt that. But we can discuss this matter in greater detail at a later time. Right now we apparently have a lot that needs to be done, and be done within thirty-four minutes at the most. I don't know what Ulquiorra is planning, but I've never seen him request this degree of response on our part before; usually he wants us to stay out of his way when he operates. That in itself is rather concerning."

Twilight was vaguely aware of trotting behind Celestia as she went about filling the requested preparations in Ulquiorra's note. But the finer details that'd gone into actually getting those preparations into effect were lost in the haze of guilt still weighing on her mind. The hurt look in Celestia's eyes at realizing they'd completely disregarded her was far more wince-inducing to experience than she'd been prepared for, and just thinking about it had left her feeling in a fog, operating more on autopilot than anything.

Right now she found herself outside, waiting at the palace's landing pad for whatever was going to happen, whenever it was going to happen.

Princess Celestia was also present, that much went without saying, as she stood with a posture that just screamed business and professionalism.

Also present was a contingent of royal guards, divided into ten teams of three, each of them positioned at various locations around the area, made up of members of the three pony tribes, and currently carrying a spear tucked in the crook of their right forelimb.

As she looked around her surroundings once again, she didn't really know what she'd expected from reading Ulquiorra's note, but this really wasn't it.

"So..." she spoke up slowly, feeling unable to remain still in the current silence, with only the sound of the wind in the background to serve as a distraction. "How exactly do these... defense condition levels, actually work? What do they entail? Is a level three high on the chart?"

"Quite the opposite actually. Level three simply means being ready to mobilize to action in the event a situation may arise."

The break in silence was appreciated. But the tone of Celestia's voice wasn't what Twilight had been hoping for. It wasn't exactly cold, but it was... detached, and disinterested, as if her mind was elsewhere and she was speaking out of reflex.

"There are five official levels of defense condition readiness that Equestria recognizes. Level five being the normal everyday the palace operates with, all the way up to level one, where the entire guard is mobilized to action, and Luna and I are both donning armor and making ready to battle with everything we have," Celestia explained further.

"So it's like a countdown then," Twilight surmised. "Um, what happens if you reach zero?"

"Officially there is no level zero," Celestia stated. After a brief paused, she continued. "Hypothetically speaking, however, if ever a threat were to qualify as a level zero event, it would mean we've crossed a threshold where no level of response, not even Ulquiorra going all out with whatever degree of force he deemed necessary, could possibly make the situation any worse than it already was on its own."

Twilight stared at Celestia with wide, terrified eyes at hearing this assessment, uneasily swallowing a lump of fear that'd formed in the back of her throat.

Applejack's glowing evaluation of Ulquiorra's strength was difficult to comprehend and quantify in any meaningful term. She understood that he was stronger than he looked, but just how strong he was couldn't properly be understood until she'd witnessed for herself just what he was capable of doing, when he'd given her that little demonstration the night before last in the library.

"The Lanza Del Relampago," she muttered and shook her head.

"Oh. So that's what that particular attack is called then," Celestia replied. "When Discord first brought him to our world, I probed his mind to see just what we were going to be dealing with. I saw a great many things that utterly horrified me at the time. It's nice to at least know the name of some of the things I saw."

The way Celestia spoke, the utterly casual tone of her voice as if they were discussing something as simple as tea blends, was almost more disturbing than anything else at the moment, and sent an uneasy chill creeping up her spine.

"... Ulquiorra said that even just summoning it would be enough to destroy the palace..."

"That honestly doesn't surprise me, based on everything I've seen and heard so far," Celestia stated. "Has he told you about his time in Las Noches? In his reality it's a massive city fortress, occupying somewhere in excess of two hundred thousand square miles if I remember correctly. Assuming the evaluation of his own strength is accurate, he was forbidden from utilizing his transformation while in the confines of the city, because the resulting release of spiritual pressure his body puts out would be enough to destroy it."

The uneasy chill that Twilight had felt creeping up her spine, had instantly morphed into a full-body shudder of terror at hearing this particular bit of information.

"Exactly what that destruction would entail, he never really specified. And I haven't been too keen on seeking clarification on the matter. So whether it would merely blow the city's domed roof off of the structure, or could actually reach the four corners and tear the walls down to their foundations, I don't really know. Nor do I particularly care to know that answer, for the sake of my own sanity," Celestia continued.

Twilight honestly wanted to puke at this point. She'd thought that she'd experienced peak terror the other night when she'd witnessed the Lanza Del Relampago for herself.

But this new revelation was far, far worse than she'd ever thought possible. How? Just how was it possible for one entity, one individual, to have that much power at their literal fingertips, and able to call upon it at will? Even when she held all of the alicorn magic in Equestria, she couldn't even come close to feats like that. Not that she'd actually wanted to achieve something like that, but her own reluctance for mass destruction was well beside the point.

Being able to blow up an entire mountain with a dedicated attack was one thing, and she could understand it. After all that's what attacks and offensive capabilities were designed and intended to do in the first place; destroy a target. But destroying the palace just by transforming? The equivalent of what amounted to him simply flexing his muscles? That was just utterly horrifying!

And what had they gone and done with such a powerful being? Why they'd sent him out to track down Tempest Shadow so she could lead them to the Storm King for what was ultimately killing purposes, that's what!

"I think I'm gonna be sick," she stated, feeling the stress and guilt swiftly catching up with her.

A bucket, and a plastic bottle of water, suddenly flashed in front of her on the landing pad's surface.

"In my experience it's best to simply get such matters over with. Trying to fight it and put it off will only make you more miserable," Celestia commented.


The ill feeling Twilight had been playing host to was suddenly much easier to ignore as one of the guards sounded off, grabbing both of their attentions.

She looked up as one of the pegasus guards flew into view, carrying with him a spyglass as he moved to Celestia's position. A pegasus guard that...

Wait. Was that pony actually Flash Sentry? He certainly looked the part if nothing else.

She didn't want to sound mean or anything, but right now she was very thankful for the incognito spell that Princess Luna had gifted her. And equally thankful that it could simply be cast and forgotten about rather than requiring to be maintained.

Then again, this Flash didn't know her. So maybe a lot of unpleasant awkwardness could be easily avoided.

"Oh! So that's why he wanted the airspace and landing pad cleared."

Curiosity was proving to be more overpowering than anything else Twilight was feeling at the moment. Overpowering enough that she trotted over to where Celestia currently stood in hopes of understanding what she was talking about.

Instead of an explanation, she was offered the spyglass, a general direction of where to look, and latitudinal/longitudinal coordinates on where to focus her sight so she could see for herself.

"That's Tempest Shadow's personal airship! It's not nearly as big or robust as the Storm King's normal airships, but it's much faster and far more maneuverable," she stated upon recognizing the incoming vessel.

Exactly what this development meant, she didn't really know. And at the moment she was honestly too afraid to let her mind freely wander over the possibilities. Right now waiting and seeing was their only viable answer.

The forward advance of the airship gradually slowed until it was more or less in a stationary hover above the landing pad as its onboard propeller responsible for forward movement ceased spinning, while the mechanisms that operated steering rotated the craft to present its port side.

The landing struts deployed from the bottom, allowing the vessel to gently touch down on the pad without damaging the underneath or making it risk tipping over.

And a ramp extended outward from the side of the vessel and dropped down to the ground, as the bay doors slowly swung open.

The atmosphere on the landing pad was tense as those present waited to see just who or what descended the ramp. Twilight was certain she heard the guards stiffening up as they gripped their spears tighter, making ready as best they could to immediately respond if need be.

Ulquiorra being the first and seemingly only one to come walking down the ramp with his hands tucked in his pockets wasn't exactly what Twilight had expected to see. But at the same time there was an odd sense of comfort to be experienced from seeing him all calm, cool, collected... and still looking like he was utterly bored.

"Your punctuality continues to prove impressive as always, Ulquiorra. You're a full two minutes early," Celestia quipped as he stepped down onto the landing pad.

"The winds were with us once we crossed into Equestria's borders," Ulquiorra quipped right back without missing a beat.

"I must say, that's quite the ship you have there. Had I known you actually fancied one yourself, that could've easily been arranged locally. There was no need to go abroad just for that," Celestia replied.

The entire exchange had struck Twilight as just plain weird. Even after having witnessed similar back and forth banter between the two, it still felt odd. But at the moment that was neither here nor there. There were more important matters to tend to first.


It was only then that either pony recognized the fact that there was another party present. Another party who was standing behind Ulquiorra, and was of the squatty, bipedal, hedgehog variety.

Twilight couldn't help but blink at the realization. Did Ulquiorra really command such a presence, that they'd managed to miss the fact that Grubber was behind him the whole time?

Either way, their attention was now on the pudgy little fluffball as Ulquiorra stepped to the side.

"H-hi, Princess. Name's Grubber. Big fan of your work, how you raise the sun every day and all that," he said, giving an uneasy/awkward chuckle as he fidgeted while addressing Celestia. "Listen, my boss has kinda had a rough time the past couple of days. We got stuck in a sandstorm in the wastelands that was rocking us about and ruining the resale value on our ship, she got really airsick in all the turbulence we were in. Then your messenger here showed up and hit her with a doozy about how she could get her horn back and kinda broke her again. She's been in a state of shock since and hasn't really been herself the whole trip. Do you think you could maybe kinda go easy on her until she's back on her hooves again?"


Twilight turned her attention away from their current guest to look towards the sound of the new but very recognizable voice at the top of the ramp. But as she did, she found it necessary to do a double take.

She knew that this was Tempest Shadow. But she didn't look like the Tempest Shadow of her own reality. Her armor looked different to some extent but she couldn't put her hoof on it. Her mane and coat were more faded and looked like some of her more vibrant color had washed right out of its limp state. She looked utterly tired, like she hadn't been asleep for days and it was catching up with her.

And while she was flanked by two yetis in their storm armor, their posture didn't look at all like they were operating in an official capacity. It honestly looked like they were there simply to ensure she didn't fall down and go tumbling as she -slowly- descended the ramp.

In her humble princess opinion, Tempest Shadow looked like utter crap! Grubber really hadn't been kidding about her having a rough time.

"You don't need to speak for me," she continued as she eventually stepped onto the solid surface of the landing pad.

Grubber could do little more than chuckle awkwardly as she approached. "Sorry, Boss. Old habits, y'know?"

He then -calmy- stepped to the side to get out of her way, as her escort stopped their advance and allowed her to move towards Celestia on her own.

"Princess," she began as she addressed Celestia directly. "I have no excuse for my actions. So I won't bother wasting either of our time by trying. I'm at your mercy, and will accept whatever course of action you see fit for me," she concluded, her voice strained as she spoke, before eventually bowing her head.

Celestia, in turned, respectively bowed her own head.

"I accept," she said, before raising her head again. "I appreciate your straightforwardness. As well as your willingness to accept responsibility. It can get rather tiring having to listen to self-important ponies who believe the more words they use, the better if reflects on them."

Tempest remained silent in response.

"Now then. I'm sure there's much that we have to discuss, but that can all come later. I'd like you to be examined by a qualified physician before we proceed any further. You look like you need rest, amongst other things," Celestia continued.

That statement proved to be enough to make Tempest look back up again, confusion etched right across her face.

"A-aren't you even going to have me restrained?"

Celestia shook her head in response. "I don't think that will be necessary. Ulquiorra, do you believe Tempest needs to be restrained?"

"I do not," Ulquiorra replied simply from where he stood. "Tempest Shadow is stubborn, but far from stupid. She won't try anything just to prove that she can. Nor will her ship's crew feel inclined to prove that they can't be trusted while she's in our custody. They lack the necessary will to fight in this case."

"Then I believe that's good enough for me," Celestia replied. "Lieutenant Strike, Sergeant Reckless. Please take your teams and escort our guest to the infirmary. The rest of the teams, secure the airship for the time being. I don't want anything to happen to it while our guests are here."

"Yes Ma'am!" the two aforementioned guards stated in acknowledgement of their orders.

"As for the rest of us. I believe that we have a great deal to discuss and get sorted out, in order to figure out where we presently stand, and what still needs to be done," Celestia continued, mentally trying to keep track of not just what would be getting discussed, but who the discussion would be involving.

"Um, actually, Your Highness," Grubber spoke up, "I'd kinda like to go with Tempest if that's alright. Someone's gotta inform the docs that she's allergic to penicillin and keep an eye on her."

Celestia shook her head in response. "I have no objection, Grubber. By all means feel free to go with her. She may do better with a familiar companion."

"And what of us?"

The deep rumble of a voice managed to catch Celestia off guard, as she had no idea just who it belonged to. It was only after that she realized one of the burly yeti guards that had escorted Tempest down the ramp, was standing differently and looking directly at her.

"And you are...?"

"You may call me Strife, Your Highness," the guard announced, before reaching up to remove his helmet, and causing more than a few flinches from the assembled ponies as his furry face came into view. "We have eight other troops aboard the vessel. What would you have of us?"

Celestia's brow furrowed in response as she tried to figure out an adequate answer to the presented question.

"I'm honestly not entirely sure," she admitted, uncertain of what else to say.

"Then I humbly request we be allowed to attend the briefing. If nothing else it would allow you to keep an eye on us, and perhaps put some nerves at ease since we're cooperating," Strife suggested, unable to not notice the assembled royal guards and how they seemed... rather edgy at the moment.

"That's an excellent idea. Yes, I believe that will be fine. Provided whatever weapons you have are left onboard your vessel," Celestia replied.

"No objections," Strife agreed all too readily as he cast an uneasy glance in Ulquiorra's direction, before turning back to Celestia. "After what all we've witnessed, I doubt they would do us any good anyway."

Celestia looked back at Ulquiorra, before halting herself before she could ask anything. There would be plenty of time for inquiries later, once other pressing matters were tended to.

"Very well then. If you'll all follow me..."

"You're Princess Twilight, right? The same one from the message?"

Like the others, Twilight had been ready to follow Celestia's lead to wherever the briefing was going to be held. But she was stopped as Tempest approached her at an uneasy pace, with Grubber following close at her side and the two teams of guards bringing up the rear.

"I am," she confirmed and nodded.

"I don't know what to say right now," Tempest admitted, "you're the first pony in fifteen years that hasn't regarded me with outright fear or disgust."

Twilight hadn't expected that answer, and found herself shocked and unprepared for the impact it carried. But that shock quickly gave way to annoyance and she felt the need to frown -if not growl- in response. But it was an urge she had to resist, lest she send the wrong message to the wrong recipient.

That didn't make it any less distasteful, though. To be shunned by her own kind, and for matters beyond her control... that was just plain unacceptable!

Were she not the Princess of Friendship, right now she would be feeling sorely tempted to bang skulls together for that type of intolerance.

"Nothing you did or went through deserves that level of scorn, Tempest. Not you, or your counterpart back in my reality," she stated firmly. "I don't know how your past may differ from the other Tempest Shadow, but I can't imagine any circumstances that would justify that."

The smile that played across Tempest's lips in response was weak, and it was brief, but it was still there, and still noticed by Twilight all the same.

"Thank you, Princess."

Twilight very nearly replied that it was just what friends did. But with Grubber standing right there, she immediately rethought that approach so she didn't say something that might make him feel slighted.

Instead she opted for the far simpler approach and moved in to provide her with what was sure to be a much-needed hug. Except as she reached out to her, Tempest quickly stepped back just out of her reach and nearly backed into the guards in the process.

"Um, no offense, Princess, but I'm not really the hugging type..."

Now that was a development Twilight definitely hadn't seem coming at all. And now that it was actually out there, like a slap in the face, she was left trying to figure out how to correct her actions, now that she was aware of the fact this Tempest apparently wasn't hot for physical contact.


At the moment, it was the only thing she could think to offer up in response.

The resulting silence was awkward, mixed with uncertainty on just what to do next, as the two just glanced away from each other. But it was short-lived, as Tempest seemed to remember what she was doing and slowly started to walk away again, with her entourage following close behind on the way to the infirmary.

This was definitely going to tame some adjusting.

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