• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,674 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Forty Four

Chapter Forty Four

Ulquiorra was not one of those that could be easily fooled. His mind was sharp, keen, analytical to a fault. Where others would notice nothing, he would notice minute details that held considerable relevance to what was going on around him. He was highly aware of his surroundings, and surprise was not something he easily succumbed to.

Those facts in evidence, however, even he couldn't have predicted this development occurring.

During the time that was spent escorting Zecora from Ponyville back to her home in the Everfree Forest, an exercise during which he spent his time gathering greater reconnaissance, and determining whether or not the zebra could be properly trusted, there had been no attacks. Nothing had occurred against Ponyville itself, or even the holders of the Elements of Harmony. Everything had been peaceful for lack of a better word.

Yet during his time spent attending a party at Sweet Apple Acres, a location that was quite literally just down the road from Ponyville in terms of distance and location, some force had apparently decided to launch an attack.

Was there a relevance to the timing of the event? Had it been a specific decision to prove a point, that it could strike anywhere at any time without fear? Was it doing this to prove that he couldn't be relied on for safety? Was it even connected to the theories developed during last week? Was it a matter of true coincidence? Had their been no relevance to the timing, and whatever was responsible, was simply unaware of his nearby presence?


His thoughts and confusion were interrupted by the excited yell being issued by Princess Luna at the sight of the injured colt at the doorway. The next thing he became aware of, was being shoved from the spot he'd been standing, as she rushed past him in a frantic manner. He hadn't been knocked off his feet, and sent stumbling for a stable foothold, in a considerably long while.

None of this was making any sense. There were too many unknowns to address. Why would Ponyville be under attack? The holders of the Elements of Harmony were all present and accounted for. There were no other high-value targets in the town that would warrant an attack...

... Except that there were.

It was true that the holders Elements of Harmony were all present and accounted for at Sweet Apple Acres. But the actual Elements of Harmony themselves were back in Ponyville, and thus vulnerable. His attention had been diverted, forced to focus on one target rather than another. His focus had been on the safety of these ponies for so long, he'd never stopped to consider that they wouldn't be the primary target.

The entire revelation had occurred within the time frame of the first three seconds after being informed that Ponyville was being attacked.

Unfortunately that was three seconds longer than it should have taken for him to arrive at the conclusion, and realize the mistake he'd made.


With that he was gone in a flash of sonido, leaving the ponies behind before they could protest, ask questions, or even insist in coming along to help. The fewer distraction he had to deal with right now, the better off they all were.

This couldn't be happening, this just couldn't be happening! There was no way any of this should even be allowed to happen!

One moment they were all having a party without care, and the next, the first foal in over a thousand years to truly appreciate her nights comes stumbling through the doors, bloody and badly injured, clinging to life like she clung to him right now. There was too much blood to know for sure just how bad his injuries were, but from what she could tell one of his ears had been violently ripped off, and one of his eyes had been gouged out, leaving behind nothing but an empty, gaping socket.

She was of two minds right now. One was desperately worried for Pipsqueak's condition as she held him, his blood staining her coat in the process as she kept telling him to stay with her, to not leave her. His little body had taken so much injury, it was amazing that he was still even breathing, weak as it might be.

But the other mind was one filled with desires for righteous vengeance. Whatever force had injured Pipsqueak would pay for its offenses. If she wasn't so concerned for the young one right now, she would've set off to take care of business herself! Right now he was the only thing keeping her calm and able to think clearly.

"Sister! We must get him to a hospital immediately!" she called.

"I'm afraid that we can't, Luna," Celestia said slowly as she approached her sister's position. She could see her sister tense up, but continued speaking before she could react. "Pipsqueak said that Ponyville was being attacked, but we have no idea by what. If we took him to the hospital we would just be putting him in danger of whatever is currently there. And if we left now, we would be leaving our present subjects vulnerable. Ulquiorra may be addressing whatever is currently in Ponyville, but we know nothing of what's currently taking place. Ponyville may be only one of the targets of whatever is going on," she explained, hoping that a calm, cool, and collected outlook on the situation would help her sister calm down. She understood how her sister felt about foals like Pipsqueak, but being emotional right now would get them nowhere.

Unfortunately she hoped wrong, as Luna's temper just seemed to flare at her words.

"Then what would you suggest? We simply let Pipsqueak die as we wait for something that may not even come!?" she bellowed furiously. "Protecting our subjects means far more than you are willing to consider, sister. When they are in need we must arise to the occasion, and Pipsqueak is truly in need!"

It was a tense scene as the two Princesses verbally battled it out over what the correct course of action was right now. Tense enough that everypony else was backing away, slowly moving to the far walls of the barn in case something bad happened.

Everypony except for one earth pony who dared to stand in the middle of the two and clear her throat loudly to get their attention; that being Nurse Redheart.

"Perhaps we should examine him before deciding to pull the sheet over his head," she suggested.

Celestia felt relief when she saw her sister finally calm down and let the nurse examine Pipsqueak. She would thank that nurse greatly once everything had been addressed. With her sister not panicking at the moment she could focus on other matters. Such as the commotion going on behind her.

The commotion that... involved Rainbow Dash laying on the barn floor, with Pinkie sitting on her back as she struggled and fought? She knew Twilight's friends could be silly at times, but this didn't look like the usual brand of silliness she'd come to know and enjoy.

"Get OFF me Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she tried to fight her way free.

"Not gonna happen, Dashie," Pinkie replied.

"Rainbow Dash, charging off without a plan is incredibly dangerous right now," Twilight lectured.

Celestia now had an idea of what was going on. Rainbow Dash wanted to go flying off, either to get a better idea of what was going on, or join in the fight herself. Her friends, however, didn't want anything like that, and were preventing her from leaving to do such. Now it all made sense.

"Your friends are correct, Rainbow Dash," Celestia said as calmly as she could in her approach, causing the cyan pegasus to go silent as she looked up at her. "Venturing out now without knowing what we're up against, could just complicate the matter. The best course of action would be to just stay here and wait," she explained.

"But," Rainbow Dash grunted as she struggled to get a foreleg out from under Pinkie, "if we're just waiting in here, how're we gonna know what's going on? We need eyes in the sky!" she pointed out.

"That may be true, Rainbow Dash, but under these circumstances, perhaps someone a little more durable would be best at doing such," Celestia explained, "leave this one to me, friends. I'll find out just what Ulquiorra is up against."

It was the sounds of chaos that assaulted his ears as he arrived in Ponyville. The town had truly been subjected to attack, but by what?

Glancing upward and all around him showed no threats of considerable physical size. That, combined with the absence of piles of cinders where buildings stood, and no significant spikes in reiatsu, ruled out the possibility of it being a dragon. Furthermore the scale of this damage was far too small for one to cause. The claw marks on the buildings alone was enough to discount the idea.

He scanned the area. Whatever was here had to be smaller than a dragon, that much was obvious. But to be hiding from his sight, it would have to be smaller than a house, as well as possessing a reiatsu that wasn't significantly greater than that of the ponies still present.

Small enough to hide its frame behind a building without a significant degree of effort. Reiatsu that wasn't significantly greater than some of the stronger ponies he'd encountered during his time here. Attacking with four primary claws per limb, and a trail consistent with a secondary claw that got in the way; almost like dragging nails down a chalkboard, yet able to easily cut into trees, and even stone. Something that was hiding from him, and yet sending all the ponies around him running about and screaming in terror. What could this threat be?

An excited scream from his left caught his attention, as a yellow pegasus filly with a purple mane and tail nearly flew right into his head, stopped only as he moved out of the way to avoid the collision, and quickly stop her approach with one hand. Perhaps this one had some usefulness to her.

"What is attacking Ponyville? Where is it currently?" he asked bluntly. He needed to know exactly what was going on.

Unfortunately it seemed the filly's terror of what was going on, didn't manage to override her fear of him, because as the revelation set in such began struggling more than ever, and babbling incoherencies.

"I have no time to coddle you out of your state of fear. I need answers, and I need them now. Where. Is. It?" he asked again. He was doing his best to be patient, tolerant, and understanding of these ponies, but right now he was in need of information rather than terror.

He didn't want to admit it, but perhaps Twilight Sparkle and the others were correct that his image needed to be improved. If he couldn't extract vital information from the populace when it was necessary, then maybe the unicorn and the others did have a point he was entirely unaware of.

However such thoughts were interrupted by another terrified scream coming from his right. But this wasn't like others of simple terror, this was a scream filled with utter pain.

"Hide," he commanded as he released the filly. He now had an idea of where to start his search. Quickly he crossed the distance and rounded the corner behind the store from which the yell had originated. And just as quickly he halted his pace upon discovering the source of the scream.

According to the seventeenth edition of the book "Everfree Forest Bestiary" there were eight hundred and seventy nine known and cataloged species of animal indigenous to the wild. That which stood before him, looking roughed up currently and with a damaged left wing at an odd angle, was number four hundred and ninety seven - the manticore. Regarded as dangerous for the blend of physical strength, land speed, maneuverability that outpaced its lumbering size, limited flight capabilities that were used to enhance the aforementioned ground-based abilities, respectable durability, and the ability to inject its victims with a deadly toxin that caused total muscle paralysis, leaving the victim to die painfully and slowly from suffocation, as the muscles in the chest simply wouldn't allow for the respiratory system to perform its duties.

A fact that the pink pegasus foal currently pinned to the ground and impaled on its stinger, would soon be learning for itself.

A rescue at this point in time was quite impossible. Death had been guaranteed from the moment the skin had been pierced by the stinger. If he was the merciful type, the best he could do was shorten the duration of the suffering that would be experienced, by delivering a single terminating blow to the skull, and ceasing all brain activity in an instant.

But at present such charity couldn't be afforded. The individual suffering of others came second to both securing the village, and ensuring the Elements of Harmony themselves remained safe.

However, he stopped in his tracks before even proceeding to do such. The first instinct was to eliminate this threat outright. But that instinct could no longer be relied on like it had in the past. Not if there was the possibility of gaining new information from an interrogation of such. Taking it alive would be necessary, and that significantly complicated the situation.

"How fun," he thought to himself at realizing such a fact.

With this determination in mind, he observed as the manticore withdrew its blood-covered stinger from the chest of its unfortunate victim. This matter would need to be addressed carefully, and with an intense degree of delicacy; neurosurgery as it were.

Getting her subjects calmed down, and assured that everything would be alright, wasn't always the easiest thing to do when there was a crisis going on. And news of Ponyville being under attack certainly qualified as a crisis. The entire ordeal had taken a lot more time than Celestia had anticipated, and not being able to leave Luna in charge during her absence -short as it would be- hadn't helped any. Her sister was far too preoccupied with the injured Pipsqueak to be able to think coherently at this point in time.

Of course the most difficult part of it all, was the risk of some of the more adventurous ponies trying to head out once her back was turned, feeling that without her presence, that justified it being a free-for-all where they could run wild. Simply because Rainbow Dash was being held down by Pinkie, that didn't mean everything was well in hoof.

What she wouldn't give for a good foalsitter right about now, as she made her way to Ponyville to evaluate the situation for herself. Much as she'd like to believe that Twilight had the situation well in hoof, her friend was only one unicorn, and simply couldn't overcome several dozen excited townsponies if they all panicked at once. She was going to need to take care of this matter as quickly as possible.

However, as she descended and came to land, she became aware of the fact that such a task might be easier said than done. The town certainly wasn't leveled, not by any stretch of the imagination. But there was a significant amount of damage done to various buildings and other physical structures. Nothing that a few days worth of cleanup efforts couldn't tend to. But that wasn't what concerned her right now.

All around her were the sounds of suffering, and the sounds of loss. Whatever had occurred prior to her arrival, had caused a significant amount of death and suffering to the ponies who were present. But of it all, how much had been prior to Ulquiorra's arrival, and how much had occurred as a result of his presence?

And for that matter, where had the Espada gotten to? Where had the attacking threat gotten to?

The answer to the first question was more or less provided by the telltale boom off to the side of her, revealing Ulquiorra returning. If he was using his sonido, it stood to reason that he'd traveled a considerable distance prior to her arrival.

"What happened?" she asked plainly, having little patience to go into detail in voicing her curiosity on everything.

"Two specific incidents. The first was a manticore coming into town and attacking any pony it could find. The second has the potential to be far more disturbing in nature; the theory we've been working on over the past few days, was just shot to shit by today's events," he explained simply. Nothing about today made any sense at all, and that fact was far more unsettling in nature than any attack could be. If something could be understood then it could be adequately addressed, regardless of its scope or intensity. But that which couldn't be explained couldn't be adequately addressed, leaving them at its mercy for the time being.

"A manticore?" Celestia asked in disbelief. Was he serious? Did he even know what a manticore was? "But... but they live deep in the Everfree Forest. It's almost unheard of for one to ever leave the forest and venture into an established settlement," she stated.

"A fact that only deepens the mystery at hand," Ulquiorra replied, "but there are other matters to address. I'm quite certain the wellbeing of your subjects at the moment, is far more pressing to you than anything I might have to say," he theorized.

He was quite right, Celestia noted to herself. He had a way with theories that was quite involved and logical. But right now all she truly cared about was the current state of her subjects. She knew that there were injured ponies to tend to in the here and now. The Espada's mind was sound in nature, she was certain of that. Anything he was currently thinking wasn't likely to be forgotten about if forced to wait. It could wait until a time that was a little less chaotic. A time when there wasn't a broken and blood-stained beanie cap laying at her hooves.

"And what of the manticore? Is it safe to bring the others back to Ponyville?" she asked him.

"... At the moment, the town is safer than it was prior to my arrival. The manticore will not be presenting anymore threat. As to the others, it would be wise to have them all present and accounted for, where they can be observed. Assistance will likely be needed for those that are currently injured and dying," he explained.

Ponyville General Hospital was currently the busiest place in town. Nurses and other staff rushing back and forth, gurneys being moved down the halls carrying those that were too badly injured to move under their own power. Those that were less seriously injured than others were in the process of being tended to in the hallways, to make room for those that were more seriously injured and in need of significant care.

And all the while, one lunar princess anxiously paced up and down, while her friends and family watched on in concern from the receptionist area, as they stayed out of the way of all the chaos unfolding around them; both for their own safety, and to allow the hospital staff to move about unimpeded.

When Celestia had come back to brief them on what was going on, nopony had truly known just what to expect when they actually returned to Ponyville. Imagination and uncertainty had run wild, cooking up wild and impossible scenarios. But even the most brutal of scenarios that they could concoct in their own imagination, could do little to prepare them for what was truly experienced once they arrived back.

Able-bodied adults were more or less drafted into assisting in the search and rescue operation that was being carried out all over Ponyville. To some it was frighteningly reminiscent of searching for the missing residents during the changeling outbreak. But this time there wasn't any searching through attics and basements for cocoons. Instead it was more like sifting through piles of rubble, broken carts, and toppled trees to find those that were injured and in need of help... and those for whom help was too late in arriving.

After location came transportation to the hospital. An arduous task as it had to be done with great care. Simply grabbing survivors and pulling them only risked greater injury than what they'd already experienced, meaning they had to be carefully extracted and loaded onto stretchers for slow transport and loading onto gurneys. After that it was all up to the hospital staff, as the rescue workers tended to other matters as they could.

Regardless of rank, social position, or any other aspect that might lead some to believe they would be excluded from such work, nopony had opted for such. Twilight and the others hadn't hesitated to help out in any way they could, clearing rubble and keeping an eye out for anyone unaccounted for. Spike, along with Cheerilee, had been assigned the task of looking after the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the other foals present and unharmed, keeping them at the schoolhouse for the time being. Even Celestia hadn't hesitated to get down and dirty like the others, staining her white coat without the slightest regard for royal decorum as she sifted through whatever mess needed her attention.

But the most surprising aspect of the entire search, as far as they could tell, was the fact that Ulquiorra had taken part in everything. That being he'd worked right alongside them in clearing debris while finding survivors, tending to the more physically involved rescues that they couldn't on their own; like lifting an entire fallen tree and hurling it into a clearing where it wouldn't cause trouble. Or lifting a section of building to allow them to search underneath it. Whatever fear they had of him based on previous experiences, seemed greatly displaced by what they'd been observing take place on this day.

Currently he, much like the others, was standing in the reception area and silently waiting, watching, and staying out of the way.

And all the while, Luna continued her anxious pacing in the halls.

Celestia sighed as she watched her sister pace. She'd been a mess ever since Pipsqueak had managed to find his way to Sweet Apple Acres and inform them that Ponyville was being attacked. She knew that her sister had special feelings for this colt, him being the first one since her return to really show that she was loved by her subjects. She'd heard her speak of him favorably in her tales recounting her visits in Ponyville. And as a result of finding her favorite subject wounded, she'd nearly gone to pieces. She hadn't even been able to assist in the search and rescue, far too focused on the matter resting in her blood-stained forelegs.

"Luna," she spoke calmly as her sister turned to begin her new lap at pacing. However she seemed to go unheard. With a frown, and a little magic, she gently picked Luna up off her hooves and set her back down in a sitting position facing her. "Luna. I understand that you're upset. But pacing back and forth isn't going to do any good. The doctors aren't going to come out here any sooner, and you're simply going to make yourself a nervous wreck in the process," she explained calmly.

"I cannot bring myself to relax as easily as you have, sister. It is a feat I find to be impossible," Luna replied as she moved back into a standing position. "Our dear subjects were attacked, practically in our presence no less! I cannot believe the audacity that was to be had as a result of such a move! To hear of them being attacked from a great distance is one thing. But we were spitting distance away and still Ponyville was attacked. I simply cannot be calm when thinking about such!" she protested furiously.

This was a matter on which Ulquiorra was in full agreement. However it wasn't a matter of audacity that he was questioning right now, but rather the basic logic -or lack thereof- behind it all. The timing behind everything failed to make sense. What was the reasoning and significance behind it all? There had been no attack or hostile activity during the time he was deep in the Everfree Forest, and unable to respond due to other matters at hand. That would've been the near-perfect opportunity to launch an attack against these ponies. And yet it was an opportunity that wasn't exploited.

"What is your theory on the matter, Ulquiorra Cifer?" Luna asked him pointedly, bringing him out of his own thoughts. "Your mind is always working in manners we do not see coming. What do you have to contribute?"

Some would have likely flinched at being questioned in such a direct and abrasive manner by one who held such a position and power. However he wasn't one to do such. Princess Luna's hostility did little to disturb him, and his reactions showed such as he calmly turned to address her.

"Elaboration will require a location significantly more secure than what we currently have access to. There are a number of details that are best left unheard by some. Both for the purpose of security, and to prevent a possible panic," he explained.

Luna blinked. That wasn't the answer she'd been expecting to hear, nor was it one that pleased her. If anything it just left her more worked up than she had been previously, since it suggested that he knew something, but was refusing to tell her just what he knew. She wanted to yell, to scream, to curse him out for his stubbornness, to bring down the full wrath of her royal rule down on his head for his insubordination.

However she soon found that juvenile desire abating itself, as her attention was drawn to something more tangible in the immediate area; that being Pinkie Pie hugging her around her neck.

She'd been so distracted she hadn't even noticed her friends being by her side until just now. All of her attention had been focused elsewhere on this horrible, horrible day. And if it wasn't for the pink earth pony currently rubbing her back in a soothing manner, she still might be ignorant to the fact that she wasn't alone. Gratefully she returned the hug. "Thank you, my friend."

Twilight herself didn't know what to say as she just stood and watched. So many things had happened today; things that her morning cup of Spike's special blend of coffee simply hadn't been sufficient to prepare her for. And as much as her mind desperately wanted to run through the list of everything that happened and organize it -both chronologically, and in order of severity- her heart simply wasn't in it right now.

Maybe she should try and focus on something else at the moment, like how Ulquiorra had willingly assisted them in looking for victims of the manticore assault. She honestly hadn't expected that when she came to Ponyville to assist in the search and rescue efforts; not after everything he'd gone through because of them. She couldn't help but wonder if he truly wasn't upset with them for their actions, or if he truly did hate them for what they'd done, and was simply a master of hiding his contempt and emotional state from them.

That was assuming Ulquiorra even had any emotions to begin with. Half the time she truly didn't know what to believe regarding the Espada, based either on her own observations, or what he told her when queried.

"So whatever happened to the manticore anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked from where she stood at the side. Even she knew when a change of subject was needed. Some of the time anyway. "They're not exactly the easiest beasts to deal with."

Applejack cocked an eyebrow at hearing her friends' words. "This bein' said ta the guy that beat a dragon senseless like it weren' nothin'."

"Hey a manticore's an entirely different kind of beast," Rainbow Dash replied defensively, opting to hover off the ground and cross her forelegs over her chest. "Sure the dragon was big and strong. But manticores have a lot less mass to contend with against gravity. They don't have to devote as much strength to remaining mobile, and instead can devote it to nimbleness and agility," she explained.

"A very accurate assessment of the facts," Ulquiorra spoke up, interested in how Rainbow Dash seemed to understand the matter of basic physics in this matter. He had assumed that if this discussion came up, the cyan pegasus would focus on the dragon's build and strength rather than the manticore's attributes. Perhaps it had to do with her own nature, allowing her to recognize that muscle mass didn't directly translate into strength. "When first encountered the manticore attempted to stand its ground and fight. However that bravado soon gave way as it realized it was no longer the dominant predator. What occurred afterward was of a most curious nature, as it appeared to be trying to decide whether to stand and fight, or outright flee. In all my time I can honestly say I don't recall ever seeing such a conflict in the fight or flight response all animals possess. Hesitation, yes, but never this degree of indecisiveness. It was almost like a struggle between the conscious and unconscious mind, going on at the same time. I honestly don't know what to make of it."

"That doesn't really explain what happened to it. Did the manticore get away?" Twilight asked.

"Not quite. When primal instinct won out the manticore made an effort to flee; a wasted effort as it were. Allowing it to escape would ultimately present it with the opportunity to return at a later date. It has been eliminated through a simple snap of the neck, and left just outside the village should an autopsy be desired, to determine if its body can reveal anything of use. Perhaps it can tell us something where the others did not," Ulquiorra explained.

"Oh my," Fluttershy mumbled. However that was all she had the nerve to say at the moment. There was just... so much brutality going on right now, it was hard to even think about. And if it wasn't brutality against ponies, it was brutality against others. She couldn't help but wonder just what had happened to the world in such a short amount of time. She certainly didn't remember it ever being quite like this. Surely Ulquiorra wasn't behind all of this... right? It was all just a matter of outright coincidence that things were progressing the way they were right now... right?

It had to be Ulquiorra's theory at work, right? His theory that Discord had known that there was something wrong in their world, and that was why Ulquiorra had been brought forward, because his help was needed.

Ulquiorra regarded her but ultimately said nothing in response. Her concerns weren't his own, he was under no obligation to address them. Hers were most likely concerns that laid with the wellbeing of animals like the manticore, rather than the wellbeing of her fellow ponies. But her misplaced priorities were her own prerogative.

Right now his interest was being held by the presence of a familiar reiatsu pattern. A pattern that belonged to a unicorn -Dr. Stable as he'd been introduced- coming down the hallway, Nurse Redheart following close behind. And from what he could see, neither of them was particularly cheerful or upbeat in their approach. If he were to wager as to the nature of what news they had to share, he would place his bets with the possibility of this being a report about how the more seriously injured ponies had died from their injuries. All around him he could detect different reiatsu patterns and textures, meaning he was aware of when one or more of them simply faded away.

"What news is there to report?" he asked before either of them could even open their mouths to speak, seeing no reason to wait as it simply wasted potentially valuable time.

Dr. Stable found himself a little confused by being addressed in such an abrupt manner, and by one so strange in nature as well. Usually he was greeted in a more respectful manner than such. He wanted to respond, but a look from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna was enough to tell him that nerves were running high for all of them. He decided to drop the matter and simply give them the details that were being asked of him; but only to the Princesses.

"To be frank we have numerous wounded, ranging from simple skin abrasions, to severe internal injuries, some of them in emergency surgery as we speak. Others weren't so lucky, I'm afraid. I don't even want to begin tallying up the ratio of dead-to-living just yet, as I have no idea which patients will survive, and which won't," he explained solemnly. Delivering such news was never easy, even if it wasn't being delivered to family members and loved ones. Simply admitting to such difficult in itself, as it meant vocally acknowledging to others and oneself that all of their medical expertise sometimes amounted to absolutely nothing.

"Doctor, what of the foal Pipsqueak? Will he be alright?" Luna asked him anxiously.

"Pipsqueak is currently in stable condition, and we're cautiously optimistic that he'll survive. But I'm afraid he'll need a lot of supportive therapy before he makes a full recovery. He'll have to learn how to compensate for his lack of depth perception, and he may experience a loss of balance and coordination due to the damage of his ear. Only time will tell for certain," he explained, his calmness serving as a contrast to Luna's own disturbed nature.

Luna didn't know what to think, or even say. The good news was that Pipsqueak was alive, and would likely remain that way for a good while. But the bad news soured the happiness she was experiencing, as she worried about what kind of life he may have to live from here on out. Foals were incredibly hardy and could bounce back from much due to their youth, but there were some things that simply couldn't be overcome; at least not easily. Would Pipsqueak feel remorse over his new inabilities in life? Would he experience depression? Would he... would he...

"What of the pegasus foal? The one unfortunate enough to be stung by the manticore?" Ulquiorra asked, interrupting Luna's thoughts in the process. "And spare whatever positive spin you may attempt. I don't deal in optimism, only facts."

Dr. Stable frowned in response to the manner of address. He was also slightly confused as to why this one would care about another, especially after all of the stories he'd heard about his actions last week. Maybe there was more to it than he'd heard?

Regardless, he'd been asked a very important question, and an answer was needed. "The prognosis... isn't good, I'm afraid," he said as he addressed the group rather than any one individual. "As you all know, manticore venom is something we have no cure for, no antidote. Even as we speak, the paralyzing nature is taking its toll on the body, first affecting the outer extremities, before eventually migrating to the main body, preventing the muscles in the chest from expanding with the lungs, and eventually the victim dies from internal suffocation. It's a very slow, painful way to die, and I'm afraid with the amount of venom introduced into their system, the end is still many hours away," he explained slowly.

"Oh no," Pinkie wept.

"Isn't there anything that can be done?" Twilight asked hopefully. "Simply because medical technology isn't up to snuff, that doesn't mean magic can been ruled out. Just the other day I was reading about a procedure developed by the Neighponese ponies for utilizing medical magic to purify the body of toxins. Couldn't we do the same thing in this case?"

"I'm afraid it's not quite that simple, my dear. Such a technique hasn't yet been recognized as medically legitimate, or peer reviewed and included in medical journals. And removing the various toxins a body accumulate through living, doesn't mean that it can remove venom as well. I'm sorry, but there are some things for which magic is useless," Dr. Stable explained, a hint of sadness creeping into his voice as he did so."I'm afraid all we can do is try to make the time left as painless as possible."

"So... so they're really gonna die? There's nothing we can do for this foal?" Rainbow Dash asked cautiously.

"I'm afraid not," Dr. Stable replied.

Ulquiorra listened silently as the doctor spoke, laying out the specifics of the situation before them. He knew that, if this was back in the human world, there were medical procedures that could indeed save the injured foal. But he only knew of these procedures in a rudimentary nature, and even if he were to speak up and be ordered to proceed, he lacked the necessary skills to perform such. The Octava Espada could certainly perform such a procedure if he'd been present.

Who was he fooling? Granz could likely synthesize an effective antivenom if he felt so inclined.

But even if the procedure could be performed successfully in this world, he truly doubted that they possessed the necessary sterile conditions to prevent contamination/infection from actually removing the lungs from the chest cavity, and leaving them to expand and contract outside of the body. Even if he spoke up, death would still likely occur in the immediate future.

With those facts in mind, there was only one course of action he could think of that truly made sense to him right now.

"Then perhaps it's the proper time to begin considering alternatives," he stated.

"I'm sorry but we're already doing everything medically possible for the suffering. There's nothing else we can do," Dr. Stable replied.

"I beg to differ. There is an alternative that's available under these circumstances. We can put an end to their suffering," Ulquiorra stated as he prepared to elaborate, withdrawing his right hand from his pocket in the process. "There is a procedure I know of that can do just that. Rainbow Dash, would you mind turning around?"

Rainbow Dash blinked in surprise and confusion at being addressed, uncertain of what to think, but turning regardless. If he was actually asking her for help -again- then who was she to refuse? Giving a brief nod she turned in the air until she was facing away from everypony.

"Here," Ulquiorra stated as he stepped closer and gestured to the spot on Rainbow Dash's neck that met with the base of her skull, the coarse hair of her multi-colored mane brushing against his hand in the process. "This location would be key. One swift application of force would be more than sufficient, detaching the brain from the brain stem, and terminating all life functions in a time frame of less than sixty seconds," he explained.

"W-W-WHAT!?" Rainbow Dash yelled as she immediately spun around and recoiled in fear at hearing his words. "Y-y-you're actually talking about... about killing some poor foal? Just like that? Like it's nothing!?"

"Correct," Ulquiorra replied, not the least bit surprised by the reaction of the cyan pegasus, or any of the other ponies in the immediate vicinity. Considering the decibel level she was utilizing, he shouldn't be surprised by the actions of anyone in the entire hospital.

"Oh my word," Nurse Redheart breathed in a gasp, not only due to the nature of his statement, and the coldness it was delivered in, but the nonchalant attitude he had about him. How could he be so callous about life, that talking about ending it came about as easily as conversations about the weather?

"Ulquiorra," Celestia spoke calmly as she took a step forward, recognizing that this had all the makings of a very bad situation. "I don't want to rush to any judgements, either one way or the other. But I'm going to need to ask you to elaborate on what precisely you're talking about. The way you're presenting your case so far leaves much to be desired," she explained. She needed to do something to keep the others calm, to prevent too great a level of panic from setting in. There were too many injured present for such.

He would admit that he hadn't expected Princess Celestia to be so calm about what he was saying. He'd predicted a far, far more emotional reaction to come from her at the suggestion of actually killing one of her subjects, in defiance of her original orders of not harming her subjects. The fact that he hadn't been simultaneously floored and subjected to the hierro-burning fury of her intense reiatsu, left him momentarily stunned. But only for a moment, before he spoke up in address as requested.

"It's true that I'm heartless, just as it's equally true that I'm a monster. But these two facts don't necessarily go together like complimentary goods, nor do they indicate a sadistic nature," he began. The fact that he was being heard out at all suggested a great deal of reasonability. Maybe even the opportunity to lay some beneficial groundwork on his part. "According to your medical professionals, there's nothing that can be done to save the foal in question. Your own experts have verified that death cannot be prevented in this case. In fact they have gone one step beyond that, and confirmed that death for this one will be a most miserable experience. What is being suggested is nothing more than sparing pointless suffering where such is possible," he explained calmly.

"What's being suggested is nothing short of murder," Dr. Stable replied, appalled at what he was hearing. Surely Princess Celestia would never go along with such a plan, and would instead throw this self-confessed monster out on his one visible ear that was tacked to the side of his head.

Ulquiorra turned away from Princess Celestia to face the doctor, noting the flinch in his posture as he met his gaze; an appropriate response as far as he was concerned. "The truest definition of murder is the unjustified taking of life through an act of malice. What is being suggested, is an act devoid of any malice. In fact it could be argued that suggesting to the contrary would be the truly malicious act, as it would serve to only inflict greater suffering on one that is helpless," he explained calmly. "Furthermore it is the most logical suggestion. Not being forced to expend finite resources on one that has already been condemned to death, they could be devoted to others who still have the potential to live."

It was the most logical conclusion that could be reached. Spending time and resources tending to the dying, in order to try and keep them alive for a little while longer, ultimately would serve no beneficial purpose, and do nothing to better anyone. But even though he'd laid out everything in basic, logical details, he truly doubted that it would be so easy to sway these ponies. It was more than likely that they valued the life of their own kind to such an extent, that even if one was suffering miserably, and unable to contribute anything else in what little time they had left, they would still fight with all their might to preserve the believed sanctity of those last few hours.

It was truly a pathetic notion.

"How can... how can... how can you even suggest something like that?" Nurse Redheart stammered in surprise. Was he really reducing lives to matters of logic? Did he really think it was that easy to view matters of the world? "How can you hold no sanctity for life, after doing so much to help so many? You helped bring the injured here! You carried foals in here like the precious commodities that they are! And now... now you're suggesting euthanasia, like we're talking about a sick dog?! How can you possibly be so heartless? So callous?"

He truly wasn't disappointed. This was the response he'd fully expected to be greeted with. It was true that he'd provided his services however they were necessary, ranging from locating victims, to making them accessible, to even carrying them when necessary, simply because no others had been available. He'd exercised concern to avoid causing unnecessary injury with his great strength, in handling these ponies and their fragile bodies. But that didn't mean he held their life in any high regard. He was merely following the most logical course of action.

But it wasn't Nurse Redheart that needed to be convinced he was correct in his observation. Instead it was the diarchy that stood silently in the reception area, letting him speak freely. Slowly he turned to face them.

"As I've admitted, I am indeed heartless in nature. But even I possess a limit as to what I can tolerate. And needless suffering and pain is not something that I can easily or willingness tolerate. There is no benefit to what this foal is going through. And if the only reason others are arguing in favor of leaving them alive to suffer it out, is to fulfill some ideological belief pertaining to morality, then that is truly heartless. Some would even say sadistic," he pointed out.

At the very least it was partially true in nature. He had nothing against seeing others suffer miserably, it truly did nothing to bother him. But that only pertained to situations in which the sufferings of another could be truly beneficial in nature; such as extracting information from a potential source of information. But one suffering because they were subjected to torture, or the realization that they were in a hopeless situation, was wholly different from what was presented before them right now. This was suffering for the sake of the most revolting kind of sadism known; for the simple purpose of making others feel better about themselves. For maintaining foolish notions that weren't even necessary.

Suddenly it was like the entire village was full of the like of Nnoitra Gilga. He was certainly one that would have no problem is leaving another alive to suffer, simply because it would amuse him to no end. He would torture someone even if they didn't have any information, and do so simply to prove the point that he could do so.

"I make no effort to hide or deny the fact that I have killed in the past. Many have even witnessed my actions. However, with only two exceptions, every death has been efficient and incredibly swift. Not even the changelings were left to linger on and suffer. Why should a pony be shown any less consideration for their plight?" he asked. Again it was at least partially true. Whenever he killed, he preferred to do it quickly and efficiently. But that was primarily due to neutralizing a threat, rather than any desire to show mercy. Even a wounded threat was still a threat to contend with; he'd learned that the hard way.

Celestia listened silently as all the parties present spoke, supplying their input on the matter, and how they felt the situation was best resolved, all the while withholding her own opinions to avoid undue outside influence on the matter. They weren't yet asking for her to settle the matter, so she didn't feel inclined to step into the mess just yet. She would let them say what they had to say, listening to each side explain their position -either calmly or not- before rendering her verdict.

It was like being back in the day court.

"And you're quite certain that there's nothing that can be done?" she asked as she turned her attention to Dr. Stable. "There's no medical procedure that might make any difference?"

"None, I'm afraid," he replied and sighed, closing his eyes momentarily, "the most we can do is keep them comfortable, and let things take their course."

"And how long do you believe it would take for things to take their course?" Celestia asked.

"I'm afraid there's no exact answer. It could be as few as three hours, or as many as thirty. Determining the exact rate isn't an exact science, there are too many variables to take into account," he explained.

"And," she began as she turned her attention back to Ulquiorra, "you're certain that what you're proposing is the more merciful option? More so than keeping them sedated and on painkillers so they aren't aware of how much pain they're bound to experience?" she asked.

"Far more merciful than being left to suffocate slowly over the course of thirty hours, during which time hospital staff and resources will have to be utilized for a cause that's ultimately pointless. All the while taking time, care, and resources away from others that may still be able to continue living beyond thirty hours," he explained, calmly and logically. "Furthermore, the process would be as painless and bloodless, as it is swift."

"P-Princess!" Dr. Stable stammered in surprise. Was this really happening? "You're actually considering what this killer, this monster has to say?"

"You would dare speak to my sister in such an impudent manner?" Luna asked, unable to keep herself calm at what she was hearing. She'd been patient ever since the news of Pipsqueak's state had been presented to her, and listening as the matter of the suffering foal was debated back and forth. But to hear such a manner of address was cutting against the grain for her, and she could no longer keep her mouth shut.

"It's quite alright, Luna," Celestia stated calmly as she extended a wing towards her sister. "As a physician trained in caring for others, he would be quite remiss in his duties if he didn't raise his objections to what was being discussed, regardless of who it was discussing them," she explained, noting that the frown on her sister's face remained. Regardless, she turned to address the stallion before her. "I can understand that this isn't an easy question to address; it certainly hasn't been easy any of the other times that it's come up during my rule. Euthanasia of the dying has always been a hotly contested subject, filled with passionate discussion on both sides of the aisle. So many well thought out points being raised in support and opposition of such a procedure. And, fortunately or unfortunately, it's one of those topics I can neither condemn nor condone. It's a topic far too big for only one pony to set policy on for the entire nation. I too lack the perfect and infinite wisdom necessary to pass such judgement for everypony. I don't even believe such judgement would be possible to make flawlessly."

Another case of passing the buck, Ulquiorra noted. Somehow it didn't surprise him. If Princess Celestia truly had no inclination of ruling her subjects through fear and oppression, as she had so claimed before, then it would seem reasonable that she would seek to avoid garnering the image of either wanting her subjects to suffer, or possessing the desire of seeing them killed outright for whatever reason.

Unfortunately her unwillingness to commit to one side or the other, inhibited his ability to act in this matter. He couldn't do the most logical thing, as these weren't logical beings. His actions would have consequences for himself, if he didn't first get clearance to proceed.

"Ah... ah wanna say somethin'," Applejack spoke up slowly, quietly, "ah mean... ah don' wanna say somethin', ah feel like ah have ta say somethin'..."

Ulquiorra now turned his attention to Applejack, as did everyone else present. What could this earth pony have to say, that she felt so strongly about, she actually felt the compulsion to voice her opinion?

"Ah... ah agree with Mr. Cifer on this one," she stated slowly, "ah don' think it's right ta be makin' some poor foal suffer. Ah can't quit thinkin' about, what if it were Apple Bloom who'd been stung? Ah... ah couldn' stand it if it were mah little sister who was the one dyin' like that an' such. Ah couldn' look 'er in the eyes an' tell 'er everythin' was gonna be alright when it wasn', ah jus' couldn' do it. A-an' ah'm real sorry if any o' ya didn' wan' ta hear such, but it's jus' how ah feel on the matter, but ah jus' couldn' keep it ta mahself any longer," she explained.

Twilight had to fight to stifle her gasp at Applejack's words. When it was Ulquiorra suggesting such it was one thing, but never did she actually believe she'd hear Applejack agreeing with him that killing another pony was right, regardless of the circumstances behind it. Ulquiorra was the living, breathing -sort of anyway- equivalent of a killing machine, it only made sense that he'd suggest what he did. But this was Applejack they were talking about! The one who held the Element of Honesty, and one of the best pony friends anyone could ever find themselves having. How could she seriously be siding with him on the matter? And how could she do it with such calmness?

"Um..." Fluttershy whispered, causing Twilight's neck to practically snap as she spun to face her. The look on her friend's face made her flinch, but she couldn't stop talking now. Summoning her courage, she pressed on. "I... I actually agree with Applejack on this. I... I think it would be the right thing to do. We need to think about what's best for the one that's actually suffering, n-not about what we want for ourselves."

"W-what?" Rainbow Dash practically squeaked in surprise. She couldn't believe her ears. "Fluttershy, what're you saying? H-how can you be saying something like that?" she asked. Was everypony suddenly going bloodthirsty around her?

"Because I..." Fluttershy gulped nervously, "because I think it would be for the best. It's just like with the animals I take care of. Nature doesn't always deal with success stories. Sometimes... sometimes nature can be very cruel, and you have to be the one to do what's best, even when you don't want to. It's s-something that I've had to accept in being a caretaker, and... s-something that I've had to tend to... Sometimes there are no easy solutions, only hard ones, and as ponies it's our responsibility to make them for those that are unable to themselves," she explained as calmly as she could. "I know it sounds cruel. B-b-but sometimes life is cruel, no matter how much we wish that it wasn't."

Ulquiorra would admit that he hadn't seen either one of those opinions coming forward. He'd expected all those present to be in objection to the notion of what was being discussed. And yet Applejack and Fluttershy were actually agreeing with him.

The more he was certain that he fully understood these ponies, and all that there was to know about them, the more he wound up discovering about them. Interacting with them was almost like peeling an onion.

"But... b-b-but Fluttershy, you were the one who kept Ulquiorra from killing that dragon! Why is this situation different? Why is it okay when we're talking about a pony?" Twilight asked. She was positive Fluttershy would've objected, she would've wagered money on it. How was this happening? Did she really not know what her friends were like?

"That was a different type of situation, Twilight, that one way my fault. My being scared is why the dragon attacked us. I wasn't assertive enough. Ulquiorra was just doing what he believed was right, it wasn't his fault that he treated the dragon as a threat. If I didn't stop him, that dragon's death would be my fault because it could've been avoided," Fluttershy explained. "But this isn't the same. We're not talking about a death that could be avoided. We're talking about the suffering of another, who we know is going to die no matter what we do. And if it's unavoidable... I don't think it would be very kind to just drag things out unnecessarily. And besides that, it's really not fair to the one who has to deal with whatever decision is made."

"But it's not really our decision to make, is it? We're treating this foal like they're an orphan, but so far nopony has looked to see about the parents. Shouldn't any decision being made be up to them?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes! Parents! Brilliant, Rainbow Dash! This is a decision that the parents should be making, not us!" Twilight mentally yelled. Sometimes she couldn't help but wonder if Rainbow Dash was simply obfuscating her stupidity, purely so she could surprise others with her intellect later on. It would certainly make sense.

"That will be an impossibility in this case," Ulquiorra replied calmly, once again entering the fray. "Along with being able to detect and measure the levels of an individual's reiatsu, I can also detect their specific patterns and textures. Textures that bear similarities with certain family members. Textures that remain even after death. Textures that indicate the two with the closest similarity are already dead, and cannot be consulted on what it is they want," he explained. There would be no passing the yen -or bit- on this matter. Nor would there be any opportunity for them to feel better about this matter. However he would give them a moment to let the facts sink in. Slowly he turned his attention to Princess Celestia before beginning to address her. "You have said that you will neither condemn nor condone the notion of euthanasia. That discussion aside, do you have any intention of preventing it from occurring without your consent?" he asked.

Celestia remained silent, carefully considering her words before attempting to speak up. She'd learned by now that one had to be careful when dealing with Ulquiorra, and that was exactly what she intended to do. On the surface it looked like he was truly sincere about wanting to spare an innocent foal any unnecessary suffering. If she didn't know any better she would suspect that he was making a genuine effort to be merciful in nature. But she'd seen the Espada's memories, and mercy wasn't something that she remembered witnessing on his part. But at the same time she hadn't really witnessed anything that would suggest he possessed an interest in killing for the simple sake of killing. Nor had she witnessed any truly sadistic personality traits.

There was also the matter of how he was taking ample time to calmly lay out just why the proposed course of action would be in the best interest of the foal, as well as others. She was positive he was simply making an argument from a logical perspective, just as he did in any other situation. But even with everything she knew about him, she couldn't help but feel that he was being sincere about what he was saying, despite his monotone delivery.

And then there was the matter of his current question to her. Was he deliberately giving her a way out of making such a difficult decision, about a topic she had been so careful to avoid? Or was he simply challenging her to try and stop him? Why did he have to be so infuriating all of the time?

"It would seem that no matter what course of action is taken, there will be repercussions to be had. But regardless of that fact, a decision has to be made," she said as she slowly faced Ulquiorra. "Do... do whatever you believe is necessary..." she finally stated with much unease. She really hated doing this.

Dr. Stable frowned and simply walked away, muttering something under his breath, and wanting no part of this. He could object, he could protest, but it would do little good when the one he was objecting to was one of the rulers of the land.

None of the others present spoke up either, after hearing what Celestia had to say. They could all raise points of objection, argue about how wrong it was to be considering this line of thought. But ultimately it would be little more than registering their complaints, in an effort to make themselves feel better. Ultimately their efforts would do little more than serve as an effort of self-comfort, to convince themselves that they played no part in such gruesome business. Deep down each of them more or less understood that fact.

Nurse Redheart let out a quiet sigh at how things were turning out, muttering a quiet "this way" as she turned around, preparing herself to lead the way to the room where the foal in question was waiting. She wasn't anymore happy with this turnout than Dr. Stable was. The simple fact that she could see both sides of the argument didn't help any either. Both sides had made very good points in the debate. But there was little she could do about it, other than serve as an escort, and keep him from wandering into the wrong room and scaring patients in the process.

Ulquiorra remained silent through it all, walking behind the earth pony as she lead the way. There was far too much discussion for something that should've been such a simple choice.

"Twilight? Where are you going?"

He briefly paused at the question and turned around to look behind him. Sure enough Twilight Sparkle was walking in the same direction, currently several paces behind him. Rather curious.

"To bear witness to what's about to occur," Twilight replied without looking back to the others. "All of our actions have consequences that we have to live with. Even if others can't. And this is the consequence of my actions. I was the one who actually brought Ulquiorra to the party at Sweet Apple Acres, leaving Ponyville vulnerable for attack. If I hadn't gone along with such, this entire mess could've been avoided. The manticore could've been stopped before anypony died. I'm responsible for everything that happened here today, everything that went wrong. And I need to see this, so I won't make the same mistake in the future," she explained.

As he had said before, rather curious. For whatever reason, Twilight Sparkle had reached the conclusion that she was in some way directly responsible for the manticore attack, and needed to be punished as a result. Guilt was apparently overriding whatever logic would otherwise be guiding the unicorn in this case. It was true that she had taken him away from Ponyville, but even he possessed doubts that in doing so, she had allowed everything to happen as it did. The events that transpired today didn't coincide with anything related to their theory. And while the theory was still inconclusive and formed from only two incidents, nothing matched up with what had taken place. Blaming Twilight Sparkle for the manticore attack was no more logical than blaming Fluttershy for the changeling invasion.

"Twilight that ain' nothin' but a load o' manure righ' there. Ya ain' responsible fer wha' happened. Ya didn' know wha' was gonna happen, none o' us did," Applejack protested.

"Yeah, Twilight, even I didn't see this one coming, how could you be expected to know a manticore was gonna attack?" Pinkie asked.

"C'mon Twi', you don't wanna do this. We've already seen so much death going on, more than we ever expected to experience," Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"And we're bound to see a lot more before everything is said and done, Rainbow Dash. Something is out to kill us. Things aren't like they used to be," Twilight replied. "But you're right, I don't want to do this; I have to do this. Just because I didn't know this would happen, doesn't make me any less guilty in the matter. This has to be done."

Ulquiorra said nothing as he listened to the discussion. He possessed doubts about the validity of Twilight Sparkle's words and reasoning. He also possessed doubts about any of the ponies possessing the mental strength necessary to observe one of their own being killed, for whatever reason, and knowing that there would be no twist or surprise reveal at the end. If she were to witness this, it was possible she would suffer.

But then again he'd been surprised before by the hidden depths of these ponies. Perhaps Twilight Sparkle wouldn't go all to pieces upon witnessing this.

For now though he would simply leave her to sort out whatever she was trying to deal with. He began walking again, following after Nurse Redheart as she once again lead him down the hallway to the patient in question, a second set of hoofbeats lightly echoing off the walls further on down the line, indicating that Twilight Sparkle had made her decision to come along.

"This isn't right," Rainbow Dash mumbled as she watched her friend slowly disappear down the hallway. Quickly she turned to Celestia. "Princess? Isn't there something you can do? Can't you say something to Twilight, to make her understand that this is a bad idea?" she asked.

"I'm afraid not, Rainbow Dash," Celestia replied as they watched Twilight walking away from them. "This is something that Twilight has to sort out for herself. She blames herself, and believes she has to make some sort of amends for her actions. I could try and talk her out of it, explaining how she's not responsible for anything that's happened here today, but unless she truly believes it, it would do little good. Interfering might actually make things worse for her, possibly driving her into a state of depression and guilt, which could motivate her to do anything if left unchecked. I'm afraid that all we can do is wait, and give her the room that she needs..."

"She's in here," Nurse Redheart said uneasily as she opened the door to the last room on the left of the hallway, before stepping back to allow the two of them inside to do what was necessary.

Ulquiorra remained silent as he stepped into the sickly green-colored room, vacant except for the foal in question currently laying on a gurney, her side bandaged and wrapped, slowly being stained red from the injury it covered. An IV drip was attached to her left foreleg as she laid there, her breathing labored as she struggled in a futile manner. Already the venom was working its way through the main body. It seemed unlikely that the foal had thirty hours to suffer at the rate things were progressing. It was likely that the sparseness of the room, and the lack of extensive medical equipment like he'd seen with other ponies, indicated that the staff recognized the case as being hopeless.

Even over the labored efforts of the foal to try and breathe, he could still hear the soft gasp that Twilight Sparkle issued upon confronting what she believed was the consequences of her actions. However, he failed to detect anything that would coincide with a weakening of her resolve. To the contrary, she seemed to be making an effort to harden her determination to see this through.

"H-hey there, little one..." she said shakily as she entered the room and approached the gurney cautiously, her demeanor like she was afraid to make a great deal of noise. "What's your name? H-how're you doing?"

"Cupid," the foal breathed weakly as she tried to move her head to look over, but found it very difficult to do at all. "I hurt," she whimpered as she gave up any attempt to move and simply let her head flop back onto the gurney. "Are my mom and dad here? Can I see them? Please?"

Twilight felt her heart sink at Cupid's words. There was no way she could tell this poor foal that her parents were dead. She'd have to do something else.

"Maybe later. But don't worry, they're safe and sound. N-no one can hurt them, now that Ulquiorra is back in Ponyville," she replied as calmly as she could. It wasn't exactly a lie, was it? It wasn't like the dead could be harmed. And... maybe after this was all over, Cupid would see her parents again.

"I hurt," Cupid whimpered again, "and I can't breathe. It's hard to even catch my breath..."

"I know, little one, I know," Twilight replied as she stood up on the gurney to stroke Cupid's mane in a comforting manner. "But it's going to be alright, we're here to help. This is my friend, Ulquiorra, and he's... he's going to make the pain stop hurting so much," she explained, earning a weak smile from the foal in response. "Just... just close your eyes, and try to relax. Y-you'll be alright."

"Promise?" Cupid asked her.

"I promise... after this you won't be having anymore pain. A-and no more broccoli either," Twilight replied as she tried to keep herself composed.

"But I like broccoli," Cupid protested weakly.

"S-sorry, I didn't know. No more spinach then?" Twilight asked.

"Eww. No more spinach," Cupid agreed, causing Twilight to giggle weakly in response, the only thing she could do without breaking down into tears right now.

"Just close your eyes, and before you know it, you'll feel so much better. You'll be able to relax more easily."

"Okay," Cupid agreed and closed her eyes just as told.

Ulquiorra was silent as he remained back with Nurse Redheart, exercising a measure of professional courtesy as he allowed Twilight Sparkle to say her peace to the foal named Cupid. While it would be far better to have this matter done with as soon as possible, he would allow her a few minutes to do what she believed was necessary.

And once that time passed, and he was certain she had no more words to offer in comfort of the dying, he stepped forward and stood next to her, looking down at the pony before him, and her struggles to breathe.

Unlike Twilight Sparkle, he had no words of comfort or consolation to offer up, as it simply wasn't his place. His task was far more straightforward and productive in nature. Slowly he withdrew his left hand from his pocket and placed it over Cupid's eye that faced upward, both to hold her head still, and prevent her from seeing what would happen next, as he withdrew his right hand in preparation. If Twilight Sparkle wished to leave the room, or simply avert her gaze, it would be a decision she had to make on her own, without him assisting her in the decision.

Twilight looked on as Ulquiorra formed his right hand into a fist and placed it at the back of Cupid's neck, holding it right at the base of her skull, before drawing back about an arm's length of distance, and swiftly bringing it forward again.

She jumped at the sound of the blow landing, surprised more by what she had heard, rather than what she hadn't heard. She'd been expecting to hear the exaggerated snap of bones breaking under incredible force, sounding like the snapping of fresh produce like carrots or celery. And she'd expected to hear a sort of squelching sound like flesh tearing apart, almost like an overripe tomato being smashed. But she hadn't heard anything at all like that when Ulquiorra's fist connected against the base of Cupid's skull. If anything it was just a dull thud, almost like a hoof clop against a sizable block of wood. It was... underwhelming from what she'd read in books that discussed death scenes.

She'd also been expecting a lot more than what she saw. Cupid's body had flinched from the impact, but it was more akin to a foal reacting to being tickled in surprise. It hadn't been at all like the idea she had, about the entire body being violently shaken from the blow it received. And her head certainly hadn't come completely off her neck either; something that she'd almost been expecting to happen, considering the sheer degree of strength Ulquiorra commanded. She'd just been expecting something... different, something that would scream "dead" to her. Not... not this. As he withdrew his hand from her head, it almost looked like Cupid was sleeping, like she could simply wake up at any time.

It was... it was almost too peaceful in nature to simply observe, something that'd happened in the space of just a few seconds, with no fanfare or dramatic flare, simply devoid of everything that would in some way emphasize what had just happened. It was just... so hard to believe; more so when she remembered the absolute brutality Ulquiorra had been capable of when dealing with the dragon. And yet the one whose body could generate such unmeasurable brute strength, at the same time could command such a delicate touch when it was truly needed.

"It's done," Ulquiorra stated simply, snapping her out of her stunned state in the process, and bringing her back to the present as the facts began to sink in. She'd been so absorbed by how things had happened, she'd completely forgotten just what was happening. But now the facts were beginning to sink in, and she began to realize just what it was that she'd witnessed.

"She... she doesn't look like she's dead," she stated in disbelief. As far as she could remember, this was the first time she'd seen another pony that was dead. "She just looks like she's sleeping..."

"I can assure you that she is not," Ulquiorra replied calmly as he slid his hands back into his pockets. "If you wish to examine her corpse to verify, feel free to do so."

Twilight looked back at Ulquiorra, and then back down at Cupid's prone form in contemplation. Slowly her horn glowed, as a wide, thin beam of magical light shot forth from the tip and shown down on the pegasus before her. Slowly it ran from the tip of her muzzle down to the end of her tail, scanning her body in one direction and then the other. She could tell that Ulquiorra's explanation of what would occur had been very accurate. The blow he'd delivered had easily and cleanly severed the point where the brain was connected to the brain stem, terminating any and all signals that would travel to the rest of the body and maintain proper function. Even the heart had ceased any residual beating it might've had to carry out, as the last energy supplied by the firing synapses within the brain expired throughout the body.

"She... she really is... gone..." Twilight mumbled as the scan cut out. Slowly she set back down on all four of her hooves, looking down at the floor.

"I must say, I was expecting a far more emotional reaction out of you, at witnessing the death of one of your own," Ulquiorra commented.

"I don't have any right to be sad and crying like a foal about this. Not when it was my fault that this whole mess happened," Twilight replied as she slowly turned back around to face him.

He still doubted her words, failing to see specifically how she could be blamed for everything that transpired this day. She could be blamed, but that didn't mean the blame would be accurate in nature, or that it was something she had truly earned. However he wasn't about to try and argue such a point with her. At present time her sense of guilt wasn't doing anything to negatively affect her. Until such a time did arise, it mattered little just what she chose to believe.

"That is your decision to make. But for the time being I will need you to stay focused. There is another matter to tend to, and it is one of great importance," he replied.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"With everything that's transpired here today, it's safe to assume we have a new mystery on our hands. And we will have to unravel it," he explained.

"A... another mystery?" she asked. Already she could feel the sensation of her mind swimming from the possibility. There were already so many mysteries to be keeping track of, it felt like the equivalent of trying to keep a dozen spinning plates properly balanced all at once, and doing so without using any magic.

"Correct. Four days ago we established a pattern of events that coincided with the last two attacks we faced. Today that pattern was not simply broken, but outright defied. We must determine not only the why, but the how as well."

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