• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,674 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fifty

This was only the second time that Ulquiorra had actually sat down to engage in a meal with them. And from the first time back in Canterlot, Twilight knew that he could eat a pretty big meal with ease if he wanted to. So it struck her as odd when he'd silently pushed his plate away from where he sat after just two pancakes. She knew they weren't all that filling, especially not at the size they were made; not when she herself could easily eat six without even trying. Something was definitely up, that much was obvious.

"Ulquiorra, is something wrong? Are the pancakes not to your liking?" she asked. He'd eaten in relative silence, and he'd polished off the two pancakes that Spike had whipped up for him without any measure of complaint. But it still didn't seem right. "Do you want butter on the next one? Syrup? Fresh fruit?" she asked.

"The food is fine as it is, Twilight Sparkle. There is no need for pointless indulgences," he replied calmly, cutting her off before he could be allowed to build up sufficient room for panic or worry. "While the idea of breakfast to compensate for the lack of mana intake over the night was well thought out, the results are simply not panning out as anticipated. Your gesture and kindness has not gone unappreciated or unrecognized, but the effort is unfortunately lacking. The amount of mana being gained is negligible in nature, and it wouldn't be very effective to consume the potentially several hundred pancakes necessary for total compensation to occur. The foodstuffs of Ponyville don't appear to be as saturated with mana as what was presented back in Canterlot," he explained.

It was a situation that presented something of a mystery. He had seen the ingredients used in the construction of the pancake matter, and the inclusion of eggs and milk would suggest that the latent mana found within should be more plentiful. Perhaps the cooking process caused a breakdown that resulted in it being lost. He couldn't be certain, at least not without some closer examination of the details. Perhaps if he'd examined the cooking process more closely, he could've garnered more useful information. Perhaps a compare and contrast of the food preparation procedure, both for here and Canterlot, would be necessary.

"That... that doesn't make any sense," Twilight replied, uncertain of what else to say. How could the food they produced locally, possibly possess less mana than the food found in Canterlot? Most of it was imported from all over the world, it wasn't like it was rich by virtue of being within the border of their capitol city.

Spike just frowned in response. "Had I known that was gonna be the case, I would've just whipped up a batch of tack instead..."

"Spike, be nice," Twilight told him.

"Tack?" Ulquiorra asked, uncertain as to what he was saying.

"It's sort of a cross between a biscuit and a cracker. Long ago it was a regular food staple, but these days its usually regarded as emergency food," Twilight explained, her brain kicking into explanatory mode by default when presented with a question. "Generally it comes in two variants, hard and soft. Hard tack is usually made from just flour, water, and a pinch of salt. Because of it's simple construction and how hard it bakes, it has a long shelf life and can last years without going stale, but it's not really easy to eat plain. Soft tack uses shortening as an ingredient and is easier to eat, as well as tastier, but it doesn't stand up as well and can perish in a matter of months if not stored properly."

"Well it's not like he's absorbing the actual nutrients in it," Spike offered up in defense of his suggestion. Why go through all the extra effort if it wasn't going to be worth it? "Sure it could use some jam when you eat it, but it's not all that hard."

"Said the baby dragon who loves his corundum," Twilight quipped. Had Spike forgotten about the fact that he could easily eat things that nopony could?

Spike frowned at Twilight again. It was the kind of frown given whenever she overlook something obvious. It was the same kind of frown he'd given her just yesterday.

"Something tells me that a hard baked biscuit wouldn't be enough to slow Ulquiorra down any," he quipped.

"If such were to occur, I would indeed be surprised," Ulquiorra replied as he stood up from his seat at the table. The banter between the two had been entirely unnecessary. "Spike's logic is sound in this case. If proper nourishment is not possible, the extravagances of pancakes would present no practical benefit over a simpler foodstuff. But ultimately it's of no matter. I will simply resume once we're no longer in the vicinity of the forcefields. That should allow both to operate without risk of overlap," he explained.

Twilight silently nodded, acknowledging that Ulquiorra did have a point in what he was saying. But she still couldn't help but wonder about why the pancakes weren't doing any good. Maybe the ingredients weren't fresh enough? If that were the case then maybe a few apples from the market would be in order. But just how many would that few apples turn into?

Then again, maybe they wouldn't need to resort to that. Maybe there was another option available, and she simply hadn't thought of it yet. What was that old saying, about the solutions being right under your nose? Or maybe in this case it was more appropriate to say right on your head.

"Maybe there's another way," she said as she stood up from her seat to approach him. "Back in Canterlot, when the changeling situation was going on, Rarity did a mana transfer for me when I was in need, and likely saved my life in the process. And considering all that you've done for us, both actively and passively, I don't see why I couldn't do the same for you. Ponies might use mana for their various fields of magic, but you're the one that needs it for sustenance. It's not right to hog it," she explained. "Just take what you need, it'll be alright."

That was a development Ulquiorra hadn't seen as being a possibility. And it was enough of an unforeseen possibility, that it gave him reason to pause in thought. Did Twilight Sparkle understand the significance of the fact that she was more or less inviting him to feed on her like a parasite? He wasn't certain how to feel about such a proposal.

Nor was he certain that it should be referred to as a proposal. That sounded wrong even to him, logic notwithstanding.

"Hold it, Twilight, you can't do that. Not with all the spell practice you've been talking about doing today," Spike protested. He understood what she was saying, but he also understood that she could be short sighted at times with her planning. That was one of the many, many reasons she relied on him for help. "I'll do it instead, that's the better option," he added before she could protest his protest.

Twilight blinked, momentarily caught off guard by what Spike was saying, before finding her voice once again to speak. "That's really nice of you, Spike, but it's alright, really. I have far more mana to give," she explained.

"And I can't use magic, so I don't need all of mine nearly as much as you do yours," Spike pointed out. "I'm your number one assistant, so let me assist already."

Curiouser, and curiouser. If he didn't know what to think about Twilight Sparkle's... proposition, then he really didn't know what to think about the proposition of Spike. The two of them were actually disagreeing in a manner as if it was to be an honor to have him absorb their mana into himself.

Exactly what breed of insanity was this?

He watched the back and forth banter continue for several minutes, each of them doing their best to make their point to the other on just why they were best suited for what they were attempting. He would admit that each of them did raise several good points to defend their position. But he truly doubted that they understood what was really being argued.

Did they truly believe that this was both relevant and necessary? If they were all stranded in a region where the ambient mana was so minute it would qualify as nearly nonexistent, then he could better understand their reasoning and justification. But Ponyville didn't qualify as such a region. Indeed, no region that he'd been to would qualify as such. His capability truly hadn't been reduced to that significant of a degree. The only thing acting as an inhibitor right now was the passive enchantments protecting the Elements of Harmony, and that matter would be resolved once they left the library.

"These ponies take the concept of friendship and helping one another to an extreme," he thought to himself. Was this gesture of good will truly so important to them, that they were unwilling to wait the few minutes it would take to actually leave the library? If it were a matter of true importance, he could simply sonido his way to Sweet Apple Acres, and proceed to absorb as much mana as necessary, since the area possessed an abundance.

Was it possible that this... endeavor they were arguing about, could be connected to last night's conversation regarding relationships? Maybe there was something subconscious at work here?

He would rather not think about that.

"Am I to assume this is another aspect of friendship?" he asked, bringing the exchange between the two to a complete halt as they turned to look at him. "I would be lying if I said I didn't find the situation fascinating to some degree. And while I'm certain there is some justification for what you're proposing, I truly don't believe the situation at hand warrants such desperate measures being taken as of yet. To the best of my ability to determine, Ponyville itself is rich with a sufficient degree of mana, that feasting on one another is simply unwarranted."

Twilight and Spike looked at each other, and then back at Ulquiorra where he stood. They could both agree that he had a good point. And now that they weren't involved in a tug of war over who should take point on the matter, they could see the wisdom in what he was saying. And now they could also feel silly for being willing to take such extremes, without first considering the more mundane options available to them.

"Sorry," Twilight replied sheepishly.

Ulquiorra paid it no mind. The discussion of cannibalistic behaviors was over, and now it was time to focus on more important matters. "What activity has been planned for the day?" he asked, figuring it would be far more relevant than anything else that could be discussed. If he was to be spending time with these two, then he should have some idea of how his time would be managed throughout the day.

"Oh. I was thinking that we might head to Sweet Apple Acres to carry out the experiments. A wide open area would be the best setting for practicing these spells and such, and I can't think of anywhere more wide open than there," Twilight explained, figuring it was the best option available.

"Then am I to assume you've successfully resolved your personal issues from last night, and are ready to proceed?" Ulquiorra asked, mildly curious as to how things might be proceeding. If Twilight Sparkle's time resting had allowed her to adequately address whatever mental demons she was facing, then all the better.

"To be honest... no I haven't," Twilight replied slowly as she shook her head. "When I made the determination to take this course of action, I had a lot more resolve than I do now. At least I think it was resolve, it might've been a state of shock, or even denial. But now that I'm thinking instead of reacting, I honestly don't know if I can actually go through with this course of action," she explained as she hung her head. There was so, so many thoughts going through her mind right now. So many thoughts that she truly didn't want to play host to. So many thoughts that she just wished could be shut up and shut out.

But she couldn't afford to focus on that right now. She couldn't afford to focus on despair and let it consume her. There were ponies counting on her and the rest of the girls. She needed to keep her head up in this situation and think things through. From a purely technical perspective, the situation they were currently in really didn't differ that much from all the others they'd been in, when Equestria was in danger and counted on them. Certainly there were details that differed. But overall the mission still remained the same as every other time; confront the enemy, kick some flank, save the world. She had to remember that, and not get bogged down with the more intricate -and possibly superfluous- details.

"But whether or not I can do this, that doesn't matter anymore, because I have to do this. We don't get to choose our responsibilities, and we don't get to call timeout when ponies depend on us to do what they can't. We need to set aside our own... um... what's that word mean? Personal?"

Rather strange, Ulquiorra noted. Twilight Sparkle was stopping her speech to query him about a foreign word and its overall meaning?

"Relating to the affairs or matters that deal with a particular person. Although if a person is unavailable, such as in this case, a particular individual will suffice and serve the same purpose," he replied in explanation.

"... Right then," Twilight replied and nodded, "we need to set aside our own personal comforts in situations like this. It's just like Fluttershy facing the dragon; both of them. She was terrified, but we needed her to do it. This situation is no different for me, for any of us."


"You should fear my power, yet you still fight like you think you can win. I don't understand you," he stated as he pursued Ichigo Kurosaki, the Shinigami flying backward from the force of the impact, unable to correct or even adjust his ballistic trajectory. Not even the summoning of his Hollow mask was proving to be of any assistance to him on this matter.

Not even the feeble attempt to block his hand with the blade of his Tensa Zangestu proved to be of any use, as the Hollow mask cracked under the force of his grip like a brittle ceramic plate. He pulled back and hurled the Shinigami straight at one of the freestanding pillars, the force of the impact easily shattering its structure, and sending him hurtling into the one directly behind it.

"If that's because of what you call a heart, then it is the heart that causes you pain. It is because of your heart that you will die," he stated. After seeing the overwhelming odds that he was up against, surely the Shinigami would drop any foolish notion of being able to defeat him. It would make his death so much easier if he would just give up right now.

Unfortunately it seemed logic was completely absent from this one. As the smoke cleared, he could see Ichigo Kurosaki was still standing, and looking at him with the same eyes. Nothing had changed in him at all. Whatever stubbornness this Shinigami possessed, it apparently hadn't been beaten out of him yet.

"I don't fight because I think I can win... I fight because I have to win!" **


Three times. Three times now, Twilight Sparkle had displayed certain traits that reminded him of Ichigo Kurosaki to some extent.

The first time had been during their initial meeting in Canterlot, and was the result of her reiatsu fluctuating in a highly unstable manner.

The second time had also been in Canterlot, and occurred during the changeling invasion. That time it had been the look in her eyes, and the beast that laid just below the surface, making itself known during a time of absolute disregard for everything and everyone around it.

And now the third time, as he listened to her explain how she was presented with a definable need to succeed at a specific goal, regardless of the fact that she might not be physically able to achieve such.

Despite her significant level of intelligence, she still possessed an almost primal degree of stubbornness about her, that seemed to refuse to acknowledge the futility of struggle, that refused to consciously address her own fear and...

"Perhaps her similarity to Ichigo Kurosaki isn't such a bad thing after all," he thought to himself. Perhaps the lessons learned from facing the Shinigami back in Las Noches could be effectively applied in this situation. Domination through force might prove unnecessary, if the same domination could be had through a simple exercise in logic.

"You're afraid, more so of the abstract, currently undefined possibilities of what this course of action might entail for the future, rather than the course of action itself," he hypothesized as he looked at her. The manner in which her eyes went wide would suggest his hypothesis was acceptably accurate. With that fact in mind he chose to press onward. "It isn't the act of killing that scares you. Nor is it the emotional reaction you would face after having to take a life. What truly scares you is the thought that one day you might not feel anything. You look at me, and the ease in which I have killed others, and it scares you to think that you might become like me. You fear losing the regard you hold for the lives of others, and will have no qualms with murdering them for whatever reason. That if you proceed down this path, one day you might even come to... enjoy the prospect of murdering someone."

For the majority of what Ulquiorra had been saying, Twilight had simply sat still, eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly open. However the conclusion of his speculation had been enough to cause her to gasp and physically recoil, as if he'd just delivered a physical blow to her.

"How... h-h-how did you know?" she asked, completely lost for an explanation. How could his words cut not only so deep, but also with such precision? She suddenly felt very uncomfortable and very cold as she looked at him. It was like he wasn't looking at her, but rather through her. She felt like she was transparent right now.

Spike, for his part, remained silent where he sat, unable to do anything but look on and watch as Ulquiorra went about verbally picking Twilight apart with frightening and unrealized accuracy. The Espada was picking up on things that he never had, and he was the one that knew Twilight best. Shouldn't he have been the one to know when she was in trouble and suffering?

"You aren't the first to experience such thoughts. Nor will you be the last," Ulquiorra replied dryly, seeing no point in going into the details of how he arrived at his -correct- conclusion of the facts. The fact she wasn't denying anything he said was enough confirmation for him. And now that he had recognized the problem, it was time to proceed with the next part of the problem. "Would you be surprised to learn that killing is not an activity I take pleasure in?" he asked her.

"Wow... really?" Spike asked, suddenly finding his voice since this whole for today began.

"But I thought that... that..." Twilight stammered as she tried to find the appropriate words for the situation.

"That because I'm so efficient at it, and can do such so casually, it must be something that I enjoy doing, correct?" he asked. However it was entirely rhetorical in nature, as he already knew the answer. "You're attempting to apply your world's logic and values to a wholly alien matter. Enjoyment and a sense of fulfillment aren't requirements for being skilled in a particular field. Killing is not something I have any particular care for, I merely do it because it proves to be a necessity. You have to remember, killing is an everyday necessity in Hueco Mundo where only the strong survive. Only the strongest Hollow may assert control of a Gillian and seek to evolve into a Vasto Lorde. There is no room for hesitation or reluctance," he explained evenly.

"So... I'm not weak for not wanting to go through with... all of this?" Twilight asked him, curiosity temporarily overriding everything else she was experiencing. "You're not disappointed in me?

"If I was, would it truly make a difference? Would learning of my disappointment serve to make you overcome your fears? Would you be able to kill something if it was in the name of pleasing me?" Ulquiorra asked her. Half spoken utterances of "uh" and "um" were the only audible response that Twilight could manage in response to the question. "The matter at hand is quite serious. If you truly intend to go through with this, then make sure it is for the right reasons. Do not seek out praise, or revenge, or even attempt to avenge those that have already died. Do not act out of anger, or fear, but rather because you believe it's the correct decision. Do it because you believe the act is justified by the circumstances, because no other alternative is feasible. And if you can't do that, then acknowledge the fact early on while you still have the chance to make the decision, rather than attempt to wait until it's too late."

He could imagine what a number of the other Espada would've given for advice in response to Twilight Sparkle's question. The more violent members would have berated the unicorn for her weakness, and quite possibly going far beyond that. But he wasn't like the other Espada. Killing was a matter purely of business and necessity, not a source of excitement or enjoyment. At least in his case, he didn't particularly care to engage in the analysis of the motives of the others.

"That... that actually makes me feel a little better..." Twilight stated slowly.

"Wait, it does?" Spike asked as he turned to look at her.

Twilight looked back at Spike and nodded slightly. What Ulquiorra was saying, it actually made a lot of sense once she started thinking on it. Or at the very least she thought that it made sense. Perhaps she was reading something into his words that wasn't there, in some unconscious effort to view his statement as a source of comfort during this difficult time. Or maybe she just wanted to believe that his words carried some wisdom that she hadn't considered on her own.

But whatever the reasoning was behind it actually was, his words had helped her, one way or the other. When she'd made the determination to take this course of action yesterday, her mindset had been different. She didn't want to admit to the fact, but she had been entertaining certain thoughts that she certainly wasn't proud of. Thoughts that scared her in the light of the day. Thoughts that made her bawl her eyes out with Rainbow Dash's help, and left her shaking in the aftermath. Thoughts that she wanted to violently expel from her mind, and never again admit to them being her own.

But not being able to do that, she instead had to settle for refocusing her priorities. Cupid was dead, as were her parents. As were possibly many other ponies that considered Ponyville to be their home. There was nothing that she could do for any of them now. Instead she had to focus on the here and now, and on the ponies that could benefit from her intervention. She had to think of what they needed right now. And what they didn't need was the personal student of Princess Celestia, engaging in a bloody campaign to try and exorcise her own emotional turmoil, of self hatred, fear, and poorly defined rage.

"I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that one, not yet anyway," she finally said as she turned her attention back to Ulquiorra. "Can I have more time to think on it? This is... as Rainbow Dash would say, heavy stuff to consider."

"The sooner a definite answer can be arrived at, the better off we'll be," Ulquiorra replied. Sooner or later Twilight Sparkle would have to face the matter head on, no matter how uncomfortable she was with it. The most he could do was give her advice, he couldn't hold her... hoof, through this situation. "You can have the time you need to arrive at a conclusion, but only if you're truly using it for legitimate deliberation. Don't assume that you can procrastinate freely," he warned.

"Something tells me you won't have to worry about that happening," Spike quipped, unable to keep his sarcasm restrained. Twilight procrastinate? The very idea was hilarious to even consider.

Twilight just shook her head, not wanting to say anything else on the matter. "I might be able to give an answer better after I've actually tried practicing these spells. There's really not much sense in getting all excited and prepared for something, if it's not a physical possibility to actually do it, right?" she asked.

The point being raised, much like others in the past, was fair in nature. If Twilight Sparkle truly could not wield these spells she was studying, then there would be little point in significantly involving her in the matter. Up to this point they had all simply been assuming that she was able to perform as required. They had yet to receive actual confirmation. That had been an oversight on all of their parts, his own included. How could he make such a careless mistake?

"Then perhaps we should proceed. The sooner we begin, the sooner we can arrive at a definite answer, and we can proceed accordingly," Ulquiorra replied. And the sooner they arrived at a definite answer, the sooner he could determine how much responsibility he truly needed to take up for himself.

"Rather strange."

The saddlebag that Twilight Sparkle wore rattled and clinked as they walked, filled with the supplies she said they would be needing over the course of the day. In addition to a number of hastily scribbled notes -she claimed that they were hastily scribbled, but he was unable to tell such- and assorted goods that ranged from packed food to strange looking scientific instruments, there was also the lantern from last night riding around inside the canvas structure. Anything that she couldn't carry herself had been relegated to the backpack that Spike possessed.

The fact that this world possessed backpacks was mildly interesting in and of itself. Even more so was the fact that the design of the backpacks in this world bore a remarkable similarity to the backpack designs of the human world. However he had noted a number of other similarities between the two worlds, so it wasn't all that unusual. What was more unusual -assuming that Rarity hadn't created the backpack for Spike- was the fact that apparently there were enough species in this world that could actually utilize the construct, to warrant them being regularly available.

That fact notwithstanding, the primary curiosity of the moment laid with Ponyville itself. Or perhaps more accurately it was the residents of Ponyville that were the primary curiosity, as they went about their daily routines.

"What's strange?" Twilight asked, turning her head to look back at him as she walked on his left side, while Spike walked more to his right.

"The general atmosphere is... sedate in nature. Such a development is unexpected," Ulquiorra explained.

From the moment they'd left the library, he could tell that something was off. There were too many ponies out and about. Those present and helping both with assessing the damage from yesterday's attack, and cleaning up the resulting debris, were expected to be seen. But those that had not volunteered for such duty, but proved to be present regardless, left him confused. It almost looked like they were going about their daily lives as if nothing had happened. Considering how sensitive these ponies appeared to be he'd expected an entirely different reaction.

"Had an attack of this magnitude occurred in the human world, the entire area would be subjected to increased security, a heightened presence of armed authority figures attempting to control the situation and restrict civilian interference, and many more onlookers. There would also be significantly more machinery present to assist with the cleanup and restoration," he continued, giving a mildly detailed picture of the contrast between how each world handled their affairs. "And that is to say nothing of the countless reporters that would be present, and asking questions for which nobody has any answers..."

"But I thought you said most humans weren't spiritually aware and couldn't see you. How could they be asking you questions? Especially if you don't have to remain in the human realm, but can freely travel back and forth?" Twilight asked, utterly confused by what he was saying. This seemed highly contradictory. She definitely remembered Ulquiorra say that only one out of approximately one hundred thousand humans possessed the spiritual awareness necessary to detect and react to the presence of Shinigami or Hollows. That was one thing that'd been discussed very early on after his arrival.

Of course that left a lot more questions rather than answers; like how they could see and interact with Ulquiorra? Were ponies more spiritually aware than humans in general? Or had Discord altered him in some way so they they could see and interact with him?

"They aren't. However being able to view a Hollow has no bearing on interviewing their fellow humans, and forwarding their foolishness to others," he explained.

"So wait a minute. Are you complaining that we're not like humans? Or complimenting?" Spike asked. The way Ulquiorra was talking, it was... really hard to get a bead on him properly.

"Merely commenting on the differences witnessed. Relatively speaking, this world appears to be subjected to constant adversity and risk. Yet the reactions of those under threat don't appear to match up with the reality of what could happen. Approximately one week ago, Ponyville witnessed a massacre where numerous residents were cut down where they stood. It was only after the fact, that anyone realized they were changelings. Despite that fact, the status quo of everyday life seemed to reestablish itself, and in an almost seamless manner; individual exceptions notwithstanding. Filthy Rich seemed relatively cordial during the acquisition of writing supplies, despite witnessing a decapitation inside his store, with the head rolling to a stop at his feet. Even you yourself seem to have recovered from the trauma you experienced, from knowing that you helped facilitate the massacre. I can't help but question why exactly this seeming acceptance of things as they come is commonplace, while other species react to such occurrences in desperate attempts to prevent a repeat of the events from ever occurring again, because they were too traumatized the last time and don't want to face such a second time," Ulquiorra explained as they walked along, casually stepping over a loose piece of debris that had been dislodged during yesterday's attack, and not yet picked up. But at the size it was, leaving it where it lay presented no hazards.

But right now the pieces of debris that had yet to be picked up were of no interest to him. At the moment he was more interested in how these ponies could be so relaxed and secured in their environment, that they required very little recovery time to apparently get over whatever was a source of concern to them. He hadn't been present for the aftermath of the dragon attack, so he didn't know exactly what the recovery process had involved. Nor had he been present the last few days in order to tell just what had transpired in the wake of the changeling massacre. There had certainly been ponies that screamed at his sight and ran from his presence. But those reactions hadn't been shared by every pony he'd encountered.

Perhaps they had recovered due to understanding that they were not the intended target, and instead had simply been lead to believe otherwise in an effort to maintain secrecy?

"What other choice do we have?" Spike asked him as they walked along. "I know that I'm not exactly the brightest, but isn't the only other alternative to more or less lock yourself in a room and just wait in terror for something to come and find you? That doesn't exactly sound much like living to me. What... what exactly is the point in going on living if you're just gonna spend your time in a constant state of fear?"

Twilight meanwhile wasn't hearing the conversation going on between Spike and Ulquiorra. At the moment she was deeply absorbed in her own thoughts, her body running on autopilot as they walked. She didn't want to admit it, but the Espada had raised some good questions, and she found herself lacking some good answers.

Her and the other girls, they'd been through a great deal together ever since they first met. Nightmare Moon, an encounter with a dragon, Discord, the changelings, Sombra, parasprites... and that was to say nothing to everything that'd happened since Ulquiorra arrived in their world. He hadn't even been here for a full month yet, and so far there had been more going on in that limited amount of time, than she had ever seen here in Ponyville over the past couple of years.

All that in mind, it would seem to make sense why their small group would be able to recover relatively quickly from whatever had been thrown at them. Being the ones tasked with keeping Equestria safe, it kind of went without saying that they'd need to be able to adapt to what was going on around them, lest they let the world down when they mentally shut down and became babbling foals from the mental overload.

But what about the others? What was there to explain how all the other ponies in Ponyville seemed to take all kinds of disaster in stride, with only minor difficulty? Granted, the rest of the town hadn't exactly been brought up to speed on the second dragon being present. And they had done their best to see about damage control in the aftermath of the changeling invasion in order to keep them from being terrified of Ulquiorra the next time he came to town, because they understood that he was simply trying to keep them all safe... he was just doing it in his own unique way, that was all.

But still, damage control aside, Ulquiorra did raise a very good point. As she observed various ponies walking or cantering, foals galloping on their way to school, she couldn't help but think on it. Were they simply well adjusted to disasters in general, and learned how to take them in stride once the initial excitement had worn off? Maybe something linked to basic, primal instinct that was passed down from generation to generation, dating back to the time long before Celestia and Luna took rule? Maybe it was a learned behavioral response developed in the wake of all sorts of adversity they simply couldn't overcome, and had been developed as a coping mechanism? Something to keep themselves from going mad when facing the possibility of having your neighbors be dead the next day?

She knew that yesterday's party had been possible due to Celestia's involvement, her "therapeutic approach" as it were, that involved suppressing the sensation of fear in those present. But that only explained the ones at the party. It didn't do anything to explain the aftermath with the ponies who hadn't attended.

Maybe Ulquiorra's own actions yesterday had done much to ease the fears of the percentage of ponies that still ran when they saw him? He had assisted them in finding those that had been hurt. And it hadn't just been the heavy lifting where he would pull a piece of building or a fallen tree off of them either. She still couldn't believe how she'd seen him actually carrying the injured to the hospital when all other available hooves were full. It just seemed so out of sync with the mental image she'd had of him up to that point. It was like he was displaying actual kindness of his own volition.

This was going to require some seriously extensive research to try and get to the bottom of.


But that would have to wait until later, as right now there were more important matters to tend to.

"Sorry, Spike, I wasn't paying attention. I had something else on my mind," she replied and shook her head. It was only then that she noticed how she'd fallen behind the others and was now bringing up the rear. Oh well, that really wasn't important right now. "Ulquiorra," she spoke up, drawing the Espada's attention to her as he glanced over his shoulder back at her. "There's something I need to speak with you about. But I think it would best be saved until we get to Sweet Apple Acres," she explained.

"Very well then," Ulquiorra replied and turned his attention back forward then. Why Twilight Sparkle had felt the need to mention such a fact, rather than simply waiting to mention it once they arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, he really didn't know.

The rest of the walk proceeded in silence, none of the three really having anything more relevant to add to the discussion.

At least until Spike moved to round the corner of the building they were walking back, and promptly fell backwards from colliding with something hard, and letting out a yelp of surprise and pain as he rubbed his nose.

"Sorry 'bout that!"

At seeing Spike fall, Twilight moved ahead to make sure he was alright, and came face to... neck... with the loud pony in question that'd caused Spike to be knocked to the ground.

"Snowflake?" she asked at seeing the tall, muscular -very muscular- white pegasus pony standing before her, a bandage wrapped around the top of his head and underneath his chin.

"Aw come on, Twilight," the muscle bound pony groaned, "you know my name is Bulk Biceps," he complained.

"Right. Sorry. I don't know why that's so hard to remember," Twilight apologized. What was so hard to remember about that name? Just looking at him should be enough to remind her of who he really was. "What happened to you anyway? Did you get hurt?" she asked.

"Yeah somethin' like that. Yesterday when the manticore attacked everypony was tryin' to get away, but one little squirt of a colt got caught. And I couldn't just stand by and watch so I swooped down and attacked so the foal could get away. I pounded it and managed to break a wing, but all I got for my troubles was hurled right into a building," Bulk Biceps explained.

To Ulquiorra it seemed strange to observe the conversation that took place. These ponies were, by their very nature, easy to scare or otherwise startle, and the great majority of them seemed incapable of overriding their prey instincts. When presented with the type of situation that demanded fight or flight, flight was almost exclusively selected.

And yet despite that fact, this pegasus with diminutive wings, and an aerodynamic status that looked like it could rival a bumblebee, who looked like a stereotypical caricature for those that abused anabolic steroids, had managed to break the pattern of behavior by actually attempting to face the manticore by himself, despite the futility of the situation. That would certainly explain the damage it'd displayed upon his arrival, thus answering one of the many, many mysteries that seemed drawn to him like flies were drawn to decay.

It was quite possibly due to this pony's efforts that Pipsqueak had succeeded in getting to Sweet Apple Acres, to warn them of the attack that had been underway. By directly interfering where others chose to flee, it was possible that Bulk Biceps had managed to save the majority of Ponyville through his actions.

He may have to revise his list of ponies he deemed interesting enough to warrant further interaction.

"Well that was very brave of you to do, Bulk Biceps, you should be proud of yourself," Twilight replied and smiled at him, causing the tall pegasus to blush at the compliment, taking on a nervous demeanor. "Lu- Princess Luna will likely want to thank you personally for intervening and saving Pipsqueak's life," she stated, stopping short of addressing Luna in an informal manner. Around friends it was one thing, but around others it was another entirely.

"P-P-Princess Luna? Seriously? She... I..." Bulk Biceps stammered in surprise at what Twilight said. One of the country's ruling actually wanting to thank him for something he'd done? This was too much to believe. This was... it was... in light of this new information, he did the one and only thing that was clear in his mind at this particularly point in time. "YEAH!"

"Then again, perhaps not," Ulquiorra thought to himself.

Applejack stopped her examination of the apple tree in order to let out a yawn that was desperately pleading to be vocalized. She idly noted that Ulquiorra had been right when he'd told her to turn in for the night, as she was paying for it now. But that was neither here nor there, as she still had a mountain of work to do. Yesterday's distractions had set them back a fair bit, and now it was time to be playing catchup.

"The things we do for our friends when we don't think about it," she thought to herself and rubbed her eyes.

But being tired from a lack of sleep was only part of the problem she was dealing with. In addition to being tired and wanting to take a nap, there was the issue of her butt still hurting from falling flat on it twice in a row last night. She wasn't some soft, delicate little filly who couldn't take her lumps when they came, but that still hurt darnit! Sleeping hadn't been so bad, but walking home when the full ache of her ungraceful landings had set in hadn't been the most enjoyable of things to do. And she really wasn't looking forward to trying to ignore the ache she'd be experiencing when she did her bucking.

He would have no idea just how so, but she was thankful that her brother had enough sense in his head to not ask why she'd been walking so funny when she'd made her way home. That would've been one awkward conversation to have, and even more so if Apple Bloom had wandered in to it. She didn't even want to be considering just how awkward it could be, and how the conversation might somehow turn to whether Ulquiorra was harder than the floor and...

"Now don't go and think stuff like that, AJ, that just plain sounds wrong," she told herself. After that little revelation last night that involved Rainbow Dash, things were definitely going to be different. Different and just plain wrong.

Oh well her rest break was over, now it was time to get back to work. Which in this case involved a mighty buck to the base of the tree. Unfortunately the only response she got was the dislodging of a half dozen or so leaves.

"Wha' the?" she asked herself. That hadn't turned out at all like she planned, she should've gotten a lot more than that. Undeterred she pulled back and tried again, putting her full weight into it. This time she was rewarded with a greater yield... unfortunately it was in the form of a broken branch toppling to the ground. "Aw c'mon! Dern stubborn tree! Give already!" she growled as she looked up at her opponent.

"There are no apples present on the tree to give."

Applejack spun around in surprise at the sudden voice behind her, even though she knew by now that it had to belong to Ulquiorra. But simply knowing who it belonged to didn't make it any less surprising when it came out of nowhere. She'd known Pinkie for years and still jumped when the party planner would appear out of nowhere and give an excited yell.

Ulquiorra being able to sneak up on her didn't surprise her any. Truth be told she'd be surprised if he didn't manage that a time or two. He was lighter than anypony, his feet were padded with whatever those things were that he wore, and he had that ability to walk on thin air like it was paved ground. Everything about him just spoke of stealth.

Twilight and Spike on the other hoof was another matter entirely. How had she not noticed them approaching? Was she too absorbed in her work to be paying attention? Or was it simply that she hadn't expected to see them so soon after leaving the library?

"Well howdy there," she greeted, slightly less enthusiasm in her voice than her friends normally received when being welcomed. "Wha' brings y'all here so early in the mornin'?" she asked.

"As it was explained to me, matters pertaining to scientific discovery, and magical experimentation," Ulquiorra explained calmly, preventing Twilight Sparkle from launching herself into an in depth elaboration of today's plans. She herself had decided to cut today's plans in half in order to save time, so there was no point in her getting off track and distracted by pointless conversations.

Twilight nodded in agreement. "We were wondering if we could use Sweet Apple Acres to conduct some experiments, since they require a wide open area and can't be performed inside. And it's hard to find any area wider open than here," she explained.

Applejack thought on the matter and rubbed her chin. She didn't have any objection to her friends wanting to spend time on the farm for one reason or another. But when it came to Twilight and experiments, she felt herself growing nervous about the prospect. Normally she'd insist on being present just in case something went wrong, and Twilight's scientific knowledge failed to take into account certain basic logic that could only be learned from working on the farm. But right now she really didn't have the time to be observing them, and making sure they stayed out of trouble. She had way too much work to get done. And as much as she wanted to be friendly, some things just simply took precedent.

"Much as ah'd like ta say yes, now's not really a good time fer such," she replied, "ah've got an awful lot o' work ta do. This poor tree's showin' signs o' blight contamination, an' it can be a health hazard ta the rest o' the orchard. Much as ah hate to, ah gotta bring it down. Darn shame too, seein' as it's always been a good producer," she explained.

To Ulquiorra it now made sense why Applejack was trying so hard to kick a tree with no produce to it. She was trying to bring down the tree herself, although he didn't exactly see it being a possibility. She was strong, he wouldn't deny that fact, but he wasn't sure just how much of her strength would be necessary for such a feat. He truly hadn't seen a serious exercise of her reiatsu, and thus could only detect what was at the surface.

"Hmm..." Twilight mumbled in thought. Then she got an idea. "We might be able to help. With just a slight modification, we could conduct our experiment, and bring down the tree. With your permission of course."

"Yeah?" Applejack asked, now becoming intrigued by the idea. Magic really wasn't her thing, that went without saying. But it couldn't hurt to hear her out. "Wha' ya got in mind?"

"Well in simple terms, I guess I'd call it a controlled lightning strike," Twilight replied, getting geared up not only for the explanation to follow, but also the task of structuring it in a way that would make the proposition seem reasonable to Applejack. "One of the spells I was studying last night was how to summon lightning, utilizing just the static electricity in the air. But it can only be done in an open environment, like Sweet Apple Acres for example. Now modifying today's plans accordingly, if the spell goes accordingly, it should not only bring down the tree, but also add nitrogen to the soil and produce a better yield of apples when it's time to harvest them," she explained.

Applejack looked back at Twilight in an incredulous manner at the explanation. "... Yer sayin' ya wanna hit mah orchards with a lightnin' bolt? An' ya thought ah'd be alright wit' that idea?" she asked, doing her best to sound neutral about the idea. She always knew that Twilight was... a tad bit unusual in nature, but this was just plain weird. Actually it sounded downright crazy! "Ah'm gonna have ta say no. Sounds like too much of a risk ta the rest o' the orchard ta be takin'. Lightnin' ain' no toy ta be playin' with," she stated. "If ya don' mind ah'm gonna have ta ask ya ta leave. Ah've got chores ta be doin' right now."

Twilight couldn't help but look on in silence. Applejack was actually asking them to leave Sweet Apple Acres? Just like that? She'd never done anything like that before. The whole thing had left her speechless and unable to respond, as she watched the earth pony return to trying to bring down the tree by herself, and not having much success in the process. That was even more odd than the cold reception she was giving them. Twilight had seen Applejack easily bring down trees on her own before, so why was this proving so difficult? Was it because she was sleep deprived?

She looked over to Ulquiorra, who caught the movement of her head out of the corner of his eye, and looked back at her. She didn't say a single word to him, but rather gestured with her head in the direction of Applejack and the tree. Since they'd made the trip all the way out here, it would be a shame to go back without doing something, after taking the time to actually seek out Applejack. The least they could do was lend a hoof of assistance before actually leaving.

Ulquiorra looked between Twilight Sparkle, and the struggling attempts of Applejack. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together; she wanted him to help Applejack bring the tree down, and save her some of the work she would otherwise have to do on her own.

On the one hand he was under no obligation to truly help. He had already managed to convince these ponies that he understood matters pertaining to friendship, and thus had little reason to maintain the appearance of one who was truly attempting such studies. Furthermore, if Applejack's request that they leave was anything approaching normal interaction, periodical lack of compliance wasn't out of the ordinary. His refusal wouldn't be considered out of the realm of normality.

On the other hand, however, there was still the need to maintain appearances to a limited degree, that would indicate a conscious practice of what he had learned. All the necessary price of keeping these ponies useful to him, illogical as it might be.

He considered the available options before him. And in the end he arrived at the conclusion... that he couldn't determine a valid reason to not assist while they were present.

"If I may, Applejack..."

The sooner the matter at hand was addressed, the sooner they could tend to more pressing matters that actually had some bearing on their wellbeing.

When Ulquiorra had faced down the dragon high atop the mountains, Spike hadn't been able to watch, as he was tasked with looking over everypony's pets and keeping them out of trouble.

When Ulquiorra had faced off against Celestia high above Canterlot in order to fool Chrysalis, Spike hadn't been able to watch, as he was tasked with keeping Ponyville's search and rescue operations running smoothly.

When Ulquiorra had faced down the manticore inside Ponyville, and assisted in the search and rescue efforts for injured ponies, Spike hadn't been able to watch, as he was tasked with helping Cheerilee keep the foals safe and sound at the schoolhouse, due to his -comparatively speaking- heightened level of durability.

In each of these three incidents he had only been able to hear stories about the exploits of the Espada, and how he had displayed unbelievable degrees of strength. Stories that didn't seem to do a justice to the events as reported.

So for him it was something of a treat to watch how Ulquiorra had uprooted the entire apple tree, literally ripping its massive roots right out of the ground, with a single firm kick to the base, performing a task that Applejack had been trying her hardest to do, and all the while getting nowhere. He had cheered to a ridiculous degree at watching how he had so easily toppled the tree like it was nothing, and how he'd removed it from the orchards like it was foal's play

Unfortunately, good deed or no, they still had to leave Sweet Apple Acres at Applejack's insistence. He still didn't get what the big deal was. But he really wasn't in a position to be protesting, and simply continued to walk along with Twilight and Ulquiorra. If they couldn't use the farm for these experiments, then they'd just find another area to set up and try. It's not like they were limited in terms of out of the way, wide open fields where they could operate without interruptions.

"I still don't get why Applejack wanted us to leave. I've never seen her act so... unfriendly. Even when she was trying to harvest the entire orchard by herself, she was still friendly and volunteering to help others when they needed it. I just don't get it," Twilight stated as she shook her head, walking on in confusion over it all. "Ulquiorra? Did you detect anything strange while we were there? Anything that stood out to you?" she asked as she turned her attention to him, hoping that maybe he was aware of something she wasn't.

"Nothing," Ulquiorra replied as they walked along, "but if I were to speculate on all the available information, however, I would theorize that Applejack is prone to astraphobia."

"Astraphobia?" Spike asked.

"Even I don't know what that one means," Twilight stated as she looked to Ulquiorra for clarification.

"In simple terms, a strong fear of lightning. During last night's storm, it was impossible to be unaware of the disturbances to her detectable reiatsu that coincided with each lightning discharge, regardless of how hard she attempted to remain calm. Furthermore Applejack's change in mood occurred only after finding out what the experimentation would involve," Ulquiorra explained. "In simple terms-"

"In simple terms, I was completely insensitive to something that's disturbing to one of my friends," Twilight interrupted and frowned at the thought. How could she be so insensitive and oblivious?

"Wait a minute. Applejack's one of the bravest ponies we know. How could she be scared of something like lightning? And wouldn't we have known before now?" Spike asked, finding the whole idea preposterous. Applejack did embody honesty after all, it wasn't like she could just lie about her fears to them.

"I don't exactly know the how, Spike, all I know is that fears and phobias are funny things. The research I've done on the subject of phobias in general would suggest that it's possible to overcome them to some extent, but traumatic encounters can cause them to resurface unexpectedly. And let's face it, yesterday was traumatizing for everypony. It's possible that Applejack is suffering a relapse in a previously conquered area. However it's equally possible that she simply never said anything because we never asked her," Twilight explained. Of course it probably wouldn't have been such a big issue if she hadn't done the bonehead thing, and try to bring lightning to what was Applejack's home. Granted she didn't know, but that didn't mean she wasn't still at fault. She'd have to apologize later on, and profusely too.

Ulquiorra remained silent during his observation. Twilight Sparkle and Applejack served as an interesting compare and contrast with one another. Twilight Sparkle's obsessive compulsive tendencies, and a need for some level of structure and organization, had only recently come to his attention, and were likely due to the amount of stress she had been under the past few days. Applejack's fear of lightning was similar, but far less pronounced, and much less likely to interfere with day-to-day activities. It was also interesting how Applejack was able to resist her fears, while Twilight Sparkle's tendencies towards order proved to be more difficult.

It was an interesting thought to consider. And he would've done just that, if not for the fact that Twilight Sparkle had stopped ahead of him, serving to prevent him from moving any further without physically meeting -and potentially injuring- her.

"Why have we stopped?" he asked.

"I think this area would work well enough. I haven't seen any ponies for the past few minutes, so I don't think anyone would get hurt if we set up right here," she explained.

Ulquiorra glanced around them, scanning the area with his pesquisa. This unincorporated area of the territory separating Ponyville from the Everfree Forest didn't show any immediate signs of intelligent life. Proceeding with what Twilight Sparkle was proposing would most likely not lead to any significant damage or loss of life.

"Very well then. How do we proceed?" he asked.

"In order. Step number one, locate an area. Step number two," she paused and levitated her saddlebags off and set them down on the ground, "get comfortable. Step number three, deploy the necessary equipment."

Another pause as she went to work, her horn glowing as she cast a spell, causing a long metal stake to flash into existence, and fall to the ground, partially burying itself in the soft dirt and grass a good hundred feet ahead of them.

"A lightning rod?" Ulquiorra asked.

"In a way. Lightning is unpredictable, so something is needed to attract and guide it in a safe manner," she explained as she sat herself down on her haunches, rotating her neck until an audible pop was heard. "Onto step number four; proceed with caution. Now I'm going to need to concentrate, this is a difficult spell, especially since I have no experience with it," she explained.

Ulquiorra understood the subtlety of what Twilight Sparkle was saying, without actually having to say it. It was essentially the same statement he was making during their meeting in the dream world. However hers was a more straightforward and less wordy way of politely telling someone to shut their fucking mouth and not interrupt what they were engaged in. He could accept and respect that.

"Let us proceed with the experimentation then," he said as he slid his hands into his pockets, preparing to observe in silence.

Author's Note:

** Bleach Chapter 348

Last breather chapter before the shit starts hitting the fan again.

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