• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,675 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

"...And this is my dad's store, Barnyard Bargains, where you can find just about anything you need," Diamond Tiara stated and gestured to the building in front of them.

Despite the initial rough patch of the park meeting, Ulquiorra's introduction to the rest of Ponyville was underway, being carried out with about as much smoothness as could be reasonably expected. Those that had been present -and not put off by his earlier interaction with Rainbow Dash- seemed comfortable enough around him to give the Espada a proper tour around town, showing off the various businesses and landmarks and other locations they felt were noteworthy. So far on the list had been Sugarcube Corner, Quills & Sofas, the Town Hall, the train station, the schoolhouse, the bowling alley, Carousel Boutique, the Golden Oaks Library, and now Barnyard Bargains.

If nothing else he was at least getting a good lay of the territory so he could find his way around should he ever become separated from the others. Although as devoted as the guards were to following Princess Celestia's orders it was unlikely that would ever happen.

"So Ulquiorra can really see mana huh? Who knew?" Spike asked as he hung back with the others.

While Ulquiorra was being given the grand tour by everypony else in Ponyville, Diamond Tiara currently leading the way, he and the girls had hung back and watched how things unfolded. So far so good...at least as far as trying to impress an emotionally detached ghost went in terms of being good. At least he hadn't tried to kill anypony yet.

"That's certainly a unique skill he has. I'd love to know how he does something like that," Twilight added. There were so many interesting things unfolding as things progressed, leaving her wishing she'd thought to bring along parchment and quill for taking notes.

"Seein' mana might be interestin' an' all but ah'd much rather learn how he goes about runnin' so dang fast ya can't even see it. Can ya imagine what that'd do fer harvestin' an' such?" Applejack asked. And what about the yearly rodeo competitions? If she could learn to move like that... "Shoot ah bet ah could finally keep pace with RD if ah could move like that!"

"Not if I learn it first!" Rainbow Dash stated from where she was seated. The sting of Ulquiorra's lack of amazement with her Sonic Rainboom still hurt. But she was willing to at least try and move on and let it go. Right now she was trying to find the good in the guy as he was being shown their quaint little town, but it wasn't easy when her friends kept going on about how great he was. This was like Mare Do Well all over again.

Rarity was remaining silent for the time being. The initial meeting with Ulquiorra had been disastrous -at least in her mind anyway- and hadn't much improved. The conflict with Rainbow Dash had been an ugly sort, and despite everypony's best attempts to give him a proper tour of Ponyville the outlook really wasn't shaping up. How the girls could be treating the whole thing so casually was quite frankly beyond her.

That wasn't to say that Rarity was dwelling solely on the negative aspect of today's first contact, far from it actually. She was also contemplating the potential positives that could be had from this, like spicing up Ulquiorra's drab and dreary wardrobe with something more appropriate...once she discovered just what that appropriate something was. His off-white skin would certainly complicate that discovery somewhat but she wouldn't let that stop her from trying.

"Hey Twilight?" Pinkie spoke up, bringing everypony's attention to her temporarily. "Now that we've got Ulqy all nice and introduced to everypony and all our friends are here can we see about throwing Ulqy a party now?" she asked, bringing up the subject of discussion from earlier in the day.

Twilight thought on it. Ulquiorra being the guest of honor -and center of attention- for one of Pinkie's epic parties was...a disturbing thought. She could just see him standing stationary and bored, staring off into infinity as everything unfolded around him. She had doubts about him engaging in any of the games even if ordered to, and she really doubted he'd even try the cake after what she'd seen back at Sweet Apple Acres. Knowing Pinkie such a disinterest wouldn't go over very well at the party, especially with her still trying to figure out how to get him to actually laugh.

"I don't know Pinkie..." she began, trying to think of just how to delicately phrase the statement that a party might actually make the situation worse; she knew from personal experience that bluntly stating such was a very bad idea. But Ulquiorra's bluntness could be even worse. What to do? "Ulquiorra's gotta return to Canterlot at sunset as per Princess Celestia's orders. I don't know if we've got enough time today to throw a proper welcoming party..."

It'd been the best she could come up with under such circumstances. There were only a few hours left before the curfew was due to set in and surely Pinkie wouldn't consent to such a limited time frame for one of her extravaganzas...right? Right?

"Ohmygosh Twilight you're right! I never thought of just how rude it'd be to Ulqy if he had to leave just when the party was gonna get started going!" Pinkie stated. "We'll just have to do it the next time he comes back instead! Then we can make it a really super duper party because it'll be a "Welcome to Ponyville" party and a "Sorry we missed the first party" makeup party too! That'll be so cool!"

Twilight bit back a sigh of relief. She'd managed to earn a very small reprieve from Pinkie's normal randomness and insanity, providing her with more time to properly think of a more appropriate stalling tactic. If the pink party pony knew just what they were dealing with there'd be no telling how she'd react.

Then again it was Pinkie Pie she was talking about. She might want to throw a party regardless. She'd thrown a party for Discord to celebrate his first real week of being reformed from the chaotic evil he was. Why should she think she'd be any different with Ulquiorra if she ever learned what Hollows were?

Fluttershy remained silent, having nothing substantial to contribute to the discussion. During her time spent with Ulquiorra she'd come to stop being uncomfortable in his presence, no longer shrinking away when he turned his eyes on her...well maybe just a little bit...but beyond that there was very little she could add. The others seemed to have the matter well in hoof, it wasn't like her input was necessary.

From where she stood it looked like he was taking the tour of Barnyard Bargains quite well.

"Twilight?" Rainbow Dash finally spoke up, bringing the unicorn's attention to her. "How much mana did I really burn through on that Sonic Rainboom? I mean I know it's a lot but he was kinda talking in...what is it...discernible amounts?"

Twilight was a little surprised by Rainbow Dash's use of a relatively complicated -for her anyway- term and paused to think on it a moment. "I'm not really sure, Rainbow Dash, I don't know how Ulquiorra's pesquisa technique works to be able to tell you in exact round numbers. You'd have to ask him yourself," she explained.

"Ehh...I think I'll pass, I really don't feel like talking to him right now after he told everypony about my limitations like that," Rainbow Dash replied. She'd been so careful in keeping that fact a secret and he'd gone and blabbed it like it was nothing, in front of a good portion of the town -which was likely spreading it to the rest of the town by now- and on top of it right in front of Scootaloo too! Her coolness was so gonna suffer for this.

"Yer a rotten liar RD, ya been staring at 'im off an' on since we came inta town fer the tour. Ah figure if ya didn' wanna talk to 'im none ya wouldn' be paying any attention ta 'im," Applejack pointed out rather bluntly, causing her to frown in response.

"There's something about him that's just...weird. I mean weirder than just the obvious, and it's really annoying because it's like it's right on the tip of my tongue but I can't seem to put my hoof on it. It's like something I should know but for the life of me I just can't figure it out. I know I'm missing something but what is it exactly?"

Twilight rubbed her chin in thought, uncertain of what to tell Rainbow Dash or what to think in general. It was definitely an interesting thought to be presented but there wasn't much she could contribute to it. For whatever reason something about Ulquiorra had stroked her the wrong way and it was something she'd have to sort out on her own. She'd love to help but unless Rainbow Dash knew just what was wrong there really wasn't much that could be done about it.

For now it was just a matter of waiting and seeing how things unfolded, for Ulquiorra and his learning about the town, the ponies that lived here and friendship itself. But more importantly for her friends and how well they handled this disruption of normality.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy squeaked, "the music shop looks like it's next on the tour."

Normally this wouldn't be a matter of any concern and not even bear mentioning. But the music shop was where Vinyl Scratch worked when she wasn't doing her DJ gig, and considering the earlier encounter...Twilight facehooved at that thought. This was either going to be very interesting or very ugly, she wasn't sure which.

"He'd better not make Vinyl cry," Pinkie muttered.

Princess Celestia would never admit it to any of her subjects as she'd never want to actually scare any of her precious little ponies, but she'd been worried the entire day during Ulquiorra's long absence. While he was in the castle she could keep tabs on the Espada and know what he was up to -not that it was much of anything- and exercise the proper amount of concern. But while he was in Ponyville she couldn't do any of that; her spies could only relate so much information to her at any given time. The lack of updates and information had been more troubling than she'd anticipated, the slowly building stress making the day seem to stretch on far longer than it truly did.

And that stress and worry made the day court far more intolerable than it was normally, mitigated only by the uncomfortable state the insufferable nobles were placed in for making their requests, demands and other observations about how to better their own privileged lives. She managed a weak smile at that thought.

That said she felt relieved -as well as a little surprised- to see Ulquiorra actually making his return to Canterlot a good half hour before the sun was scheduled to truly set. With his inquisitive mind she'd anticipated him being gone longer than this. There were a lot of things currently running through her mind as she watched the chariot approaching, things that might explain his early arrival, things that weren't exactly pleasant in nature, and the more she gave thought to them the more she realized she was driving herself nuts. Until he actually arrived it was nothing more than mere speculation and giving into fear.

Those several minutes until the chariot finally touched down proved to be some of the longest of the entire day. The squeak of the wheels as they finally arrived at the landing pad was almost calming to her, assuring her that this strange new being was back in a safe area where she didn't have to worry about him posing a threat.

"I must say you're quite punctual," Celestia commented as she approached while Ulquiorra stepped down off the chariot. "What did you think of Ponyville?" she asked.

"Your subjects remain unharmed," Ulquiorra commented. "As Equestria is ruled by a diarchy rather than a monarchy it would seem appropriate to submit any and all reports to both yourself and Princess Luna simultaneously."

He did raise a good point. As she co-ruled with her sister it was only fair that she be informed of his observations about Ponyville. And her little sister had more or less put everything into motion by going behind her back and involving Twilight in this matter far ahead of schedule, something she wouldn't soon be forgetting.

"If you'd like. Follow me," she said, leading Ulquiorra in the direction of the throne room after dismissing the two guards for the evening. The fact that they were so calm and collected gave her some measure of reassurance that things had gone well today, but she still wanted to verify that fact for herself before entirely dropping her guard.

The walk back to the throne room was one of silence other than the muffled footfalls -or in Celestia's case hooffalls- against the marble flooring. Try as she might Celestia just couldn't quite come up with a way of asking the question that was burning most in her; how exactly did one tactfully ask a guest if they'd felt compelled to consume any souls while they were out.

"We say no more! We cannot stomach another mouthful of this vile concoction!" came Luna's statement as they entered the throne room. From their position they could both see the lunar princess standing atop the highest point of the throne with her wings flared outward, more or less being spoon fed by one of the unicorn guards utilizing his magic to hold a spoon and a bowl.

"Orders from your sister, your majesty. If you won't eat your mashed alfalfa on your own accord then we're to feed you like a foal," the guard replied as another spoonful was scooped up and hovered in front of her face.

"You shalt be banished to the moon for this!" Luna protested through grit teeth. The guard said nothing in response, unfazed by the empty threats as he knew full well Princess Celestia would never allow any such thing to occur.

"This situation is most unusual," Ulquiorra commented as he stood by Celestia's side and silently observed the back and forth struggle. "I fail to see how this amounts to punishment for her actions."

"If you knew Luna you'd understand," she said before clearing her throat loudly enough for the guard to become aware of her position, stopping his task to salute her. "That will be all, thank you for your services," she said in a kind manner, dismissing the guard from his extra services. The mashed alfalfa could wait until later. "Come down from there dear sister, it's not yet your turn to begin ruling. Anyway Ulquiorra has returned from his visit to Ponyville and he has a report he wishes to submit to the both of us," she explained as she stepped further into the throne room.

Luna nodded and climbed down from her perch atop the throne, tucking her wings in as her hooves connected with the floor before taking her place next to her sister to hear the report. She herself was feeling quite anxious to be informed of what news there was to be had; she'd gotten herself in enough trouble to make it possible, she might as well see the end results.

"So tell us, Ulquiorra, what have you learned about friendship during your time in Ponyville?" Celestia asked.

"I have learned, as explained by Twilight Sparkle, that the first lesson to friendship is tolerance."

Silence. A long, long stretch of silence. Celestia and Luna had both expected Ulquiorra to have something to contribute other than just that simple sentence. Apparently they were wrong.

"That's it?" Luna finally asked in disbelief.

"Indeed," Ulquiorra replied simply.

Celestia tried not to sigh. While it was certainly an important lesson to learn surely that hadn't been all there was to the day. Surely he must've discovered something else, anything. "And what of the ponies you met today? Did you learn anything about them?" she asked, hoping there was something that could be salvaged about this expedition.

"I have," Ulquiorra replied and raised his left hand.

Having already seen the Solita Vista technique once before Luna knew exactly what was coming and averted her gaze, leaving Celestia to be disturbed as Ulquiorra plucked out his left eye as if it were nothing and crush it before them, creating a cloud of fine jewel-like particles encompassing the area. Immediately an image of Twilight was displayed in the cloud.

"Twilight Sparkle. Highly intelligent and observant, possesses a great thirst for knowledge, predisposed to assisting others. Her reiatsu displays intense and constant fluctuations in density and level especially during periods of emotional instability. She does not respond well to criticism and displays hostility when faced with a development she does not find favorable. The possibility of her possessing a murderous blood lust cannot yet be ruled out."

Celestia let out a soft gasp at Ulquiorra's opinion of her precious student but wasn't provided the opportunity to say anything as he continued talking, the cloud changing to display Spike.

"Spike. Reasonably intelligent and knowledgeable about various topics, appears to have a tactical mindset but he often fails to properly utilize it. He appears loyal to Twilight Sparkle but has a restrained rebellious nature and loyalty can't be properly gauged at this time."

The display changed from Spike to Applejack, the earth pony tilting her hat.

"Applejack. Hospitable, honest and informative. While reasonably intelligent she doesn't appear to actively consider various options and possibilities until they're pointed out to her."

Applejack faded from view and was replaced by her brother.

"Big Macintosh, Applejack's older brother. Quiet unless speech is necessary in a given situation and refrains from engaging in pointless conversation for no other point than having a conversation. Acceptably polite and courteous."

Big Macintosh gave way to the aged image of Granny Smith.

"Granny Smith, grandmother to Applejack and Big Macintosh. Her mental facilities would appear to be in a constant state of flux. During my interaction with her she continually referred to me as "sugarcube", "youngin'" and "whatever your name is"."

The image of the aged Granny Smith faded away as Fluttershy fazed into view.

"Fluttershy. Exudes kindness to others but possesses no assertive qualities, leaving herself vulnerable to exploitation by others."

Fluttershy gave way to Pinkie.

"Pinkie Pie. Try as I might I cannot articulate this one. She is described as "random" by her friends but this explains nothing. If I had to speculate I would assume she is the product of Discord dividing his being."

Pinkie gave way to Rarity in her attire from earlier in the day.

"Rarity. Well mannered and in possession of refined qualities to a greater degree than the others. Polite and respectable, however she possesses a considerable distaste for dirt and filth in general leaving her susceptible to stressful situations that render her useless."

The image changed again to display Rainbow Dash, a cocky grin on he face.

"Rainbow Dash. By far the most skilled in manipulation of her reiatsu. However her skill in such is devoted to her use of overly flashy techniques that possess no redeeming qualities. Her "Sonic Rainboom" technique consumes sixty five percent of her reiryoku reserves in one go. Added to that her personality leaves her...unpleasant. Brash, hotheaded, impulsive, quick tempered, and hostile. I fail to see any redeeming qualities to her."

And on it went. And on...and on... and on...

And on...

For an hour and a half Celestia and Luna were subjected to a dryly delivered report, his views and opinions of a good sixty ponies he'd had any interaction with. Ditzy Doo, Vinyl Scratch, Time Turner, Mrs. Cakes, Cherilee, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Colgate, Caramel, Lyra Heartstrings, Carrot Top, Diamond Tiara, Davenport, etc. The majority of those shown weren't given an overly favorable review, although a few were addressed relatively politely.

Try as she might Celestia was having a hard time staying focused on everything. The report was extensive in nature and a good portion of it she was already familiar with; she knew all of these ponies he was listing, and she knew them quite well. It was...redundant really, the only thing that stuck out was his opinion of them. At some points she found herself wondering if he was just trying to pad his own report by including the irrelevant details about each and every pony in an effort to space out what he'd learned.

Not that there was anything wrong with that. It was just...alright there was something wrong with that. But she really didn't want to interrupt his report right now.

But finally the report came to an end, at which Ulquiorra opened his left eye and revealed that his eyeball had returned, further creeping Celestia out. How had he done that?

"That was...rather detailed..." Celestia replied, uncertain of what else she could really say on the matter. "But perhaps next time a written report would do better. That technique is...rather gruesome..."

"Tell us, Ulquiorra Cifer, of those that thou hast met doth any strike you as outstanding for one reason or another?" Luna asked. She'd been sentenced to no sweets and mashed alfalfa just to be told that the residents in Ponyville were boring and lacked interesting qualities? Surely not! There must be something to justify this matter, something other than being told their subjects were trash!

"These individuals," Ulquiorra paused as several images were drawn up. Displayed in the still remaining cloud was Big Macintosh, Ditzy Doo, Lyra Hearstrings, Applejack and last Twilight and Spike. "Of all those met I have reason to believe that these six possess a unique potential to make them interesting and worth further interaction," he explained. After a pause he continued. "I still possess doubts about the notions you support, about friendship being tangible and worthwhile becoming involved in. However there have been certain experiences that have managed to pique my curiosity. Overall the town of Ponyville would seem to warrant further investigation."

Luna wasn't sure how to respond. That was probably as close as Ulquiorra Cifer was going to come to giving Ponyville a shining recommendation based on his experiences there. The fact that he'd found several ponies to be interesting suggested that maybe there was hope for him; especially if Twilight Sparkle and her friends could teach him more about the magic -and the basic concept- of friendship. If there was hope for him then maybe she could tolerate the mashed alfalfa.


The day had ended, night had descended, and Ulquiorra was back in the Canterlot library reading as if he had no concern for anything in particular. His first steps beyond the castle had been filled with new discoveries and many new faces. He couldn't particularly say that he cared for them. A few of the ponies he'd met today would warrant further interaction if allowed. Others had some potential to become interesting enough to warrant further interaction. The rest were little more than trash and appeared to be designed to take up background space and supply whatever degree of manual labor was necessary to keep the town running.

"Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide," he thought to himself as he read the cover of the book. This was a book he'd discovered not long after arriving but had passed on it due to the title. He had no concern for such a ridiculous concept...at least he hadn't earlier on, but now with the discoveries he'd made it seemed far more relevant. If these "Elements of Harmony" were truly one of the defenses of Equestria then it would pay to learn everything he could about them.

At least that was his thought until he felt his pesquisa tingling. Someone -no rather something- had managed to sneak into his detection area without him noticing. In a flash his zanpakutō was drawn, Murciélago's tip pressed against the tall intruders throat.

"Woe, easy there lad!" came the call as Discord raised his mismatched arms in a defensive gesture and took a step back to get the sword away from his neck. "I shaved this morning by myself, I'm old enough not to need any help but thanks for offering regardless."

Discord. The one who was responsible for him being here currently, his presence being all the more reason to keep his zanpakutō out and at the ready. "How you subverted my pesquisa is a mystery. Even if I asked you to explain I don't believe you would give me a concise answer," Ulquiorra replied evenly. "What is it that you want?"

"Why merely to congratulate you on a successful first day outside these drab, plain walls, that's all," Discord reassured him. Or at least he tried to reassure him, the look in his eyes suggested he wasn't convinced. Not that he minded one bit, it wasn't any concern to him. "So how long did it take you to figure out Celestia's ulterior motives this time?" he asked.

"To what are you referring?" Ulquiorra asked back. Was this misshapen assortment of various animal parts talking about the other night and the failed assassination attempt in the garden? Or was there something else?

"Don't be coy with me, you know what I'm talking about; the Elements of Harmony," Discord stated in a forced whisper.

"Soon after the pony called Applejack informed me of their existence, nature and purpose," Ulquiorra replied simply. There was no need to further elaborate in a redundant manner on the discovery. It certainly made sense that if Princess Celestia still considered him a threat that she'd put him right in striking distance of the country's defenses should he cause any trouble. Of course she probably hadn't counted on him discovering it so quickly through the helpfulness of her own subjects.

Would she have sent him there if she knew he would so quickly identify each of the six? Most likely not.

"And the way you sowed the seeds of uncertainty and chaos among those six, oh it was so beautiful!" Discord stated with a smile that, much to Ulquiorra's dulled surprise, wrapped completely around his face and met in the back. "I daresay I couldn't have been able to do better myself if I tried."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Ulquiorra replied in a dismissive tone before finally resheathing his zanpakutō and turning his attention away from the spirit of chaos.

Discord stopped and thought. He'd been fully aware of the Espada's actions ever since he came to Equestria, especially his conversation with Applejack and the allusion to him not truly being evil but simply different. He'd managed to shake the resolve of the Element of Honesty and left her with questions that were bound to have far reaching repercussions in the future; and he was positively giddy to see what happened. And if Ulquiorra had set those consequences into motion accidentally rather than intentionally then it was even more scrumptious to consider.

"No? Nevermind then. Still I think you should be rewarded for your actions today," he replied before leaning in close and whispering. "I know all about Celestia's actions last night. Just so you know that's the first time her binding spell's ever worked on anything. And I know how to undo it because I've seen it. I can give you back your resurrection so you can use it anytime you want. Think of the fun that could be had."

"Resurrección," Ulquiorra corrected on the pronunciation before continuing, "I have no interest in anything you may have to offer me. My loyalty is to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. You are nothing more than trash; both in substance and appearance."

Discord blinked in surprise as he drew his head back. That was...unexpected even by his standards. "You're turning down the opportunity of absolute power? And for what, loyalty to Celestia? Are you insane or something, lad?" he asked.

"Correct," Ulquiorra replied and turned his attention back to the book he'd been reading before he was so rudely interrupted. He left Discord without any further conversation for as long as it took him to read over the entire page he was on. "When you return to see Princess Celestia kindly inform her the latest test of my character proved as futile and transparent as the last."

Discord frowned, utterly offended at being accused in such a manner. Did he really believe that Celestia would use him to initiate a test of such low standards? The nerve of it all!

"You're quite boring, you know that?" Discord asked. Ulquiorra said nothing and merely turned the page. Scowling the spirit of chaos snapped his fingers and disappeared just as he'd come, leaving no trace behind.


It was amazing how many conversations seemed to take place in the royal gardens over the past few days. Perhaps she should officially reclassify the gardens as the outside meeting area for all future purposes, that would make much more sense. It was certainly a nice area, it'd provide for a nice relaxed setting for conversations and meetings and other discussions. Maybe she'd look into doing just that.

Of course it would have to wait until the coming migraine passed. The migraine...and the spirit of chaos that was currently standing behind her with a cheesy grin on his face.

"The hour is late, Discord, I really want to go to sleep. What news do you have for me?" Celestia asked, short on the pleasant formalities she'd exercised during the course of the day.

"He didn't take the bait," Discord stated simply. "I promised him unimaginable power with the restoration of his resurrection. Sorry, his "resurrección" and he still didn't consider it."

Celestia remained neutral in terms of expression at the news. Discord's promise for power and release had been turned down in short order just as Luna's offer of leaving the castle grounds had been turned down. Ulquiorra's loyalty was as consistent as his bluntness.

Seeing the smile that was slowly forming on Celestia's face Discord continued. "And that little rat, he had the nerve to tell me to inform you that your latest test of his loyalty and character was poorly crafted and extremely transparent...just like the last one," he stated and huffed, crossing his mismatched arms across his chest in frustration.

Celestia frowned. How had Ulquiorra known? How did he know she'd sent Discord to test him? Did he know that she'd done the same with Luna? Just how much did he know and what wasn't he telling her? She knew that he was quite observant and highly intelligent, but this was beginning to leave her feeling very unsecured. How was this happening? Where exactly had she lost control of the situation?

"Does he know about the Elements of Harmony?" Celestia asked hesitantly.

Discord grinned. "Only in an academic sense from the book he's reading. Fortunately he's blissfully ignorant of where they are or who has them. As far as he knows they're just an obscure relic," he lied. If Celestia was going to be using him for the sake of testing their guest then who was to say he couldn't have a little fun of his own? She didn't need to know the full truth. She wasn't the only one who could have ulterior motives for her actions; two could play at this game!

Fortunately his lie seemed to have the desired effect and Celestia accepted it without any question. If she knew what he knew then it would surely ruin everything. After all the work he'd gone through to bring Ulquiorra to Equestria he couldn't stand to see everything ruined. He had big plans for him, he couldn't risk the Arrancar being indefinitely confined to Canterlot castle. He'd have to play his cards carefully, perhaps even take a more active role in things so they could proceed smoothly.

"He's proving to be far more intelligent than I thought possible," Celestia commented, "this is going to take some considerable thinking."

"Quite so, my dear, quite so," Discord replied.

There was a lot of uncertainty in this world and he liked that very much. But there was something certain that he liked even more; for better or worse the land of Equestria was soon to get a whole lot more interesting!

It was at that moment that a scroll materialized above Celestia's head and dropped into view. Obviously one of her little ponies had sent her a message. Without a second thought she opened it to read it.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm happy to report that Ulquiorra's first visit to Ponyville was a success. He's quite rough around the edges but I have hope for improvement. While it's far too early to conclude that he's learned about the wonders of friendship I have sufficient reason to believe that my friends and I have managed to sow a few seeds on the matter. I also believe that further visits will help cement and establish a firm foundation on the subject.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Celestia smiled to herself. Twilight's optimism was refreshing on the matter. Maybe things really would be alright if given enough time. Maybe all she needed was to be patient and let things progress as they did.


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