• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,674 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen

"If Hollows are souls then wha' was yer species before?"

"How's your sonido work?"

"How can your lower body function and keep you upright with no spine in the area of your Hollow hole when it clearly cuts through the most vital location of your body?"

"Do any of the Espada know how to party?"

"How come somepony as awesome as you isn't the lead Espada? What're the others like?"

"By any chance do you happen to know what the current fashion in Las Noches is?"

"You can actually transform!? Cool! What do you look like when you do?"

"How exactly does your pesquisa work? Is it something any of us can learn to do?"

"So these "Shinigami" have zanpakutō's like yours? How do you tell them apart?"

"What's that term you used when the dragon tried to set you on fire but couldn't do it?"

"You can eat mana? What's it taste like? Is it good on ice cream?"

"So there's millions of Hollows in this Hueco Mundo place and three Shinigami just waltz in and take over the place just like that? Seriously?"

"So you mean you punched the dragon right in the chest and it just toppled over in pain? And it was actually bleeding from getting punched?"

"It jus' don' sit right with me, a scrawny fella like ya being so much stronger than Big Macintosh. How'd ya get ta be so strong?"

"So what are the mechanics behind your air walking ability? And how'd you manage to generate sufficient friction and resistance to overcomes the dragon's weight-to-lift ratio of its wings and bring it to a complete halt?"

"Do you ever hear any of the other Hollows in there trying to talk to you or each other about stuff?"

"What do you mean there's no sun in Heuco Mundo? How does anything grow there?"

"So this "hollowfication" process that souls undergo restructures their body, and repurposes their heart to form their mask to shield themselves. If that's the case, then why does the surrounding bodily tissue in the chest area that surrounds the heart form the cavity?"

Those were just some of the questions he'd been subjected to upon the return to Canterlot palace. Why Princess Celestia and Princess Luna couldn't escort the ponies back to Ponyville just as had been done with Fluttershy, was beyond his understanding.

He was apparently the subject of great interest despite everything Twilight Sparkle had told them. Whatever measure of fear they had beforehand was completely overridden by curiosity once they arrived back at the castle. Spike's arrival and learning of his exploits had only complicated the matter, and he was questioned from six different directions over the course of three long hours, questions ranging from the serious to the insane, asking anything that could be thought of that he might have answers to. Questions that he was apparently expected to answer due to his knowledge on the subject.

It was a long three hours standing in place.

At the moment though he was blissfully free of the curious ponies and their unending stream of questions. The late hour had contributed to most of them turning in for the night, and those that had chosen to remain behind and awake were thankfully silenced by Princess Celestia informing them that it was time to retire.

Even if they were all currently awake, and currently hunting him down, he had little to be concerned about. Currently he stood atop one of the roofs to the palace, looking out over the horizon of the surrounding area, content in the knowledge that none of the ponies would be able to find him.

"Hey U.C. Dude!"

Correction. Almost none of the ponies would be able to find him. It seemed the annoying Rainbow Dash wasn't tired enough to the point of actually leaving him alone. How she managed to locate him was something of a mystery as he hadn't seen or felt her anywhere. Then again he hadn't felt particularly compelled to watch for her. Right now she was approaching him from behind. Perhaps if he ignored her she'd grow bored and leave; she did seem like the type that possessed a short attention span after all.


Or perhaps she'd hover in front of his face and wave her foreleg about in an annoying effort to tell if he were awake or not, looking to see if he was blinking or giving any other signs of being conscious.


And perhaps she would get close to his face, close enough their noses were just about touching as she looked into his teal green eyes for any signs of life.

"My name is Ulquiorra," he stated firmly, the sudden signs of consciousness eliciting a startled yelp from the cyan pegasus as she flew back in surprise. "I am neither "U.C." nor "Dude" as you insist on referring to me. And I am certainly not known as "Ulqy" as the pink earth pony insists on addressing me by."

The initial shock was unfortunately not enough to keep the pegasus away from him, as once she recovered from the initial shock she was back hovering disturbingly close to him; in this case just outside of his arm's maximum reach.

"Yeah... well... your name really isn't easy to remember, or pronounce," Rainbow Dash pointed out. She folded her forelegs across her chest while resting her chin on her left hoof in thought. "The... Espada, they've got ranks like a military force or any other organization. Maybe I could just refer to you by your rank? You know... like calling somepony Colonel or General or something?" she suggested.

Not an entirely unacceptable suggestion. It was certainly better than the alternative being used by several of the other ponies who couldn't seem to understand how he preferred being addressed.

"It is acceptable," he replied and went back to watching the horizon. However Rainbow Dash showed no signs of leaving. "You obviously didn't go through the effort of finding me simply to discuss title or address. What do you want?" he asked bluntly.


Had she even given any thought to what she said before she opened her mouth to speak? Most likely not. However it was only a moment before she began speaking.

"I don't get it, I really don't. You said this Aizen character and his two lackeys, whatever their names were, you said they were these "Shinigami" things that're enemies to Hollows, are directly responsible for Hollows being created by leaving souls stranded in the living world where they're most vulnerable, and they kill Hollows when they find them. So why exactly did you work for somepony... body... thing that's your enemy by every single definition?"

She was no longer hovering in a stationary position. She looked like she was pacing back and forth in her hovering.

"I mean... three Shinigami defect from their own group, whatever the hay it was called, head to Hueco Mundo or wherever, waltz in like they own the place, take over the place and nopony... no Hollow raises a hoof or claw or whatever in protest? That's just seriously, seriously wrong," she said as she stopped in front of him and turned to face him. "You said you've killed before, right? As tasteless as it is to me and the rest of the girls to even consider... well... why didn't you kill them on sight? How do you know they weren't there to wipe out every last Hollow they saw?"

He had been asked many questions since his arrival here in this dimension. Many of them were foolish in nature and didn't warrant an answer. So far only a handful of questions, mostly those asked by Twilight Sparkle, were intelligent in nature and seemed worthwhile giving a proper answer to.

However in the case of Rainbow Dash hers was a very valid question. She hadn't pressed him on anything concerning the physics of his dimension and how he could do the things he did, but rather the basic predator/prey nature of the current structural order of Heuco Mundo.

"Most Hollows that serve Aizen do so out of respect or fear for his power. It's not known precisely how a Shinigami became so strong, it's only known that he did. He exerts bravery in a world dominated by fear and predation. One could say he was recognized as the top predator of the food chain," Ulquiorra explained. The matter was far more complex than that but it was likely the pegasi's mind couldn't comprehend the finer details and he saw no point in wasting his time simply to be told she couldn't properly follow him.

"I don't see you as being the kind who's really afraid of anything," Rainbow Dash commented.

"As I said most Hollows. Those that don't fall into either of the above mentioned categories chose to serve Aizen out of gratitude for what he did to them. The Primera Espada-"

"You mean Starrk?"

"-Correct. He chose to serve Aizen because he could grant him an end to his loneliness, introducing him to Hollows that wouldn't crumble to dust simply by being in his presence."

"... What about you specifically? How'd this double crosser Aizen get you?" Rainbow Dash asked after a pause. "You don't seem like the type who wanted friends. What was it?"

She could be quite perceptive. But at the same time she could be quite nosy. Regardless of what she was, she was annoying. There was no denying that fact.

"Hueco Mundo is an expansive wasteland, nothingness stretches on for hundreds of miles in every direction. There's no warmth, no pleasant sights, no friendship or happiness, no reason to justify one's continued existence other than simply existing. When Aizen found me he gave me a reason to justify my existence. He gave me a purpose to live for and succeed at. Suddenly my life had meaning. There was no longer nothingness before me," he explained calmly.

"And you didn't have any problem with being his pawns? To be used and sacrificed at his whim simply because he believed he didn't need you anymore?" Rainbow Dash asked him. However she waited barely a second before continuing. "That doesn't... I don't know... sit uneasy with you? Knowing that the one who gave you a purpose could take it all away just for kicks?"

"Ultimately it was our purpose, even if it doesn't make sense to you. It is the reason for which the Espada were originally assembled. We were all aware of that fact from the beginning," Ulquiorra replied. "We were Aizen's to do with as he pleased. If he believed sacrificing us would best suit his purposes then it was our obligation to fulfill his orders..."

He was greeted by utter silence in response. Rainbow Dash seemed to have nothing to say in response despite opening her mouth several times as if trying to vocalize a point but no point came. All that was heard was blissful night time silence.

At least for a minute.

"Loyalty huh?" she asked as she set down on the roof not too far away from him.

"Indeed," he replied simply.

More silence. But not nearly as long as the last time.

"Looks like we both understand how it's not all it's cracked up to be..."

That was of interest. He didn't expect such a statement to come from the one who bore the Element of Loyalty. One of the other Espada would certainly think nothing of making such a statement, or even one of the lower class Arrancar that served Aizen even without being selected to fill the role of the Espada. At least one Arrancar came to mind immediately. But Rainbow Dash was most certainly no Arrancar, just a mere living pony.

He looked at her skeptically. Almost immediately her entire demeanor changed as if she'd been caught discussing top secret information. "Er... nevermind. I don't wanna talk about this," she stated quickly.

He looked down at where she currently sat with his skeptical gaze, noting as she flinched.

"If the matter was something you didn't want to talk about you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place even by accident. The very fact that you did would suggest it is something at the front of your mind and you're looking for any excuse to speak of it," he replied and continued his unblinking stare, causing her to flinch further. "If you have something to say then say it. Do not continue to waste my time by playing pointless games."

Rainbow Dash frowned in response. "You're as annoying as Twilight at times, you know that?" she asked in a manner even he could tell was rhetorical in nature. "Look... if I tell you about this is it gonna be in confidence or whatever? You're not gonna go running off to tell my friends or Princess Celestia that I said anything...right?" she asked.

"... During my time under Aizen's control there were many tasks I was charged with. However not one of them involved sharing secrets about my fellow Arrancar. Whatever you have to say I don't foresee it as being a matter that would warrant reporting."

It was a matter of truth that he never engaged in any "snitching" in Hueco Mundo. Primarily because he never had to as Aizen was quite aware of what was going on in his domain. However there was no reason to share that fact right now. What was most curious was why the pegasus wished to open up to him specifically.

The simple fact that his omission seemed enough to assure the pegasus that confidence would be maintained seemed to be what she was looking for. However, for whatever reason, she still insisted upon looking around as if someone were eavesdropping on her.

"... About a year ago there was an incident back in Ponyville. My... friends... felt that I was getting a little too boastful just because the townsponies were recognizing how awesome I was because of what I did. Saved a foal from a well, stopped a loaded carriage or two from going off the edge of a hill, saved some old folks from a falling balcony... you know, the standard hero stuff," she started. Seeing that he was listening quietly she continued. "So I started letting them know that they were right, that I was awesome and I was a hero. But my... friends... thought I was getting too full of myself or whatever. Rather than just talk to me about it, they decided that for whatever reason, I needed to be taught a lesson about my boasting, and concocted this elaborate scheme and created a ponysona known as "Mare Do Well" to show me up."

More silence from Ulquiorra. He wasn't even asking questions about what she was saying, like he was understanding everything as she laid it out. She didn't know whether to be thankful or weirded out. Either way she continued uninterrupted.

"Over the next couple of months my supposed friends, while in an elaborate disguise that only Rarity could create on such short notice, orchestrated an elaborate plot to prove to all of Ponyville that I wasn't as awesome as they thought I was. Applejack's incredible strength, Pinkie's ability to use her Pinkie sense to predict and intervene in tragedies, Twilight's control of magic, even Fluttershy's ability to fly. They crafted the image of an alicorn that was bent on stomping me into the ground in the most humble way imaginable, showing up to perform a heroic display whenever necessary and then disappear without a word being said. And when they weren't in costume and showing that together they were greater than me, they were talking up Mare Do Well like the greatest thing to come along since the Apple Family's legendary cider."

More silence from the Espada. While it allowed her to tell her story it was also annoying that it provided no distraction and instead left her to focus on the details exclusively. It was starting to get harder to share everything in a coherent manner.

"Scootaloo dismantled her fan club to me for Mare Do Well, Mayor Mare planned on honoring her as a hero, nopony even noticed me no matter what I did, and they wanted me to honor Mare Do Well for all the good she'd done. And then I... then I found out who Mare Do Well was...and what they did... a-and why they did it... and they, they actually had the nerve to make it out like it was my fault and I deserved it and they... they..."

Ulquiorra observed her in silence as she told her story. It was hard to tell if the current difficulty she was experiencing was due to sadness or anger. She was experiencing some kind of choking difficulty from what he could tell. More curiously was how her reiatsu was starting to flare as she recalled the details of her story, her body trembling.

"They just make me so mad! Anytime anypony else was showing they were good at something they didn't concoct some plan to show them up and prove to the town that they were nothing special! We didn't try and prove to Pinkie that she's not the best at throwing parties, or show Applejack that the rest of us are better at applebucking than her, or prove to Rarity that she's not the best at fashion, buck we didn't even try to show Twilight that her magic isn't all that great. But when it comes to me, suddenly it's open season and it's alright to engage in trickery and make me look useless. Me of all ponies, one of the Elements of Harmony, they picked me to trick because the town finally recognized I was awesome! They went and pulled the awesome right out from under my hooves and they were supposed to be my friends!"

It was definitely anger currently. Despite only possessing roughly half her normal level of reiryoku right now it was exerting a considerable amount of reiatsu on the surrounding area. And it seemed to be increasing.

"Some days I can't even stand the sight of them, much less hanging around them after everything they put me through! They're supposed to be my friends, friends don't do that to each others! There's nothing funny about what they did, it was cruel! They made me feel like I wasn't worth anything, like no matter what I did there'd always be somepony better than me just waiting right around the corner to stomp all over everything I've worked so hard for! And then they laughed at me and everything I was going through! And then they had the nerve to expect everything to go right back to normal like I wasn't hurt or anything, like there was nothing wrong with what they did... I just want to hate them so much for everything they did!"

The swelling of her reiatsu had been steady but significant, seeming to pique at her last statement before dropping substantially, like a fever breaking.

"Some days are better than others. Some days I can pretend like everything's alright and we're alright. Other days not so much... sometimes I wish I was the Element of Honesty because then I could tell them exactly how I feel about them. But instead I'm stuck as the Element of Loyalty and I have to live with feeling betrayed by them. I can't even tell them how I feel because they're supposed to be my friends, and if you aren't loyal to your friends even when they're jerks then you wind up being loyal to nopony..." she paused. A long, long pause before finally continuing. "Making matters worse is we're the Elements of Harmony. How can we expect to be harmonious when we need to if I tell them how much they upset me with their little stunt? Equestria could be in danger if I do that. All I can do is swallow my anger and wear the mask of Rainbow Dash: lazy good for nothing weather pony obsessed with being the fastest, joining the Wonderbolts and napping whenever I can..."

He would never admit it to anyone that might ask. But Rainbow Dash's story had left him... mildly surprised after hearing it. The fact that this unassuming world possessed the same issues as the human world was... intriguing. He hadn't believed that this world was as peaceful as Princess Celestia would have him believe and it seemed he was quite correct in his suspicions. But now he had some measure of tangible proof, proof that not all was as it seemed. Beneath their abnormally colored coats and child-like personalities these ponies were just as ruthless and un-peaceful as any of the Espada.

This was a matter that truly warranted further investigation.

"You're... you're not gonna tell anypony about this... are you?"

His attention was drawn back to Rainbow Dash as she was now looking up at him. Her entire demeanor had changed in the course of less than a minute. She was no longer bristling with anger and fury and as she looked at him her eyes looked quite irritated and wet.

"Somepony... somebody as awesome as you are... doesn't have to go telling what he heard some little pegasus talking about... right?"

"It is indeed a matter that Princess Celestia must be informed about," he stated. The look of terror on her face was immediate but she wasn't allowed to speak. "However I believe it is a matter reserved for you to discuss when you believe the time is right. It isn't something she needs to hear from me."

He could almost feel the pegasus relaxing before him at hearing the news. It was all quite pitiful really. Did Princess Celestia fully understand just who she had entrusted the safety of Equestria to when she provided these... ponies... with the Elements of Harmony?

Perhaps that was why Discord had seen fit to bring him here. Perhaps the agent of chaos held a similar view and believed a change was necessary for this world's safety. That was certainly something that would make some measure of sense... but at the same time it created new problems that didn't make sense and would need to be addressed.


His attention was drawn back to Rainbow Dash yet again. She was a most curious pony to associate with. She quickly alternated in terms of opinions held towards others depending on various interactions. Earlier she was calling him a jerk, now she was confiding in him as if she could trust him despite the relatively short duration of their having known one another.

"Now it's my turn to ask the questions. Why do you not fear me? Out of all those you associate with, Fluttershy is the only one to see me for what I truly am. She is wise to have fear regarding me. You and the others may have concern, but you don't visibly regard me as a predator. Why?"

It was a matter that was completely illogical. They all knew what he was; a ghost, a devourer of souls, a murderer and strong enough to beat a full grown bull dragon into submission without even having to fully exert himself. And yet only Fluttershy seemed to truly regard him with the severity the situation warranted. It was a mystery that he wanted to get to the bottom of.

"Huh?" she asked curiously as she blinked, his question completely catching her off guard. "Well I can't really speak for the others and what motivates them. But me in particular? I dunno really," she replied and shrugged, "sure you're... different... but you never really struck me as that much of a threat to us. I mean sure you stomped the hay outta that dragon and everything but...I dunno. I can't really explain it. It's just sorta... seems right I guess?"

It wasn't an explanation that made sense to him. Despite knowing about what he was, despite seeing what he could do without even seriously trying, these ponies still didn't regard him as he should be. He wasn't even certain if Princess Celestia still regarded him with a healthy level of suspicion and distrust. Was this entire dimension built upon the concept of second chances being passed out to everyone and everything so freely? Were these ponies genetically engineered in a manner that rendered them predisposed to trying to find some measure of good even in the worst? Discord was alive. Princess Luna was alive. The dragon from earlier today was alive. He was alive. In Hueco Mundo such threats would be terminated immediately.

"There's a matter that must be tended to in the library. I must depart for now," he replied and disappeared in a flash of sonido, leaving nothing behind but a booming echo of static and one very confused pegasus sitting on the roof and looking around.

"I've gotta learn how he does that," Rainbow Dash stated.

Based on his preliminary observations it seemed safe to categorize Twilight Sparkle as partially nocturnal in nature. She seemed to keep stranger hours than the rest of the ponies and remained awake later in the evening than others for the purpose of reading. It seemed only logical that she would be in the library tonight while the others slumbered.

Fortunately that wasn't the case. On this night Twilight Sparkle was absent and that left him free reign of the unrestricted section of the library, the purple unicorn likely slumbering away like the rest of the ponies, minus Princess Luna's staff that currently stood by the doorway. Not that he expected anything less from one of the rulers, he was still a threat and rightly regarded as such. If Princess Luna had decided to engage in a different practice he would be... disappointed. At least Princess Luna seemed to regard him with more seriousness than Princess Celestia who allowed him to travel without an escort this day.

The absence of other ponies meant an uninterrupted chance to further study the history of Equestria. New questions and mysteries had arisen over the course of this day and they warranted further study; something that couldn't be done when being asked an endless supply of questions. But at the moment it appeared safe to conclude that such an interruption wouldn't occur.

Nevertheless he still chose to remain perched at the top of one of the taller bookshelves. Above the ground few would be able to locate him unless they knew to look all the way up in this particular spot of the library.

"Ulquiorra Cifer, art thou in here?"

So much for uninterrupted research. He'd sensed her long before he saw her, but he'd hoped she was simply coming in to pick up some reading material for a dull stretch of her watch when there were no duties to tend to. Sadly that was not the case as she was looking for him. Fortunately she didn't seem aware of him as she was currently walking past where he was perched. That... could have possibilities.

Without a word he closed his book and slid it under his left arm, stepped off the ledge and plummeted to the floor, landing feet first with a loud bang upon impact directly behind her. The sudden commotion in the otherwise quiet library startled the younger sister, and made her both jump and yelp, before turning around to see what the noise was.

"Thou art indeed a jerk!" Princess Luna stated and scowled at him, not appreciating the scare in the least. A scowl that failed to move him and instead was returned by his standard emotionless look. She was the first one to blink. She had more important things to tend to rather than attempting to stare him down in a useless manner. However he was the first one to speak.

"What do you want?"

Blunt and straight to the point. She expected no less of him. Nevertheless it was hardly enough to dissuade her.

"We came to see if all was well. Considering this night 'tis a slumber party thou didst depart quite early. Thou left before the "fun" could begin," she explained.

"The concept of "fun" is of no interest to me. It is nothing more than a waste of time and not worth engaging in for any reason," Ulquiorra replied and reopened the book to continue reading where he left off, paying no attention to the frown Princess Luna was currently giving him.

"Thou are most stubborn and unpleasant to associate with," she stated and continued to frown at him.

"And despite knowing that fact from the beginning, for some reason you felt compelled to directly involve your sister's student because you believed I was worth it for whatever reason. I can't help but question why," Ulquiorra replied as if her statement meant absolutely nothing to him. He continued reading through the paragraph he was on before casting an aside glance at her and continuing. "What was your motivation for going behind your sister's back to involve Twilight Sparkle and her company when dealing with me?"

"We believed that thee might benefit from experiencing kindness and friendship firsthoof. However we art no longer fully certain of that being correct. After all the goodness we ourselves experienced we didst have hope that thee might benefit in the same manner. But thou doth have no interest in such. We can see that we hath wasted our time," Princess Luna stated.

"You're lying," Ulquiorra stated simply and paused to slowly turn the page to continue the current paragraph. "If you have no desire to share the true motivations for your actions then it's of no consequence to me. However do not waste my time by spinning deceit as to what motivated you to go behind your sister's back in such a treacherous manner. I can only speculate that you must have had strong motivations to do such, knowing there would be consequences once your actions were found out."

Silence once again filled the library, neither party speaking any further. The only noises heard were the occasional turning of a page and Princess Luna's own breathing.

"Guards. Depart from here."

The shadow guards blinked at the command of their Princess breaking the still silence of the library. The order was confusing in nature but they did as ordered and left the entrance way to the library.

Princess Luna remained silent, monitoring as they left. Once she felt they were far enough away she turned to Ulquiorra and faced him directly. "What we hath to say may never be heard by anypony else under any circumstances. The ramifications could be most disastrous to the harmony of the kingdom."

Another one? Why did these ponies choose to view him as if he was a trustworthy confidant? He hadn't been in Equestria more than a few days, certainly not long enough to even try and craft the image of someone that could be trusted. Was this the work of Discord or were they naturally this trusting of strangers? Perhaps an inborn desire to want to trust others and see the good in them? If he pressed Princess Celestia would she have freely shared the facts relating the Elements of Harmony with him?

Considering her actions with Discord's rehabilitation it was entirely possible that she would have done just that.

"I understand," he replied. However he truly didn't understand the matter at all. It was all a mystery, but pressing her for details didn't seem promising. It was yet another matter he would have to further research at a later date.

"... Thou art not truly the first devourer of souls this land hath bore witness to," Princess Luna said as she looked him straight in the eyes, demanding his full and undivided attention as she spoke. Her entire posture was broadcasting the fact that he wasn't to speak while she was speaking. "One thousand and three years ago... when we became Nightmare Moon... we didst engage in such an act ourselves, but not of our own volition. The foul demon didst need souls to sustain its form and maintain control over our mind and body and to bolster its strength to properly contend with our dear sister," she explained, although not anywhere near a level that could be mistaken for calm. Her entire body was trembling as she spoke and her voice was shaky.

"By the time our dear sister was able to intervene it was already too late. The foul demon that possessed our body had devoured the souls of seventeen young foals that night in order to maintain itself... including the soul of young pegasus filly that was very dear to us... to me..."

He said nothing as Princess Luna spoke. However he did close his current book and tuck it back under his arm. This turn of events warranted his full attention.

"Our dear sister ensured that these facts were buried for she knew what harm would occur should they ever get out. She ensured the details of that night were buried with us, never to see the light of day again. And we art thankful that she did. But even though the demon that possessed us is forever gone, the knowledge of what we did is not. We will live on for eternity and forever remember the looks of horror on their faces; as we watched helplessly at what we were forced on that accursed night!"

Ulquiorra remained silent as Princess Luna talked. The story had some surreal quality to it and it seemed hard to believe. But her posture and body language told him that it was most certainly not any type of attempt at humor. The shaking of her shoulders as she dropped to her haunches wasn't the kind of shaking witnessed when one was attempting to suppress a laugh, that much he was certain of.

"Thou doth wish to know why we didst involve Twilight Sparkle as we did? Because we didst hope that if thou could find friendship and be forgiven even with all that thee hath done then... then maybe one day there wouldst be hope for us as well, and we too could be forgiven for all that we didst do!"

Rainbow Dash's confession had been about the betrayal by her friends in response to some insufficiently explained incident back in Ponyville. Leaving her feeling resentful towards them but forced to maintain a false image of everything being fine, the whole recollection being made in anger.

Princess Luna's confession had been about the entity of Nightmare Moon possessing her body and using it in the slaughter of their subjects for the simple purpose of sustaining its own life, to try and do battle with Princess Celestia, forcing its host to watch everything as it unfolded. Unlike Rainbow Dash, her recollection was made in sadness but delivered in neutral-to-anger terms, and lacked the same emotional resonance.

Rainbow Dash was able to resist crying, as she recounted how her friends had gone out of their way to engage in a cruel prank and attack not only her trust in them, but her own sense of self worth. Princess Luna was not as able, and now sat on the library floor, unable to control the tears that were currently escaping.

Why did these ponies believe he was so trustworthy? Why did they feel he could be confided in, and why did they believe he even cared about their problems enough to hear them? Did Princess Celestia know what her sister was doing right now? It was all very confusing to him.

Even more confusing -and outright disturbing- was the feeling of discomfort he was experiencing as Princess Luna cried freely. How -and why- was he being affected like this?

"Perhaps I was too hasty in accepting Discord's offer," he thought as he turned his attention back to the book to begin reading again in an effort to tune out the wails of the Moon Princess before him. "Perhaps I should have simply remained in the void and awaited my fate. Surely hell can't be as bad as this."

Morning once again returned to Equestria, once again bringing the change in rule as Princess Celestia raised the sun to begin the new day. It meant Princess Luna retiring for the day and no longer crying in his presence, lamenting over the actions of her alter ego a thousand years ago. The new day also meant the holders of the Elements of Harmony would be returning to Ponyville to continue about their everyday lives. More importantly though, the new day meant he would be able to continue his studies undisturbed and gain a better understanding of his surroundings.

"What is it you want?"

Or at least he could if Princess Celestia wasn't making her way into the library. A peaceful opportunity to study in silence seemed unlikely the way things were proceeding.

"The train back to Ponyville is leaving in half an hour," Princess Celestia explained, unfazed by the bluntness of Ulquiorra's manners of address. "I came to see if you wanted to see the others off before they returned home."

"No," Ulquiorra replied simply and turned his attention back to the book in his hands, saying nothing further despite feeling Princess Celestia looking at him. He had no reason and no motivation to watch the others leave. It was nothing more than a waste of time and a useless gesture to engage in. There were more important matters at hand right now.

Silence once again washed over the library except for the occasional turning of pages. Princess Celestia said nothing further, simply turning and leaving the library.

"Do you believe they'll talk about what they experienced yesterday?" Ulquiorra asked, waiting until she was just about to step out of the library before finally speaking up.

"How do you mean?" Princess Celestia asked as she stepped back closer to him, curious at the sudden breach of silence.

"Yesterday they were made aware of details pertaining to who I am, what I am and what I did back in my world. Do you believe they'll spread this information around Equestria through gossip or do you believe they'll refrain from such, and hide the fact that you have an unrepentant murderer as your newest subject?" he asked.

So that's what he meant. It was certainly a good question. So many new and unexpected details coming to light in such a short amount of time, some of her little ponies prone to talking about things that they shouldn't. It made sense that he'd be concerned about the possibility of such.

"I don't believe they'll go blabbing about what they heard. They're intelligent enough to understand that if all the details got out it would cause panic all over Equestria from those that are less informed. There are certain things the populace is better off not knowing and they're quite aware of that fact. I don't believe even Pinkie would want to go and terrify everypony with tales of a strange being whose exploits sound like something out of a story book. Your secret will be safe with them," she explained calmly.

"Hopefully they possess more restraint than Princess Luna when it comes to maintaining secrets."

"... Pardon?" Princess Celestia asked after a moment of confusion. What was he talking about? What had Luna been talking about?

Ulquiorra left her waiting until he was done reading the current paragraph before addressing her again.

"Your sister was all too willing to inform me how as Nightmare Moon she engaged in devouring the souls of several of your subjects before she was finally stopped. One would expect such knowledge would be more carefully guarded and not handed out so freely to someone new to the dimension. The ramifications to be had should such information ever become public knowledge would be quite disastrous. Your entire kingdom might tear itself apart with outrage and panic. The diarchy would suffer greatly and there would be widespread distrust to contend with, possibly a civil war as well," he explained calmly while slowly turning around to face her. "You're trusting your subjects with information of a most sensitive nature. Finding out about one murderer would be bad enough. I don't care to consider what the populace of this land would do should they ever find out there are two, one of whom is a ruler of theirs. For your sake and theirs I hope that you're right in the placement of your trust."

If Princess Celestia was prone to the same violations of the rules of physics as Pinkie Pie, he suspected her jaw would be on the floor by now. But for whatever reason she wasn't talking and he didn't feel compelled to ask why or even face her right now.

"Luna... Luna told you about that?" she asked after a long stretch of silence.

"Readily. I must say I'm mildly surprised, more by the fact that so many are so willing to trust me with their secrets than the details of what she did," Ulquiorra replied. However before Princess Celestia could get a word in edgewise he continued talking. "Do you now plan on having me executed after this revelation?"

She frowned. Was Ulquiorra deliberately going out of his way to taunt her with the fact that he knew more about the Diarchy than the rest of Equestria did? Was he challenging her? Was he trying to determine if she was soft in her rule and unable to make hard decisions when required? Even with everything she'd seen in his mind, there was still a great deal about him she didn't know or fully understand.

Why did Discord have to put her in such a position? Surely if he was interested in making her miserable there were easier ways to go about it.

"... At present I don't believe that's necessary," she finally replied and stepped closer. "The number of those who know growing from two to three really doesn't prove to be much of a threat. And so far you haven't given me any reason to believe that you aren't trustworthy or a blabbermouth. So long as I'm certain that the kingdom isn't in any danger I believe we can fully avoid any unpleasantries such as that."

The irony of her statement, was she even aware of how much her statement contained? She spoke of his trustworthiness despite having no trust of him. She kept him under watch through her guards, carefully monitored him during their interactions and engaged in various other methods of trying to gauge whether or not he was a potential threat and how much danger he posed. She regarded him as a security issue to the point she had bound his resurrección and prevented its release and even placed her student Twilight Sparkle in charge of him when he wasn't in their presence. And yet she spoke of trust when there was none on her part?

Most curious indeed.

"Then let us try and avoid unpleasantries," Ulquiorra replied and directed his attention back to the book at hand.

"Indeed," she replied and nodded, despite the fact he couldn't see it. "I believe I'll go see Twilight and her friends off now. Should I give them your regards?"

"Do whatever you wish, it makes no difference to me," Ulquiorra replied. If Princess Celestia desired to lie to her subjects who was he to stop her from doing so?

Without another word she turned and headed out the library, leaving Ulquiorra alone and to his own devices, with the exception of the two unicorn guards standing by the entrance. She trusted that he could keep himself busy enough in his research that she wasn't needed to guide him.

However when Luna awoke, she would definitely need to have another discussion with her about the importance of secrets.

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