• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,675 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen

"Mr. Cifer... jus' wha' in tarnation are ya?" Applejack asked when she finally found her voice. This was... was... she really didn't know what it was or what to think!

"I wouldn't exactly be that blunt but I'd like to know that myself," Rarity added. This new development was a great deal to take in. She was really surprised that Twilight had fainted, usually that was hers and hers alone to do.

"In simple terms you'd all be readily familiar with I could be described as a ghost," Ulquiorra replied. He noted the "eep" sound that only Fluttershy had the voice to produce, however he paid it no mind before continuing. "In more detailed terms, I'm a Hollow. An earthbound spirit that has remained in the world of the living for too long and succumbed to corruption, transforming into a wild, instinct driven beast that devours the souls of others in an attempt to fill the void created by the loss of their heart."

Of the seven that remained conscious there were looks of horror on the faces of the five mortal ponies as the news reached their ears. Even the brash Rainbow Dash bore a look of terror at hearing the truth of the matter. However that was no reason for him to stop informing them about the extent of the matter.

"When a soul becomes a Hollow their body reforms, their heart forming their mask to protect the wild instinct they devolve into, resulting in a hole in their structure where their heart used to be," he explained and traced a finger along the cavity in his chest for emphasis. "Among the Hollow race there are three levels of evolution. Gillian, Adjuchas and Vasto Lorde, each more powerful and more dangerous than the last. Each level is achieved through the devouring of many hundreds or thousands of fellow Hollows. I am currently of Vasto Lorde status."

The looks of horror only seemed to increase as the details sank in and their pony minds comprehended what they were being told; he'd just freely admitted to having readily devoured his own kind to evolve and become what they were currently seeing before them.

Rarity was the first to react and in what was likely the most appropriate manner, gagging and promptly vomiting on the ground where she stood.

Applejack was visibly the most horrified by what she'd heard, even moreso than Fluttershy was. "Twilight was right... ya really are a monster..."

"If you're expecting me to launch an attempt to justify my actions, and assure you that I present no threat to your well being, then you're going to be sorely disappointed. There is no point in denying the facts of who and what I am, and what I've done in the past, both of my own volition and under the orders of others," Ulquiorra replied. He knew that he could inform Applejack and the others of his promise to Princess Celestia to not harm her subjects. But if Princess Celestia didn't fully trust him he saw no reason why they would either. It would be a waste of effort on his part, and he didn't feel inclined to engage in it.

Applejack's entire frame was trembling now. Ulquiorra was a... a murderer and a... a cannibal! And worse than that he'd been in her house and around her family! They'd all been in danger, showing him what their hospitality was like. Her brother, her granny and her little sister, all of them! Right now her stomach was threatening to rebel and empty itself on the ground, much as Rarity's had, but she'd managed to choke the reaction back down where it belonged.

"You could've turned the whole town into soul stew!" Pinkie shouted and broke the silence.

As much as the others hated to admit it, she'd easily summed up the nature of their fears and concerns in one tidy -if gruesome- sentence. This entire time the whole of Ponyville could've been killed off and there would've been nothing they could've done to stop it; certainly not after seeing how he'd laid into that dragon not ten minutes ago.

"Despite the stupidity of your statement you're quite accurate. I could have indeed killed everyone in the town of Ponyville and devoured their souls if I was so inclined, I don't deny that. However I am not so inclined. At my current level of evolution the consumption of souls is nothing more than a useless indulgence. Furthermore, Princess Celestia has seen fit to place me under her rule and ordered me not to do anything to harm her subjects in any way," Ulquiorra replied.

"And just why should we be inclined to trust you after all we've just learned about your nature?" Rarity asked from her new spot, trying not to let the smell of her own mess sicken her any further. It was bad enough she'd been sick in such an undignified manner, but right in front of everypony as well?

Ulquiorra said nothing at first, simply reaching down and scooping up a stone in his left hand. Finally after a long pause he began speaking again.

"Just as the dragon was many times stronger than all of you, I was many times stronger than it, to the point I could have easily killed it from the very beginning if I'd been inclined to do so," he stated, letting the words sink in before continuing further, "The situation is no different for myself. I have seen Princess Celestia's strength, or at least a measurable percentage of it. The differences in our strength is vast. If she were to find displeasure with me and flare her full strength, I would be crushed under the pressure her magical force exerts on the surrounding area," he stated, the entire time slowly tightening his grip on the stone until it cracked and shattered in his grip. He opened his hand, allowed the powderized fragments to fall freely and be scattered like dust in the wind.

Each of the conscious ponies looked at Ulquiorra and then back to Princess Celestia in a state of disbelief, their minds trying to process the information, as well as the symbolism of the display. The notion that he could so easily be crushed by their ruler, just like the stone in their hand -especially after seeing how he'd so easily dominated the dragon, and while doing so with only one limb at a time no less- was both chilling and at the same time reassuring; reassuring in that their ruler was looking out for their wellbeing and would punish anyone or anything that would try to hurt them, yet chilling to think about if they ever decided to be bad little ponies. A group shudder definitely didn't go unnoticed.

"And just why should we believe you anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked bluntly, not swayed by his display or his words.

The pegasi's stubbornness didn't surprise him one bit. It would've been more surprising if she had simply accepted him just like that. "What you should and shouldn't do isn't a matter for me to decide," he replied simply, glancing back to the Princesses in a manner that they could follow.

Princess Celestia observed as she was put on the spot, her subjects looking to her for answers and reassurances, while Ulquiorra left the matter in her hooves rather than trying to explain it himself. A wise decision really... she just wished it'd occurred before this incident had gone so wrong.

"From what I gather, Ulquiorra did save you, my little ponies. Twice if I recall," Princess Celestia gently reminded them as they looked toward her for guidance. This was one of the situations she desperately wanted to avoid in his introduction. She'd wanted to avoid the panic that would be experienced if his nature was found out. But sadly it seemed it was unavoidable now. Now it was purely a matter of damage control and attempting to prevent panic from spreading any further than these five. "I know that this is quite a shock for you all. This is one of the reasons I wasn't entirely convinced that Ulquiorra should come with you on this mission, despite the benefits that could be had if he witnessed Fluttershy's kindness working wonders in a manner he's never seen before," she explained softly.

"We too had our reservations due to his utter rudeness and contempt for royal decorum," Princess Luna stated and hmphed. However after a moment she turned back to address them in a gentler tone. "But if he were not dispatched thou wouldst likely be dead now, according to thee's own accounts. If Ulquiorra Cifer were truly intent upon causing harm we wouldst wager a hefty sum that he would hath simply let the dragon do as it pleased and not interfered. And the fact that he didst indeed show restraint when he regarded it as a threat to the wellbeing of Equestria... well... doth we need say more?"

It was quiet again as Princess Luna finished speaking. None of the ponies seemed to have any complaints to raise, at least not immediately so. The main commotion that could be heard was the whistling of the wind and the scraping of hooves against dirt as Rarity tried to bury her mess in a discrete manner.

None of them -not even Ulquiorra- knew how much time had passed before there was a groan from behind them as Twilight began to come around after her fainting spell.

"Okay that does it," she groaned as she tried to sit back up again, "no more rose petals on my pizza, they give me nightmares."

Princess Celestia couldn't help but chuckle at her student's choice of opening statement for regaining consciousness. Determining that the situation wasn't about to go immediately catastrophic she stepped over and gently brushed her cheek against her student's. "Nightmares again?" she asked.

Twilight smiled at the contact, not even having to open her eyes to know just who it was. "Like you wouldn't believe. I dreamt that Ulquiorra had a huge gaping hole in his chest that went all the way through," Twilight explained as she finally opened her eyes to try and let them shift and adjust. "That's really so ridiculous don't you think? Nopony could possibly... have... a..." she slowed and paused as she looked around and laid her eyes on the shirtless Ulquiorra, a hole going all the way through his chest. She hadn't been dreaming! "That's not physically possible!" she yelled and jumped up in surprise.

Granted nothing about Ulquiorra really seemed to be physically possible when she stopped to think about it, but the hole in his chest was the final straw and she couldn't take it anymore. Everything about him was wrong in this world. She'd wanted to study him in an in depth manner when she'd first met him, but now she was finding that idea less and less desirable. It'd be like trying to analyze Pinkie's weird Pinkie Sense all over again, but much worse. Studying Pinkie had resulted in her getting hit with a grand piano; what might happen this time around?

"Of all the things you've seen that defy your world's limited knowledge of physics, it's interesting that you take issue with the hole all Hollows possess," Ulquiorra commented as he watched Twilight Sparkle's unsteady attempts to stand herself back up.

"Everypony's got to start somewhere," Twilight reasoned as she stepped closer, "trust me there's so many things about you that don't truly make sense I don't even know where to begin except with that hole..."

"Uh... Twilight," Applejack spoke up, "ah don' think the laws o' physics and whatnot were written with ghosts in mind. Afterall we ain' never encountered ghosts before, ah don' think anypony's ever actually seen a real ghost before, not even in the Everfree Forest."

Yesterday his observation concerning Applejack placed her intelligence somewhat above Ichigo Kurosaki back in his own world, because she recognized that she lacked answers to his questions and didn't deny the fact. And today she was the first to point out the fact he wasn't of this world would explain why Twilight Sparkle's understanding of physics couldn't properly explain what she'd seen with regard to the dragon. So far the earth pony was displaying a respectable level of intelligence.

However Twilight Sparkle seemed too detached to fully hear and comprehend what her earth pony companion was talking about at the moment. She was currently busy going on about how his "ghostly nature" wouldn't explain how he was fully capable of interacting with the surrounding physical structures encountered, or how he could so easily overpower a fully grown male dragon and not display any signs of physical strain while the surrounding territory was destroyed.

"Twilight darling," Rarity spoke up, "I truly understand how passionate you are about the science behind everything, but there's a more pressing matter you're unaware of. Ulquiorra has said he devours the souls of others," she stated and gestured over in his direction.

"Oh I know all about that. He told me the first day he came to Equestria," Twilight stated as if it were nothing, drawing the shocked reaction of every pony present excluding the Princesses.

Maybe she shouldn't have said that so openly.

"Ya mean ta tell us ya had that information this whole time an' ya didn' think ta tell us?" Applejack asked, the displeasure in her voice easily detectable at being left in the dark like she and the others had been. She'd been lied to in more ways than one, by one of the ponies she considered to be a good friend. What else had she been lying to them about and for how long? "Ya didn' think we deserved ta know that the thing we been talkin' to an' havin' in our homes around our families might be dangerous!?"

"Yeah Twilight! If Ulqy made soul stew out of Ponyville there'd be nopony for me to throw parties for anymore, ever!" Pinkie added frantically.

The situation quickly descended into madness from there, Twilight Sparkle's friends quickly ganging up on her at her failure to share what they deemed vital information. She tried her best to reason with them, to explain that her actions had been in an effort to reduce redundant chatter by getting her friends together in an organized and private manner before revealing his true nature to them in an controlled environment, informing them as a group rather than giving each the full story one by one, and sharing with them details that the rest of the town didn't need to know about his true nature as it didn't directly involve them.

Her efforts at explaining seemed to do little good to quell the arguments. If anything some of the ponies present were shouting even louder now as she tried her best to make sense of everything. Even the guilt-ridden Fluttershy had seemed to join in the outrage. Looking past them he could see even the Princesses were becoming displeased with the way things were developing and spiraling out of control. And from what he could see Princess Luna had reached her tipping point and acted.

"SILENCE!" she bellowed in the Royal Canterlot voice, the booming echo stopping all the chatter and drawing their attention to her as she worked on composing herself before addressing them any further. "Doth not turn thine fury against Twilight Sparkle over her actions regarding the matter of Ulquiorra Cifer! T'was WE that directly involved her in this situation. Verily when we didst learn of Ulquiorra Cifer's past and the nature of his world we didst take pity on him and wish that he be shown the same consideration that we didst receive from thee upon our return," she explained in a passionate manner. "We were the one to put Twilight Sparkle in this difficult position and force her to make such a difficult choice. She is not to blame for what thou were and were not told."

Princess Celestia had remained silent during her sister's speech, weighing her options of when best to contribute something. And right now seemed like as good a time as any.

"I had my own concerns when I first met Ulquiorra and learned about who and what he was. I worried about the wellbeing of all my little ponies and what could come from the presence of... him... and what might happen whenever he might venture beyond Canterlot palace," she said and grimaced slightly while talking. Glancing over she could see Ulquiorra still standing there emotionless as always despite the discussion being about him. Undaunted she continued speaking. "Nevertheless I want you all to know and understand something that's very important. What I saw of Ulquiorra's past I could see nothing to indicate that he was truly evil. Some of his actions were certainly... distasteful in nature... but many of them were the result of following direct orders from someone higher up, someone that I dare say was far worse than Nightmare Moon and Discord during the early days..."

There was a shared gasp between the six at these words. None of them had apparently given much consideration to the possibility of someone from another dimension being a greater threat than anything they themselves had encountered in the past. Even Princess Luna seemed disturbed. Based on his readings regarding Equestria's history Ulquiorra could hazard an educated guess that Princess Celestia's description of Aizen was indeed accurate. There was a reason the Hollows that served him out of fear were motivated to do such.

"Worse... worse than Discord?" Rainbow Dash asked hesitantly, "no foaling?"

"Much worse I'm afraid. This... Sosuke Aizen as he was referred to, was a being of indescribable evil and treachery, the depth of which I couldn't properly ascertain. He dethroned the previous ruler of Ulquiorra's world as if it were nothing upon first arriving. Not even Discord's corrupting influence could really compete with how he gained followers and held power," Princess Celestia explained hesitantly. This was definitely an unpleasant subject to discuss and she really hadn't wanted to talk about it, not when Ulquiorra first arrived and certainly not now. But her most precious student and her friends were in the midst of panicking and disharmony, and she knew she had to do something.

Granted she was exaggerating a few points for their benefits. She just wished she could say she was exaggerating far more than she was. Ulquiorra's world was indeed a frightening place to contemplate.

"...That's not all either," Twilight hesitantly spoke up, distracting her friends from whatever they were busy thinking... or trying not to think. Slowly she made her way over to where Ulquiorra stood and took up a position beside him. "What I have to tell you, a lot of it you're not going to believe. There are points that you're going to possibly be terrified by... but I believe it's important enough it needs to be heard."

Ulquiorra listened as Twilight Sparkle launched into an extensive and considerably detailed recollection of events and facts as she'd been made aware of them herself, along with her own theories of explanation for events that didn't fully make sense. His ability to sustain himself on the naturally occurring mana of their world, Hollowfication and hierarchical structure of the species, definition of Arrancar and what it took to qualify as such, structural order and rule of the Espada, the role and purpose of the Shinigami and the Gotei 13, and Aizen himself and how he betrayed his own people in order to rule. He had to admit that her memory and attention to detail was remarkable, as even after three days of distractions she was recalling details he'd brought up on their first meeting.

However as he listened to her speak, he couldn't help but make observations of her manner of approach. Her delivery of details seemed to be structured in a manner that attempted to portray him in a positive light. According to her he was a victim of circumstances beyond his control and forced to do what he did in order to survive, forced to serve under the mortal enemy of his own race and quite possibly the one who allowed him to become a Hollow in the first place. It was hardly the most truthful recollection of events, certainly not a recount that he would ever give if asked. But he said nothing to correct her.

Throughout the lecture Twilight Sparkle presented, the faces of her friends displayed shock, fear, sadness, confusion, amazement, and more than once he couldn't help but note how Pinkie Pie's eyes seemed to spin in their sockets in a manner that suggested most of what she heard was going right over her head.

And then came the mention of Discord and his involvement in their entire situation. How he'd crossed the dimensional boundaries to bring him here, conveniently leaving out the fact that it was only after he'd died. He could only speculate about her reasoning for such.

Among the other details not shared included his explanation of Aizen's motives as he understood them. Perhaps Twilight Sparkle felt her friends couldn't handle the notion of one willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives for the mere purpose of forging a key, all for the purpose of carrying out a vendetta against a higher being?

Now that he thought about it, he'd rather not think about it. He instead redirected his attention back to Twilight Sparkle and her continued recollection.

"...And that brings us to what brought Ulquiorra to Sweet Apple Acres," Twilight finished before falling on her haunches and panting desperately for it. By the time she was done she'd been talking nonstop and uninterrupted for over forty five minutes. A rather amazing feat really.

At first it was nothing but silence apart from the occasional wind. Ulquiorra assumed it was simply the calm before the storm. However he never anticipated the storm that struck would be in the form of a pink earth pony moving at unbelievable speeds, and enveloping him in what would be an otherwise crushing force bear hug with both forelegs, trapping his arms at his sides.

"Oh Ulqy I'm sooo sorry!" she more or less wailed as she clung to him. Trying to sonido out of her hold would prove useless as tightly as she was holding onto him.

"Mr. Cifer ah... ah reckon we owe ya a mighty big apology fer how we were treatin' ya jus' a little while ago," Applejack added, although her voice was hard to properly hear over Pinkie Pie's unabated crying.

Were these ponies truly foolish enough to believe that Twilight Sparkle's revelation of his past -colorful as it was by her recount- suddenly changed everything and it became necessary to adjust their perceptions and attitudes towards him? If that were the case then they were far closer to trash than he originally expected. He was a murderer. At one point he was a devourer of souls and Hollows alike. To him, killing was business as usual and his to do if it was necessary. And yet they were treating him as if he were a victim of some unspeakable tragedy in need of comfort and forgiveness. These ponies were as foolish as the human woman was. How could they believe that he was in need of mercy? It was completely illogical...


"I'm afraid I can't give an explanation that'll make sense in terms of basic logic, because the heart in this matter isn't logical by nature. It's like trying to describe friendship in scientific terms. It's something that has to be experienced rather than studied in an academic sense," Celestia replied. Ulquiorra didn't appear convinced. "Over the centuries there've been a great many scholars who've attempted to explain the condition of the heart and how it drives us to do things our brains tell us are illogical. Because of our hearts we do things we normally wouldn't do because it feels right; or simply because it feels wrong to not act in such a manner. It's... very complicated."

"So it would appear," Ulquiorra replied as he went back to scanning the pages of the book in his hands.


Again with matters of the heart. It seemed even in this world he couldn't get away from such an illusive and illogical concept. Was this what motivated them to regard him with pity rather than fear? The same thing that made the woman pity him during his last moments in Hueco Mundo?

"You just wait and see Ulqy! I'm gonna throw you the biggest, absolutely bestest "Welcome to Equestria" party you or anypony else has ever seen, because if anypony deserves it it's definitely you!" Pinkie Pie stated as she continued clinging to him as if for dear life.

Perhaps it was a matter of malice rather than mercy that motivated them.

And perhaps they had decided to take this present course of action simply to make Twilight Sparkle shut up before she could get her second wind. That was a possibility he wouldn't doubt.

"I would settle for simply being released," he replied, finding it strange how the pink earth pony was so effortlessly keeping his arms restrained.

In terms of reiatsu she was a mystery, but she was equally curious in terms of physical strength. The earth pony Applejack worked hard on a farm and had developed a considerably muscular frame. This earth pony worked in a confectionery shop and had more fat on her frame than her counterpart. So why exactly was she so strong?

"Yer prob'ly not gonna get outta it that easy. Pinkie's quite determined when it comes ta throwin' her parties," Applejack stated. Regardless of who or what he was, Ulquiorra didn't stand much chance of avoiding a welcoming party thrown by Pinkie. Especially under these newly discovered circumstances of him literally being new to entire world, if not the entire universe in this dimension.

However that didn't mean she couldn't lend a helping hoof and try to pry Pinkie off of him. Being the recipient of one of those hugs the first time out was a lot to get used to.

"Oh my!" Rarity gasped, bringing the focus back to her, "I just realized something. As late as it is we'll never make it back to Ponyville before nightfall. And this mountain is right in the Everfree Forest. Girls I do believe we have a situation here," she pointed out.

The others quickly realized Rarity was quite right. Even if all of these sudden developments over the last hour hadn't occurred they still wouldn't likely have made it back to Ponyville before nightfall. They'd spent quite a bit of time getting up the mountain, and now getting down at this hour was going to be most unwise.

"Ah reckon we're gonna have ta set up camp an' spend the night," Applejack commented. "We can use the cave fer shelter in case it rains an' set out fer home tomorrow when the sun's up."

"You mean sleep outside on the hard and dirty ground like animals?" Rarity asked, repulsed by the idea of such a barbaric practice.

"Are you serious? Some of the best naps are had in the wide open outdoors!" Rainbow Dash stated.

His earlier observation of Rarity seemed the most accurate. All the complaining she hadn't done on the way up seemed threatening to spill out now that they were presented with the option of staying the night.

And the irony of her statement. An animal -intelligent as it was- objecting to the notion of sleeping on the ground like animals.

There was always the possibility of him directly intervening and taking them back to Ponyville himself. Carrying two at a time and using sonido would have them back at Ponyville in a matter of minutes and they could find their way home on their own before the sun fully set. But such a tactic was dangerous as he doubted their bodies could sufficiently withstand the journey at such high speeds. And considering they were one of Equestria's few available defenses, such a decision might not be wise if he intended to earn Princess Celestia's trust.

Fortunately there was an intervention by Princess Celestia before yet another argument broke out between all the parties involved. "You could always come back with us and spend the night in the palace and take the train back to Ponyville in the morning. It wouldn't be appropriate to just leave you to stay out here after all you've done."

"Really?" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly at the prospect. Ulquiorra noted the unusual flaring of her reiatsu once again. All of them seemed to be experiencing a flaring of reiatsu levels at the prospect of spending time in Canterlot... all that is except for Fluttershy for some reason. Hers was strangely constant.

"Wait, what about Spike? He's back in Ponyville and probably worrying about us," Twilight Sparkle pointed out. "We should send him a letter letting him know about this development."

A letter? Was she expecting mail to travel at this time of day? He didn't see anything resembling a mailbox anywhere in the surrounding area.

"We have a better idea! We shalt go to Ponyville and fetch young Spike and bring him forth and meet thou at the palace," Princess Luna announced. "We shalt make a "slumber party" of the event."

"Slumber..." Twilight started at hearing Princess Luna's statement.

"...Party!" Pinkie finished. Immediately the two were side by side, forelegs wrapped around each other as they danced about on their hind legs, emitting excited squeals at the prospect in the most undignified manner Ulquiorra ever saw them engage in. "This is gonna be so awesome!"

The quiet sigh/groan and facehoofing by Rainbow Dash didn't go unnoticed by Ulquiorra, although he seemed to be the only one who did.

"Um... actually... if it's alright with everypony I think I'd rather go back to Ponyville and look after everyone's critters instead," Fluttershy spoke up, her voice raising only a few levels but surprisingly it was enough for everyone present to hear her.

"Really?" Twilight asked curiously as she untangled herself from Pinkie's embrace. The curiosity of the situation currently overriding her excitement of a slumber party with her friends at the palace. "Why?"

"Yeah Fluttershy, getting to spend the night at the palace is awesome!" Rainbow Dash stated.

"It's because of me," Ulquiorra stated, bringing everyone's attention back to him now. "Ever since my nature was made aware I've noticed Fluttershy's level of courage dropping steadily. All of you were affected by the news that I'm technically a ghost, however she has taken the news worst. The most logical conclusion available is to assume she has no desire to be around me because of this fact," he explained. Slowly he turned his gaze back to Fluttershy who was busy hiding behind Rarity at the moment, or at least trying to. "Am I correct?"

It was very small, almost imperceptible even to him, but the nod was there. She was indeed afraid of him being a ghost. So far she seemed to have the most sense out of the lot of them. The others looked at a predator and saw someone in need of a friend. Fluttershy looked at the same predator and saw something to be concerned by. Perhaps that's why her special talent was animals.

And perhaps that was why she had made an effort to protect the dragon from his Cero despite the fact it had tried to kill her and the others; because she recognized that he was the top predator of the situation.

Her own guilt over failing the task assigned by Princess Celestia was likely also a driving force behind her actions. Perhaps she didn't wish to be at the palace because it would require being in such close proximity.

"Hey so what?" Rainbow Dash as she hovered off the ground to better face him. Ulquiorra could tell she was looking for something to fight about and defending Fluttershy seemed to be the convenient option. "So what if Fluttershy is afraid of you for being a ghost? That's no reason to be mean about it!"

He felt tempted to roll his eyes in response to her statement. He had done nothing that would be considered mean or rude in nature regarding Fluttershy's well placed apprehension of him. She was the only one to see him for what he truly was apart from Princess Celestia. Perhaps he should amend his earlier observation about which ponies possess a uniqueness that would warrant further investigation.

Right now the best way to deal with Rainbow Dash was to ignore her and deny her the bickering that she seemed to crave. Instead of addressing her he turned to pick his jacket up off the ground and put it back on, the display of his rank and Hollow hole serving no further purpose beyond this point.

"Jerk," Rainbow Dash muttered and folded her forelegs across her chest.

"If there art no new business we shalt depart and escort dear Fluttershy home, and return to the palace with young Spike," Princess Luna said, taking the opportunity to excuse herself and stepping over to the butter yellow pegasus before they both disappeared.

"Now would probably be a good time to return to the castle as well," Princess Celestia commented. "Is everypony ready?"

"Not quite," Ulquiorra replied in stark contrast to the cheers of excitement and acceptance the others were giving. "Before we leave there is business to tend to."

Business? What kind of business could Ulquiorra be referring to that was preventing them from departing? Princess Celestia was just about to ask that question but was stopped by the sight of a familiar green glow coming from his fingertip. And they knew from experience that glow meant only one thing; he was getting ready to discharge a Cero blast.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" Princess Celestia asked in a tone that left no doubt about it being a demand rather than a simple question. She was expecting an answer regarding his actions.

"Taking care of business," Ulquiorra replied and discharged his Cero without so much as a second thought.

Everypony had feared the worst when they saw he was charging his Cero, subconsciously worrying about what he'd do with it, who he might be turning his fury against. So it was only natural to be surprised when his aim had been for none of them but the cave itself, the beam hurtling through the mouth and effortlessly tearing through the roof, an explosion going off inside as the ground shook violently; violently enough for the entire cave to collapse in on itself and be left as nothing more than a pile of uninhabitable rubble.

"With the cave now destroyed no dragon can put Equestria at threat in the same manner again," Ulquiorra elaborated and slipped his hand back into his pocket. "Business is concluded."

"I've got to learn how he does that," Twilight stated to herself in a whispered tone.

The cave was leveled just like that. Anything that'd been left in there was buried and inaccessible now. He'd kicked the dragon's flank like it was nothing, brought down the cave with a single blast of his Cero, and pulled off one of the best one liners ever. That was just... so...


"Oh come on! Again!?"

"Really darling you should look into how to control that," Rarity commented, finding some measure of humor in it all.

Princess Celestia tried not to laugh. First the horror of having that frightening attack blow right past her and completely level the cave behind her, nearly scaring her bladder control right out of her in the process, and now Rainbow Dash's little...it was all too much for her as tired as she was. She was positive that when she was more awake in the morning she was going to be quite upset with everything that had transpired on this day. But first she had to actually get there.

"Now is everyone ready to go?" she asked. Getting no objections she cast the the teleportation spell, transporting the entire lot of them back to Canterlot palace. She had the distinct feeling that the excitement of the day was nowhere near being over just yet.

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