• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,672 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty

"Let's see..."

Fluttershy studied the list she held between her front hooves. There were quite a few supplies she needed in the way of fruits and vegetables, as well as other food items for all her animal friends. Fresh worms for the birds, fish for the otters, to say nothing of Henry the bear, feed for the chickens, nuts for the mice and squirrels, and that was to say nothing of everything she needed to get for the salad that Angel Bunny wanted for his dinner tonight.

She just hoped the marketplace up close, wasn't as crowded as it looked from near the edge of Ponyville. Some of the items she had to get were more pressing than others right now; primarily the fixings for the salad.

However her thoughts were interrupted by a booming echo of static coming from the left, causing her to issue an "eep" and jump in surprise at the sudden noise.

"Woohoo! This is awesome!"

She blinked, surprise temporarily overpowering startlement. That was Spike's voice, but what could he be talking about? Looking over to her left, she saw Spike... and he was tucked under Ulquiorra's arm in a manner not too dissimilar from a piece of luggage being carried. But despite that fact he looked quite excited, like he was having the time of his life.

"Ulquiorra? Spike?" she asked curiously.

"Greetings Fluttershy," Ulquiorra replied.

The next thing she knew, she could hear the sound of hoofsteps and panting approaching from the right. Looking in that direction she saw Twilight come running up, and looking like she was out of breath.

"You two," she panted as she came to a stop, "whatever happened to three meter bursts, for the purpose of carrying out experimentation in a safe and controlled manner?" she asked and frowned.

"Aw come on, Twilight," Spike moaned.

"Spike," Twilight groaned, preparing to launch into a detailed explanation. However she stopped when she noticed Fluttershy standing between them and looking very confused. "Hey Fluttershy, how're you today?" she asked, her tone of voice changing completely, from one meant for lecturing and scolding, to one intended for pleasant interactions.

"Oh, hey Twilight," Fluttershy replied slowly, "I'm alright. Just going to the market for a few things. What about you?"

"Well it's all very interesting really. Ulquiorra came to Ponyville to get a better understanding of what friendship is. And so far we've gotten three very good explanations from Applejack, Pinkie, and myself. Then we went to Barnyard Bargains to stock up on some writing supplies for Ulquiorra," Twilight explained, smiling the entire time as she gave a basic overlay of what they'd been occupying their time with. "And right now we're carrying out some experiments," she said, pausing as her frown returned, "or at least we were until somebody decided to go joyriding instead,"

"Aw come on, Twilight," Spike repeated and groaned further, "you said we needed more information, didn't you?"

"That's not the point, Spike, there's a proper order for doing things," Twilight stated.

"I'm confused," Fluttershy stated and blinked as she looked between them. What exactly was going on here? And had she walked into this, or had it found her instead?

"Twilight Sparkle has been attempting to analyze the mechanics behind my sonido," Ulquiorra answered simply. If he allowed the unicorn to explain the situation to Fluttershy, they'd be standing around a good fifteen minutes, waiting for her to reach the conclusion. Even then, it was likely Fluttershy would need clarification of just what was said.

Sometimes a high degree of intelligence could be a hindrance.

"More accurately, I've been analyzing the mechanics behind his sonido," Twilight corrected. "With the mage's sight spell, I can see the flow and distribution of mana that goes into it. Although at first it was hard to do so accurately. Even just moving three meters at a time, it's hard to follow Ulquiorra's movements precisely. But after the initial rough patch things have proceeded rather smoothly. I think I finally have enough data to perform a more in-depth analysis, and construct a theory behind how ponies might be able to duplicate the technique," she explained.

Ponies being able to utilize sonido in the same way an Arrancar could. He truly doubted the legitimacy of her claim. But perhaps it was best to let her learn that fact for herself. Sometimes being forced to experience failure was the best educator in existence.

"Oh," Fluttershy replied flatly at the explanation. She... guessed she could understand it. "But why is Ulquiorra carrying Spike around?" she asked.

"That was the next step in experimentation. Ulquiorra has doubts that a pony's body could withstand the forces experienced when he engages in his faster than sight movements. It's the reason he didn't carry us back from the mountain top after the dragon left. And as I correctly pointed out, the only way to make a determination is to attempt such and see the results. That's why we limited the test range to three meters, as it should provide sufficient room for experimentation and study, while not being such an extended distance, that the travel could cause harm to the body. It's still far too early to make any determination of what the long term effects of sonido travel will be," Twilight explained. Then she turned her attention back to Spike and Ulquiorra, a frown returning once again. "That was really dangerous, Spike, you two going so far without letting me know anything!"

"But nothing happened! I'm fine, see?" Spike protested.

"Okay... but why is Ulquiorra carrying Spike around?" Fluttershy asked again.

"Based on the exploits I've been informed of, provided they're accurate, Spike's body is the most durable available. The ability to digest gemstones with ease, as well as be exposed to lava without experiencing harm, made him the best candidate for initial testing. It was determined that if anyone can withstand the effects of sonido travel, he would be the one," Ulquiorra elaborated.

"And it's awesome!" Spike added with much gusto. "This even beats the time Rainbow Dash took me flying!"

He considered Spike's words. But more importantly, he considered the sensations that resulted from such words. He briefly felt the urge to remark with the statement of "high praise indeed" to being compared favorably to Rainbow Dash and her own exploits. Perhaps he was spending too much time associating with these ponies, and their personalities were slowly beginning to rub off on him.

"So where to next?" Spike asked eagerly.

"For the time being I believe enough travel by sonido has been performed," Ulquiorra responded flatly. Before Spike could even get a word in edgewise in protest, he started talking again. "Twilight Sparkle's concerns are well grounded in reality. Regardless of the fact you've withstood a grand total of sixty meters worth of travel with no ill effects, there's a difference between being thorough, and being reckless," he explained.

Spike sighed and mumbled in response, not liking that this was the end for his high-speed travel excitement. But like it or not, there wasn't much he could do about it in protest. With a grumble he slipped loose as Ulquiorra loosened his hold and landed on his feet on the ground.

Twilight tried not to sigh in response to Spike's mood. She could understand that he was excited about how things were progressing, but she still wished he could understand the concepts of moderation and safety. That was why she insisted on three meter bursts.

Then again maybe this was her fault. After the first few attempts had proven successful, she'd become very excited. However unlike Spike's adrenaline induced high, her excitement was due to how much she was learning, and the notes she'd been able to take on what she'd seen. And with any luck... the possibility of being able to replicate his sonido and do it herself. She'd seen the way his mana fluctuated and flowed, now she just needed to figure out how to replicate it in herself. Maybe her own excitement had spurred Spike on to suggest they go further in the next burst, leading up to her having to go chasing after them when Ulquiorra had traveled thirty meters without warning.

Maybe it'd be best to classify this one as a mutual screw up on both their parts.

Shaking her head, she decided a change of topic was necessary. And seeing how Fluttershy was still present, she couldn't think of a better place to start than with her. "So, Fluttershy, what're you picking up from the market today?" she asked in as pleasant a tone as she could manage.

"Oh. Um..." she paused, caught off guard by suddenly being involved in the discussion again. "Just some food for all the animals. You wouldn't believe how many different things need to be kept stocked to take care of them all," she replied.

"And now another mystery," Ulquiorra stated, presenting it more to the group than anyone in particular.

"What, another one?" Spike asked in surprise.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy whispered, uncertain she wanted to stick around for this. Anytime Ulquiorra started talking about mysteries it made her really nervous.

"During our time spent with Rarity, she made a statement I thought nothing of. Now that Fluttershy mentions food for her animals, the statement has suddenly become much more relevant than previously," Ulquiorra replied as he looked over them. Fluttershy's look was one of confusion, potentially from trying to understand the meaning of his words. Confusion was also worn by Spike and Twilight Sparkle, but due to different reasons. "Based on Rarity's statement, Applejack and other ponies engaged in the agricultural field raise livestock. But ultimately for what purpose? It would seem safe to assume ponies are vegetarian in nature. But ultimately the purpose of raising livestock is for a source of food; more specifically meat. So it must be asked, who precisely is supplying the demand that warrants the cost of the endeavor?" he asked.

Silence. Nothing but utter, stunned silence. Was this another topic they never gave consideration to?

After several moment's worth of pause, Twilight Sparkle spoke up in response to his question.

"Well... technically speaking, ponies are indeed vegetarian in nature. Or at the very least, that's how they prefer to be. Ponies themselves usually raise livestock for the secondary sources of food they provide; eggs from chickens, milk from cows and goats. As to the... the meat..." she paused in discomfort, "Equestria engages in trade relations with the Gryphon nation. The majority of their land is considered rough terrain, and it's hard for them to properly raise livestock in their own borders. So they trade with us since Equestria holds flatter, grassier areas," she explained.

Ulquiorra remained silent as he listened to her explanation. It made sufficient sense to him. It was a business partnership that he could understand, and it was mutually beneficial in nature, and easily withstood logical scrutiny.

However before he could say anything, Twilight Sparkle continued speaking. Apparently whatever she had to say was... extensive.

"That said... there are ponies who choose to engage in the consumption of meat... either as a side dish, or as a main dish, depending on individual preference. It's... it's not a widespread practice, even though there's nothing technically wrong with it. I guess there's enough of a pony subculture to engage in such, that it provides sufficient demand for a product within Equestria's borders. But it's... it's just not commonly done," she explained uneasily.

He could detect the discomfort coming off of Twilight Sparkle during her explanation. For whatever reason, this appeared to be a difficult subject for discussion. Was it an activity she'd engaged in at some point? Perhaps her unease was because she was explaining it in front of Fluttershy, a pony known for caring for animals? He could press the issue and seek clarification on the matter. But simply because he could, didn't mean he should. If he was going to make this friendship concept work, he was going to need to operate below his usual level in order to appear more civil in nature. He could always revisit the issue later.

For right now the unicorn had earned herself a reprieve. She should consider herself lucky.

"Fascinating," he finally said in response. He then turned his attention towards Fluttershy, who looked mildly uncomfortable with the whole situation. "When we approached you with regard to the dragon, I noticed several species of carnivorous animals on your property, including what appeared to be a grizzly bear. Assuming they're in your charge, is it a matter of discomfort for you, that they engage in the consumption of other animals?" he asked.

"... No..." Fluttershy answered, her voice barely above a whisper, a slight disturbance in her mane resulting from a barely detectable shake of the head. "They're just doing what they're instinct tells them. It would be wrong of me to be upset at them for simply listening to what they are. I couldn't care for them if I had to scold them for doing what's in their basic nature. It'd be no different from getting mad at Twilight for liking daisies on her sandwiches instead of daffodils, or Rainbow Dash for liking to fly instead of walk... o-or even you, for being... being..."

"Cold and merciless?" Ulquiorra asked, assuming that was what she was getting at, but lacked the courage to vocalize for fear of possibly offending him. She gulped nervously, but nodded regardless. Hers appeared to be a pragmatic outlook in life, realizing that certain things simply couldn't be changed, and thus choosing not to get upset by them. "A logical approach," he concluded.

Once again, another stretch of silence. It would appear the four of them had no idea what to speak of next. Perhaps it was best to conclude their interaction now.

"Um... h-how are your studies in friendship going?" Fluttershy finally managed to ask.

So much for concluding their interaction. "As Twilight Sparkle explained, I have been given three different interpretations of what friendship is, with a promissory note for a fourth from Rarity, once she arrives at the best explanation she can give. Furthermore, I have been able to grasp a basic understanding of what the concept of friendship amounts to. However each pony we've interacted with have given differing accounts from their own perspectives, necessitating reevaluation. Perhaps you could contribute something for further consideration?" he asked. If they were going to go about and collect friendship interpretations from the other holders of the Elements of Harmony, they might as well get Fluttershy's while they were here.

"Oh. W-well..." Fluttershy stuttered. Ulquiorra was asking for her help again. That was definitely surprising. "I guess... if I had to try and explain friendship, I'd say it's being kind to others around you. A-and being understanding of what they're doing, and supportive in what their endeavors might be, even if you don't always agree with them, or what they're trying to do. B-but it's... it's also necessary to know the difference, of when to be supportive to a friend, and when to be firm and object to something when you're worried, because you think they're putting themselves or others in danger..." she explained as best she could. "It's... well it's not really easy... trying to remember that being firm and not taking the easy way, is another aspect of friendship. Sometimes... sometimes one needs to be emotionally strong, to help someone who isn't or can't be strong on their own..."

An interesting explanation if nothing else. The explanations provided by Twilight Sparkle and Applejack more or less focused on utilizing the support provided and made possible by others. The explanation provided by Pinkie Pie seemed to -in theory at least- focus more on bolstering the morale of others, which may or may not serve to bolster her own morale as a result. And now the explanation by Fluttershy, which seemed to focus on tolerating others and whatever insanity they subscribed to, while speaking up in opposition when it was necessary to prevent harm from possibly occurring for one reason or another.

He could start formulating a theory based on the information he had, but perhaps the best option was to first wait and obtain the missing third of available data from these ponies first.

"So that's four down, and two to go. Maybe we should try and find Rainbow Dash next to get her definition of friendship," Spike suggested as he spoke up.

"That was a meeting had earlier this morning on my way to Ponyville. I believe at the moment she's still tending to the matter of her job," Ulquiorra replied. He doubted it would be considered friendly to interrupt someone's work for the purpose of simply asking them a question. And then there were other factors to consider. "Furthermore, I'm uncertain if Rainbow Dash can be trusted to give an unbiased answer on this matter."

"Uh..." Twilight started but paused in surprise, "say what exactly?" she asked and quirked an eyebrow in confusion.

"Based on previous interactions and what they've entailed, I believe Rainbow Dash may have an emotional or physical investment in the matter at hand, and would either consciously or unconsciously attempt to structure results in what she would consider a beneficial nature," Ulquiorra explained.

"O... okay?" Twilight replied, uncertain of what he was getting at here. "And what exactly are you basing this newfound theory of yours on?" she asked. What exactly could the Espada have seen to make him believe that Rainbow Dash had an agenda?

"Context applied to three previous events. The first event occurred the day after we all met and coincided with the dragon, consisting of two separate displays of penna tumescence, the significance of which was only understood afterward when I began reading on the anatomy and biology of the three pony species. Then there was her declaration that I was considered "awesome" by her. The significance of which was only discovered in the second event, that being the letter received the day before the changeling situation was unearthed. Along with a second declaration of being "awesome" she confirmed that it is a statement usually reserved for herself. The third event occurred the day after and coincided with our arrival at Sweet Apple Acres, and consisted of Rainbow Dash's supposed trip and fall, leaving her in a compromising position against me," Ulquiorra explained, laying out the available evidence for consideration and review.

"Penna wha'?" Spike asked, utterly confused by what exactly he was being told. Lost, he looked to Twilight for clarification. If anypony knew what fancy words Ulquiorra was using, she would definitely be the one.

"Penna tumescence, Spike," Twilight began, "it's a medical term that refers to the condition when a pegasi's wings stiffen in response to mental or physical stimuli, signifying a state of significant physical arousal and-"

Twilight immediately covered her mouth with her hoof. At being presented with a question, and lack of understanding on a subject, her brain had immediately launched into explanation mode, calling up the relevant information to the question presented. She'd realized only too late just what she was saying, as the more logical part of her brain immediately issued the "shut the fuck up!" command to silence what was saying. Spike didn't need to be hearing about the finer details of pegasus anatomy at his young age. What was she doing!?

"Wait, wait," Spike stated and immediately turned to Ulquiorra, "are you saying you think that Rainbow Dash wants you to rut her because she popped a wingboner?" he asked. The Espada didn't even have a chance to respond before Spike succumbed to riotous and amused laughter.

"Spike!" Twilight shrieked in surprise -and embarrassment- at what her assistant had just said, and in such a blunt manner as well. "What're you... when did... do you... where did you learn about stuff like that?!"

Spike, upon hearing the tone in Twilight's voice, managed to straighten up and become halfway more serious than he had been just a few moments ago. "Just because I'm a baby dragon, doesn't mean I'm a baby by default, Twilight. I've heard and seen a lot of stuff, I've got an idea of what's going on."

Twilight didn't know how to respond to this information. She'd always seen Spike as being so innocent in nature, he was so much younger than she was, and there was still so much that he didn't understand yet; he didn't even know what a bachelor party was for crying out loud!

"Just great," she groaned and facehooved. She sighed inwardly, knowing that this matter would have to be addressed one way or another. And like it or not, she had to accept that Spike was knowledgeable in some less than savory facts. She was going to need to ask around town and find out just who he'd been talking to about these things. And then she would need to have a word with them about appropriate discussion. But first she had to tend to something more pressing. "That doesn't mean you should go broadcasting stuff like that. Plus you could be a little more subtle about the things you know; some things just aren't polite the say out loud," she pointed out.

Spike gave her an incredulous look in response; the kind of look that dripped with "you did not just say that" at hearing her words.

"Twilight, have you heard some of the things that've been coming out of your mouth lately?" he asked her. Almost immediately he could notice her posture starting to change, as realization finally started setting in. "You never used to use profanity before. Not even when a situation was really bad and would warrant it. But ever since you met Ulquiorra, you've slowly started becoming a Miss Swears a Lot. And you're taking issue with me simply asking if Ulquiorra thinks Rainbow Dash wants him to bend her over and-"

Twilight cleared her throat -loudly- interrupting what Spike had to say next, and she was glad it did, as she really didn't want to hear it. She would have to concede that he had a fair argument to make. Even she was starting to notice the change occurring within herself. What had started out as nothing more than pure curiosity regarding the variances in dialect between two differing races, had somehow lead to her having what would be considered socially unacceptable outbursts, and at totally unacceptable times. If the others had known just what she'd been saying all those other times... she really didn't want to think about it.

"Noted," she said and sighed, doing her best to pinch the bridge of her muzzle in frustration. This was a wrinkle in everything that desperately wasn't needed to be experienced.

Off to the side Ulquiorra silently observed their interaction. Despite Twilight Sparkle's objection to Spike's bluntness, it was indeed an accurate assessment of the situation, and how he saw it himself. Rainbow Dash's actions, when examined from the context of recently acquired knowledge regarding pegasus biology, would suggest a carnal desire on her part... or at least lend credibility to the notion of it being a possibility. The displays of physical arousal in recognition of his superiority, the declaration of being "awesome" to inform him of her interest. And -accidental status notwithstanding- presenting herself to suggest availability and willingness. It was a possibility that couldn't be discounted, even if he would like to.

But still... wingboner? That was an actual term?

Tuning out the banter going on between the unicorn and dragon, he looked over at Fluttershy, and it was easy to determine that she was experiencing a significant degree of discomfort with everything she was witnessing, and the subject matter that was being discussed in front of her. Pony body language was certainly easy to read once one became initiated and learned what to look for; it was almost as easy as human body language.

And then his pesquisa detected something that grabbed his attention, interrupting the way this discussion could've gone otherwise. "There's a strange reiatsu approaching Ponyville's marketplace from the east," he announced, ceasing any private thoughts and personal bickering that was going on. Suddenly all eyes were on him and seeking clarification. "The approach is slow, consistent with a pony casually walking from one location to another. But the reiatsu does not coincide with any species I've encountered so far. Not any of the three pony races, nor alicorn, dragon, or even changeling."

"Oh dear," Fluttershy squeaked in fear.

"How strong?" Twilight asked.

"Strong. The exact degree of which, however, I'm uncertain," he explained. It was one of the difficulties of trying to properly gauge one's strength based on their reiatsu, when every species encountered produced differing patterns and textures.

"I'm not sitting this one out," Spike declared. He'd missed seeing Ulquiorra demonstrate his strength when facing off against the dragon at the caves. He'd completely been absent for everything that'd happened with the changelings, and missed seeing Ulquiorra's transformation. But he was gonna be bucked if he missed out on the third time around.

Spectators. Just wonderful. Ponies acting as spectators to whatever may be coming would mean he would have to restrict himself to avoid unnecessary casualties. And that was something he could do without. And yet, if he were to leave them behind to investigate this approaching presence, he could be walking right into a trap that was set just for him. What if whatever entity was hiding behind the scenes, had been observing his actions, and sent out a decoy that he could detect, to distract him from what he somehow couldn't detect?

"Gah! Drat this stupid cart. Picking right now to fall apart!"

His thoughts on various possibilities were interrupted by the strange voice, obviously close at hand judging by the volume. To the side he noticed as Twilight let out a relaxed breath.

"Stand down, Ulquiorra. That strange reiatsu you sensed just now, that probably belongs to Zecora. That's her voice, I'd know it anywhere," she explained.

Zecora? So the strange letter writer had returned to Ponyville. Perhaps it would be prudent to meet the mystery mare and learn more about her, to determine if there was a threat level to her. Simply because she was an ally, that didn't mean she hadn't been utilized for malicious purposes.

"And judging by what she's saying, she's having some trouble. Maybe we should go and help," Twilight suggested.

Even he saw that one coming, and he was the stranger here.

"Lead the way then," he replied, having an idea of just what would be involved in this meeting.

Much to his surprise, the walk was incredibly short before they found the source of the mystery reiatsu. This Zecora had managed to come much closer to their presence than he was comfortable with, considering just when he'd detected her. The proximity was far too close for his liking, and greatly reminded him of how Discord had managed to subvert his pesquisa for the first time.

What the group of four came upon was undoubtedly a zebra, mare in nature, wearing an old cloak, her frame adorned with numerous gold rings, her mane done up in a mohawk, and trying hard to move a broken wooden cart all by herself, one of the wheels completely off of the axle, and a corner firmly embedded in the ground. And all the while muttering to herself in a rhyming nature.

He wasn't sure why, but something about the one before him reminded him vaguely of Zommari Rureaux.

"Zecora, it's so good to see you again," Twilight greeted as she quickened her pace over to the zebra, interrupting her grumblings in the process. She'd heard something along the lines of "stupid part, just my luck" and suspected how she knew the rhyme would end. But at hearing her voice, Zecora looked up and her mood seemed to brighten considerably.

"Ah, Twilight my friend, such a pleasant sight. I regret to say, currently I'm in a bit of a plight," Zecora greeted in response at seeing the unicorn approach. "My cart, sadly, is quite old. Perhaps it's time to look into replacing, truth be told."

"So it would appear," Ulquiorra found himself commented as he stepped closer. Now that his attention was on the cart rather than the zebra pulling it, he could see it was indeed in a worn condition. The wood looked incredibly old, cracked, rotten in some areas, coming apart at the grain in others. On top of that it looked crude in nature, and he couldn't help but wonder if she'd made it by herself. It looked like a miracle it'd made it for as long as it had.

"Where are my manners?" Twilight asked rhetorically as she saw Zecora's surprised reaction. "Zecora, this is Ulquiorra Cifer. He's the one we told you about the last time you came to Ponyville."

"Ah," Zecora muttered absentmindedly as she looked him over. Such a strange, strange looking being to encounter. So little fur for keeping warm, such a strange method of locomotion, and... such a strange attire. "My apologies if I did seem rude, good sir. But with everypony's hoop and holler... I must admit, I did expect you to be much taller."

Stranger and stranger. Did she always speak in rhymes? And if so, for what reason?

"I have heard of your exploits with the dragon. But I must admit, it is a feat that I cannot fathom," she stated upon seeing that he wasn't talking in response. Someone that was so small, he didn't even look like he weighed as much as Applejack did. So how could he be so strong, if the farm pony's account of events that transpired were to be believed?

"You're not the only one," Spike added in agreement. Simply hearing about what Ulquiorra could do, it simply didn't do justice.

"Trust me, Zecora, seeing it didn't help make any better sense of what happened," Twilight told her. She could go into detail about how what she'd seen defied all measure of logic, both in the realms of science, and even her understanding of magic. But she didn't think the shaman would properly cope with the information that Ulquiorra wasn't naturally occurring in their world. Instead she decided to change the subject to something a little more pleasant in nature, and not so focused on Ulquiorra himself. "So what brings you back to town so soon?"

"My own carelessness, I must confess. The greater humidity of the forest, left some supplies in quite a mess. I thought I stored them properly, but I did not. And due to my carelessness, they have succumbed to rot," Zecora explained glumly.

"Eww," Twilight stated in response. She didn't even want to consider what kind of a mess she had back in her hut if some of her stuff was rotting due to high humidity levels. It was reasons like that, that she wished Zecora lived in Ponyville instead of the Everfree Forest.

A greater degree of humidity in the forest than in Ponyville? Theoretically he could understand it to a degree. But to such an extent, the difference was enough to cause items to rot within the forest? Rather curious in nature. But if that was the case, it would certainly explain the rough condition of the cart, looking as if bare wood had been left to sit in the rain for years, the water soaking in and causing it to crack, split, and warp.

Stepping closer, he looked closer at the cart and its condition. There was a lengthwise crack visible and running down the middle of the axle on the side the wheel had fallen off. Theoretically he could see the crack causing the tension holding the wheel retaining peg to come loose, and if the journey was bumping, it wasn't impossible for it to be knocked loose and fall away. The wheel coming off, however, was still a mystery. Unless she'd made a sharp turn, and the ground hugged the wheel more than anticipated, and wrenched it off.

"This axle is damaged," he stated bluntly.

"And according to Pinkie, the pony that does wheel-related repairs at The Wagon Depot is down with lumbago, meaning he can't help us any," Twilight said and sighed. This wasn't good.

Ulquiorra remained silent as he considered the situation. On the one hand, he had absolutely no obligation to be of any assistance to Zecora, despite her friend status with Twilight Sparkle and the others. It wasn't his problem to get into, and none of them had asked him to provide a solution to the matter. Nobody could truly be upset with him if he simply walked away without another word.

Yet on the other hand, he was presented with a unique situation. If he was going to convince these ponies that he was gaining an understanding of friendship and what it meant, he was going to need to do certain tasks uncharacteristic for himself. And right now, he was being presented with a situation in which this could be done.

"I can repair the axle," he stated simply.

"You can?" Spike asked, surprised by the statement.

He'd just committed himself to this little experiment of his. Now was the time to make it believable. With that in mind he nodded. "With a few supplies from Barnyard Bargains, and some time; during which Zecora can gather what she needs," he explained.

"What do you need?" Twilight asked. Ulquiorra actually volunteering to help had significantly thrown her, and left her uncertain of just what was going on. But if he was actually putting his friendship lessons to the test, then she was going to do whatever it took to help him out in the matter.

One roll of fourteen gauge bailing wire. Twelve wood screws, with a depth of no more than one inch each, and a thread diameter of three sixteenths of an inch. One dowel rod, seventh eighths of an inch in diameter. And one phillips head screwdriver. These were the materials Ulquiorra had requested, and they were what Spike had been tasked to go and acquire while Fluttershy and Twilight helped Zecora get what she needed that was available. And as Ulquiorra worked, Spike watched in wonder.

The wheel had easily been shoved back into place on the axle. After that the dowel rod had been cut down to size with a single chop of his zanpakutō, the shortened length stuffed into the peg hole on the cracked side of the axle to serve as a retaining peg. Five screws were place around the axle at various locations, tightened down to a certain extent, before the bailing wire was looped around each of them, while the axle was squeezed to the point the crack closed, the wire pulling tight to prevent easy separation again. This was followed by the axle being wrapped a dozen more times, the wire being cut in the same manner as the dowel rod, and the loose end firmly wrapped around a sixth screw that was tightened into place.

And once Ulquiorra was done with the process, he repeated the screwing and wire wrapping process on the side of the axle where the wheel hadn't fallen off. Spike had no real idea as to why this was done, but seeing as how Ulquiorra had given him the money to acquire everything, he figured that there must've been a very good reason behind it all. Maybe it was to prevent further cracking and breaking from occurring along the axle. Or maybe it was due to the symmetry of it all. But whatever the reason, Ulquiorra had worked as silently as he had proficiently, until the task was completed.

"Is that it?" he finally asked.

"It is," Ulquiorra confirmed, "the dowel will prevent the wheel from coming off again, while the wire wrap will prevent the crack from opening further, resulting in a compression fit to prevent the new peg from falling out. The nature of the repair work is basic, but should suffice so long as the wood doesn't deteriorate further," he explained.

"That's pretty impressive," Spike stated as he looked over the work done, "where'd you learn to do stuff like that anyway? No offense, but you never struck me as the carpenter type."

"Memories prior to my ascendancy to Vasto Lorde status are few and far between. Even I don't know for certain, what I did prior to that point. For all I know, at some point in the past, I was an architect," he explained. Looking down he realized that he still possessed the screwdriver. That was one thing he hadn't accounted for. Perhaps he should've asked Filthy Rich if he possessed a toolkit that could be borrowed instead. Seeing nothing better to do with the tool, he pocketed it in the satchel, should it ever come in handy again at some point in the future.

"Looks like the others are coming back now," Spike stated as he looked in the direction of the marketplace. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Zecora were returning, carrying various bags of supplies, and with Applejack in tow to lend assistance in carrying everything. They must've really been loaded down with weight. Right now he hoped the old rickety cart was up to the challenge that laid before it.

"Whoo doggy," Applejack stated as they approached, her pack of supplies being the heaviest of the four. She liked Zecora, and she had absolutely no qualms about lending a helping hoof to a pony in need. But this had caught her completely off guard, necessitating temporarily closing down her market stand, in order to put her strong frame to work in carrying the supplies that were needed. And truth be told, some of this stuff was heavy even by her own standards.

"We're back," Twilight announced, pointless as it might be. She could see that Spike and Ulquiorra were looking in their direction and were aware of their presence. But she still felt the need to say something. "How's the cart repair coming?" she asked.

"Completed," Ulquiorra stated simply, seeing no reason to use excessive words to get the point across.

Twilight tried not to sigh. Ulquiorra's bluntness seemed to be a permanent aspect of his personality. But at the same time, he'd gone out of his way to not only volunteer, but actually fix Zecora's cart; something he'd had absolutely no obligation to do. He'd even gone so far as to spend his own money for the supplies needed, and as far as she knew, he didn't have anything except for what was in his pockets, leftover from the emerald Rarity had given him. If that wasn't a selfless act of friendship, she really didn't know what was.

But still... she wished his personality wasn't quite so abrasive at times. How did he expect to make and keep friends, if he was so cold at times? She could see more than just the surface of a matter, and discover the more difficult matters that others couldn't quite understand. But that didn't mean other ponies were as blessed; they wouldn't as easily be able to see in Ulquiorra, what she herself had seen.

Applejack stepped closer to examine the supposed repair work. It was definitely not something one would ever catch Rarity doing. But it had an appearance that reminded her a great deal of work on the farm, when a more proper repair simply couldn't be done. It was basic, it was utilitarian, but it was functional despite its unassuming appearance. In a lot of ways it was just like Ulquiorra himself.

"Tha's real nice work, Mr. Cifer, looks nice an' sturdy," she commented, "fourteen gauge wire?"

"Correct," he replied. It didn't really surprise him that Applejack would be able to identify wire gauge on sight alone. Farm work consisted of more than simply kicking trees to harvest apples, and if she wasn't proficient in her work, whatever it might entail, then the farm would fail. Knowing the tools and materials used in your trade, and how to use them properly, as well as effectively, was a necessity.

"Good sir, you have reinvigorated this old cart. While I did not witness it, your skills are like an art," Zecora commented as she brought her share of the supplies over, surprised to see what had been done in their time away. With her cart repaired, perhaps this would turn out to be a good day. Without another word she eased the bag of supplies off her back and into the back of the cart.

One by one the supplies were loaded up into the back of the cart, each new amount of weight causing the cart to creak quietly, until everything was fully loaded up.

Unfortunately the creak had been an indication that the cart wasn't up to the task it was presented with; a fact made obvious as the creak grew into the sound of wood cracking, which soon turned into the bottom boards breaking under the strain, the bags falling out beneath what remained of the structure.

For a moment, nopony even breathed at the sight before them.

Just for a moment though.

"Gah! Stupid cart, I do not believe it-"

"What a worthless piece of---" Twilight stated, inadvertently about to finish the rhyme for Zecora, only to be interrupted as Spike covered her mouth with his claw before she could finish, giving her a disapproving glare at knowing where this was going. It was enough to convince her that it wasn't the proper route to go. "Sorry..."

"Applesauce," Applejack grumbled, "well. Looks like we're gonna have ta go with Plan B then. Everypony grab a bag an' we'll help carry 'em back ta the hut."

More thoughts ran through Ulquiorra's mind as he considered everything that happened. The cart had been in far worse condition than he'd thought, to simply fall apart in such a manner. Perhaps termites were the root cause rather than humidity and water damage.

Whatever the reason, however, it was of no relevance. What was of relevance right now, was how the others had made the determination to help Zecora carry her supplies back to wherever she lived. Ultimately that meant venturing into the Everfree Forest, a location well known for its dangerous nature.

"There will be no need for that," he stated simply, interrupting the unloading process they were engaged in, and bringing their attention back to him. "I will tend to the matter by myself."

It was a calculated decision to make, but not an easy one, as there were multiple factors to consider with this situation. On the one hand, there was the possibility that Zecora was a mole operative, and was being used for the purpose of luring these three into the Everfree Forest, where they would be put at threat of harm or death, from the various creatures that lurked in there. Even if he were to follow, there would be no guarantees that he could provide sufficient protection from the various unknowns. And if Zecora was being used for such purposes, she would have grounds to object to the prospect of going with him instead, as he would not be the desired target.

On the other hand, there was the possibility from earlier. There was the possibility that Zecora wasn't a mole, but rather a decoy, the nature of which being designed to draw his attention to her, and leave him distracted enough that the others could be targeted when his guard was focused elsewhere. It was a classic strategy to engage in, and effective against those who didn't pay attention to all the various details. If she was intended as a decoy, she wouldn't object to his company.

But at the same time, there was the possibility of such a strategy failing, as the others knew that there were hidden dangers to be on the lookout for, so catching them off guard wouldn't be as easy as it would've been before his arrival. At the very least, they were slightly more aware of the world around them.

"By yourself?" Spike asked curiously. Having only heard about what the others had seen Ulquiorra do, it was still somewhat hard to fully believe his strength.

"Mr. Cifer, ah know yer strong an' all, but it's a long walk ta Zecora's an' those bags're kinda-" Applejack protested, only to be silenced as she watched Ulquiorra effortlessly lift the bags as if they held nothing but raw cotton.

Now that she thought about it, she really should've known better than to doubt him. He'd carried Twilight and Rainbow Dash, each under one arm, when he was faking out Chrysalis, and that was between three and four hundred pounds total. And he'd flown back with them in tow, suggesting his strength was long term in nature, rather than just short burst. Now she felt like a foal for even speaking up in the first place.

"Lead the way," Ulquiorra said as he turned his attention to Zecora, who had a look of amazement at the feat of strength she was witnessing. As to be expected from someone making such a discovery.

"Uh, before ya go, Mr. Cifer," Applejack spoke up again to get his attention back, "the walk ta Zecora's is a way's off. Ah'll prob'ly be done here by the time ya get there an' back. Bu' when ya do, would ya mind swingin' by Sweet Apple Acres?" she asked him hopefully.

Again with a request to stop by Sweet Apple Acres. Whatever was there, it must've possessed significant importance to Applejack for her to be asking about his presence a second time.

"Should I return to Ponyville and be unable to locate you, I'll head to Sweet Apple Acres then," he replied. The smile seemed to indicate that it was the answer she desired. With that matter addressed, he now turned his attention back to Zecora.

"Follow good sir, and I shall show you the way," Zecora stated before turning to guide him toward her hut, still surprised that he'd been so willing to help after just meeting her. First working to repair her cart, and now carrying everything for her, and all without being asked. "For such generosity, I will promise fair pay."

He considered explaining how monetary compensation for his efforts was of no interest or use to him. But taking the time out to actually explain such a fact, would mean delaying whatever discovery would occur on this journey, and potentially putting others at risk. He'd have to wait and explain the matter adequately until they arrived at their destination. For the time being he simply said nothing, and followed behind the zebra who was acting as his guide.

"Y'know, that Mr. Cifer's really changed a lot since we first met him," Applejack commented as they eventually disappeared from view.

"He really has," Fluttershy added and gave a nod.

Twilight didn't say anything in response to the statements of the others. Ulquiorra wasn't the same entity that they'd met on his first arrival. A lot had changed in their short time together. He'd gone from being cold and dispassionate about everything except learning, to going out of his way to protect them from harm when recognizing that the world was in even more danger than they thought. And on top of that already impressive fact, he was taking the study of friendship seriously, and gaining an understanding of it. He was slowly, but surely, moving away from what he used to be.

And maybe... just maybe... he was getting to be a little less empty.

Suddenly, before any of them knew what was going on, the four were grabbed and dragged off by an unseen force before they had any chance to respond, a crazy and demented laugh echoing as they vanished from view, without a trace being left behind.

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