• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,677 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Thirty Nine

Rarity hummed contentedly to herself as she went about her business, pinning the pieces of a dress pattern to the selected material in order to go about making her cuts, and starting with the initial fitting. There was a lot that needed to be done, but she felt quite relaxed as she worked. Granted this wouldn't be the easiest of dresses to make, the client having a unique body tone all her own, but she was confident the adjustments she'd made when taking the measurements, would be sufficient to compensate for any potential difficulty.

Now that she thought about it, she was quite confident in her abilities to compensate for unforeseen difficulties. She was a professional fashionista afterall, unusual body types posed no great difficulty for her! She was Rarity! If anypony could do it then she was most certainly the one!

Her well placed confidence in her own skill was inspiring her, she could feel it surging through her veins, and pulsing just below her skin right now, making her fur stand on end. She was boiling over with ideas right now just begging to be released!

This called for a new tune to hum, something with a little bit more of an octane rating to match her current mood.

She made her cuts to the material with great precision, exercising poise, grace, and a sense of elegance that spoke of her skill with a set of scissors. There were no snags, no torn threads, no unsightly burrs between the cuts as she made corners, and met both gentle and sharp turns. All the while humming a gentle melody that wouldn't be out of place at a concert hall in Canterlot; a piece that could truly only be experienced to its fullest from the gentle delicacy of a talented unicorn musician playing a well tuned grand piano. A tune she was absolutely positive Octavia would have appreciated hearing.

And then, as the last scraps of unnecessary material gently fell away from the main cuts, she immediately switched the uptick to something that sounded more appropriate for the kind of musicians Vinyl Scratch would associate with; something with a comparatively violent, and pounding, but fully controlled beat.

All at once a maelstrom was unleashed within the confines of the Carousel Boutique. A whirlwind of parts of fabric, lace, sheers, needles, pins, colored threads, and gemstones circled about her, matching the pounding rhythm she hummed that left her lips tingling like mad.

The nearest ponnequin was adorned and draped with the various bits of fabric falling into place, seems butting up against each other, held firmly in place by an aura of baby blue magic. A battalion of white headed pins quickly entered the dray, darting in and piercing the fine material up and down the folds, securely anchoring them in place to give the pile of bits of fabric a crude shape, something that ultimately worked towards a physical proof of concept.

The melody coming from Rarity's lips suddenly took a steep fall and became a much gentler tune as she examined her work carefully, eying each seam, each line, every individual joint of her work, looking for any glaring errors that would need to be addressed, to be re-pinned before stitching could begin. Little corrections being made for the proper fit and finish that her work demanded. She expected nothing short of absolute perfection in her work, why should her customers be given anything less?

The speed and beat of the rhythm picked up once again, unconsciously bringing Rarity to her hind legs, her hooves held above her head, the creation pulled loose from its mount as she swung her forelegs in the direction of the sewing machine. The fabric was gracefully slid into place, as the correct bobbin and thread were applied with ease. Another change in the rhythm, corresponding with a movement of her foreleg as the sewing machine roared to life to stitch down the first of many fine seams.

She spun on her rear hooves in a circle, her eyes closed as the beat of her hum overtook her. She was no longer simply stitching a dress for a client. Instead she was the conductor of an entire orchestra, one filled with colors, sights, sounds, and physical sensations of all different blends. The steady tacking of the sewing machine in the background, paused only as one seam was switched for another, and another, matching the melody of her mind, and her inspiration.

The frills, the tucks, the lace, each tacked on and stitched down with the smoothness of fine crystal that was born from many years of experience in the field, standing in stark contrast for the organized chaos that was the piece her symphony was currently playing out.

The ponnequin quickly became draped again, the physical proof of concept showing all the signs of well hemmed and stitched seams, and finely tuned edges. Immediately it was assaulted by a barrage of gems embedding themselves into the material at her command. To someone without proper knowledge of things, such a display would look crude, suggesting they were nothing more than an afterthought, and to do nothing more than try to cover up an overall lack of quality. But that was why they were without proper knowledge, because they truly wouldn't see the fine details she'd seen in her mind's eye, and how her vision was coming to life before her, perfectly in step with the melody within her.

And just as it had all begun, the magnificent maelstrom, born of creativity and inspiration from her own confidence, the project was concluded. And it was nothing short of utter wonder. Everything had come together so beautifully, a symphony of silk, lace, and jewels to accentuate each beautiful aspect it had to hold.

"Magnifico!" she spoke joyously as she set back down on all four hooves, and stepped closer to admire her own work.

"Quite impressive."

Rarity let out a startled noise as she spun around to see just who had come into her shop without her knowing. And if she hadn't been surprised prior to this moment, she certainly would be now as she found both Twilight and Spike, standing in the doorway and applauding. Behind them stood Ulquiorra and... well, he at least looked like his interest had been captured by whatever he'd seen. Something told her their applause hadn't been for the dress itself.

"Twilight, darling," she began as she worked to regain her composure, "not that I don't love having you over, but whatever are you doing back here? I didn't even hear you come in," she stated.

"Sorry, Rarity," Twilight apologized as she stepped forward, "when we came here, the front door was left ajar when we got here. And when we didn't see you we thought something might be up so we just let ourselves in. Then we found you at work and... all I can say is wow," she explained.

"It is quite rare to make such a statement, but I found myself rather amazed by the degree of skill being exhibited just now," Ulquiorra added in his usual calm tone. Nevertheless, he had been amazed. The manner in which Rarity flexed her reiryoku, exercising considerable finesse in what she did. He had no knowledge of what amounted to fashion, but he could at least appreciate competence when he saw it. She had effortlessly kept more than two dozen different items afloat in her telekinetic field, guiding their movements in a grand, but carefully orchestrated manner.

And all while splitting her focus not only on her work, but the strange tune she'd been humming, and her own coordinated physical movements. The end results spoke well of her skills.

"Oh my," Rarity stated in surprise. Ulquiorra was actually commenting favorably on her work? "You are?" she asked.

"Lying in order to spare the feelings of others isn't a specialty of mine," Ulquiorra responded, "in my studies concerning unicorns and the implementation of magic, I have learned a considerable degree of concentration is needed for successful endeavors. Despite splitting your focus on four specific tasks without any observable connection to one another, the manner in which you constructed the garment speaks highly of your own individual abilities," he explained. "I would even go so far as to say your degree of focus and concentration exceeds that of Twilight Sparkle, based on what I have observed."

"Huh?" Spike asked in surprise. Had he just heard right? Did Ulquiorra really just say that Rarity could concentrate better than Twilight could? Was he... was he really serious?

Not that he was putting down Rarity or anything! But still, it was Twilight he was talking about. Twilight, Celestia's prized student, the one who overcame an Ursa Minor when nopony else could. The one who saved Luna from Nightmare Moon by figuring out the mystery of the Elements of Harmony. The one who figured out how to overcome Discord's second reign of chaos and put him back in stone where he belonged. And Ulquiorra was casually saying that Twilight's degree of concentration was exceeded by Rarity?

He really wasn't sure what to think about that...

"That's likely an accurate assessment," Twilight added, "I could probably do some of what you did, Rarity, but I know I couldn't do everything that you were doing. At least not all at the same time. And what was that tune you were humming during it all?" she asked.

Rarity blinked at the surprise of actually being complemented by Ulquiorra on her work, now noticing that she was being addressed by Twilight. Clearing her throat, she turned to address her friend. "Oh it's just a little melody, darling, something that just seemed to pop right into my head along with my inspiration on this dress. It's not exactly something you'd find at the music stores. It's just... one of those pathways where inspiration takes you when you allow it to."

Spike said nothing. Ulquiorra noted that once again, the young dragon had the same strange look on his face as he had the previous time. He really needed to inquire about it sometime, in order to understand what it was about the unicorn Rarity that caused such a reaction.

"Anyway, Twilight, as I said, it's not that I don't enjoy your company, but what exactly is everyone doing here at this hour? There isn't another crisis occurring right now is there?" Rarity asked.

"No, fortunately it's nothing like that. Ulquiorra came to Ponyville to get a better understanding of what friendship's all about," Twilight explained.

"I have been given several definitions and explanations of what friendship amounts to, each one differing based on who the explanation has come from," Ulquiorra elaborated.

Twilight nodded. "Applejack, Pinkie, and myself all have a different take on how to explain it. So we were wondering if you could contribute something as well."

"Oh dear," Rarity replied in surprise, "that's... quite the question to be asking right off the bat. I don't really know if I can just suddenly start explaining what friendship is from my own point of view. It's not like coordinating colors, and determining the line between tasteful and garish when it comes to applying sequins. I'm afraid I'll need some time to think on it, in order to give a proper explanation."

It was a rather strange development to encounter, Ulquiorra noted. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie had no trouble giving an explanation of their own definition of what friendship was. Yet when it came to Rarity, she could not do the same when asked, and instead needed time to compose an answer. What was the reason for this irregularity? Perhaps her views were similar to his own?

If that were truly the case, then things had suddenly become more interesting to him.

"Then I see no reason to further waste your time with this inquiry," he replied, "I will leave you to your work, undisturbed," he said as he turned to leave.

Twilight frowned, uncertain of what to think. Ulquiorra's method of delivery was still incredibly blunt in nature, but on the other hoof, he'd at least explained that his decision to leave was based on not disturbing Rarity's work.

Then again, she was finding herself curious as to why Rarity wasn't able to answer a simple question. Maybe she was currently so task oriented on her fashion obligations, that she needed time to cool down and refocus her thought process? If that were the case then she could certainly understand it. That was a situation she'd been in more than once.

"Before you leave, Ulquiorra, a moment of your time," Rarity spoke up as he turned. She was thankful that he had some understanding of how stressful her work could be, and how sometimes an artist simply needed to be left to their own devices. However there was something to tend to first. Something she hadn't been able to address when he'd come to reclaim his jacket, and leave just as quickly as he'd arrived. "When I had access to your jacket, I was quite thorough in my studying of it. From what I can tell, the only method available to you for carrying goods, are the two pockets on the pants of your uniform."

"That is correct," Ulquiorra replied, uncertain exactly where she was going with this. Usually stating the obvious was his to do.

"That's what I was afraid of. And knowing that your stay in our world would likely be extended, I simply couldn't let such a travesty occur. So with that in mind..." she trailed off, her horn glowing as the supply closet doors parted, allowing for a parcel wrapped in white tissue paper to be brought forth in her baby blue aura, and be presented to him. "I hope this is to your liking."

Curiouser, and curiouser. Taking hold of the presented parcel, he peeled back the tissue paper to see just what Rarity had spent her time on.

At first glance it appeared to be a modified saddlebag. But a closer inspection revealed no similarities to suggest this was what had been done. Instead it resembled a satchel of some configuration. It was a black, heavy, likely water repellent duck canvas, that was used in its overall construction. Upon even further inspection it was easy to tell that this was not a simple, one-compartment bag with a flap. The sides were held by a zipper, likely to allow for expansion depending on contents. There were also what appeared to be mounting points with reinforced stitching, possibly to allow for items to be carried outside the main compartment. The flap was secured by two side snap release buckles, the straps on the bottom held by two adjusting slide buckles should greater length be needed. A compartment zipper was present near the top front of the flap, and a second zipper on the back of the body. A wide, adjustable length shoulder strap -as well as a moveable padded shoulder rest- was affixed to the sides with steel hardware, in contrast to the plastic fixtures used to hold the flap shut.

Below the flap were numerous pockets, small compartments, and a divider and organizer held to the main body by six snaps, the male halves sewn into the canvas liner of the satchel's interior, and completely hidden from the outside. At the bottom were two brass... he wasn't sure what they were. They appeared to be grommets, but with a mesh netting in the centers. Perhaps they served as drain holes, should liquid ever find its way inside?

It was well designed, and well made; the stitches were quite small from what he could tell. Everywhere there should be an edge appeared to be rolled under twice to prevent fraying. And the bottom and sides looked to be reinforced, should considerable weight be carried. Yet it was also simple, and incredibly utilitarian in nature. There was no useless excessiveness to its design, nothing that amounted to flash, or useless kibble. The only decorative aspect he could see on the entire structure was a small number 4 embroidered on the top right-hand corner of the flap's front, done in teal green thread, and in the same archaic font as his own ranking.

"A satchel?" he finally asked after a long, silent period of studying its design. He wasn't entirely certain of what else to say on the matter.

Rarity nodded. "Something I came across in my studies of far away fashions, utilized by races that can't properly make use of saddle bags. It seemed rather appropriate," she explained. "That said, I must say that attempting to construct something purely spartan in nature, devoid of any flare or individual touches, is quite a unique experience for me. But knowing the target audience and adjusting appropriately is what's truly important."

He could see the practicality of the satchel. And based on what he'd learned so far, he was reasonably certain that he had a greater measure of understanding regarding Rarity's motivation, than he did have days ago. Hers was the Element of Generosity, and from what he understood of her, she was generous in nature with others... up to a certain point anyway. His possession of only two pockets, would logically lead her to believe that a solution was necessary, even if he never truly had a need for such.

Twilight stepped forward to examine the satchel herself. There were aspects of the design that she could see the practicality of. But at the same time she saw certain areas that she really had no idea what they were about. But her own observations weren't the primary thing on her mind right now; rather she was curious as to how Ulquiorra would react to such a gift.

"... Is it, to your liking?" Rarity asked, uneasy after the long, awkward pause. She'd tried so hard to stay focused on what she believed -or at least assumed to believe- was attuned to his tastes. And if it wasn't... then she'd just have to start over and try again.

Ulquiorra remained silent as he considered everything. There were a number of things that could be said in this situation; some of them more appropriate than others. And in light of his recent efforts, only one thing that could be said, seemed truly appropriate in nature.

"It is," he stated simply. At the very least, the simplicity of the design could be appreciated from a minimalistic point of view. Wordlessly he slid his right arm through the strap, slipping it over his head, and allowing it to come to a rest on his left shoulder, the main body of the satchel reaching his right hip, and resting in a manner that didn't interfere with his ability to place his hands in his pockets. Available, yet unhindering, and out of the way until it became necessary.

"Oh that's so good to know," Rarity stated with a sense of relief. Assuming something was to somepony's liking was one thing. But to get actual verbal confirmation was so much better. And as Ulquiorra had stated, lying wasn't his specialty. And even if it was, she certainly doubted he would ever consider sparing someone their feelings in the name of politeness.

"For your troubles," Ulquiorra said simply as he reached inside his right pocket.

"Oh no," Rarity chuckled, finding herself amused at the misunderstanding. She'd constructed the satchel in a friendly gesture, and had never expected anything in the way of payment for her services. However as she attempted to explain that fact, the words were silenced upon seeing just what Ulquiorra had set down on her sewing machine stand. "Oh... my... word..."

Twilight blinked in confusion. What exactly was she looking at?

Spike's nose immediately began twitching. All day long he'd been smelling something, but unable to tell exactly what it was. But now, with the the strange object separated from Ulquiorra, his nose was better able to discern exactly what had been tickling it this whole time; a sizable chunk of corundum mineral. In simple terms, a gemstone!

Rarity's eyes were wide, her mouth hanging open in surprise, shock, and awe at the gem that sat on her stand. In terms of size alone it had to be fifty carats at least, the whole body exquisitely cut. But its coloring, the sheer depths of the redness it possessed were unlike anything she could remember encountering. She would dare say it was even more vibrant than the fire ruby Spike had given her.

"Where in the world did you ever gain something like that?" she finally asked, unable to hold her curiosity in any longer.

"A gift from Princess Luna," he replied. It was the most accurate answer he could present. In truth he had no idea who it had come from. He'd only become aware of its existence the night before when he'd examined the desk in his quarters, and found it tucked away in one of the drawers. He could only assume it had come from Princess Luna; possibly some gratuity for saving Princess Celestia from Chrysalis' feeding.

Whatever the reason for its presence, it was something he had no true use for. He'd brought it along with him simply for the possibility of it coming in handy during his attempts at understanding more about the concept of friendship. Perhaps some pony he encountered would be able to make better use of it than he could. Parting with it would be of no significant consequence to him, regardless of whatever monetary value it might hold. Giving it away was little more than tossing out a useless piece of rubbish to him.

"A dragon's blood ruby," Twilight stated as she approached to get a better look at it, but suspecting she knew exactly what it was even from halfway across the room.

"A what now?" Spike asked as he turned to look at her. Did she just say what he thought she said? Dragon's blood?

"A dragon's blood ruby," Twilight repeated as she stepped closer to examine the gem more carefully, "like all rubies they're made of exquisitely cut corundum mineral. But dragons' blood rubies are renowned for the deep, vibrant red coloring they possess, that sets them apart from all other rubies. You could set one next to any other ruby you want, and it'd look pink in comparison," she explained.

"Oh my," Rarity replied. Was this really real? "I don't think I've ever heard of a dragon's blood ruby before. Which is quite strange, all things considered," she said, mumbling the last part, "are they rare in nature?"

"Well they're not as rare as some gems I've heard about, there are some types out there so rare, only one or two of them are known to exist in the whole world. But dragon's blood rubies are certainly up there in terms of rarity; especially at this size!" she explained as she turned her attention away from the ruby and back to Ulquiorra. "Ulquiorra, that gem that Luna gave you... based on the size, and the rare nature of its type, on the open market, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities to say that it might fetch a literal million bits to a collector."

"Oh my!" Rarity stated in surprise. Was this real? Was this actually happening? Ulquiorra had actually presented her with something that was worth a literal fortune, and done so without a second thought? This was really too unbelievable. "Twilight, darling, are you serious about this?" she asked.

Twilight nodded. "Trust me, Rarity, gemstones might not be my specialty, but they are something that I've read about. I have at least a general idea on the topic," she explained before turning back to the Espada again. "Ulquiorra... are you really sure you want to part with something like that? The fact that Luna saw fit to give you something like that is... is... it's unprecedented!" she stated.

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" Ulquiorra asked in an even tone as he looked at her. He would admit that the notion of the ruby possessing such value was mildly interesting. But not interesting enough to warrant him maintaining possession of it. No good could come from him simply keeping it. The use of trophies to conjure memories of sentimentality was a practice he truly couldn't see as beneficial in nature. And something that held value to a collector, was useless unless the proper collector was available to supply demand for it. "My aspect of death is emptiness, not greed. I have no need for possession of such an item, regardless of how much of a monetary value it might possess. I am not the Noveno Espada, Aaroniero Arruruerie. It's loss means nothing of significance to me," he explained, "if another can benefit from it, then so be it."

They flinched at the mention of death. It was so easy to forget that Ulquiorra was a... whatever he was. He was technically a ghost, but he had an actual physical mass, along with everything else usually encountered in a living being. And so long as his Hollow hole remained obstructed from view, they could continue treating him like he was anyone else, and forget the unpleasantries of the matter.

Spike groaned and held his stomach with both hands, an unpleasant look crossing his features. "Could we please stop talking about how it's a dragon's blood ruby? It's making me sick to put those two thoughts together," he moaned and left forth a belch of a foul nature.

A matter of curiosity. Ulquiorra looked to Twilight Sparkle for clarification, wondering just why Spike would be feeling ill over the name of some gemstone.

"Dragons eat gemstones," Twilight said in response, not even needing to hear what the question was, before knowing exactly what it was that he was wondering about, "they're sort of a dragon's equivalent of candy."

"I would assume they'd be considered more of a delicacy as rare as they are," he replied. He found it hard to believe that a dragon like Spike could actually eat and digest hardened minerals like those that made up rubies. He'd assumed the sapphire ice cream present during their first meeting in Canterlot had been nothing more than a name based on the coloration of the presented treat, and the rough looking toppings were nothing but sprinkles. "Assuming gemstones are rare in this world."

"That's actually an interesting topic of discussion," Twilight stated. She never stopped to consider that other worlds might not share the same mineral structure as their own, or that gemstones of various kinds might not be as readily available as they were here. She was fully prepared to launch into a long, articulate explanation about the nature of their world, and the naturally occurring nature of the various gemstones native to their world. But the look on Ulquiorra's face was enough to stop her dead in her tracks. She decided to give it some more thought, and change course. "Well... to put in simple terms, there are both rare and common gems in our world, and both are naturally occurring. Whether rare gems occur less frequently than common gems, or whether they're rare because dragons favor them to a greater degree, and thus seek them out more eagerly, is a matter of debate. But suffice to say, dragon's bl- DBR's are regarded as rare due to how hard it is to actually find them in nature," she explained.

Rarity nodded in agreement. "Sometime when you're free, I'd be happy to show you some of the best areas I've discovered for gem harvesting. There are untold hundreds out there, just waiting to be discovered and made use of."

Strange. The more he observed in Ponyville, the more mysteries he found himself presented with for consideration. Mysteries he wasn't certain on whether or not they were worth exploring. They would either prove as a useful investigative tool for getting to the bottom of the mystery, or they'd prove to be nothing more than a useless distraction.

"Perhaps," he eventually replied, "for now though, it would be best to depart. There are other matters that can be tended to while you tend to whatever work is pressing," he explained.

"Just a moment, Ulquiorra, before you take your leave there's a matter I really do need to tend to," Rarity replied, once again preventing him from leaving. Seeing him looking back at her, she continued. "As much as I'd really like to, I don't believe I can accept this dra- this magnificent gemstone; not for the satchel, and certainly not for the shirt I made you either. The gesture is greatly appreciated, but for it to be fair I'd have to do much, much more work than I'd ever have time for, in order to not feel like I'm taking advantage of you," she explained.

"Then perhaps I'll be motivated to take the difference out in trade," Ulquiorra replied. Rarity was indeed a strange unicorn. And if she insisted on making this an issue, then he'd respond accordingly. "I'll consider it a matter of even trade if you can provide me with certain, specific information about a topic of importance. Quills and inkwells leave much to be desired. If I'm to engage in extended correspondence, I will need to know where I can locate a pen."

"... I'm... sorry. Did you just say a... pen? Like the structures Applejack and other farmers use for corralling those filthy pigs?" Rarity asked, completely confused by what he was asking. "You'll have to forgive me. I'm confused as just how something like that could be useful for the purpose of correspondence."

Ulquiorra paused in thought to consider the next response. Either he hadn't been specific enough, or this world didn't possess ink-based writing implements besides quills. He'd have to try a different approach.

"A pen, much like a quill, is a pointed writing implement. However the pen differs by utilizing a self-contained, no spill, ink filled cartridge attached to the point, housed in a tubular construction body of similar size to a drinking straw," he explained.

"Really?" Twilight asked upon hearing this description. Self contained ink cartridges? On the one hoof, that sounded like it would save time when writing, as it would prevent the need to dip the quill when starting a new line. And it sounded like spill accidents would be eliminated. But on the other hoof, it also sounded wasteful in nature. A quill could be utilized through numerous inkwells, but Ulquiorra's description didn't sound like there was any option for refilling. "How many pages can you write with one of these pen things before they run dry?"

"Presumably several hundred," Ulquiorra responded. Truthfully he had no idea himself and could only presume. Immediately he noticed a change in the unicorn's posture and temperament.

"Se-se-se-" she stuttered, her eyes wide with surprise, "se-se-se-several hundred pages!?" she asked. Immediately, in the blink of an eye, Twilight was on him, standing on her hind legs, and holding onto his shoulders with her hooves. "Ulquiorra, these things you speak of, does your world have them? Are they common? Are they expensive? Can we go to your world and get some!?"

Despite Twilight Sparkle's sudden burst of mania over something as mundane as writing pens, he didn't flinch or blink. He'd been on the receiving end of far more disturbing displays while still keeping his cool.

"If I were able to return to my own world dimension, I would have before now," he pointed out. He observed the momentary pause between his words, and the drop in the unicorn's emotional display, her ears drooping as the realization of his words set in; he couldn't return to his home of Hueco Mundo.

"I'm really sorry, Ulquiorra, I forgot all about that," Twilight said as she released him and set back down on all four hooves again. How could she be so stupid as to ask him something like that? How could she allow herself to be lulled in by the prospect of being able to write several hundred pages of notes, with something no bigger than a drinking straw, and in the process forget that Ulquiorra didn't have a home to return to!?

"It's not a matter of consequence," Ulquiorra replied. Truthfully he was uncertain if he even wanted to return to Las Noches. Considering the severity of his last fight there, the city had suffered considerable damage prior to his death. There was no telling what had occurred in his absence. Would he really care enough to survey the wreckage and rubble?

Perhaps not. And there was no telling what consequences would be had, should he ever do something like that. There were still too many mysteries in this world to unravel.

"I assume pens aren't available in this world then," he said as he returned his attention to Rarity, getting back on the subject of proper writing implements. "When I was exterminating the changelings hiding in the school building, I noticed numerous pencils present on the desks. Perhaps you can inform me where they can be acquired instead?" he asked.

"Pencils?" Rarity asked, a little confused at how things had suddenly taken such a twist. She thought for a moment before answering. "If I remember correctly, Barnyard Bargains usually stocks them with the rest of the scholastic and office supplies. They were on sale last fall when I had to take Sweetie Belle and get her properly equipped for the new semester," she replied, although it hardly mattered as it still didn't make much in the way of sense.

Ulquiorra had willingly supplied her with a ruby of considerable value when he hadn't even been required to, and now he was willing to consider the matter closed so long as he could acquire some pencils? She really had no idea what was going on. Was this all really real? And of the questions present to her right now, just what was she going to do with such a gem? At the moment she only had Twilight's word to go on, but if her friend was accurate in her speculation, a literal fortune was sitting right on her sewing machine stand right now. This was... this was a great deal to take in.

"Then it would appear Barnyard Bargains will be among the stops made today," Ulquiorra commented. He was prepared to leave, but suspected that as soon as he attempted, he'd be stopped for another question. Instead he was stopped as a gemstone, green in color, and considerably smaller than the one he'd given to Rarity, was levitated into his field of view, enveloped in the same color of aura as that which was used in the construction of the dress.

"For your troubles, good sir. Feel free to stock up on whatever you might need," she told him, her voice taking on a tone he wasn't familiar with.

He considered what he was being presented with, and the significance of the gesture itself. Having no understanding of how the economy in this world was structured, he had no exact understanding of precisely how much this small emerald now resting in his hand was worth. It could be considerable just as easily as it could be petty for all he knew about it. Having no understanding of the bits-to-yen ratio of conversion was of equal difficulty in understanding.

However he possessed doubts that Rarity was the type to present something of petty worth to another; at least to one who she considered significant. And it seemed unlikely that she would provide him with something that couldn't be broken, and change provided for.

For the time being he would have to speculate. He'd make the conservative estimate that one bit held approximately the same value as one hundred yen, and that the emerald held a market value of approximately thirty bits.

"Thank you," he eventually replied. If he was truly going to get a grasp of what friendship meant, he was going to need to get into the habit of using pleasantries. A relatively small price to pay, all things considered. Without any further discussion he pocketed the emerald and turned his attention back to Spike and Twilight Sparkle. "Shall we take our leave now?"

"That's probably a good idea," Twilight agreed and nodded. The idea of getting moving again would serve as a good distraction to the screw up she'd just committed. "Thanks for your time, Rarity."

"Anytime dear. And I'll try to have an answer to that question by the next time I see you," Rarity replied before finally turning her attention back to the dress at hoof, smoothing out the fabric and taking one more look at it, just in case she'd missed something the first time. It simply wouldn't do to have the presentation messy for when her client showed up. And beyond that it gave her something more concrete to focus on for the time being; something that she could actually address in an orderly fashion. The ruby itself would simply have to wait for the time being.

Ulquiorra observed Rarity in silence. The fact she returned to her work suggested there would be no more interruptions to experience. That suited him just fine.

"To Barnyard Bargains then."

Author's Note:

Moondance, by Nightwish

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