• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,615 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Fifty Six

Chapter Fifty Six

Rarity's pace and gait were slow as she traveled. Her hoofsteps weren't very well paced, much like a bad little foal who was trying to postpone their punishment for as long as possible, trying to buy a few more seconds of what could pass for freedom.

Off to the side was Rainbow Dash, whose hoofsteps were resonating with a greater degree of force as she marched along. And therein laid the complication of everything; Rainbow Dash's presence. With her horn currently throbbing like it was, there was no way she could utilize her magic right now in order to aid her in an escape. And if she were to suddenly just break and make a run for it, the cyan pegasus would be on her like a diamond dog on a diamond, what with the difference in their speeds. Trying to run would likely just make Rainbow Dash all the angrier, and that would translate rather poorly for her.

Then again, she wasn't really trying to make any efforts of escaping. She could certainly make an effort, but that wasn't exactly what she had in mind right now.

And even if she did manage to get away, and by some chance managed to evade her pursuer, Rainbow Dash might go after the others in her place. And that simply wouldn't do. The fewer unaccounted for variables that were in play right now, they better off they all were. So long as she had Rainbow Dash here with her right now, she could exercise at least some miniscule amount of control over how the situation developed.

And speaking of control, she needed to begin exercising some of that right now.

"So..." Rarity spoke up, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had been had since leaving the boutique. "You've obviously been giving this matter a lot of thought, since you've come all the way from Canterlot to tend to this matter. So I can't help but wonder what you plan on doing once you've actually done it."

"Shut up and keep moving," Rainbow Dash grunted in response.

"Sorry, just trying to pass the time," Rarity commented as she continued to trudge along. She really had no idea where Rainbow Dash was leading her just now, and she couldn't help but be curious as to where the cyan pegasus intended to do the deed. All she knew for certain was that it wasn't going to be within the borders of Ponyville. She had suspected from the beginning that the Everfree Forest was a likely destination. But just how far in would they be traveling? "You do know that if you go through with this, there's bound to be severe consequences to be had, correct? Legal repercussions and all that..."

"I don't care. None of it can be worse than what you put me through already. Nothing could possibly be worse than that," Rainbow Dash growled.

Rarity winced at Rainbow Dash's answer, the hurt of the accusations still quite painful to experience, despite knowing full well that it was false.

"Perhaps not, but there are others besides yourself involved in this. What about Scootaloo, and what she'll be put through?" she asked as she slowed her pace to a stop, just behind Rainbow Dash as she too came to a stop. "How will she react if she finds out you're being tried for murder? And if you plan on fleeing, how would she react if she believed you'd abandoned her without notice? Surely that must be taken into consideration, right?" she asked, hoping the mention of Scootaloo would cause Rainbow Dash to stop and think about more than just simple revenge. Surely there was some part of the mare's mind that wasn't obsessed with violence, and could still see her hoof before her face. If she cared about anything, it had to be Scootaloo. If she could just get her to stop and think for just a few moments, then perhaps she could achieve that goal, and help her friend realize her errors.

"Don't you dare try and drag Scootaloo into this! You've got no business even mentioning her name. She's not your pawn to play with anytime you want," Rainbow Dash growled as she turned to face her, her lips curling back to expose her teeth as she snarled. "You mention her name again and I'm gonna knock your teeth down your throat..."

As unladylike as it would be, Rarity nearly snorted in response to the threat Rainbow Dash was making. If the cyan pegasus was full intending to kill her, did she believe administering what would be temporary injuries, would be enough to intimidate her into silence? The utter foalishness of it all. It was right up there with how in so many stories, the villain of the scene would demand that the protagonist stop running and come back of their own volition, as if they were scolding an unruly foal.

"Tell me something, darling. Considering just who she's friends with, what will you do should Sweetie Belle come to you, asking you to help in finding me?" she asked, showing that she was unfazed by the threat made against her. "You might be able to get away with what you're about to do, seeing as there are no witnesses. But the law is not the only thing you'll have to face. You really won't be able to stay in Ponyville, will you? Not with Applejack, Pinkie, and the rest of the girls here, going about living their lives as if nothing's wrong, being seen as pillars of the community. How will you ever be able to go about your days, when you have to interact with them on a regular basis? Will you ever be able to think of cupcakes again without thinking about Pinkie? And what about reading? Will you ever be able to look at the "Daring Do" series without thinking about all the things Twilight subjected you to? Do you really think that killing me will make everything alright?"

"S-s-s-shut up!" Rainbow Dash stuttered, not wanting to hear what Rarity had to say. If she paid the unicorn any mind she was going to start doubting herself and her conviction, and she couldn't allow that to happen.

"We both possess Elements of Harmony, Rainbow Dash, we're both of very great importance to Equestria. Do you really think that either one of us can just disappear like regular ponies, and not be found? Do you really think Celestia or Luna will allow either one of us to go missing, and not exhaust considerable resources in searching for us?" Rarity asked, pressing onward with her vocal assault. Rainbow Dash was starting to have serious doubts, and she could see that fact for herself being reflected in her demeanor. Her conviction to what she believed was being shaken. She needed to press onward. "And that's to say nothing of Ulquiorra himself. Do you honestly believe that, as devoted as he is to protecting Equestria from harm, that he would ever stop searching for us?"

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up! You're just trying to save your own flank! You don't care about anything, you're just trying to confuse me!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she tried to grasp her head and cover her ears with her hooves, trying to drown out what she was being told. She didn't need these thoughts in her head right now. She didn't need to be doubting the legitimacy of her quest; not after everything she'd been through up to this point.

Rarity observed Rainbow Dash's reaction. This certainly wasn't exactly what she'd been expecting to occur. She'd been trying to cast doubt, and it looked like the results had gone considerably further than what she'd intended. It looked like Rainbow Dash was starting to panic, what with her wings bristling and twitching, and how hard she was starting to breathe. Introducing doubt was fine, but initiating an anxiety attack wasn't. She hadn't foreseen this development occurring, and as a result she needed to respond accordingly. This was going to require a different approach to things, unorthodox as it might seem.

Without a word, Rarity moved to behind Rainbow Dash while she was distracted, and wrapped her forelegs around her exposed midsection in order to pull her into an embrace.

"Easy now, darling, easy, easy," she said in a gentle voice as she firmly held Rainbow Dash to her. "Slow, deep breaths now. You don't want to hyperventilate, you'll pass out if you do."

She knew the matter had to look weird. Rainbow Dash had come all the way to Ponyville for the express purpose of killing her, and what was she doing right now? Instead of taking advantage of the situation, and utilizing the opening presented by said pegasus, she was actively trying to keep her calm before she hurt herself. And considering how stiff Rainbow Dash's body was getting at the moment, that wasn't going to be easy.

"It's alright, Rainbow Dash, it's alright, just breathe and relax. Slow and deep, just like when you're preparing for one of your marvelous aerial displays," she instructed as she held her.

She understood that Rainbow Dash would have reason and motivation to resist her, to fight her, to refuse her advice as she tried futilely to struggle against her being in a blind spot that couldn't be reached. That was part of the reason she'd gone with a from behind embrace to begin with; a solid hit to her body wouldn't be likely in this position. But she also understood that the physical need for air, combined with soothing words, and a gentle voice on top of it, would eventually win out. Right now it was just a matter of waiting for it to actually happen.

A wait that, thankfully, was short in nature, once she felt and heard Rainbow Dash finally stop struggling, and begin breathing deeply.

"That's right, darling, just like that. Slow, deep breaths. Just close your eyes, and think about the Wonderbolts," Rarity said as she felt Rainbow Dash's body stop being quite so tense. She could feel her starting to sag against her instead of being stiff like a plank of wood.

"Why?" Rainbow Dash wheezed as her haunches rested against the grassy ground. "Why're you doing this? I-I came here to kill you," she pointed out, confused by this current course of action that was being taken. Her head had been spinning before all this started, but now it was threatening to come right off at the neck.

"Because I care, regardless," Rarity replied simply, as the embrace slowly morphed into something more akin to a hug. So far so good. Now it was time to proceed deeper. She needed to lay more doubt to what Rainbow Dash currently believed. "Do you remember the first time we met?" she asked.

"Shut up," Rainbow Dash stated, but without the previous firmness of her earlier statements.

"You came into my humble little shop, looking for the "sewing pony" on duty, and carrying everything you had to your name, in a set of threadbare saddlebags that looked like they could give out at any minute. A quart jar of liquid rainbow, a small bag of bits, a limited edition foil-back Wonderbolts poster, and an old ripped T-shirt, autographed by the former Wonderbolts captain Swifthoof. You asked me if I could fix that old shirt that had gotten damaged the day before during the move you made to Ponyville. I remember suggesting that it be thrown away, due to the condition it was in, but you wouldn't hear of it. I saw that look of utter desperation on your face; the look of a mare who was between a rock and a hard place with no easy way out. No matter how hard I try, I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that look on your face, when you were faced with the prospect of losing something that was so dear to you," Rarity continued, paying no mind to Rainbow Dash's objection.

"Stop it..."

"I never told anyone this before, darling, but I nearly cried when I learned that small bag of bits you offered up as payment was all you had left after buying your new home here, and would have to serve as the entirety of your food budget for the next two weeks, until you finally started getting your paychecks from the weather bureau. How could I possibly ask even one bit from you when I learned of such a predicament? What kind of soulless monster would prey on another in such a despicable manner, exploiting their emotional state just to make a profit?" Rarity asked rhetorically. When Rainbow Dash said nothing in response she continued. "Do you remember that, Rainbow Dash?"

"Stop... please stop..."

"But you didn't want to rely on what you perceived as charity. So what did you do? You met Applejack for the first time, and took a second job at Sweet Apple Acres to earn extra money, and proceeded to pay off the amount, a little every week, even after I made it clear that you didn't have to. You said you didn't want to welch out on what you owed others. Even back then, such devotion to what you believed was right. Such loyalty..." Rarity continued, ignoring the pleas being issued. "That was something I always admired about you, darling. Your strength of character, your devotion to what you believe is right, even if others don't agree with you on it."

By this point Rainbow Dash was no longer objecting as she spoke.

"How many times has your dedication to what's right, been instrumental in getting us out of trouble?" Rarity asked her.

"Stop. Just... just stop already. Why're you doing this?" Rainbow Dash asked in response, her voice trembling as she spoke.

"Because I want you to understand something very simple," Rarity replied as she leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing against the fur on Rainbow Dash's ear in the process. "I trust you..." she whispered softly.

Rainbow Dash tried to breathe. But she found her breath caught in her throat at Rarity's statement of trust.

"W... w... what did you say?" she wheezed out.

"I said that I trust you," Rarity repeated, the embrace morphing into what could more accurately be described as a hug. "I don't always understand the why of what you do, Rainbow Dash, but you always do the right thing regardless. And that's why I trust you, because I know that you'll do what's right. You wouldn't have set out to do this if you didn't believe it was the right thing to do," she explained as she slowly withdrew her forelegs, thus allowing Rainbow Dash to go and move about freely of her own volition.

Rainbow Dash remained silent as she slumped forward, coming to rest on all four of her hooves once again, as the words replayed in her mind. Rarity... trusted her? Even when knowing exactly why they'd come out all this way, she still said that she trusted her, and believed that whatever course of action was taken, she was alright with it because she believed she was making the right decision? She... she...

"I think I'm gonna be sick..."

As much as Rainbow Dash's statement filled Rarity with a desire to be anywhere else but here right now, she couldn't exactly excuse herself from the situation. But that was due to a number of factors more than any one single or specific thing. She watched with her body tense, as the cyan pegasus stumbled over to the closest piece of undergrowth in the area, her body trembling as she coughed and retched, before finally managing to vomit where she stood.

Rarity didn't want to be here at all. She detested the smell, and she absolutely abhorred the sound of it all. But despite her own apprehension, she couldn't bring herself to turn and run away when Rainbow Dash was so vulnerable. She was left with little option but to grit her teeth behind her lips, will her stomach to stay settled, and approach in order to rub Rainbow Dash's exposed back as her body shook and heaved.

It was little more than support work she was doing right now, filling the difficult role of being there to supply compassion and comfort to one in need, and offer gentle words advising Rainbow Dash to stay calm, even when her body was fighting against itself for air, and the ensuing struggle was choking her.

Finally though, Rainbow Dash's vomiting episode came to an end and she slumped back on her haunches, nearly falling over backwards in the process, her body racked by her efforts at breathing, with tear stains running down the fur on her cheeks from everything that'd just happened.

"It's alright now, darling, it's alright," Rarity reassured her and rubbed her back again, even if Rainbow Dash herself didn't believe it. And her being a mess didn't really help matters any. She attempted to flex her magic, and was surprised to see that she could muster basic levitation without too much pain from the blow she'd taken to her horn. She gathered up a clump of leaves, and used them as a makeshift rag to wipe Rainbow Dash's mouth off to the best of her currently limited abilities.

Rarity knew that she was partly to blame for this whole mess. Ever since encountering Rainbow Dash back at the carousel Boutique, she'd been switching from one argumentative position to another with the cyan pegasus, keeping her unbalanced and distracted in an effort to keep her focus away from an area where she could do some real harm. With all the contradictory statements she'd made in such a short amount of time, forcing Rainbow Dash from one emotional standard to another without warning, it was no wonder that she'd gotten sick.

"Come with me back to the boutique, darling. You could use some fresh tea, a warm bath, and a soft bed. You've been through so much already, there's no need to keep struggling. You don't want to do this, I know you don't," Rarity told her as she discarded the bunched up pile of soiled leaves.

"For once you're right," Rainbow Dash mumbled as she climbed back to her hooves again, slightly unsteady in the process before she finally regained her balance. "I don't want to do this, I really don't. But I have to do this. I don't have any other choice in the matter," she stated.

Rarity blinked, confused by the statement. "I'm sorry, dear, but could you clarify? I really don't understand."

"Yeah I'm not surprised by that. You wouldn't be able to understand it on your own," Rainbow Dash grumbled. "What you and the others did to me, that was unforgivable. Just absolutely unforgivable. I don't care what Celestia said on the matter, or that she's not taking it seriously, I know what happened, I know what I experienced in your basement last week, and nothing's going to be able to convince me otherwise," she growled as she leaned in closer, her face inching towards Rarity's as she stared her in the eyes. "What you did to me was unforgivable. But if it'd just been me, it would've been different. But you couldn't leave well enough alone, and you just had to cross the line by threatening Scootaloo. That was where you went too far. That's when I realized there was far more at stake than just my future. That's when I made the decision that, no matter the cost, I would do whatever it meant to protect Scootaloo... even if it meant killing you and the others..."

Rarity coughed, trying not to breathe in the stench that Rainbow Dash's breath carried with it. But what hurt was her inability to respond to the accusations right now. All she could do was allow Rainbow Dash to keep speaking in an undisturbed manner.

"Do you get it now? Do you get why I don't have any choice in the matter? On why this is so fucking hard for me? That little filly is important to me. She's the one thing in this world I would actually consider putting ahead of the Wonderbolts. And you just had to go and threaten her safety in order to control me. So do you finally get it!? Do you get why I have to kill you now!?" She asked, her voice growing in both level in ferocity as she spoke. "I'd rather be anywhere else, doing anything else right now other than this. I don't want to be a killer, but it's the only way I know of that'll keep Scootaloo safe! You die, and nopony will be cutting off her wings. It's that simple!" she shouted as new tears began to spill down her cheeks, running along the already established pathways from the last bout. "Why did you have to be one of my friends? Why did it have to be you that did this? Why couldn't you've been mind screwed by Discord again?"

The questions were entirely rhetoric in nature. She never expected anything resembling an actual answer being given to anything she asked. And with Rarity crying right now, she really didn't expect to get anything resembling an actual answer out of her. Never mind though, it wasn't important right now.

"Let's just get this over with. If I spend any more time thinking about it, I might not be able to do it," Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Turn around. One blow to the back of the skull, it'll be quick, and it'll be painless. For the both of us," she instructed, hoping Rarity wouldn't fight her on the matter any. This was hard for all of them.

The irony of this turn of events wasn't lost on Rainbow Dash, even in her current state. She was getting ready to use the same technique for execution that Ulquiorra had used to end Cupid's suffering in the aftermath of the manticore attack. But now wasn't the time for such observations. Now was the time for action, while she still had the nerve to go through with it.

"That's right, kill her..."

Rainbow Dash stopped where she stood. She hadn't thought that. She hadn't thought that. That wasn't the voice she was familiar with when she thought of stuff. When she was thinking of things, it was her own voice she heard. Or at least something resembling her own voice, maybe a little deeper in nature, but it was still hers.

But that which had crossed her mind just now. That didn't sound like any voice she was familiar with.

"What are you waiting for? Kill her..."

Definitely not any voice that she was familiar with.

"Kill her..."

"Shut up!" Rainbow Dash yelled in response as she looked up, trying to find the source of just where that voice was coming from. Who or what was speaking to her right now, and whispering in her ear?

"What are you doing? The longer you wait, the more time you give Rarity to work her unicorn magic on you..."

"Go away," Rainbow Dash grumbled and swatted at the air around her right ear, like she was being pestered by a mosquito that simply wouldn't go away.

Rarity, meanwhile, was utterly confused about what she was witnessing. Confused to the point that she was no longer crying, as other emotions were bubbling to the forefront of her mind right now. What was going on with Rainbow Dash? Why was she talking to herself, and acting like she was being physically pestered.

"Rainbow Dash?"

"Leave me alone!"

"What are you doing? Stop procrastinating. Do you actually want Scootaloo to be raped by this unicorn who claimed to be your friend? Your adult body could withstand the torment, but her little filly body will be ripped asunder fifteen minutes into it all! You know what you have to do, now do it!"

"Leave me alone!" Rainbow Dash yelled angrily and vigorously moved her head from side to side, trying to find the source of the noise. It was halfway between a voice being heard, and a voice being thought of and remembered. That was the best way she knew of how to describe it right about now.

"Come on, stop procrastinating. Kill Rarity already. Be a good little mare already. Kill her and then we'll have pizza, with margarita shooters..."

"Rainbow Dash?"

"Shut up!" Rainbow Dash yelled angrily, followed by countless repeating of the same statement as she started to rear up and slam her forehooves against the forest floor.

Rarity wanted to say something. Anything. She wanted to ask what was wrong. To apologize for whatever she did to upset Rainbow Dash. She wanted to grab her and hug her for dear life and try to calm her down. She just wanted to help the poor dear right now.

Without warning Rainbow Dash took off running, slamming head first into the nearest tree. The sound of the impact caused Rarity to flinch, and she couldn't help but wonder just how she remained standing afterward. How could her entire frame have not been shaken from such a blow?

Unfortunately she didn't have the chance to ask, as before she knew it, Rainbow Dash had pulled back and slammed her head into the tree again. What was going on here? And was it actually possible for this situation to get any worse?

"... And that's all I know, Sir, I swear. That's all I remember before you found me in the gardens. I honestly don't know anything else..." Goodwill answered nervously as she sat on the chair in the infirmary, her horn currently bandaged to help reduce the throbbing she'd been experiencing since regaining consciousness.

Since the moment she'd been brought to by Princess Celestia's smelling salts spell, everything had been uncomfortable to experience; especially the interrogation she'd been subjected to since being bandaged up by her fellow nurse.

Then again, she wasn't entirely sure this could be considered an interrogation. The Espada -she still couldn't understand how to properly pronounce his name- hadn't subjecting her to any harsh lights, uncomfortable conditions, or making threats of violence for failure to comply. Nor was he being rude or hostile towards her during her apprehension. In fact he hadn't really done anything except ask her questions about her interactions with Rainbow Dash. At times some of the questions didn't make sense to her, or even seem relevant.

The only thing he really did that made her nervous, besides turning his stare towards her at times and causing her to flinch away, was when he would walk around her and spend an uncomfortable amount of time standing behind her. That inability to see him made her tense up in fear of being smacked on the back of the head for some issue she wasn't even aware of committing. Now that it had happened, but it still gave her a strong sense of apprehension and unease.

She didn't know what was going on for sure. But she suspected that if something bad was going to happen to her, Princess Celestia would've objected to such, seeing as she was in the room as well.

All in all, it had been a very uncomfortable twenty minutes.

"I have little doubt towards that assessment of fact," Ulquiorra replied, unable to detect any reiatsu fluctuations that would be consistent with -or at least suggest- the unicorn lying. Why she might lie was another question entirely, and best reserved for another time when things weren't quite so dire. "I have no more questions at this time."

"You... you mean that I'm free to go? Just like this?" Goodwill asked, not entirely believing what he was saying.

"That is a call only Princess Celestia is authorized to make. However I see no reason as to why you wouldn't be allowed to leave," he replied. While it was true the unicorn nurse had been tasked with looking after Rainbow Dash, it would be very difficult to make for how she could've been held responsible for letting the cyan pegasus escape. She had been blindsided in the matter, and couldn't be held accountable anymore than someone who had been knocked unconscious with a rock from behind.

Assuming they lived through such an experience, that is.

Celestia nodded. "That will be all, my little pony. I'll send for you if you're needed further," she explained, allowing Goodwill to leave the infirmary. Once they were alone, she turned her attention to where Ulquiorra stood. "So did you manage to gather anything useful from that line of questioning?" she asked him.

"Very little," Ulquiorra replied. Despite his earlier observations and assessments of Rainbow Dash, she was proving to be far more intelligent that she was originally given credit for. The little information she had shared with Nurse Goodwill -what Nurse Goodwill could actually recollect during questioning- had contained scarce details; nothing that might suggest a predictable course of action, or location that she might have fled to.

His questioning hadn't even been able to provide a more in-depth view into Rainbow Dash's current mental state. The answers he'd gotten had been nothing more than the observations and interpretations of another. And the truth of the matter was that Nurse Goodwill simply wasn't trained in an adequate manner that would help him; she was a healthcare provider, but only when it came to basic physical health. Mental health was en entirely different matter, and would require evaluation in person.

"What of your letter to Ponyville?" he asked her.

Celestia blinked, both in surprise and confusion. She hadn't told him anything about writing a letter to Ponyville; he'd been preoccupied with other matters at hoof during that time. She opened her mouth to ask him exactly how he'd known about that. But before she even got a syllable out, she closed her mouth again. She could just imagine him scolding her regarding a matter of ignorance. She could just imagine the kind of response he might give her if she asked. "Instead of spending time to question how I am aware of your actions, it could be better utilized by supplying the requested information." Or something like that.

And realistically she knew that he would have a point. How he knew about her activities wasn't exactly important right now. She'd question him later.

"No response as of yet. Which, much like everything else that's happened up to this point, could literally mean anything," she replied. Sometimes the notion of no news being good news, was just so wrong it wasn't even funny.

Ulquiorra said nothing in response, seeing nothing else that really needed to be contributed to this particular discussion. Princess Celestia had already said everything that needed to be said.

That thought, however, was soon displaced by something making itself noticeable to him. The next thing he knew, a clump of loose feathers flashed into existence in front of Princess Celestia, her telekinetic hold being the only thing to keep them from falling to the floor and scattering.

"Are those... could those be Rainbow Dash's feathers?" she asked curiously.

On sight alone the answer was impossible to answer. Despite them being cyan in coloring, Rainbow Dash wasn't the only cyan-colored pegasus he had seen. And with them currently in her hold, it was equally impossible to get an accurate reading on the reiryoku they contained. With that fact in mind he plucked one out of her field to examine it, holding the quill portion between his thumb and forefinger, allowing him to rotate it.

"They are. Several of her secondary and tertiary feathers, based on their size. With a reiryoku concentration that suggests they were found only a short time ago; no more than an hour at the very most. They were likely yanked right out of the wing, which might suggest some sort of struggle occurred," he explained as he examined it. The freshness of the feathers, combined with the flash of green flames that had delivered them, amounted to circumstantial evidence that would support the belief that Rainbow Dash had indeed returned to Ponyville. But there was still much that they didn't yet know.

"This is enough to suggest that Rainbow Dash is back in Ponyville, as they were sent via Spike's flame. However it is not actual confirmation, as Spike's location could be anywhere in the surrounding territory. He could be far out of the range of my pesquisa in any direction," he pointed out as he allowed the feather to drop.

"I suppose that's a possibility. But fortunately there are ways around that," Celestia replied as she moved the assortment of loose feathers over to one of the tables. "When Spike was made Twilight's assistant, and his flame enchanted to work as a messenger system, a beacon spell was also placed on him so back and forth communication could be achieved. We merely have to hone in on that beacon, and we'll be able to arrive at his exact location instantly," she explained.

That was certainly a development Ulquiorra hadn't yet anticipated as a possibility. But if things could truly be done in such a manner, then who was he to complain about such not being brought up earlier on?

"More teleportation then?" he asked.

"It's the fastest way to travel," Celestia pointed out. "It doesn't make you sick, does it?" she asked, partially out of curiosity over the possibility of such a development occurring. Maybe they needed to pick up some Dramamine before heading out?

"A matter of no consequence. We should be focusing our concern and efforts on finding Rainbow Dash before she can either escape, or commit harm to someone else in her present state; not on whether or not teleportation between two points can induce motion sickness," he pointed out. The things these ponies chose to worry about...

Celestia said nothing in response. She knew that Ulquiorra had a good point. Time was of the essence in this matter if they were going to find Rainbow Dash. With a nod of understanding, her horn flared to life, and in an instant they were both gone.

Author's Note:

Next week: Mysteries, answers, ass kicking, fighting, and more of Ulquiorra being an all-around badass.

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