• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,672 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Sixty Nine

Chapter Sixty Nine

Celestia sighed to herself as she laid on her bed. It was late, and she really wanted to be asleep right now. But sadly, sleep wasn't for her this evening. Instead of blissful rest, the immediate future held lots of paperwork for her to look over. And it was no exaggeration to say the amount she still had to get through came up to her fetlocks; a daunting proposal if ever there was any.

In making the decision to take over care for Rainbow Dash, she had known that it would mean complications to the everyday routine. But she hadn't been aware of just how much would become complicated as a result. She had no idea just how many hours would have to be cut from the day court, in order to assist in providing the necessary care of this case. And although she could get away with announcing that she would only see the petitioners of greatest need, while everyone else was seen by her councils instead, that hadn't exactly done much to lessen her workload. There was still so much that she herself had to oversee throughout the day.

"Note to self: reintroduce for consideration, the notion of elections for all public officials at all levels of government," she told herself. It was an idea that had been introduced numerous times over the last few centuries. And each time it was rejected by the public who were content with her being in charge. In a way it was touching. In other ways, not so much. And right now it was feeling like one of those latter times.

And then there was a knock at the doors to her chambers. Along with other muffled commotion carrying on from behind them.

"What now?" Celestia sighed and muttered to herself, groaning as she stood up and climbed off the bed, before placing the paperwork atop her writing desk, and making her way to the doors to see just what was the latest interruption to her day. She really didn't need this right now.

With a flick of the horn, the door on the left was open, and in slipped the commotion from the outside. There was an argument going on in front of her chambers. What sort of insanity was this?

"What's going on out here?" she asked as she poked her head out of the room and looked around at everypony present. Much to her surprise there were two of Luna's night guards present, in addition to her own day guards.

And in the middle of all of them, was a very disturbed, and upset looking Rainbow Dash, who currently looked like a foal who had been sent to the principal's office for committing some educational transgression. It was a look she knew well enough from managing her school for gifted unicorns. And it was amazing how the look just seemed to transcend both species and circumstances.

"Our charge wished to speak with you, Your Highness," one of the lunar ponies replied in answer, his tone of voice velvety smooth as he spoke.

"However our solar counterparts have informed us that such won't be occurring," the other lunar pony replied and frowned towards one of her guards in response.

Celestia didn't need this. She really, really didn't need this right now. She tried not to sigh in response to the territorial dispute that was unfolding.

"It's quite alright, my ponies. I'll see her," she replied as as gentle a tone as possible, as she opened the door further to allow entry. She observed as Rainbow Dash stepped forward, with the guards following right on her tail. It was at that, that she put up her wing in a halting gesture.

"Would you mind waiting outside for a moment? I'll be sure to call you if needed," she stated, doing her best to not let her annoyance shine through right now. She was perfectly capable of tending to Rainbow Dash by herself in this situation. She really didn't need her bedchamber being invaded at this hour. Fortunately they didn't object, and allowed the cyan pegasus to enter on her own, before the door was closed behind her.

"Thanks," Rainbow Dash muttered uneasily as she moved away from the door.

"So what brings you by at this late hour, Rainbow Dash?" Celestia asked as she turned to face her.

"Princess? Could I... could I sleep with you tonight? Please?" Rainbow Dash asked shakily.

Celestia blinked in response. Had she really just heard what she'd thought she heard?

"Pardon?" she asked, seeking clarification.

"I don't wanna be in my room tonight. It's dark, and lonely, and the guards won't quit staring at me," Rainbow Dash stated, "please? I promise I'll be good. I'll stay in the corner on the floor, I just don't want to be by myself tonight. I don't wanna be alone in the dark..."

Ah. So that was it. Celestia would admit that, for just a moment, she had thought that Rainbow Dash had meant something else. Something that would've been entirely inappropriate for her to consider, even under the best of circumstances. She'd chalk it up to the amount of fatigue she was currently experiencing.

But still, there was the little matter of just how to respond. Rainbow Dash was in a fragile state right now, thanks to what that insane physician Thrush had done to her. Every one of their decisions that related to her, had to be approached with great caution, otherwise they risked exacerbating the whole problem to an unacceptable level.

And as she looked at the cyan pegasus who sat nervously on her haunches before her, all the while fidgeting with the small gold band around her foreleg just above her hoof, she had reason to believe they were already close to reaching that point. There were some things that were just instinctual, and couldn't be readily explained, but were still recognizable.

"That won't be necessary, Rainbow Dash. There's no need for you to sleep on the hard floor like you're some sort of stray dog," she stated, doing her best not to sigh in frustration. The fact that Rainbow Dash was willing to prostrate herself so low, was not good. Humility was fine and all, but this was neither humility, nor fine. This was somepony who was broken, and had no sense of self worth about them. And that was something that had to be remedied. "My bed should be more than adequate."

"Your... your bed?" Rainbow Dash asked, caught off guard by the offer that was being made.

"I still have much in the way of paperwork to catch up on, before I'll be able to turn in for the night myself. One of us might as well get some use out of it," Celestia explained, wanting to clarify what she was saying so there would be no misunderstandings between them.

"But... where're you gonna sleep?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Being an alicorn, sleep is something I don't really need. This certainly wouldn't be the first night I've had to go without rest. And I sincerely doubt that it'll be the last either. And considering what I need to get through," Celestia paused to gesture to the stack of papers to emphasize her point, "I'll likely be up all night. But I do appreciate the thought and concern."

Truth be told, Celestia was glad that Rainbow Dash was present. Usually when it came to late night paperwork, it was a lonely proposition, done in the absence of others. Occasionally Luna would drop by to see her, but she had her own duties to tend to, and could never stay for long. But this time around it was a different matter entirely. And although Rainbow Dash likely wouldn't spend much time talking to her, she would at least be present, and serve as a physical reminder that she wasn't alone.

She just wished the whole thing could've been under better circumstances. Yes she would enjoy having company on lonely nights, but not at such a cost. She would much rather the company be had out of friendship, rather than desperation brought on by whatever had happened.

She was glad that Rainbow Dash was present. But it was the sort of gladness that usually came from trying to make the best out of a bad situation, and finding some small way in which to achieve that goal; bittersweet really.

"Oh... alright then. I-if you say so," Rainbow Dash replied, not entirely convinced by her assessment. But there wasn't much she could do about it. So, with a shrug, she made her way over to the sizable bed, and climbed up on it. And it was wonderfully, wonderfully comfortable; nearly as much so as her own bed. Almost immediately she sank into it, and sighed contentedly. "I'll... I'll stay over by the edge, just in case you change your mind..."

Celestia pondered on what to say next. Or if she even should say something next. But right now nothing all that profound was coming to her mind. She knew that something probably should be said at this point in time, but there was nothing that felt appropriate.

"Try and sleep well, Rainbow Dash," she replied. Right now that was probably as good as anything else that could be said.

Once she was certain that Rainbow Dash actually was going to sleep, she'd be sure to dismiss the two lunar guards. She was more than capable of keeping an eye on her for the time being. And there was no sense in having them standing about, if there was nothing for them to actually do.

Thursday, June twenty seventh, second year of the new calendar: After Nightmare Moon

Observational notes pertaining to progress made in the operation dubbed "Rainbow Reparation"

Day One

Today Rainbow Dash's physical recovery has reached the point, where Doctor Malar has seen fit to discharge her from the infirmary. According to his medical expertise, the healing magic weaved into her bandages, has allowed the majority of her injuries to heal to the point they no longer present the risk of being torn open, should she grow physically agitated. According to him, those that yet to fully heal are not consequential enough, to warrant further bed rest in the infirmary.

Answers pertaining to the presence of the opioid and hallucinogenic substances in her system continue to elude us. Despite the lack of continued accusations to the contrary, Rainbow Dash continues to maintain a steadfast denial of engaging in the use of any such substances. Why this is, when we have accepted it as being the truth, I'm not certain. The possibility of their administration being from an outside source has yet to be either confirmed or denied.

Latest blood work has confirmed Doctor Malar's earlier observation on the matter; for whatever reason, the substances in Rainbow Dash's system are not being metabolized, and broken down as they should be. They continue to remain in the same concentration as they were when first discovered. Answers as to both how, and why this is the case, continue to elude us. Unfortunately the level of medical technology for this world remains hopelessly inadequate for determining what level of tampering may be in play.

Dialysis has been suggested as a possible course of treatment. In theory the suggestion is good. However the practical application is limited, again, due to the current stage of technological, and medical development of this world. Dialysis is still in the stage of infancy for much of Equestria, and the currently existing prototype machines are far too cumbersome to be readily accessible here in Canterlot, when they are currently located in larger cities such as Manehattan, and Las Pegasus.

There is currently contemplation of attempting to build an ad-hoc dialysis machine, here in Canterlot, by ourselves. But at the moment it is merely contemplation. None of us have the knowledge of how to go about such a project. For that reason, other alternatives are currently being explored. The technique of utilizing medical magic for the purpose of purifying the body of toxins, as mentioned by Twilight Sparkle on the twelfth of this month, is currently being studied and researched, to determine its viability under these conditions.

As of yesterday, details pertaining to the suicide watch have been finalized, and approved for implementation.

Twelve guards, six solar, and six lunar, have been selected to provide around the clock observation for Rainbow Dash, each group broken up into sets of two, and assigned a four-hour shift. They will also serve as reinforcements should she grow confrontational and refuse to comply with whatever medical procedures have been deemed necessary, with instructions to approach cautiously, and not rely on force to exert compliance as a primary response. Whether or not they can abide by these instructions remains to be seen.

An open-door policy is currently in place. Privacy will be restricted in order to prevent any further attempts at suicide being made on her part.

Strangely there was little objection on her part to this condition of her treatment. Whether this is due to recognizing the futility of objection, or another underlying matter, I can't say for certain as of yet.

The room designated to serve as Rainbow Dash's quarters for the duration have been prepared accordingly. The windows are shielded by a force field of similar structure, to those currently used to guard the Elements of Harmony. The original elaborate light fixture has been removed, and replaced with a new-styled recessed fixture set into the ceiling, with the bulbs placed behind a layer of impact-resistant, polycarbonate sheeting; something relatively new to this world. The door has been removed, as have any objects that could be used to inflict harm upon herself or others. The only exception is a bed made of cloud material; according to an explanation I still don't fully comprehend, referencing obscure mechanics I don't adequately understand, the material used will be inadequate for anything other than resting, no matter how hard she might try at using it for some other purpose.

A golden wire bangle has also been affixed to her foreleg, and fitted with two specific spells. The first is to prevent any form of tampering from taking place. The second is an instant sedation spell with a one-hour duration that will activate immediately, upon either an attempt being made at self harm, or being more than fifty feet away from another bearing a complimentary charm. Those currently holding these charms are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Doctor Malar, Nurse Goodwill, and the twelve guards that were assigned this mission. After extensive discussion, it was determined that outfitting all palace staff with these charms would serve no beneficial purpose, and may actually complicate matters to an unacceptable degree.

Whether or not the orderly Corners should be provided such a charm has been discussed. However a definite answer has not yet been arrived at. As to be expected, regardless of what Princess Celestia has told her otherwise, Rainbow Dash still doesn't readily trust the orderly after what she went through. As of yesterday, she has forgiven him for what part he played. But forgiveness and trust are not necessarily the same thing.

There is also the matter of whether she has truly forgiven Corners, or if she is simply claiming to have done such.

I myself have turned down the offer of the charm, as it serves no beneficial purpose in my case.

A choker necklace was discussed prior to the implementation of the bangle. However it was determined that it may pose a choking hazard, should Rainbow Dash discover a random hooking implement to attach the necklace to, and use it to hang herself, thus triggering the sedation spell as a method of ending her life. Even though the chances of such a possibility are minute, they have been considered, regardless of their unlikelihood.

Security, for lack of a better term, is rather lax in comparison to what could be implemented. There are still a number of improvements to the suicide watch that could be made. But such recommendations were overruled in favor of an approach that would allow for some measure of dignity, not only to maintain physical health, but also encourage mental health development.


Ulquiorra stopped his current writing, and looked up from the notepad as he sensed the approach of Princess Luna, coming down the hallway, and towards the library where he currently stood.

"What news is there to report?" he asked simply, not bothering to look up from what he was doing.

"A great deal," Luna replied with a huff as she approached, unfazed by how he had known of her approach. It'd been going on like that for so long, it'd become routine. And right now she was far too tired to be concerned about trying to sneak up on him. Right now she was far more preoccupied, with far more important matters. "The medications," she paused and yawned, "that were preventing Rainbow Dash from dreaming, have finally been purged from her system. And for what I am about to say next, I feel I will need to punish myself. But I almost wish she were back on the medications. Along with her ability to dream returning, so have the nightmares, picking up right where they left off. She was right back in the basement, caged like an animal, and subjected to countless, gruesome abuses."

Luna stopped talking and groaned at this point, using her hoof to pinch the bridge of her muzzle. She really did hate to make such statements, but with everything taken into consideration, leaving Rainbow Dash dreamless might actually be the kindest thing they could do for her right now. There was only so much that they could do for her right now. And despite her dreamwalking capabilities, she couldn't guarantee that the dream setting she had left the cyan pegasus in, wouldn't warp back into that retched basement once again; not without being there throughout the night. And there was only so much time that she could devote to one single pony, when there was an entire world that needed to be addressed, with so many other ponies in need.

Under these circumstances, she couldn't help but consider possible alternatives; even if some might seem drastic.

"What of Applejack?" Ulquiorra asked simply.

"Twilight Sparkle reports that her blood tests came back positive for the same substances found in Rainbow Dash's blood," Luna replied. If this was the Espada's way of moving along the discussion to other subjects, then he was quite good at it. "And much like Rainbow Dash, Applejack has denied the usage of any such substances. Whether this is of significance, or merely coincidence, I do not yet know," she explained.

"Their denial of such may be reasonable," Ulquiorra replied after a pause, stopping momentarily to write something down, before eventually continuing. So much for the theory that Doctor Thrush had drugged Rainbow Dash, in order to discredit whatever accusations she might make against him. "So far we've made no effort to determine the exact method in which the substances were administered. Their exposure may have even been unintentional. But that merely raises more questions than answers," he pointed out.

As he'd intended, the matter had been brought up during their first real meeting, as they discussed the various ins and outs of how they would be tending to both Rainbow Dash, and her needs. Some had reacted better than others to the notion of their patient being drugged against her will, by an unrecognized source. Others had reacted poorly, and wondered if the administration had occurred at the hospital itself, in an effort to break her stubborn nature. Unfortunately all they had was speculation to go on; not hard answers.

"No! Ulquiorra Cifer, as thou's listening audience we art begging thee; please do not introduce new theories for consideration!" Luna screeched. But as the words left her mouth, she immediately regretted them; both the outburst itself, and the slip back into the old world dialect. Clearing her throat, she continued speaking in a calmer tone. "I apologize. My outburst was uncalled for. But I am tired, Ulquiorra Cifer, I cannot properly keep up with the theories we are already facing. Please do not introduce more theories, unless you have something to serve as some form of proof," she pleaded.

There was too much going on right now as far as she was concerned. Countless theories, along with countless worries. Wasn't he aware of such facts? Or did he simply not care?

"... Fair enough," Ulquiorra replied. There was nothing saying that Princess Luna had to be read into every theory that arose, or every refinement of such. There were more ponies willing to help him if necessary. There was nothing to prevent him from running this theory by one of them more thoroughly, should the opportunity present itself.

It was true that, out of all the ponies he had to work with, Princess Luna was one of the most dedicated to assisting him, even when others weren't. She was, more or less, the closest thing he had to a confidant right at the moment. However that didn't mean she was the only one suitable for running these theories by; she was simply the one most convenient, for the majority of the time. But if she was in need of a break, he would simply find another intellectual who was closely associated with the case.

"Thank you," Luna replied as she closed her eyes and sighed. She really didn't need the added stress right now. "There is just so much going on right now, without bringing anything new to the discussion. I do not even know where to begin with attempting to cover it all."

On top of the worries that the Espada induced with his random speculation, there were also the worries that came about from her own experiences. Simply because they had discounted the possibility of disease, didn't make things any easier for her. She was the one tasked with the dreamscape, and who saw what went on in the heads of their subjects. She was the one tending to the nightmares of both the afflicted, and the general populace who had been terrorized by the manticore attack. And all of it while trying not to go to hysterics with Rainbow Dash's care.

And that was to say nothing of the issue pertaining to the recovery process Pipsqueak was undergoing, and the nightmares he was going through. Her heart so yearned to be with him right now.

Again, Ulquiorra said nothing. The order of the day had been less than orderly for the past few days, and he was sure that he hadn't been made aware of everything developing around them. He'd been distracted with his own research, only available when his attention had been called upon for one thing or another. It would be foalish to believe that things hadn't been developing without his knowledge or involvement.

"I cannot remember. Were you briefed about Rainbow Dash developing a fear of the dark, and small enclosed areas, due to what the physician Thrush did to her?" Luna asked.

"I was not," Ulquiorra replied, before turning his attention back to the notepad to scribble down this new information. That would certainly answer one or two questions that had arisen.

Slowly but surely, and one by one, the mountain of questions that they were facing, was being brought down to size.

The only downside was that the important questions were the ones that weren't getting answered. That meant having a very long way to go, and quite possibly not enough time to actually do it in.

Silence. However that was unsurprising. Ulquiorra assumed that once Princess Luna had filled him in on the relevant details, she would take her leave for the evening, and return to whatever duties she had to tend to. There was certainly no reason for her to remain present if there was nothing more to be said.

"Twilight Sparkle also reports that Rainbow Dash and Applejack are not the only ones being afflicted in such a manner. A number of other ponies have recently come forward, and admitted to being subjected, to what have come to be referred to as day terrors. Whatever it is that we are facing, it is impossible to deny that it is spreading outward. And as best as we can determine, there is no recognizable, nor predictable pattern being used. It is... purely random," she stated.

Ulquiorra stopped what he was doing, and turned to look over at Princess Luna. Information like that should've been presented immediately, rather than being brought up in the manner that it had been. He considered pointing out that fact to her. But doing so would serve little functional purpose, would do nothing to change the sequence of events that had occurred, and only detract from getting any actual answers out of her. He would simply write it off as a symptom as her reported lack of sleep.

"Even as we speak, Twilight Sparkle is trying her best to place a handle on the situation, in hopes of bringing it under control," Luna added, now that she knew she had his full attention.

"It may prove wise to dispatch reinforcements to Ponyville, to assist in bringing the matter under control; such as a number of counselors, and various psychological experts," Ulquiorra suggested.

"We have considered that. But so far we have not even been able to find an adequately skilled counselor for Rainbow Dash. General trauma is the best that we have come across. I am not certain if there is even a field of psychological study that pertains to what is going on right now," Luna stated, utterly disgusted with the fact. And if they couldn't find the proper psychological help for Rainbow Dash, how were they supposed to go about doing it for all of Ponyville?

"A fact that I'm aware of," Ulquiorra replied. He'd been through enough psychology books to have concluded -with reasonable certainty- that what they were currently facing, was not an extensively documented field; not yet anyway. "But while addressing Ponyville might not be a possibility, they would at least be able to address Twilight Sparkle herself."

"... I do not understand," Luna replied and blinked. What was Ulquiorra talking about.

"According to the others, Twilight Sparkle is the type of pony who believes that, because she's the personal student of Princess Celestia she must shoulder far more levels of responsibility, than anyone would ever ask of her, or even reasonably expect of her. By your own admission, she's trying to bring the situation in Ponyville under control; presumably by herself, due to that belief of responsibility. Under ideal circumstances, this would be unwise. And these are anything but ideal circumstances. She has already been forced to watch, helplessly, as two of our friends have been attacked by some unidentified force. What sort of psychological damage will occur, if the others fall in turn?" he asked. There was no immediate response given to his question. But that came as no surprise to him. If he had to speculate, the silence was due to the details being allowed to sink in, along with the potential gravity of the situation.

"I... I did not consider that possibility. But now that it has been brought up, I will speak with my sister on the matter in the morning. Right now it is far too late to do anything useful," Luna replied. Right now she was thankful of the fact that she wasn't on her own. There was far too much going on right now, for her to be able to keep track of it all on her own. If she had to try and keep everything balanced by herself, she might be falling to pieces right now.

Once again, silence settled over the library, broken up only by the sound of pencil against paper.

Princess Luna's continued presence, however, was serving as a bit of a mystery to Ulquiorra. He was certain that, once she had finished briefing him on everything, she would finally take her leave, rather than continue to remain present. He was about to press the matter, and ask if she had anything else to say. But before he could, she was already talking again.

"Might I speak to you about a different matter, Ulquiorra Cifer?" she asked. When he didn't object, or otherwise say anything, she took it as a sign to continue speaking. "How... how do you feel about the matter of adoption?"

Once again, silence settled over the library, engulfing the both of them. But this time around, it was due to Ulquiorra not knowing just what to say in response to the question, rather than having nothing relevant to say. Just where in the left field had that come out of? Was she actually propositioning him? And if she was, then ultimately for what purpose of said proposition?

"Pardon?" he finally asked in an effort to get the matter clarified.

"What was discussed on the balcony last week, is a matter that is still weighing heavily on my mind," Luna began. "As was said then, a great many of us draw a sense of strength and security from your presence. Your lack of fear, even in the face of overwhelming dangers, is a source of comfort for others. But after giving this matter some thought, I have arrived at a conclusion. I do not consider such to be an arrangement that is fair to you. We all draw upon your strengths in our own ways, relying upon you for much. But you, in turn, do not have anyone to do the same with; you are left with nowhere to turn, and no one to share your burden with, while all of us are free to count on you," she explained as calmly as she could.

Ulquiorra listened silently as the matter was explained to him. Or -more accurately- as Princess Luna attempted to explain the situation from her point of view. So far he wasn't seeing anything that would amount to even a remote correlation between the two points. The way things were proceeding, it was almost like she was reading from pre-scripted notes that had gotten scrambled, and didn't realize that everything was out of order.

Perhaps he should ask her to get to the point of whatever she was saying? Or maybe he should simply let her talk, and hope that she would eventually start to make some degree of sense?

"It is not fair by any stretch of the imagination, Ulquiorra Cifer. Yours is a past filled with just so much suffering and pain. It is a pain and suffering that no one should ever have to experience; not in a group, and most certainly not on their own. But regardless of that fact, it is a fate you find yourself saddled with, as not a single one of us ever stopped to ask you just how you are feeling. Or if you by chance might need something from us for a change," she explained, pausing to sigh. "Even more unfair is the fact that you are not alone in your isolation. It is sadly a fate that too many are forced to suffer, even in this world," Luna explained and sighed. She considered whether or not to sit on her haunches, before finally opting to remain standing, as she looked him in the eyes. And all the while, he didn't blink once. Undaunted by such a fact, she continued with what she had to say.

"I acknowledge that, by all standards, you are certainly an adult. Just as I acknowledge how there is nothing I can do to change what you experienced before coming here; attempting such would be equally impossible, and pointless. But that does not mean I cannot make an attempt to change what has yet to be experienced. And while it is unorthodox, I believe it may be the solution to such. If you have no objections, Ulquiorra Cifer, then I would like to propose adopting you as my son."

Ulquiorra would willingly admit that, in his time, he had encountered a number of things for which he had no explanation for making sense of them. Even before he was brought to Equestria by Discord's intervention, there had been developments for which he had no reasonable explanation. And upon coming here, he had seen things that, at more times than not, left him scratching his head, as he tried to make sense of it all. And he had more or less made peace with the fact that he would likely continue to encounter such things during the duration of his stay in this world.

All of that said, however, Princess Luna had managed to take him completely by surprise with her statement. He was left not only uncertain of what to say, but also of what to think. It felt like his mind had suddenly gone completely blank.

"What?" he finally asked. Nothing else really seemed appropriate right now; not without more information to go on first. This was all too... strange.

"I am offering to serve as your mother, Ulquiorra Cifer. To give you the love, and support, that you have been denied, and deprived of, for so very long," Luna stated as she stepped closer to where the Espada stood. And, much like she had done when she'd taken him to his newly assigned quarters, she brought herself to a standing position, in order to hug him around his neck. "I wish to end your isolation in this world; to give you what you have lacked all this time, and that which we have been too blind to realize on our own. All that you must do is say the word, Ulquiorra Cifer, and I will do my best to take care of the rest. You have my word, that you will have a family that cares for you."

Ulquiorra remained silent, uncertain of what to say in light of this unexpected statement that was being made. Nothing was really coming to mind, as a great deal of his focus was being spent on analyzing just what was being proposed. Along with the broader implications that would naturally go along with the offer.

And there were a great many implications, that had to be taken into account. There was absolutely nothing simple about any of this. Was Princess Luna even aware of the gravity of her statement, and what all it would entail? Did she truly understand just what she was saying? He doubted that she did, as even he was having trouble grasping everything in the here and now. there was just so much to try and get straight.

"I am currently being hugged, by a talking pony, who has expressed a desire to take on the role of my mother," he thought, trying to process the wordy explanation he'd been given. How exactly had it all come to this? Where exactly had everything gone so utterly insane?

"Discord... just what the fuck did you put me in the middle of?" he mentally asked himself.


It was a subdued commotion that caught Celestia's ear, causing it to twitch in response. But it was commotion enough to distract her from her work, and look over to the bed where Rainbow Dash currently rested; a term she used lightly, lacking any other term that would be more accurate to describe what she was currently going through.

Much as Rainbow Dash had said she would do, she was keeping to the edge of the large bed; like she was terrified of taking up too much space, and wearing out her welcome. And as she laid there, she twitched uneasily. A leg here, a wing there, her tail swishing every little bit. Telltale signs of experiencing a nightmare; something she suspected was going to be a common occurrence for the foreseeable future.

She looked back down at the stack of paperwork that still needed to be tended to, before looking at the stack that had been adequately addressed. And then she looked back over at the fidgeting Rainbow Dash, listening to her whimper like a puppy. And in her mind -and heart- it was no contest. With a tired sigh, she set the unfinished paperwork aside on her desk, and quietly made her way over to the bed, before carefully climbing atop the vacant portion.

"Shh... it's alright, Rainbow Dash," she whispered gently as she lowered herself down onto the mattress. She reached out with her left wing and ran the downy feathers along the messy and unkempt mane, and down her back, in a soothing manner.

There would undoubtedly be those that would claim her actions were inappropriate. That they were uncalled for. That they would complicate an already sensitive situation, and cause significant psychological scarring. But right now her only focus was on doing what she could to help a friend who was obviously in need. Rainbow Dash was in need of a comforting touch right now, to let her know that she wasn't alone. She didn't care if somepony would possibly consider her actions undignified, because right now their opinions simply didn't matter. They weren't here to contribute, and take care of the mess that was currently present, so they didn't have a say in the matter.

"It's alright," she repeated, leaning down to gently kiss her forehead.

Celestia was greeted in response by a mumble, as Rainbow Dash rolled over against her, pressing her back against her side for comfort.

"Sleep well, my friend," Celestia whispered, draping her large wing over the cyan pegasus like a blanket. "Sleep well," she repeated, flicking her horn to dim the lights in the room to a more appropriate level. She already knew that getting up again wasn't going to be much of a possibility. So she opted to just settle in, and make herself as comfortable as she could under these circumstances.

Was it inappropriate? She really didn't know one way or the other. All she knew for certain at the moment, was the fact that Rainbow Dash was no longer squirming in the grips of a nightmare. And for the moment, that would have to be enough. If she couldn't even comfort a friend during their time of need, then what good was she to anyone?

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