• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,672 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Forty Nine

Chapter Forty Nine

It certainly wasn't a heavy rain that was falling just outside of the library, but it was a steady rain that didn't sound like it would be letting up anytime soon. For some ponies the sound of rain falling was relaxing and soothing, something to be listened to for the purpose of falling asleep peacefully.

For Applejack, it just served as a reminder that she should probably use the restroom soon. The way she was feeling right now, as she sat in the dimmed library, the only significant amount of light coming from sporadic flashes of lightning, there was no way in Equestria that she was going to be able to rest anytime soon. There was too much concern boiling inside of her gut and just under her skin, for her friends, to be able to relax right now.

Concern, and agitation at the occasional sound of pages being flipped just a few paces away from where she sat. The fact that Ulquiorra had opted to ignore her in favor of reading one of Twilight's many books wasn't exactly helping matters any. Wasn't he supposed to be on guard duty or something?

Then again considering how he didn't even seem to get visibly disturbed over anything they encountered, it was entirely reasonable to believe that the book was doing nothing to distract him from his task. Multitasking really didn't seem out of the realm of possibilities for him. And she really couldn't put her hoof on it, but something about his demeanor just seemed to remind her of a coiled and cocked spring. Like at any moment he could go off with frightening results if it was necessary.

The ticking of the clock really wasn't helping her either, as it just served as yet one more thing to wear on her nerves during this long stretch of intermittent silence. Between the ticking of the clock, and tapping of the rain occasionally accented by a clap of thunder, and the Espada's page flipping, Applejack was about ready to get snippy in an effort to vent her current frustrations. She really wanted to, but she couldn't do something like that. She was far too polite -and intelligent- to be acting so irrationally simply because of her concerns.

Looking over at the clock she saw how late it was getting. How late, and nary a peep from the basement. This was definitely unexpected. Knowing Rainbow Dash and Twilight like she did, she'd been generous in allotting a full ten minutes of time before expecting to find the pegasus back in the main room, either under her own power, or being escorted out by Twilight's magic. But that ten minutes had been a good while ago, and now she really didn't know what she should be expecting. This was uncharted territories to her. Did the silence and lack of activity emanating from the basement mean things were going according to plan? Or were things going very wrong down there?

Another page flip. She wanted to sigh in frustration right now. Just sitting here in silence, unable to do anything but wait, wasn't sitting well with her. Her farmer patience was doing little to assist her in this matter, and she wondered if she should've gone up to bed with the other girls. If she'd known Twilight and Rainbow Dash would be taking this long to be doing whatever they were doing down there, she just might have done that.

Another page flip. She looked over at the Espada, still standing as silent as ever, seemingly absorbed in his book of choice. What he was reading that was so fascinating, she really didn't know. In the dim light she couldn't read the cover even if it was visible, and she really wasn't certain that she wanted to actually ask about it. Getting an answer she really didn't want was entirely possible, and she knew that full well.

But still, simply sitting here with nothing to do but wait, and try to keep her patience as all the noises around her served as a point of aggravation, just didn't seem like a worthwhile endeavor to her. So she decided to take a different course of action.

"Mr. Cifer," she spoke up, "ah hope you don' think ah'm pryin' too much. But wha' do ya do fer relaxation?" she asked him. To her it seemed as random as something that Pinkie would come up with. But right now she couldn't think of anything else to ask, and just continuing to sit there in silence just didn't sit right with her. Something random was better than nothing... right?

"Relaxation?" he asked as he paused his reading, keeping one of his fingers placed at a specific spot as he turned his attention to her.

"Yeah. Ya know, unwindin' an' such? Jus' doin' nothin' an' takin' the opportunity ta let the stress o' the day jus' melt away," she explained, not really prepared to be giving a proper explanation of just what relaxation meant. She never even stopped to consider that he might not have any sense of such a concept. Everypony that she knew, knew something about relaxation, so why should he be any different?

"I can't say that I've ever seen the usefulness of such a practice. Simply doing nothing seems like a waste of time that could be better utilized elsewhere," he replied.

Applejack wasn't sure whether she should frown or not. That really wasn't the kind of answer she was expecting to get. In some ways it reminded her a lot of Twilight during her early days here in Ponyville. Back when she saw friends as being a waste of time because of what she felt were more pressing matters to tend to. And in some ways it reminded Applejack of herself at times, when she'd become so task oriented on work, she couldn't see what else was going on around her. And it was times like that, that she was very glad she had friends to help shake that tunnel vision from her mind.

"Furthermore, relaxation is a luxury that can't be afforded during this current time. There's too much at stake to simply stand around doing nothing," he continued.

"Fair enough," Applejack replied, not wanting to argue that particular point with him. "But one o' these days, yer gonna run out o' books to read in Canterlot's library, an' we won't be faced with certain death from an uncertain enemy. Wha' do ya plan on doin' then?" she asked.

That question gave Ulquiorra reason to pause in thought. What would he do should a day like that ever occur?

"A fair question. One for which I have no answer," he replied, before turning back to the book in his hands.

Applejack frowned. After getting that answer the silence once again returned. Glancing over at the clock that worked in tandem with preventing a perfect silence from being what was experienced, she wanted to groan at seeing just how little time had actually passed. This was going to be a long night, she was certain of that. Longer than the nights when she'd had to sit up with a sick Apple Bloom.

"And now a question for you," Ulquiorra spoke up, "earlier in the day you asked me to assist with some matter at Sweet Apple Acres. Was there truly a task to tend to, or did Pinkie Pie task you with lying to me, in order to bring me to the party she threw?" he asked.

"Uh..." Applejack paused, caught off guard by the question. Did he really think that she'd lie to him like that? Then again she doubted he'd ask if he didn't suspect otherwise. "It was fer a real reason. One o' the joists supportin' the hayloft is startin' ta show signs o' rot an' needs ta either be reinforced er jus' replaced. An' ya'd prob'ly have an easier time than an earth pony tryin' ta climb up a rickety ladder, while tryin' ta hold onta nails an' a hammer, an' all the while tryin' ta keep yer balance an' not go splat down below," she explained.

Ulquiorra considered her explanation. The mental image that had been conjured by her words wasn't exactly the most appealing of things to consider. Despite Lyra Heartstrings' talent with bipedal locomotion, he doubted that any pony would be able to adequately scale a ladder placed at a sixty degree angle, and all with half of their limbs not being fully accessible at the time. Even with the prospect of a tool belt for keeping nails contained, he didn't see how it would be a possibility; at least not without a significantly more involved process.

"Does it qualify as an emergency situation?" he asked.

"Er... no not really. So long as nopony goes traipsin' aroun' up there, it should be fine fer the time bein'. But still ah'd rather get it tended to rather than jus' let it go," she explained, caught off guard by the fact that he'd taken an interest in the matter at all. She'd expected something along the lines of blunt dismissal, saying how matters of hers were irrelevant to him, and not a worthwhile use of his abilities.

"Ultimately my purpose here is to protect the ponies residing in the town and the surrounding areas. Not to engage in construction and renovation of various buildings," he replied, before turning his attention back to the book. "That being said, should I come across a potential hazard during my patrolling of the area surrounding Ponyville, I would be negligent in my duties if it was left unaddressed."

Applejack looked over at Ulquiorra curiously, uncertain of just what to think about the answer that he gave. Was he saying that he could tend to the barn joist? Or was he... she shook her head, trying to clear the confusion. Sometimes she could understand Rainbow Dash's reaction to him. But she decided to not make a big deal out of the matter right now. When she got tired she wasn't always thinking properly. She turned to look at the clock again and noted the time, marveling that the cyan pegasus hadn't been hurled through the basement door yet. Maybe she really knew what she was talking about.

It was a simultaneous clap of thunder and flashing of lightning that snapped Applejack awake, causing her to let out a startled snort of a snore, bolting upright from what she didn't even realize was a slouched position against the nearby wall. She looked around in confusion, eyes wide from the sudden burst of adrenaline she felt from being startled, before finally recognizing where she was, and letting out a sigh of relief as she slumped back against the wall, feeling her body relax again.

"Ah fell asleep?" she asked herself, not believing that she'd really done so. She remembered closing her eyes, but that had been simply to rest them, not to try and actually sleep. Wait, had she actually fallen asleep? It seemed like only a second ago that she was listening to the clock ticking. "How long was ah out?"

"Approximately two hours."

It took Applejack a moment or two before finally recognizing the voice as belonging to Ulquiorra. Looking over to the side she saw the Espada, still in the same position, but at a slightly different location of the room, and reading what looked like a different book. Had he really been reading that entire time while she'd been asleep?

"Why exactly are you doing this?" he asked her. Applejack blinked, uncertain of what he was asking. And for that matter, why would he even ask her anything to begin with? Before she could even get a word out to let him know just how confused she was, he continued talking. "Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash have no way of knowing that you remained awake in case you were needed, while the others headed off to bed. You have nothing to gain from exhausting yourself. And the nature of farm work would suggest there are only a few hours before you will need to rise in anticipation for the new day. So why do you choose to do something that is simply illogical in nature?" he asked.

Applejack listened to the question she was presented with, thinking on it momentarily, before simply shrugging. "Wouldn' exactly be the first time ah've gone without sleep an' had work ta do the next day. When we lost our folks, Big Mac an' ah perdy much had ta raise Apple Bloom ourselves. She was a colicky foal too, so we didn' get much shut eye fer a long time. Ah don' know how we managed exactly, but we did," she replied, before stopping to yawn and stretch, shaking her head in an effort to render herself more awake and alert.

There were several points Ulquiorra could make regarding Applejack's statement. Simply because she could go without sleep during an earlier point in life didn't mean that she would be able to do the same now that she was older; especially if she was out of practice. However that wasn't a discussion that he felt particularly inclined to have.

"That still doesn't explain your motivation to actually do such. I fail to understand the reasoning that justifies such an endeavor," he stated, becoming slightly more curious as to what drove the earth pony to engage in such an illogical behavior. He understood that there was some reason for such, but just what was that reason?

Applejack looked at him, before simply shrugging. "Ah reckon fer the same reason yer around but don't participate in the stuff goin' on around ya; ta be available in case somethin' happens so ya can address it in a timely manner. Plus it wouldn' hurt ta be awake in case the theory on poison joke pollen turns out ta be accurate."

As far as Ulquiorra was concerned it was nothing more than pure speculation on Applejack's part. But speculation or not, there was a certain logic to it that he had to note.

"Fair enough," he replied. If she wished to continue remaining conscious then it was she who would bear the consequences of her actions, not him.

More silence, except for the rain, the ticking of the clock, and the page flipping. Applejack frowned, not liking it one bit. There had to be a better way of utilizing time than just sitting around and trying to fend off sleepiness.

With that thought in mind she couldn't help but wonder if Rainbow Dash and Twilight had managed to fall asleep downstairs. That would certainly explain the quiet that was coming from the basement. Curious about that prospect, she walked over to the door and tested the handle, but found it to be locked. Getting in under her own power wasn't going to be a possibility without breaking the door down, and she'd rather not do that. There had to be another way of finding some answers.

"Mr. Cifer?"

He didn't stop reading the book detailing the surrounding territory, but he did give an aside glance to indicate that he was at least paying attention.

"Do ya have any idea o' what they're doin' down in the basement?" she asked him.

"I do not," he replied bluntly and turned back to the page he was on.

"But wha' about tha', um, tha' sonar thing ya can do? Ya knew when Twilight an' the others were comin' back from town, and there wasn' a window ya could look through," she replied.

Ulquiorra was about to point out that his sonido was high-speed movement, not some form of x-ray vision that allowed him to see through various substances and what was beyond them. But he paused and gave the matter greater thought. Perhaps her use of the word sonar hadn't been a mispronunciation of sonido, but meant to refer to his pesquisa, which Twilight Sparkle had explained was similar to the echolocation of a bat. The two were similar enough in concept to be a believable theory.

"As Twilight Sparkle explained, pesquisa is similar to a bat's echolocation. But instead of utilizing sound waves to map out physical obstacles, it uses a ping of reishi to locate and identify reiatsu, as well as similar energy patterns. Physical objects don't serve as a hindrance of the process, but that isn't the same as seeing through them. Simply because I am aware of their presence in the basement, that isn't the same as being able to see what they're doing," he explained. After giving a pause so that she would have time to comprehend his words, he continued. "That said, I can tell that Twilight Sparkle's reiatsu pattern is significantly more stable than it was during the time you were asleep. This at least suggests she is experiencing a corresponding state of greater emotional stability."

"Really?" Applejack asked. He could really draw such speculation and whatnot just by detecting Twilight's magic? It sounded familiar, like she'd heard him give such an explanation before, but right now it just wasn't ringing any definite bells. Maybe she was more tired than she realized. Maybe he was right that she did need to go to bed. "Ya reckon RD knew wha' she was talkin' about?"

"I'm uncertain. Every time I believe that I've reached an accurate conclusion of the facts, you ponies manage to prove me wrong by presenting previously undiscovered information, that necessitates reconsidering everything," Ulquiorra replied.

More silence. He was alright with that. Silence allowed him to better focus on his surroundings. Silence would possibly inspire Applejack to turn in, and give up her futile efforts of remaining awake for no reason.

"Mr. Cifer? Do ya mind if ah do a little speculatin' about ya?"

It was a matter of curiosity that motivated Ulquiorra to pause from reading his current book of choice, and turn his attention to where Applejack sat. He assumed that she had simply gone back to sleep during the period of silence that had been experienced. Whether she had, or had simply gone back to sitting silently and thinking, he wasn't certain. However it wasn't important enough to concern himself with.

"I don't," he replied. It might be interesting to see what she had to say about him. Applejack was, after all, one of the ponies that had a respectable degree of intelligence about her.

"Well... ya don' exactly strike me as the kind tha's deliberately standoffish an' cold fer the sake o' being such ta others. Ya sorta strike me as somepony, ah mean someone tha's the philosopher type, curious 'bout wha's goin' on aroun' ya since it's all new an' such, but not knowin' jus' how ta go about interactin' wit' others an' wha' they're doin'. And that not knowin', an' maybe a bit o' hesitatin' motivates ya ta hang back an' jus' observe things while tryin' ta get a feel fer things," Applejack stated.

Ulquiorra listened as she spoke, analyzing her words and what she was saying. Hers was at least an interesting theory regarding his nature. There were certainly a number of inaccuracies about how she interpreted him and his nature, but there had also been a few points that were truthful; such as not being deliberately cold to others. Simply because he chose not to interact with others when they displayed irrelevant, nonsensical behavior, didn't mean he had some overt desire to inflict misery and suffering on them. Needless cruelty ultimately served no purpose.

"An interesting theory at the very least. But matters are not quite as complicated as you believe. There is simply no point in becoming involved in needlessly irrelevant matters," he replied as he turned to the next page.

"Irrelevant in what way?" Applejack asked him. She grunted as she stood up out of a sitting position, stretching her tired muscles in the process, before slowly walking over to him. "From wha' ah remember durin' our second meetin', yer not workin' fer that Aizen character no more. Until yesterday, officially, yer mission was ta learn about friendship an' such. Now ah can understand that somethin' like that might be a bit strange to ya, but how could anythin' actually be irrelevant ta learnin' such?"

That gave him reason to pause his reading, reason to look up from the page he was on, in order to better look at Applejack, and to better think over what she'd said. It was a fair point that she was currently making. His services to Aizen had certainly been terminated upon his death, his days of a warrior officially ending at that point in time. Discord had informed him that he was free of his previous duties, and Princess Celestia had assigned him a new purpose to go along with his presence in this new world. Strangely it was a purpose he hadn't expected to encounter, a role he hadn't expected to fill; that of a student.

Now that he gave the matter a greater degree of thought than before, he wasn't merely another student assigned difficult to comprehend material; certainly not like the students that attended Miss Cheerilee's classes. By placing him under her rule, and assigning him the original task, he had more or less become Princess Celestia's student. In simple terms, he and Twilight Sparkle shared a title and position. And while Princess Celestia had seen fit to request that he return to his old ways in order to protect her kingdom, in recognition of the fact that they were up against a genuine threat, she hadn't officially ended his apparent apprenticeship under her. It was always possible that once this crisis had been addressed, she would insist that he return his previous purpose in this world, and once again begin his studies of the concept of friendship.

That was a thought that he had truly never considered. If this matter hadn't been pointed out to him, it was entirely possible he would've passed it over. It was just like the situation back in Canterlot, where little snippets of conversation from Rarity and Fluttershy had given birth to the -apparently confirmed- theory that something was out to kill them. And if it wasn't for the insight of Applejack on this matter, he might never have given any actual consideration to it at all.

"You present an interesting outlook, for hypothetical consideration and analysis, if nothing else," he replied, "what would you suggest as a solution?" he asked, curious to see what advice she might have to offer.

"Well ah'll tell ya right now, there's a piece o' advice that Twilight had ta learn the hard way, an' she would've saved herself a lot o' trouble if she'd just taken it sooner durin' her studies: stop thinkin' so dang hard 'bout stuff," Applejack stated. However she was quick to continue before he could interrupt. "A lot o' ponies an' others make things out ta be more complicated than they really are or really need ta be. And if yer the thinkin' type ah could see why ya might be doin' the same. But there are times when ya jus' don' need ta be doin' such," she explained.

"And you believe this simplistic outlook on life is sufficient in nature? To simply not give consideration to various matters?" Ulquiorra asked in response. That was the piece of advice Twilight Sparkle had to learn? Was she quite serious?

"It's worked out perdy well fer me so far. Some things aren't nearly as complicated as others want ta believe they are. Sometimes ya jus' gotta take things at face value an' not worry so much," Applejack replied before giving a light shrug. "What ah'm tryin' ta say, more er less, is that sometimes ya gotta do less thinkin', an' more participatin' even if it don't make a whole lotta sense. Like when you an' Carrot Top were playin' darts back at the barn. Ah know that wasn' exactly yer idea, but fer the sake of reference ah think it works."

Ulquiorra was silent in thought as he considered Applejack's words of advice. Could things truly be as simple as she was making them out to be? The very idea seemed preposterous to even give basic consideration to. And yet Applejack was presenting such a notion of simplicity as being a motto she apparently lived by.

Was it truly possible that he was overthinking matters that simply didn't need the fullest scope of his attention? It was a possibility that couldn't be ruled out, even if it did seem quite unlikely, to the point of being preposterous. But then again he was dealing with a world where the dominant intelligent species had hooves, believed in -and used- magic, and could actually see and interact with him as if he were a physical entity. And that was to say nothing of how even the weakest of ponies didn't seem like they would be crushed by his mere presence. This wasn't the first time he had to consider that the standard rules of logic didn't apply here; at least not to the same degree it did back in his own world.

"I'll take it under advisement," he finally replied, "but it will have to wait until the situation isn't as serious as it is currently. Until then it will have to wait while more relevant matters are addressed," he explained as he turned back to the book and turned the page. Simply because he was willing to give the matter further consideration at some point in the future, that didn't mean he could lose focus on what was currently important.

"And somethin' like, uh..." Applejack asked as she tilted her head to better read the title of the book he held in his hands. "How's geology relevant in this case?" she asked, not really seeing it herself.

"Knowledge pertaining to the nature of the surrounding territory can be quite relevant in any situation. The most common mineral deposits in the territory around Ponyville are limestone, quartz, feldspar, mica, and granite. Knowing what deposits can be found in what locations, could prove crucial at some point in time," he explained.

"How so?" Applejack asked, not really seeing what he was saying.

"This world is full of unknown and potentially dangerous creatures, any number of which could be utilized against us. Should some burrowing, subterranean carnivorous beast be utilized, being able to reach a deposit of granite might mean the difference between life or death," Ulquiorra explained. "Based on my research back in Canterlot, such a situation occurred in the Neighvada desert a number of years ago. The creatures responsible were able to easily burrow through the loose soil making up the ground, but incapable of getting through solid, dense pockets of rock."

"Huh," Applejack replied, not entirely certain what else to say after hearing that. "Learn somethin' new everyday ah guess."

Applejack hadn't been expecting the following silence. She'd expected some sort of sarcastic remark to her statement about learning something new, or even some measure of cynicism. Even a touch of snark wouldn't have been blinked at. But the simple silence had left her feeling... a little disappointed actually. Ulquiorra having no qualms about giving up the last word just seemed to give a sensation of incompleteness.

Oh well, that was neither here nor there. Right now she had more important things to focus on that witty banter with the Espada; namely her friends.

There was a hollow, cracking thud in the darkness of the library.

"Yeowch! Worthless inbred son of a nag!"

Followed by a string of Equestrian profanity. That was enough to gain Ulquiorra's interest and bring his attention to where Applejack currently sat, rubbing her jawbone as she mumbled various words. He could easily assume that the earth pony had once again fallen asleep where she sat. But instead of leaning against the wall like the last time sleep had tried unsuccessfully to claim her, it seemed likely that her body had relaxed and she'd fallen forward, slamming her jaw against the hardwood floor of the library, which resulted in her snapping back to consciousness again.

"Your dedication to your cause is respectable. But ultimately there's no point in your continued efforts to remaining awake. It's quite impossible for you to aid the others, and your efforts are doing nothing but causing you harm," he pointed out, the injury she'd just sustained perfectly proving it to be a matter of fact. "Go to bed, Applejack."

"Yer concern is touchin' an' all, Mr. Cifer," Applejack replied as she rubbed her jaw. "But even if ah did turn in, ah probably wouldn' be able ta actually sleep. Ah'd probably jus' wind up lyin' there an' thinking 'bout RD an' Twilight. At least if ah'm awake, ah won't feel guilty fer not bein' able ta actually do anything," she explained. She then paused to yawn, even if stretching her mouth that far caused it to hurt. "Might not make a whole lot o' sense, but it's somethin' friends do fer one another. We make sacrifices 'cause we care. Shoot, ah'd stay up fer the girls all night if ah had ta."

Ulquiorra considered reminding her that he was well versed in the matter of making sacrifices, going so far as to reference several key examples. But ultimately he decided against it. He had already made such a point to her and the others in the past. It was more than likely she was overlooking such a point in her sleep deprived state. Maybe he could use that to his advantage, and present her with something that would convince her to turn in due to its complexity.

"Then perhaps you can provide assistance with a question for which I have no answers of my own," he replied.

"Well ah'll help however ah can. Wha's on yer mind?" Applejack asked, curious to see just what the Espada was talking about. What kind of question could he have, that he was actually willing to ask her for help?

"The concept of friendship in general is a matter of confusion and complication, with some aspects being even more so than others," he began, "you're aware that Twilight Sparkle considers me to be her friend. Her sentiment, I'm relatively certain, is shared by several other members of the group. But specifically how does one go about considering another to be their friend? Hypothetically speaking, if I take this matter seriously, how would I know if someone is my friend?" he asked her.

Applejack blinked at Ulquiorra in confusion, her mouth slightly agape as the confused "uhh..." went unissued. This was what he needed her help with?

"Mr. Cifer... ah don' wanna be rude, but ah feel like ah jus' got asked ta describe colors by a blind pony," she stated uncertainly, "that... ah don' know how ta answer. Ah'll try an give ya an answer, but ah don' know if it'll be the one yer lookin' for," she explained. This was going to be a difficult one to try and address. She was going to need a minute or two in order to think it over, and try to structure her answer appropriately. How exactly did you go about explaining something that was so basic, it was right up there with breathing? Some of this stuff just plain had to be felt rather than explained.

She couldn't help but wonder if it was better that he asked her instead of Twilight. Knowing Twilight, if she was asked, she wouldn't be able to answer without extensive diagrams, and various books referencing the subject.

"Well... fer starters, friendship sorta works like a two-way street. Two pon--- two individuals can't really be friends without some level o' reciprocity goin' on between 'em. It's sorta like a dance, there's gotta be cooperation an' trust an' such. It's... well it's kinda like the business deal between the Apples an' the Riches. It's mutually beneficial an' all, but we never let matters like profit get in the way o' what we got with one another. Considerin' someone a friend means bein' willin' ta not let the little stuff get under yer skin an' drive ya apart; like puttin' up with Twilight when she would insist on reorganizing mah apples based on color hue," she explained, chuckling at the last part as those memories forced themselves forward. She was appreciative of the desire to help, but not when she was trying to sell them at the market!

"That doesn't specifically answer the question of how one knows when someone is their friend. What are the telltale signs to observe, for making such a determination?" Ulquiorra asked. The explanation given was of little value in this matter. If his originally assigned purpose ever became relevant again, how was he to fulfill it if he couldn't even answer what was likely the most important question? And why hadn't Princess Celestia thought of that beforehand?

Applejack tried not to frown. He was a tougher nut to crack than she thought. This was going to have to involve kicking off the proverbial boots and rolling up the proverbial sleeves if she was going to get anywhere in helping him.

"A'aright then," she began, "ya've gotten to know a fair number o' ponies, right? Are there any ya'd prefer ta spend time with more than others if ya were given the option? Any ya don't feel duty bound to fer one reason or another?" she asked, figuring that was as good of a way of presenting the case as any.

Ulquiorra considered the question, mentally running through the list of every pony he'd come to know, and to what extent he knew them. Out of that entire assortment, were there any that he would put above the others, when presented with a situation in which he didn't have to concern himself with either their immediate wellbeing, or the wellbeing of Equestria itself? Certainly, some of them were interesting individuals to associate with. But did being interesting warrant a significant investment of time?

"There are several," he eventually replied, seeing it as the best answer available. Flat denial didn't seem appropriate right now.

"Well then, sounds like ya might actually have yerself a few friends," Applejack replied and smiled. Things were really, really starting to look up around here as far as she could see. But with that thought came another one. It didn't seem exactly in line with the others, but it did manage to strike her as potentially being important. "But jus' so ya know, it is possible ta be friends with some ponies in a group without bein' friends with others. Jus' because they've got certain friends doesn' mean yer obligated ta have 'em as yer friends too, it don' work that way. Sorta like with Twilight, ya could be friends with her without necessarily bein' friends wit' Pinkie, RD, or even mahself. Freedom of association an' such," she explained.

That statement in itself could easily answer several potential questions. And it gave reason to listen further, disregarding the notion of using the question as a tool of motivation to convince Applejack to turn in for what was left of the night.

"Another way of knowin' if ya got friends er not, is the difficulty experienced when it comes time ta end the friendship. Ah know it might seem simple ta do, outside lookin' in an' all, but it really ain't. Like it er not when ya get to be friends wit' somepony, ya get attached to 'em an' the company they provide. An' when they do somethin' tha' hurts ya in ways ya jus' can't forgive an' forget, ya jus' gotta call it quits, no matter how much ya desperately wish it didn' have ta be done," Applejack continued, her voice and outward expression no longer as upbeat as it had been early in the conversation. It was a detail that failed to slip past Ulquiorra's perception unnoticed.

"The concept of friendship sounds quite similar to the concept of the heart, and the potential it has for causing harm and suffering to others," he pointed out, "is it worth it? The potential for harm seems significant in nature, and I can't help but wonder why anyone would willingly put themselves through such a gamble," he continued, finding the presented situation too good to pass up on asking the question.

"Well ah can't speak fer everypony on this, tha's jus' not possible. But fer mahself ah think it is. Somethin' Granny Smith told me growin' up, there's two ways o' goin' through life. Ya can either always be guardin' yerself an' scared o' gettin' hurt, never really takin' a chance. Or ya can be willin' ta take take yer chances an' the lumps that're thrown at ya along the way. Jus' because somethin' could end badly doesn' mean that it will, an' ya can't always plan on the worst case scenario. Ya gotta have a little optimism in life... difficult as it might seem," Applejack explained. She truly hadn't been caught off guard by Ulquiorra's position on the matter. She'd had a number of conversations with him ever since their first meeting, and a few things had come up over during those encounters. Truth be told, she would've been surprised if he hadn't been somewhat pessimistic about it. "Life's a gamble. Sometimes ya come out on top, other times ya don't. Ain't much more to it than that."

"A fair point," Ulquiorra replied, recognizing the fact that she had a point. There were very few certainties when it came to life, regardless of who or what you were. Even with every precaution he had taken, in meticulously planning out every detail that could possibly need to be addressed, there was still no guarantee that anything Aizen had planned had worked out as intended. And although it was likely that it had, there was still the possibility that something unexpected had occurred, and thrown everything out the window; something like Ichigo Kurosaki's Hollowfied form. "Was that also something you were aware of, Aizen?" he thought to himself in contemplation. If even his own Lanza del Relámpago could do nothing to harm that monster, he couldn't help but wonder what Aizen could do against it.

"If ya don' mind Mr. Cifer, ah've got a couple o' questions ah'd like ta ask," Applejack spoke up in an effort to ward off the silence that she knew was coming. She saw him move his eyes away from the pages of the book and over to her, indicating that she now had his attention to at least some degree. "Ah really don' mean ta be pryin' inta matters, but ah'm a might bit curious. Those several ya mentioned... am ah one of 'em?" she asked.

Ulquiorra considered the question carefully. Originally the earth pony had asked about those he didn't possess a specific duty or obligation to. Those that Princess Celestia hadn't tasked him to safeguard against harm. Technically all of Ponyville was under his protection, and he was obligated to all of them. Only technically, however. Regardless of the assignment, the ones present in the library were his true obligation. But how did that obligation coincide with the concept of friendship? If he was obligated to protecting these specific ponies, could he truly interact with them in a free manner?

Perhaps it would be simpler to just assume that the rules of interaction applied to the bearers of the Elements of Harmony as well. If he were to assume such, then it could simplify matters to a significant degree.

"You are," he finally replied. If he was honest with himself, Applejack was one of the six he would prefer spending time with if that specific opportunity was ever presented. Some of the other were far less desirable. But her reaffirming that he was under no true obligation to associate with all of them, and especially not at the same time, reduced the number of complications that were present in this entire friendship concept.

Applejack smiled at his words, feeling more relaxed than when she asked the question. That was good, good news to be finding out, as it made the entire conversation easier to have.

"A'right, now fer the next question," she started as she stepped a bit closer. "Do ya mind gettin' hugged by a friend?"

Applejack wasn't sure quite what it was, but something about the ensuing silence and Ulquiorra's stillness was making her nervous. Had she just asked him the wrong thing? At the time it really didn't sound all that bad to her. But now that the words were actually out there in the open, she was now having doubts about whether or not she should've even approached this subject. And as he slowly turned his head to look at her once again, she tried hard not to flinch under his gaze.

"I fail to see why there is so much obsession over such a meaningless gesture," he finally replied. It was yet another mystery his logical mind. How did such a simple example of physical contact mean so much, that it was a point of interest to others? "I am also curious as to why you would bother to ask, when the others feel no such obligation before going ahead with what they plan to do."

Applejack shrugged, doing her best to stand her own ground, and not feel intimidated into backing down. "Didn' feel like doin' any grabbin' on ya if it wasn' welcome," she replied. That was one thing she and Pinkie never really saw eye to eye on, what with the pink earth pony favoring surprise and spontaneity when issuing most of her hugs; something she knew for certain that Ulquiorra had found out for himself. "Blame it on a pony bein' stubborn an' not turnin' in when she needs to," she said and shrugged again, "ah'll make ya a deal. Ah get a hug outta ye, an' ah'll turn in fer wha's left o' the night. How's that sound?" she asked, putting her proposition forward. Something she probably wouldn't have done if she hadn't been so tired right now.

Ulquiorra considered her words. Truthfully it made no difference to him whether or not Applejack went to bed. She would be the one experiencing the consequences of her actions rather than him.

But in considering that fact, another one came to mind. These ponies would be returning to their everyday lives once the new day officially began with the rising of the sun. Or within a few hours of such occurring. They would once again be vulnerable to the outside world, and need to fend for themselves if he wasn't there. That would be difficult to do if the ability to react in a timely manner was hampered by exhaustion.

There was also the matter that, regardless of what she was asking for, her proposition had a certain capitalist structure to it. Intangible goods aside, she was displaying a materialistic approach to doing things, and offering to swap goods in what she considered to be a mutually beneficial manner. It was almost like a business deal. It was a... respectable endeavor.

With that thought in mind, he memorized the page he was on, before closing it, and sliding it nearly all the way back into its available space on the bookshelf. "It is acceptable."

"A'right then," Applejack replied as she shifted about before rearing up on her hind legs... before falling backwards and landing squarely on her flanks with a resounding thud before she could right her balance. "Dangit, that hurt," she grumbled as she climbed back to her hooves. She tried again, carefully shifting her weight upward and rearward to bring her onto her back hooves only. This time she was met with much better results. For a period of two seconds, before she fell over again. "Dagnabbit! How in the hay does Lyra make this look so danged easy?" she asked, both in frustration and pain. This really wasn't working out as she'd hoped.

It was a fair question to ask. Even Ulquiorra wondered about the answer to such. One possibility was that Lyra Heartstrings possessed less weight than Applejack, both due to the difference in species, and the corresponding difference in muscular structure and fat content, and this physical difference resulting in a better distribution of weight, allowing for differences in overall balance.

Another possibility was that Lyra Heartstrings had devoted extensive time and practice to being able to not only stand, but also walk -and even dance- on her hind legs without difficulty, learning the intricacies of how to carry her weight efficiently. The exact reason for why she might practice such an exercise in the first place was a mystery to him; one that he had failed to adequately address when presented with the opportunity. Perhaps he would address that at some point in the future, assuming their paths crossed again on their own. If they didn't then there was no reason to simply seek her out for that specific reason.

He watched as Applejack climbed back onto her hooves, muttering certain things to herself as she once again tried to stand on her hind legs. Unlike the last two times, this time she hadn't shifted her weight all the way back, and was keeping her forelegs forward. Although her posture was unsteady in nature, this was the longest she'd been able to remain on just two legs without toppling over. She shifted about uneasily, trying to use her forelegs to steady herself, before taking a tentative step forward. When she failed to fall down, she took another. Unfortunately her balance gave out on that second step, and sent her toppling forward.

Fortunately the fall was short in nature, as she was close enough to the Espada to hold onto him and avoid meeting the floor a third time. And it'd been a miracle that she'd managed to miss hitting her face against the hilt of his zanpakutō.

"Ferget it, it's overrated," Applejack muttered, really not seeing the point in the method of locomotion. It was then that she remembered she was learning against Ulquiorra for support, and noticed the firmness involved. Curiously she poked at his abdominal area with her hoof. "Wow. Yer really all muscle, huh?" she asked.

"Comparatively speaking," Ulquiorra replied as he looked down while she poked at him. "I still don't understand the significance of such a physical gesture. Ultimately what purpose does it serve?" he asked her.

"Huggin'? Well it's not really somethin' that means one thing er another, it's sorta a catchall gesture. Ta some it's a way o' showin' trust ta one another, 'cuz ya really wouldn' be huggin' someone if ya don' trust 'em ta some degree," she replied, pausing to let the information sink in before continuing. She wanted him to understand that fact first and foremost. "Fer others it's somethin' more important. When somepony's panickin' over somethin' an' can't calm 'emselves down 'cuz emotions are runnin' high, sometimes a well timed hug helps ta ground 'em back in reality. Helps take the terror outta the situation an' remind 'em that they're not left ta fend fer themselves," she explained.

On the issue of trust, Ulquiorra could understand the significance of the gesture, and Applejack's actions. Making yourself vulnerable to one that wasn't trustworthy was quite unwise. The fact she was acknowledging such a fact indicated that, despite everything that had happened, she still saw fit to trust him. Whether that trust was due to what he could do for them in terms of keeping them safe, or for other unrelated matters, he wasn't entirely certain right now.

On the issue of providing emotional stability to one in need, he wasn't quite as certain about that one. He had certainly witnessed what could've been considered as such an act, between Pinkie Pie and Princess Luna back at the hospital. But at present he couldn't foresee any situation in which he'd ever have reason or motivation to engage in such a notion himself.

"Jus' so ya know, Mr. Cifer, it really ain't a hug unless both parties are doin' it," Applejack pointed out, feeling a bit silly that she was the one doing all the embracing.

Ulquiorra continued looking down at the pony in contemplation, before finally relenting, and bringing his arms up and around her, reminding himself that he was doing this in an effort to better ensure their safety, and the continued survival of Equestria. That was the only reason he was willing to consent to this ridiculous behavior.

It was then that he noticed Applejack seeming to sink deeper into the insisted upon embrace, rather than breaking it. That wasn't a part of the deal.

"I have fulfilled my end of the deal. It's now time for you to do the same," he pointed out as he withdrew his arms.

"Fair enough ah guess," Applejack replied and yawned as she set back down on all four hooves again. "Thank ya kindly fer yer time, Mr. Cifer. Ah'd wish ya a good night an' all, but ah don' think it'd make much difference to ya."

She really didn't want to go to bed, not while Twilight and Rainbow Dash were still in the basement by themselves. She wanted to be up here to greet them when they finally came back up, and make sure everything was alright. But in her tired state she'd made that specific deal, and there was no honesty in squirming out of it now. So with a measure of reluctance she began to walk towards the stairs.

And then she stopped as her ears perked up and twitched at the sound of a doorknob being worked, and it was coming from the door that lead down to the basement! She turned around just in time to see the door open, Twilight coming up the stairs first, followed shortly by Rainbow Dash clutching something wrapped in cloth in her teeth.

Once the two of them were out and back in the main library, the basement door slowly swung itself shut, the front of it seeming to melt as its appearance changed to look no different than the side of the wall it was built into. Having seen the door opened earlier in the evening, it answered a very good question that Applejack had, but never really got around to asking. She'd always known that there was a basement to the library, but until she actually saw the door itself, she had no idea just where the stairs to it were located. According to Twilight it was a security precaution for safeguarding the more sensitive things located in the library. Why the Elements of Harmony themselves weren't stored down there as well, she didn't know for certain. But considering the double forcefields in place, and combined with Ulquiorra's own inability to lift the case itself, they were probably safe where they were right now.

Applejack opened her mouth to say something, but immediately closed it again when she looked at Twilight's current condition. In simple terms she looked like a mess. The fur on her face looked matted with tear stains and other traces of something or another, and her eyes had traces of a bloodshot state to them. When Ulquiorra had talked about Twilight and the matter of emotional stability, she didn't think to expect that it would possibly involve the unicorn crying her eyes out down there.

"Uh... hey there, Twilight," she greeted, caught off guard and uncertain of just how to proceed on this matter. "How ya holdin' up?" she asked.

"I'm alright, Applejack, now anyway," Twilight replied as she uncomfortably shifted her weight about with her hind legs. "I'm doing better than I was. All thanks to Rainbow Dash's help."

Rainbow Dash set the cloth-wrapped item down on the floor, before wiping her mouth with the back of her foreleg to try and clear away some of the stale dust that had proven to be an occupational hazard in this case. Having hands would've helped big time.

"Eh. It's not like I did anything major, Twilight. I was just there, you were the one that had the breakthrough to get through," she replied.

Applejack blinked. Was Rainbow Dash actually being modest for a change? That was a little unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome.

"Nothing major?" Twilight asked, her tone of voice clearly showing her lack of belief regarding the statement that had just been made in front of her. "You were there for me when I needed you, Rainbow Dash, even when I didn't know that I needed you. You came to my rescue and helped me. That was not nothing," she stated.

Applejack blinked again, confused and lost. "Wha' exactly happened down there?" she asked.

"Nothing happened," Rainbow Dash stated quickly, cutting off whatever Twilight might have had to say in response. "All I did was provide a wither to cry on when it was needed. I was just doing what any friend would do, and returning the favor from when Twilight helped me with a problem a few months ago. It's not like I did anything special," she said dismissively.

Applejack thought on that. Or at leas tried to think. What exactly was Rainbow Dash talking about? What favor was she using to try and justify/excuse the fact that she could be just as soft and caring as any of them? She certainly couldn't remember anything in the last few months that had been a problem Rainbow Dash had been going through. But then again living outside of Ponyville proper, she wasn't always up on everything her friends did when she wasn't in their company.

Looking between them she could tell there was some degree of discomfort going on. So she decided to do something about that; change the dang subject. "So wha's the thing RD brought up here?" she asked.

"Oh. That," Twilight spoke up, remembering the object from earlier, and lifting it up with her magic. "Something for tomorrow. Something that I'll need Ulquiorra's help with," she explained.

"And precisely what is that?"

Twilight nearly jumped at hearing the Espada's voice. How she wound up forgetting about him being there, she didn't really know. But nevermind that, it wasn't important right now. Right now him actually being there was beneficial, as she wouldn't have to explain the matter multiple times. In response to the questions she was presented with, she carefully unwrapped the parcel to show what it contained.

Ulquiorra examined the object with all the care and attention he usually exercised when a matter was important. But he truly couldn't see why this was important. Or how he could be of any use.

"A lantern?" he asked as he looked at the old, antiquated light source. It appeared to be constructed of steel, with a domed top and a thick wire handle that would swing freely, approximately the size of a one gallon can, and possessing a round glass lens at the front mounted on a small hinged door. It looked quite old and discolored, and he briefly wondered if it even still worked. "And precisely how does an antiquated bullseye lantern figure into anything?"

"Yeah ah'm kinda wonderin' that mahself," Applejack added. It wasn't that lanterns were uncommon in Equestria or anything like that. Most ponies still used them for the purpose of illumination. But with the advent of electrical lighting being made possible from hydroelectric dams and stations, especially in the much bigger cities like Manehattan and Canterlot, the use of lanterns was usually reserved for power outages or camping purposes. But at places like Sweet Apple Acres and other farms where electricity didn't run, lanterns were still frequently used.

But certainly nothing like the one Twilight was currently holding. The entire structure looked like it was meant for focusing light in a very narrow area. As far as lanterns went, Applejack preferred the kerosine variety, with the metal frame and glass globe, as the design allowed for a greater degree of area lighting, making it much easier to see when it was necessary.

"Actually it's not a traditional lantern, although it's easy to confuse for one. What it is, is a containment lantern. When the lens door is opened, the enchantments placed on the inside of the housing create a special vacuum that draws in and, as the name suggests, contains, various forces like a dragon's fire, or pure concentrated mana, by holding the material in a stasis field. This primarily served three purposes. First, it could be used as a method of long term illumination. Secondly, it could be utilized for defensive purposes, by absorbing dangerous spells or dragon's fire, and preventing harm from taking place. And third, when the front lens hatch is opened, the contained force could be utilized offensively if need be, by sending it right back at the caster," Twilight explained.

"Wow," Applejack replied, not certain what else to say in response. "Sounds like a mighty interestin' thing ta have on hoof. Are they rare er sometin'?"

"Sort of, Applejack, but that's primarily due to the labor intense nature of their construction than anything else. Properly applying the enchantments to the inside of the lantern is something that takes a great deal of skill, patience, and experience. As a result containment lanterns tend to fetch high prices, and those that own them aren't often likely to part with them if they don't have to. The only reason I have one is because Celestia provided one when I moved here from Canterlot. That way if Spike was in Canterlot or otherwise unavailable, I could still submit a report so long as I had him breathe into the lantern first. But since Spike hasn't had to go to Canterlot on business in a long while, I haven't had much use for it, so it's just been in the basement gathering dust," Twilight elaborated, using the cloth it'd been wrapped in to try and wipe some of the dirt away from its shell.

"And how does this matter involve myself?" Ulquiorra asked them. He would admit that the notion of the lantern's construction was mildly interesting. But what purpose did that serve them now?

"Well, with your permission of course, I'd like to try and use the lantern to try and contain one of your Ceros. The way I see it, Ulquiorra, is that if we do such, then should whatever it is actually comes for us, we'll have a better fighting chance than if we're left to our own devices," Twilight explained. It had seemed like a logical conclusion to reach, just in case her work at learning these new spells should fail. With the destructive potential of a Cero on hoof should it be needed, they'd stand a much better chance of survival.

"I have serious doubts about the notion of this artifact withstanding the forces it will be subjected to," Ulquiorra replied as he looked away from them and to the lantern itself. "But you present a unique situation for consideration. If you truly can do what you propose, then it may be a worthwhile endeavor to engage in," he stated. He could certainly see the practicality of the proposal. But he would still need to see this for himself in order to believe it.

"Well, girls," Applejack spoke up, pausing in order to yawn. Now that they were up here and alright, she could really start to feel the exhaustion weighing on her. "Ah'm glad yer alright an' all, but ah really need ta turn in now. It's gonna be dawn in a few hours."

Twilight turned to face Applejack and frown at what she said. It was the type of frown that marked both confusion and concern. "You've been waiting up for us all this time?"

"Eyup," Applejack replied and gave a brief nod and closed her eyes, feeling too tired to put any serious effort into giving an answer. Sometimes her brother had the right idea on things by keeping it simple. However she opened her eyes again when she felt something around her, and saw Twilight hugging her firmly.

"I really appreciate you doing that, Applejack, it was really nice," Twilight told her.

Rainbow Dash just grinned from where she stood, watching everything unfold. Applejack sitting up all these hours just to make sure Twilight was alright wasn't the kind of thing that just anypony would do. But then again her own sitting up with Twilight, holding onto her as she cried her eyes out, and getting her awesome cyan coat messy in the process, also wasn't the kind of thing that just anypony would do.

"Alright, enough of this mushy stuff," she spoke up to get their attention, before stretching her wings as she yawned. "I vote we all turn in. I don't know about you, but I'm gonna need to get up early and clear those clouds away for tomorrow morning. We're gonna need the sun for everything we need to do," she explained.

"Yer not the only one," Applejack replied as she untangled herself from Twilight. "Ah'm glad ya girls are alright. An' ah'm even gladder we can turn in now," she said as she yawned yet again. "Dawn waits fer nopony."

"You girls go on up, I'll be there in just a minute. I need to get a drink of water first," Twilight told them.

"Alright Twi', we'll save you a pillow," Rainbow Dash replied, before looking directly at Ulquiorra. "Don't let her try and sneak back down into the basement. I wouldn't put it past her to try something like that," she told him, before turning around, giving a muttered "C'mon AJ" as she walked past, heading for the stairs that would lead them up the stairs.

Twilight watched as her two friends tiredly walked up the stairs -so tiredly that Rainbow Dash didn't even try to fly up the distance- to the sleeping area, staying silent until they disappeared around the corner. At that point she turned to face Ulquiorra, who was currently looking back at her. But it wasn't the kind of look that suggested concern, rather it was the kind that suggested curiosity with why she was still standing there. Now that she was certain they were alone, she could speak up.

"I'm sorry, Ulquiorra," she said and sighed as she looked down at the floor of the library. "I tried my best to be strong, I really did. I tried really, really hard to be emotionally strong and untouched by everything that happened here today. I tried to be hard, tried to not pay it any attention, tried to tune it out and not let the suffering of others get to me. But despite my best attempts I just couldn't do it; not for long anyway. I couldn't even pretend that I could be hard, because I wound up falling apart at Rainbow Dash's prodding. I just started crying like a newborn foal and couldn't stop myself. I don't even know if I could've tried to stop myself. I..."

Ulquiorra observed as she paused her explanation and apology as she made an effort to get her breathing under control. He could see that she had been growing agitated throughout her speech, reaching this point where she needed to pause.

"I... I just don't know if I can do this. I don't know if I can actually bring myself to kill. I know what we're up against, but that doesn't make it any easier to actually consider it as a viable possibility. I think about what I might have to do, what distasteful things might become necessary, a-and I don't know whether to cry or throw up at the thought of it. I just... I just..."

"Twilight Sparkle," Ulquiorra spoke up, interrupting whatever she was attempting to say. "I have no expectations of you being a murderer. Nor do I believe that what lies ahead will be a simple matter to address. We're all facing unfamiliar territory, you and your friends, as well as myself. If there was a comfort zone experienced beforehand, this entity we face has forced us well beyond it," he explained calmly.

"But I thought-" Twilight attempted to protest, only to be interrupted yet again.

"It was you, Twilight Sparkle, that explained how friendship provided a source of strength when your own was insufficient. And while I still find this to be ludicrous in nature, it is your own advice. Whether or not you actually take your own advice makes no difference to me. I'm merely pointing out the obvious," he explained, presenting a point of argument that he didn't foresee her having the ability to argue. He was merely referencing her own logic from earlier in the day, faulty as it may seem. "At present time you're exhausted and incapable of observing the situation in an efficient manner. Go to sleep. The matter can be better discussed tomorrow morning when you're sufficiently rested."

Twilight stood silently as she listened to Ulquiorra's words. She truly hadn't expected something like that. She'd been expecting any manner of other responses that would possibly demean her position for being weak and non-conductive of survival. But instead of that he seemed to be supportive to some degree. Maybe she was even more tired than she realized.

"Alright," she replied and nodded. "Goodnight Ulquiorra."

No response given. She wasn't really surprised about that. Exchanging pleasantries was a very inconsistent thing with him. Oh well it was no matter. She turned around, wincing in the process, before slowly and softly walking off towards the stairs.

Ulquiorra observed her slowly ascend the stairs along with the others. Once he was certain she wasn't about to come back down again, he withdrew the geological book he'd been studying and turned back to the page he'd been on.

What remained of the night passed in relative silence and without incident. The rain had ended around four in the morning. And no assaults or attempts at gaining entry had been made against the library. Whatever that fact meant, Ulquiorra wasn't certain. Whether the manticore was a fluke, or simply the precursor of something bigger, it would need to be waited on to see.

A fact that may prove easier as daylight was now making itself known, with the rays of the sun creeping in through the cracks in the shutters. Daylight meant a greater field of visibility, greater alertness, fewer places for potential dangers to hide.

For him it wasn't that much of an issue. Both of his eyes and pesquisa were fully capable of discerning threats either in the light or the dark. But for those whose company he was forced to share, the difference between day and night could literally mean the difference between life and death.

However that wasn't a matter he particularly held against them. He too was faced by certain limitations to his abilities that he didn't fully comprehend; specifically the number of times his pesquisa had failed to reveal details that would have otherwise been noticed. There was the simple fact of existence that physical limitations were something that couldn't be overcome simply through hard efforts.

At least in most situations. While physical strength could be augmented through extensive exercise, there was a limit to just how much it could be augmented. The earth pony Applejack was a fine example of this fact. Hers was a body that had been toned and hardened from many years of physical exercise, and she possessed great physical strength as a result. But despite this fact, there was only so much that could be done. One day she would reach her physical pique, and no amount of hard work and determination would allow her to go beyond the limitations of her body.

Even he wasn't exempted from this fact. Regardless of how much strength he possessed, how he could easily lift forty pounds of weight to every pound of body mass he possessed, it was impossible for his sealed state to become any stronger than it was currently. Unless he utilized his resurrección he was already at the pinnacle of his own strength.

His thoughts were interrupted by the quiet but noticeable sounds of stirring from upstairs, indicating that the others were waking up from whatever degree of slumber they had acquired. Soon they would be descending to the main floor of the library, and seeking to return to their duties around town, whether they were their own, or those that they volunteered for after the events of yesterday.

That was a matter he still didn't particularly favor. He understood that they had duties and responsibilities for various reasons, and that they couldn't be avoided simply because there was a risk of danger involved with carrying them out. But the matter was still unfavorable in nature. Them splitting up required a much greater deal of vigilance to be exercised in order to cover all eight potential targets.

Unfortunately there was very little that could actually be done about that. He had been tasked with performing a specific mission within a set of limitations. And he had little option but to do just that, to the best of his abilities, regardless of how they might be hampered.

As some might say, just another day at the office.

"Are you sure you girls don't want to stay for breakfast at least? Spike's making pancakes."

The night had been long and rough, but as far as Twilight was concerned it had been alright, because she'd had her friends there with her. They had helped her out immensely during her time of need. And naturally she was reluctant to end the gathering. One by one each of them had gotten up and around as the sunlight of the new day filtered in through the bedroom windows, and got themselves ready for what was ahead of them.

But that still didn't mean she couldn't try and convince them to hang around a little longer. And what better offer than Spike's famous pancakes? Who could pass those up? And out of those that could, how many of them could continue their resistance once chocolate chips were introduced to the equation?

"Much as ah'd like to, Twilight, ah really gotta get goin'. Big Macintosh got stuck with quite a bit o' work yesterday wit' everythin' goin' on. An' ah really wanna check on Apple Bloom an' make sure she's alright," Applejack replied.

Pinkie nodded in agreement. "The Cakes are gonna be putting out coffee and doughnuts for the volunteers. I've really gotta get there early and help with the setup. There are ponies counting on us to help them, and that help comes in many forms."

"No time for breakfast for me," Rainbow Dash added, "first thing's first, clearing the early morning fog that rolled in with the chill that last night's rain caused. Then I've gotta actually get the clouds cleared away to let the sun in. And then I need to get to Zecora's and pick up some more poison joke antidote so you can do those tests. I'm probably just gonna quick grab a doughnut or two later."

"And I really don't want anypony to think that I'm being rude by not staying. But the animals really need me. I usually feed them first, and I can't keep them waiting. Some of them are really fragile, and Angel Bunny can't take care of them all on his own," Fluttershy explained. "But I'd like to, I mean, if it's alright, stop by for lunch."

"I'm sorry, darling, another time perhaps," was all that Rarity had to offer.

"Alright then," Twilight replied and tried not to sigh. She understood that they all had to go and tend to their own lives. Of course there was the possibility of them all spending the night again tonight, if Ulquiorra thought it would be in their best interest. That thought gave her some reason to be happy.

But first there was another matter that needed to be addressed.

"Actually, Rainbow Dash, you might not need to right now. I wanted to have a word with you about that first," she stated. When she saw that she had her attention, she turned to face Ulquiorra where he stood. "Ulquiorra, I know I said that we'd start on the poison joke tests today. But... would you be upset if we postponed that until tomorrow? The spells I studied last night were more complicated than I originally considered, and I'd like to try and practice them while they're still fresh in my mind and easy to remember."

Ulquiorra considered the question. It was an interesting situation to be in. On the one hand there was the matter of his own vulnerability in this world, and it being further explored to determine its fullest extent. On the other hand was the matter of these ponies learning how to better fend for themselves when he wasn't available.

When it came down to the two options available, these ponies learning to fend for themselves took priority. His condition would remain unchanged regardless of how much time passed. The same couldn't be said for them. When it came down to that, them being the ones that held the Element of Harmony took priority. He could still function to some degree when he was impaired, but the same couldn't be said for them.

"I have no objection to such," he replied, "however I do possess a question. Why is it necessary to clear the fog, rather than moving the clouds and allowing the sun to evaporate it?" he asked. It wasn't a matter of genuine curiosity pertaining to how weather duties around Equestria were managed. Rather it was a matter of recognizing a possible redundancy in the way things were done.

Rainbow Dash didn't even blink before answering. "Because under the right atmospheric conditions, fog acts like a refractor to the sun and can potentially blind ponies. It works best to knock out the fog first, even if it is kinda gummy compared to regular clouds and a real pain in the flank to do."

"Fair enough," Ulquiorra replied, seeing the point in what she was saying. Although he doubted that the matter was truly as serious as she was making it out to be. But then again stranger things had happened, and he hadn't gotten around to studying the weather of this world yet, beyond the fact that pegasus ponies were tasked with keeping it in order.

Small talk and pleasantries were exchanged between the ponies, along with promises between them to see one another during the day. Finally the other five walked out the front door, leaving him alone with Spike and Twilight Sparkle, the latter of which was now looking at him.

"Will you be joining us for breakfast, Ulquiorra?" she asked him.

"Perhaps another time. At the moment there are other matters that need tending to," he replied and started to turn away. While the others preoccupied themselves with food, he could do more research.

"Oh?" Twilight asked as she blinked and subtly tilted her head to the side as she looked at him. "Well if you say so, that's your decision to make. But do you really think that's a good idea after going the entire night while neglecting your mana intake?" she asked, noting how the question caused Ulquiorra to pause in place.

"Twilight? What're you talking about?" Spike asked, scratching the scales on his head in confusion.

Twilight didn't directly answer Spike's question, or even look right at him, but rather kept her attention on Ulquiorra as he looked back at her.

"You stopped right after finding out that the forcefields protecting the Elements of Harmony absorbed the ambient mana in the area, because you didn't want to weaken their protectiveness in case something happened, right?" she asked him. When no immediate answer was given, she continued with the interrogation. "You went without because you believed it to be prudent, even though you were likely getting hungrier and hungrier at the time, right?"

"And how did you arrive at this conclusion?" Ulquiorra as he turned back around to properly face her. This was quite an interesting theory she was presenting for consideration. What was more interesting than her theory, however, was the fact that she was correct.

Trying to precisely measure the substance known as mana was difficult, as there were no hard defined units of measure to reference. Or at least none that he was aware of; it wasn't like there were any books he'd come across yet that talked about mana being measured either by the cup or by the pound. He'd had no way of knowing just what the power requirements were for the dual forcefields -along with whatever enchantments were in place- currently protecting the Elements of Harmony. And he'd had no desire of shorting them out by creating a vacuum with his own consumption, so he'd made the conscious decision to defer priority to it rather than himself.

However there was still the matter of the question that hadn't yet been answered. Just how had she known in the first place?

"Mana sensitivity. Since my special talent is magic itself, I'm better versed in the field than most, so I'd have greater reason to be aware of the different levels of ambient magic in an area. Not that I'm bragging or anything. Anyway, when we first met, I noticed that the air felt... different, and I had to concentrate harder to use any magic that utilized ambient mana rather than direct mana. And when you explained that you could draw sustenance from the mana in the area I just put two and two together," Twilight explained before pausing to let her explanation sink in. After a moment of silence she continued in her explanation.

"Being around the forcefields as they guard the Elements of Harmony, I've become aware of just how much mana they absorb to maintain themselves throughout the day, and I've learned how to compensate for such. So naturally I could tell the difference of when you were, for lack of a better term, eating. The drain was significantly greater. So it was easy to tell that you stopped, and that you did so not long after finding out about their nature. So it seemed only natural to assume that you fasted for our sakes. And I have to say, I didn't know just how much mana you normally absorbed at any given time. It was actually surprising. But I didn't want to say anything at the time, because I didn't want you to assume the wrong thing, or for me to not properly explain everything."

So that was it. He hadn't given this unicorn enough credit if she was truly sensitive to the ambient levels of mana in the area, and could detect such changes to her surroundings. Her deductive reasoning was certainly of a respectable level if she could take so little information, and be so right in her speculation.

"After everything you've done for us, Ulquiorra, the very least we can do in return is supply you with a suitable breakfast to make up for your loss. We don't know just what we might be facing today, and you might need to be at your full strength at some point. And I doubt you can make up for more than ten hours of fasting in less than an hour," she pointed out.

He listened as Twilight Sparkle explained the situation to him. She had a number of good points on her side of the discussion. It would be hard to argue with her on what she was saying. He was in a position where he could do little more than simply agree with what she was saying.

"Very well then," he replied, acknowledging defeat.

"Alright then! You heard him, Spike, pancakes all around!" Twilight called excitedly.

"On it," Spike agreed and saluted, before turning to face Ulquiorra directly. "So... butter or syrup?"

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