• Published 13th May 2013
  • 37,674 Views, 6,225 Comments

HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter One

Chapter One

Under normal circumstances, sleep was something easy for Princess Celestia to achieve, and even easier to maintain. Despite not needing sleep in order to survive, it was still wonderful to indulge in at the end of each day. For a few blissful hours she was completely free of the daily stresses she was forced to endure, allowed to indulge in her daily fantasies and desires, all in the comfort of her own bed. It was blissful, it was serene, it was beautiful.

These, however, were not normal circumstances.

On this night, sleep had proved itself to be rather elusive to her. Getting to sleep was difficult, and actually staying asleep was even moreso. Her rest wasn't at all restful, as her mind continued to wander back to the same subject of her discomfort; Ulquiorra Cifer. What she had seen in the Arrancar's mind had disturbed her deeply, and left her shaken all the way to her magical core. His presence was contradictory to everything, and left her with great concerns over the safety of her kingdom, and everyone in it. He'd even managed to invade her dreams, haunting her unconscious mind with what she'd seen of Hueco Mundo, of the battle he had engaged in with the strange bipedal being "Ichigo Kurosaki" with the bright orange mane, in the name of protecting Las Noches at all costs in order to comply with his orders. And that terrible, terrible emptiness that just seemed to radiate off of him. His empty, soulless eyes were piercing through what she saw, their unwavering glare present through the images like two suns hanging high in the sky. How had Luna seen sadness in them?

In the end she realized that it was futile to continue laying about, and simply got up much earlier than she cared for, her sister's moon still hanging high in the sky. She was far less rested than she wanted to be, but in all truth she was far more rested than she actually needed to be, for carrying out her daily royal duties. After grooming herself, and applying the royal adornments, she left her chambers and made her way to the throne room.

Much to her surprise, everything appeared to be fine. There were no signs of damage to the palace walls, no bodies or blood to be seen on the floor or smeared on the walls. It was almost enough to make her doubt her previous concerns about the Hollow; almost. She doubted that she'd ever rest easy around him, after seeing what she'd seen, and feeling what she felt.

"Thou be up quite early, dear sister, art thou unwell?"

Celestia looked over at Luna sitting atop her throne looking quite well, if slightly concerned. At the foot of the stairs were two of her sinister looking shadow guard members. Standing off to the side near the far wall was Ulquiorra, currently engrossed in a book, and a sizable stack of others books next to him. How long had he been reading?


"I'm sorry, Luna, I was distracted," Celestia replied and shook her head to clear her thoughts. "I'm alright, I just couldn't rest properly is all."

"If thou say so," Luna muttered. "Regardless 'tis good to see you. We have been learning much about Ulquiorra Cifer during the night. He art a most prodigious reader! We dare say even thou most precious student, Twilight Sparkle, could not hope to keep pace with him."

"Really now?" Celestia asked in a curious manner as she eyed Ulquiorra once again, looking as prim and proper as ever, one hoof stored in his pocket as he continued reading without regard to their presence. "How many books has he read, and how long has he been reading?"

"Seventeen since thou retired last evening. Wouldst be more, but inbetween we hath been engaged in the most interesting of conversations together," Luna stated.

Luna's statement seemed hard to believe. Ulquiorra was the quiet and aloof type from what she could see, and she knew quite well just how much her sister loved to talk when motivated by something. She couldn't help but imagine the idea of a conversation being entirely one-sided in nature, with the Arrancar serving no other purpose than playing a brick wall with a face painted on it, while her sister assaulted him with whatever topic of conversation came to her mind.

"And what've you two been talking about while I've been sleeping? You didn't keep him up all night did you?" Celestia asked. She knew how much her little sister enjoyed having someone to talk to, and truly wouldn't put it past her to have ordered the guards to prevent him from leaving if she were desperate enough for a conversation.

Not that she'd ever been in the habit of doing such. At least not as far as she was aware.

"Most certainly not! 'Tis truly amazing about Ulquiorra Cifer, he is devoid of a need to sleep just as he is to eat. And we have learned so much in our time together!" Luna stated, her voice bordering on royal Canterlot territory. "Didst thou know the realm of Hueco Mundo experiences eternal night? Or that Hollows are eternal just as we ourselves are?"

It was far too early for this. If Luna were anymore excited, she'd be bouncing like Pinkie Pie right now, and shaking the palace with the force of each impact. She truly couldn't imagine just how excited Luna was at finding someone else that was awake to experience night to its fullest. It was a concept she had, unfortunately, allowed herself to take for granted.

However at the moment, her mind was elsewhere on something her sister had just said.

"But I thought he said the Shinigami kill Hollows. How can Hollows die if they're immortal?" Celestia asked curiously.

"Being eternal doesn't mean being beyond the grips of death. Hollows don't grow old and die like other living beings, but they can still be killed. Nothing can truly live forever," Ulquiorra spoke up for the first time since Celestia's arrival, before gently snapping his current book shut. "Whether or not you and your sister abide by that standard, is neither of my concern, nor of my interest."

"And good morning to you too, Ulquiorra," Celestia replied in a semi-sarcastic manner. "Have your studies been educational?"

"Inconclusive would be more appropriate. Despite Princess Luna suggesting the present texts, there appear to be many gaps in the available information between now, and the time predating the founding of Equestria. The laws and customs of the "Saddle Arabia" nation are ridiculous at best. References to the "crystal empire" turn up nothing of use. And the lack of recorded large-scale violent conflicts after the implementation of your benevolent reign is hard to accept as truth. Further reading will be necessary if anything of relevance is to be gathered."

"I apologize if our royal library isn't up to your standards of quality," Celestia replied sarcastically. Ulquiorra barely glanced at her. "You're free to read every book in the unrestricted sections as you please. But I believe you'll find that Equestria really is as it appears to be."

"That remains to be proven," Ulquiorra commented before setting the book down on top of the pile, and picking up the entire stack with great ease. Without a word he proceeded to leave the throne room, Luna's two sentries following close behind.

It was far too early in the day for this; the day hadn't even started yet, and already she was feeling a migraine beginning to brew. Ulquiorra was proving to be every bit as callous and unapologetic as she'd seen... but so far he at least seemed capable of understanding the situation, and the orders he was under. He was still present, nopony had been hurt as far as she could see, and he hadn't tried to gain entry to the restricted sections of the library; even if he could get past the locked doors, the intruder detection charms on the doorways would've alerted her to his presence, and she'd be on him in a heartbeat via teleportation. The fact that they didn't sound even once during the night, was at least some small measure of comfort to her right now.

"Thou seems... uneasy dear sister. 'Tis something wrong?" Luna asked hesitantly as she disembarked the throne and cautiously approached down the stairs.

"I'm not quite certain," Celestia said in a low tone as she watched until the Arrancar was no longer in her line of sight. "Something about him leaves me... disturbed. Did he do anything last night that seemed strange to you? Something that might be grounds for concern?"

"He is passively rude and unfazed by what he doth encounter, aloof and with no display of emotions. And a fair degree of his dialect doth strike us as quite odd. But we saw nothing to suggest concern was necessary. Not once did he try and venture into the restricted sections of the library, nor display any show of force. T'would seem he is working to accept his place in our world, and under our rule," Luna replied before looking her sister in the eyes. "Tell us dear sister, what doth bother thee so much? Dost thou know something about Ulquiorra Cifer that we do not?" she asked.

Celestia didn't want to lie to her sister. But she also didn't want to share with her the horrible details she'd learned about the Hollow society, all thanks to the actions of Discord. The brutality of life in Hueco Mundo was not something the world of Equestria should ever have to experience itself. How could she tell her sister about what she'd seen without seeming prejudicial, after all the other individuals she'd given second chances to who'd proven themselves worthy of her generosity, patience, and understanding? She'd seen the potential of good in Discord of all ponies, despite everything they both knew about what he'd done to their fair land.

"Perhaps it's just the fact that he absorbs the mana from the air for sustenance. I experience a chilly feeling in his presence, and it's unnerving," she finally stated, deciding to take the simple way out. It wasn't exactly a lie, since it was still something noticeable. "His lack of emotions is also unsettling."

Another concern that stuck out in her mind, that she had the time to consider during her restless night, was the fact that Discord had crossed dimensional boundaries to bring Ulquiorra to them. Different dimensions had different rules of reality and physics. There was no telling what Ulquiorra's presence in their world could result in. It was possible that he would be in danger, but it was equally possible that their world would be in danger as a result of the conflicting rules of physics battling against one another for dominance.

There was another concern that left her even more disturbed and uneasy. What if Discord's actions had the unintended consequences of establishing a sort of gateway between their two dimensions, and other Hollows were now able to cross over and invade Equestria? Ulquiorra had commented on how her guards qualified as having an above average level of "reiryoku" as he referred to it, what if the rest of the ponies under her watch did as well? Could they all be facing the threat of having their souls devoured? She couldn't help but shiver at that thought.

Making matters all the worse, was that there was nothing she could do to stop that from occurring if it was a possibility.

"Art thou still cold from Ulquiorra Cifer's presence, dear sister?" Luna asked in a concerned manner.

"It's alright, I'm fine," Celestia lied as she did her best to smile at her little sister. She couldn't tell her about this. Not yet anyway. "I know it's still rather early, but at the moment I'm feeling rather hungry. Would you care to join me for breakfast now, instead of waiting for the usual time?"

"Hmm..." Luna paused in thought. "We are feeling somewhat peckish. We supposed it could not hurt to grab an early supper to see us through the rest of the night, until it is time for thou to take over," she said and nodded eagerly.

"Excellent. I'll see if I can get the kitchen staff motivated to start early today."

Getting the books back in their original place wasn't the easiest of tasks, due to them having come from higher up shelves, meaning he had to rely on his air walking abilities to get them properly reorganized before he went back to his researching.

Unfortunately, whether the library was organized or not, all of his selections of books were proving to be of little value. There were many things that simply didn't add up. The history of Equestria in general, and the reign of Princess Celestia specifically, were far too peaceful to seem believable. The concept of such extensive peace went against the very basics of Hollow nature. He could spend days reading, and he doubted he'd be able to learn anything useful.

The interruptions didn't help either. The changing of the guards did nothing to disturb his attempts at research. Despite the differences in their reiatsu, they were low enough to not be of interest. The other one however...

"I am as aware of your presence currently, Princess Celestia, just as I was aware of Princess Luna last night. For what purpose do you attempt to conceal yourself?"

"Is my presence really that noticeable?" Celestia asked as she stepped out into the open.

Breakfast had been as pleasant as could be expected under the current circumstances, certainly delicious and all, but regardless she couldn't turn her mind off and stop worrying. Trying to wear the mask of everything being alright when it wasn't, proved to be difficult even with her thousand years of experience on the matter. And especially under these circumstances.

The moment her sister retired for the day, she set out to locate their guest and gain answers to the many questions she had. When she'd found him, she simply observed him as he read in silence. However he seemed to be expecting her, and was quick to call her out.

"Indeed," Ulquiorra replied and closed the book, dissatisfied with the information it held. "What of your royal duties? Surely you have more important things to do than verify for yourself that I'm abiding by the terms you have laid down as ruler."

"I'm actually tending to them right now. I have a number of concerns at the moment, and as ruler of Equestria, I need to ensure the wellbeing of my subjects at all costs," Celestia explained.

"Am I correct to assume you have doubts concerning my loyalty to you, based on the images you saw last night?" Ulquiorra asked.

"You're quite observant," Celestia replied and nodded as she steeped closer to him. "I need to know that Equestria won't be endangered by your presence. There's never been a Hollow in this world before, and even though you act civilized, that doesn't mean anything. Discord proved to be civilized, but still highly destructive until he was reformed. I need to know about what I saw last night, about your loyalty."

Ulquiorra said nothing as he placed the book back on the shelf before turning to face Celestia, his hands going into his pockets. He didn't blame her for her suspicions. But he would certainly have doubts if she had just blindly accepted him. "The individual Sosuke Aizen who assumed rule over Hueco Mundo, was a Shinigami who turned against his own order to spark a rebellion. When he came to Hueco Mundo, his nature was instantly detected, and responded to accordingly. Many Hollows died as a result of attempting to attack him and his two fellow Shinigami traitors; Ichimaru Gin and Kaname Tosen. After usurping the previous rule of Hueco Mundo and Las Noches, the Vasto Lorde, Baraggan Louisenbairn, Aizen assembled the ten strongest Arrancar to form the Espada, myself included," he explained, giving a cursory history of events that transpired. "Despite knowing of Aizen's nature as the mortal enemy of my species, I chose to serve him faithfully, carrying out whatever order he may issue regardless of what it may be. Despite being a Shinigami, he was my ruler, and I had no choice but to obey. His last order to me before he departed was to protect Las Noches against harm. Despite my best attempts, I was unable to fulfill this order. The rest you know."

She was a little surprised to hear that the Aizen Ulquiorra had faithfully served was his very enemy, and even moreso that he made the conscious decision to continue serving him, despite knowing full well what he was getting himself into. She knew that he was loyal to an extent but never to that extent. Loyally serving the pony -or whatever Aizen was- despite knowing that at any moment he could end his existence. It was rather a terrifying concept. Perhaps even more terrifying was how Ulquiorra could so freely talk about the subject without growing visibly upset. He was very, very collected.

"Did you ever try and usurp this Aizen?" Celestia asked.

"Never. It was not my place to question he who was in charge, regardless of how I felt or what I believed," Ulquiorra stated.

"And how did you feel about serving Aizen despite knowing he was your enemy?" Celestia asked.

"Feelings are of no importance, and opinions are often irrelevant. We had our orders, and those of us that were loyal to Aizen carried them out dutifully, regardless of what might happen to us. It was our purpose to put our lives on the line for him so that he might achieve his goals."

She was silent for a long time after hearing that. This Aizen expected those below him to act as sacrificial pawns of their own free will? Her silence must've stretched longer than she'd intended, as Ulquiorra went back to reading his current book.

"... For what it's worth, I'm sorry for what you had to go through in Hueco Mundo. I can promise you that nothing like that will happen in Equestria. I would never ask my subjects to do something that I wasn't fully prepared to do myself," Celestia replied. "If there's anything I can do for you in order to help..."

"In your long rule you have gained extensive personal knowledge, correct?" he asked. Celestia nodded. "Perhaps you can elaborate on the intangible concept of the heart and explain what it is. Numerous times a woman in my world referred to this concept with regard to her friends, and their blatantly illogical actions and decisions. Despite overwhelming odds and opposition, they refused to admit that there was no hope for them. Despite being confronted with the overwhelming strength of the Espada, they refused to give up. They chose to maintain the belief that victory was a possibility for them," Ulquiorra explained, keeping an even tone despite what he was describing, and how its lack of logic confused him to no end. "Are you able to explain this illogical concept, and why it is considered so important?"

She was a little surprised that, out of everything Ulquiorra would or could be asking her, he'd settle on matters related to the heart. His obsession with wars in their history had lead her to believe he'd be asking something else entirely. Unfortunately this wasn't any easier for her.

"I'm afraid I can't give an explanation that will make sense in terms of basic logic, because the heart in this matter isn't logical by nature. It's like trying to describe friendship is scientific terms. It's something that has to be experienced, rather than studied in an academic sense," Celestia replied. Ulquiorra didn't appear convinced. But then again it was hard to saw for certain. "Over the centuries, there've been a great many scholars who've attempted to explain the condition of the heart, and how it drives us to do things our brains tell us are illogical. Because of our hearts, we do things we normally wouldn't do because it feels right; or simply because it feels wrong to not act in such a manner. It's... very complicated."

"So it would appear," Ulquiorra replied as he went back to scanning the pages of the book in his hands.

"... Are there any other questions I can answer?" Celestia asked.

"It wouldn't be logical to conclude that my confinement to the Canterlot palace will be permanent in nature, especially since you've said matters of friendship and the heart must be experienced in person to be properly understood. At what point in time do you believe I'll be deemed fit to interact with the rest of your subjects that lay beyond the palace grounds?"

"... I'm afraid I don't have a definite time frame for that just yet. I'll have to give the matter some thought, before I have an answer for you," Celestia replied. "In the meantime, I'll need to get back to the throne room shortly. The Day Court waits for nopony, and the nobles are quite incessant on being seen about their demands."

"I take it you don't banish those that are annoying to the moon to serve as a warning for others to not cross you?"

"... Luna told you about that?" Celestia asked.

"She did."

"Our sister doth have a big mouth," Celestia thought to herself and frowned. But before she could even get a word of explanation out Ulquiorra continued.

"Based on the information presented, you made the most logical decision that your heart would allow under the circumstances. The fact she is back and co-ruling the kingdom so freely, would suggest it was the correct decision to make."

Had he just...did he really... was he...

Her thoughts were becoming jumbled at his words. She knew what it sounded like he was saying, what his words seemed to mean, but it didn't seem possible. Was somepony... somebody so bent on logical meanings, just saying that she'd made the right decision by listening to her heart, when he didn't even understand the concept of having a heart? Oh the irony of it all.

She really didn't need this forming migraine with all the nobles she had to face, she truly didn't.

"Thank you," she uttered quietly before turning to take her leave for the time being. This was a matter that would definitely require further thought and discussion. But it would have to wait for later. Right now she had to go babysit a bunch of uppity nobles who insisted on using her royal court for publicly airing their gripes against each other, and expecting her to give them preferential treatment. "I should've had my cake last night..."

Ulquiorra observed as she left. She did not need to know of the sheer degree of cruelty he saw in her actions regarding her own sister and fellow princess. If she was willing to banish her sister to the moon for a thousand years, and leave her vulnerable to what she had experienced during that time, there was no telling what else she was capable of; he did not need to tempt her to sentence him to the same fate. He wasn't stupid after all.

The day progressed as uneventful as any other day in Canterlot. Celestia's Day Court was filled with bickering nobles she didn't want to deal with, just as any other day was. Luna slept soundly in a way Celestia couldn't help but envy. Ulquiorra more or less remained in the library under guard, and read whatever book he deemed relevant to his studies on the land of Equestria, and the creatures it contained.

Some of the available texts were more useful than the previous had been. Unfortunately others were less than useful to him, and seemed to be recorded in a manner best suited for the entertainment of children. There were well over five thousand books present that he had access to, it was only logical that eventually he would find what he sought.

"We must say thou art a most avid reader. Hast thou been here the entire day?"

He hadn't even flinched at the sound of Luna's voice as she stood behind him. The smaller alicorn's approach was easily detected even at a distance, regardless of how silent her approach had been. Judging by her presence, it was safe to assume night would soon be falling, and Princess Celestia would be retiring for the day once more.

"Affirmative," he replied simply as he closed the current text and placed it back on the shelf.

"Hast thee found what thou art looking for?" Luna asked.

"At present time no. I have only been able to assemble a sketchy history and understanding of the land of Equestria. If no further information is found soon, I plan to switch to the history of the legal system to understand the laws and order of the land," Ulquiorra explained.

"Thou shouldst see the Canterlot attorneys for such an understanding, they art best versed in matters of the law. We can direct thee to some of the best," Luna offered.

"Unless they are in the palace such information is of little use. Presently I am forbidden from leaving the palace grounds, and under guard. Until Princess Celestia sees fit, I am to remain under these conditions," Ulquiorra stated.

"Our sister wouldst understand if we gave thee a royal escort to further thou's understanding of the world," Luna pointed out.

"It's not my place to question the terms I'm bound by," Ulquiorra replied.

"If thou truly feels as such, then we shalt abide by thy wishes," Luna replied and turn to leave. "Doth thou need anything before we take our leave to join our sister for our evening meal?"


"Very well then. A good evening to you, Ulquiorra Cifer," Luna replied and exited the library.

He was willing to accept that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were in charge of him now, and their rule was what he was under. However, if they insisted on utilizing his time, he couldn't help but wish it was for something of genuine importance, rather than just checking on him. The fact that his assigned guards continued to live and breathe should've been evidence enough that all was well.

Then again, he had to remember that he was an anomaly in this new world that was ruled by ponies. They weren't versed in the way of Hollows. Perhaps it was necessary to exercise more understanding with them than he did those that came to Hueco Mundo.

"Historical Accounts of the Dragon Uprising," he thought as his eyes scanned over the titles. Perhaps that would prove useful to him.

Celestia wasn't surprised to see Luna pop into existence via a teleportation spell. Considering the size of the castle, it made the most sense when one was in a hurry, and trying to move about without raising suspicion by galloping through the halls.

"He didst not even consider the bait before flatly refusing the offer," Luna stated as she trotted over to where Celestia was and sat down next to her. "T'would seem he is most loyal to thee's orders. Although we do resent being used in such an underhoofed manner."

"I apologize Luna, but I'm afraid it was a necessity under these circumstances. I had to verify if he was being honest," Celestia explained. However now she couldn't help but wonder if Ulquiorra had somehow seen through her gamble, and recognized it as a trap. He was very intelligent, and she couldn't put it past him. "It was also necessary to see if he was really trustworthy."

"Tia," Luna spoke up, "thou speak of loyalty and trust. But thou know as well as we, that these traits cannot be properly gauged under the current circumstances. While confined to the palace, Ulquiorra Cifer cannot be presented with opportunities to test his true nature, and determine such things as loyalty and trust. He must interact with our beloved subjects for such to be determined properly."

"I know, Luna, I know," Celestia replied and gave a brief nod of understanding. She knew that as long as the Arrancar was a caged bird, he would be on his best behavior. There would be no way to really tell what he was like or how he'd act. But the thought of letting him free, and seeing how he acted individually still left her concerned. Even when she set about having Discord reformed, he was under the careful watch of Twilight and her friends, who wouldn't hesitate to seal him back in stone again if necessary.

"What art thou not telling us dear sister?" Luna asked pointedly as she looked at her with a critical eye. "We know thou concealeth something from us, and we wish to know what."

"It's noth-"

"Dare not to lie to our face dear sister! We know that there is indeed something. And if thou doth not share it freely then we will have to prove to be every bit the annoying little sister we were in foalhood," Luna interrupted and smirked. "Thee can share the information of thy own volition, or we can resort to the royal method of torture to extract the information. And we are intimately familiar with each and every one of thee's most ticklish spots," she said as her wings flared briefly to both emphasize and reinforce the threat.

Her sister was threatening to tickle her into submission. It was a foalish threat indeed, but she laughed regardless at the lighthearted approach, and how it helped ease some of her concerns. Oh how she'd missed her sister so much.

"Very well, Lulu, very well," Celestia finally consented. She knew that if she didn't give in Luna would simply press the issue. Even if she could resist while conscious, there really wouldn't be anything to prevent her dreams from being probed, and the information gathered there. She really hated it when her sister played dirty. "When I first probed his mind, I discovered rather disturbing facts about Ulquiorra's past. Hollows are quite violent by nature, killing is quite common in their world, based on what I've seen. To some it's a second nature."

"He doth come from a violent past. 'Tis nothing Equestria hasn't seen before. The gryphons and the dragons are far from the most social of species we have dealt with, despite their violent natures," Luna replied. "Before the founding of Equestria, the three pony tribes also engaged in great violence against one another."

"You didn't let me finish. Killing and cruelty weren't the only things I saw, there was also cannibalism. Hollows eat the souls of others to try and satiate an intense hunger born from the corruption of their birth and existence. And when the hunger is overwhelming, they devour their fellow Hollows as well. This cannibalistic approach is what allows them to evolve to their higher levels; Ulquiorra's consumed many thousands of his own brethren to reach his level of evolution."

Luna sat silently as Celestia explained what she'd seen in his mind, blinking intermittently through it all. When it seemed her sister didn't have anything else to say on the matter, she finally spoke up. "While 'tis disturbing to know, Ulquiorra Cifer is not exactly the first to practice cannibalism in the land beyond our kingdom. Thou knowest the nature of the dragons and gryphons, and how they regard their own kind in past times. Their long distant... practices that were not to be carried over when they come to Equestria proper to live."

"I'm aware but that's different, they're not eating souls," Celestia stated.

"But is such not the fault of the Shinigami who oversee the souls of the departed? We agree, 'tis morbid in thought, but Ulquiorra Cifer himself stated they are lazy in their duties about ferrying the dead to the afterlife, and instead leave them to become corrupted. How is it any fault of his if he did what instinct dictated for survival? Wouldst be any different from the gryphons disposing of their dead in a similar manner during times of great famine and disaster?" Luna asked. She then looked around in a suspicious manner, before leaning in to whisper. "Thou were around for that particular incident in history last century. That one party trapped in the avalanche..."

Luna had raised the same point of thought she had last night. From what Ulquiorra told, it sounded like the whole reason Hollows existed was because the Shinigami were too lazy to do their job. It brought her back to the question of whether it was a deliberate act for darker purposes; not knowing enough, she couldn't rule it out as a possibility. There were just so many uncertainties and unanswered questions, and it was making her head swim.

"Wilt thou give him a chance dear sister? Please?" Luna asked softly. "Thou knowest as do we that everypony deserves a second chance, no matter what they may hath done in the past..."

Celestia extended a wing to stroke Luna's back in response to comfort her. It didn't do well to have her constantly brooding on the past. "I'll do my best in this case," she promised as she continued stroking her back. "I just want to be cautious on the matter. This is uncharted territory for all of us."

"We know," Luna replied as she closed her eyes.


Ulquiorra looked up from his book. The history on Equestria proper wasn't proving to be very rewarding. The records detailing the surrounding territory, and the history with other races, was another story entirely. Violent mass conflicts were more readily detailed and covered, and it was something that made sense to him. He'd been right in the middle of reading about the blood wars between the dragon and gryphon races, when a voice broke his concentration. Standing at the doorway was a male unicorn in gold colored armor, signifying he was a part of Princess Celestia's guard.

"Her Majesty requests your presence in the royal gardens, and has instructed that I bring you to her," the guard announced.


"Very well," he replied, and after memorizing what page he was on, closed the book and placed it back on the shelf. "Lead the way then."

"One moment," the guard stated as his horn glowed. In the blink of an eye there was a flash of white light, and as soon as it faded Ulquiorra could see they were no longer in the library, but rather outside.

"How? That wasn't sonido, what was that?" Ulquiorra asked, now genuinely curious at what was transpiring. That was neither sonido nor garanta, nor was it shunpo or even hirenkyaku.

"Simple teleportation," came the response from Celestia to the west of their current position. "Thank you, that'll be all."

The guard gave a nod of understanding, before turning and leaving the garden area as instructed, leaving the two alone. To Ulquiorra, no other life signs seemed to register. Curiouser and curiouser.

"So what is my purpose here?" Ulquiorra asked bluntly.

"I wanted to talk to you in private, where there wouldn't be any eavesdropping. There are a few late arrival nobles who Luna's dealing with right now in the Night Court. The rest of my guard has retired for the night so it's just the two of us," Celestia explained.

"And what did you wish to discuss?" Ulquiorra asked.

"More about previously. As I've said, I need to be concerned about the safety, and wellbeing of my subjects, and all the little ponies I watch over. Knowing what I do about your past, and where you came from, I can't make any snap decisions," Celestia explained as she slowly turned away to face the night sky.

"And how do you propose verification?" Ulquiorra asked.

"I'm not entirely sure of that just yet. Nopony knows what happens after death, whether there's an afterlife or not. But the idea of a soul eater being loose in Equestria is still unsettling. I'm sure you understand that fact," Celestia admitted.

"You have no reason to trust that I won't succumb to the baser instinct of fresh Hollows. That's understandable, as I'm the first of my kind to be found in this land," Ulquiorra elaborated.

"So you can see my point," Celestia replied.

"I can. Is that why you're currently testing me?" Ulquiorra asked.

"Pardon?" Celestia asked as she turned her head around to face him.

"I don't have extensive knowledge of alicorn anatomy and physiology. But even I can see that you've allowed the tension in your muscle structure to release for the first time since my arrival here. It almost looks as if you're deliberately dropping your guard," Ulquiorra explained. "Are you attempting to evaluate my loyalty by presenting an opportune target in case I wish to attack you?"

"Now whatever gave you that idea?" Celestia asked curiously. What was he getting at?

"The lack of guards present to act as an interruption, the visual dropping of your guard, and having turned your back on one you have just informed you don't trust. All together are very suspicious in nature, and would suggest ulterior motives," Ulquiorra explained calmly as he kept his hands in his pockets.

"So it wasn't arrogance that I saw. He really is that smart," Celestia thought as she turned back around to face him directly. Had he simply not taken the bait because he knew that was the test?

"What did you expect me to do? Did you believe that I would draw my zanpakutō and cut your head off? Discharge my Cero? Devour your soul in a blind state of unrelenting hunger simply because you were not guarded?" Ulquiorra asked. "Make no mistake about it there are several members of the Espada that wouldn't have thought twice about taking the bait and launching an attack against you. However I'm not one of them."

Celestia remained silent as he more or less lectured her on the situation. Was he being arrogant or simply explanatory in nature? Was he going out of his way to mock how her test had been blatantly obvious to him?

"If this little exercise has concluded, then I ask to be returned to the library. It's reasonable to conclude that my refusal to strike hasn't assuaged your concern about me. In which case there's no use in my remaining here," Ulquiorra stated. He had no time for this.

"Very well. I'll have to escort you back myself as my guards are no longer available," Celestia replied.

The trip back to the library was much like the trip from the library, being carried out in a flash via teleportation. Ulquiorra merely went back to where he'd stood previously, and withdrew the book he'd been reading prior to the interruption.

"Is there anything you need before I leave for the evening?" she asked.

"I do," he replied after a momentary pause. "I have given this matter some thought. And I have reached a conclusion. If I'm to remain under your rule, then I request a purpose to justify my continued existence here in your world," Ulquiorra replied.

She blinked in confusion at what he was saying. "I'm afraid I don't understand," Celestia stated.

"In Hueco Mundo my purpose was to serve Aizen in any manner requested of me. He assigned me to protect Las Noches against any threat that may arise. Despite my best efforts I failed, and as such there was no continued justification for my life, or even my existence. Without a reason or purpose, my existence here is devoid of meaning," he explained.

"Oh..." Celestia replied, uncertain of what to say in response to the full weight of his words. "I'll... see what I can do about that, but I can't make any guarantees."

Ulquiorra said nothing, simply opening his book to the same page he was on and continuing to read in interest.

"Before I leave, I need to ask. Back in the gardens, would you have taken the bait if it wasn't so obvious?"

Ulquiorra cast her an aside glance. "No. Even if I were prone to backstabbing and treachery like the other Espada, an assault against you would still prove useless. Your reiatsu level is greatly in excess of mine. Regardless of whatever I could attempt, it would prove to be nothing more than a fruitless endeavor," he explained calmly. "I don't make judgements about those in a position in authority, as it's not my place to question their decisions. Even if you proved to be a tyrannical dictator, I have no aspirations of doing something about it."

"That's... reassuring I suppose..." Celestia replied awkwardly. "Do... do you believe I'm a tyrannical dictator? Have I done something to give that impression?"

Ulquiorra was quiet for a moment in thought. He had hoped this matter wouldn't come up. However it ha done just that, and there was no point in lying about it. He hesitated only slight before speaking up. "On the surface, you cultivate the image of benevolence, caring, and patience. Beneath that surface, however, I have reason to believe you possess all the qualities necessary to be a tyrannical dictator who rules her kingdom with fear and intimidation. The banishment of your own sister to a fate that many would consider to be one worse than any imaginable death, would serve as an effective tool of terror to quell any form of rebellion in your land, as no mortal being would feel motivated to experience eternal suffering with no hope of the release of death. My reading of Equestria's national history would suggest the banishment of the being Nightmare Moon is as widespread as it is respected, and feared. Even if you didn't intend to subject another to such punishment, all you would need to do to maintain control is allow history to speak for itself, and the natural fear of the living would do the rest. If you commanded there to be no wars, who would realistically oppose you, if they believed they would be banished to the moon for such an offense?"

Celestia was silent as she listened, letting his words sink in fully. They cut her quite deeply, as he explained how he considered her to be a tyrant that exploited her own sister for the sake of her rule. The truly cruel part was the fact that this wasn't a thought that was baseless in nature, but rather one that she'd had to entertain during her thousand years of solitary rule. She knew that there was the possibility of such thoughts floating around her kingdom, despite everyone then knowing about the evils of Nightmare Moon. And she'd done her best to quash those fears and thoughts through benevolence and love to reassure them that they wouldn't ever have to face the same fate. She'd hoped that her kindness had eased their fears, but she could never tell for certain.

And here he'd reopened those old wounds with his accurate observations, and he'd been here for just over a day.

"Well then..." she paused. He'd really given her a lot to think about, and more than likely he was going to be responsible for denying her another night of restful sleep. "I think I've interrupted you enough for the evening. I'll take my leave now, and leave you to your own devices," she replied and turned to leave without another word. However one thought in particular started nagging at her and she needed to get answers before she could leave. "So even though you consider me to be a tyrant, you wouldn't make any attempt to kill me?"

"I merely stated there was reason to believe you had potential to be a tyrant, not that you were. There's a difference between the two," Ulquiorra replied. "And in answer to your question, no I would not. As I have explained before, it's not my place to question those I find myself in service to."

Now she was more disturbed than before. Without another word she left the library to think over what had transpired during the course of the day. If it wasn't the various nobles being foalish, it was an otherworldly being stated that he'd follow her orders even if she was a tyrant. She could just tell she wasn't going to get any peace from this brewing migraine.

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