• Published 13th May 2013
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HiE - A Hollow in Equestria - Charlie_K

Ulquiorra Cifer resigned himself to his fate of death. What he didn't count on was the spirit of chaos finding and taking interest in his case

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Chapter Five

Chapter Five

This was the second time Ulquiorra found himself being summoned -and subsequently teleported- to the royal gardens for a private discussion with Princess Celestia. It seemed odd as it had barely been a full 24 hours since their last conversation of this nature and in this location.

"So glad you could make it," he heard Celestia's voice from behind him. However he'd sense her reiatsu long before he'd ever heard her.

"I was informed my presence was requested," Ulquiorra replied as he turned to face her directly. It was a joke to believe that he'd come here of his own accord for some useless purpose. He'd been forcefully grabbed and whisked here with no discussion on the matter. "Do you have something you wish to discuss? Or have you conceived another scenario in which to try and verify whether or not I'll attempt to assassinate you?"

Celestia suppressed a wince. His bluntness was highly consistent. She'd earned the remark though with what she'd tried to evaluate previously in the week. But she couldn't let that get to her as she had other matters to discuss.

"Merely talking. I just figured the royal gardens would be best as Twilight isn't likely to come out here looking for you," Celestia explained, figuring that any time away from her most precious student would be enjoyable. The way she'd been acting all through dinner, focusing on Ulquiorra's presence as if she were studying every aspect of him, could certainly be unnerving at times. "I must say it was a bit surprising to see you at the dining table. Was everything to your liking?" she asked.

"In terms of sustenance the provided food was adequate. In terms of taste and texture it was...interesting," Ulquiorra replied simply, his tone suggesting he was disinterested in the conversation that was being had.

Interesting he said. Celestia couldn't help but think that he was giving an understatement considering how much he seemed to sample during the evening. Then again it probably would've been better enjoyed if Twilight hadn't been studying his hands as he made use of the supplied utensils with enough skill to suggest they were similar in his own dimension.

"I trust you didn't have me brought all the way out here away from the presence of your pupil simply to ask about the quality of the food served," Ulquiorra stated.

"Observant as always," Celestia stated. "What I had to speak about is sensitive in nature and not meant for prying ears. When I probed your mind to learn about you I learned far more than I ever wanted to. I saw the various acts you committed in the name of serving this Sosuke Aizen individual and following his orders. And to some degree I can forgive those acts. But what disturbed me was your resurrección. I both saw and felt what it was capable of. And while you claim my presence overwhelms yours you'll have to excuse me if I have trouble believing that as the honest truth. I can understand why you were forbidden from releasing it within the confines of Las Noches."

"What would you propose doing?" Ulquiorra asked simply. Trying to assure Princess Celestia that her kingdom wasn't in any danger would be a waste of effort until she learned it for herself and he refused to waste his breath in the meantime.

"The only thing I really can do is magically seal it off so it can't be accessed at your discretion. There are no serious threats in Equestria that would warrant its access. And it would be far easier than trying to separate you from your zanpakutō as it's technically a part of you," Celestia explained.

Seal off his resurrección through magic? It was preposterous in nature. There was no technique that could achieve such a goal. Not even the Octava Espada would perform such a restriction and he was able to suppress a Shinigami's bankai release in the confines of his library.

Then again he had to remember that he wasn't in Hueco Mundo. What functioned there didn't necessary function the same here. Perhaps Princess Celestia truly knew what she was talking about. In which case it would be in his best interest to agree.

"That is an acceptable options if it's indeed possible," Ulquiorra replied and nodded. Truth be told he was finding himself mildly curious at the proposal to see if it could indeed work.

"This should only take a moment. Sealing spells really aren't all that difficult as long as you know what you're doing. Now hold still please," Celestia said while her horn lit up as the brought it to his forehead. The glow increased dramatically before finally ceasing in a flash. "That should work. Would you mind trying and see if all went according to plan?"

"I decline. Releasing my resurrección at present time would be ill advised. I am willing to simply take your work for it that it actually worked," Ulquiorra replied.

Celestia frowned in response. "I could make it an order if you'd feel better about it. This is important and needs to be done in order to see if the spell worked. If it didn't then I'm not certain I can allow you to leave the castle even under escort. And I'd really rather not go that route," she explained.

Ulquiorra held back what amounted to a frustrated sigh. Princess Celestia was showing that she could be quite stubborn and insistent on cooperation when she wanted to be. Without a word he reached over and withdrew his zanpakutō from its sheath, holding it to the side away from the both of them.

"Enclose, Murciélago," he spoke. The sword's blade gave off a bright glow momentarily, before it dimmed as the appearance of chains wrapped around it and held firm. "If that is the intent of the spell then it appears to have been a success," he replied before sliding the sword back into its sheath.

Celestia was silent as she watched, the spell seeming to hold and restrict Ulquiorra's transformation in the way it was intended; at least the way it was intended after she'd done a little work to the long forgotten thing. What had started out as a miserable failed attempt at suppressing Luna from transforming into Nightmare Moon over a thousand years ago had proven successful in this case. That gave her reason to be thankful as she didn't know if it would truly work or not. If it hadn't...then there would've been a lot of trouble right now.

"Is that all you wished to see me about?" Ulquiorra asked as he returned his hands to his pockets.

"That should be all for tonight. Do you have any questions you'd like to ask before departing?" Celestia asked.

"Will Princess Luna be banished back to the moon for what she did in bringing Twilight Sparkle here without your permission?"

Her mind recalled the earlier discussion with Luna about her inappropriate actions. She was certainly sore with her sister doing something like that, but not sore enough she'd ever give serious consideration to actually banishing her from the kingdom yet again. There had been a lot of words said between them in her quarters and a lot of emotional flares during the discussion. But banishment was definitely not in the cards. Although more mashed alfalfa for a few days certainly would be considering how much she hated it; that would serve as motivation to think before she acted again.

"That won't be necessary. She and I had a long discussion on what she did and I think she understands," Celestia replied. "She's been denied a thousand years of emotional growth. It's to be expected as she still has much to learn," she explained.

In hindsight perhaps the tone set earlier in the day had been a bit over the top. Luna had simply desired to help and took the course of action she'd deemed more likely to achieve her goal. Unfortunately she hadn't thought things through fully when she'd decided to write Twilight herself and bring her up here. She'd been hoping to work at introducing Ulquiorra gradually to Equestria, perhaps at the end of the week, but that plan had gone right out the window when she realized what her sister had done. Oh sure she'd been sore with Luna at the time, but that would hardly be reason to subject her to cruel and unusual punishments.

"Are you ready to head back to the library?" she finally asked, deciding to change the subject.

"I am. However I request a walk back rather than teleportation. Knowing the route will make travel easier in the future," Ulquiorra explained.

"I think that can be arranged. This way."

She couldn't sleep, it was simply an impossibility she had to face. Maybe it was because she'd grown accustomed to her bed back in Ponyville and lost touch with her old bed in Canterlot. Or maybe it was because Spike was currently snoring as he enjoyed the sleep she couldn't. Or maybe it was just the facts of the day that were flying through her mind like Rainbow Dash flew through clouds and producing too much excitement for her body to reach the sufficient stage of comfort necessary to engage drowsiness. Whatever it was simply laying there in her old room wasn't proving to be a useful way of spending time.

Her mind was filled with far too much information to waste time on something as simple as sleep. Ulquiorra was a goldmine of new and uncharted information that was just begging to be excavated. She could spend days just on the translations of the terms of his world alone and comparing them to theirs. Hollows, the Espada, kido, spells that required lengthy spoken incantations, zanpakutōs and so much more. There was far too much excitement to properly contain.

A loud snore off to the side startled her. Fortunately Spike seemed more intent on sleeping than anything else right now. She remembered how he'd had so many questions about the Shinigami, and specifically about the group known as the "Gotei 13" and what role they served in the balance of everything. Or at least how they were supposed to keep things balanced. Considering Ulquiorra's existence it didn't seem all that balanced. So many thousands of souls making up his being...

Rolling over she knew that she wasn't going to be getting to sleep anytime soon. Silently she got up from her bed and made her way to the one location where she could make sense of things; the library. Anytime something didn't make sense the library was always the place to go. And with Ulquiorra currently residing there and reading endlessly thanks to his lack of a need for sleep -he was so lucky, not needing to let something like sleep get in the way of his studies, that was her opinion- it only made sense that she could find answers to the questions plaguing her mind right now.

"Shouldn't you be asleep at this hour, Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight jumped at hearing her name. Looking around she realized that she'd already crossed the distance from her old room to the library without even realizing it. It was like her body had been on auto-pilot while her mind wandered freely. When she came back to her senses and actually took in her surroundings she found Ulquiorra sitting on the floor, facing away from her and in the middle of a significantly sized tome.

"How'd you know it was me?" she asked.

"My pesquisa doesn't require eye contact to make an observation. Your reiatsu possesses a unique texture just as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. It's quite easy to know where you are when in the vicinity," Ulquiorra explained without even looking up.

"My reiatsu? Oh...you mean my magical signature. It's so amazing how you can do that," Twilight replied as she trotted over and glanced over his shoulder. "So what're you reading?"

"I believed it relevant to familiarize myself with the facts of Ponyville since we'll be going there in the morning," Ulquiorra explained as he flipped to another page.

"That's a really good idea. There's so much to know about Ponyville that you wouldn't expect from a town its size. There's actually a great deal of history to it and its founding," Twilight stated, her voice taking on an excited tone.

Another flare in her reiatsu levels.

"So I'm discovering," Ulquiorra replied, his voice as even as ever.

Twilight frowned in thought. She really shouldn't interrupt Ulquiorra's studies; she really hated when other ponies interrupted her own so she wanted to extend to him the same courtesy. But there were just so many questions she wanted to ask him about everything in her quest for knowledge. And his hands...oh his hands! The way they could turn a page the same way her magic could, the way they could provide support for holding the book at the desired angle for proper reading. His entire body was an intricately designed machine that the casual observer simply couldn't understand and she wanted to familiarize herself with every single aspect of it!

But for now he was busy with his own endeavors and she needed to respect that. With a soft sigh she admitted a temporary defeat in her quest for knowledge and simply sat down on the floor next to him, reading along with him in the chosen book. Or at least she tried to before he turned to the next page before she was even through the first full paragraph.

"What do you want?" he asked simply.

Twilight didn't even hesitate before responding automatically to the question. "Knowledge!"

"Pertaining to what?"

"To everything there is to know about you and where you came from, I want to know every aspect there is!" Twilight stated. "The sociopolitical climate of Hueco Mundo and what upset was caused by the presence of three Shinigami announcing that you were all working for them. Promotion opportunities for Privaron Espada. The molecular difference between your world's reishi and my world's mana. The biological mechanics behind converting raw mana into a source sustenance capable of maintaining life in the absence of food or water. The kido techniques of the Shinigami and how their zanpakutō differ from your own in terms of structure and capabilities. The physical mechanics behind your hands and their amazing dexterity. Muscle structure and center of gravity. Your world's lack of cutie marks. There's literally no end to how much knowledge you contain that could be beneficial to everypony. Your very existence could completely revolutionize our entire understanding of the science behind magic and our utilization of mana!"

In the back of the mind he could once again feel the thought of Twilight Sparkle being the reincarnation of the former Octava Espada. Her quest for knowledge seemed insatiable in nature and she was seeing him as nothing more than research material. Perhaps it was time to allude to such an observation and see where it lead.

"So you intend to disobey the instructions of Princess Celestia and use me as nothing more than a test subject that you'll dispose of once you've discovered all there is to know, caring nothing about what I may learn of this new world under your tutelage," he theorized.

"What?" Twilight asked and snapped back to reality, quickly shaking her head. "No, no, no, no! Nothing like that! I didn't mean to come off suggesting anything like that, I'm sorry," she apologized as her ears drooped.

Another fluctuation in her reiatsu. The intensity was definitely connected to her emotional state.

"Your apology is accepted," he replied and left it at that. He had accomplished what he'd set out to do by showing her the error of her ways and what he thought of her current thought process. That was sufficient for him.

Silence once again washed over the library as Twilight sat silently and simply observed him. However it was only a matter of time before she started reading the book alongside him.

"You have more questions I assume."

"I do. There's a lot of fascinating things about Hollows and the like. Like your mask, when a Hollow removes their mask they become an Arrancar. But what happens when an Arrancar removes the remnants of their mask?"

Ulquiorra thought on the question for a moment. Of everything that'd been asked so far that was one of the more interesting questions. "Once a Hollow transforms to an Arrancar they've attained their maximum status, further removal of their mask is unnecessary. However if an Arrancar's mask is forcefully removed they revert back to their original Hollow status, lose their humanoid shape, their strength and in some cases their intelligence," he explained. "The former Tres Espada, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, suffered breakage of her Hollow mask by then Octava Espada Nnoitra Gilga. The result was their reiryoku pouring from her body and her spirit body shrinking down to the size of a child."

"Wow," Twilight whispered in response to the new information, uncertain of just what to think about it.

Once again silence set in over the library, save for the occasional sound of pages being turned or light breathing.

"Am I correct in assuming your reading this tome alongside me is nothing more than a ruse?" Ulquiorra asked after a long stretch of silence. "Seeing as you live in Ponyville it would seem only logical that you'd already know most of the details that would be contained in here."

Twilight's cheeks turned crimson at how quickly Ulquiorra had caught on. How could he see through such a perfect cover in just a few minutes? And if he was that good what else could he do?

"Uhh..." she stammered in surprise, "maybe a little?"

"The living of this world are strange with their indirect approach," Ulquiorra commented and turned to face her. "If you wish something of me then state it directly, don't waste time with these games."

"I..." she started but paused in thought at what he'd said. He'd caught her off guard several times already without even trying by simply making uncannily accurate observations. Maybe he was right and the indirect approach was a waste of time; a mind as sharp as his could cut through the nonsense like it was nothing.

"Can you run through that list of words and phrases from your world again? I wanna try and understand the dialect better," she finally admitted.

As the personal student of Princess Celestia it seemed Twilight considered herself to be many things and involved in many fields. Scientist, physicist, chemist and now linguist. It was no real surprise that she'd want to familiarize herself with his manner of communicating since he would likely be here for a while, as well as interacting with her to some extent. If nothing else it would give him the opportunity to try and eliminate the annoying manner of the "pony" suffix that seemed to dominate the language.

Perhaps a few profanities from his world would do well to be learned along with other common phrases and words.

"Very well..."

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