• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Interlude Part 1

Author's Note:

Just a disclaimer, not everything said by Abby and Kasai in this chapter is 100% true, and no, I don’t just mean the obvious.

Abby let out a small sigh as she went over the plan in her mind. It was simple, really. She and Kasai would walk up to one of the most wanted Pokephiles in the world and ask if they could camp with them. Once that was done, they’d see if the could get to the bottom of their relationship and see whether or not Gene Phillips was really deserving of all the trouble that had been stirred up by his mother.

“You ready for this Kasai?” the woman asked, looking down slightly at the golden Arcanine who looked silently up at her, a raised eyebrow on broad display. “Oh shush,” the woman replied with a roll of her eyes. “Also, remember that Belle can read minds, psychic type and all so...”

The Arcanine huffed out an ‘Arc’ and licked his prosthetic leg. He knew what to do.

“Right, right,” Abby said, nodding her head.

Then she did some final checks on the clothes she’d picked for the mission, green campers’ gear that fit her tall athletic form perfectly and looked heavily used but well maintained. Her blonde hair was up in a ponytail, her hair slightly full of leaves and little twigs and she had a backpack full of camping gear slung across her back.

Kasai just rolled his eyes again and leaned his head against her shoulder and gave Abby’s face a lick and locked eyes with her.

“Yeah, I know you’ll protect me,” the woman said, bending her head towards him so that their foreheads were touching. She stared into his golden eyes for a long moment and then kissed him on the lips. “Okay, showtime, you big mutt,” she said with a small chuckle as she turned in the direction of the campsite, she’d planned it so that she was around a ten minute walk from the place, not enough by far to get her out of breath, but more then enough to make it look authentic.

Gene watched the fire before him burn, warming his hands near the flames and just thinking. “You alright?” A voice to his left asked.

Gene smiled softly and sighed. “Yeah Belle, just thinking about Cynthia and the others,” Ever since the disaster that had been his and Belle’s wedding, the trainer had scarcely any contact with his friends back in Unova. He wanted to contact them and assure them he was alright, but he knew stepping foot in Unova would be worse than inviting a Pokemon Ranger to camp out with them.

Belle wrapped an arm around her mate and snuggled close to him. “At least we know they’re alright,” she said.

“True,” Gene said with another sigh. “But still...”

The pair sat together in silence for a few minutes, until Belle stood up and said. “Gene, I think there’s someone coming this way.”

Gene stood up and grabbed Belle’s hand. “Show me,” He said.

Belle shut her eyes and let her powers flow into Gene, he received a hazy psychic map of the area, showing that there was something approaching, two actually. One mind was distinctly human.

Belle pulled away and turned to her mate. “Do you want me to...” She held her hand close to her head and smiled.

“Let’s hold off until we know who they are,” Gene knew Belle wouldn’t do too much harm to whoever it was, but he was still always cautious when he let her use her powers on others.

Belle nodded and went to stand on the other side of the fire while Gene sat back down, even if it was a Ranger, they still had a small chance of getting out of this without resorting to Belle using her powers. She still had them ready, of course, and Gene had a hand on his belt, specifically over his Houndoom’s Pokeball.

It didn’t take long for the sound of the approaching pair to reach their ears, they were making no real attempt to conceal their noise and within a few moments a woman in camper’s clothes, looking around twentyish with blond hair and a large gold furred Arcanine with a strange metallic limb walked into the campsite.

“Oh good! I thought I saw a fire,” the woman said, a smile on her face before she turned to the Arcanine. “I still can’t believe you got us lost out here Kasai, what happened to your amazing nose?”

“Apparently it failed,” the Arcanine, Kasai apparently, said with a roll of his eyes. “I still blame you.”

The woman rolled her eyes and glanced back at Gene and Belle, blushing. “Oh, right, hi! I’m Abby and this is Kasai, we got lost out here, do you mind if we bunk with you for the night?”

Gene shared a glance with Belle, the Gardevoir shrugged. “I don’t sense any malicious intent from either of them,” she told Gene.

Gene smiled and stood up. “Sure, I’m Gene and this is Belle,”

“Charmed,” The Gardevoir said with a curtsey, linking Kasai and Abby so they could understand her.

“It’s nice to meet you, Belle, Gene,” Abby said with a smile. “Thanks for letting us stay, I didn’t see any other good camping spots anywhere around here.”

“Yeah, and my nose is being finicky with me today for some reason,” Kasai added with a slight roll of his eyes. “I still blame her for smelling so good.”

“Oh, hush Kasai, it’s not my fault I smell amazing,” Abby said as she walked over to sit down beside the fire with Gene, setting her pack down a little ways away. Without being asked, the Arcanine walking around behind her and lay down, resting his head on her shoulder as the woman leaned back.

Gene and Belle stared at the two in confusion, usually people freaked out when they heard Belle talk, then thought it was weird that she could link their minds, of course, other trainers did have Psychic-types, so it wasn’t really rare. Then it clicked that they had just been flirting.

“Should we ask?” Gene asked her partner.

“I don’t know, I’ve never met someone who was so... open with it, before,” Gene replied.

“I could check their minds, in case it’s a trap,” Belle offered.

“No, not yet... let’s try something,”

At Gene’s request, Belle walked back over to where he was sitting and sat down beside him, Gene put his arm around her as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Abby raised an eyebrow but smiled. “Oh good, one of the reasons that Kasai come out here is so that we can spend a little quality time together,” the woman said before she leaned over and gave Kasai a kiss on the lips, receiving a lick in kind. “I hope you two aren’t Rangers or something, heh.”

Gene smiled and laughed. “No,” He said before giving Belle a quick kiss. “About as far from it as possible, actually,”

Belle smiled and visibly relaxed, letting Gene hold her closer.

“Heheh, good,” Kasai said, giving Abby another lick as he wrapped his tail around her and settled it down on her lap. “It’s nice to run into someone else like us... you don’t see many. Oh, and thanks for letting me talk, Abby and I usually just use nudges and stuff but this makes it much easier.”

“It’s no problem,” Belle said. “I do it for most trainers we run into,” She smiled. “I like seeing how they react when their Pokemon say something.”

“In my case, it’s with dread and horror,” Abby said, glancing at Kasai. “Whenever he knows I can hear him, he just keeps talking and talking.”

“Please, you love my voice,” the Arcanine said with a chuckle. “You can’t get enough of it.”

“See, and he gets a big head about it too,” Abby added, patting Kasai on the head. “But I love the big mutt anyways.”

Gene smiled. “I can’t imagine not being able to talk to Belle,” He admitted. “She’s used telepathy ever since she Evolved from a Ralts, I thought I was hearing things when it first started.”

Belle laughed and corrected him. “Actually, I distinctly remember you freaking out the first time.”

“I heard what sounded like a little girl whisper, ‘Goodnight Gene’ while I was lying in my sleeping bag,” Gene said. “Forgive me for not realizing you’d just figured out how to use telepathy.” He finished with a laugh.

“Heheh,” Abby laughed as well. “I had something similar with Kasai after he evolved, though let’s just say it was a bit unintentional.”

“Bah, you’d suspected for long enough... and I was finally an Arcanine, it wasn’t exactly unintentional,” Kasai replied, giving her cheek a lick.

Belle had to stop herself from laughing. Gene turned to her, smirking. “I remember when Belle Evolved into a Gardevoir,” He said. “She had trouble completely controlling just what came across our link. I kept getting bursts of emotion and images for the first few months that left me kinda... let’s just say confused.” Belle’s cheeks had begun turning a bright shade of red. “Not to mention whenever the dreams leaked in,”

“Oh, I bet those were some interesting dreams eh?” Abby asked, glancing at Belle with a raised eyebrow. “Though I bet they weren’t half as interesting as Mr. Mutt here taking random opportunities to sniff me, almost got us arrested once.”

“Hey, it wasn’t my fault... you just made a big deal out of it,” Kasai said with a scoff.

“Oh yes, forgive me for letting out a shriek of surprise when you come up behind me on the beach and sniff me there,” Abby replied, giving the dog a light cuff on the ear. Then the woman blinked twice and blushed. “Heh... sorry, I’m not used to there being other people around to hear us... flirt. I hope we’re not weirding you out or anything.”

“Not at all,” Gene said with a smile. “It’s nice to not have to hide it from everyone again,” Even if it was just one person, Gene was happy he could be open about his love for Belle. “It’s been awhile since I met anyone who was ok with... with relationships like ours.”

“Ah,” Kasai said, nodding his head as his tail flopped up and down on Abby’s lap. “To us, love is love, why impose restrictions on it, in this kind of situation anyways.”

“That reminds me of what Cynthia said when we first met her,” Belle remember the Champion’s words after she had found her and Gene on the beach.

Gene smiled at the memory, then frowned when he remembered his friend. “Yeah,” He agreed sadly. “I wonder how she’s doing.”

“Cynthia?” Abby asked, raising an eyebrow at him. “Last I heard she was accepting challengers like normal. She took off for a while after that wedding thing and...” she blinked twice. “Oh. OOOoh, you’re THAT Gene and Belle... thought the names were familiar, heheh.”

Gene shook his head. “Yeah, that was us, the almost wedding of the century,” He proclaimed. “I’m surprised people don’t put the pieces together quicker actually, but yeah, last time I talked to Cynthia was the day...” His voice faltered. “The day...”

Belle put a hand on Gene’s shoulder. “It’s alright love,” She said, kissing him on the cheek. She turned to Abby and Kasai. “We haven’t been able to contact Cynthia, or Iris, or anyone, ever since the Ranger Union crashed our wedding,” She sighed. “That was over a year ago.”

Abby nodded her head. “Doesn’t surprise me, the Rangers are pretty thorough when it comes to this kind of stuff,” she said, her eyes glancing off into the distance with a look of what Gene thought was anger. “But from what I’ve heard, all of the big names got off scott free; kind of hard to arrest two people whose teams can level cities eh?”

Gene chuckled half heartedly. “I figured as much, but we had to stay away from big cities for a while after that, so we were pretty far out of the loop.”

“We knew Cynthia and Iris weren’t arrested,” Belle added. “But we didn’t know about Shauntal for a few months, and we only verified Juniper was alright a few weeks ago, when she published a new paper in a science magazine.”

“And since we can’t set foot in Unova, or even contact them, we can’t let them know we’re alright,” Gene sighed. “I considered heading to Sinnoh to talk with Cynthia, but I doubt I’d get anywhere near her before police showed up.”

“Hmm, Abby and I might be able to help if you’re interested,” Kasai said with a glance towards his mate. “We’re mostly just wanderers, we do odd jobs wherever we go and stay for a few weeks until we feel like moving on.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind running a message or two for you,” Abby added, a grin on her face. “I’ve always wanted to meet Cynthia, she’s kind of my idol really...”

“Really?” Gene asked. “You’d be willing to do that for us?”

“We already said yes, Gene,” Kasai said before chuckling lightly. “And how does the saying about looking gift Ponyta in the mouth go?”

Gene smiled. “I... thank you,” Gene said. He reached behind him and picked up his bag. “Cynthia, Iris and Shauntal all have beach houses in Undella Town,” He said, pulling out a notepad and paper.

“Okay, that’s not too far out of way,” Abby said, a small smile on her face. “Besides, I like the beach... the sand is so soft. Though I wouldn’t recommend experimenting too much, it’s kind of a pain in the ass, and everywhere else.”

Gene chuckled as he finished writing down his note. “Those are their addresses, Iris is there most weekends and anyone of them will be able to contact the others,” He handed her the note, then another sheet of paper. “This is something I’ve only ever told them. It’ll convince them you’re not an undercover Ranger or something,”

Belle smiled and added. “I’m sure they’ll be more than willing to accommodate you for however long you need, they were more than hospitable when we were staying there.”

“Oh good, I hope they have someone who cooks well!” Kasai said with a grin. “I love a good buttered Magikarp.”

“You love a good buttered anything,” Abby pointed out, raising an eyebrow slightly.

“It’s true, but I like Magikarp most of all,” the Arcanine said, a smile on his face as he shuffled his sophisticated prosthetic limb a little.

Belle saw the glint of the limb in the firelight and frowned. “Kasai?” She asked. “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your leg?” She had never seen a Pokemon with a prosthetic before.

“Oh, this?” Kasai asked shuffling so that his leg was on full display, it was a beautiful piece of craftsmanship, fully bendable and highly advanced. “Well... Abby here has a problem with thinking that she’s invincible and charging into fights that she shouldn’t.”

“Hey, it was either that or let those poachers wipe out that pack of Growlithe and skin them,” Abby said, glancing down.

“Yeah, I’m not saying that it wasn’t the right choice, just that you should have been smarter about it,” Kasai said, shaking his head before he turned back to Belle. “We found a group of poachers who were hunting Growlithes and one of them had a Claydol who he apparently didn’t care that much about... sent the thing flying at Abby trying to kill her with an Explosion. I couldn’t let that happen.”

“Oh...” Belle said, she looked to Gene, they had had a few close calls with Rangers and police after the wedding, one even sending their Rampardos at Gene directly, they quickly found out why no one messed with a Gardevoir's trainer. “We’ve had a few close calls, but nothing like that,”

“Is that why you guys are so...” Gene tried to find the right word. “Smoozy?”

“Heheh, I guess that’s the word for it,” Abby said before she turned and gave Kasai a deep kiss before pulling away. “Once you come so close to losing the one you love... their body bleeding out on top of you as you stare into their seemingly dying eyes... being subtle just doesn’t matter.” She shuddered once and pulled herself closer against the Arcanine as he leaned his head against her, pulling her against his chest.

“No one will take you from me Abby,” Kasai said, his voice low. “Not once, not ever.”

Belle teared up slightly at Abby’s words. Gene pulled her close to him and kissed her again. “It’s alright,” he whispered to her.

“I’ll never let anyone take you from me,” Belle told Gene.

“I know Belle,” Gene said. “I know.”

The four sat there in silence for a long moment before Abby pushed Kasai’s head away from her chest slightly, a smile on her face. “Sorry about that, I kind of killed the mood didn’t I?”

“No, I was the one who asked about the leg,” Belle said. “I should’ve expected something like that to come up.”

Kasai let out a small sigh. “It’s fine,” he said before giving Abby a lick from the base of her neck to her lips. “I will say this about the Rangers, their chief Professor may be a racist ass, but he was grateful enough to us to build me an awesome leg as ‘reparations for your loss fighting the good fight’.”

“Yeah...” Abby agreed before leaning back against Kasai again. “He’s not all that bad of a guy... so long as you’re not in love with a Pokemon.” Then she let out a sigh. “You know... the Rangers aren’t all bad, they do a lot of good work... they just also happen to chase people like you and I too.”

Belle sighed. “We know, one Ranger even helped us out of a particularly tight spot once,” She shook her head. “I just wish they didn’t blame Gene for everything,” She recalled the few times they’d run into Rangers, one thing that remained the same was them trying to convince Belle to betray Gene.

“The old ‘human raised you to love him’ speech eh?” Abby inquired with a raised eyebrow.

“Every. Single. Time,” Belle answered.

Kasai snorted. “Yes, far be it for a Pokemon to develop feelings for a human,” he said with a disdainful roll of his eyes. “They do realize that we’re as intelligent as they are don’t they?”

Gene scoffed. “I caught one of my Pokemon in a library, they were convinced she was going to haunt the place and torment everyone,” He shook his head. “Turns out she just wanted to read.”

“A Pokemon wanting to read?!” Abby asked, her eyebrow raising melodramatically. “What on earth would cause one to do that?! It must be you! You forced her into it didn’t you!”

Gene laughed. “Oh no! You caught onto my evil plan!” He turned to Belle, a smile on his face. “We’d better make a break for it!”

“I wouldn’t bother, I’ve got the place surrounded, foul evil doers,” Abby said, leaning back against Kasai. “And even if you tried, Kasai would get you and lick you to death!”

Kasai looked at Gene for a moment before snorting, an amused smile on his face. “Sorry Gene, you’re not my type.”

Belle smiled. “Well, that’s a relief,” she said jokingly. “I was afraid I’d have to fight you for him.”

The Arcanine gave Gene another examining look before chuckling. “I don’t think he could really... sate me,” he said before nuzzling Abby. “And he doesn’t smell as nice either, so I think I’ll stick with the human I captured.”

Belle chuckled and snuggled closer to Gene. “Sounds good to me.”

“Hmm, so we’ve talked about our general dislike for the Rangers, about how you two love each other, how Kasai lost his leg...” Abby frowned for a moment before smiling. “Just one more question springs to mind; just how did you two become a thing?”

Belle and Gene smiled at each other. “It was the seven year anniversary of when I first found Belle,” Gene began. “It was just going to be the two of us for the day, see a movie, a walk in the park, dinner... now that I think about it, it sounds an awful lot like I was taking her on a date,” He chuckled. “Anyway, everything went pretty well, we had a great day, but when I brought her into the restaurant I’d picked out...” He sighed. “There were a pair of Jennies at the place within ten minutes.”

Belle hugged Gene tighter. “They arrested Gene and tried to take me to a daycare center until they worked everything out,” She smiled. “Emphasis on tried, the second they put a hand on me I crumpled one of their scooters like it was a tin can.”

“Yeah... your type are good for that sort of thing,” Abby agreed with a small nod as she leaned against Kasai. “See, Kasai and I are lucky, we always go for outdoor cafes and they assume we’re just out for a walk.”

“That would have been a much better idea,” Gene admitted. “Anyway, they let Belle stay with me, worried that she would... the phrase, ‘Event Horizon’ came up once.”

Belle shrugged. “I don’t even know if that myth’s true,” she defended.

Gene continued. “But once we were at the station, they interrogated me and tried to make Belle admit I was ‘abusing her’,” He shook his head. “They let us go after a few hours, but Belle was distraught that they thought I could do that to her.”

“I... well, I’d had a crush on Gene since I was a Kirlia,” Belle admitted. “He never once yelled at me, or uck, ‘tried anything’ as the officer put it.” She looked back at Gene. “And once we got back to where we had set up camp... it all kinda just came out.”

“She broke down,” Gene informed. “I held her and told her how sorry I was for everything and she... she said it was her fault and admitted she loved me,” Gene put his hand over Belle’s. “She thought I’d be mad, or disgusted or something, despite everything we’d been through together.”

Belle smiled at Gene. “He just lifted my chin, dried my eyes, and...” She giggled. “We had our first kiss.”

“I’d been hiding my feelings for Belle for a while and I couldn’t let her think she’d done anything wrong,” Gene smiled and gave Belle a kiss on the lips. “My beautiful fairy princess.”

Belle’s face blushed red at the nickname, but unlike normally, she didn’t protest. “It was the perfect moment,” Belle finished, then chuckled. “At least until Mage burst out of the tent and shouted, ‘It’s about time!’” Gene and Belle shared a laugh at the memory.

“Aww, that’s adorable,” Abby said, a big grin on her face as she looked between the two. “My Lord and I had something kind of like that happen,” she added with a nudge at Kasai’s head.

“Well, minus the police anyways,” Kasai said before giving her a lick. “My Lady likes to exaggerate things a little. That, and most of what I did was non-verbal...” he glanced at Belle and gave her the most pleading, adorable pair of puppy dog eyes she’d ever seen. “Could you say no to these eyes?”

The Gardevoir chuckled. “I basically grew up with a Houndour,” She smiled slyly. “You’ll have to try harder to get me to fall for that trick.”

Abby chuckled as well. “That’s probably a good thing,” she stated before smiling. “Anyways, Kasai and I were on our way home after having paid a trip to my parents’ graves and well... I let my emotions get the best of me and broke down on the sidewalk. I don’t really know why... I’d come to terms with it a long time ago, but that day it was all too much... and he was there for me. He gathered me up against his chest and hugged me close until I stopped crying and when I’d finished, he licked my face clean and then stared into my eyes... and I knew. I... well I almost kissed him there in the street... but I didn’t but I knew.”

Gene smiled. “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve heard in a long time,” He said, smiling at the pair.

“Thanks,” Kasai said, giving Abby’s cheek a lick. “After that... well we went on a few ‘walks’ through the park and to cafes and just got closer to each other until... we got a lot closer and stayed that way for quite a while...”

“Yeah... I wasn’t really prepared for that the first time,” Abby admitted, blushing. “When you love an Arcanine, you kind of stick with them for a while afterwards.”

Belle put a hand over her mouth to stop from laughing, Gene chuckled and said. “When Belle and I... took that step, the biggest problem was that she couldn’t figure out how to unlink us, her power kinda... flared, at the end,” He shook his head, but smiled at Belle. “It still hasn’t completely faded, and I don’t think it ever will.”

“Hehe, I feel the same way,” Abby said with an amused chuckle. “Though, it’s more of a physical link for us... a very big physical link.”

“You know you love every second of it,” Kasai added, giving her a lick on the cheek before glancing at the other two. “She’s the one who starts almost every time we do anything, and the one who always wants to go again afterwards.”

This time, both Gene and Belle laughed. “Oh Arceus!” Belle said through a laugh. “You two are absolutely incorrigible!”

Abby snickered. “Yeah, we are when we don’t have to worry about being judged about it,” she said with a grin as she gave Kasai a kiss on the lips. “It doesn’t happen much, but when we get the opportunity to let it all out... we let it all out.”

“Which further explains why she smells lovely right now,” Kasai concluded with a grin, licking Abby’s lips once. “And why my infallibile nose failed.”

“Well I, for one, am glad you two got lost,” Gene said with a smile. “Otherwise, we never would’ve met, and this entire night would never have happened.”

“And that would have been a real crime worthy of being chased after for,” Abby stated, a big smile on her face as Kasai began to roll onto his back. “I think I’m going to go to sleep now; mind if we stick around for breakfast?”

“Not at all,” Gene said with a grin. “The more the merrier, I say. Plus, you can meet the rest of my team.”

“Oh, and you can meet the rest of mine,” Abby said with a smile. “Though, I don’t have everyone with me. Just Rill and Luke. I didn’t think I’d need Axel for a camping trip.”

“Yeah, Haxorus and trees don’t go well together,” Kasai added as he settled down completely on his back. “Good night,” he added before Abby crawled on top of him and hugged her arms around him.

“Good night,” Abby added before she laid her head down against Kasai’s the two falling asleep almost immediately leaving Gene and Belle awake beside the fire.

Gene chuckled and stood up, brushing himself off, he said. “Come on love, looks like we’ve got a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”

Belle nodded and the two made their way into their tent, Belle using her powers to smother the fire before Gene zipped up the front, sealing the two off for the night.