• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Interlude Part 6

Author's Note:

Sorry about the lack of forward progress, Zeus has been ill for the last week or so, so we're waiting on him.

I... um... are you... are you sure this is a good idea... Kasai? Luke asked nervously, the Kirlia fiddling with his arm. I mean... what if... what if we scare her?

“Pfft, please we aren’t going to scare her, that’s kinda the opposite a surprise party brings out,” the Arcanine replied, withholding himself from giving a ‘slap’ of confidence to the Kirlia’s back.

Okay... you would know better... it would scare me, Luke said quietly, looking around the the living room of the log cabin esque house.

The house was two stories tall and built beside a sizeable lake in the style of a high end cabin. It had once belonged to Matt and Roxanne before... what happened and they’d already willed it to Abby.

At the moment, the living room was covered in streamers, a banner, and in the center of the coffee table was the best cake the team had been able to put together. It wasn’t anything amazing, just something that wasn’t completely burnt for once and was hopefully edible.

“Relax Luke, this is going to be great!” Kasai said with a large smile. “After all, Abby deserves something good and fun on her birthday after two years of... well, a lot of moping around.”

“Yeah she does,” Axle rumbled from where he’d just finished hanging up a banner, being especially careful not to cut it right back down. “Besides, this will be fun for all of us too.”

“You said it,” Lex said as the Eevee bounced up onto the couch. “All we’ve been doing is training, bring down poachers, and more training. It’s time to just do some good old fashion birthday party fun.”

“I still do not understand the significance of this practice, but I will enjoy any opportunity to have ‘fun’,” Rill said with a frown as she hung another streamer in place.

I... I will be honest and say that... I agree with her, Luke added. To the... to the first part anyways... I... I’ve never liked my birthday... Kain always used it too...-

“Oi, Luke, remember what we said about talking about the past?” Lex chimed in as he glanced down at the Kirlia with a small frown. “We kinda don’t need bad images in our heads at the moment.”

... ... sorry, Luke said softly, looking down and fiddling with his arm. I’m sorry...

Kasai shook his head. “It’s okay Luke, but I still think this is something Abby, if not everyone of us, needs. Just a good fun moment all of us can share with nothing bad happening to us for the rest of the day.”

Lex shrugged. “I’m just excited to play the mix music I made for this party,” he said with a smile as he found the remote to the speaker system laying on the couch and moved it up in front. “The CD’s already in, I just have press play and we’ll be all set.”

“Interesting, I am excited to hear what music sounds like when it is not designed to either fuel blood lust or cause someone to go to sleep,” Rill said with a smile.

“There’s nothing wrong with good battle music,” Axle countered. “But yeah, something interesting sounds nice.”

Lex blinked blankly for a moment. “You guys never heard other music since Abby freed ya?” he inquired as he looked over at Rill and Axle.

“I’ve heard some, but it was boring,” Rill asserted. “Though I’m sure you have good taste Lex.”

The only music... that I ever... really heard was... thumping and... rhythmic, Luke said softly. It was how you... timed what you were doing... when you were supposed to-

“Luke, remember what I said about giving us bad mental images?” Lex interrupted quickly. “But now I’ve got to make mental note to skip track number five...” he muttered under his breath.

Luke just looked down, letting out a sigh. I... sorry, he said defeatedly.

“It’s okay Luke, you’re still adjusting,” Kasai said reassuringly, though he was mentally wishing Justice would bring Abby very soon before things began to fall apart.

A loud screech tore through the air outside of the house, the signal that Justice had entered their airspace and without being asked, Luke turned the lights in the living room off, closing the curtains as well. The room fell into blackness as each of the Pokemon froze. From the entry hallway they heard the sound of the door opening and Abby walking in followed by the light sound of Justice’s claws on the floor.

“Did you really have to do that?” Abby asked the Braviary, walking with him down the hallway.

“I felt I did,” Justice answered with a light chuckle. “Sometimes I just feel like proclaiming that Justice has returned.”

The woman scoffed slightly but shook her head as she walked into the darkened living room. Then she flicked the light switch.


Abby stumbled back in surprise as a wall of cheer slugged her in the face, blinking rapidly as her eyes took in the decorations. Justice caught her and kept her from falling over backwards before pushing her forwards into the room. The woman looked around at the decorations with almost child like wonder for a moment. Then her eyes turned to her Pokemon who were all standing under a banner reading ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABBY!’ in yellow print, the letters looking ever so slightly off as if drawn by a paw or shaky telekinetic grip.

“I...” Abby blinked twice as she looked around it all. “I...” she grinned and charged forwards, falling to her knees in front of her team, reaching her arms out for a group hug. Kasai was the first to join, shortly joined by Lex as he hopped down from the couch and into the woman’s lap. Luke came next, though he didn’t quite hug her, more put a hand in the general vicinity of where she was as Axle barreled over and bent his large head down to nuzzle her from one side and Rill took the other. Justice came last, wrapping his wings around the woman’s back and for a moment, nothing else in the world mattered.

Kasai leaned his head forwards and licked her face. “I hope we surprised ya well enough, heh,” he said with a grin.

Abby began to chuckle, then the chuckle broke down into a giggle before she pulled his head against hers and gave him a hard kiss on the lips. “Hell yes you did!” she exclaimed before leaning into the nuzzles from Rill and Axle, her hand scratching Lex behind the ear and trying to bend her back so that she could be closer to Justice. All that she really succeeded in doing was looking silly but that hardly mattered. “You guys are the best family ever!”

“We are at that,” Justice agreed, moving his beak down to nuzzle the side of her neck.

“Or at the very least we attempt it,” Rill added, nibbling affectionately on Abby’s neck.

“Heck you’re a good trainer too,” Lex added as his head leaned into her hand. “The best of the best for us, no one can match ya.”

“Indeed,” Kasai agreed as he licked her once more. “Happy birthday Abby.”

Abby smiled and began to cry as she hugged them all as closely as she could. “Thanks you guys,” she whispered after a long moment.

You... you’re welcome... you deserve this much... if not... much... much more, Luke told her, smiling at her with eyes full of adoration.

“Yeah, yeah you do,” Axle agreed, nodding his axehead for a moment before glancing down at her. “So are we going to spend all day on the floor or should I cut the cake?”

“Cake?” Abby asked, her eyes lighting up. “You guys baked me a cake?”

“Yes, Kasai, Lex and Luke managed it,” Rill informed her, stepping away from the woman, a smile on her lips. “It is on the table where one serves coffee from or puts their feet on.”

“You do know a table is used more than just that,” Lex stated up to the Flygon.

“It is what I’ve observed it being used as,” Rill answered with a small shrug as Abby struggled to her feet, cradling Lex against her chest, bending down to give him a kiss on the head.

“Leave her be, smart ass,” Abby told the Eevee affectionately.

“Hey, just trying to inform of her things that she doesn’t know,” Lex defened with a small shrug. “What’s wrong in expanding someone’s knowledge?”

“Being a smart ass about it, brainiac,” Abby replied, lightly flicking one of his ears before she set him down on the couch beside her and looked at the dark icinged cake before her.

It lacked candles or words, instead, they seemed to have gone in favor of the ‘slather it in icing and chocolate’ approach though Abby could hardly fault them for that. After all, she was the one who did all the cooking and the fact that they’d been able to do this much by themselves was frankly amazing!

Then there was something else that caught her eye. It was a package, not a very big one, around the size of a book just lying there on the table.

“Happy nineteenth birthday Abby,” Justice said softly from over to the right as he walked up between the space of couch and the table. “You’ve grown up so well, my favorite chick.” He leaned over to nuzzle her and Abby leaned down into it, giving the Braviary a firm squeeze.

“Thanks Justice,” she said quietly for a moment, kissing him on the side of the beak before she glanced down at the package. “Who’s this from?”

“It’s from Scarlet,” Kasai replied. “One day when I went to get the mail I noticed her scent on it and... well I thought it was for your birthday so I hid it till now. Didn’t want you to open your only present so soon.”

Abby snorted slightly but leaned over to kiss him. “Thanks for the thought Kasai but this is already a great present, in the future, please don’t do ‘this’ sort of thing,” she added as she reached over Lex’s head and grabbed ahold of the package as Axle and Rill crowded closer, eager to see what it was.

Abby began to peal away the wrapping to reveal a wooden box, fancy carvings of leaves embroidered on all sides. Abby frowned slightly and looked for a way to open it. With the flick of the latch on the front, she opened it to find a card fitting inside it. She set the box down to pick up the card, but as she did so she revealed a necklace of silver with an angular crimson stone embedded in the very center. An inner heat seemed to flow off of it and the woman looked down at it with wide eyes for a moment before she reached down and gently picked it up.

The necklace was a bit heavier than anything she normally wore, well, she didn’t usually wear much of anything around her neck, but still, she had some necklaces but none so elaborate or beautiful looking. The woman slipped it around her neck and smiled as the stone fell down to rest between her curves.

Her eyes then turned towards the envelope and she reached down to grab it, tearing it open and pulling out a simple white card with a small paragraph written on it. It read:

Happy Birthday Abby, or early or belated depending on when the package comes. Still... nineteen years old, heh, time sure does fly huh? I still remember you as a toddler screaming with glee as Matt held you as both of you road on Revva’s back. I’m sure your parents are very proud of you for making this far in life and achievements you achieved. I hope you like the necklace I got you, it’s the smallest Fire Stone I could fine with the help of Clay (Being the Top Ranger of Unova has it’s perks), but I chose it because of your fiery passion for your job and efficiency of getting things done. Not to mention your love of fire types, heh.

Sincerely, Scarlet.

Abby smiled as she read it a second time and then put the card back in the box. “How do I look?” she asked her team.

... lovely, Luke said quietly within her mind from his place near the back.

“Like your mother,” Justice said, nuzzling her gently.

“Like you’re an upperclass woman,” Lex said with a chuckle, Kasai nudging him hard with a paw.

“Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” the Arcanine stated. “After all, you look even more gorgeous,” he said sincerely.

“It is nice,” Rill said with a simple smile.

“Agreed, it looks nice,” Axle grunted. “Now may I cut this cake? I’ve been practicing for a while now.”

Abby smiled at them all before she looked up at the towering Haxorus. “You sure you can do that?”

“Bah, I’ve cut smaller Pokemon in two,” Axle answered as he began to lower his head.

“We really did not need to know that,” Lex stated. “Especially on my end.”

Axle ignored him and with a single motion, brought his head down into the cake. The blade cut precisely how deeply he wanted, to the platter that the cake rested on and then he brought it back up and then down again several times so that there were exactly seven pieces. “HAHAH! Success!” the dragon bellowed before glancing up at his chocolate smeared blade. “Though I’ll need to think of some way to get that off...”

“I’m sure something will come to you,” Abby said with a small chuckle before she looked around. “Anyone mind if I have the first taste?”

Kasai shook his head. “Go right ahead, you are the birthday girl after all.”

Abby grinned and reached down, grabbing the biggest piece of the cake and bringing it up to her mouth, little crumbs falling on her chest as she did so. Then she took a big bite out of the chocolate cake and her eyes widened. She chewed her bite slowly and then swallowed.

“Wow, this is really chocolaty!” she said with a grin. “A little dry, but it’s still great!”

Good... sorry about that though... we’re... not really very experienced, Luke confessed slowly.

“Bah, don’t apologize, it’s still great!” Abby told the Kirlia with a big smile. “Okay everyone, dig in!”

“Yeah! Let’s get this party started!” Lex exclaimed as he reached down to the remote on the couch and shortly after lively music could be heard beating out of the speakers.

Abby blinked twice and then chuckled. “Heheh, this song?”

“It’s a little... simple,” Justice said, one of his talons moving up and down in time with the beat. “But I can not find anything unjust in it.”

“Hey, it’s just the first track,” Lex stated as he walked back to join the others. “Plus it’s just something to get everyone into the right mood.”

Rill cocked her head to the side as her body began to move without realizing it. “This is odd feeling but I can not call it unpleasant,” she said beginning to dance.

“I have the urge to stamp things,” Axle commented, wiggling his booty. “But not violently, how strange.”

“It’s called rhythm guys,” Abby commented with a small chuckle as she leaned against Kasai. “Good choice Lex.”

The Eevee smiled proudly. “Thank you, I made the CD to dance easily to and party hard.”

“Well then, let’s start partying!” Kasai exclaimed as he got up. “This is a birthday party after all, let’s get on to some celebrating!”

Abby lay against Kasai’s side, they were both naked, though that wasn't really surprising for the Arcanine. The woman’s breath came in and out in deep breaths and she cradled him as his large paws wrapped around her back.

“Tonight was amazing Kasai,” Abby said softly, a smile on her face. “The party, the cake, you, everything.”

Kasai smiled happily as he nuzzled her face and gave it a lick. “Arc, Arcanine,” he replied, Luke’s add of translating lost after Krilia excused himself around halfway through the party.

The woman snuggled deeper into his fur, smile only growing bigger as she looked up into his eyes. “You’re such a lovely... mate,” she said softly, using the word for the first time, small tears in her eyes.

Kasai blinked a bit surprisingly. “Arc?” he said as if he didn’t hear it right.

The woman looked up at him and moved her face closer to his. “You’re my mate Kasai,” she said quietly, kissing him on the lips. “My big, amazing, caring, Arcanine mate and frankly, fuck anyone who says otherwise to any of those things.”

The Arcanine blinked a couple more times before a smile crossed his muzzle and he gave her several licks across her face. Abby continued to cry faintly before burrowing her face in his neck.

“I love you Kasai,” she whispered. “I love you so much it hurts.”

He nuzzled his muzzle against her face. “Arcanine, arc arc,” he replied softly as if he was trying to shush her.

“It’s true,” Abby told told him firmly, looking back up at him. “Without you... I’d probably have broken down for good when it happened. Instead... you were always there for me, always holding me up, always giving me licks when I need it. Being a damn good sounding board too.”

Kasai just licked her across her face once more. “Arcanine,” he said, his voice still soft.

Abby smiled and kissed him on the lips again as she pressed her body tighter against his. “Goodnight Kasai, my handsome, wonderful mate.”

“Arc Arcanine,” he said back as he rested his head gently on her shoulder, closing his eyes.