• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Author's Note:

The following chapter contains quite a bit of profanity, said by a fourteen year old girl turned Pokemon used for comedy purposes, hopefully you won’t be too offended, sorry if you are.

Abby and Kasai walked down the street, catching odd glances from ponies and other creatures, though Abby didn’t know what exactly it was they were called. Luckily, the badges on their shoulders seemed to at least alleviate some of the wariness from the ponies gazes.

As the two walked, Kasai’s nose in the air, Abby let out a small sigh and leaned her shoulder against him. It was a gesture that was both at once alien and utterly familiar. They had always been a very physical couple, hardly a surprise really when neither could really talk to one another, and as such, little gestures like leaning against him had come to mean many things.

For example, at the moment, it meant ‘what a beautiful day huh?’.

His tail flicked over her rump, ‘yes, yes it is.’. Another flick. ‘especially with you here beside me.’.

Abby smiled and leaned up a little to give him a nuzzle, something that he returned without losing track of the scent he was chasing.

“You know, we can actually talk to one another, Abby,” Kasai commented with a small chuckle, leading the pair around a street vendor selling some kind of apple dish.

“I know, it’s just nice to have two ways to talk to each other now,” Abby replied with a smile. “We can say so much more...”

“I don’t know, we always did pretty well before I’d say,” Kasai stated, chuckling. “I mean, you knew when I was angry and how to cool me down, I could tell when you were upset and how to make you happy again, when we were both in the mood it was pretty obvious... all the important things really.”

“Calming down, making happy, and mutual lust, is that all our relationship is?” Abby asked jokingly.

“It had better not be, else you’ve lied every time you said ‘I love you’,” Kasai replied, leaning over to lick her cheek before he frowned faintly.

“What?” Abby inquired.

“Thought I smelled an Abra,” Kasai replied as they strolled past a casino. “You know how defenseless those guys are if they’re by themselves in the wild.”

“Yeah, especially if something gets them by surprise,” Abby agreed, nodding her head. “But unfortunately, we’ve got someone else to find, maybe if we have time later we can look for the little guy.”

“Right,” Kasai said, nodding his head. “Also, something’s been bugging me since you told me your plan to establish a new group of Rangers.”

“Oh?” Abby asked, cocking her head to the side. “What about it?”

“Well... There’s no way in Hell that Hastings is going to join onto ‘us’ doing this,” Kasai stated. “At least, not if you and I are public about it.” The Arcanine let out a heavy sigh. “Abby... I don’t want to go back to hiding who we are from the world.”

Abby frowned for a moment and then leaned her head against his. “If Hastings, or any of the other Vets say that they’re going to keep their old opinions, then that’s fine, they can establish their own Ranger Corps,” the Ninetales said defiantly. “I’m telling you though, there’s got to be some of the others who are at least open to the idea of Pokephilia, and I’m willing to bet that they’d join us if we already had a power structure and organization going here.”

“True... and Abby?”

“Yes Kasai?”

“Thanks,” the Arcanine gave her a lick on the cheek. “Also, at this point, it’s not ‘Pokephilia’ anymore, it’s just sex.”

“That’s true now that I think about it,” Abby agreed with a small chuckle before she gave him a lick of her own. “And you don’t really have to thank me Kasai, I love you, you should know that by now.”

“Heh, yeah,” Kasai agreed before glancing down at his right metallic leg. “Still though... I hope we can find someone who can repair this if it gets broken here... I mean, if Hastings doesn’t want to support us and someone breaks it...” He trailed off into silence. “I’m no good to you if I have to limp everywhere.”

“Maybe not as Ranger,” Abby said carefully. “But that wouldn’t change how I feel about you, you know that.”

“Yeah, I do,” Kasai replied before letting out a small cough. “Also... tonight you’re going to talk about how you’re really feeling about this whole transformation thing.”

“Hmm?” Abby asked, blinking twice.

“Abby... you know exactly what I mean,” he told her blandly.

“... fine,” Abby said, glancing down for a moment. “How are we doing as far as ‘Anna’s’ scent goes?”

“Moving in the right direction,” Kasai answered easily. “Also, either tomorrow or the day after we really need to find Luke...” he glanced around and observed several ponies in obviously provocative dress. “Otherwise he’s going to shut down in a place like this... or he’s going to get really deadly calm and try to slice his way through whoever is running places like that.”

Abby nodded her head. “Yeah, you’re right about that, that’s for sure,” the Ninetales said worriedly, neither option was any good for anyone, least of all Luke. The poor Gallade had enough on his chest without that sort of thing, not to mention that Abby would probably have to arrest him.

Silence reigned supreme for a moment before Abby said. “By the way, can you scent what kind of Pokemon this ‘Anna’ is yet?”

“Something steel typed,” Kasai said with a small shrug. “I’m not totally sure just yet, you know how most steel types smell the same, like, well, steel.”

“My word, what an articulate way for you to explain that Kasai,” Abby snarked, giving his hip a bump. “I hope one day I get my vocabulary that well developed.”

Kasai rolled his eyes and bumped her back, sending her stumbling from it’s weight alone and he gave her a small smile. “Then keep running that mouth of yours my Lady, one day you’ll become as good as I am.”

“I don’t know, that sounds hard,” Abby replied. “I mean, your mouth is always running.”

The Arcanine snorted faintly and smiled as his eyes widened. “Okay, yeah we’re almost there, see that bridge up ahead?”

Abby glanced in the direction he was indicating and saw that, yes indeed, there was a steel bridge up ahead. Kasai picked up his pace and Abby followed along beside him, both doing their best to avoid bumping into any of the ponies as they jogged down the street towards the bridge. As it turned out, finding Anna was rather... easy.

“I FREAKING LOVE THIS BODY!” the female Lairon shouted happily as she pranced over the bridge, scattering ponies as they did their best to avoid the large steel covered, rhino like creature. “I CAN EAT METAL!” she shouted, demonstrating by taking a chunk out of one of the bridge’s guard rails and chomping it down between her sizeable teeth.

Abby and Kasai exchanged a look. “Well... she’s certainly adapting well I suppose,” Kasai said slowly as he and Abby approached the happy Larion, thanking Arceus that she hadn’t been eating the bride support struts or any of the cables.

“Yeah, that’s one way to put it,” Abby agreed as she took the lead and called. “Hello, are you Anna?”

The Lairon glanced over her, her cheeks full of steel she was still chewing. “Thes shats me,” she answered before swallowing. “The Mighty Now Lairon Anna, thank you very much,” she clarified before reaching her head over to bit another chunk of metal and chewing it with delight. “Whoth theth hellth areth youth?”

“My name is Abby and this is my mate Kasai,” Abby said with a small smile. “We’re Pokemon Rangers working with the local police forc-”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!” The Lairon banged her head really hard against the guardrail, bending widely while also causing the bridge to shake a bit. “I didn’t even feel that!” she said with a large smile.

“That’s great, but we really need you to come with us down to the station,” Abby said calmly, still smiling. “We-”

“And I can do this too!” Anna continued, not even paying attention to Abby as her tail glowed brightly as it harden extremely and she swirl her body around. Her tail swung out and it cut through a section of the bridge road clean off. “Hehehehe, I can actually use moves now!”

Kasai glanced at Abby for a moment and she nodded.

“Anna, please don’t do that,” the Arcanine said as he moved forwards towards her. “This is the city’s bridge and I’m sure they don’t want you tearing it up with Iron Tails.”

“Pfft, please, I haven’t even scratched the surface... much,” Anna said casually before reaching her head over to bit a bit more of the guardrail off and chewed it. “Plusth allth thisth ironth isth dealiousth!” She swallowed. “It taste a lot like orrin berries which are my FAVORITE!”

“I’m sure it is good, but seriously, you need to stop,” Kasai said, his voice becoming harder. “We met yo-”

“Look, I’ve been dreaming something like this my whole freaking life, don’t ruin the moment!” Anna stated strongly, glaring at Kasai. “Plus I’m bloody hungry, so don’t ruin my snack!” she added before taking another bite.

Kasai let out a small sigh. “Look Anna, I don’t want to hurt you but your b-”

“Oh, you want a battle huh?” the Lairon asked as her legs spread out and she stared down the Arcanine. “Come on, I’ll take ya with one eye closed!” her left eye closed.

“Fine, Firefang” Kasai said before he focused for a moment and bounded forwards, before the Lairon could react, his now burning jaws were digging into the flesh of her neck behind her armored skull and before the plating started. He tightened his jaws.

“OW! OW! OW! FUCKING OW!” she yelled in pain as she struggled to shake him loose. Kasai for his part simply adjusted his footing every time she tried to turn in a new direction, keeping his burning fangs in her neck.

“One of the things about being a Pokemon, Anna, is that you gotta know your typing,” Abby said as she walked a bit closer to Anna. “Kasai is a Fire Type meaning-”

“I DON’T FUCKING CARE!” Anna suddenly exploded forwards into a run, dragging Kasai with her as she bolted down towards Abby’s direction.

“Oh for the love of Arceus,” Abby said before she leapt out of the way, just barely avoiding being trampled by the Larion’s wild charge. Meanwhile, Kasai was holding onto Anna’s neck for dear life, his teeth digging still deeper into her neck, though he was careful to keep them from going too deep.

Though that wasn’t enough for Anna. “GAH!!! LET THE HELL GO OF ME!” She shook her neck violently while she was still running, desperately trying to get him off.

Kasai’s eyes narrowed as he hung on, if she kept this up he’d hit something vital. The Arcanine didn’t have too long to think about what he had to do next but thankfully, an idea came to him. He dug his paws into the ground, he would have called out Strength, but well, that much was obvious.

Anna’s eyes widened in surprise as her forward momentum was slowly decreasing until she came to a sudden stop, feeling the strong pull Kasai was enforcing onto her. She pulled back, straining her body. “GAH! I SAID FUCKING LET GO!” she yelled.

To her surprise, Kasai did, small rivulets of silver blood beginning to run down from his bite and before she could react, he shouted “Body Slam!”

Anna blinked twice as she suddenly found herself on her back, her legs flailing in the air wildly as she rocked back and forth. Kasai leapt onto her chest and stared down at her with hard eyes.

“I win,” he said flatly. “Now, I’m going to get off of you, you’re going to get back to your feet, and then we’re going to the police station to see your brother. Is that clear?”

Anna glared angrily at the Arcanine before reluctantly saying. “Fine....”

“Good,” Kasai said before dismounting her.

Abby rushed up to him and gave him a thorough nose-over before letting out a sigh. “Good, you’re fine.”

“Abby, of course I am, this isn’t my first Lairon ride, and at least this time there wasn’t a giant pit of Lava to avoid,” Kasai said while he glanced over at Anna who was mumbling to herself as she got onto her legs.

“Bloody fucking cheater...” she said sourly, her neck pulsing in pain causing her to wince badly.

“I was trying to end it quickly, I didn’t think you’d be steel headed enough to try and run someone off of you when they had your neck in their jaws,” Kasai said before he walked over to her side. “Stay still for a second,” he added before he lowered his head down to lick lightly at the still bleeding neck wound, his tongue licking away the silver blood and help heal the wound a little, her fast Pokemon healing rate would take care of the rest.

“Ow...” she groaned softly, it stung a bit but she didn’t really want to make a big deal out of it. Her pride was hurt enough as it was.

Abby walked over to inspect the wound and nodded with what she saw. It was deep, sure, driven deeper than Kasai had intentioned thanks to Anna’s own efforts, but it was nowhere near fatal for an Larion. They were hardy Pokemon. Kasai finished his cleaning and then glanced at Anna’s head.

“Alright Anna, follow us,” he said, starting off with Abby at his side. The Lairon stared at the two bitterly for a moment before she slowly picked her legs up and trailed behind them.