• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 43

Abby was relaxing in her bed, a smile on her face as she cradled her eggs against her belly. Kasai was off somewhere, to be honest she couldn’t remember what he was doing, when there was a knock at the door. “Who is it?” Abby called.

“It’s me, your mother,” Scarlet’s voice spoke from the other side.

“Oh! Come in, come in!” Abby exclaimed with a grin. “I was wondering when you’d show up and ‘meet’ your grandchildren mom!”

The handle turned and the door swung outwards as Scarlet slithered in, retracting her vine as she chuckle softly. “Hehe... yeah, sorry for missing their ‘birth’ as it were. I was busy with something else,” she explained.

“It’s fine,” Abby replied, shrugging her shoulders as Scarlet came up to her. She leaned over and showered her face in licks. “I’m a mother!”

“So I heard,” Scarlet said with another series of small chuckles and glanced over at the two eggs. “So, twins huh?”

“Yep!” Abby answered, nuzzling her mother again and pulling her against her neck. “Gold and Silver.”

One of the Serperior’s eyeridge arched up slightly. “Strange names, if you don’t mind me saying.”

Abby shrugged. “Seemed appropriate... we have ponies walking around with names like Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle... kind of wanted to help them fit in,” she answered with a small chuckle. “Besides, you’re named after a color.”

Scarlet gave a shrug with her leaf collar. “Hey, it was my mother’s idea since I had red hair.”

The Ninetales shrugged and then patted the bed beside her with her tails. “Join me?”

“Sure.” She slithered up onto and coiled around the bed, resting her head across from Abby’s. “So, how did things go up in Canterlot? Did we get the funds to start construction?”

“Way better,” Abby answered with a grin, leaning over to lick Scarlet on the nose. “Celestia’s paying for everything and helping us staff!”

Scarlet’s eyes widen a bit in surprise but a smile grew across her face. “Well, that will certainly help, heh. Heck, with that kind of promise we might get the building up before the next year.”

Abby nodded. “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking,” she agreed, nuzzling Scarlet as she leaned against the snake coils behind her. “I bet you can’t wait to be in charge eh?”

The Serperior chuckled lightly. “Director Scarlet Truman of the Ranger Union... it does has a nice ring to it I do admit. Hopefully the other Rangers we recruit agree.”

“Yes, yes it does,” Abby agreed. “And if they don’t, then they can go get their own funding,” she added before frowning slightly. “Umm... mom... I was umm wondering about something.”

“Oh?” Scarlet asked with a small inquiring frown.

“Well... umm...” Abby looked down. “I’ve been cursing ponies.”

Scarlet frowned and lean her head closer. “What was that? I didn’t hear you.”

“I’ve um...” Abby gulped. “I’ve been cursing ponies.”

“You’ve been crushing onions?” Scarlet asked with a puzzled look before it turn a bit serious. “Abby, if you have something to tell me, speak it in a volume I can clearly hear okay?”

“Right... sorry... I’ve... I’ve been cursing ponies...” Abby said quietly but now at least she was audible.

The Serperior blinked dumbfounded for a moment before she closed her eyes and slowly lifted her head up in the air. “I see...” she said slowly, Abby could recognize the tone in her voice as to be holding back from lashing out immediately. “Why?”

“It... it was only twice,” Abby said, her head dipping down and her ears falling flat, unable to look up to the Serperior. “One mare kicked an Azurill so I cursed her to feel that pain for a week... and the other was some Prince named Blueblood who’d tried to crash Gene and Belle’s wedding. He was an arrogant pain in the ass so I made him know just what everyone thought of him.”

“So... that’s what the mare in Las Pegasus was talking about...” Scarlet muttered to herself. “Now, tell me what right gave you to do such thing?”

“... I didn’t know what was happening the first time...” Abby confessed. “I was just so angry... it all just bubbled up and my body and mind did it before I really realized what was happening... I didn’t know what I was doing.”

“That doesn’t answer my question,” Scarlet stated. “Because you were angry is an excuse; Lance can get angry, but he doesn’t cleave someone’s head off for it.”

“Lance wasn’t in a new body that he didn’t understand!” Abby retorted sharply. “I didn’t mean too! I didn’t even know that I could!” she snarled.

Scarlet opened her eyes and looked down at Abby with a cold expression. A tingle ran down the Ninetails body and a sense of dread filled the back of her mind. The Ninetales stared back at her, unable to look away as a scared whine left her throat.

“That is a lie,” the Serperior said in a low tone of voice. “You know Ninetails are able to curse, and don’t tell me after the first time you did it you didn’t know you could do it again. So the second time you did it you had full control. You let yourself curse someone, and again I ask you: what right did you have to do that?”

“He called me an animal!” Abby retorted. “And he almost ruined Gene and Belle’s wedding!” she said, gathering herself back up a bit. “He deserves every moment of ridicule he gets!”

“Say’s who?” Scarlet asked, her tone not changing, as her coils tightened slightly. “You? Last time I checked, neither you or I were official members of the police or Guard, nor are we part of the judicial system.”

“Actually... we report straight to Celestia,” Abby told her. “It was part of the deal.”

“Yet, the Ranger Union hasn’t been built yet, nor is the order,” Scarlet remarked. “Besides, if that was true, then did Celestia approve of your curse? Because I sure as hell don’t.”

Abby winced, it took a lot to make her mother swear. “... I don’t know...” she frowned. “But from what I’ve been told she let him be chased around the throne room by Fang... and let Arceus make him a mute, twice. I don’t think she cares about him.”

“That’s assumptions, and those mean nothing,” the Serperior stated with a slightly harsh tone. “And by saying that, you assumed you had the judging power at equal level as Arceus?”

Abby blushed. “No... I just...” she looked away. “I just got angry.”

“And you know how well that gets you into trouble, Abby Trombley,” Scarlet said. “You act out of impulse, and your judgement becomes rash. Again, I point to Lance who I know gets angry a lot, but he doesn’t use that as an excuse to cut people’s limbs off.” She lowered head down so her eyes were hovering over Abby’s. “The same should go for you in applying curse, because if you don’t keep that in check, you’re going to curse someone simply because they got on your bad side. Understood?”

“Understood...” Abby said quietly. “How long am I suspended, Director?”

“For a while... but that’s not all. We’re going to undo the curse you applied to Blueblood, and you’re going to apologize,” Scarlet replied.

“I don’t think I can,” Abby said. “I think once they’re cast they’re permanent until the timer wears off... he’ll make it three days.”

“Then I guess you just have to ask Accrues to lift it, like he did last time,” Scarlet informed her. “Then, we can work out how you will apologize to Blueblood.”

“I’ll sending a letter, I’m not talking to him again in person.” Abby’s gaze hardened. “He doesn’t deserve the courtesy, trust me.”

“Then make sure the letter is at least a page long, and that’s not a suggestion,” Scarlet ordered.

“Aye aye,” Abby said unhappily.

Scarlet closed her eyes and let out a long sigh before opening once more, the hard gleam in them faded away. “I know you didn’t mean to curse the first time Abby, but you need to get a hold of your new body. You need to control it, not the other way around, alright?”

“Alright,” Abby agreed before tentatively leaning forwards to nuzzle Scarlet’s coils. “Thanks mom, I love you.”

Scarlet closed her eyes once more and leaned down to nuzzle Abby back. “And I love you too Abby, never forget that alright?”

“I won’t,” Abby replied, licking her face. “I’m just sorry you have to put up with such an idiotic, damaged, slightly unstable daughter like me.”

The Serperior chuckled lightly. “It’s a bit of a chore... but I’ve grown used to it; after all, if I hadn’t I would’ve given up a long time ago,” she jested, a vine crawling out to give the Ninetails a nudge in the shoulder. “Beside, I was a bit of a handful for my mom too.”

“I doubt you were as bad as me,” Abby grunted. “You never ended up killing anyone.”

“....” Scarlet remained silent on the comment.

Abby glanced up at her. “You did?”

“Technically, I can’t really tell you,” Scarlet replied. “But, let’s just say, some the poachers I tracked and took down got a bit... dangerous. Some people just don’t want to be arrested, and I do have the right to protect my life, even if it does end up taking a life.”

Abby nodded and let the subject drop. “Did Solana and Lunick stop by yesterday while I was ‘busy’ by the way?”

“Kinda, it was more I ran into them and recognized Plusle and Minun. It was good catching up with them,” Scarlet said with a small chuckle. “It did help ease a bit of tension during the time.”

“Ah, okay,” Abby said, nodding. “Good, I’m glad. It’ll be nice to have four members of the Rangers with us until more show up.”

The Serperior nodded her head in agreement. “Speaking of which, did you ask Celestia to help with that search for other Rangers. Because if not, I’ll just bring it up when I go visit her.”

“Yeah, we talked about that, of course,” Abby said, glancing at her mother. “What do you take me for, careless?”

Scarlet smirked at her slightly. “In some aspects, but good, it will certainly help speeding up the process of starting the new Ranger Union.”

“Yeah... I just hope that they’re as willing to change their ways as Solana and Lunick,” Abby muttered. “The last thing I need is one of our own trying to arrest Kasai and I.”

“Then we just need to make them see differently, or get the aid of the Guard to help prevent that... though that does bring someone in mind now.” Scarlet frown slightly. “Professor Hastings.”

“... I had a run in with him...” Abby said quietly. “And looking back at it... I’m an idiot for getting so mad at him.” She looked down at her still rather pudgy belly. “Stupid hormones got to me and I yelled at him.”

“I see... well, I’m guessing he didn’t take the news of his top Pokephilia hunter was actually a Pokephile herself very well.”

“Yeah... not really, no,” Abby said, shaking her head. “Kasai got ‘red eyes’ for a bit and I almost cursed him, but I didn’t...” she trailed off. “Look... we need to talk to him. I know he’s a good man mom. I know it.”

“So do I,” Scarlet replied. “His heart is in the right place, and has done a lot of good, he’s just a bit... blinded in some areas.” She then lightly shook her head. “And it appears he still is... considering Pokephilia doesn’t hold water anymore. But yes, we do need to talk to him, the Ranger Union wouldn’t exactly be the same without some of his help.”

“I know Kasai wouldn’t,” Abby agreed, remembering how despondent her mate had been after the Claydol had stolen his leg via suicidal explosion. “He’d still be moping... and rightly so.”

Scarlet nodded her head. “Then maybe I’ll run into him during my trip to Canterlot, or at least ask Celestia if she knows.”

“Good idea...” Abby let out a small sigh. “I think I’m going to take a nap now mom... want to stay with me?”

A soft chuckle rolled out of the Serperior as a vine rolled out and pet across Abby’s head. “I wish I could, but I have some other things to take care off.”

“Okay mom, I love you,” Abby leaned up and licked Scarlet’s face once before settling down on the bed.

“I love you too, sweet dreams,” Scarlet said as she unravel herself and made her way to the door, exiting and closing the door quietly.

On the beach near Ponyville Lake, two dragons sat, simply enjoying each others company.

“This is nice,” River said, snuggling up closer to Draco. “We never really got to do this back on Earth.”

“We were always moving around back then,” Draco said. “But personally,” he leaned over and nuzzled River. “I like this better.”

River giggled, then sighed contently. Today was just... perfect.

There was a slight noise above them and they both looked up to see Rill descending quietly towards them, her wings barely making any sound at all. Lex stood across her back, securely anchored with several ribbons.

“Hello,” Rill said, giving them both a smile.

“Hey you two,” Lex called out as he jumped off of Rill’s back and landed on all fours.

“Hi Lex, hi Rill,” River greeted with a smile.

“Apologies for interrupting, but Lex has a request of mine to ask you because I would do it poorly,” Rill said with a smile. “Lex?”

“Right,” the Sylveon started, clearing his throat as he looked up towards Draco and River. “Last night Rill woke me up about a subject that’s been plaguing her mind currently. Which is that she wants to have children. After talking about it we came up with two options. One is to just adopt and the other is to find someone to get her pregnant. And since we probably want it to be someone we trust enough, we wondered if Draco would like that honor.” His eyes drifted up to the male Flygon. “Keep in mind I have no troubles with this plan, I grew up on a breeding farm so the idea of having a different biological father is pretty common from my perspective. It just relies on if you’re willing to do it.”

Draco and River stared at the pair in disbelief, River wrapped herself partially around Draco protectively while the male Flygon attempted to process what he’d just been asked. “But that would... and she and I... but that...” he shook his head and his eyes narrowed at the pair. “Did Mage put you up to this? Or that Mawile friend of hers?”

Rill looked genuinely confused. “No? Why would they?”

“Yes, why would they?” Lex picked up before continuing. “Like I said, Rill just wants to have children... and I can’t really help her with that,” he said with a sigh, looking down at his paws. “That’s why we’re just asking you if you are willing to help us in that Draco. We just thought to ask of you first because you are a close friend of Rill and probably the only one I can trust to not mistreat her,” he finished looking back up at the Flygon. “So again, I ask if you’re okay with this or not.”

Draco sighed, now he felt guilty for asking that. Two of his friends were asking for his help and... well, normally he’d be willing to help them with anything but this was... complicated. Before he could think any more, Rill spoke again, to his surprise, her voice was not her usual blunt one.

“I have spent my entire life taking life out of this world,” Rill said quietly, looking down at the sand. “From the moment that I was hatched, I was forced upon my brothers and sisters and had to be strong to survive. Once I grew old enough I was thrust into the arena and taught to kill. Eventually I was bought by a wealthy gentlemen as a trophy and... used to eat those he grew tired of... and even with Abby, I have had to kill....” she trailed off and glanced back at Draco. “I would very much like to add something to this world instead of taking it out.”

Dammit Rill, Draco thought to himself. “Could... could you excuse us for a moment?” He gestured down at River, who had fully coiled around him.

Lex nodded his head. “Sure, take your time,” he replied before heading back to Rill and gesturing her to follow him as they walked away from the two other dragons.

“Okay, River?” Draco asked. “I want you to tell me exactly what you were thinking during that conversation.”

“Well, when Lex first asked, I thought ‘mine’,” she replied protectively, which caused Draco to smile softly. “And now... call me crazy but... I feel bad for Rill,” she blinked once, then added. “Well... more so than I normally do whenever she brings her past up.”

Draco nodded and sighed. “Same here,” he shook his head. “What do I do River?”

“I... well, that’s really up to you,” she said quietly. “I... I know you love me, and if you decide to do this for them I know that won’t change... and it won’t change how I feel about you.”

Draco sighed again. “I... you’re right but... I’ve never pictured myself... with anyone except you,” River smiled softly at that. “It’s... just how I was raised... before Gene found me.”

River nuzzled Draco and kissed him on the cheek. “I know, but... well, you know what happened to them, they both explained well enough just now.”

“I know, I know,” Draco said. “But...” he sighed again. “I want you as my mate first.”

River smiled. “You know,” she said softly. “There’s no reason we can’t be.”

Draco cocked his head. “Y-you mean...?”

“Well... I think we’ve waited long enough,” she giggled. “If we do wait much longer, then Mage will try something.”

Draco blushed. “And... you’re certain you’re okay with... what they’re asking?”

River nodded and hugged Draco tighter. “Yeah... just um...” she blushed and mumbled. “Think of me okay?”

Draco stared at River for a moment, then laughed and hugged her the best he could while she was wrapped around his body. “Okay my love,” he said with a smile. “Okay.”

After a few moments, Draco waved Rill and Lex back over. The Slyveon and the shiny Flygon walked up to them, Lex taking the incentive to ask.

“Well? Come to a verdict?” he inquired as he glanced between River and Draco.

“Yes, have you?” Rill inquired, tilting her head hopefully at the pair.

Draco and River looked at each other and nodded. “I’ll do it,” Draco said. “But... River and I... need a few days alone first.”

A smile formed at the edge of Lex’s lips and he nodded his head. “Of course, there’s no need to rush this. I’m just grateful you’d actually agree to this in the first place.”

Rill remained silent for a moment before a huge smile spread across her face and she rushed forwards, tackling River and Draco to the ground, nuzzling them both like crazy. “Oh thank you! Thank you both so very much!”

“It’s... you’re welcome,” River said softly.

“Yes and... I’m certain you will both make wonderful parents,” Draco said. “Now Rill, Lex, if you would excuse us,” he turned to River and smiled. “There is something we need to do.”

“Of course,” Lex said, walking up to Rill to urged her to get up. “We have no other reason to stay now do we Rill?”

“No, no we don’t,” Rill nuzzled both of them before getting up and smiling widely at them both, stepping away. “River, remember, the longer you wait before he sti-”

A ribbon covered her mouth. “Rill, let them find their own rhythm to flow with,” he said with a smile as he began to climb on her back. He gave Draco and River a wink. “Have fun you two.”

Rill chuckled beneath the ribbon and flapped her wings, springing into the air, a grin on her face.

With their friends gone, River and Draco turned to each other and smiled. “Shall we take this somewhere more... private?” River asked slyly.

Draco grinned and nodded. “Yes,” he said, spreading his wings. “Lets.”

Abby and Kasai lay together on the bed, the eggs nestled against Abby’s belly. They’d already eaten lunch and neither really felt like moving much. The Ninetales looked up at the Arcanine and gave him a lick.

“It’s a good day,” Abby said quietly.

“Yep, and a quiet day too,” Kasai agreed with a nod of his head. “Which isn’t a bad thing, we’ve been through too much excitement since we got here. It’s nice to get just a day of doing nothing.”

“Yes, yes it is, all we need now is some company,” Abby mused to herself.

“Abby? Kasai?” Belle’s voice accompanied a round of knocking at the door. “Are you two in there?”

“Ah, speaking of which,” Kasai said softly with a smile as he lifted his head towards the door. “We’re in here Belle, come on in.”

The door slid open and revealed Belle and Gene standing outside, smiling. “Hi,” Gene said. “We came to see how you two were doing.”

“Gene! Belle! Come and see!” Abby said, grinning widely at them.

The pair walked into the room. “What is...” Belle stopped when she saw what was nestled next to Abby. “Oh. My. Arceus.”

Gene squealed. “Babies! Well... eggs but... either way.” He squealed again.

Kasai chuckled merrily. “Yes, that’s a bit of my reaction too when last night.”

“Yeah... having Mew midwife was interesting,” Abby agreed with a small chuckle.

“That’s one way of saying it,” Kasai added with another chuckle.

Belle smiled and walked the rest of the way to the bed, sitting down next to Abby, she smiled at the eggs, as well as her friend. “You lucky, lucky fox,” she said with a smile. “I’m so happy for you two.”

Abby leaned over and licked her. “Thanks Belle, and yes, yes I am,” she said before smiling mischievously. “A great big stud of a mate and a pair of beautiful eggs of my own.”

“Oi, I am more than just a stud,” Kasai stated with a chuckle, nudging his mechanical limb against her.

“You’re right, you’re my stud,” Abby agreed with a smile.

Luke just sat there in the clearing for a long time, still cradling Mage. Sorry... I’ve been holding you for... far too long, he told her, finally releasing her again. I’ve been... in this clearing for too long... I should go... somewhere. Back to Abby... tell her what happened... or maybe not... she doesn’t need my pain. Not now when I’m sure she’s happy.

“Okay, first off,” Mage said, twisting her body around and ringing herself out. “I really don’t mind, and second off, you really should talk to Abby, I’m sure no matter what she’ll want to help you.”

Tommorow... not today... she’s giving birth today, Luke stated. I don’t want to ruin her special day.

Mage nodded. “Alright, that makes sense,” she thought for a moment. “So... what are you going to tell her anyway?”

Just that I spent a day crying... it happens, he said quietly before he shut his eyes. I wish I knew Recover... oh well... I just... tripped and cut my face on some sticks.

Mage sighed. “Instaurabo.” The scratches and cuts on Luke’s face healed themselves, and the frayed portion of his scarf knitted itself back together. “There,” Mage said with a nod. “That better?”

Luke rubbed the fingers of his hand over his face and then smiled at her. My thanks once again Mage... you have been... incredibly kind to me, he said quietly.

Mage smiled. “Yeah well... you’re my friend, I don’t like seeing you like that,” she sighed. “It hurts me.”

It does? the Gallade inquired, cocking his head to the side. Why?

“Partially, it’s these things,” she flashed he gems at him. “They pick up negative emotions more easily than anything else and I’ve always been kind of... sensitive to them, it’s more an emotional hurt than anything else but still.”

Ah... so I have been causing you pain, Luke said, nodding. Then I shall leave you. No one else should suffer because of me... it is not right. I am to suffer alone. He got up and began to walk away from her.

“Luke... I haven’t dropped the field yet,” Mage stated dryly. “And don’t do that, I said I wasn’t leaving you alone and I meant it.”

Luke looked over at her and shook his head. You needn’t bother. I’m fine... Mage, he said quietly. Lower the field please... I don’t want to cause you anymore pain.

Mage shrugged. “Even if I do lower the field, I’ll just follow you, even if I have to be invisible while I’m doing it,” she locked eyes with him. “I’m not letting you face this alone Luke.”

Why not? So much of my life has been spent alone, Luke asked her, meeting her eyes. Why should this be any different?

“Cause it can be, cause I want to help you, cause this entire thing,” Mage gestured around at their surroundings. “Is basically a chance for a new start for everyone, and you deserve it more than anyone else I know.”

Hah... I don’t deserve anything really... just pain, Luke replied, shaking his head. That’s all I’ve ever gotten. Abby is the closest thing to happiness I’ve ever found and... she doesn’t love me. Not in the way I’d like her too at any rate... I’ve given up on that sort of thing.

“You shouldn’t give up Luke,” Mage said sadly. “You never know what life’s going to throw at you... or what you might be missing.”

Yes... I suppose you’re right... Mewtwo could rape me again, the Gallade said humorlessly. Life could be about to throw that at me again.

Mage gritted her teeth. “If he comes anywhere near you, I’ll make sure he pays for what he did,” Mage wiped her eyes before any tears could fall.

Luke saw the tears and looked away. I should go... I’m hurting you again, he said, turning away.

Mage flew past Luke and floated in between him and the barrier of her illusion field. “You’re not going anywhere mister,” she stated flatly. “I’m in control here and I don’t care if it hurts, I’m not letting you go off on your own.”

Luke stared at her. Mage... please... I don’t want to hurt you. Let me go.

Mage shook her head and crossed her ‘arms’. “Nope, if you can keep all of your problems locked away, then I can put up with your emotional turmoil.”

Mage... Luke trailed off and looked at her, clear puzzlement in his eyes. Why?

“Cause I,” Mage choked. “I care about you Luke... a lot, it doesn’t just hurt me cause I can feel it, it hurts because I know that you’re feeling this way, it hurts cause... cause I care about you.” Mage looked away from Luke, trying to avoid his gaze.

Luke just stared at her for a long moment before slowly saying. ...is this... is this like... like I... he trailed off and stared at her more, disbelief on his face. You... me? Why... why would anyone...

“It’s just...” Mage began, her gaze locked on the ground. “I was... curious about you at first I guess. I couldn’t figure out what made you tick so I tried my best to get to know you and...” she sighed. “And... I found that you were really smart, and kind, and brave, and... sweet, and...” she trailed off as a light blush grew on her face. “I saw how much you were hurting, underneath it all, and the more I got to know you, the more I liked you and I just...” she stopped. “I’m sorry, you don’t need this right now.”

The illusion field fell, revealing the rest of the clearing, same as it had been before. “Sorry,” Mage said again.

I... don’t be... Luke said quietly. I don’t want to make you... I don’t want to make you feel like I’ve felt... for... so long... because of Abby I... he looked down and then walked over to her, pulling her into his arms. I do not love you... I... I don’t know if I know what love is Mage... not real love anyways... not love that isn’t a product of an angel rescuing me from the darkness but- he glanced down at her. I suppose it could be said that... I found another... and I’m willing at least... to... to try?

Mage looked up at Luke in disbelief, she had expected the first part but the rest.... Mage smiled. “I... yeah, I’m good with that... that sounds great really.”

Luke let out a choked sob and pulled her closer against his chest, his head nestling into her neck. I hope... I hope you don’t mind my being... so... emotional...

“I have pretty good control over that at this point,” Mage assured him. “I’m an empath and... I got good at the dark stuff after the wedding, so it’s not a problem.”

Thanks... Luke just held her closer to himself. ... you’re the only person other than Abby I’ve ever really hugged... I just noticed that, Luke said softly in her ‘ear’.

Mage smiled softly. “I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to hug me,” she whispered back.

Luke just nuzzled into her neck further. You helped me... you’ve shown... me so much love... love that I don’t really think I deserve... why wouldn’t I be comfortable with you? he inquired with a small mental chuckle.

Mage chuckled back. “True enough... and Luke? You do deserve this... and so much more.”

Luke fiddled with his scarf idly, wrapping it around her back with his power. I don’t know about that... but thank you for the sentiment... Mage... my second angel.

Mage smiled and blushed lightly. “You’re welcome Luke, and... thank you, for giving me a chance.”

Luke smiled down at her and hesitated for a very long moment before he leaned forwards and placed his lips upon her forehead, kissing it very softly. You’re very welcome... so very welcome, he told her gently, wrapping his arms around her. So very welcome.