• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 38

Axle smiled as he walked alone through the forest, it was nice to be on his own for once, free of worldly concerns and... in search of a battle, of course! Why else did one take walks through the woods if not in search of a fierce competition of wills in which one could possibly lose their life? To Axle, there was no fitting answer to that.

“Enjoying the walk?” a low male voice spoke casually from behind.

Axle’s eyes widened in surprise and he swung his head violently to the side, accidentally decapitating three or four trees in the process. He found himself looking at a familiar Bisharp. “Oh. It’s you. Why did you follow me? Can’t a responsible Haxorus not take a walk through the woods without being followed?”

“Who said I was following?” Lance stated in his indifferent voice. “I merely wanted to join you.”

“...” Axle scowled down at him and shook his head, Lance was beneath him, literally. Instead, he simply turned his back on him and kept walking through the woods, his head cocked to the side as a sound rang out in his ears ever so slightly. It was the sound of an axe blade slashing through stone and that could mean only one thing! There was another Haxorus about!

Axle’s smile grew as he increased his pace in the direction of the sound, crashing through the saplings and avoiding the larger trees without much trouble as he sped forward, his bulk surprisingly swift.

He came to the edge of a clearing and peeked around the trees to see that a Shiny Haxorus was in fact there, using its blades to cut through boulders. Axle watched for a moment, a slight frown on his face, something was off about her, yes, it was definitely a her, then he realized what it was. Her form was off. Sure, she had the broad strokes right but her execution was just the tiniest bit off, resulting in sloppy cuts.

“I know they’re supposed to be cleaner than this,” she said, shaking her head and putting a claw on her hip. “I’ve seen it, but what the heck am I doing wrong?”

Axle grinned, this was a chance sent by Arceus himself! A chance to impress a would be opponent into submission before a battle could even start! Without pausing to think, Axle let out a roar and thundered out of the treeline, making a beeline for the other Haxorus. She whirled around, her eyes widening but Axle ran right past her, deftly avoiding her tail as he leapt over it and came down, axehead slashing straight through the center of the boulder. He let out another roar and then turned back to her.

“And that is the proper form for boulder slicing,” he said with a grin.

She stared at him for a moment before shaking her head. “What the heck?” she asked. “I thought you were going to attack me.”

“Without first challenging you?” Axle asked with a shake of his head. “No, I was simply showing you how to execute a proper cut, you must put your heart into it! Scream and roar out in passion as you split your foe! Laugh as their dusty blood falls across your face! Stomp as their pathetic stone corpse falls to the side, defeated and worthless to you.”

She flinched backwards. “Sheesh that’s gruesome, and I raised a Hydreigon.”

“I decapitated all three heads of one once,” Axle said in reply with a smile. “That was a good battle, wonderful revenge for Abby’s family.”

“Uh huh,” She shook her head. “Who are you?”

“My name is Axle, my trainer’s name is Abby Trombley if that means anything to you,” Axle stated with a shrug.

“Cynthia told me about her,” the female Haxorus said, rubbing her chin. “Said she was a Ranger who helped out Gene and Belle.”

“Yes, that’s Abby,” Axle agreed, nodding his axehead. “And what I said was true about your cuts, they’re sloppy because you’re not putting your heart into them. Feel the bloodrage.”

The female rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, I’m new to this, usually I’m the one giving the order to attack, not dishing them out,” she shook her head. “I’m Iris by the way.”

“The Champion?” Axle inquired with a frown.

“Champion, Dragonmaster, yep, that’s me.” She looked down at her claws. “I’m a Shiny Haxorus now.”

“And that is an excuse for bad form?” Axle asked before shaking his head. “Of course it isn’t! As a Haxorus fighting is everything! You must feel your blood pumping through your head, savor the feeling of adrenaline rushing through your body, anticipate the victory that you, and only YOU can gain over your opponents!”

“Wow,” Iris said. “You are literally nothing like my Haxorus, and I mean at all. I shouldn’t be surprised, Shauntal has a Cofagrigus that plays chess, but really.”

“It comes from being originally raised in captivity for use as an arena fighter where we killed our opponents and ate them if we expected to eat at all,” Axle stated with a shake of his head. “But that still does not excuse your poor form! You are a Haxorus now Iris! You must uphold our standard and at the moment, I have seen Axew with more blood than you!”

Iris did her best to ignore that first part. “Yeah well, I guess Haxorus did usually roar before she attacked,” Iris shrugged. “So thanks for the advice, I guess.”

“You are welcome!” Axle said with a grin before he gestured at the boulder, or at least a side of it that was less sloppily cut to pieces. “Now attack! Put your heart into it so called Champion! Make this piece of stone rue the day that it met you as you carve it into little pebbles! Stomp it into the dust for every insulting cut you have given it! Grind its dust into grit and then wear it proudly upon your scales!”

Iris looked at Axle in disbelief, then at the boulder. “Ookay,” Iris said.

“With confidence! Feel the RAGE pumping through you!” Axle roared at her.

“I’m not really an angry person,” Iris said with a shrug.

“THEN YOU’RE NOT A HAXORUS!” Axle shouted, his voice echoing through the clearing. “ARE YOU A DRATINI? CUT THE ROCK!”

“Okay! Okay!” Iris said. “Just don’t do that again.” Positioning herself in front of the boulder, Iris closed her eyes. She’d seen this kind of thing done a millions times before, she’d ordered it done a thousand times before.

Iris took a deep breath and, channeling all her energy into the chop, she yelled. “RAAHHHH!!” Cutting the boulder in two.

“HAHAHAHHA! YES! CAN YOU FEEL IT?!” Axle shouted to her, a giant grin on his face.

Iris admired her handiwork, the boulder was cut clean in two, much neater than her last few attempts. “Huh, would ya look at that,” she said with a smile. “Thanks for your help Axle.”

Axle grinned and walked up to her, slamming his hand against her back. “It was no trouble! You just have to find your inner dragon, Champion! Ride that dragon! Become that dragon! Overwhelm all who oppose you and grind their bones to dust beneath your rage!”

Iris raised an eyebrow. “Do you... do you always talk like that?”

“No, sometimes I am asleep,” Axle replied, remembering a quip that Lex had stabbed him with.

“Right,” Iris said. “Well, anyway, I promised I’d go catch up with some friends later today so I’m just gonna go now.”

“Ah, alright, I shall fight you later then,” Axle said with a nod of his head. “Remember! Channel your fury and make it a blade that can crash through mountains!”

“Uh huh, I’ll do that... wait, did you say fight me?!” There was a hint of worry in her voice.

“Yes of course, why do you think I was here in the first place?” Axle inquired, tilting his head to the side. “I came here seeking a fight and thought there was a worthy opponent to be found here. Sadly, I was mistaken. At the moment, you are hardly worth my time as far as a fight goes. It is actually kind of sad, I was looking forwards to fighting another Haxorus.”

“Well when I find mine, I’ll let you know,” Iris wasn’t sure whether to be relieved, offended, or some combination of the two. “But I’m not letting you near my Hydreigon.”

“In my defense, it did eat Abby’s parents and was deserving of the tri-decapitation,” Axle defended himself, harrumphing once. “I don’t decapitate everyone I meet, only the bastards.”

Iris sighed. “Fine, I guess it did deserve that.” Pokemon like that were the reason some people feared Dragons.

“It did,” Axle said with a nod of his head. “Now, didn’t you have somewhere to be?”

“Right,” Iris remembered. “Gotta go meet up with him, see you later, I guess.” Iris walked off, heading deeper into the forest.

“Hahah, that went well, even if I did not get to fight her,” Axle said with a grin.

“If you are looking for a fight, I’m open for some sparing,” Lance said from up in the tree tops.

Axle glanced up at him, leaning on the side of a tree as he stood on a branch. “Fine, though I dislike fighting beneath my weight class... you fast guys are the hardest.”

If the Bisharp didn’t have his mask obscuring his face, he would’ve smirked. He bent his legs and jump from the branch into the clearing, holding one of his blade arms up as he took a stance. “All the more challenging for you, if it helps, I’ll only use my right arm.”

Axle just smiled down at him. “Good, then I can rip the other off!” he bellowed, lowering his head, a big grin on his face.

Claire sat on a branch on some random tree in the forest, the leaves blocking out the sun as she just sat there and thought. Her mind was just... fuddled with emotions and uncertainty with the whole argument she’d had with Justice. The whole ordeal to her has been just... frustrating to say the least. She understood Justice wanting to find the ones he’d mated with before to check on them... but it just... hurt her that continued to try ‘seduce’ new ones even now she was supposed his only mate.

Can’t he see if he continues to do that, then what would it really make me? Just another face among Arceus how many others?

The Swellow let out a sigh.

And if he wants to give ‘joy’ to others, it’s not helping that I feel that like it means little when he gives it to nearly every female wanting to mate with him. It’s like how Vivi says she loves everyone but that’s more in the terms of just friendship levels.

Claire’s wings fluttered out slightly before resting on her side once more.

Plus I doubt some of ones he went out with weren’t filled with much ‘joy’ after the eggs hatch and they had to raise the fledglings by themselves, she thought acidically.

She took in a deep breath and let it out once more in a heavy sigh.

And is that question... do I want just do this alone, or let him tag along? I mean... I want this to work... but if he keeps this up... it will just... tear us apart and he’ll be off flying once more to who knows where, spreading his ‘joy’ to wherever he can. And... is that really helping him?

Claire frowned slightly on pondering her own question.

This kind of nature is always... short rewarding. You find someone, you get happy, and you look off for your next ‘fuck’. In what way is that actually helping him? It’s more breaking him down piece by piece... like a drug addict. To the point where getting a fix is a normal part of life.

The Swellow blinked blankly.

I need to pull him out of this... and to do that is by staying with him. I need to start getting him off of the addiction and more into... well the real thing I guess on what it means to be a mate. I mean, he said himself he wants to settle down... I just got to make it happen. The question is how?

Claire lightly tapped one of her talons against the edge of the branch she was standing on as she gazed down to think.

“HAHAHAH A GOOD MATCH AS EVER!” an explosive voice shouted from below, startling Claire so badly that she let out a squawk and nearly fell off of the branch. “I still say I almost won it!”

“You’re lucky we ended up at a tie, I would’ve won several other matches if I wasn't using both of my arm blades,” Lance’s voice spoke shortly after with a small chuckle. Claire looked down below to see the Bisharp and Haxorus walking beneath her, both looking battle scarred with several signs of rough scuffs and scratches along with dirt covering their bodies.

“No, I would have stopped HOLDING BACK!” Axle replied loudly, a chuckle rolling out of his throat.

“Oh, I thought you weren’t,” Lance stated with a teased in his voice. “I mean, it felt like I was battling a Druddigon, so I thought you were over exaggerating your skills,” he added with a shrug.

“A Druddigon?! That pasty pale imitation of a REAL dragon?!” Axle roared at Lance. “THAT WAS YOUR BEST COMPARISON!?”

“Yes, I mean unless I’m mistaken on how a ‘fierce’ Haxorus was supposed to act,” the Bisharp shrugged again. “Normally I take them down before they have a chance to roar at me, so my knowledge of them are slim.”

Axle snorted and rolled his eyes. “Fools without the knowledge to control their rage, that’s all you’ve been fighting.”

“Then maybe next time you can show me what a Haxorus who can is like, and maybe by that time I can show you what a true elite Bisharp can do too,” Lance said with a challenging tone to his voice.

“My pleasure!” Axle exclaimed, slapping Lance on the back and sending him face first into a tree with the force of the blow. “Oh, sorry, you okay?”

Lance pressed his arms into the tree and dislodged the blade on his head from the tree. “Yes, not the first time that has happened to me.” He raised his arm to rubbed the blade, small metal on metal scraping noise rang out for a moment before he lowered his arm. “Let’s continue, we probably want to make it back before sunset or Scarlet and Abby might get a bit worried on what we’re up to.”

“Right,” Axle agreed before the two set off on their merry way.

Claire eyed them as they walked away before shaking her head. Those two... now... to find Justice. She opened her wings and jumped off the branch, flapping a couple of times before she soared high into the sky. She gained some altitude and began to fly in a circle, knowing sooner or later, he would spot her.

It didn’t take too long before the large Braviary’s wings cast a shadow over her and the eagle swooped down until he was on her level, the massive wings snapping open. For his part, Justice looked calm, the picture of a confident male.

“Claire,” he said softly.

“Justice,” she replied just as softly, keeping a neutral expression on her face.

“Talk to me,” he told her simply.

The Swellow remain silent for a short moment. “....I understand you wanting to find your past... partners and see how they are doing... but you can’t try to find another female to swoon over. If you want to settle down, then settle down with me. Let us find a spot to build a nest, a home for the two of us and when the time comes take care of the eggs and soon our fledglings.” Her expression softened to an almost pleading look. “Please Justice... I want this to work... and I want to bring you joy like you do to others... but I can’t fully do that if you keep searching for others to mate with. It... won’t work for the two of us.”

Justice closed his eyes. “Claire, it was only because it was Articuno... I’m not just going to drop you for the next Pidgeot I see,” he said slowly. “Look, that doesn’t mean that I won’t spend time with, and possibly mate once more with any of my old mates if they want me too, but that also doesn’t mean that I won’t stay with you. We can build a nest and start a family but you are not first in my heart. I apologize for that but you just aren’t. We haven’t even begun to have time for that to happen.”

“Then let’s work on that,” she said.

“Yes, let’s,” Justice agreed, flapping his wings twice. “How?”

“By doing what we talked about settling in... and trying to work past our differences and focus more on trying to strengthen what is holding us together,” she answered.

Justice nodded. “Very well... please don’t get angry at me again, it is what I want least of all from this, making you angry,” he said, shaking his head. “If nothing else Claire, you are a good friend to me, a good comrade as well, and I hate making those angry.”

“...I’ll try... and I’m sorry for interrupting you with Articuno,” Claire said softly.

A sigh left Justice’s throat. “To be honest, it is probably for the best, I hate to think what would have happened if she had taken my relationship status the wrong way,” he said dryly.

“...to be honest, you would probably be a Bravsicle if she did take it the wrong way,” the Swellow commented.

“Yes, though hopefully she would catch me before I hit the ground and shattered,” the Braviary replied, chuckling softly.

Claire chuckled softly in agreement. “Hopefully... what would the world be like without Justice to watch over it?” she asked with a small smile as she glanced up to him.

“A very lawless place my little bird, a very lawless, loveless place,” Justice answered with an amused chuckle.

“True...” A soft smile crossed her beak. “How about we go look for a good tree to build a nest on before heading back to the others?”

Justice nodded and then frowned. “Either a tree or a cliff face, that is normally what Braviarys use.”

“Well there are lots of trees... don’t know about cliff face though,” Claire said with a small frown. “Maybe later we can see if any are nearby?”

“That sounds like a good idea, let’s see if we can’t find a home a little closer to Ponyville itself, I do not fancy a ten minute flight to be by Abby’s side,” Justice commented, frowning deeply.

“Nor do I with Scarlet,” Claire added with a nod of her head.

“Good, then we’re decided then,” Justice declared with a smile. “Shall we get going?”


Abby plopped herself down next to Kasai on the hotel bed, a long, tired sigh leaving her throat as she snuggled against his warm bulk. “Good day catching up with Gene?” she asked as she gave him a loving nuzzle.

“It went extremely well,” Kasai replied, returning the nuzzle. “We also met up with Fang and the two of us did our friendly wrestling match and I won this time,” he said with a proud smile.

“Oh good, I know how much you love coming in on top,” Abby said, smirking ever so slightly. “You put so much effort into those matches, it’s really nice to know that I’ve got the strongest dog around here as my mate,” she added, nuzzling him again.

Kasai preened under the attention and nuzzled her back. “Why thank you my beautiful vixen.”

“Though, you know, I can’t help but notice just how intensely you two go at it,” Abby continued, a twinkle in her eye. “Are you sure there’s nothing more to your little ‘matches’ then you let on?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“What?” Kasai asked before he caught the tone of her voice and blushed. “Abby, you know very well that it’s not like that. Heck, even if Fang was gay, and he’s not, trust me, then I’m definitely not!”

Abby just chuckled and gave his cheek a lick. “Relax you big puppy, I was joking,” she said with a wry chuckle.

“Not a very funny joke if you ask me,” Kasai grumbled but leaned over to lick her back all the same. Abby continued to chuckle for a moment before letting out a small sigh and burrowing into Kasai’s warm fur.

Hmm, now that’s a very pleasing image, Inner suddenly said, making herself heard. Abby turned crimson at the image that was suddenly put into her mind.

Why would you want that? Aren’t you supposed to care about the natural order and stuff? Abby replied as she snuggled closer into Kasai’s fur.

There’s a difference between what I’m meant to do, and what I want, Inner shot back. And don’t deny the idea isn’t appealing to you as well.

... I’m the one who brought it up in the first place, Abby pointed out, her mind wandering further down that alley. Though I’m kinda glad that it’s not real, I like having Kasai all to myself, and so do you.

Doesn’t mean I can’t entertain the idea, Inner retaliated, replaying the now-moving image.

Abby chose to ignore the little voice in her head and instead just glanced up at Kasai. “Really, I’m just glad that we finally came out to Belle and Gene,” she said. “We’ve been lying to them for way too long if you ask me.”

“Oh, I agree,” Kasai said, nodding his head. “Not having to lie anymore is a big relief, especially considering that they’re two of our most special friends.”

“Yes... yes they are,” Abby agreed, her mind drifting back to some of the nights that the four and their extended families had shared around the campfire.

Kasai nodded again and leaned over to lick Abby’s face. “So, what did you talk to ‘Twilight’ about?”

“Lots of things,” Abby answered unhelpfully.

“I figured that much,” Kasai stated, rolling his eyes. “Anything specific?”

“Oh, mostly just law code and stuff,” the Ninetales said, chuckling softly. “It’s stuff that you know already.”

“Ah, that’s good,” Kasai said with a small smile. “Anything interesting?”

“The only parts that I didn’t really know were a lot of the interracial marriage laws, you know because we didn’t exactly have any,” Abby answered. “Mostly to do with who gets what and how wedding traditions intersect.”

“Do we need to know about that stuff to do our job?” the golden Arcanine inquired, frowning faintly.

“Mostly in case Pokemon start marrying them,” Abby replied, shrugging slightly. “Though I don’t think we’re going to need to worry about that for a little bit.”

“Okay... and what about tomorrow? What are we doing?”

“Going to Canterlot in the morning and walking to the castle,” Abby answered. “Mom’s going to stay here and watch out for the Team.”

“Right... we bringing anyone other than us?” he inquired.

“I’m thinking Luke in case we need a quick teleport back to the hotel or if I start going into labor...” she said, nudging her growing stomach.

“Right,” Kasai agreed, nudging her belly as well and leaning his head against it. Her stomach was warm and he felt the rounded shape of the egg within her. A smile crossed his face and he brought his head up to nuzzle her. “Oh Abby, I love you,” he said quietly.

Abby smiled and licked his cheek. “I really wish that I could actually kiss you right now,” she said softly.

“So do I,” he said before he leaned his shoulder into hers and laid his head against the Ninetales’. “But I like this too.”

Abby just smiled and leaned back as her mind began to slip off to sleep.