• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,489 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 47

At the epicentre of the disaster, two simultaneous flashes of purple and gold, a panicked looking Twilight, and a worried looking Arceus appeared in the clearing the two had made. Well, more like wasteland...

Arceus groaned as he looked over the devastation Not again!

Twilight was much more concerned at the loss of half of the White Tail Woods. “There used to be... what the heck?!”

Axle and Ignis were snoring happily beside each other, fists still bumping together and wearing stupid grins on their faces.

Arceus looked down at Twilight, the urge to facehoof was rising. I’m going to go talk to Seth and Abby, you... he gave Twilight a sheepish look. Um... make sure they don’t do start again if they wake up, he said before teleporting off.

Twilight yelled at the empty space where Arceus used to be. “How am I suppose to do that?!!?”

Before Arceus could return, Axle’s eyes blinked open, his wounds having healed from his Rest. He smacked his lips together twice and stretched. “Ahhh, much better.”

Ignis on the other hand just rolled over. “Five more minutes...” he mumbled.

Axle leant over and smacked Ignis in the shoulder. “Hey, Ignis, get up, that Princess Pony is here and she looks scared or something.”

Ignis opened his mouth and yawned, showing off his sharp fangs. “Huuh... Who’re you? Another Princess?”

Twilight smiled nervously and waved. “H-hi, I’m Princess Twilight...” She looked around at the demolished woods, then back at Axle and Ignis. “So um... did you do this?”

Axle looked around at the decimated forest land for a moment before shrugging. “Yeah? What it’s just a forest.” He got to his feet and walks over to a flame cooked squirrel, reaching down and popping it into his mouth. “MMmmm, hey, Ignis, you should try these!”

Ignis on the other hand, looked more apologetic. “Uh... yeah, sorry about that. You should ask Lady Shaymin and Celebi to help restore it...” Those girls were gonna be so pissed at him... again. A good deal of the Everfree was wrecked during his and Moltres’ fight. He looked at Twilight and tilted his head. “How come you’re so much shorter than Celestia?”

Twilight watched Axle for a moment, as he munched on the squirrel. “I am so glad Fluttershy isn’t here to see this,” she mumbled. The young Alicorn turned to Ignis and answered his question. “Uh... I was made an Alicorn, Celestia and Luna were born Alicorns... at least I think they were.”

Axle grabbed another well cooked squirrel and munched on it as he walks back over and pulled Ignis to his feet. “Sorry bout the forest, Newt here kind of torched it, and then I blew it up... and then we exploburned it. It was AMAZING!

Ignis huffed, “Newt? You say something you Furret-in-a-can?” So it wasn’t a great retort, he was still sore.

Axle just laughed and slapped him hard on the back. “That I did Newt!”

Ignis snorted as his tail-flame flared. “Sounds like you want Round Two?”

Twilight’s eyes went wide in shock. “PLEASE NO!”

Axle literally pouted, it was almost adorable. “Aww, why not? We’re both fully healed and it’s not like there’s anything left to destroy”

Ignis nodded in agreement. “I am sorry we wrecked the forest, but he has a point, we can’t really make things worse... oh, where'd that black Haxorus go?”

Twilight’s eyes widened even more! “Iris?”

“Aww, she left before it got good... pitty, I was going to challenge her to a mating duel after this...” he pouted again and shook his head. “I’ll ask later then.”

Ignis looked a little worried. “I hope we didn’t incinerate her... that would suck.”

Axle shook his shakes his head. “Na, she’s a trooper. IRIS? ARE YOU OUT THERE? IF YOU’VE DIED SO HELP ME I WILL STRANGLE ARCEUS WITH HIS OWN INTESTINES UNTIL HE BRINGS YOU BACK?” he shouted at the top of his lungs.

After a moment, Iris wanders back, a look of complete confusion on her face.

“That’s... sweet of you, I guess...” She looked around the clearing. “Wow, that’s a lot of damage.”

The Haxorus ran up to her to Iris’ surprise, he licked her face. “Indeed it is! No one is better than me at creating DAMAGE TO RIVAL THE GODS!” He roared before glancing at Ignis. “And Ignis helped too I guess.”

“It was my Blast Burn that did most of this.” Ignis said proudly as he ate a squirrel. “Hmm, these are good.”

“Told you so,” Axle said, beaming.

Twilight’s eye gave a dangerous-looking twitch, her mane becoming more frazzled. “Where is that God!?”

Iris rubbed at her cheek where Axle licked her in surprise. “Arceus?”

Twilight nodded, “He’s suppose to be getting Mr. Crescent and Abby...”

Axle and Ignis looked at each other, both thinking the same thing. “Shit.”

At Sweet Apple Acres, Seth panted as he pulled himself to his paws. “...Ignis...”

Apple Fritter, who had also pulled herself to her hooves watched the plume of smoke rise into the air. “Landsakes! Did Ignis do that?”

“Most likely,” Seth groaned.

Abby’s jaw tightened. “I hope he hasn’t damaged too much...”

“Yeah, last time he was at the center of an explosion like that he nearly destroyed an entire airship dock.” he grunted as Fritter checked him for any serious injuries.

Indeed a voice said from behind them as Arceus teleported in.

Seth turned to face the Alpha Pokemon. “Oh, hey Arceus... sup?” He had a bad feeling about this.

“I’m still really angry at you... but how much of that anger should I be directing at Axle?” Abby said sourly.

He and Ignis just leveled a large portion of a forest, he informed them. I left Princess Twilight to watch over them.

Seth blinked at that information. “The little purple Princess? Oh, that might not be a good idea... Wait, A forest!?”

Kasai shook his head. “Wonderful...” he let out a groan as he worked out a kink in his back. Would you mind taking us there?”

Arceus nodded I was planning to he shut his eyes and the scenery around them melted and shifted, before changing into the burnt clearing where he’d left Twilight and the unconscious Pokemon. They were both up and about and Iris was there as well.

Abby took one look around her before narrowing her red eyes, tails flaring as blue overtook them. “AXLE TROMBLEY! JUST WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK WERE YOU THINKING YOU OVERGROWN LIZARD!?”

Ignis laughed as he taunted the now flinching Haxorus. “You’re in trouble,” he sang, before meeting the vicious glare of his mate. “Uhh, hey Selly?”

Selena gave her mate the evil eye. One that caused the large dragon to shrink back. “You. Couch. FOREVER!”

Axle was now cowering in a very un-Axle like way, cowed by Abby’s voice. “I-um-uhh-...” he blinked twice. “I have absolutely nothing to say that will get me out of this.”

The Ninetales glared harshly at him. “Damn right you don’t!” she shouted the blue leaving her eyes at least. “Now shut your trap.” she glanced up at Arceus. “Send us to the hotel please.”

Arceus nodded Very well, have a safe trip A single blink and Abby, Kasai, and Axle vanished with a flash of light.

“Seriously, just what the hell were you thinking?” Abby demanded the second they arrived in the hotel room he was using. Axle just scowled and refused to meet her gaze.

“I was just fighting him... no one got hurt,” Axle defended himself.

“Oh yeah, no one but a large chunk of forest,” Abby snorted, shaking her head. “Honestly Axle, you’re representing the Rangers again, you can’t just go around blowing up forests.”

“No one would have cared if we were still on Earth,” Axle retorted.

“Yeah? Well we’re not ON Earth anymore and haven’t been for weeks now so that’s no excuse!” the Ninetales exclaimed angrily. “Think before you do things Axle!”

The Haxorus sighed and looked down at her. “Sorry Abby... it was just a really good fight and I didn’t think I had to hold back.”

Abby sighed as well before leaning up to lick his face. “It’s okay, I know how you get,” she said, nuzzling him lightly. “Still, just think about the scale of the battle you’re having in the future okay?”

“I’ll try... no promises,” Axle stated with a grumble.

Abby just shook her head, feeling incredibly tired as she and Kasai left the room.

“What are you nodding off for?” Kasai inquired with a small smirk. “I’m the one who spent all day rolling in the dirt with a kitty between my legs.”

“You’re doing it on purpose now,” Abby said with a smirk as she bumped him with her hips.

“Hey, I’ve got to get in on the action somehow with you,” he said with a triumphant smile.

“Huh, and here I thought you knew all my weaknesses,” Abby said.

“Oh, I do, believe me,” he said. “Anyways, shall we go catch a shower and then snuggle?”

“Definitely the former before the latter,” she said, looking at his dusty golden fur. “That kitty got you dirty.”

“Heh, that he did, that he did,” Kasai said.

The next morning, Seth, Rika and Selena met up with Abby and Kasai once again. They’d been too tired after the events of yesterday and agreed to a brunch instead. The Ninetales and Arcanine were already waiting for them at the small cafe.

“Good morning,” Seth greeted them. “I hope we didn’t keep you waiting too long?”

“Not really,” Abby replied with a small chuckle before glancing at Kasai’s already fish stained muzzle. “Someone is just a bit of a pig and can’t learn to wait.” Seth’s eyes drifted to the frankly huge buttered fish that Kasai was currently chomping his way through, bones snapping between his teeth before going down his throat.

“I’mn a caninenth,” Kasai replied, his mouth half full.

“It’s fine,” Seth chuckled. “Fire-types tend to have large appetites. Because their internal fire consumes life energy. Even those that don’t battle tend to expend quite a bit of energy in their day-to-day life...” Seth blushed as he realised he was ranting. “Ah, sorry about that. Old habits.”

“Not a problem, heh,” Abby replied with a smile. “I already knew that buuuuut...” she glanced at Kasai’s filthy, butter stained muzzle. “I think Kasai’s just a pig who can’t control himself.”

Kasai swallowed. “Hey, if I couldn’t control myself you wouldn’t be walking,” he pointed out with a doggy grin before returning to his meal.

“Ignis would probably be the same,” Selena chuckled lightly.

Once everyone was seated, Abby was sitting beside Rika and Selena on one half of the rounded table while Kasai and Seth sat on the other.

“So, just how long have you, Fritter, and Seth been together Rika?” Abby asked curiously.

“Um,” Rika put down her milkshake. “Let’s see... almost two weeks now?”

“That sounds about right,” Seth agreed. “Though the way things have been lately, we haven’t had time to simply sit back and adjust...”

“Hmm, I recommend doing that so that you guys can ‘figure stuff out’,” Abby mused. “After all... relationships are tough and I know for a fact that it took Kasai and I years to get to the point that we’re completely comfortable, and you guys have three people to worry about.”

“I will,” Seth said as the steak he’d ordered arrived. “But I still have to go to Las Pegasus and the Crystal Empire after this...” A lot had happened very fast, he just hoped he could deal with it. “And then there’s her...”

“Her?” Abby inquired, tilting her head. “Who’s ‘her’?”

“Christine...” Seth said, remembering the Gabite that was still at AJ’s farm. “A rather bad tempered Gabite that’s related to a Vincent Nurem.”

Abby blinked and then nodded. “One of the experiments?”

Seth nodded, “Yup, a Gabite with the powers of a Kecleon, even has altered markings too.”

“Wow...” Abby shivered. “I’d hate to know how she got those.” A sigh left her lips. “Hmm, whenever you get to Las Pegasus, tell my Gallade Luke that even though it’s just been a day we miss him, he’s probably staying at Vincent’s with Mage.”

“Mage? Oh, one of Gene’s Pokemon?” Seth recalled a Mismagius by that name. “Well, I’ll be sure to do so.”

“Thanks,” Abby said with a small smile. Kasai meanwhile continued to scarf down his fish with barely a pause for breath again.

“Y’know, you could try breathing there puppyboy!” Selena said as she ate a sandwich.

Kasai looked up from his fish at last, butter dripping down his facial fur, a grin on his lips as his large pink tongue darted down at a bit of fish flesh. “I’m breathing, heh, I’m mostly just inhaling.” He licked himself again. “This is good, but nothing compared to what I do to a good Magikarp...”

“He’s right,” Abby agreed with a nod and a small chuckle. “I have to worry about him taking the whole thing at once.”

“You ever been to Canterlot?” Seth asked the Arcanine. “The park there has a lake that’s full of Magikarp.”

Kasai’s eyes sparked. “We’ve been to Canterlot but we didn’t have time to take in the sights...” he glanced at Abby, a pout on his lips.

“Fine,” Abby replied with a smirk. “But we’ll only take two, you know for a fact what happens if you have more than that.”

The Arcanine grunted. “Yes, yes I do...”

“What happens if you eat more than two?” Seth asked out of curiosity.

“Great amounts of a terrible thing,” Kasai replied, shaking his head. “I really don’t want to talk about it while I’m eating.”

“Fair enough,” Seth grunted, getting the general idea. “I wonder if Ignis plans on waking up anytime soon?”

“He did fight Arceus yesterday...” Selena mentioned. “So it’s understandable that he’s tired.”

“He fought Arceus?” Abby asked, raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t think he’d be fighting anyone after the thrashing that him and Axle gave each other yesterday... let alone Arceus.”

“That idiot will fight anything with a pulse,” Selena spoke. “But yes, he challenged Arceus and the god of all creation actually accepted. Ignis did a few hits in too, until that new attack of his recoiled on him and he took a Hyper Voice to the face.”

“Despite getting healed,” Seth added. “Ignis was deaf for three hours after that.”

“Yeah, a Hyper Voice from Arceus would do that I’d think,” Kasai mused with a nod before he lowered his muzzle, apparently deciding that he’d had enough breathing for the moment, and got back to scarfing down fish.

“Actually, that brings up something I’ve been wondering about,” Abby said, glancing at Selena. “Feel free to ignore this question completely, but how do you two... ‘work’. I know that Kasai and I had enough trouble when I was still a human and well... the size difference wasn’t nearly as bad.”

Selena blushed furiously as everyone at the table stared at her, waiting for an answer. “Ah, well.. ahhh. I guess, we just... try our best?” She had no idea how to respond to this. “I’m usually on top though...”

“Ah, I gotcha, set the pace,” Abby said, nodding her head. “Keep him from getting too ‘enthusiastic’ about things.” She glanced over at Kasai. “I trust him to keep from hurting me so he gets to be on top.” Kasai glanced up and leaned over to lick the side of her face before getting back to his meal. Selena tapped the side of her head and motioned at Abby. Abby blinked for a moment before nodding and closing her eyes, concentrating. Yes?

That said, until you’ve been bent over and utterly dominated by a ferocious dragon... oohhh Abby could feel the Absol smirk.

Oh trust me, I’ve been utterly and completely dominated by Kasai... the fiery climaxes are the best, hehe, Abby replied with a mental smirk of her own.

I know right? Fire-types are so passionate, yet caring and sweet, I must say, Kasai is pretty cute too~ She giggled out loud, causing Rika to raise an eyebrow.

Abby grinned. Yes, yes he is... my favorite thing is the way he sleeps, he’s like a big adorable log. The only way I’ve found to reliably wake him is whisper ‘buttered Magikarp’ into his ear.

Ignis is the same, though I have... other means of stirring him.

Elsewhere, a certain Charizard grinned in his sleep...

Abby snickered and then winced. One sec... still getting used to doing this. She was silent for a moment before she rejoined the conversation. Yes... I do that with Kasai sometimes, he’s always very... befuddled as to why his hips are slamming up and down, hehe.

Selena suddenly burst out laughing, as Rika just folded her ribbons in front of her.

“Okay, what’s so funny?”

“Mental conversations that will forever taunt you,” Abby replied with a snicker, causing Rika to pout adorably. Heheh, this is fun.

Indeed, though I’m surprised you could link with me so easily. Maybe because you’re not a Psychic-type?

Search me, I’m still getting used to the idea of being able to do this... guess my hard work earlier with Belle yesterday paid off, Abby replied. Anyways... yeah, Kasai’s my big adorable dog, and my big handsome stud at the same time... and I do mean big in the best way.

Selena nodded as she sipped her water. I envy you though, being able to have what I cannot

Ah, right, Abby nodded and sipped her own water. Sorry.

Not your fault Selena chuckled weakly. “I don’t know... maybe Arceus will bring me one in a little bundle?”

Seth’s eyes widened as he realized what Selena was talking about. She’d mentioned it the other day, it must still be weighing on her mind.

“I’m sure you’ll figure out something,” Seth said.

“What? What are we talking about!?” Rika cried, flailing her ribbons.

“We’re talking about me not being able to be a mother, that’s what!” Selena snapped. Rika stopped and gasped slightly, before hugging her sister.


“It’s fine, no-one’s to blame... other than the idiot who came up with the concept of Egg groups. Seriously, if it fits, it should impregnate it!” She said that last part a little loud, causing several ponies to gasp in surprise.

Kasai glanced up. “Then Abby would have gotten pregnant a looooong time ago... not that I blame you for the sentiment.”

“I didn’t know it was bothering you so much,” Rika said. “So... we just need to find a Field group Poke... mon...?” Her gaze shifted over to Seth, who suddenly choked on his lunch.

“OH HELL NO!!” Seth and Selena yelled, blushing redder than a Tamato Berry and scaring away other customers.

Abby winced at the volume. “I mean, I think it’s kinda common among Pokemon isn’t it?”

“Sometimes,” Selena said awkwardly. “Especially at breeding ranches and the like.” She gave an apology to the waiter and finished her food. “Let’s move on shall we?”

Seth nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. “On a more, professional note. When are the Ranger’s going to be fully operational?”

“We don’t really know yet, and at the moment I’m serving maternity leave,” Abby replied with a small shrug. “So I don’t exactly know what reports Mom has got about things. What I DO know is that we’re hoping to get the building itself set up within a month or two.”

“Okay, and we’ll need to find a way of setting up instant communications as well. Carrier Pegasus just won’t cut it...” Seth reached into his bag and pulled out his XTransceiver... utterly useless now. “Too bad these don’t work anymore.”

Abby glanced down at it and nodded. “I’ll bring that up with Arceus next time I see him... he destroyed a lot of old systems when he brought us here... not all for the better.”

“Long distance telepathy is one way... too bad it requires a Legendary to do so.” Seth pondered for a moment. “I wonder if Mewtwo is up for being the worlds only cell phone?”

Kasai and Abby both frowned deeply at that. “I’d prefer not to talk to him,” Abby stated flatly.

“And I’ve already threatened to rip his ass off if I see him again,” Kasai added with a low growl.

“Um, okay?” Well that was unexpected. What the hell did Mewtwo do to these people? “I’m gonna guess the less said the better? Well...” Seth tried to think of something, but came up short.

“Yes, I’d say so,” Abby agreed before frowning. “Hmm...” she trailed off for a moment, unsure of what to say.

Thankfully, Kasai came to her ‘rescue’. “So Seth, by the end of yesterday’s session, did you start to get the flow of combat a bit better?”

“I learned that it’s uncomfortable when an Arcanine sits on you,” Seth chuckled. “But yes, I think I understand a lot more now. I just need to train... but ponies are so squishy...”

“Fritter could help?” Rika suggested.

“Fritter would put me on the moon,” Seth replied.

“At least there’s lower gravity there,” Kasai snickered. “Might help you get up from underneath her, if you wanted to be anyways,” he added, waggling a bushy eyebrow at Seth.

“Aaaand the conversation goes right back into the gutter,” Seth facepawed, but blushed slightly.

“Personally, if the conversation ISN’T in the gutter at a gathering like this then everything is deadly serious or something horrible is happening... in my experience anyways,” Abby said with a small shrug. “Personally, I like it this way.”

Seth nodded, “It is a nice change of pace, I’ll admit.”

“Sethy is liking dirty talk!?” Rika gasped. “Where is my Trainer? What have you done with him?”

“Hey, I’ll have you know that Elesa and I used to talk like this when we were alone...”

“Elesa... as in the celebrity and gym leader Elesa?” Abby inquired curiously. “The one who Kasai is 85% convinced is doing things with her Zebstrika?”

Seth chuckled, “Sorry to burst your bubble Kasai, but back on Earth, Elesa and I were a thing for a while. We spent quite a few nights together...” His mind wandered to his friend. “She’s an Ampharos now, and currently a DJ for the dubstep genre.”

Kasai shrugged. “Not really a ‘bubble’, I was always just curious on how she managed to not get split in half is all, I mean... I’ve seen Rapidash and Zebstrika at their full ‘height’... it’s kind of terrifying to imagine someone using that on a human,” he mused, glancing at Abby with clear concern.

“Which is why I had you, knot boy,” she replied with a smirk.

“Y’know, I wonder what Sethy’s is like,” Rika mused as she ducked under the table, only for Seth to bop her on the head her lightly.

“Rika, not now...” he sighed.

Abby snickered but shook her head. “Sorry, I’ll admit I was never THAT much like this on earth where I had to hide it all for so long... I guess my mind has been holding back the gutter for so long that now I can talk about it... it just keeps bubbling up.”

“It’s fine, I’m just glad you two are so happy,” Seth smiled. He really meant it too. “You two are just so adorable together... I just wish it could have been like this back on Earth.” He sighed as he ordered a coffee. “I tried... I really did...”

“Hey, you did a fine job,” Kasai said, leaning over to give the electric lion’s cheek a lick.

“Besides... that made it more fun sometimes, a bit of risk goes a long way,” Abby said with a smirk. “Like the time I spoke to Hastings through the front door while feigning a cold as a certain someone was ‘occupied’ with that tongue.”

Despite the sombre mood he was in, it just disappeared as Seth burst out laughing. “O...oh gods, that is just the funniest damn thing ever...”

“Yeah, he was REALLY worried about me,” Abby said, a small smile on her face. “Poor man thought I was on the verge of death from all the ‘coughing’ and ‘gasping’ I was doing.”

Kasai just shook his head. “If I’d known who was at the door I wouldn’t have... but well... we were already in the middle of things and I knew she wasn’t anywhere near ‘close’ so I figured we’d risk it.”

“The head of the Rangers... talking to his Top Ranger while she’d sexxing up her Pokemon...” Seth chuckled again. “The old coot’d have a heart attack if he knew.”

“Don’t call him that please...” Abby said with a sigh. “He’s a good man... just stubborn and set in his ways after seeing a lot of bad examples.”

“Yeah, sorry then,” Seth apologised. True, he wasn’t a fan of Hastings... but the guy had never done anything to him directly. “So, Kasai... can I ask something... private?”

Kasai nodded and got up from the table. “Sure, let’s go for a walk.” Seth nodded and followed the Arcanine outside. If Rika hadn’t been there, then he could have asked then and there. Once they were out of earshot, Seth spoke up.

“When you were first ‘with’ Abby... did you ever worry about... burning her?”

“Yeah, I did all the time she was human,” Kasai answered honestly. “I had to make sure that I was always in control of myself, I didn’t want the person I loved most of all to end up with third degree burns because I got ‘trigger happy’.”

Seth nodded, “That’s my problem... When I get... emotional... I lose control of my electricity.” He glanced back at the restaurant. “I want to show my girls that I love them... but I don’t want to risk electrocuting them. Especially since Fritter isn’t as resistant as a Pokemon...”

Kasai was silent for a long moment before he glanced down at Seth. “Then burn it up ahead of time. Spend an hour or two beforehand unleashing as much of your electricity as you possible can. After that, start slow, get them to stroke you, nuzzle them, lick them. Get a feel for yourself you know? No reason to shove it all in and go to town in the first few minutes.”

Seth chuckled. “Yeah, I guessed that much. But there’s a problem. When I use a lot of electricity, my body sort of... stops before I can drain myself. Unless I get really angry first, just ask Arceus about that.”

“Well then, drain as much as you can, then...” he glanced at Seth. “If you really love and care about them then you’ll be able to avoid hurting them.”

Seth nodded, “I hope so... I’ll give our idea a try... just don’t be too alarmed if you see fireworks coming from Sweet Apple Acres.” He laughed dryly at that.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Kasai agreed with a nod and a chuckle. “Also... and this just between us guys... but experiment on your own with the amount of electricity you give off when you’re ‘pleasured’. You’ve got the ability to lick your crotch for a reason, you know?”

Seth just stared blankly. “You’re kidding... right?” Being a Pokemon was one thing, but was not gonna lick his own junk.

“I’m a dog, Seth. You’re a cat,” Kasai replied with a small shrug though his tone was serious enough. “It’s no different than a human using his hand.”

“I’ll ah... I’ll think of something...” Seth nodded, his eyes still wide. “Right, so... experiment first, then learn how to Discharge all my electricity.” This was going to be some interesting homework.

“Yep, or get Rika some rubber gloves to dispel the electricity and have her use her ribbons, I know that Lex uses them when he’s with Rill, and she’s a Flygon so it should work for you,” he said with a small frown.

Seth suddenly pictured Rika and Fritter in nurses outfits. “Yeah... that sounds like a rigid- I MEAN solid plan.”

“You could always try a little Roleplay too, I know that Abby and I get into it,” he commented, ignoring that little freudian slip. “It spices things up and you can set a good pace through it... and start to get REALLY invested once it turns... fun.”

“I like the way you think Sensei,” Seth smiled. “And I know a good dressmaker too~”

Kasai grinned. “You know, I think I might make everyone call me Sensei, I like the sound of it,” he said, smiling widely.

“I think it suits you,” Seth said honestly.

“Thanks man,” Kasai said, leaning over and giving his friend another lick on the cheek. “So, need any more help with girls? I’m kind of an expert at this point.”

“What is it with you and the cheek licking?” Seth said. “But no, I think I’m good from here on out. Need to figure things out for myself you know?” The Luxray stretched himself and shook some more dirt from his fur.

“Yeah, I getcha,” Kasai said with a nod. “And I’m a dog, I lick faces, deal with it.” He smiled, tongue lolling to the side a bit.

“Yeah, alright then,” Seth smiled. “Shall we get back to our ladies? I shudder to think what they’re saying about us while we’re gone.”

“That, is a very good point,” Kasai agreed, chuckling as he turned back in the direction of the girls. “Still, glad I could help you out Seth.”

“And I’m glad you could help Sensei,” Seth replied with a grin. “I think I’ve learned quite a bit in the last two days.”

“Heh, come back around if you ever want another day of eating dirt while your mate has dirty thoughts,” Kasai told him with a snicker. “Or you know, for hanging out.”

“You are so eating the dirt next time!” Seth said as he sparked. “But yeah, we should definitely hang out again soon. I’d love to meet your pups when they’re born.”

Kasai smiled proudly. “Thanks, and I can’t remember, can you breed with Rika?” he inquired, cocking his head to the side. “Because if you can, then I’d love to meet your pups too... or kittens, whichever it is, heh.”

“Well, Luxray’s and Sylveon’s do are in the same group, so an Eevee or a Shinx is possible.” Seth said. “And, I don’t think I’m quite ready for that step yet... perhaps one day. I’d ah... I’d actually like to get married first.”

The Arcanine nodded his head sagely. “Better to wait till you’re stable before starting a family,” he agreed. “I know that Abby and I have been together for years now... we ‘work’ right for it even if we hadn’t been expecting it.” He smiled. “I’m sure you and Rika will be good too, so I’ll still say I look forwards to meeting your kids.”

“Thanks, and next time you’re in Canterlot, we should go Magikarp fishing. Never had them before, so you could show me why you love them so much.”

“Sounds like a great idea,” Kasai said as they got back to the table to find the ladies talking amongst themselves. “So, is everyone ready to leave?”

“More or less,” Abby said with a smile. “I think we’ve said pretty much everything we could for a while.”

“Yup, and driving Rika totally insane with telepathy,” Selena grinned as the Fairy pouted.

“You’ll get yours,” Rika grumbled. “I know your tickle spots!”

Kasai chuckled and glanced at Seth. “Well then, this is where we part ways for now I guess,” he said, giving the Luxray a little half-bow. “We probably won’t be in the hotel much longer, we’re kinda running short on bits so try Gene and Belle’s place for us.”

“Yeah, we do need to go over and ask them about that...” Abby said with a small frown. “Anyways, it was great having lunch with you guys!”

“And it was great meeting you as well,” Seth agreed. “I must admit, it was a little nerve-wracking meeting a Ranger though, but you guys are cool... Oh, I almost forgot. Is Axle alright? Restraint isn’t in Ignis’s vocabulary.”

“He’s fine, from the way he told it he and Ignis could have matched any of the Legendaries and then some which is all he really cares about,” Abby said, rolling her eyes. “Plus he just used Rest to recover quickly.”

“That’s good, Ignis is still laid up after fighting Arceus... poor guy is deaf as a doornail after taking that Hyper Voice attack...”

“And THAT is why you don’t fight Arceus,” Kasai said with a small snicker.

“True,” Abby agreed before getting up and giving everyone a smile. “Well, we’re off to talk to Gene and Belle, have a good rest of your day.”

With that, the two walked off. They didn't make it very far before the Arcanine suddenly came to a stop. “That... is not good.”

Abby frowned. “What is it?”

“An old friend is in town,” Kasai said with a deep frown.

“Kasai if you play the pronoun game with me I’m going to hurt you,” she said flatly.

“Fine, it’s Hastings,” he stated.

Abby was silent for a moment before she nodded and lifted her chin. “Well then, let’s go apologize.”

Author's Note:

Ed: Man, this was a long one... good work Aus, we managed to fit in just about everything in the course of two days, very nice. Though, if Rika ever wants any advice, send her to Lex, he was raised on a breeding farm and knows all of the ‘trade secrets’.

Aus - Lex and Rika? I don’t think Lex could deal with level of... Rikaness. Still, this was a blast to write and Ignis has a new best friend, and a bragging right that no-one in Equus can match. I get the feeling that we’ll meet again, I don’t know whether to excited or scared...

Ed: Once more into the breach then my friend, once more into the breach

Bubba was here... kinda... in a way... just because... reasons okay!