• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,489 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Abby awoke to dawn’s light falling gently across her face. She blinked twice and then looked down to see that Kasai had fallen asleep beneath her, a satisfied smile on his face. It was a smile that Abby had seen before, many times, but she could never see enough of it. A wave of heat ran down the Ninetales’ spine as she snuggled into his warm fur. Last night had been... spectacular. That was the only real word for it really.

Kasai had always been a wonderful mate, attentive, powerful, loving, but last night... she had felt powerful. Where before she would almost always end up feeling like she wasn’t doing enough to fulfill his needs, this time she knew that she’d given him just as good as he’d given her. A silky smile crossed her face as her tails curled around his rear legs and she softly kissed him on the jaw.

Kasai, being Kasai, simply let out a yawn and curled his paws around her, pulling her down against his chest. The Ninetales let out a small sigh and buried her face in his fur. There weren’t many days that she could afford to do that. Most of the time, she barely let him sleep beside her unless they were deep in the woods, but now... no one would question a pair of happy Pokemon snuggling together in the morning.

Wonderful as it felt to be with him, Abby knew what they had to do, so, with a heavy heart she rolled off of him and walked into the water, quickly giving herself a wash to get rid of any stains from the night before and then walking over to Kasai. With a sly smirk she rapidly shook herself off, the water pouring down onto him and causing him to jump awake with a yelp.


Abby blinked, she hadn’t expected him to get a full foot in the air... from where he’d been lying on his back. He landed in a pile of limbs and shot her an impudent look.

“Did you have to wake me that way?” he demanded sourly as he rolled to his paws.

“Well, it was either that or something a bit more ‘interesting’ so I figured I’d go with this one,” Abby replied sweetly.

“Mean,” Kasai said with a snort before he walked over to the pond and began to wash himself as Abby licked her fur dry. The moment he got out, Kasai glanced over at her, a wicked smirk on his face and before Abby could react, he gave himself a mighty shake and soaked her. “And now we’re even.”

“But I just got dry!” Abby protested, shooting her mate a venomous look.

“And I was dry to begin with,” he replied, grinning as he walked over to her and gave her a lick on her wet cheek. “Good morning by the way.”

“... good morning Kasai,” Abby replied, this time it was her turn to give him a sour glance.

“Oh don’t be so sour,” he told her with a small smirk as he started licking himself dry. “After last night, I’d think that you’d never be annoyed with me again.”

Abby couldn’t help but let out an almost purring noise at the thought of the night before but then she shook her head. “Yeah, well, I’m still allowed to be annoyed, no matter how good of a dancer you are.”

Kasai just smiled and gave her cheek a lick before he got back to drying himself. Abby rolled her eyes and got back to it herself, again. Once they were both dry Kasai lead them back to the road and they started off again, eager to get to the city and hopefully, some answers.

Axel let out a loud yawn as he awoke and rolled off of the large, surprisingly sturdy, couch and onto the floor of the hotel room. He had to crouch to keep from hitting his head, but it was a small price to pay for having been able to stay inside instead of out on the noisy, annoying streets.

“Ah... peace and quiet,” the Haxorus murmured to himself. He may have been loud. He may have been violent on occasion when provoked, and he may have enjoyed the flow of a battle in progress a bit too much, but he still valued his peace and quiet in the morning.

He glanced over to the bed where Lyra, the pony who had calmed him, was sleeping in a disorganized fashion, her head on the opposite end of the bed and her rear hooves against the pillow with the blanket splayed to the side. Axel had to admit, she was an odd mare, but he liked her well enough.

She’d managed to convince the hotel manager to let him into not only the high quality hotel, but also the room itself. In fact, she’d been incredibly insistent with the snooty stallion who'd been resistant to the idea of him even entering the building, going so far a to calmly argue for his sake for ten minutes or more until the manager gave up.

Axel turned away from Lyra, a small smile on his face as he sat down on the couch, feeling it sag beneath his great weight, but like the night before, it did not break. The Haxorus was not a particularly deep thinker, not at all in the practice of contemplating his own rather sharp navle, but he was not a fool and so there was one thought that occupied the center of his mind.

How do I find Abby?

It was a fairly obvious thought, all things considered, but he felt it was the most important one that existed at the moment. His Trainer, his Ranger was the one who had guided him throughout his life, rescued him from the cages of his past and brought him into the light of the future. In return, Axel was what she’d affectionately come to term as her ‘door opener’. Meaning that if there was a locked door in her way, Axel went through the wall and made a better door.

The large Haxorus smiled, that was a job that he was both excellent at and loved.

“AH!” Lyra suddenly sprang off of the bed and landed on all four hooves, a happy look on her face. “Good morning, Scales,” she said with a grin. “Are you ready to have a fun productive day in Las Pegasus?”

“I’m going to try and find Abby actually,” Axel replied, or as Lyra heard him. “Hax Hax Haxorous.”

“Huh, that sounds fun,” Lyra agreed with a smile. “Want any help?”

“... I know you can’t understand what I’m saying,” Axel said slowly. “So... why does it seem like you do?”

Lyra just smiled and shrugged. “I can tell that you’re asking questions by the inflection you’re putting in your voice, along with when you just say normal stuff.”

Axel frowned down at her and then shrugged. He supposed it was no different than what humans did regularly.

“Okay then,” the Haxorus stated with a small shrug. “But first I would like more food,” he added, rubbing his stomach lightly.

“Breakfast huh? Yeah, I’m hungry too, you can head down to the lobby and start filling up a plate if you want, I’m gonna grab a quick shower,” Lyra said, nodding towards the bathroom.

Axel frowned. That would likely be an idea that would lead to lots of ponies shouting and screaming at him. However, he was very hungry so...

“Okay,” he said with a small nod of his axehead and lumbered for the door. He ducked his head low under the frame to avoid cleaving through it, remembering the last time he’d forgotten that and Abby had given him a long lecture about it, and walked over to the elevator door. He pressed the button with one of his claws and presently it arrived. The door opened and revealed a blue unicorn mare standing beside a red coated pegasus colt.

The colt’s eyes widened, as did the mare’s, but where the mare looked to be on the edge of screaming with fear, the colt looked excited.

“Is there room?” Axel asked, pointing at the inside of the compartment which did in fact appear to be big enough for all three, if he was very careful about his tail. “Hax?”

The mare looked closer to screaming but the colt nodded his head.

“OOOH are you a dragon!?” the colt asked eagerly as Axel maneuvered his rather bulky body into the far side of the elevator. “And is that an axe growing out of your head?!”

Axel nodded his head twice. “Yes, and yes.”

“COOL!” the pegasus exclaimed.

“Lightning, don’t talk to that... dragon,” his mother advised him. “It might be dangerous!”

“Only if you annoy me,” Axel stated blandly, knowing that they couldn’t understand a word that he was saying.

“Aw come on mom! He looks awesome!” the colt replied with a grin. “I bet he’s really nice too!”

“You... I like you,” Axel said, lowering his head down so that he could look the colt in the eyes. “One day you will be a great battler, I can feel it!”

Or as the colt and his now frankly terrified mother heard it. “Hax... Hax Hax HAXORUS!”

Thankfully, before the mother could faint, the doors to the ground floor opened and the mare went careening out of, dragging the confused colt along in her magical cloud.

“... okay.” Axel said blankly and looked up to see that everyone in the lobby was staring at him. The Haxorus’ gaze drifted around the lobby until he caught sight of the hotel manager trotting towards him with an incredibly nervous, yet simultaneously determined look on his face. “Oh good. Him again.”

“Look here you great beast! I don’t care what Miss Heartstrings says about you being a thinking feeling being! You are causing a public disturbance and-” the stallion’s angry rant was cut off as Axel simply walked past him. “What! How dare you!” the stallion exclaimed, doing his best to keep up with Axel’s long strides. “Why I-”

This time he was interrupted by Axel’s tail as it gently wafted into him and sent him stumbling to the floor as the dragon walked over to the buffet table, calmly picked up a plate in his arms as best he could, and began to pick up several delectable breakfast pastries.

“I told you he was cool mom!” the colt exclaimed from the other side of the room. His mother despaired.

Rill had not been having the best of days. She had awoken in a cage. When she had tried to gnaw through the cage bars with her powerful jaws, she had gotten nothing from it but sore teeth. She had even attempted to burn her way out, but her fire had been resisted. Blocked even. That however would not stop her. She detested cages. Therefore, she would escape!

The green bodied, blue striped Flygon glared at the the bars through her goldish orange lenses. The two strange Ponyta like creatures who had captured her were very vexing. Not only had they captured her, but they insisted on finishing each others sentences. Such a thing tried on her already extremely raw nerves and when someone pulled back the curtain that had been covering the cage again, Rill let out an angry cry and her wings flapped angrily.

“LET! ME! OUT!” she roared.

“And now here you can see the payoffs of our method-” one of the two Ponyta creatures shouted, his voice magnified by a megaphone.

“-a fearsome beast captured and rendered completely harmless within our patented, world famous, Flim Flam Brother Monster Cage!” the other said picking up exactly where the first had left off.

Rill glared at the growing crowd of Ponyta, her eyes flashing as her tail began to glow and without further hesitation she threw herself at the cage bars, tail first. The Dragon Tail shook the cage but otherwise had no effect.

“As you can see, with our invention, which is itself a modified version of the cage that the guards use to transport ornery dragons, even the most fearsome of monsters is unable to break free of its restraints!” the other picked up, a grin on his face as he orated, his voice moving quickly and energetically through the routine.

“FREE ME!” Rill roared before a plume of Dragon Breath filled up in her throat and she vented it all over the bars of enchanted steel, doing little to no damage as the crowd of ponies stared in wonder.

“Like we said, our patented Flim Flam Brother Monster Cage can withstand even dragonfire folks!” the first speaker picked up, a grin on his face as the ponies began to crowd closer to Rill’s cage, enraptured by the sight the same way a crowd at a carnival was by a freakshow.

“Exactly! Everyone should buy one! How else will you protect your family from these horrid beasts?” the other one asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked over the crowd. “We don’t know where they came from but if you can’t tell anything else about them then it’s that they’re dangerous!”

“Do you really want them running loose all over your dear city? Attacking your guards, scaring your families? Eating your children?!”

Rill’s eyes narrowed. Firstly, she would never attack anyone who didn’t attack her first... and children? Why would you eat them? There was no meat to be found there. In fact, there was no meat to be found on most humans which is why most Pokemon didn’t bother eating them at all. Though a part of her supposed that perhaps the ponies would prove meatier though she wasn’t about to test that theory. Instead, she focused her energies on trying to find a way out of the cage.

“So, did you have a good breakfast?” Lyra asked Axel as the pair walked down the street.

“It was fine,” Axel replied with a casual shrug.

“That’s good,” Lyra said with a nod before she frowned. “Huh, I know those voices up ahead.”

“You do?” Axel asked, looking farther down the street to where there was a large crowd huddled around a cage of some sort.

“Yeah... it’s the Flim Flam Brothers,” Lyra said, once again demonstrating an eery ability to guess what he was saying with simple Hax. “They’re conponies.”

Axel frowned and directed his eyes at the cage itself. Then his eyes widened.

Lex had been having an incredibly annoying morning. The stupid ponies had kept on trying to touch him no matter what he did and his frustration levels were at boiling point. That is. Until he saw what was on center display in the town square. Then his blood turned to magma.

His mate was currently in a cage. Screaming out for help and raging against it. The Sylveon’s eyes narrowed dangerously and his ribbons unfurled from his body. Whoever was responsible for this would soon discover why he’d earned the title ‘dragon slayer’!

“Kasai, I don’t think we’re in Kanto anymore,” Abby said as she stared at the Ponyta like creatures who were doing their best to skirt around her and Kasai while they walked down the streets.

“You don’t say,” Kasai muttered. Between the two, he was receiving more worried looks from the Ponyta. Of course, he was twice as tall as almost all of them so that shouldn’t have come as that much of a surprise.

Abby frowned up at him, before her eyes roved around and noticed the number of eyes they were attracting from the golden armored Ponytas. In response, Abby straightened her back, as best as she could as a Ninetales and looked right back in their eyes. That seemed to surprise them, finding themselves on the receiving end of a pair of intelligent, steely red eyes that rippled with authority.

She had not been a ranger for the last ten years of her life, starting at around age fifteen, to be scared by freaky talking Ponyta in armor.

“So... what have we learned so far?” Abby asked Kasai after a long moment as the pair padded down the street, meeting the gaze of each and every guard as they started to close a light metaphorical noose around them.

“That these are some very unsubtle police forces,” Kasai answered as he glanced down at her. “Should we try and talk to them?”

“I don’t think that will work, it will go about as well as that one stallion we tried talking too,” she replied as her eyes narrowed slightly. “In other words, we’re going to need to ditch them. You up for a little jog?”

Kasai smiled lightly. “If you’re sure that we can’t talk to them, then sure.”

“Luke’s not here,” Abby pointed out. “He might be out in this city somewhere, but he’s not here now so unless we want to be put in cages...”

“Then we need to run,” Kasai finished with a nod as he scanned the streets in front of them, looking for a clear lane that wouldn’t endanger a large number of the un-armored ponies. Abby did the same, her keen red eyes spotting something, though it would require leaping over several of the police forces.

“Follow me, get ready to jump,” Abby told him as she edged subtly out in front of Kasai and then closed her eyes. When she opened them, the world seemed to be moving in slow motion. She tensed her hackles and then launched herself forwards, her body reacting without her having to consciously command it.

The asphalt beneath her paws was light as grass and she took off at a dead sprint, the world speeding up rapidly in her eyes as a stallion in golden armor with a blume on his head leapt at her. The Ninetales lowered her body and he passed harmlessly over her, slamming face first into the tarmac in time to provide Kasai a ramp to jump off of.

“Oof,” the guard gasped as Kasai used his face as a springboard and avoided another of the guards who’d been about to tackle him.

The air raced over Abby’s fur and she felt herself heating up as another guard tried to throw a net at her. The Ninetales’ eyes narrowed and on instinct she reared her head back and sent a spiraling swirl of flames directly at the center of the net, running through the ashes that rained down on her as it was disintegrated.

She heard the screaming starting but pushed it to the back of her mind. She was focused on one thing and one thing only. The guards in front of her had formed into a tighter formation then what she’d originally seen but it was too late to go back now. Instead, Abby increased her speed, charging directly at the pony barrier.

Kasai however, beat her too it. With an ear shattering roar the mighty Arcanine charged into the guards and tossed them aside with a full speed body slam, launching several into the air and creating a hole big enough for Abby and all nine of her tails to slip through easily.

Her ears flattened and the Ninetales sprang to the side in time to avoid the impact of a flying ponyta who slammed into the ground with enough air behind him to give Abby a boost to her speed.

“They’ve got people in the air!” Abby shouted up to Kasai.

“I noticed!” Kasai called back, his paws blurring as he Quick Attacked out of the way of an incoming pegasus. “Abby! They’re trying to noose us again!”

“Yeah, I see it!” Abby retorted, up ahead of them she could see another group of golden armored ponies, nets held in the air with psychic energy while others still were readying other attacks judging by the way their horns were glowing brightly. “Kasai, weak Flamethrower! Get them out of our way but don’t hurt any of them!”

“On it!” Kasai replied as he reared his head back and unleashed a stream of fire on the ponies in front of them, catching them by surprise.

“DEAR CELESTIA!” one shouted as the unexpected flames licked at his armor.

“Excelent! Now, Body Slam again!” Abby commanded as she fell into step directly behind him.

Kasai let out a howl and slammed his bulk into the centermost guard, the one whose armor was currently on fire. Abby’s eyes widened as the guard went flying ten feet back and slammed into a nearby cabbage cart.

A net flew out of nowhere and wrapped around one of Abby’s tails and she let out a cry of surprise but didn’t go down. Instead she turned her eyes back to glare at a more Rapidash like pony who was looking expectantly happy until her eyes locked with his and the joy died on his face.

Something about the pair of outraged red eyes made his throat clench and he inexplicably felt as if he’d just spit on a full grown dragon. Sure he’d may have slighted it... but he’d in no way hurt it. He also felt his heartbeat slowing down, as if it had forgotten to pump oxygen. Then, Abby turned away and began to run again and the world returned to color.

Abby’s feet pounded against the asphalt and her breath came in rapid, fire, pants as she followed Kasai down the streets which were turning into a sea of pandemonium thanks to the chase. Suddenly, they rounded a corner and came to a public square.

That was when all hell broke loose.

“RILL!” Lex roared as he charged towards the cage, his blue eyes blue diamonds of anger as his ribbons twisted and lashed out at the ponies in his way, uncaring of the harm he was causing.

“LEX!” Rill cried out as she smashed against the cage again and again in an attempt to get out.

“AHHH! What’s going on brother?!” one of the two ponies in the top hats screamed as a new, even louder roar joined the two that were already underway and as Flim, or perhaps it was Flam, turned in that direction, they saw a towering golden dragon racing down the street towards them, its footsteps shaking the ground and cracking the asphalt.

“RILL!” Axel roared loudly. “LEX!”

The situation got even more confusing as a certain Ninetales and an Arcanine burst into the screaming square, pursued by a half dozen intrepid guards.

The world was a screaming maelstrom of ponies and guards as the whole team met in the center of the square just in front of the cage. Without thinking about it, Abby began to literally bark orders.

“Lex! Get Rill out of that cage! Kasai, give him cover! Axel! Help me hold off the police!” she barked out.

“Abby?!” Lex and Axel shouted in surprise.

“Yes! Now do as I said!” the Ninetales replied as she turned to face the oncoming guards, fire blooming in her mouth as her eyes narrowed to white hot coals as her tails swirled around her. Someone had trapped her Rill in a cage. Whoever had done that was going to be in a fiery world of pain.

Somewhere else, a clock struck noon.

Author's Note:

For the record, Flim and Flam aren’t being vilified here, they honestly thought they had a good thing going here. After all, how would they know that the Pokemon are anything but monsters? They’re just trying to help out the city and make an honest buck along the way. Also Rill is a very literal Pokemon, thus why she actually rationalized the whole eating people bit.