• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 44

Justice smiled as he looked around their nest. To him, it was a fine thing, built into a natural hole in the side of a cliff in the amongst the Everfree forest a short flight from Ponyville. The rocky ground had been covered in a combination of his and Claire’s downy feathers along with twigs, sticks, and grass.

“A fine nest,” he murmured to himself, still smiling before he glanced over at Claire who was snuggled up amongst the feathers. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

The Swellow nodded her head. “Indeed; I didn’t know you were good in the art of nest building.”

“To be truthful, I’m not,” he replied with a small chuckle, coming over to nuzzle her adoringly. “But, I’ve seen enough of them that I know what I’m doing I think.”

“Heheh, well then you’re a good faker then,” she teased, nuzzling under his head.

“Justice committing a forgery? Never,” he replied, nibbling the back of her neck gently with his powerful beak. “But copying, that I do well enough.”

“What’s the difference?” she asked with another chuckle, leaning into the nibbling and cooing.

“One is dishonest, a quality that Justice is incapable of possessing,” he replied, a grin on his beak as he finished nibbling and pulled out a few loose feathers, adding them to the growing bead. “After all Justice is, if nothing else, honest about its faults.”

“That is true,” Claire agreed with a nod.

Justice chuckled softly and draped a wing around her, she was quite a bit rounder than she ever had been before and he had the oddest feeling that she was carrying a Rufflet rather than a Taillow. “So my dear, is there anything that I can get you? In your current state you can hardly be flying about.”

“Hmmm... well I am a bit peckish, so I guess some food will do,” she replied while nestling into his wing. “After all, it’s not easy to grow an egg, heh.”

“You’re handling it fairly well though I’d wager,” Justice replied, holding her against his side, a smile on his face before he leaned down and nuzzled her again. “So, what kind of food would you like? A big meal, a little one?”

“Just something enough to fill my stomach, don’t need a large one and let it go to waste. Unless of course you’re going to eat it too,” the Swellow replied. “We do need to respect what we kill.”

“Of course,” Justice agreed, nodding his head. “And to tell the truth, I am rather hungry as well. Being around you sleeping all day is very tiring.” He chuckled and leaned down to nuzzle her. “So, a Deerling you think?”

“Perhaps,” she answered with another nod.

“Very well my dear, if it is venison you want, it is venison you will get,” Justice replied with a small chuckle. “I’ll see if I can’t find one away from a herd, that way it won’t be missed much.” He uncurled his wing and stepped away. “And then I’ll bring it back for the two of us and we’ll feast, heh.”

“Fly safe my dear,” Claire told him with a smile.

“Always,” Justice said, stepping straight off the cliff side. Nothing happened for a moment before he shot skywards again at an upwards angle and began to fly off.

It did not take him long to find what he was looking for, a small deerling walking by itself through the forest, not a Sawsbuck in sight nor a total youngling, else its mother would be near it. Justice’s eyes scanned the forest a final time as he thought out his trajectory and the angle of his dive before he folded his wings and dived.

Small branches smacked him as he descended from on high like an avenging missile, and just as he reached it, he spread his wings, slowing his breakneck speed as his talons closed around the Deerling’s neck. There was a loud snap, the bear traces of a scream, and then it fell silent as he picked himself up off of the ground. He looked over his meal for a moment before nodding to himself and fastening his talon’s around the other Pokemon’s back, winging back towards his nest.

The weight of the Deerling was hardly noticeable to Justice as his powerful wings beat against the air, until he found a familiar air current and began to glide easily back. All in all, it took him perhaps twenty minutes before he got back to the nest. The Braviary deposited the body in front of Claire with a large smile on his beak.

“It seems I was successful,” he commented with a bow before he held out his claw. “Would you like me to carve you off some my little bird?”

The Swellow smiled as she gazed at the catch. “I would like that,” she said, smiling.

Justice smiled and brought his large talons out to carve open the Deerling’s chest and pulled it open. “What organ would you like?”

“Heart or liver, both are good for our growing chick,” she said, a wing slightly rubbing her swelling side.

“Especially if it’s a Rufflet,” Justice agreed with a nod as he set to work with the carving, retrieving the liver a moment later and presenting it to her. “For you my dear,” he said, setting it down in front of her. “I shall claim the heart for my own if you don’t mind.”

She shook her head. “Not at all,” she said as she lowered her head and started tearing the liver apart with the aid of her beak.

Justice didn’t bother to respond, instead he sank his claws into the Deerling and pulled its heart out, beginning to eat as well. It didn’t take the two very long to devour the small Pokemon and when they were done, Justice took up the bones and unsavory parts up in his talons and dumped it off of the cliff.

“Ah, wonderful,” he said with a content smile as he cleaned blood from his beak. “I hope yours was as well Claire.”

“It was indeed,” she replied as she too began cleaning blood off her beak. “Thank you for the meal my dear.” She nuzzled his side lovingly.

“Anything for my mate,” he replied, smiling before he leaned down and licked a dab of blood from the top of her beak. “Missed a spot.”

“Hey, it’s hard to reach that spot now. My wings don’t stretch out as much as they used to,” she remarked with a small chuckle.

“Oh, I know, that’s why I’m here,” he replied, licking another little bit of blood off of her. “I really can’t wait to be a father you know, and to actually be there for all of it.”

“Oh really? No more thoughts of ‘running off’?” she asked with a small tilt of her head.

“No more running off,” he agreed. “Though if someone should happen to find us, I will certainly greet them kindly.”

“Of course, if it’s neighbors or old time friends,” she agreed.

“Or old mates,” he agreed, nodding his head as he wrapped his wing around her. “But you needn’t worry about me flying off with some ‘new young thing’, heh.”

“Good, cause if you do, I’ll show you why Aerial Ace is my top move,” she said with a small smile, nuzzling him once more.

“No better than Brave Bird,” he replied, smirking as he held her snugly against himself, a content smile crossing his beak. “In my opinion at any rate.”

“Hey, it stopped a lot of criminals’ Pokemon in their track, especially when they were flying types,” Claire commented.

“Very true,” Justice agreed, looking down at her. “But could it do more damage than a well aimed Brave Bird hurtling at his foe?”

“Probably not, but I don’t hurt myself during the process,” she stated out. “Plus you need a lot more room to reach the speed needed for that move than Aerial Ace.”

“To me, it’s nothing but scratch damage,” he replied, shrugging his wings. “And I don’t need that much room to gain speed with these majestic wings of mine.” He held up his massive wings and smiled. “There is a REASON why everyone is equally envious and terrified of Justice’s reach.”

A small chuckle rolled out the Swellow. “I guess so, though only to those who have a reason to fear Justice after all.”

“True,” he said, leaning down to nuzzle her softly. “And you’re certainly not one of them, are you my pretty little bird?”

“Not in the slightly, my bird of Justice,” she replied, leaning into the nuzzle.

Justice wrapped his wing back around her and let out a sigh. “Thank you Claire... thank you for this chance you’ve given me. I hardly deserve it.”

“You’re welcome Justice... and don’t say that, everyone has a second chance at something,” she replied.

He smiled. “Indeed...” he let out a breath before looking down at her. “Would you believe me if I told you that out of all of my mates, you’re the second most lovely but the firstmost in my heart?”

She blinked a bit in surprise. “Really?”

“Mhm, the only one who is more lovely than you is my first mate, Diana, and that is only on account of my memories of her being the fondest,” he answered with a nod of his head. “That, and she was a Braviary as well and no offense my dear, but some things are fairly well built into me.”

“It’s okay, you’re still with me and that’s what matters right?” Claire said, leaning closer to his side. “Though I thank you for the complement.”

“You’re very welcome Claire,” he said, nodding his head once more before he leaned down to nuzzle her. “Though, if Diana does show up at some point... I may fly off with her for an afternoon. She means rather a lot to me after all, though I promise you that I’ll return.”

The Swellow remained quiet for a moment but nodded her head. “Sure thing.”

“Thank you, I’m hoping I can see Truth and Freedom if I see her, it would be nice to see my first chicks again,” he said with a smile on his beak. “I’m sure they’re all grown up by now...” His voice sounded... melancholy, sad and regretful.

“....why didn’t you stay with her if she meant so much to you?” Claire asked, glancing up at the Braviary.

“Duty I suppose,” Justice answered introspectively, letting his eyes look off into the middle distance. “At the time I was young and didn’t place nearly enough stock in what it really meant to be a mate. I was out for fun and sex, like most are... we spent weeks together Diana and I, months really. All while Matt and Roxanne trained to be rangers. Then... then we left and I couldn’t bring myself to tell Matt no...” a long sigh left his lips. “I’ve never been particularly good at any commitment except to my trainer. I’m a failure that way.”

Claire was silent for a moment before she nuzzled his side. “Well, you’re committed to me, and that’s more then enough isn’t it?”

Justice nodded, leaning down to nuzzle her gently. “Yes... yes it is.” He closed his eyes contentedly as he leaned against her, keeping the little Swellow against his large side. “I love you Claire.”

Abby sat on the couch, Belle against her stomach as her tails wrapped lightly around the Gardevoir. “So Belle, out of curiosity, do you have a job yet?” Abby inquired with a small smile as she set her head across Belle’s lap.

“Unfortunately not,” Belle said with a slight frown. “Gene and I have talked about finding work, but while he has some idea of what he might be able to do, I have... none.”

“Well, we need to figure one out for you,” Abby said, nuzzling the Gardevoir's waist, looking for a head scratch. “You can’t be a ‘bum’ Belle, hehe.”

Belle chuckled and obliged her friend, scratching her head softly. “I know, I just never really thought about it before.”

Abby licked Belle’s fingers. “True, you haven’t really had a chance to be ‘a part of society’ for the last couple years, huh?” A sad pout crossed her muzzle. “But that’s changed now so we should try and find you something to do.”

“I suppose so,” Belle said with a smile. “Though that brings the question of what.”

“Hmmm... maybe be a couple’s counselor or something?” Abby suggested. “You could look into their minds and see what the real root of the problem was.”

“Hm,” Belle considered that for a moment. “That’s actually not a bad idea, at the very least it’s certainly something to look into.”

Abby grinned and nuzzled her friend more. “Good, glad one of us can be employed, I’m suspended for a while.”

“Ow, how come?” Belle asked, patting Abby on the head.

“I may have cursed a mare who kicked an Azurill with horrible pain for a week in Las Pegasus before I knew how to use my powers... and then cursed Prince Blueblood because he’s an asshole,” Abby answered with a sigh as she set her head down between her paws on Belle’s waist. “I told my mother and she suspended me from active Ranger duty.”

Belle huffed and crossed her arms. “Well I for one don’t think you did anything wrong in either of those situations,” she said with surety. “Especially when it comes to Blueblood.”

“Neither do I... though maybe the mare didn’t deserve as much pain,” Abby murmured with a sigh. “But yeah, Blueblood called me an animal and I remembered what you said about him and the wedding...” she trailed off and shivered slightly around Belle. “I just got so... angry and vengeful that I was cursing him before I realized it.”

Belle looked down at Abby for a moment before leaning forward and wrapping her arms around the Ninetales. “Don’t worry,” she whispered softly in her ear. “If it had been me I would’ve done the same thing... actually, I probably would have done something worse.”

Abby let out a soft sigh as she leaned against Belle, tails wrapping further around her as she pulled her stomach out from behind Belle so that she was sitting completely in her lap. She closed her eyes for a moment, forehead on Belle’s chin. Th...thank you Be-Belle, she attempted her first foray into telepathy.

Belle smiled softly. Hey, you’re my best friend, she reminded Abby. And what kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t at least try to make you feel better?

You... you heard me! Abby grinned and leaned up to lick Belle’s face. I... I di... did telepathy!

Belle laughed. Yes, yes you did. A little choppy but very good for what I assume is a first attempt.

Abby nodded. Ye-yep! She nuzzled Belle. Yes! Ye-es I did it! Then she frowned and drew her head back, smarting. “Oww... kind of hurts.”

“That’s alright,” Belle said with a smile. “It was tough for me at first too, but it’ll get easier the more you practice.”

“Good,” Abby said, smiling as her tails fully obscured Belle’s lower body and she leaned against the Gardevoir's chest, head beside Belle’s heart spike. “Heheh, you’re soft Belle.”

Belle chuckled and ran a hand along Abby’s back. “So are you,” she said with a grin.

“Yes, I suppose I’ve gotten rather fuzzy and fluffy of late,” Abby agreed with a small chuckle. “I was hoping no one would notice all this egg fat.” She leaned back and put her paws on Belle’s chest so that she could show off her pudgy belly. “I’m going to have to do soooo much running to burn this off.”

“A little extra exercise never hurt anyone,” Belle teased.

“True, and I am a Ranger so I do need to stay in shape,” Abby agreed, sitting back down on Belle’s lap and leaning her head against her chest, letting out a happy sigh.

Belle nodded. “So... do you mind if I ask just what you cursed Blueblood with?”

“Not at all, I’m actually really proud of it,” Abby said with a smirk. “I cursed him with having to hear every thought someone had about him, especially the bad ones.”

“Wow, that’s... that’s perfect,” she snickered. “I would love to see his face when he realizes just what everyone thinks of him, especially the Princesses.”

“That was the general idea,” Abby agreed, snickering as well. “But... mom is right. I didn’t have a ‘just’ reason to do it to him.” She sighed and leaned her head against Belle’s chest, her nose touching Belle’s chin. “And I’m a Ranger... it was an abuse of my powers as such and I’m lucky I wasn’t arrested.”

Belle sighed. “I guess she does have a point,” she admitted. “Though he did crash our wedding, attack Fang, and ordered the Canterlot guards to detain every Pokemon they could.”

Abby snorted, blowing a puff of hot air over Belle’s face. “Well, there goes any sympathy I had for him.”

Belle smiled. “And as for the arrested part... Princess Luna was about three minutes from letting Fang maul him, so I don’t think you have much to worry about there.”

Abby’s ears perked up and she licked Belle’s face. “Luna’s a good mare,” she said with a grin before she licked Belle again. “I want her as a Ranger!”

Belle laughed. “Actually, she might like that idea, she certainly seems like the type who would.”

“I’ll have to talk too ‘Director Mom’ about that,” Abby said with a small snicker. “That way THEY can work out the power structure and leave me out of it.”

There was a knock at the door to the hotel room. Abby glanced over her shoulder and then back at Belle. “Hmm, shall I get it?”

Belle smirked. “No need,” the lock clicked and the door opened. Standing there was Luke, a rather sizeable smile on his face, cradled in his arms was a familiar Mismagius with a smile to match his.

Hello... Abby... he blinked and noticed Belle. And you too... Belle. The Gallade’s mind felt... oddly open to Belle.

“Hey Luke! You’re looking MUCH better!” Abby said, closing the distance between them in a second and rubbing against his leg gently.

I... I am... thank you Abby, Luke replied quietly, bending down slightly to pat Abby’s head. Thank... thank you.

Belle walked over to them, eyeing Mage as she did. “Hello Mage, Luke,” she said with a frown. She was going to ask why Luke’s mind was unguarded, but stopped when she caught the look Mage was giving her, along with the thought she shot at her. Do. Not. Ask.

Yes... I... I’m sure that Abby can tell you... without me around... Luke agreed with a nod of his head, biting his lip slightly.

“Yes, I can cover it without you, no reason to make you go through it again Luke,” Abby said, licking his hand and getting another pat from him.

Thank you... thank you, Luke said before smiling and glancing down at Mage. We... we have some news. Would you like to tell it... Angel? Abby’s ears perked up at the last word.

Mage smiled and nodded. “Yeah, yeah I would,” she turned to Abby and Belle. “Well... where do I start?... Luke and I are... testing the waters, I guess you could say,” she said with a slightly nervous chuckle. “If you know what I mean.”

Abby’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped before she grinned widely. “That’s great news! Oh Luke! I’m so happy for you!”

Belle smiled. “Me too, for both of you,” she said, smiling at Mage.

... thank you... thank you so much, Luke said softly, leaning down to kiss Abby very gently on the forehead, still cradling Mage to his chest. ... and I have been... thinking. I would like to go back to Las Pegasus... and visit Vincent.

“And I’ll be going with him” Mage said with a nod.

The Ninetales blinked twice. “Really?” She then swallowed and glanced up at Luke. “Are you sure going away right now is the best thing to do?”

... yes. I need to get away... away from Canterlot that is... Luke said softly as Belle saw the words ‘away from you’ run through his mind. I need... distance so that I can establish something... new.

“And I’ll be helping him with the uh... recent complications,” Mage assured Abby. “And making sure he doesn’t get into any trouble.”

Abby closed her eyes for a moment before smiling and nuzzling Luke ever so slightly on the leg. “Good, I’m glad you’re going to go off on your own for a while, and that you’ll have a nice ‘sweater’ to keep you warm.” She winked at Mage.

Mage smiled at Abby, then nuzzled Luke’s chest softly. “I’m certainly not going to complain about that,” she said with a laugh.

Nor will I... Angel... Luke murmured softly, wrapping both arms around her and closing his eyes.

Abby smiled. “Good, I’m so happy for both of you... and Luke, if you ever need me, let me know.”

... of course Abby, I will... Luke said before nodding. ... and now we’re going to go... we have a train to catch...

Mage smiled at Belle. “Tell Gene that I-Ack!”

Mage found herself caught in a Psychic pull, and then in Belle’s arms. “I’m going to miss you, you crazy Ghost.”

Mage smiled and closed her eyes, wrapping her ‘arms’ around Belle’s neck. “I’ll miss you too Belle, tell Gene and the others okay? I... I don’t think I can say goodbye to him.”

Belle let go of Mage and nodded. “Sure thing... and if you ever need anything,”

“I’ll let you know,” Mage said with a nod before floating back over to Luke.

With any luck... we will be back in a week or three... I do not know for certain but I promise that we will not ‘vanish’ forever, Luke said quietly. You all mean too much to me to... do that.

Abby smiled and closed her eyes. Go with my love... Luke Trombley.

Luke’s eyes widened for a moment in shock before he smiled. Thank you... Abby. With that, he turned away and closed the door behind him, small tears falling on Mage’s head. Mage... she spoke in my mind... and called me her family.

Mage smiled softly. “Of course she did Luke, she loves you like... like a... sorry, raw emotion doesn’t lend itself to familial terms, but she does see you as family.”

Luke smiled and just held her close, burying his face in her neck as he teleported them to the train station. I know... I know she does. He just held her tightly as he paid for a pair of tickets and boarded the train before looking down at her and kissing her softly on the forehead. And I’m so happy that you... think of me as more than that.

Mage smiled and kissed Luke’s cheek. “It’s not hard,” she said softly.

Good... I wonder how Vincent will take the news of our arrival... hopefully he has bettered himself while I was away, Luke said with a small smile before glancing at her. ... and please do not mention my... incident with Mewtwo... I do not need that hot headed... well meaning... fool charging off and getting himself hurt on my account...

“Hey, my lips are sealed,” Mage said, miming pulling a zipper over her lips. “But be prepared in case he notices your mental defenses, and current lack thereof.”

Luke nodded and sighed. Indeed... I believe he will most likely notice that immediately but... I do hope to keep him from it. Mewtwo... held back against me... I know it... the only reason I stood a chance was because of the intensity of my memories... he would have crushed me in an instant otherwise. In fact... he was about too. He began to shiver violently, the feeling of Mewtwo rooting through his mind sickeningly strong.

“Involucro ouanter,” Mage whispered, causing a warm feeling to envelope Luke. “Don’t think about that okay? It’s not a good thing to dwell on.”

Luke gave a jerky nod and then hugged her closer. You... you’re right. Thank you Mage... Angel.

Mage just smiled and wrapped her arms around Luke before kissing his cheek again. “I promised I’d help you through this,” she reminded him softly. “And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

Luke nodded again and bent down to give her the slightest of kisses on the lips before leaning back against the train cushion. Next stop... Las Pegasus.

Author's Note:

ed2481: Well that was adorable. Young Vincent of New Mind is going to be getting a pair of new tenants for a while so go read that for Luke’s parts in it, he’s going to be gone for a while.

Zeusdemigod131: I never really thought my story would connect with others in such a way that I can actually send one of my characters off like this, and... I really like the feeling of it.