• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 42

Luke was sitting cross legged on the ground in the same clearing that he’d been in two days ago though now, now it felt like an eternity since he’d been here. The Gallade was shaking, his sweater was frayed and his eyes had dark circles beneath them. Memories of Mewtwo tearing down his walls filled his mind and every time he tried to raise one back up it collapsed under its own weight.

He had been raped before. That much was a given. But never since he’d first figured out how to build walls had someone broken through them so completely, so utterly shattered his carefully planned defenses. The Gallade couldn’t stop shaking. He hadn’t eaten since he’d returned the previous night and there was an empty hole where his stomach was supposed to be. Luke didn’t hear it growling though, no, he was too busy trying to rebuild his walls, growing more and more frustrated each time.

WORK! WHY WON’T YOU WORK?! he roared as they collapsed again. He tried again and was met with the same result, tears rolling freely down his face. The Gallade tried to wipe them away but his blade caught on his skin and a jagged slash opened up along his cheek, a howl of pain leaving his throat as he desperately tried to stop the bleeding with his blades, resulting only in several more slashes.

Eventually, he stopped, blood flowing down his face and his blades intermixing with his tears as he sat there shivering.

“I was really hoping that things were going to get better, not worse.” A familiar voice said with a sigh.

Luke’s head whipped towards the voice like a ripcord, revealing the blood streaking his face.

“Ouch,” Mage winced slightly as she flew over to Luke. “Looks like you had a little accident huh?.”

Luke’s eyes narrowed at her and he tried to send a blast of dark energy at her but it fizzled out and his tears became heavier. G-go-go-away, he stuttered, his mental voice weaker than she’d ever heard it before.

“I can’t do that Luke,” Mage said, shaking her head. “No way in hell am I leaving you alone like this.”

Luke turned away from her, his shivering getting worse. Jus-just leave me, he whispered. I’m... I’m worthless. I... it happened... I... I couldn’t stop him... he just... he just... He broke down into even heavier tears.

“What happened Luke?” Mage asked coldly. “Who did this to you?”

M-Mew-Mewtwo, Luke stuttered. He-I-don’t know why-he just-he just-tore-tore me apart. I-I-I- he was unable to talk any further, anguish and pain rolling off of him in enormous waves.

Mage felt sick from the emotions rolling off of Luke. Silently, she swore to make sure Mewtwo payed for what he did. “Sh sh sh,” she cooed gently. “You don’t have to say anymore, I promise, you’re safe now.”

I-I-I’m-not safe-he-he-he broke down-down my walls, Luke whispered brokenly. I-I-I’m exposed-I-I-I-anyone can-anyone can use me-I... I can’t... He began to rock back and forth. I’m-I’m-I’m worthless.

“No you’re not,” Mage said gently. “And I promise you, you’re safe here.” Mage paused for a second and concentrated, slowly, the space around the clearing distorted and warped. “See? No one can get in now, and if a Psychic tries to penetrate it, they’ll just find empty space and a headache.”

Luke looked up at her, tears still in his eyes. Thank... thank you... but-but-I...I still... I... he trailed off, unable to say anything else, still rocking in place.

Mage shook her head and smiled gently at him. “It’s alright, just take all the time you need, I’m here if you need to talk.”

Luke sat there rocking for a minute before he finally spoke. ...he raped me Mage... he raped me... oh Arceus, he raped me...

Mage’s gems glowed darkly for a moment before she took a deep breath, now wasn’t the time to get angry, right now, her friend needed her.

I... I was nothing compared to him- he just... tore me down and... and... Luke stuttered. He saw everything... everything that I am... he... he just... violated me...

Mage wiped a tear from her eye. “How could anyone be so cruel to someone as sweet as you?” she asked, shaking her head.

Luke had no answer, instead, he simply kept shaking. So... so many memories... no... please make them go away... he murmured, more to himself than her but she heard them nonetheless. No... please... please... please... he sobbed, despair, horror, and pain filtering through to her.

Mage thought for a moment, doing her best to ignore the dark emotions emanating from her friend, then her eyes glowed yellow and she muttered. “Tandem reprime memories.”

Luke’s shivering stopped and he looked up at her with wide, puffy eyes, staring up at her with disbelief. I... how did you... how did you do that? he asked her softly, almost unable to speak as the memories assaulting him recededed.

“I’m magic, remember?” she said with a soft smile. “It’s not only useful for pranks and parlor tricks.”

Without warning, Luke’s power wrapped around her, pulling the ghost to his chest, his arms wrapping around her, his head going into her neck as he began to sob.

“It’s okay,” she said gently, wrapping her tendrils around his neck. “Just let it out, let it all out.”

He did so for the next ten minutes, occasionally wailing or screaming into her neck as his tears continued to fall. Finally he stopped, unable to do anything other than cradle his otherworldly support blanket.

“You done?” she asked softly.

I...I... for now, he answered quietly. I... sorry... so sorry. Shouldn’t... shouldn’t have done that.

“Oh I don’t mind at all,” Mage said with a smile. “Anything I can do to help.”

... then will you stay with me... for a little while longer? Luke asked, looking down at her. I...I... I don’t want to be alone again. Not... not in the dark.

Mage nodded. “As long as you need me, I’m here, and hey,” a moment of concentration, and fog rolled into the form of a campfire in front of them. “It doesn’t have to be dark.”

Luke just hugged her tighter.

Abby didn’t quite know what the feelings running through her body meant. She was laying anxiously against Kasai on the floor, having decided that they didn’t want to ruin the nice hotel bed if the process was messy. Her tails were swirling behind her and she was snarling slightly, red eyes looking this way and that as small pains ran through her body.

“This is driving me crazy!” she exclaimed.

Kasai stirred from his sleep, his head lifting up as he let out a yawn. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s my body... it’s getting ready for this and it’s... painful,” Abby replied with a small wince. “I don’t know how to deal with this! I mean, I know that human birth is a LOT more painful, least that’s what mom always said, but these little pains are driving me crazy!”

The Arcanine nuzzled Abby comfortingly. “Hey, it’s only going to last for a few moments longer, soon it will pass... hopefully.”

“I think I have an hour... I’ve lost track of what Mew said, I’m not sure when she’s going to show up but... grrrrrr this is horrible!” Abby exclaimed, her hips bumping against Kasai’s insistently as a low whine left her throat.

Kasai continued to rub his head against her. “Stay strong Abby, you can get through this. Just take some deep calm breaths.”

Abby tried just that but shook her head and got to her paws, beginning to pace back and forth, tails flicking this way and that in agitation. “Maybe we should go to the hospital? I mean I know that Mew said that she’d midwife and I don’t want to offend her after almost making her cry,” she said, more to herself than anyone else. “but then again, the ponies don’t know anything about Pokemon births and I don’t think they’d be able to help anything that Mew could-”

“Abby, you’re rambling,” Kasai stated before she could go on forever. “Plus, Pokemon in the wild don’t go to the hospitals when they lay their eggs. You’ll be fine.”

“But what if Arceus made a mistake or something when he was turning me into a Ninetales?” Abby asked. “I mean, what if I start bleeding or I-”

“Abby, Acreus is a god, he doesn’t make mistakes,” Kasai infromed her. “At least, not this type.”

“But Kasai, what if I...” she trailed off and moved her muzzle back to bite her shoulder, getting at an itch. “Gah! Now I’m itchy!” she exclaimed, still pacing back and forth. “Scratch me!”

“Kinda hard to do when you’re moving,” he pointed out with a shake of his head. “Just relax Abby, you’re overreacting to the situation.... like you do a lot of times.”

“I don’t overreact to things!” she snapped. “I give the exact reaction that every situation requires of me!”

The Arcanine just gave her a doubtful look. “Sure you do... remember that time when I first fell over during my first recovery? You thought my leg was broken again.”

“It looked horrible! The nurses weren’t doing nearly good enough!” Abby replied sharply, shaking her head. “My shouting was exactly the right response!”

“And that got you moved out to the waiting room if I remember correctly,” Kasai remarked.

“They just didn’t understand! They didn’t know what it was like to watch someone you loved have that happen!” Abby retorted worryingly, her tails still swirling, if anything, they were going faster now as she worked herself into more hysteria.

Kasai raised an eyebrow at the statement but continued on saying. “You’re doing the same to yourself Abby. You’re getting yourself worked up on something that should be simple and joyful... we’re going to be parents soon Abby. We should focus more on how to raise our twins than the birth itself. Pokemon birth is simple.”


“Stop,” Kasai said firmly with a small growl. “If you keep doubting like this then it’s just going to give you more reason to be worried. Relax, take a deep breath and slowly let it out. Your body is not trying to sabotage you Abby, it’s making it ready for a happy moment of our life.”

“Bu-” Abby began to protest but before she could get it out, Kasai let out a low growl and got to his paws, closing the distance between them both in a matter of seconds. Before Abby could react, his jaws closed around her muzzle, gently forcing her mouth shut and he let out another growl that sent a thrill down Abby’s spine. Her ears flattened and her tails fell as well, lowering her eyes from the dominant male’s.

“Sfup,” he said while still firmly holding her muzzle close.

Abby lowered herself to to the floor submissively. O-okay.

Kasai continued looking down upon her for a few more moments before he let go and stood to his full height. “Now, just relax. Mew will come soon and it will be better if you’re calm than pacing anxiously.”

Abby nodded her head. “Okay... sorry... I...” She looked up at him. “Didn’t know you had that... alpha male in you.”

Kasai smirked lightly at her. “Abby... as your ‘Lord’, I always have,” he said with a chuckle.

“Right... right...” Abby smiled up at him. “It’s been... it’s been a while since we did any of our roleplaying hasn’t it? I don’t think we’ve done it since... Arceus I don’t even know when... and I mostly meant outside of the bedroom anyways.”

“Hehe, I think the last time was a week before we got teleported here,” Kasai replied with a small nod of his head.

“Sounds right,” she agreed, leaning up and licking at his neck. “Right as always my Lord.” She frowned. “Though I think we might have to rework a few things... the whole idea was that I was your serving waif who you chose for her good heart... now I’m kind of your bitch, hehe.”

Kasai rolled his eyes around slightly. “We’ll cross that bridge once me we get to it, for now just relax, alright?”

“Right... I’ll try...” Abby said, flattening herself as much as she could on the floor. “Relax... right.”

As Abby began to relax, there was a flash of blue from one corner of the room. Hi! Mew chirped. The little Legendary, now wearing a red and pink nurses hat, floated over to Abby.

Abby smiled. “Hey Mew... you ready to help get these little guys out of me so I can go back to being skinny?” she asked jokingly.

Mew giggled. Sure thing, her tail swung out from behind her and brushed against Abby’s belly, hovering over it for a second. Oh yeah, those two are ready to go.

“Good,” Kasai said with a nod, leaning over to give Abby a lick on the cheek. “I can’t wait for her hormones to balance out.”

“Hey,” Abby protested though she kept her head down, not putting too much effort into the protest.

Mew giggled again. Just relax, her tail rubbed a slow circle on Abby’s belly. You can do this, Kasai’s here, I’m here, everything’s going to be just fine.

“Okay... I trust you both,” Abby said, nuzzling Kasai for support as he wrapped a paw around her. “Just... tell me what to do.”

Mew nodded, then took a calming breath and closed her eyes. Focusing on Abby, and on the pair of eggs inside her, Mew began to speak. Alright you two, she said softly. Time to come meet your mom and dad, I know they can’t wait to meet you.

Mew looked over Abby and her two eggs with a smile as the Ninetales caught a nap after her labor, Kasai asleep beside her. That was when something strange happened.

Daughter of Arceus? a cold mental voice asked in her mind.

Mew looked around in confusion for a moment before responding. One of them... who’s talking?

It is I... Abby’s guiding spirit, the voice said, coming directly from within Abby’s mind. I have taken to being called ‘Inner’.

Mew mentally slapped herself. Oh right... forgot Ninetales had that, it had been a long time since Mew had given the Vulpix lineage control over magic, and she had almost forgotten the defense mechanism she’d given them from it.

Ideally... Ninetales do not... which is the problem, Inner replied. I am causing my charge a great deal of difficulty.

Mew nodded. True, never met a Vulpix with one as... advanced as you... huh, guess it’s a side effect of the transfer... I should make sure nothing else like this is causing any issues. Mew’s tail swept back and forth in the air as she considered that. Later.... did you want something?

I would like to cease existing, Inner said flatly. Abby has already gained some rudimentary control over her powers and I’m sure in time she will figure out the rest herself. At this point... I am only endangering her.

Mew blinked. Huh... well, can’t say I’ve never gotten that request before... and it's nice that you’re thinking of her, most alternate personalities don’t do that, Mew closed her eyes and hummed to herself. Alright, I’mma go and get my sisters, they’re better at this kind of thing than I am. Brb.

Mew disappeared in a flash of blue light. Inner waited. After a few minutes, a much brighter flash illuminated the room for a moment, and when it faded, Mew had reappeared, joined by Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf.

So, Mesprit began, floating over to Abby’s sleeping form. This is the one?

Mew nodded. Yep, Inner doesn’t wanna exist anymore, and you three are the best at getting rid of mind problems.

I’m unnecessary... if Abby were a normal Ninetales then I would have vanished years ago... but she’s not so I have been stuck here. If I stay any longer then I fear that I will be unable to be removed and well... I do not wish to exist. It was a declaration more than anything else.

Uxie floated over to Abby, floating there alongside Mesprit. True, you really should not exist, Uxie had known a few Ninetales throughout her life, none of them had an ‘inner voice’. ... This will not take very long, we’ve done much more complicated procedures before... Azelf, join us please.

The final member of the Lake Trio joined her sisters, staring sadly down at Abby, more Inner.

Good. My only wish is that you help my charge... maybe fix a few of the minor issues she has while you’re rummaging through her head, Inner stated before falling silent for a moment. Very well, end me.

The Lake Trio nodded and closed their eyes, aside from Uxie, and the gems in their foreheads began to glow, three red pinpricks of light meeting at one point on Abby’s forehead.

Inside her mind, the Trio manifested, the psychic avatars appearing as little more than pink, blue, and yellow beings of psychic energy.

We just have to find the point where- Uxie began.

Inner is situated over Abby’s instinct’s and- Azelf continued.

Then we can safely separate the two before- Mesprit added.

Ending it. They finished together.

Good. Here I am. Inner’s voice sounded from far off, a silver light appearing in the mind. End me.

The Trio nodded, slowly making their way through Abby’s mindscape. Keep an eye out for any stray memories or mental issues. Uxie reminded her sisters.

We might as well help her out while we're here, Mesprit added.

I found some minor anger issues, Azelf said, poking a glowing red sphere with a few hazy images in it.

Just cut them down, Uxie said. But not completely.

Yep, we want to help her, not completely rewrite her personality. As Mesprit said that, she bumped into a memory reserve that was feeding directly into the rest of her memory bank, and the memories weren’t pleasant ones. Oooh, trauma bomb. Mesprit laughed as she pushed the bad memories down and put some more pleasant ones in their place.

Finished with the anger issues, Azelf said, holding up a red sphere no bigger than a baseball.

Uxie nodded. Good... cause we’re here, she pointed at a large domed chamber from which the silver light was emanating.

Let’s just get this over with, Azelf said with a sigh. I always feel uncomfortable doing this.

Mesprit patted her sister’s shoulder as the three floated inside.

You shouldn’t. I am a hazard to my charge and that is far from a good thing, Inner said, appearing within the dome as a golden Ninetales. Now please, enough talk. I wish to cease existing now.

Alright, Mesprit said, taking up a position to the left of Inner while Azelf slowly took one opposite of her on the right and Uxie directly in front of the Ninetales.

The three linked their minds, then directed their full mental power into a single attack. GOODBYE. Uxie opened her eyes.

Thank you. Was all they heard as the spectral Ninetales vanished along with all vestments of her existence.

The three sisters separated their minds and looked at each other. Anything else we need to do? Azelf asked.

Uxie thought for a moment, then a off white sphere appeared in her hands. This is a mental copy of a normal Ninetales’ ability to control their powers, Uxie set the orb down in Abby’s mind. It should supplement anything Abby doesn’t know, then disappear once she no longer needs any help.

Always good to have a back up plan, Mesprit said with a nod.

Yeah, now can we leave? Azelf asked.

Alright, alright, Uxie said, rolling her eyes. The Trio withdrew to their own bodies and opened their eyes, except for Mesprit. She’s clear, Uxie said, turning to Mew.

Mew smiled and flipped in the air. That’s good... thanks girls, she pulled her little sisters into a hug, wrapping her tail around all four of them. You’re the best.

Mesprit smiled. It’s no problem Mew,

It’s our job, Azelf said with a sigh.

Mew nodded and released her sisters. Alright, I’ll met you three back home in a minute, I have something I want to do first.

The three just nodded, whenever Mew did something, she was either being silly, or had a reason, sometimes the two weren’t mutually exclusive, but she always knew what she was doing.

As the triplets teleported out, Mew floated over to Abby and Kasai, smiled at them, then turned to the eggs. You two are soooo cute! She exclaimed. And I promise I’ll come and see you after you hatch, but until then. Mew looked around to make sure no one was looking, then blew into her paws and formed a small pink bubble. She left it floating in the air, then blew another and sent both floating down towards the eggs. Just some presents, she said with a grin before teleporting out.

The bubbles slowly floated to the floor in front of the eggs, and popped as they landed, somehow turning into a pair of stuffed plushies, both miniature, lifelike versions of a small pink cat, with a tail longer than its body.

A few hours later, Abby leaned against Kasai’s side, utterly exhausted but incredibly happy, their two precious eggs firmly tucked against her belly within her bundle of tails along with a pair of plushies. She hadn’t said anything in a long while and was simply enjoying of lying against her love. Kasai was laying half curled around the Ninetails, his head resting beside hers, a happy smile on his face.

“Look at what we did,” Abby murmured happily at last.

“I know... I still can’t believe it happen in the first place,” he replied, moving his head to nuzzled hers gently. “Told you nothing bad would happen.”

“Yes... yes, yes, you’re right, nothing bad did happen” she agreed, licking him on the cheek. “And we don’t even have any names picked out or anything... but... I don’t really care. We’re parents.”

The Arcanine chuckled with a grin. “Yeah... we are...” He nuzzled her once more before placing his head back down on the ground. “So... names. Mew did tell us one was a boy and the other was a girl, right?”

Abby nodded her head. “Yes, that’s right... a part of me wants to name them after my parents but... I don’t think that would be fair to them,” she said, nudging the eggs ever so slightly with her tails. “I don’t want them to have any baggage because of that.”

“Well then... how about we think of other names to call them?” Kasai said, a pondering frown crossing his face. “Liiiike.... Ruby and Sapphire?”

“I don’t want our children to grow up being strippers Kasai,” Abby said blandly.

Kasai blinked blankly. “How do you even get to that conclusion!?” he asked very surprised at the statement.

“Because names like ‘Crystal’ and such are like that,” Abby answered, shaking her head. “Just like you don’t name someone Candi.”

Kasai rolled his eyes. “It works for Red,” he pointed out.

“That’s a color, not a gemstone,” Abby told him.

“Ruby and Sapphire can be colors too,” Kasai remarked.

“I mean, if we’re going to go down that route, we might as well name them Gold and Silver,” Abby said with a frown. “The most valuable metals. In my opinion anyways.”

Kasai frowned for a moment. “Hmm... you know, that could work.”

Abby blinked twice and then smiled. “Heheh, yes, yes it could,” she said with a grin.

“Then it is decided,” Kasai said with a confident nod. “Though now is to figure out which name goes to who.”

“Well, I honestly can’t say right now,” Abby said with a small chuckle. “We’ll name them while they suckle for the first time okay?”

The Arcanine nodded his head. “Fine by me.”

“Wonderful,” Abby said with a grin as she leaned over to nuzzle him. “What a great mate you are Kasai... so very great.”

“I try my best,” Kasai replied as he returned the nuzzle.

“I know, and you’re going to make a wonderful father too,” Abby continued, licking his cheek. “A smart, kind dad. Kinda like mine really.”

“I don’t know, I don’t think I can ever really match Matt’s personality,” he said with a chuckle.

“True, but you’ll do great all the same,” she told him softly, nuzzling into his neck. “I just know it.”

“Thanks, and I know you’ll be a wonderful mother too,” Kasai stated softly.

“I still don’t know about that, but I’ll try my best,” Abby answered quietly. “I just wish mom and dad could see them.”

“Well who knows, maybe they can... I mean anything is possible now considering what’s happened to us.”

“...I don’t know,” Abby said, shaking her head. “I like to think that they’re ‘up there’-” she waved a paw at the ceiling. “-but I don’t know.”

“Well we do have access to the being who might know,” Kasai pointed out.

“I don’t think he answers that kind of thing,” the Ninetales said with a frown. “At least... I’ve never heard anything about him doing that.”

“Well there’s always one way to know,” Kasai said. “And that is to ask yourself.”

“I guess... I never really thought about that,” Abby said, blinking twice before shrugging and burrowing deeper into his neck. “But right now, I just want to watch over our eggs okay?”

“Fine by me,” Kasai said as he nuzzle her gently before laying his head back down on the ground. “It’s just a suggestion after all.”

“Right, right,” the Ninetales agreed, pulling her head out of the crook of his neck before it was smothered and leaning against the side instead. A long silence passed between them before she spoke again. “I love you,” she said softly.

“And I love you too... now, you should probably get some rest,” he said, rubbing the side of his head against her. “I can see it in your eyes that you want some sleep.”

“Yeah, yeah I do,” she agreed quietly, her eyelids fluttering for a moment as she leaned her head against his. “Goodnight Kasai.”

“Goodnight Abby,” he replied before closing his eyes.

The Ninetales closed her eyes and leaned against him, a smile on her face as her tails wrapped around the eggs.

“Lex,” Rill said suddenly, interrupting the Sylveon’s sleep from atop her stomach. “Lex.” she continued, poking him insistently.

“Uuuuggg... what?” Lex moaned out as he lifted a paw to rub his still sleepy eyes before letting out a big yawn.

“I would like to talk with you,” Rill said, poking him again. “So I shall poke you until you are fully awake and functioning.”

Lex frowned as he lift a paw to pushed away the poking claw. “Just tell me now Rill, if it’s important enough to wake me in the middle of the night.”

“I... I would like children,” Rill said, fidgeting slightly beneath him. “I do not care what type... but... I would like children.”

The Sylveon blinked several times. “You do know it’s impossible for me to impregnate you right?” he stated, his voice still sounded sleepy but he was clearly focusing on his speech.

“I know, that does not change my wish for children of our own,” Rill said with a frown. “I’m sure there are some orphans around somewhere...”

“Possibly... considering the whole transferred tidbit,” Lex said, rubbing a paw over his face to fully wake himself up, seeing he wouldn’t go back to sleep anytime soon. “Or you know, get a stud and get pregnant that way, but that’s up to you.”

Rill blinked twice and then looked down at him in surprise. “You would find that acceptable?”

“I grew up on a breeding farm, where one female could possibly have two or more breeding partners,” Lex said, another yawn escaping from his lips. “In fact I think my mother had three at once... because I remember my brother and sisters had different fathers but were born around the same time.”

“... I had forgotten about that aspect of your past,” she said with a small frown before nuzzling him. “Perhaps I shall ask Draco.”

An intrigued eyebrow rose on Lex’s face at the thought of how Draco would react to such a request. It didn’t help that an amused smile crossed his lips at the image of the male Flygon’s face going through fifty shades of red. “Maybe, though I should probably ask if he’ll be okay with that, my dear.”

“Oh, I was planning on just asking him to be my stud,” Rill said with a puzzled expression. “What would you say differently?”

“I would ease up into the subject instead of being very... blunt,” Lex replied. “Not that there’s anything wrong with the direct way, it’s just... a more polite way to handle a subject like this my dear.”

“Ah, I see,” Rill said, frowning for a moment before shrugging. “I shall leave it to you then Lex.”

“Thank you,” the Slyveon said with a nod of his head before a ribbon extended out to rubbed her head. “Anything to make you happy my desert ruby.”

Rill smiled and bit him gently along the neckline in the places that he’d grown to love. “Thank you my little puppet master,” she said quietly once she’d raised her muzzle from his neck.

“Hey, like I said, anything to make you happy,” he said, another yawn escaping. “Now, if you excuse me, I need to catch up on the rest of my sleep.” He stood up and walked in a small circle before curling up once more on her stomach. Rill smiled and gave his face one last nuzzle before she too lay her head down on the pillow and slipped off to sleep.