• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,489 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

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Chapter 25

Author's Note:

Thanks to Zeus for helping with this one.

The next morning after speaking to a doctor, Abby would have liked to leave the hospital without a fuss. However, life apparently didn’t like her that much. Instead of leaving in peace... she was met by an angry mob. Someone had told them what hospital she was staying in and now they’d formed a blockade around the doors.

Kasai was doing his best to control his temper as Abby leaned against his side for support, the world much too loud, even from within the lobby. Scarlet glowered at the mob.

“I...” Abby couldn’t finish the sentence. She couldn’t believe this.

“It seem you struck a nerve with them,” Scarlet commented causally, her ruby eyes gazing lowly over the crowd.

“I... make them go away... I’m not up to dealing with this,” Abby said, her voice quiet. She was nowhere near 100% yet.

“No, I’ll do it,” Kasai intervened with a low growl. “I did it once, I can do it again. Besides... I bloody warned them last time.”

“Ahem,” A deep, echoing voice drew everyone’s attention. “I believe I shall handle this one myself young ones.”

Everyone blinked as they turned their heads to their left to see a large white being with a golden ring floating in midair.

Abby stared. “Arceus?” she asked... no fear in her voice, just simple befuddlement. “Is my concussion making me see this? Can you both see him?”

“Yep,” Scarlet replied, her eyes a bit wide to see the most powerful Legendary floating causally next to them.

“Ooooh yeah...” Kasai said, his head immediately bowing to godly figure.

“So, this is Las Pegasus then,” Arceus looked around. “Interesting city.”

“Y-you’re the one who... who,” one of the attending nurses choked out.

“Transferred the Pokemon here? Made a psychic announcement across the entire world? Created a universe?” Arceus asked. “All apt descriptions.”

Abby let out a deep breath and looked over at Arceus, slowly gazing over his body, her brain aching because of the concussion. “Hi... apparently non-concussion based Arceus. Nice to meet you.”

Arceus raised an eyebrow. “Are you alright young one?”

“I got hit in the head by a brick yesterday,” Abby answered. “I’m kind of concussed...”

Arceus shook his head and sighed. “That won’t do at all... Heal Pulse.” A pink wave traveled outwards from Arceus and impacted Abby.

Abby blinked twice as a comforting, peaceful sensation traveled over her and the pain in her head disappeared in the blink of an eye. She smiled and then swallowed, moving towards Arceus slowly at first and then a little quicker in the last few steps. Without waiting or asking permission, she stood up on her hind legs and licked his face.

“Thank you so, so, so much!” she said with a grin as she gave him another lick.

Arceus blinked once, then chuckled. “No problem Miss Trombley,” Arceus turned towards the mob of ponies outside. “Now if you’ll excuse me for a moment, I have a city to address.”

“Of course Lord Arceus,” Kasai said, walking up with a smile as he nuzzled Abby happily.

“I look forward to it... and please don’t kill any of them,” Abby said with a small chuckle.

Arceus chuckled and walked through the door, literally, he phased through the glass. “Ponies of Las Pegasus,” Arceus called, his voice amplified to reach the entire crowd, and the hospital, and anyone within a miles radius. “I am Lord Arceus, and I would like to have a word with you.”

The ponies in the crowd gasped, gulped, and backed away, a few actually threw things, only to have them fly back in their faces.

“The recent events in the city, involving the company known as PegasusAir, have drawn my attention. And not in the good way.”

The Alpha Pokemon eyed the crowd before him and continued. “As I made abundantly clear a few days ago, I am the one who brought the Pokemon to Equus, and I had hoped the citizens of Equestria would at least heed my warning.”

The crowd had begun slowly backing away from the resplendently terrifying figure.

“So, when I was informed of the what was happening in this city and how it affected my Pokemon,” His gaze shifted to a glare. “I was VERY disappointed.”

The ponies on the edge of the crowd suddenly found themselves unable to move and terrified rumblings broke out through the ensnared ponies.

“Not only had Ponies attempted to expunge my Pokemon, by force, from the city. After the fact, you ALL lashed out against them for fighting back,” Arceus shook his head. “I would like to point out that Princess Celestia has recently passed a law granting all Pokemon basic rights and protections under the Equestrian crown.”

The ponies stared at him blankly.

Arceus sighed. “Anypony who attacks a Pokemon can now be charged as if they had attacked another pony, or a Griffin, or some other race native it Equus.”

More blank stares... though now there was an edge of dread to them.

“For the love of... is the mare who attacked Miss Trombley present!?”

The crowd parted, seemingly ocean like, to reveal the red maned form of Ms. Fluff who was staring at Arceus with wide, terrified eyes. She gulped once and then her expression hardened into a glare. “She hospitalized my daughter!”

“And two wrongs don’t make a right do they?” Arceus asked, teleporting directly in front of the mare. “You assaulted her and thanks to Celestia’s newest law, you could be charged with assault, as well as child endangerment due to her pregnancy,” a glint of gold flashed in the god’s eye. “And if I drop you off in the police station... well,” He chuckled. “We can figure that part out when we get there hmm?”

“I watched her SCREAM for the entire night because of that... that... that BITCH!” the mare shouted at him, clearly not caring about what he was really saying. “I want her punished for that!”

“And I wanted this entire thing to go a whole lot smoother,” Arceus muttered. “Your daughter, is she in there?” He gestured back towards the hospital.

“No. She’s at home resting after what that monster did to her,” Ms. Fluff retorted venomously. “She can still barely walk and no, you may not see her and threaten her with your ‘powers’ you monster!”

Arceus shook his head. “The curse of a Ninetales is nearly impossible to remove,” Arceus said. “But not so much for me.” Arceus’ eyes glowed golden as a string of golden energy blasted forth and off towards another part of the city. “And... done.”

Ms. Fluff stared at him and then she began to shake slightly. “You think that just because you can fix something that it makes it right?!” she screeched. “Well it doesn’t! I’ve had to sit beside her every night for the last week because she couldn’t be alone in a room in the dark or else she’d see that monster’s eyes! She’s stayed inside out of fear of one of those vile ‘Pokemon’ you’re so fond of! She wakes up screaming because she hears that fox’s voice in her mind telling her to die! And you think that you can make it okay!?”

Arceus stepped back in shock. He had not expected this reaction. In his mind, he considered his options. Including several things that he knew were either morally wrong, legally wrong, some combination thereof, and a few things that technically weren’t, but that Celestia would get mad about.

“I... I’m sorry,” Arceus said, kneeling beside the mare. “I understand your anger, I-”

“Don’t you dare!” the mare snapped, her hoof flashing out and slapping Arceus across the face. “You brought these monsters here and disrupted our lives, hospitalized and scarred my daughter and countless others and you think that by saying that you ‘understand my anger’ that it’ll somehow make me forgive you? Get the hell away from me!”

Arceus slowly turned his head back towards the mare. “You think I need your forgiveness?” Arceus asked coldly, standing up as he did. “I was seperated from MY children, for over five thousand years!” He snapped. “At least you can still see your daughter, I couldn’t do the same for millennia!”

A golden corona formed around the god. “I don’t need your forgiveness! I tried my best to right the wrong, I did all I could short of wiping her memory,” He shook his head. “I truly am sorry for what transpired, but you would best remember that SHE attacked a mere child for what was, in truth, an accident.” His eyes flashed gold again. “And I do not go easy on those who harm children!”

The mare just glared defiantly at him. “If you’re going to ‘arrest me’ then do it already and stop talking, windbag.”

“Can you just put her to sleep already?” Scarlet asked bluntly.

“Please?” Abby added hopefully, earning a glare from the mare.

Arceus glared at the mare, she had tried his patience one to many times, and he was about one insult away from either turning her into a houseplant, sending her to the moon, or wiping her from existence.

“Sleep.” The mare fainted and fell on her side. “Now, begone.” She vanished in a flash of gold.

The other ponies in the crowd began to drift away from the hospital’s entrance, some running in fear, others too scared to run and attract the God’s eyes. However one shrill laugh was piercing the silence.

“Bwahaha, oh you guys were so fucking owned!” a familiar girl’s voice yelled out from the distance, followed shortly by an ‘ow!’.

Abby shook her head and walked up to Arceus. “Thank you sir... that was growing unbearable... stupid bitch,” the vixen said, shaking her head again.

“Yes... thank you,” Scarlet added with a short bow of her head.

“How can we ever repay you?” Kasai asked as he stood next to Abby, a small happy smile plastered over his muzzle as he nuzzled the Ninetales affectionately.

“I require nothing my children,” Arceus said. “I’m simply sorry that this had to happen.”

Abby sighed slightly but shook her head, several of her tails wrapping around Kasai’s as she leaned against him. “Hey, what you did may have been kind of impulsive and I really would have liked a bit of warning first, and for my entire family and Team to end up in the same place, but other then that... I really can’t complain about getting to spend the rest of my life with the mate I love the most without being arrested, can I?”

Arceus chuckled again. “You and quite a few others,” Arceus looked back at the dispersed crowd. “I’m not sure if I made things better or worse here.”

“We’ll figure it out,” Abby replied confidently. “Baring stray bricks and angry matriarchs anyways...” she trailed off for a moment before three questions occurred to her. “Say, I’ve got some questions I’d like answered, would you mind?”

“So long as it’s not the answer to how many paths must a man walk to find the meaning of life, or the universe, or some other existential thing,” He answered.

“Okay... first off, do you know where my Braviary, Justice, is?” she asked eagerly.

Arceus closed his eyes for a second and concentrated. “Hmm, on the plains to the southwest, attempting to ‘score’ with some Rocs.”

“...” Abby let out a sigh.

“Well... that sounds like Justice alright,” Scarlet said with a small chuckle.

“Right, it does,” Abby said, shaking her head at the thought. “Okay, second question, can you tell Articuno thank you for saving Kasai and my lives three years ago? We were the rangers who were clinging to each other in the snow above Snowpoint tracking some poachers and well... as it turns out, that’s not a good idea in the winter.”

Arceus nodded. “I’ll be sure to inform her, I’m sure she’ll be glad to hear it.”

Abby grinned. “Thanks,” she said with a nod. “And finally, can you point me in the direction of my friends Gene and Belle? I feel like telling them the truth for once.”

Arceus’ eyes widened in surprise. “They’re in a small town called Ponyville, not far from Canterlot, I met with them not long ago, a few times in fact.”

“Ah, excellent!” Abby replied with a wider grin. “Once things have calmed down here, my little family and I will have to go see them, they deserve the truth. That, and I can’t wait to see Belle’s reaction when she hears that she shared a few ‘private secrets’ with a Ranger.” The Ninetales smirked wickedly at the thought before looking at Kasai and Scarlet. “Anything to ask?”

Kasai shook his head though Scarlet seemed to have a thought in her mind. The Serperior glanced up at the Alpha Pokemon. “Not at the moment really... but I might want to ask something later.”

“In that case, you know where to find me should you have need of me,” Arceus turned away from the group as a glowing portal opened in front of him. “Oh, and Miss Trombley?” Arceus asked. “Congratulations.” The portal shut.

“So... that was neat,” Abby said slowly, her mind trying to catch up to everything that had just transpired. “I’m hungry for something other than hospital food... let’s go find a restaurant.”

Scarlet smiled and nodded her head in agreement. “Let’s... and yeah... none of my Pokemon or even Xerox will believe this,” she said loose chuckle.

“Heheh, just another day with Abby,” Kasai said, leaning down and giving his mate a long lick across the cheek. “Let’s eat!”