• Published 31st Aug 2014
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A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 28

It still surprises me... how similar this world is to our own, Luke said casually as he used his psychic powers to shuffle the cards they were about to use. Down to the playing cards being... nearly identical except for the face cards.

He, Rill, and Lex were sitting around a round wooden table. The sun had only recently come up, but after several years of working with Abby, they’d become used to waking up early. Around Luke’s neck was a green and red scarf to go with his sun emblem sweater and one of his hands was toying nervously with it.

“Meh, I don’t see why that’s such a big deal,” Lex said, shrugging two of his ribbon before resuming petting Rill’s side gently.

“Neither do I, but that is hardly odd,” Rill agreed, nodding her head as she watched the cards being shuffled.

Luke gave her a small smile and sent several cards over to the shiny Flygon along with several over to the Sylveon. True, though... you have been getting better, Luke said before glancing back at Lex. It isn’t a big deal really... it just interests me.

“Whatever floats your boat Luke; for me it’s one less thing to worry about trying to adapt to,” Lex said as he held his cards with his dexterous ribbons.

I suppose... there is that, Luke agreed, nodding his head ever so slightly before glancing over at Rill. Do you have any threes?

Rill looked down at her cards and shook her head. “Go fishing Luke.”

“It’s just go fish my dear,” Lex said with a small chuckle.

“I still do not understand that...” Rill said, shaking her head once. “But then, there are many things I don’t.”

It’s just another use of a noun, Luke filled in helpfully though he knew there wasn’t much he could do to help her understand it.

“I suppose,” was all she replied with before looking at Lex. “Do you have any twos Lex?”

“Yes I do,” the Sylvenon replied as he pulled out a two of clubs and hand it over to the shiny Flygon.

Rill smiled and accepted the card before glancing over at Luke. “You never informed of us how your mission went, or, not really. Tell us?”

Of course... I can do that, Luke replied with a small smile. Though I believe Lex has a turn first.

“Thank you... got any sixs my desert ruby?” he asked, glancing up at Rill.

“No, I do not,” Rill answered, smiling at the pet name. Lex reached over to draw another card while Rill turned her head up to the Gallade. “Luke, your tale.”

Right... well I found Vincent and began to train him in the arts of controlling his powers, he had been put through... a great deal of torture so I was happy that I was able to help him, Luke began as he turned to Lex. Any threes?

Lex frowned slightly as he reluctantly gave his recently drawn three of diamonds over to Luke. “I’m guessing the training turned out well?”

Indeed... very well, Luke answered with a smile as a hand went up to brush against the scarf again. He is well on his way to being a superb psychic type and with all he’s been through, he may one day rival me, though it will be a long time coming I suspect.

“Hopefully this time he won’t try to rob a casino using his newfound powers,” Lex murmured out.

“Indeed, this time I suspect he would be more difficult to apprehend,” Rill said with a small frown. “Do you have any kings Luke?”

Indeed I do, Luke replied, sending over the King of Hearts. And do not worry... I have planted the seed of goodness within his mind, along with... a little... insurance just in case. He fidgeted a little more with his scarf, as if ashamed of something.

“Hopefully it will hold, otherwise we might have to ask Scarlet if we could borrow Lance for a moment... got any fours?” he asked Luke.

I have a strong belief it will, I left a small avatar of myself within his mind, Luke said before shaking his head. And no, I do not have any fours Lex.

“Frack,” the Sylveon muttered under his breath as he drew another card.

“Frack?” Rill inquired with a frown. “I know that fuck has come to mean something other than breed, but I do not know of this ‘frack’ you speak of Lex, also, do you posses any kings?”

The Sylveon frowned deeply as he wordlessly handed his King of Clubs over to her, followed by her setting it down. “It’s just a word I made up dear, doesn’t really hold any meaning other than for me to curse with.”

Rill blinked twice. “But Lex, if we were to all make up words then no one would know what we were saying,” she said with a frown.

Actually... it happens all the time, Luke stated softly, smiling at her. Most languages are built that way over time. Rill, do you happen to have a Jack?

The Flygon shook her head. “No, I do not,” she answered, frowning deeply at what he’d said. “That does not make sense to me, but if you are saying it Luke, then it must be right.”

“Except I’m not looking to make my own language... just trying to make sure I don’t say some of my nastier words around you,” Lex stated, glancing up at Rill. “Mostly for your safety... got any sevens?”

Rill nodded her head and passed him a singular seven. “My safety? Lex, I fought and killed many, eating them in some cases if they were the right sort of Pokemon to be appetizing,” she said blandly. “I do not believe you have to worry about my safety.”

“I was more going to your limited understanding of what some words means, and your casual way of stating things out,” Lex informed her as he set a pair of sevens down in front of him. “Especially like what you just did... you know I ask you not to just say something like that out loud. I makes me a bit uneasy.”

“I simply choose not to hide where I have come from,” Rill stated, blinking twice. “As for the use and understanding of such words, I know them all, though I do not understand how all are insults.”

Long standing tradition... for the most part, Luke answered before he turned to Lex. Do you possess any Queens?

Lex smiled. “Go fish.”

Luke picked up a card and then added to his hand.

The Sylveon smiled. “Yeah... still, it’s not more of you simply knowing them, it’s more of you accidently saying them and insulting someone. So, I don’t want to add more known curses to your vocabulary which is why I used frack.”

“But I already know fuck,” Rill pointed out.

Lex let out a long sigh, a ribbon rubbing his forehead. “Can we just move on with the game please?”

“Of course,” Rill said, nodding her head. “Do you have any aces Luke?”

That I do, Luke answered, sending the Ace of Spades over to her, the shiny Flygon putting it and another on the table.

“You got any threes, Rill?” Lex asked.

“I still have yet to gain one,” Rill answered with a smile. “Go fishing.”

Lex reached over to grabbed a new card.

So, you know what I have been doing, yet I have heard little of you... would you mind telling me what you have been doing these past two weeks? Luke inquired of the two. And Lex, do you have an eight?

Lex shook his head. “Go fished... and we really didn’t do much of anything outside of the norm.”

Really? Luke inquired as he drew a new card. Two weeks in an alien world... and you have done nothing of note?

“Well, we did go back and find that Azurill who was kicked into a wall,” Rill answered, frowning in distaste. “It is lucky that Kasai was the one with Abby that day, that mare would have been contending with far greater problems than a simple curse.”

“Yeah... like a horde of Pokemon to pay the ‘gesture’ back,” Lex said with a small shake of his head.

“I was indicating that we should behead her,” Rill said casually. “It is what I would do to any who threatened our child if you and I were capable of creating life.”

“Oh I bet you would,” Lex agreed, a morbid thought crossing his mind from the statement. “Though I don’t think that would have gone down very well to the rest of the ponies if they heard that. It would’ve made the protest even worst.”

“But none would dare attack our child and in the end, that would be all that mattered,” Rill replied. “Do you have any fives Lex?”

“Go fish... and it would only make matters for us worst,” Lex stated. “We’re living with them Rill, we can’t spout fear for their lives among them. Remember how well that went last time with the previous protests?”

Rill just frowned and shook her head. “I simply wish to prevent or punish any who would kick a baby in the face, Lex.”

“With decapitation... which won’t go well at the end I can assure you of that my dear,” Lex said with a small sigh.

Perhaps... we should get off the subject of decapitation? Luke suggested. Surely... something else must have happened with you both in my absence.

“Nothing of note really, only that Lex and I have begun looking for a place that we can truly be together,” Rill answered, shrugging her wings slightly.

Ah, I see... probably for the best, Luke answered before glancing at Lex. Your form of togetherness involves lots of flying... where many could witness.

“You don’t have to tell me twice...” the Sylveon said a bit flatly. “But yeah, we been exploring a bit outside of the city limits for a more... private area.”

Best of luck to you then... Luke said with a smile, though his fidgeting increased ever so slightly.

“Whose turn is it?” Rill wondered aloud. “I have lost track.”

As have I... Luke replied, frowning faintly.

Lex blinked blankly. “Welp, it seems we either end it here or start over.”

We can end it, I hear Abby’s thoughts beginning to stir, Luke said with a small shrug. I have two.

“I got one,” Lex said with a small sigh.

“And I possess three,” Rill said, an elated smile on her face. “That makes me the winner!”

Lex smiled lightly and chuckled. “Yes, yes it does.” You do know she might get suspicious of winning all the time sooner or later, he thought out loud.

It appears you are, Luke agreed, smiling before privately replying. She might, but she simply becomes so happy when she wins that I can’t help but guide her along the right path.

Lex’s smile grew as his ribbons moved up to gently rub against Rill’s side. Well thanks, I love it too when she’s genuinely happy and smiles.

Rill let out a happy noise and leaned down to nuzzle Lex, pulling the Sylveon out of his chair and close to her chest, one of the only two beings allowed that particular privilege. “So, what shall we do now?” she inquired after thoroughly nuzzling and affectionately nibbling at Lex.

“Whatever you want my lovely desert ruby, you are the winner of the game,” the Sylveon said with a small chuckle as he felt her teeth gently poking all around his ear.

“I believe we shall go for a fly you and I,” she said, a smile on her face before she nibbled at his shoulder. “See the city from a great height and see all those that are walking within it.”

“Sure thing sweetie, sounds like a wonderful time to celebrate your victory,” Lex said as his ribbons worked their way to pull him onto her back, settling around the crest of her neck.

Fair winds and safe travels to you both, Luke told them, still smiling softly before he vanished, leaving the pair alone in the room.

“It’s good to have him back,” Rill commented, still smiling as she made her way towards the door. “Our family is incomplete without him.”

“True... though it still is a bit incomplete without Justice around,” Lex replied.

“Indeed it is, I hope he has had fair winds beneath his wings,” Rill murmured, her smile drooping slightly at the thought of her missing brother.

“I’m sure it has... and he probably hit on a couple of flying Pokemon during that time too,” Lex said with a small chuckle before one of his ribbons rub gently on the back of her neck. “We’ll find him soon, don’t fret about it.”

“You are right, knowing Justice has has probably unknowingly impregnated an entire flock of Swellow by this point,” Rill agreed, chuckling lightly as she skirted to the side in order to allow a group of Guards to pass.

“Hopefully Claire won’t hear about that... that would make her very jealous,” Lex said, chuckling once more at the thought.

“Most likely, she has been chasing his egg for quite some time if I recall correctly,” Rill agreed, nodding her head.

“Yes... yes she has, kind-of makes you wonder why Justice never caught on huh?” Lex commented as he waved a ribbon at some passing ponies eyeing him as he road on top of Rill’s back.

“It has been my personal experience that males do not notice the ones who wish to mate with them unless the female acts directly, hence my biting your neck,” Rill replied in an amused tone. “That, and to show that you are mine to anyone who looks.”

“I thought the small mark you left on my ear was proof enough,” Lex said with a small chuckle.

“Not to my eyes,” Rill answered. “You simply thought I’d bitten you for no reason, for whatever reason.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault I didn’t know that’s how Flygon’s mark their mates back then... that and I really thought you took a bite out of my ear,” Lex defended himself.

“Well, I did take a bite out of your ear,” Rill replied. “I simply failed to take much, if any, skin.”

“Still, I thought the latter... but hey, I kind-of grown attached to it. Set’s me apart from all the other Sylveons,” Lex said with a smile.

“Indeed it does, you and everyone else knows that you are mine with but a glance,” Rill agreed, nodding her head and leaning back to nuzzle his head ever so slightly before she walked out of the Guard station and into the sun. “So my mate, shall we fly like dragons?”

Lex’s smile grew as his ribbons firmly held around her shoulders and he brace himself. “Let’s.”

The Flygon smiled happily and launched herself into the air, Lex hanging for dear life as always though she’d never truly let him fall. And he knew it as a gleeful laughter sprang out moments after launch.

The soft, heavy breathing rasped gently on her ears as Claire began to slowly wake up. Her eyes craned open as she found her world obscured by a dark brown wall. She blinked her eye slowly to notice the wall was made of feathers and her head was resting against someone. She glanced her eyes upward to see Justice’s head tucked under the wing he draped over her and was still fast asleep.

The Swallow smiled softly as she closed her eyes once more and leaned a bit more into Justice’s feathery chest. She’d dreamed about a moment like this for a long time... and to have it actually happen was too good to be true. So she wanted it to last as long as possible.

Justice’s sides rose and fell against her, the Swellow’s ears ringing with his steady heartbeat, surrounding her world with the sound of him. She took in a deep breath and slowly let it out with a pleasant coo. His rustic scent lingered in the slits on her beak, making her smell the heavy feathery smell he kept so well.

Beside her, the great eagle shuffled slightly but didn’t wake. She smiled slightly... as best as she could with her beak and closed her eyes once more as she rested her head against his side. Maybe catching a few more minutes of sleep with him while she had the chance, though those minutes felt like hours to her.

Eventually, like all good things, it had to end. Justice’s wings flared open and he let out a loud yawn before looking down at her, a slight look of surprise on his face.

“Oh, hello Claire, forgive me, I forgot you were there,” the Braviary stated with a small yawn.

The Swellow hid her small ping of pain, for she knew it was just the drowsiness of sleep and she smiled up at him. “Must be because I barely make an impression against your huge body,” she said with a small chuckle.

“Mhm,” he agreed, letting out another yawn.

Claire glanced away from the yawn, feeling one of her own building up in the back of her throat. She pushed herself off of him and gave him enough room to stretch out his stiff body. The Braviary leapt off of the tree, his wings flaring hugely and he soared upwards, coming down in a screaching spiral only to have his wings snap open directly in front of Claire, a strong breeze washing over her, wavelike and powerful.

Oh such strong wings... she murmured in her mind as she watched him ‘show off’ to her. Justice caught her gaze and smiled.

“So, would you like the tour of these plains?” Justice inquired, raising an eyebrow. “Or just stare at my wings and try to put your thoughts in order?”

Claire her head craftily. “I think I’ll take up your tour... as long as you make sure I don’t get blown away from that backdraft you’re making,” she replied as she opened her wings and joined him in flight.

“Well, I’ve been on the backdraft of some giant birds recently, so I’ll make sure you don’t have to go through that,” Justice said with a grin. “Besides, it’s rude to buffet a lady.”

She chuckled lightly as she soared right next to him. “How thoughtful of you.”

“I try to always be thoughtful to beautiful birds,” Justice replied, winking at her as they flew along.

The Swellow blushed underneath her red feathers, making it hardly visible save for the small expression on her face. “So... what’s our first stop?”

“We’re probably not going to stop,” Justice said, chuckling faintly. “I’m telling you Claire, there’s nothing out here more significant than that tree that I’ve claimed. Well, that and some odd little Buneary like creatures who make good eating.”

“Then I’m here to just enjoy the view?” she asked, looking at Justice alone.

“Well, at least it’s big enough to keep your attention,” Justice replied, grinning and flapping his wings once, soaring a bit higher. Her eyes trailed him and she got a good look of his underside.

“True....” she said, a bit awestruck of just how big his wings looked from the angle she was at. She then grimaced in hesitation. “Justice... I know this might be a bit sudden for me to ask... but you think we can just skip the tour and... we can see how well we can ‘fly’ together?”

Justice blinked twice and glanced down at her. “You sure? I thought I was mostly just doing this for show.”

Claire slowly nodded her head. “I’m sure...” she replied, her voice still hesitant. “But if you don’t want to I would under-”

“It’s not that I don’t want to,” Justice stated, lowering himself in the air so that his head was right above hers. “It’s more that I want to make sure that Scarlet won’t whip me till I bleed for taking advantage of you. Oh, and knowing why would be nice too I suppose.”

“Scarlet wouldn’t do that to you,” Claire answered firmly before becoming hesitant again. “As for why... well, you’re good looking, have very big wings... and have a very kind and courteous personality... how could I not have fallen head over claws in love?” she asked before she realized what she said at the end, glancing away from him.

Justice was silent for a long moment. “I guess I can’t fault you for falling in love with Justice,” he said slowly, his mind clearly several sentences behind the words he was speaking. “Err... I never thought I’d find someone who loved me to be honest. I’ve always been a lone soldier of sorts.”

“Well... who said you always have to stay that way?” she asked, glancing up at the great eagle. “I mean... wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to rely on?”

“Yes... it would,” Justice said very slowly. “Though... and do not take this the wrong way Claire, but I do not love you.” He paused for a moment, seeing the small pang of sadness flashing over her face. “But that does not mean that I never will,” he quickly clarified.

“Truly?” she asked, the hint of her heart still on the verge of being completely broken still visible to the eagle.

“Give it time,” Justice replied calmly as he flew beneath her so that he was looking up at the smaller bird. “You’ve clearly been feeling this way for quite some time Claire, forgive me for not feeling the same for you.”

“I.... I understand,” she said slowly, giving her wings a flap to keep her flight stabilize. “And yes... I have been feeling like this for a long time... nearly since I first saw you after I joined Scarlet’s team.... though it did change from just admiration to love over time.”

Justice let out a long whistle. “That’s a long time to keep yourself bottled up,” he mused.

“Patience like an Absol waiting for the right moment to strike,” she replied.

“Ah, or a soaring Braviary who has just spotted a lovely meal,” Justice added. The Swallow frowned slightly as she glanced below to see nothing, causing Justice to chuckle. “I’m joking Claire... but yes. Let’s find something to eat, fly for a bit and then we shall truly put your flying skills to the test.”

She tilted her head further down to smiled lightly at Justice. “That sounds like plan...”

Justice chuckled lightly. “That it does, that it does.”