• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,498 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 3

“Tired already?” Kasai asked Abby as the Ninetales slowed her run to a walk.

“Give me a break. I’m not used to this ‘body’ yet,” Abby replied with a small pout. “It’s not my fault that I’m getting worn out.”

“Fair enough,” Kasai said, bending down to give her cheek a lick. “Though in all truth, we actually covered a lot of distance.”

“Did we? I’ve mostly been focusing on running,” Abby said with a shake of her head as her tongue lolled out the side of her mouth and she began to pant. “It’s... really freeing to run like a Pokemon.”

“Yes, yes it is,” Kasai agreed, nodding his head as he glanced down at his prosthetic, giving it a quick once over to make sure that it was still working right. “Thank Arceus for Professor Hastings, I don’t know what I’d do if it wasn’t for him and his science.”

“Yeah, and thank Arceus that we never spent enough time around him to give ourselves away,” Abby added with a small shake of her head. “Though, he does have reasons for the way he acts.”

“Mhm,” Kasai agreed, falling into line beside Abby as she walked, he had to admit, it was a little odd looking down at her all the time. Before, Abby had been six two and very well built putting her at his head level more or less. Now though, she was around two feet shorter then him. “No question that there are people who horribly abuse Pokemon that they’re in relationships with...”

Abby just nodded, she wasn’t in the mood to think about that sort of thing and now that night was beginning to fall, she could see the lights of a city up ahead. “Well, it’s not Cerulean,” she said, changing the topic entirely.

“Too many skyscrapers and neon lights,” Kasai agreed before pausing in place and then before Abby could react he was on her other side, shielding her from the road.

Just in time too, the Ninetales’ ears twitched as they detected a racket coming from behind them. She had time to crane her head around the front of Kasai’s body to see what looked like a wagon of some sort zoom by. It was powered by an engine so it rapidly disappeared over the horizon, but one thing that she was sure of was that Abby had seen a large number of cages on its back. The cart disappeared from her sight not long after and she glanced up at Kasai.

“So, why did you have to ‘shield’ me from that?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

“To keep the dust off of you, my Lady,” he told her with a small chuckle as he bent down to give her a lick.

Abby rolled her eyes, but smiled at the sentiment. “Thank you over so much, My Lord, what on Earth would I do without you?”

“Get your coat all dusty,” he answered with a grin. “And that would be tragic.”

“As if my coat didn’t get dusty from running along beside the road,” Abby deadpanned before she frowned. “Also, that was both an odd looking cart and more importantly, had a lot of cages on it.”

“Think it was poachers?” Kasai inquired with a small frown.

“Stupid poachers if it was,” Abby stated. “I highly doubt that any officer worth their salt wouldn’t have them arrested on the spot, or at the very least held up for a bit to investigate further.”

“True, it’s probably something else,” Kasai agreed, nodding his head before he frowned. “So, do you want to make it to the city tonight, or would you rather find someplace nearby to curl up?”

“Hmm...” Abby glanced at the city in distance. “It looks like its a two hour walk. If it was just you and me in my ‘old body’ and man does it feel weird to say that out loud, then I’d just hop on your back and you’d get us there in no time but... I don’t think I can really hold onto you like I used too.”

Kasai looked down at her for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, you’re right, unless those tails of yours are a lot stronger then I think they are.”

“My tails are plenty strong,” Abby replied, her tails flaring a little at the implied insult. “But you are right, I don’t think they’re really dexterous enough to hold onto you.”

“Right then, let’s see if we can’t find ourselves someone to eat and a place to get a drink,” Kasai said, licking his lips. “I really hope we can find some Magikarp around here.”

“Kasai, there are Magikarp everywhere,” Abby said with a small chuckle. “I’m sure we can find some.”

“And that right there is why they’re one of my favorites,” Kasai said with a smirk as he raised his nose in the air and sniffed a few times. “Okay, follow me Abby, I found some water.”

“You and your nose,” Abby said, chuckling lightly.

“It is one of my better features,” he agreed ‘modestly’. “Along with my intelligence and my dashing good looks.”

Abby snickered. “Oh yes.”

“You doubt me?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “And here I thought you were my devoted mate.”

“I am,” Abby replied with a small smirk. “But I can’t let you get too big headed can I?”

“Hasn’t stopped you before,” he remarked with a smirk of his own as he bumped his shoulder against her.

Abby just rolled her eyes and gave him a wry glance. “So are you going to lead us to water, or just stand here ‘regaling’ me with your virtues?”

“Personally, I like both options equally well,” Kasai answered with a wry smirk of his own. “But I suppose I can show my Lady to water.”

“She’d much appreciate it,” Abby said, smiling. Then one of her tails whipped out and slapped him on the rear. “And the sooner the better!”

Kasai let out a little yelp of surprise and then looked down at her, smarting. “Was that really necessary?”

“I think so,” she replied as the dog started forwards. “Otherwise we’d stand around beside the road bantering for half the night and never get to sleep.”

“Huh, fair enough,” Kasai said, letting out an appreciative chuckle. “And it’s nice to know that you’re already learning some moves, even if Tail Whip is kind of worthless.”

“Oh I don’t know, I think it’s pretty useful,” Abby said, a small smirk on her face as another of her tails slapped against his rear causing him to yip again.

“Stop that,” he told her with an irritated glance.

“Fine, fine. It’s just kind of fun,” Abby replied before she walked closer to him and rubbed against his side. “But if you want me to stop, Kasai, then I will.”

The Arcanine let out a happy rumble at her touch and smiled. “Thank you Abby.”

“You’re welcome,” the Ninetales replied as they came upon a small, incredibly clear pond.

Kasai approached it first and bent his head down, his great tongue lapping at the water for a moment before he pulled his muzzle up and let out an appreciative sigh as water danced down his chin.

“Mmmm, that’s some good water,” he said with a soggy grin.

Abby raised an eyebrow and bent down to drink as well, discovering to her surprise that it really was good water. It tasted better then the water she got from her expensive filter.

“Wow, you’re right,” she stated with a grin of her own, water flowing down down from her lips. Then she turned back to the pond. “Hmm... no fishing rod.”

“No worries,” Kasai replied as he followed her gaze. “I used to do this as a Growlithe.”

Abby gave him a raised eyebrow as Kasai sat back on his rump and stared down at the water, his hips wiggling slightly back and forth before he sprang forwards, his white jaws flashing as he closed around a wriggling silver shape as he splashed up to his chest in the pond. His head flicked to the side once and there was a cracking sound before he tossed the Water Pokemon back to the shore for Abby to keep safe. Then he paused in the water and let the bottom settle again.

Abby meanwhile was inspecting the Water Pokemon and discovered something strange. The large silver creature looked like no Water Pokemon she knew. It sort of resembled Basculin but instead of having spines running across it’s back, it only had a few fins. There was another series of splashes before Kasai returned, another two of the Water Pokemon in his jaws.

“Easy pickings,” he said with a grin as he deposited the pile of fish at her feet. “Would my Lady prefer her fish to be cooked or raw?”

“Cooked if you can,” Abby said, a look of mild disgust on her face. “This isn’t sushi.”

“Works for me,” Kasai agreed as he spotted a nearby stone and picked up all three Water Pokemon in his jaws and carried them over to the flat stone.

With the utmost care he laid them across, Abby followed along beside him, her mouth watering with anticipation. Kasai looked down at the unusual Water Pokemon for a moment or two before shrugging slightly and opening his jaws to let a small stream of fire wash over the Water Pokemon. Abby’s mouth watered even more as the delectable flesh beneath the scales baked and the scales themselves were pried apart by the heat. After a few moments of heat, Kasai let up the fire and grinned.

“Huha! Looks like I haven’t forgotten how to do this,” he said, taking an appreciative sniff of the cooked Water Pokemon.

“Oh yes, you definitely haven’t!” Abby agreed, licking her lips in anticipation. “I wonder how this type of Water Pokemon taste, I’ve never seen them before.”

“Well, let’s quit waiting and find out,” Kasai said, bending down and tearing into one of the fish with his jaws, eating it scales, bones and all. “Mmmmm brerry goodth,” he said around a mouthful of fish, crunching and chopping it to pieces with his powerful jaws.

Abby blinked twice and rolled her eyes. She couldn’t get away with something like that, she’d probably choke to death. So instead she bent forwards and tore a bit of the scales off to reveal the succulent flesh beneath. Her mouth was an explosion of flavors for a moment before she got a good feel for the taste. It was a lot like Basculin but a little less ‘muddy’. In other words, it was very good.

“Mmm, you’re right,” Abby said, licking her lips before she bent down to take another bite.

“Yesths, I am,” Kasai agreed around a mouthful before he turned to the side and spat out some of the bones that he hadn’t been able to simply crush to pieces. “Kind of boney though.”

“Well, if you ate food like a normal person you wouldn’t be having that problem,” Abby teased before she dug her muzzle deeper into the fish and tore out another bit of flesh.

They continued like that for a while and before long, the fish were all eaten. Then, Abby burped and a crimson blush washed over her golden fur.

“My compliments to the chef,” she said with a small giggle.

Kasai responded by truly belching. “Mhm, he’s quite the talented chef.”

Abby smiled and leaned forwards to rest her head against his chest. “Thanks for being such a wonderful mate Kasai.”

Kasai smiled in return and laid his head down against the back of her neck. “My pleasure Abby, and of course I can say the same for you,” he whispered.

The pair stayed like that for a long moment before Abby’s eyes began to water and she started to cry softly into his chest. Kasai’s eyes widened in surprise but he was a good mate so all he did was move organic leg forward to wrap around her and pull the weeping Ninetales up against his warm, smokey chest.

“Hey now, it’s alright Abby,” Kasai murmured down to her as he hugged her. “You’re okay, I’m okay, we’re together and we’re going to be fine alright?”

Abby didn’t seem to hear him. Instead she simply continued to cry into his chest, her body heaving against his as a gamut of emotions rolled over her. When it was finally over, Kasai’s chest was soaked and her eyes were red, or rather, a darker red. The Ninetales pulled away from him slightly, her tales fluttering nervously.

“Sorry Kasai,” she said quietly.

“For what?” he asked her softly.

“For being... so weak,” she answered, shaking her head. “This is all just too much.”

“You’re not weak Abby, you’re reacting like anyone would,” Kasai said, leaning down to give her a lick across the cheek. “And for the record, you never need to apologize for crying into my fur.”

Abby closed her red eyes and nodded. “I... thanks Kasai,” she said with a jerky nod. “You’re the best mate ever.”

“You’re welcome, and I know,” he said with a smile as he closed the distance between them and gave her two licks on the face to clean up a few remaining tears. “There we go, now you’re looking as beautiful as a Queen.”

Abby smiled a little. “I am?”

“Indeed,” Kasai answered before he leaned down and put his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes. “You’re the most beautiful being in the world, it doesn’t matter what ‘body’ you’re in.”

Abby stared into his deep golden eyes for a moment, getting lost in them before she broke the contact, a sudden heat flowing through her.

“So... I’m not really ready for bed yet,” she said slowly.

“Is that so?” Kasai inquired with a small smirk.

“Mhm... want to see how well I can dance?” Abby asked, a bit of inexplicable nervousness in her voice. What if he said no? What if it was different now that she was a Pokemon? What if-

“Of course,” Kasai said, a large smile on his face. “I’ll always dance with you my Lady, so long as you let me lead.”

Abby smiled, her nervousness slipping away. “Of course my Lord. Shall we?”

It was a common occurrence that in Equestria, things were what they seemed to be. Barring a few odd beings like Parasprites or will-o'-the-wisps, you could usually tell whether or not something was going to be dangerous based off of the way it looked.

Generally, being small, pink, and frilly meant that you were safe to touch and pet.

Lex had been having a hard day. Why was Lex having a hard day? Because he was a Sylveon who hated having people touch him. He’d been chased through a shopping mall by a hoard of fillies, bombarded by over-adoring pats on the head, and even had an ‘animal control’ officer sent after him because he’d thrown a child at her mother after he’d tried to pull on his ribbons.

“Sometimes I wish Abby had just let me evolve into an Umbreon like I wanted too,” the Slyveon grumbled angrily as he used his ribbons to propel up the side of a building using its drain pipes. “I don’t care if I can slay dragons, I get no respect.”

The ribbons closed around the rooftop and he flung himself up onto it, landing perfectly... until he fell face forward on the hard roof.

“Oww...” he groaned as he picked himself back up. “Note to self, must work on landings...”

He let out a sigh as he looked around the roof for a chimney smoke stack and was delighted when he found one. The Sylveon smiled at his own genius and walked over to it, settling himself down against the warm metal.

“Now... I just have to find out where Rill is,” he murmured to himself as he looked over the city’s extremely bright nightscape. “Knowing her, she’s probably worked herself into a worry fit over me being gone...” he let out a sigh. “I hope she’s okay out there... this isn’t exactly her type of place.”

The Sylveon frowned and leaned closer against the warm chimney.

“Then again, this isn’t exactly ‘my’ type of place either,” he added, looking down at the ‘ponyta’ that were still walking through the busy streets. He closed his eyes for a moment and then quietly said. “Be safe, my desert ruby.”

With that said, the Sylveon who hated being touched fell asleep.