• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Abby, Kasai, and Anna made it back down to the police station in silence, several of the Ninetales’ tails wrapped around Kasai’s singular one. The sun was setting and Abby idly wondered if they’d be back before Ace had told them not too, along with why it was that she’d been so insistent about it.

“Don’t eat anything and stay behind us until we get to your brother,” Kasai said suddenly, looking back at Anna.

“Yeah, fine,” Anna grumbled, her pride still hurting and her neck still aching.

“Good,” Kasai stated before glancing at Abby. “So, think we’re on time?”

“We’ll find out,” Abby replied, shrugging slightly as they got waved through the gate of the chain link fence that surrounded the police station. She glanced over to the side to see the place where Sven had torn a rather large hole straight through it as if it had been made of butter.

The three walked through the front door to find Ace getting ready to leave, out of her armor for the first time since they’d met her. As it turned out, she had a grey coat to go with her black mane and green eyes. Standing beside her was... a strange Noviern like pegasus with a golden mane and silver eyes, a Noibat balanced on his shoulder.

“-and he just landed on my shoulder,” the Noviern like pony concluded a shoulder. “Isn’t that right little guy?” he added, leaning his head over to nuzzle the little bat who returned it.

“That’s good dear, as long as he wants to stay with you, I can’t see any reason why he shouldn’t,” Ace replied before her ears flicked back and she turned to see Abby, Kasai, and Anna approaching. “Oh good, you’re here, “ she said with a small smile, to Abby’s surprise, she looked quite a bit more relaxed now that she was out of her armor. “And this must be Anna.”

“Thanks,” Abby said with a smile of her own. “And yes, this is Anna.”

“That’s Anna the Great, thank you very much,” Anna grumbled, looking at the floor.

“Right...” Ace said before shaking her head. “Anyways, this is my husband, Captain Blackwing, head of the Nightwatch, I wanted to introduce you personally.”

“You’re starting my introduction with the word ‘anyways’ Ace?” the Noviern pony asked her with a raised eyebrow. “How are they supposed to take me seriously when you introduce me like that?” he added with a small smirk.

“I assume through the way you act and recover from it,” Ace answered dryly before rolling her eyes. “Say hello dear.”

“Hia,” Blackwing said casually, a small smile on his lips. “Like my loving wife said, I’m Blackwing, Captain of the Nightwatch here in Las Pegasus, it’s nice to meet you Abby, Kasai.”

“The same to you,” Abby said, an amused smirk on her face. “Would you mind showing us the way to the place where you’re keeping her older brother?”

“Hi, and yeah, we need to drop her off before she tries to use Bulldoze again,” Kasai added. “Don’t want her hurting anyone.”

“HEY! I didn’t fucking hurt anyone in the first fucking place you ass!” Anna shouted at him. “Tyran-tyranitar!”

Ace just sighed and gave Blackwing a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll leave you to handle this dear, try not to tear down the station.”

“You already tore down a wall, I’ll see if I can’t beat that,” Blackwing said with a small chuckle. “Okay, follow me you three, we’ll get Miss Anna to her cell, and then I’ll show you to your room.”

“Great, speaking of which, where’s the rest of my team?” Abby inquired as the four set off down the corridor.

“Already in rooms,” Blackwing said casually. “We got some food in them a while ago and apparently between that and all the... fighting that they did earlier, they were really tired.”

“Ah, yeah, that makes sense,” Kasai said. “Arc, Arcanine.”

“I think your translation spell just wore out,” Blackwing said, a small frown on his ace. “And I’m not a unicorn so we’re going to have to make due with using Novi here to translate.”

“Yeah! I can do that!” the Noibat exclaimed excitedly as he turned to grin at Abby and Kasai. “I’m Novi by the way! Sorry for waiting so long to say hi, I was just waiting for everyone else to finish speaking because I didn’t want to interrupt anyone or anything!”

Abby chuckled at the little bat’s explanation. “That’s fine, as you probably heard by now, I’m Abby, and this is Kasai.”

“Oh! You’re right, I did!” Novi said, a grin on his face. “But that doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate you saying it again! Anyways, Blackwing is my trainer! My very first trainer ever!”

Kasai smiled, it seemed like even in this new world, Pokemon would still seek out ‘partners’.

“Well I’m glad to hear that,” Kasai said with a smile, “He seems like good one already.”

“Oh! He is!” Novi said, a giant grin on his adorable little face. “He’s the Captain of the Nightwatch and is really cool! And he’s part Noviern so he’s even cooler!”

“Batpony actually, but close enough, heh,” Blackwing said, chuckling lightly at the bat’s exclamations. “So, Abby, Ace and I found another case for you to work on tomorrow.”

“Oh?” Abby asked. “What kind of case?”

“A group of three Pokemon and a minotaur robbed a casino today while you were out,” Blackwing answered. “One of them was a green bug with swords for arms, one was a small blue diamond dog looking Pokemon, and the last was a short, yellow, fox kind of guy.”

“Huh... guess we found that Abra I sented earlier,” Kasai mused with a small frown. “Now that I think about it, I did smell a Scyther and a Riolu with it.”

One translation later. “Good, think you’ll be able to track them down tomorrow?”

“Without too much trouble, yeah,” Kasai agreed, nodding his head. “I love my nose.”

“So do I,” Abby agreed with a small chuckle as she rubbed her shoulder against his. “It’s a very talented organ.”

“You’d say that wouldn’t you?” Kasai asked, a small smirk on his lips.

Novi looked between the two, cocking his head to the side. “You two are really smoozy you know that?” Then he smiled. “But it’s okay because you love each other!”

Abby blinked. It hadn’t occurred to her just how... overt she and Kasai had been up to this point. Kasai for his part just leaned over and licked her cheek.

“Comes from having to hide it for so long kid,” he told the Noibat with a small shrug.

“Oh, okay!” Novi said before glancing back at Anna who was still moping. “What’s wrong with her?”

“I beat her,” Kasai answered with a small smirk.

“You cheated!” the Lairon growled at him.

“I didn’t,” Kasai replied, his tail twitching a little. “I never cheat at anything.”

Anna just snorted angrily as they arrived at a rather large cell with a very wide door. the door was made of a dark metal and there was a small latch that could be moved out of the way at pony eye level. Blackwing wrapped twice on the door and opened the latch to shout.

“We found your sister and are coming in.” With that said, he turned the knob with his hoof, something that caught Abby by complete surprise. How the heck had he done that?

Putting the question aside, Abby and Kasai walked into the cell to find Sven sitting on a bed that was proving surprisingly resilient to his great weight. He glanced at them, then his eyes widened saw Anna as a Lairon and he got to his feet at once.

“Anna! You’re okay!” he said with a smile as he rapidly closed the distance between himself and his sister, barely avoiding knocking Abby, Kasai, and Blackwing to the ground in his rush. “And you’re a Lairon!”

The Lairon smiled as a bit of her pride came flowing back. “Heck yeah. I’m not as cool as a Pupitar, but I’m still awesome looking,” she said with a small giggle. “I can eat metal like it was soft as a berry, can you believe it!”

“Yes, yes I can,” Sven said as he got down on one knee, a surprisingly odd sight all things considered, and offered her his arms. “Hug?”

Anna just smiled as she closed the distance and lifted herself up on her hind legs as much as she could, letting Sven catch her in his arms.

“Omph, you’re heavy now sis,” he commented with a small chuckle as he wrapped his arms as far around her as he could. “And you smell like steel,” he added, wrinkling his snout slightly.

“Well I am made of 75% metal, 25% stone, and 50% of pure awesomeness,” she said with a big grin. “I’m no longer the weak human as I were, I’m finally a freaking Pokemon! Now you can show me all your sweet ass moves and I-”

“I’m just glad you’re alright,” Sven said, cutting her off and bending his head down to give her a nuzzle.

“Aw, come on big bro, you know I can take care of myself,” she replied, returning the nuzzle slightly. “Besides! I’m a good fighter!”

“If you can call being beaten with one move a good fight,” Kasai said with a small smirk.

“SHUT UP YOU CHEATER!” she retorted, glaring at the Arcanine.

Sven frowned and glanced at Kasai. “What happened?”

“She was destroying a bridge, Kasai and I tried to talk her down but she got angry and charged us,” Abby answered. “Kasai got her with a Firefang to the neck but unlike most Pokemon she tried to shake him off, almost got herself killed.”

“Because he wouldn’t fucking let go... and they were interrupting me from eating so I had good reason to charge,” Anna defended herself; however, Sven dropped her to the ground and then smacked her on the side of the head, light enough so that she barely felt it but... “HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!” she remarked angrily.

“For being an idiot,” Sven answered with a harsh glare. “When someone has you around the neck, especially someone with a pair of jaws like an Arcanine, especially if they’re on fire then you surrender!”

“It didn’t stop you when that Onix had you in it’s jaw,” she pointed out.

“That’s because I’m a Tyranitar!” Sven replied, looking down at her with annoyance. “You saw me claw my way through its bottom jaw didn’t you? Do you think you could have done that to him?” he added, pointing at Kasai.

“....maybe,” she replied in a low grumble. “If he didn’t fucking cheat and hold me where I couldn’t reach him.”

“Anna, that’s called strategy, not cheating,” Sven rumbled. “And it just goes to show me that you have a lot more to learn before I let you battle anyone again.”

“Well I still think it’s cheating.... but once you show me all your moves I’ll be unstoppable just like you,” she said, a big determined grin appearing on her face as her eyes glanced up at Sven.

Sven let out a sigh but nodded. “Right...” he turned back to Kasai. “Thank you for bringing her back here... but if you’d seriously hurt her, I’d pound your corpse into the ground.”

“You could try, but you’re welcome all the same,” Kasai replied with a simple nod.

“Well then, I think we’re all set here,” Blackwing said, giving everyone an approving nod before glancing over at Sven. “You both start your community service tomorrow and you’ll get breakfast before that, goodnight.” He turned on his heel and walked out of the room.

“Wait... what?” Anna asked blankly, glancing at the door Blackwing left through.

“We’re helping repair the buildings that I tore through trying to find you,” Sven said with a frown. “And we’re staying here in the station.”

“I understand the last part... but how do they expect me to help repair buildings if i don’t have THUMBS!” she exclaimed, her right foreleg wiggling out to prove her point.

“You’ll figure something out,” Abby answered as one of her tails wrapped around Kasai’s. “Now then, good night.”

She and Kasai walked out of room and down the hallway following Blackwing until they reached a doorway. “And your rooms, it’s soundproofed so if you two want to ‘do anything’ with each other go ahead, I know that Acey and I have done it.”

Abby blinked twice and then smiled. “Thank you Captain Blackwing, it was nice meeting you.”

“Yeah, it was,” Kasai agreed, smiling.

“Same to you both, I’ll have someone get a case report ready for you in the morning, good night,” he told them with a nod. “Come on Novi, we’ve got reports of giant owls attacking ponies to look into.”

“Oh boy!” Novi enthused as the pair trotted down the corridor.

Abby smiled and walked into the room to find that it was mostly barren except for a trunk laying at the foot of a surprisingly large bed along with a nightstand. “Huh, looks like a nice bed,” Abby commented as she walked over and leapt onto it, collapsing on her side and half curling up, her nine tails splaying around her. “Ooooh, it really is.”

Kasai chuckled lightly as he jumped onto the bed and joined her. “Ahhh.... yeah, it really is. Just molds to your body doesn’t it?” he asked, nuzzling her head.

Abby grinned and gave him a nuzzle in return. “Yes, yes it does, but not as well as yours does,” she added, moving a little so that she was leaning against his golden fur. He took in a deep breath and slowly let it out, a pleasant smile growing on his face as he felt her warm, soft fur against his.

“This... is nice,” he commented idly, resting his head against hers lightly.

“Yes it is,” Abby agreed contentedly, leaning her head against his and giving him a lick. “I love you Kasai... so very much.”

“And I love you Abby, just as much as you love me, and probably more,” he replied, returning the lick.

“Oh really? How do you figure?” Abby inquired with a small giggle as she nuzzled him back, a few of her tails curling around his.

“Oh you know, the way I can probably just stare at you endlessly and not get bored, or just be satisfied if the only thing I ever smell was your lovely scent,” he said, nuzzling his nose into her neck and taking in a deep sniff.

Abby let out a warbling little pur and closed her eyes happily, her tails tightening around his. “Such a sweet talker, my Lord.”

“I picked up a few tricks along the way my Lady,” he replied with a light chuckle before turning a little more serious. “Now... I think it’s about time we had that little chat we agreed to before. How are you taking all of this in Abby? Becoming a Pokemon?”

Abby frowned at his sudden shift in topic. “I’m fine Kasai, I’m telling you I am,” she said, glancing at his neck. “Sure it was a little bit of a shock at first, but I like it.”

“Are you sure?” he asked with a small inquiring tilt of his head. “Because if something’s wrong Abby, tell me... we don’t have to keep secrets between us anymore.”

The Ninetales frowned faintly and then glanced back at his big golden eyes. “I... okay... I... it’s weird... it’s really, really, really weird,” she said quietly. “My... my senses are going crazy... my stomach feels like there’s a fire burning inside of it half the time... I... I miss my hands... having nine tails is really strange... and... and I’m not used to having my butt so uncovered. It’s all just... really weird”

Kasai nodded his head very slowly. “I see... well, your senses are going crazy because well Pokemon normally have stronger sense than the average human. The fire in your belly is well... you’re a fire type now, so it’s perfectly normal. I really don’t have anything for your missing your hands... I’m sorry about that... the only suggest I have is trying to do what Lex does with his ribbons, but with your tails. And as for your butt being uncovered, just remember what I have hanging around all the time so there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Abby nodded her head a little and then glanced back. “True... and if anything you’ve got more to be concerned about than I do as far as that goes...” she trailed off, a light blush crossing her cheeks for no real reason. “As for the rest... thanks Kasai... you’re the best mate on Earth, or whatever this place is called.” She burrowed her head into his neck and closed her eyes.

“Hey, you’re welcome,” he replied, licking the top her head lightly. “Anything I can do to help my lovely nine tailed Lady.”

The Ninetales smiled and then gave him a lick on the neck. “Thanks Kasai,” she said, sniffing in his smoky smell and savoring the scent for a moment, eyes closed. Then, she withdrew her head from his neck and glanced up at him. “By the way, there’s another fire burning in me... would you like to help me put it out?”

Kasai’s ears perked up and he took a deep sniff of the air around her. A small sigh left his muzzle before he smirked. “Of course my Lady, such a task should be easy for a Lord like me.”

Abby smiled and gave his cheek a lick. “That was the idea, yes,” she agreed, nodding her head and getting to her paws on the bed. “Shall we dance?”

Kasai chuckled as he too stand on his paws. “Let’s.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, the next couple chapters are going to be a crossover with the Fic A new world, a new mind. I recommend checking it out beforehand, obviously, heh. Also, Anna speaks in Tyranitar because that’s who she was raised by.