• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,489 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

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Chapter 23

Author's Note:

AN: For this chapter, the story is essentially rated mature for violence and a bit of gore, reader be warned.

Ace honestly couldn’t believe that this was happening. Abby was in the hospital getting stitches, several of her other officers were down as well, though mostly with minor bruises. Worse, there were the remnants of an angry mob out there and Ace had heard that at this very moment it was forming around the hospital where Abby was being treated.

The Guard Captain let out an annoyed snarl as she shook her head and pulled up the phone. She’d done all she could for Abby at the moment. Well, all she could do except continue to look for the Ninetales’ family members.

She dialed a few numbers into the phone. “Hey, Lone Star, sorry to bug you this late in the evening, but I’m looking for someone...”

Abby stood in the pouring rain, her head bowed, her eyes wet with tears as the comforting hand of her mentor rested softly on her shoulder. She barely felt it. The earth over the two plots was still uneven and lumpy, no grass grew around it yet. No place to plant flowers. No Grass Pokemon taking root in the soil.

Still, the girl couldn’t take her eyes away from the plots of soil or the two headstones that adorned them.

Mathew Trombley

Loving father and husband

Top Ranger

Born: 4977

Died: 5012

He died protecting Pokemon he loved

Roxanne Trombley

Loving mother and wife

Top Ranger

Born: 4974

Died: 5012

She died protecting the Pokemon she loved.

Abby just stared at them, her body shaking heavily as more and more grief poured out of her.

The man who’d killed them had sent pictures. Horrible pictures of what had happened. Despite the attempts to keep them from her, Abby had seen them and what she’d found made her blood run cold.

A man in a red mask stood over her parents battered bodies in the first one.

Then a Hydreigon had entered in the next picture.

Then... then it had begun to eat them.

All they had gotten back were the ring fingers. Wedding rings still on. That was all they’d had to burry.

Abby shook harder as the memoires of the pictures assaulted her and she didn’t realize that she was weeping into Scarlet’s chest until she felt one of the woman’s calloused hands running over her hair as the other gently as the other rubbed her back. The older woman didn’t say anything, she knew that no words would really help Abby.

“I...I want them to pay,” Abby said in between gasping breaths. “I-I want to kill the-the man who did it!”

“I know... I know,” Scarlet said softly, still stroking her.

“It’s-it’s not fair! They-they were the best!” Abby cried, her tears flowing faster. “I-I...”

Scarlet pulled Abby closer to her chest and hugged her fully. “I know... I know...” she said quietly. They’d been her best friends. She should have been there to help them. But she hadn’t. “Abby... we’ve been here long enough. Come on. We’ll go to my house and get you something warm.”

Abby shook her head and tried to pull herself out of the older woman’s grip. “No-no! I want to find the bastard who did this and kill him!”

Scarlet sighed and looked down at her student. “You can’t do that Abby. You know that the Ranger Union doesn’t support personal vendettas... if you killed him then you’d either be suspended or have your license taken away completely.”

“H-he fed them to a Hydreigon!” Abby shouted. “He-he deserves to die!”

Scarlet closed her eyes. “Yes. Yes he does. But we are not the ones who get to decide that. That’s for the legal system to do.”

Abby looked away, her fists still clenched in anger. “It’s-it’s not fair.”

“I know... life isn’t,” Scarlet said quietly. “Now... come on, I’ve still got that coca you love.”

Abby was about to protest when she felt Scarlet’s eyes harden ever so slightly and instead, simply nodded her head, letting the older woman walk her out of the cemetery.

Princess Luna’s nightlife had become infinitely more interesting since the Pokemon had arrived in Equestria. Not only because there was Darkrai to train, but because the dreams that the Pokemon had were so... interesting. Now, that was not to say that Luna enjoyed the dreams of fighting and battles, but they were certainly more varied and interesting than the dreams of the average pony.

As she walked through the dreamscape, she spotted something unusual, even by the day’s ‘strange dream’ quotient. The dream was not strictly a nightmare. No. Instead it was the intensity that attracted her attention. To put it plainly... the dream’s mere aura overshadowed all of those around it.

Luna frowned faintly before she decided moving towards the intense dream, curious to see what she could find.

Abby stalked through the woods, her eyes hard as Kasai lead the way near silently in front of her. Ordinarily, she would have enjoyed the view. But not today. Three years. Three long stressful years she’d been trying to track down the man who’d butchered her parents and today, she’d finally found him. Her entire body was tense as she narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists.

She’d been preparing for this day for so long that she almost couldn’t believe it was going to happen. Justice, Rill, and Lex were already airborne, flying high above the ‘campsite’ being used by the poachers. When the time came, they would swoop down and tear that Hydreigon apart.

Axle and Luke were ready as well, though they were both in their Pokeballs. Abby couldn’t risk ruining the element of surprise because of Axle’s heavy footsteps and Luke said that he’d rather conserve his energy then use teleports.

So it all came down to Abby and Kasai now.

The Arcanine came to a sudden stop and Abby almost ran face first into his rear she was so lost in her thoughts. “Arc,” he muttered to her, nodding his head towards the clearing in front of them. Abby nodded and slid around him so that she was overlooking the operation, her stomach turning at what she saw.

Lined up in the center of the campsite were dozens of cages holding Sentret and Furret, all of whom looked terrified. The stench of blood and death hung over the clearing and the source was obvious. Set out on racks were dozens of freshly skinned furs, waiting to dry. There were around five men walking around the campsite, some doing menial tasks, others... skinning.

Abby’s hands clenched tighter and she continued to scan for the man she was looking for. It didn’t take her long. All she had to do was spot the Hydreigon off to the left of the campsite which was in the process of feasting on a skinless Furret corpse, the three heads snapping and biting at each other as they fought for the little body.

Standing in front of the Hydreigon, his face obscured by a red mask, a vest with several Pokeballs on his chest, was the man that Abby had been hunting. As she spotted him, it took all of her willpower not to charge out immediately and start raging. However. She calmed herself. That would get her killed. Instead she looked down at Kasai.

The Arcanine’s entire body was stiff and he was clearly barely able to keep himself from letting out a roar of pure anger at the sight in front of him.

“Okay... we can do this,” Abby whispered to him, drawing out Luke and Axle’s Pokeballs. “You ready?”

Kasai nodded once and growled an affirmative.

Abby closed her eyes and pointed Luke and Axle’s balls at opposite sides of the camp releasing them with a flash of light as she and Kasai marched out of the woods.

“POKEMON RANGERS! YOU’RE ALL UNDER ARREST!” she shouted, her voice nearly matching Kasai’s angry roar a second later. While the lesser grunts shouted in surprise and took off running into the woods, the masked man did not.

He simply turned his head towards the two, showing two cold silver eyes. “Rangers... always have to pop up at the worst time?”

“I have you surrounded, surrender immediately!” Abby shouted at him as beside her, Kasai growled lowly.

A soft, amused chuckle rolled out of the man’s throat. “Oh, familiar words,” he said as he turned to face her. “I think the last time I was told that was when two Rangers tried to arrest me... a man and a woman I think. Don’t really remember, all I know is my Drake had a good meal that day.”

“FIREBLAST!” Abby roared to Kasai who unleashed a massive star of fire directly at the man. The masked man dived to the side and rolled out of the way, a Pokeball already in hand as he tossed it out.

“SANDSTORM!” he called out as a Hippowdon appeared on field. The hippo-like Pokemon roared as sand began to shoot out from the holes in its back and blanketed the whole clearing in a whirling sandstorm.

Abby snarled and reached for a pair of goggles she kept around her neck, pulling them up to her face as she shouted. “Axle! Take it down!”

The Haxorus let out a mighty roar and charged into the Hippowdon, tossing it to the side, out of the clearing with his draconic might, following after it with a roar of triumph. Without waiting another second, Abby charged towards the masked man, a collapsible police baton in her hands. At that very second, Lex and Rill swooped out of the sky, the Sylveon clinging to her back with his ribbons as he launching a Moon Blast at the Hydreigon.

The Hydreigon roared in pain and fury, as all three heads looked up at the two and it charged at them with blinding speed. The Flygon evaded its initial charge and Justice came swooping out of the sky like a blinding flash of lightning and his claws slashed into one of the side head’s eyes. Another roar of pain erupted before streams of flame spewed out from all three of it’s mouths as Justice soared skywards again, flames licking at his feathers.

Luke and Kasai charged at the Masked Man as well, Luke several feet behind Kasai but before either of them or Abby could reach him, he dug out another Pokeball and a Metagross appeared before them. “Earthquake!” he ordered it and the Metagross slammed its front to legs into the ground, causing the whole clearing to shake violently. Luke, Kasai and Abby were thrown off of their feet, only Luke managing to avoid slamming into the ground thanks to the use of a quick levitation technique.

“Hyperbeam!” the man ordered next, pointing a finger at the Gallade. The ‘x’ on the Metagross’ face began to glow brightly before an intense red beam of energy shot out and roared towards Luke.

The Gallade vanished in a flash of light and reappeared beside the Metagross, his arms blades glowing with dark power. Nightslash! he exclaimed as blades of dark energy swung from his blades and slashed into the Metagross. The Metagross grunted as the blades slash through him and he swung a leg to knock Luke back, his body still cooling down from the Hyperbeam.

Luke evaded the swing and unleashed another Nightslash into the Metagross’s face as Abby and Kasai recovered themselves.

“Go help Luke!” Abby shouted to Kasai as overhead, an explosion sounded and her eyes were drawn to the sound of Rill roaring in pain, blood seeping from a wound on her side. Kasai charged the Metagross, flames exploding from his lips as he did so and Abby charged as well, charging straight for the masked man.

The man glared at her while she charged, as she raised her baton to smash it hard in the side of his face, he sidestepped and pulled out a hunting knife. He swung at her and she barely had time to process it before it bit into her shoulder.

“Ahh!” she cried in pain before she swiveled and brought the baton slamming into his side. The man grunted as he felt the force, but his vest absorbed most of the blunt damage and he swept his legs out underneath hers. Abby fell onto her back but rolled to the side before he could plunge the knife down at her and came up swinging the button to deflect the next slash, ramming into his wrist.

“GAH!” he yelled as his hand reflexively let go of his knife and he took a couple of steps back as he held his hand in pain. He glared at her as he reached down to grabbed another knife, a serrated combat knife that looked very familiar to Abby. It was her father’s knife. The woman’s vision went red as she reached down and picked up the man’s dropped knife.

In the background, trees cracked and splintered as Axle tossed the Hippowdon through them, his roars of elation echoing through the forest. The Hippowdon shook its head and roared at the Haxorus as several rocks formed above his head and slammed down on his body. Axle let out a grunt of pain and his massive head blade slashed downwards, cleaving through the stones.

Axle let out another roar as he launched himself at the Hippowdon and his axe blade came crashing down into its shoulder. The Hippowdon roared in pain and retaliated by using Ice Fang to deliver a death grip to the dragon’s neck with its massive teeth. The Haxorus cried out in pain as the ice sank through his draconic defenses and heaved upwards, pulling the Hippowdon up with him. Then, he turned on heel and began running through the forest, crashing into trees as he went, using the Hippowdon as a shield of sorts.

The Hippowdon bit deeper and Axle could feel blood trickling down his neck and knew he didn’t have much time. Thankfully, Abby had scouted out there area meaning that Axle just so happened to know the location of a rather sizeable lake.

Axle breached the treeline around the lake and launched himself into it, the Hippowdon clinging to his neck even as the water surrounded it. The Hippowdon’s eyes widened as water flooded its way into his mouth and lungs as he let go to try and swim to the surface, but Axle grabbed onto his back and heaved it further down. The Hippowdon struggled to get free, but its body eventually began to slow down and Axle held it under until the beast’s struggles had completely faded before hauling himself out of the water and throwing the defeated, possibly dead, Hippowdon to the shore, letting out a roar of triumph.

Back in the clearing, the Metagross unleashed a blast of psychic energy at Kasai but Luke interceded, appearing between the blast of and Kasai, his eyes glowing blue as his hands circled one another. The blast of energy hit him dead in the chest but he barely flinched as he absorbed it and sent it back at the Metagross with his own power behind it.

The Metagross fought back as he tried to push against Luke’s power with its own and it shortly became a ‘tug of war’ between the two. However Kasai rushed to it’s side and unleashed a mighty Flame Thrower that engulfed it’s entire body.

The Metagross let out a cry of pain and anger, turning to Kasai through the flames, breaking its concentration on the mental battle with Luke long enough for the blast of of psychic energy to slam into it. The Metagross was launched out of the clearing, slamming through several trees which fell as its steel body cut through them. It skidded on the ground and tried to get back up, but his legs collapsed under his own weight and he fainted.

Abby charged the Masked Man, knife in an underhanded, defensive grip as her police baton lanced out towards his skull. The man weaved under it and used his knife to push away the follow up swipe from Abby. He then curled his free hand into a fist and punched her in the gut, getting a shocked inhale from her, before he thrust his knife toward her lower side.

The woman let out a cry of pain as the knife delved into her side, thankfully not hitting anything vital. Unfortunately, pain overwhelmed her for a moment and the man followed it up with a twist of the blade and pulled it out, ripping a good chunk of her flesh. Abby howled in pain, her vision blurring as she retreated, panting heavily and clutching at her bleeding side.

The man took no time as he flicked the knife to hold it underhand and rushed forwards to stab it right between her chest. Abby wasn’t really sure what happened next, all she knew was that the police boton had risen to the side, deflecting the slash as her own knife buried itself in his throat.

Blood spurted all over her face as a wordless, gurgled grunt left the man’s lips. His body shook and trembled before it collapsed to the ground, blood pouring out of his throat.

“HYDREIGON!” the Pokemon roared from above as it saw it’s master die and made a dive right towards Abby.

“HAXORUS!” Axle’s roar thundered through the clearing as the still bleeding Haxorus launched himself into the air, its axe blade glowing with baleful light. The Hydreigon didn’t have time to dodge, to avoid the attack, to do anything really. The blade passed through all three heads, blood showered down on the clearing, and both dragons landed on either side of Abby, blood pouring from both of them, the Hydreigon’s body a crumbled lump of flesh on the ground.

Abby’s knees went weak and she collapsed onto her back, fumbling for her Poke-Tech... she had to call her mother... had to call the union... had to call someone...

Luna looked in shock at the events before her, it had been some time since she had seen a dream such as this.

“Such violence... and not necessarily unfounded.” The fact that this was a memory just made the Lunar Princess more unsure.

“One thing is certain, she has had enough of this.” Luna pushed forward and overpowered the dream. At its center, she discovered a Ninetales, much like the one her sister had adopted, curled up in a ball around itself, small whimpers leaving her lips.

Luna frowned. “I suppose you would be yet another human then,” Luna sighed. “Begone nightmare!” She cried, allowing her magic to wash over the sleeping Pokemon.

The Ninetales’ eyes snapped open and she leapt to her paws in confusion, her red eyes glancing around her in confusion. “Wha-what’s going on?!”

“You were having a nightmare,” Luna informed. “I pulled you from it before it could get any worse.”

Abby blinked twice and turned to stare up at Luna. “Oh... hi. Who are you and... where... am I?”

“I am Princess Luna of Equestria, Princess of the night and guardian of the Dreamscape,” Luna stated. “Which, happens to be where we are at the moment.”

The Ninetales closed her eyes for a moment before nodding. “Okay... that makes sense, I mean, unless this is all because of the concussion and I’m just imagining it...”

“I can assure you, I am not imaginary,” Luna said. “Though I am a bit worried if you fell asleep with a concussion.”

“Stupid brick throwing pony...” Abby grumbled before shaking her head. “I remember getting to the hospital... I think that’s where I ended up anyways...”

“One of our little ponies assaulted you?” Luna asked in concern. “Where are you? Aside from a hospital, I mean.”

“Las Pegasus...” Abby closed her eyes and tried to clear her head a little. “Right... went to see Mayor Slots about him wanting reasons why he shouldn’t kick Pokemon out of the city... got attacked by a mob... somepony threw a brick at me... conked me on the head.”

Luna sighed and shook her head. “You have our most sincere apologies Miss, and I assure you, we will ensure that this problem is righted.”

Abby smiled up at her. “Thanks, and the name is Abby, Abby Trombley, Pokemon Ranger,” she said, shaking her head to clear it a little bit more. “And thanks for getting me out of that ‘memory’ I guess... I lay there for another hour or two until help arrived, thankfully I was able to stop the bleeding but...” she trailed off and shuddered.

Luna put a wing around Abby and smiled. “It’s my job to assist those trapped in a nightmare’s embrace, regardless of their species.”

“Still, thanks a lot,” Abby said, leaning up to lick Luna’s face. “Saved me a lot of pain.”

“You are most welcome Miss Trombley,” Luna said with a smile. “Now, is there anything you would like to ask? Or shall I allow you to return to the waking world?”

Abby frowned for a moment before smiling. “Yeah, if you’re Princess Luna then you know Princess Celestia right?”

“I would like to think that I know my sister rather well,” Luna said with a smirk.

“Great! Then would you mind telling her that I’ll try and be dropping by in a week or so once things have cooled down in Las Pegasus?” Abby asked with an inquisitive glance. “I’m hoping to start up a new Ranger Union, this time without the Pokephilia ban, and I can’t do that without funding.”

Luna chuckled. “I’ll tell my sister of your visit, and inform the guards that should a Ninetales by your name show up asking for an audience, to alert one of us immediately.”

Abby grinned and gave her face another lick. “Thanks a bunch, that makes this way easier.”

“Tis my pleasure Miss Trombley,” Luna said with a smile. “Now, are you ready to awaken? I imagine your friends are beginning to worry.”

“Sure, and it’s Abby to those who save me from my nightmares,” Abby answered, grinning at the blue alicorn. “See you in a week or so.”

“I look forward to your visit Abby,” Luna’s horn lit up as she pushed Abby back towards the physical plane.

As the Ninetales returned to the waking world, Luna turned back towards the general direction of Canterlot in the dreamscape. “First, inform Lord Arceus of the happenings in Las Pegasus, then inform Tia.”