• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,493 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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The Guest

ബഐബഐബഐ Twilight ബഐബഐബഐ

"I love it when Princess Celestia comes to Ponyville!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, holding out her shiny hoof. "I got my hooves shined just like Rarity for the occasion. Ya like?"

"I certainly do!" Rarity awwed.

"So when is Princess Celestia going to get here?" Rainbow Dash grumbled. I rolled my eyes along with Rainbow Dash and AJ. Rainbow Dash, as always, was being impatient. The princess was a busy mare, especially right now, and would get here as soon as she could.

"She said she was bringing someone important along with her and that she would be arriving sometime in the early afternoon...Remember?" I reminded her in a flat voice. I was getting tired of telling her over and over. At my last count this was the seventh time in two minutes! I could set my hourglass to her!

"Yeah, but why is it taking her so long?" Rainbow Dash whined.

"Maybe it's somepony so terribly important, she still had many more terribly important things to do before she got here." Rarity noted as she continued to admire Pinkie Pie's polished hooves. "Speaking of terribly important things to do. We need to talk about Spike..."

Oh, no... I groaned. This could only mean more problems for me. Spike had been getting harder and harder to handle.

"So I ran into him yesterday. I was hoping to get his help digging some gems for a very important order but he said no! Even when I fluttered my eyes at him! Said he had go to train so that he could better protect us... It was quite dreamy, actually, to see such determination in his eyes..."

I resisted the urge to giggle with the rest of the girls. Spike's crush was well known by everypony and that Rarity could get the love sick dragon to do practically anything for her. To have her get dreamy over him saying no was a new one for them. For me, I was too lost in thought over the last part of what Rarity had said. It reminded me of what I saw the day we returned from Canterlot and I tried to keep him home and safe...

"I must do this Twi." Spike spoke, clenching his hands. I nearly gasped as I saw the tears falling. "If it wasn't for H.K. you and the girls would have been captured and possibly killed! I can't trust Oathbreaker to protect you. So if I have train hard to get better...


"Twi, listen to me!" Spike pulled my muzzle into his face leaving me no room to look anywhere but into his eyes. "You and the girls mean the world to me... I don't want to lose you... not when I can do everything I can to stop it! Even if I have to become a beast to do so."

I dropped onto my haunches, stunned as Spike let go of me and walked out of the library. Spike had looked at me with such determination. What changed?! For months now becoming a beast again was he greatest fear! Could Dragon Lord Torch have done something more to him then the just the Oathbreaker outburst?

"What wrong with that?" Rainbow Dash countered. "The squirt could use some exercise to get rid of that pot belly of his. Baby fat my plot."

"Rainbow Dash! Can you please not be so crass!"

"Okay..." AJ stepped between them before a fight could break out. "but from the way you were wailin' it was like he was doin' somethin' wrong."

"Something wrong! Of course something's WRONG!!!" Rarity screamed shoving her face right into AJ with each word. "He got angry at me! He never does that! And his eyes... the coldness in his eyes... it was outright horrible!"

"Coldness in his eyes..." I repeated looking away towards the gemfields where Spike was, no doubt with Garble, training.

I knew what Rarity was talking about. Every time since that day. Every time Princesses Celestia spoke or was mentioned around Spike. Oathbreaker he called her and no matter which way I tried it was like he couldn't say Celestia's name anymore... And the coldness and intent of murder in his eyes... it was just like with Sombra when he attacked us outside the shield protecting the Empire. Garble was the same way only worse. While Spike would restrain himself Garble would fly into a rage.

"By chance did you say Celestia?"

"Yes, I do believe I did." Rarity scratched her chin in thought. "But, darling, how ever did you know?"

I sighed at this. I had hoped to avoid this a bit longer. I still was not sure how to explain to my friends what exactly was going on with Spike. As it was I was not sure it it was a dragon instinct or if Dragon Lord Torch had done something to them with the Bloodstone Specter. I'm just glad I had told Garble to stay out of Ponyville and away from ponies considering that unlike Spike he would fly into a feral rage, attacking anypony that mentioned Celestia. Luckily, Garble was more then happy to stay way from us 'softies.'

"Please do not mention Princess Celestia in anyway around Spike... it enrages him..."

"But why? I can understand the uncouth ruffian Garble, given his previous actions, but not my gentlecolt Spikey-Wikey..."

"Could it be some sort of dragon instinct we don't know about?" Fluttershy quietly brought up her opinion before hiding behind her mane like she had said something bad. My eyes widen at her figuring it out so quickly and being so upfront too. But then again, I shouldn't be too surprised with the way she is with animals. Not that Spike is a animal.

"I don't know fro sure..." I admitted, sighing in frustration, " H.K. was the only dragon expert known to the Princesses that was willing to come here... and with his death..."

"What about Zeccora?" Fluttershy questioned. "I mean, she did help before... when he got... big."

"Apparently, the only thing she really knows about dragons is dragon greed as it's a common problem in her homeland..."

The sounds of approaching wings caught my attention. The rest of this conversation would have to wait. It seemed that Princess Celestia was finally arriving. I looked up to see her arriving in a carriage followed closely behind by another. The occupant in that one shocked me. Why would she bring him here?! Princess Celestia seemed to be as calm as ever as she gracefully stepped out of her carriage lifting out Discord statue out of his as she did.

"With all due respect, Princess Celestia," I apologized as I walked up to Princess Celestia. "HOW COULD YOU BRING DISCORD HERE!? Your majesty."

"I'm fully aware that the last time Discord was here, he created serious havoc." Princess Celestia glanced at the Discord statue.

"If by 'serious havoc' you mean 'turning Ponyville into the chaos capital of the world...'" Rainbow Dash grumbled.

"...and tricking us all into being the opposite of our true selves..." Rarity added.

"And making yummy delicious chocolate milk rain all over the place without a single dollop of whipped cream to go with it anywhere in sight! Not a single dollop!" I rolled my eyes at Pinkie's silliness.

"Yes, I understand. But I have use for Discord's magic. If it can be reformed to serve good instead of evil. This is why I've brought Discord here, because I believe that you are the ponies who can help him do just that."

More like you need us to make him to help us in the coming war against the dragons. I added inwardly. I refrained from saying it out loud as Princesses Celestia and Luna didn't want to cause a panic yet. For now, only high ranking members of the guard and military would be made aware. Spike wasn't happy to hear that and, to be fair, neither was I. My friends and I were Bearers of the Elements, one of the most powerful artifacts in Equus and would be a target. That was until they promised to attach a squadron of 'plain clothed' guards in Ponyville and convene a Summit of Races in a months time, well, technically three weeks now. A Summit of the Races was a rarity and only for serious matters would and could one ever be called. The declaration of war would be made known then.

"But princess," AJ objected eyeing Discord with disdain, "how in tarnation are we goin' to be able to control the varmint?"

"With the Elements of Harmony, of course. Which I have right here," Princess Celestia levitated over a chest that opened as soon as it touched the ground revealing the Elements inside, "and I've cast a spell so Discord can't take them and hide them again. Now, I believe, Fluttershy, you may know best how to begin reforming Discord."

"Fluttershy?" Rainbow shouted, rising further into the air. "Really?"

"I realize that this is a tall order, but I wouldn't ask if I weren't confident you could get him to use magic obediently of his own free will."

Or desperate... I don't see how Fluttershy of all ponies would be able to handle Discord. I'm just glad Spike isn't here right now. At least Spike won't return, if the same thing happens like it has the past few days, until long past moon rise. It would give us time to figure out how to keep Discord being here a secret from Spike. I doubt Spike will tolerate Discord here especially if somehow he finds out it was Princess Celestia that had him brought here.

"And... you really think I'll know best how to do that?" Fluttershy weakly questioned.

"I do." Princess Celestia smiled warmly at her. "Now, I must return to Canterlot for prepare for the upcoming Summit of the Races. You may release Discord when ready."

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