• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,494 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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The Beginning

ബഐബഐബഐ Discord ബഐബഐബഐ

To understand how we became friends you must understand the tragedies, the shared pain, that surrounded us both and even surrounds you Spike... But for H.K. it started from the very beginning...

H.K. was born many millennia ago, long before the foundation of Equestria, during what is known as the Wandering Herd era. The events surrounding his birth were tragic... The many alicorn herds that once roamed the lands in and around what is now Equestria had been decimated by war. All that remained of the once proud race of alicorns was a single herd of three, H.K.s mother and two sisters Celestia and Luna. The two sisters' parents and H.K.'s father had die in battle eight months before H.K. was born... Leaving H.K. to be the last hope for the alicorns...

How many times do I have to say it H.K can't be pony!

He wasn't born dragon Garble...


I may have time to kill before I go make Sunbutt's day 'the-best-day-ever' but not that much. So be a good deary and shush! Granny Discord will explain it soon enough...

However, tragedy would strike once again, for only minutes after H.K. was born his mother would die. Many rumors flew over why in the years that followed. Some said it was an old injury or poison others thought that she had lost all hope when her mate died and just didn't have the strength to handle the vigors of foallabor...

The cruelest and most frequent one was the one that claimed she took one look at him at died in disgust that she would ever birth such a freak. For you see, H.K.'s fur coloration was... in a word: chaotic. Normally, as an alicorn grows, the magic within them it usually becomes potent enough that their manes and tails will swirl about in an unseen wind. For him, it was different, he was born with such an extremely potent amount of magic that it effected all of his fur. Fate would say it was to given to bring hope and light to the last generation... Others would not. For his fur, at birth, was a brilliant rainbow that shifted around constantly. Most could not gaze at him without becoming nauseated.

Well That explains everything! Of course you would be friends with someone as painfully chaotic as you... except that's not how he looks... The only rainbow part about him is his fire like mane. The rest of him is white and his horn and eyes are purple and green.

Hmm... interesting... Even though he was capable of masking his coloration he never would for reasons I will get into in a bit. I have no idea what would cause him to change that stance... But that is not the reason for our friendship although it did make our first meeting less... 'stabby'...

Life was difficult for the remaining alicorns. Celestia wasn't even out of foalhood herself when she had suffered the loss of her parents. What made it worse was she now had to raise a newborn alicorn colt and her sister, who was only old enough to barely be able to use magic consciously, in a cold world. Thanks to the terrible war they raged, alicorns were not looked on as reverently as they do now .

Although H.K. was born into a world that not only didn't like him for being an alicorn but also because no pony couldn't even look at him without getting sick he never let that get to him. For all the vile hatred flung at him he never responded back with hatred but with kindness...


Spike you must understand the H.K. you know today is not the same H.K. that I once knew... You see, fear of pain can make you do stupid things, but grief, grief, can break you...

In time, H.K., when he was old enough, left the sisters and wandered the world trying to find his place... a meaning for his life. As he traveled the world he learn of many things, of different cultures, of magic, and of the past. He did all this while also protecting others by striking down evil everywhere he traveled. And, yet, for all this he still had a hole in his heart, a desire that plagued him. One in which he could not seem to find.

That was, until a fateful night which brought H.K. to a place that would change his life forever. He had been traveling for many days through the open and uninhabited grasslands south of modern day Zebrica when a great storm suddenly came upon him. The only cover for many miles was a single, lone mountain.

H.K. barely managed to find a cave on the side of this mountain when the storm hit. He originally planed on waiting out the storm before moving on but something in the back of the cave caught his attention. A strange glow of changing colors. This intrigued him and out of curiosity made his way toward it.

As he walked further inside he came across a sight that defied everything about magic he had learned up to that point. The cave had opened into a huge cavern comprised entirely of crystal, similar to the crystal caves beneath Canterlot, except these 'crystals' where unique. Known as glowstones or glowgems, these gems are the only known gems that will naturally become saturated with raw mana. It's this saturation of raw mana that causes their colorful glow.

However, H.K. was so enthralled by the strangeness of his discovery that he didn't know that he wasn't alone. A growl was all the warning he had before he found himself face to face with two very ticked off dragons. In his haste to get out of the storm and in his curiosity he had inadvertently stumbled into their hoard.

H.K. in his travels learned the biggest rule about dragons, a rule that all should know, never, ever, touch a dragon's hoard without permission. He knew better then to run so he did the only thing he thought was left to him. He closed his eyes and calmly awaited for, what he thought was to be, his execution.

What happened next H.K. didn't expect. For he could feel something scaly affectionately rub up against his muzzle. When he dared to open his eyes what he saw stunned him to his core. In their eyes was something he had never seen before... H.K. was so overwhelmed that he nearly collapsed, not from relief, but from the pure love that flowed from the eyes of those dragons to him and for him... For as they were about to kill him, they had noticed something. The color of H.K.'s fur shifted in the same matter as the glowstones of their hoard...

What is with ponies managing to survive against dragons?

Strange, just moment ago you were claiming that H.K couldn't be a pony.

I... uh...

Anyway, I can't claim to understand the way dragons think or their ways... But, having said that, you, of all dragons, should know exactly who those dragons were...

But... That's... You don't mean?!

That's exactly what I mean, Garble. Those dragons, the ones that H.K. stumbled upon, are Spike's parents!

Wait! Are you saying you knew my parents!?

I didn't say that. I knew of your parents... I never met them. Wish I had... I'm merely telling you what H.K. has told me of them...

Author's Note:

Crazy Pinkie says fav, like, comment or she will sic Gummy on you :pinkiecrazy:

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