• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,494 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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For Panicking

ബഐബഐബഐ Silver ബഐബഐബഐ

A throbbing pain in my shoulder and tail tugged at the edge of my mind. I groaned as I opened my eyes to try and figure out why I was in pain. For that matter, I don't remember falling asleep or anything. The only thing I could figure out immediately was that it was dark, my eyes blurry from sleep and pained tears, and I was inside a building of some sort.

"I would suggest to not move much." A voice spoke softly as I winced from trying to move. "You lost a lot of blood, nearly lost your tail and your right shoulder is badly burnt."

I hissed in pain as looked over too see a white figure, but as my vision was still blurry from sleep I couldn't tell exactly who it was. I slowly brought up my claw and wiped the tears and sleep from my eyes. What I saw then, in my clearing vision, was surprising. There, standing nearby at a desk reading a scroll, was what I assumed was an oddly white narwhal equine reptile male chimera. He had a rainbow mane and his eyes matched his green and purple striped narwhal horn.

Out of all the many, many chimeras that I had seen over the years, usually merchant traders along the Great Salt Road, none of them ever looked quite like him. To begin with, it was my understanding that chimeras were never mix of land and sea. Not only that, the reptilian parts of him were not clearly defined large body parts like the torso or head but in patches like his shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked, not wanted to irk the chimera by staring at him for too long. I could vaguely remember the glowing yellow eyes in the darkness and something attacking me but nothing else until I awoke where I was now.

"Not entirely sure... you were unconscious when I rescued you. However, judging from your injuries you were attacked by shadow demons and then shot at least once, maybe more, by a defense obelisk."

Defense obelisk? Shot? Does he mean those black towers all over the city? I wonder if that was what shot Twixt'd out of the sky... But then none of them attack us while we walked through the city so how did I... unless... I must have panicked... again. But if I panicked and got seriously injured what about... "Spike, Garble, Twixt'd!"

"They are fine." The chimera sighed as he looked past me.

I carefully glance over my shoulder to see Spike sleeping soundly with a blanket wrapped around him. Garble was a short distance away also sleeping on a pile of gems. I could not see Twixt'd anywhere but it was possible that he was out of sight on the other side of the hoard. Either way it was a relief that they weren't hurt, even Garble... Wait, gems? Hoard!?

I shot up at that even though I had to bite back a roar of pain. I really didn't want alert the dragon owner that we were here sleeping on his or her hoard! We have to get out of here but carefully.

"Relax, or you will reopen your wounds..." The chimera calmly ordered not even looking up from his scroll that he was still reading.

"But. We shouldn't be here! This is a dragon's hoard!" Now that I was fully awake I could faintly smell an unknown dragon on the gems and even coming from the chimera... probably a helper or servant... rare but not unheard of at least for the dragons around here. Apparently it's more common in the eastern lands, I think. The faint smell on the gems was a bit odd as a hoard was usually thick with the scent of the dragon but then again the dragon may have just moved. It would explain why I had no idea there was a dragon up here. I do every I can to make sure I knew where every dragon was in the Untamed Wilds after all...

The chimera raise a eyebrow and looked at me from over the scroll. He then sighed and but it down. "

"Don't you understand!? You could get in trouble, deadly trouble, with your master or worse just for rescuing us! To intrude on another dragon territory like this...much less the hoard !If I had know that this was a dragon's hoard here I'd... I'd... I would have t-told them..." I tried to get up again but the pain from my shoulder and tail forced me back down.

"Master?" The chimera questioned, raising his eye brow even more.

"I didn't mean offense I... I..." I stuttered as I realized what I had implied. "I wasn't implying that you his... or her slave or something hehehe... It's just that I can smell dragon on you and faintly on the hoard as well... probably the lesser gems... not that its bad or anything! I wouldn't want strangers near my more valuable parts of my hoard either..."

"Interesting..." The chimera droned as he rubbed a hoof on his chin, "You are not a 'typical' dragon are you?"

"Yeah..." I sighed sadly, blushing a bit at being called out. "I'm a bit... uh... shy and the others... consider me a bit cowardly... and weak... even though I can and will fight decently once I have a moment to get into the right state of mind..."

I sighed as I began to fiddle with my claws going silent as my embarrassment got to me. I really do not do well being put on the spot like this. And to a complete stranger! Even if said strange was my savior...

The silence drag on for some time and was beginning to get really uncomfortable. I was getting so nervous that I nearly jumped when he suddenly spoke up. "There may be more hope then I thought..."

More hope then he thought? What does that mean?

"But I would not worry about you being in or I getting into trouble..."

"But the defense obelisks and shadow demons..."

"Broken and an infestation." The chimera shrugged as he returned to his scroll.

"Oh... but... uh... Are you sure? No trouble?"


I blinked in shocked before my brain caught up and remembered that a select few of the chimera traders knew a bit of draconian. Usually only a word or two... yes, no, hello, things like that. The language was a bit difficult for non dragons to learn or at least that's what I've heard.

"You should go back to sleep. It's still deep in the night and you need rest in order to heal."

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