• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,494 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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To Contemplate

ബഐബഐബഐ Garble ബഐബഐബഐ

I groaned happily as I felt a few bones popping as I stretched. For the first time in a week I had a goodnight's sleep. The feeling of being watched ended shortly after I returned to the gemfields after notifying the zebra as H.K. requested. I had then fallen asleep shortly there after. I knew I was tired, but not that much, if the position of the sun was anything to go by it had to be early afternoon.

I stretched a second time and jumped down from the tree I had been sleeping in. I shivered a bit when a slight breeze blew by. I was going to need to find a place to stay soon. It was not too cold yet, but it wouldn't be long before snow would fall and I really don't like to be out and about in snow. A cave would be best. There was a couple of mountains not too far away that might have a cave or two in them. But it would mean that I would be further away from Ponyville and Spike...

I sighed as I walked into the gemfields and sat down on a boulder. I really didn't feel like looking for a place at the moment. I just wanted to relax for once. I could take care of it tomorrow after all. Yesterdays' revelation from H.K. echoed in my mind.

"Dragon Lord Torch wanted to end him to make an example of him to deter any other dragon from ever thinking of doing what he did. I, on the other hand, thought differently..."

I slowly traced a claw along some of my scars. Before they were a source of shame... any dragon would know just from looking that they were not from a fight but now... now they seemed to carry something else.

"I saw you as worthy to be friends or even... brothers... I had also seen... the potential for you... to become a greater dragon warrior then I..."

I smiled as I remembered those words. A greater dragon warrior then H.K. Maybe one day other dragons would want to be scared up like me just to...

"What is wrong with you!?" I suppressed the urge to jump from the suddenness of Spike's voice. I looked over to see that somehow in my contemplation that Spike had managed to sneak up on me. Wow Spike is getting good... nah. I must have relaxed a bit too much after being overly vigilant. "You are ogling your scars from H.K.s torture like they are a badge of honor or something..."

"A badge of honor, eh?" I smirked. "Yeah, they are."

Spike blinked once, twice then facepalmed. "Oh for the love of... Why am I not surprised? Whatever, keep your weird obsession with scars."

"I can't help it if your too girly to think that scars are cool."

"I am not girly!" Spike roared, his checks reddening. Too easy. "And I think scars are cool it's just that yours are from torture not from a fight or an accident."

I titled my head at Spike. He seemed to be doing a bit better. he would have not given me such an awesome reaction yesterday... "You're feeling better. Did those girly activities that your guardian made you do help?"

"Garble!" Spike growled angrily, but I could see his eyes twinkle. "No... Twilight with the help of Princess Luna came into my dreams..."

"Well, whatever happened it made you less mopey."

"A bit... I guess..." Spike sighed. "But she doesn't understand that what she saw wasn't just dreams but urges that I have all the time..."

I shrugged. "You're a dragon, they are ponies of course they have no idea... The only one that did was H.K...."

"I suppose so... can we talk about something else?"

I frowned at Spike's downturn. It looks like he was still having troubles over H.K.'s death... But I made a promise to H.K. so I will remain silent on his survival. I touched the gem on the necklace. Maybe, soon, I can finally give Spike this necklace.

"You know of any place that I could stay in that will be out of the weather and out of the way of the ponies?"

"Well..." Spike scratched the side of his head in thought. "There is that cave at the top that mountain over there... I'm sure it's okay as the dragon that had been sleeping there was driven off by the girls some time ago..."

I blinked in disbelief. How could a group of mares, mares manage to drive off a dragon!? They are clearly not fighters and it would have taken force to make a sleeping dragon move off. You know what.... I don't care. It was a place for me to winter... It was fairly close by and also out of the way. The only bad thing was Spike had not yet grown his wings and climbing a snowy mountain was dangerous...

Bah, I'll figure that out later, time to eat. I sniffed around for a deposit of gems and soon found one. I quickly dug up a small amount of gems and stuffed them into my mouth. That small amount wasn't going to cut it especially since I could see Spike drooling from the corner of my eye. He really needs to learn how to sniff for gems...

I sniffed around for some more and managed to find a large boulder geode. When I cracked it open a small pile of gems fell out. I grabbed hand full and started to munched down on them. I was about to pop the final gem in my hand, a sunstone, into my mouth when stopped and took a second look at it.

The sunstone was an exceptional example of the gem, very strong, clear, pure yellow color. It's quality reminded me of the Ruby that was in H.K.'s sword. I held the gem near my wrist for a bit examining how it looked next to my scales and imagining it embedded in a metal clawed glove. Now if I could figure out how to create one and find another sunstone of similar size and quality...

"Whath are you thoing?" Spike questioned with his mouth overflowing. He really was impressive with the amount of gems he could stuff in that little mouth of his.

"You think Twilight will allow me to borrow a book on weapon making?" I asked, still examining the sunstone.

"I think she might have a book on blacksmithing in the restricted section..." Spike murmured. "But why would you of all dragons want a book?!"

"As you already know I always admired H.K. growing up... I always wanted to be like him... a fierce dragon warrior... still do. But how can someone called themselves a warrior without a weapon... or armor... sure my tail and claws are weapons and my scales armor but that just makes me like every other dragon..."

"I suppose so... to be honest, I always wanted to be a knight. To defeat evil and rescue damsels in distress..."

"A knight?" I raised an eyebrow, just barely resisting the urge to snort. "You are so girly."

"I am not!" Spike spouted out, his whole face red.

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