• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,493 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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To Live

ബഐബഐബഐ H.K. ബഐബഐബഐ

"How perceptive of you." I smiled as I complemented Twilight explaining the Zebrian scrying potion spell to Garble. Very few outside of the highest levels of the academia would have know that it was a zerbian potion spell much less a scrying potion spell. Nothing to slight the ponies for, but it was just that it was extremely uncommon for a zebra to be in Equestria and even rarer for a shaman, such as Zecora.

As expected, both froze then slowly turned to face me. Twilight appeared to be debating whether to be more shocked or more fearful. Garble, however, looked like he was going to lose his bowels..

"M-M-Master?!" Garble stuttered in fear much to my continued frustration. Always the stubborn one... I guess it's going to take just as much time to break the habit then it was to get him to do it in the first place...

"How many times must I tell you to stop calling me that Garble..." I grumbled as I removed my hood. No need to hide my face in front of Twilight and Garble, not anymore...

Garble was stunned to see my face. He didn't know that I was an 'alicorn' and not a dragon as he always insisted. Not his fault as I was always hidden beneath my enchanted cloak. Twilight surprised me, however, when she went from shock to recognition.

"Wait... You're H.K., aren't you?!"

"Yes, I am."

"But... how... you-you died, right? Garble said that when dragon are mortally wounded and unless that mare was exaggerating... This doesn't make sense!" Twilight sputtered in confusion before her expression darkened to rage. "If you where alive why didn't you let us know?! Thanks to your supposed death the dragons are going to kill us all!"

"It had nothing to do with my 'death!'" I snapped, gritting my teeth in order to keep my anger down enough before I set off another ash episode. As it was I could feel one bubbling up. "Your precious little princess broke the Oath between the Wasteland Dragons and 'Equestria,' not once, but twice! I managed to mitigate the consequences the first time as for the second... I 'died' before I could prevent the current outcome..."

"You don't look dead so that doesn't answer my question of why."

"Between the strain of the battle and the last sword slash from Sombra..." I sighed as I slowly pulled the rest of my cloak off. Garble, as expected for a dragon seemed to be in awe of my havily scared shoulder while Twilight turned a bit green. "I shouldn't be alive. As it was, it was a miracle that I hadn't died right there in the street..."

One month ago...

I gave a smug grin as Sombra screamed as his form shattered. Once I could see again, I slowly limped towards the west. I knew that with my injuries, coupled with the drainage of my mana, I only had the smallest of time before dying. The Crystal Hearts's wave had only restored the smallest amount of energy just enough that I think I can get some distance away. It was amazing enough as it was that I not had succumbed to them already.

It was slow going with only three working legs and my quickly sapping energy but I managed to leave the city by the time the effects of the Crystal Heart faded. As it did my energy drop dramatically and I collapsed, coughing up blood. I laid there for some time before I slowly got back up and continued.

I knew that I would die long before I made it to the mountains but that was not my goal. If I could manage, I would make my way to the series of caves nearby known as the Honeycomb Caves Complex. I doubt my body would be disturbed if I make it there. The area was a maze of canyons, gullies and caves and one could get easily lost within them without a guide as I wanted to avoid a bunch of buzzard giving my body away. An male alicorn body would probably be a curiosity at best or at worse used for dark magic... The Crystal Empire does not need another crazed pony.

I resisted the urge to stop and rest when I made it to the lip of the incline that lead down to the heart of the Honeycomb Complex. My vision was already starting to fade in and out and it was becoming harder and harder to get enough breath. Each step caused excruciating pain shot all over my body but on I walked down, ignoring the first couple of caves. I needed to go as far as I could...

I was some distance into the Honeycomb when I collapsed no longer having the strength to stand. Luckily I fell at the entrance of a cave. Only... a few more... hooves... With what was left of my strength I dragged myself into the cave. I slowly lowered my head to the floor as my vision faded to black...

The sounds of a crackling fire stirred me from my slumber and with a painful groan I opened my eyes.I looked up to see from bit of glittering from the crystal lined cave that I was at least still in the Frozen North. Wha? I'm still alive.... how? I could feel a dull throb in my shoulder, which was wrapped up, and my mouth felt extremely dry, but other then that, I seemed to be in good shape. Someone had clearly managed to bring me back from the brink of death. The question was who and why.

I silently sighed in relief when I saw my sword lying on the other side of the fire. From what I could see in the dim light it had been cleaned. I checked my mana reserves to find that I had a small amount. Much less then before I fought Sombra, but something was better then nothing...

The sound of someone approaching caught my attention, someone hooved if I wasn't mistaken. Given where I was it was either a crystal pony or a yak. I was surprised, then, when a small female buffalo walked into the firelight and fiddle with some bowls. What is a buffalo doing so far from home? I carefully studied her from half closed eyes. I don't know completely what was going on yet and whether she was an ally or not. From her size she was quite young to be on her own unless... It then hit me how a buffalo of her age should be a alone so far from her tribal homelands. She must be on a vision quest of some kind. It could also explain why I am still alive... but I needed confirmation.

"You are awake!" The buffalo whispered as I 'stirred' awake.

I opened my month as to talk even though I knew that I probably won't be able to without something to drink.

"No," The buffalo raised a hoof to 'stop' me from speaking. "Don't talk until you have drunk this."

I wordlessly let her help me drink from the bowl she offered. It was filled with something greenish and nasty, but I knew whatever it was it would help so I fought my gag reflex and drank the whole bowl.

"How long was I out?" I rasped out. My dry throat was helped by that liquid but it still felt like sandpaper.

"I'm not sure, at least two weeks..."

"Two weeks..." I echoed. That is a long time, but given my injuries I wasn't surprised. "May I ask you a more personal question..."


"Why are you so far from home?"

"I'm on a vision quest..." The buffalo blushed, probably in embarrassment over realizing that I would have no idea what that was even though I knew. "It's, uh, a coming of age ritual for my people..."

"I see..." I hmmed. Why would the Spirits of her people be guiding her to me? Why is it that I am the only one that can shoulder the entire world? It's tiring... "Young calf of the Stampeding People, the stars have cried out, and you have answered. The Spirits of the stampeding grounds are surely grateful for your service.”

At that the buffalo blinked at me incredulously, "How- How do you know that saying?!"

She was so shocked that it took her a moment to realize that I had not only had risen to three hooves but had grabbed my sword and was hobbling my way to the exit of the cave.

"Wait!" The buffalo cried out rushing in front of me to try and block my path. "You shouldn't move so soon..."

"I understand your concern, but time is not on my side anymore..." not that it ever was...

Present day...

"The young buffalo had managed to heal most of my injures but I was still quite weak. As such, it took me another week to make it back here. I only arrived a few hours before nightfall five days ago..." I sighed as I finished my tale of survival.

"You're an idiot." Twilight snapped after a moment of silence. Garble cringed as she said that but I merely raised an eyebrow. I didn't mind her assertion as she was not aware of my ash illness yet and what foreign magic could do when it was aggravated. As it was I'm not sure how the Crystal Heart was able to effect me in a positive manner. "If you lasted that long we could have healed you and we would not have a war coming!"

"In the state I was in you would have only killed me. The only reason the young visionwalker was able to help at all was because she was listened to the Spirits on how to heal me without killing me... not that it will matter much..."

"What do you mean?"

"She merely delayed my death. I probably will not last another month..."

"What did you see..."

"I saw a flock of crows swarm up into the sky and surround the sun, plunging the world into darkness. All I could see was their red eyes as they stared down at me. Then there was a sound like the howling of a coyote or the rushing of the wind. When I looked behind me and towards the sound, all I could see was flames everywhere. I ran, but no matter how fast I ran the flames always was right behind me and worse the crows started to dive down and attack me...

I then I tripped. I thought in that moment I was going to die right there, but nothing happened. A then voice called out to me: 'Little Strongheart... He must be found or flame will consume all...'"

Author's Note:
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