• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,494 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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For Confessing

ബഐബഐബഐ Spike ബഐബഐബഐ

I was only partially aware of what was going on as Twixt'd carried me away. All I could think on was how cold H.K. was. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. With how nonchalant he was about scarring Garble it was only a matter of time before he would come after me... But I had to try and save the ponies... and I failed... and now all that I love...

I wasn't even aware that we had reentered the room where the gem pile was. It wasn't until Garble whispered that I realized where we were. "What happened?"

I blinked in surprise. Did he hear us all the way back here? I didn't think we were quite that loud. But then again maybe sound travels really far here like in the Canterlot Archives. I got into trouble a few times for getting a bit too excited reading my comics while Twilight was busy with whatever had her interest that week...

"H.K. tore into him hard..." Twixt'd grumbled.

"Yeah... H.K. does have a temper..." I cringed as Garble traced a few of his scars idly. "Wait... did I hear you wrong? Did you say H.K. tore into Spike!?"

I slipped down off of Twixt'd and slow walked to and picked up the blanket that had been put on me earlier. By whom I don't care... I just needed some reminder of home, of Twilight, right now even though I could feel both pairs of eyes watching intently.

I understood everything H.K. had said. As Twilight's number one assistant I picked up a lot of things related to magic. Thanks to that I understood how magic could infer with ley lines and vice versa. Even more so if the this was the fabled leyonic poles as H.K. claimed and it seemed possible given the absolute impossibility of an upside down mountain. It also would be a real concern if there really was something wrong with the ley lines. I get needing to fix whatever was wrong with the ley lines and fast... but that didn't mean he had to be so cold about it...

"'I have to babysit dragon hatchling that won't listen with a damn death wish!' That's what he told me... that what he thinks of me..." I sighed, not daring to look up at Garble and Twixt'd. I don't need to see their pity... "I don't have a death wish... I'm just trying to save my friends and their love ones! I mean what's the point in saving the world when there was no one left in it!?"

"Are you saying that H.K. wasn't just spouting nonsense in some vain attempt to scare us?"

"No, he wasn't." I shook my head shivering a bit at thoughts of cascading ley lines. I remember when Twilight had gotten all worked up when I shrugged over It was one of the few times that Twilight's neurotic panicked ranting wasn't over the top and unrealistic... well it was still over the top. "Well, maybe... But if this is the leyonic pole and there is something wrong with them then what H.K. was said is a real possibility."

"So what now?" Twixt'd asked after a long awkward silence.

"I don't know..." I sighed. "I came here to get his help with a war and well as something... personal... and clearly he doesn't care about either. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised..."

"Okay... forget the personal whatever for a moment, war?! How can a single chimera help in a war?!"

"No, not you too!" Garble whined, facepalming. "He is not a chimera!"

"Garble, enough." I grumbled, pinching my brow. "It doesn't matter whether he's a chimera, dragon, breezie, or the bucking Smooze from the 8th dimension, war has been declared against my home Equestria! Luckily, so far fighting hasn't broken out yet, but it's only a matter of time."


"Because the Wasteland Dragon's Oath was broken by the namby-pamby Oathbreaker pony princess..." My jaw dropped as Garble explained. It surprising that Garble managed to hold it together to finish his sentence. Every other time Oathbreaker was brought up he went into a feral rage. To be fair, though, I had troubles not doing the same.

"Okay, not what I meant..." Twixt'd pinched his eyebrow. "Wasteland Dragons, Oathbreaker pony princess?"

"'Oathbreaker pony princess' is one of two rulers of Equestria and the Wasteland Dragons are...uh... Garble what exactly are the Wastleland Dragons?"

"A bunch dragons from all over this continent under the nominal leadership of a single dragon known as the Dragon Lord. What's to know?" Garble shrugged.

"Okay..." Twixt'd drew out rubbing his forehead. I felt the same way. I mean what kind of an answer is 'What's to know!?' "Let me get this straight, a bunch of dragons are mad over a pony breaking an oath, fine. But a war!?"

"What!?" Garble spouted in disbelief. "Did your brain get damaged at the same time as your horn!? Didn't your parents teach you anything?! And I thought you had it bad Spike..."

I just sighed and rolled my eyes at Garble's jab. He was really bad at spouting the wrong thing and the wrong time... It was clear it hurt as I could see that Twixt'd had one of those thousand hoof stares... 'a suspicious orphan...'

"Twixt'd, please don't take this wrong... when H.K.... are you an orphan?"

Twixt'd crossed his arms, and narrowed his eyes at me. "That is none of your business Spike so drop it."

"Oh, come on." Garble huffed, waving a claw dismissively. "Spike is also an orphan and I'm disowned so spill it already."

Twixt'd slowly blinked seemingly surprised at what Garble said. For a long moment Twixt'd just stared before he turned away.

"It been so long and I was so young..." Twixt'd began. It was clear that he was crying. The shaky voice, the turning away, it was the exact same thing Shinning Armor did whenever he got emotional and was trying to keep up his manly reputation in front of others. Never did work as you had to be Pinkie Pie levels of oblivious to not know he was crying. "Try as I might I can't even remember what they looked like or sounded... all I can recall was my name... Black Ice... At least you had friends... I had no one... living on the streets... It's everyone for him or herself more so if you didn't 'fit in.' To stand out on the streets brought unwanted attention."

"Great I went from the top of the hoard to hanging with a bunch misfits." Garble grumbled hotly.

"You had a choice Garble..." I ground out. Sometimes I wanted to wack Garble for his inconsiderate remarks but I knew that it was only a mask to hide his real feelings... sort of like Twixt'd's and Shinning Armor's turning way so no one could see them crying...

"Yeah... and I have the scars to remind me..."

"So, now what?" Twixt'd questioned after another long awkward pause. I was glad he changed the subject away from Garble's scars. I really don't like Garble's one moment cringing at the them next being all lovey-dovey.

I took a long breath. "I honestly don't know... I really didn't know when we left Equestria... I don't know now! All I do know is that H.K. somehow knows what's what and is the only one that can fix it... and I don't even know why I know that! Or think the he will fix it! He's a coward that runs from everything that should be important..."

"Well, kid, personally I think he's not worth it brother or not... but I left Traxti City with no idea where to go or what to do... What I do know is I like you guys... you especially Spike... So I'll be with you while you figure it out. Besides someone has to protect you kid. Garble sure cant..."


"I don't need protecting." I humphed.

"Yeah, you do." Twixt'd and Garble countered much to my annoyance.

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