• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,495 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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A Pursuit

ബഐബഐബഐ Garble ബഐബഐബഐ

I stretched up against the large boulder behind me and yawned. I watched Spike who was sitting across from me roasting some of his gems in the camp fire. Before I met Spike I never knew that one could even 'roast' gems to make them more flavorful. Of course, according to Spike, for whatever reason dragon fire doesn't work to roast gems. But then it does makes sense as why would any dragon but a dragon raised away from dragons ever use any flame but their own? Actually I don't know any dragon that cooks any of their food. Burn their food sure, but cook, no.

Before long Spike grabbed a ruby from the flames and gnawed on it it was a bone. It made him appear to be a dog. I was tempted to tease him about it but decided against it. Something had been bothering me the past two days. I had no idea where we were going exactly figuring that Spike would direct me. But he had be unusually still and on at least three separate times Spike had actually fallen asleep on my back. How could he direct me on where to go if he wasn't paying attention to where we were going?

"So... Spike... can you explain exactly where we are going... And before you protest I'm not stupid. It's clear to me that you have not paying attention to where we have been flying the past few days..."

Spike didn't answer at first, idly clawing his gem necklace. I was about to prompt him to answer when he finally spoke. "South..."

"Just south?" I raised an eyebrow.

Spike nodded, looking down and away from me.

I facepalmed. I don't care if he didn't know exactly where H.K. was but I needed him to be honest with me. If all he had was a general direction fine, but I needed to know so I could look for any signs of H.K. or look for towns or villages that might have seen him pass through.

"Any idea other than south?"

"No... and there is a chance that H.K. went south to fool Twilight..."

"Maybe he went home..." I muttered, almost to myself.

"You know where he lives?" Spike sat up looking at me in shock before it very quickly faded. "Of course you do..."

"It was a bit to the south... west of the migration grounds I think. I can't say for sure H.K. never let me leave his cavern."

Spike pinched his brow. "Well there goes that idea..."

I said nothing more and I turned over to get some sleep. I mean what could I say? And I didn't have any idea what to do either. I might have said something about him being an idiot and rushing in without thinking, but I then I did the same thing once...

I groaned as I awoke. I really hate falling asleep out in the open like this. How can I get enough sleep if the sun wakes me up before I'm ready and so painfully?! I looked over to see that Spike was still fast asleep, the sun seemingly not bothering him at all. Lucky bastard.

"Up at at it Spike." I growled out.

I raised an eyebrow when my fairly loud wake up call didn't work. A heavy sleeper, eh? I knew a trick that my parents used on me when I didn't want to get up. I grabbed him by the tail and lifted him off the ground. But Spike for some reason didn't wake up stunning me. I had picked up Spike by his tail and he was still asleep!? I get the appeal of sleeping as much as the next dragon but we are out in the open and not on our hoards... and the tail was one of the most sensitive parts of a dragon!

I smirked as an idea came to me. I reach out and bit his tail. This was enough to finally wake up Spike who preceded to scream and flail about. I rolled my eyes as I dropped him unceremonious to the ground.

"Hey what's the big idea!" Spike roared at me rubbing his tail. I rolled my eyes. I didn't bite that hard.

"Quit being a baby." I sneered. "We are not in the land of lollipops and rainbows anymore. There are dangers out here remember!?"

Spike merely grumbled in response.

"So... do you wish for us to continue south?" I asked Spike as he picked up his backpack. Now that I wasn't so tried I could get the clarification I didn't get last night.

"Yeah, might as well... at least until we find a village or city... H.K. had flown off at such a high rate that he created a rainboom...."

"Rainboom?" What's a rainboom? Is that the ponies way of saying thunder? Because if it is...

"It's a rainbow explosion that occurs when a flyer goes fast enough to break the..." Spike scratched his head as he struggled to remember whatever word he was trying to say. Not that it would matter, as I would have no idea what it meant anyway. "I forgot what it was... Twilight would remember... Apparently Rainbow Dash is not the only one that can do it..."

"H.K. never seemed the type to be flashy or... so... namby-pamby..." Who would want a rainbow trailing behind them!?

"Yeah, I can think of several others ways to disappear that's a lot less flashy... and I can't fly or use magic! Either way, somepon-someone is bond to see a moving rainbow in the sky.... if he went this far south at that speed..."

"Whelp," I clapped to snap Spike out of his lowering mood. I hate it when Spike get mopey and I was not going to have a mopey Spike on my back. "Nothing more we can do but search. So stop moping and hop on we don't got all day."

"Yeah, I suppose..." Spike sighed as he climbed onto my back.

I sighed as I took a running leap into the air. Stupid mopey Spike...

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