• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,493 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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An Uncertainty

ബഐബഐബഐ Spike ബഐബഐബഐ

"So... what is so special about this H.K. guy?"

"Seriously?" Garble spun towards Twixt'd, flinging his arms in the air. "How can you not know about him?! I could have understand Silver but you!? A fighter as skilled as you?"

"Oh, fuck off." Twixt'd snapped. "I have better things to do then fanboying like a shrill girl."

Garble jaw dropped before he grumbled in annoyance. I had to suppress a snort at Garble's irritation and Twixt'd's clever insult. I'm glad I wasn't the only one to call out Garble's odd hero worship of H.K. However, if I didn't nip this in the rear I suspect that Garble and Twixt'd would come to blows again, or at least Garble would find himself losing fight again. "Garble, focus, we have to find H.K."

"Fine." Garble huffed, crossing his arms. "Get on Spike, might as well fly up and check it out."

"I wouldn't fly up there if I were you."

Garble snorted with amusement. "Well maybe you shouldn't had annoyed them with your reckless, noisy flying. Speed and stealth my butt."

Twixt'd eyerolled. "I only got here a few hours ago... and I only started flying at high speed to avoid getting shot out of the sky... not that I managed that..."

I raise an eyebrow. If it wasn't Twixt'd that frightened Silver a week ago... Could it be? I turned to looked up toward the mountain 'Terra Hourglass' in thought.

"Wait..." Silver slowly chewed. "It wasn't you flying near here about a week ago? I mean... you were making the same sound that... woke me up..."

"No... I was flying over the ocean a week ago..."

Interesting... so it wasn't Twixt'd that woke Silver... so it was still possible that it was H.K. The weird thing was that H.K. seemed to be the private type. A city, whether it wasn't there before or not, would draw attention to himself. It just didn't make a lot of sense... If the city was false why would he put up such a elaborate illusion? He was just asking someone like Twixt'd to investigate...but then again... If could be a real city that Silver wasn't aware of given that he was the type to avoid others. And of course there was a chance that it wasn't H.K. and going up there could be trouble...

I sighed I touched the gem that was around my neck. "H.K. said...before he left that the gem necklace your wearing will guide you to where your heart already is. You don't need to go find him..." But I do need to find him... Besides the war that was coming I needed to why... why he would abandoned me... the only family he had... if Discord's story was true... I need his help with my dragon instincts vague riddles was not going to cut it. This wasn't like getting a discovering ones talent and flash a cutiemark. This was a very serious problem so I had to take the risk... but I wasn't going to go up there without a bit more information.

"Are you sure you weren't flying in a restricted or 'no fly zone'?" I questioned still looking up at the mountain trying to keep my hopes in check.

"And how the hell would you know something like that?" Twixt'd stared at me in surprise. "No offense, but you do not have your wings yet."

"Twilight and I studied up on Equestrian flight regulations over cities after dealing with Rainbow Dash crashing into the library and messing up all our hard work one too many times... For being a city of clouds populated only by flyers most would think that they 'had the freedom of the skies' there is a surprisingly number of rules that limit where and when one can fly particularly near the weather factory."

"I suppose that is possible... still... I've never known any place to skip the warning and go straight to the shoot first ask questions later part..."

"If there was even a remote chance that H.K. was there or that he passed through or by the city I have to try." I stated in finality as I gazed over at Twixt'd.

Twixt'd stared back at me, his expression unreadable before he blinked and sighed. "H.K. must be really important person for you to find to take a risk like you are about to..."

"Yes... Yes, he is..."

Twixt'd sighed again. "There was a wooded area near on edge of the mountain... it should provide some cover... if we wait until sundown..."

"No... if we are caught sneaking around at night they may think we are up to no good..."

"Not only that, there is no 'we.' Just Spike and I." Garble growled as he thumbed at Silver he flinched at being suddenly thrust into the spotlight. "He only came to help find this location..."

"No," I shook my head. "Silver should come."

"What?!" Both Garble and Silver shouted in shock and fear respectively.

"If we don't find H.K. or this city..."

"I'm telling you there is a city up there!" Twixt'd stomped in anger.

"No offense Twixt'd, but we don't know you, you are not from around here, and you did fall out of the sky..."

"I am never going to live that down!" Twixt'd mumbled angrily.

I had to suppress a snort and from the way Garble was grinning I had a feeling that Twixt'd's was right. However we were getting off topic and I wanted to get to this supposed city before nightfall we needed to leave right now. "I'm sorry Twixt'd, Silver... it's just that if there truly is no city up there I want to visit either Port Klippfisk or Hell’s Gate to get more supplies I don't want a repeat of our trip through the desert."

"Um, okay..." Silver gulped and nervously wrung his claws. "If you think you need me I guess I can come..."

"If you think you are going without out me too you are sadly mistaken!"

"Fine," Garble humphed, "but if blockhead causes us to be attacked I will help them ground him but this time permanently..."

"Pfft." Twixt'd shrugged. "Whatever makes you feel better."

I shook my head as I climbed onto Garble's back. Those two traded insults worse then whenever AJ and Rainbow Dash got a bit too competitive. I suspect that the two would become fast friends too... if they didn't kill each other first.

"Hey!" I grumbled as Garble took off a bit too fast to follow Twixt'd.

"Oh be quiet baby." Garble growled.

I sighed. Garble was really ticked. Today was just not his day... with nothing for me to do and with Garble not in the mood for anything I quietly observed the mountain as we followed Twixt'd. As we flew up along the east side of of the mountain saw that Terra Hourglass even had trees growing upside down on it. At this point I would not be surprised if I saw animals walking on it like normal...

"Babies first..." Garble sneered as Twixt'd slowed to a stop just below the 'top' of the mountain.

Twixt'd growled but said nothing as he slowly rose above the lip of the mountain. He remained hovering there for a few moments looking around.

"Well?" Garble shouted up after a few moments of waiting for Twixt'd to give the all clear. I was a bit surprised that Garble didn't just rush ahead.

"It's safe." Twixt'd finally called back as he disappeared from sight.

"Finally..." Garble muttered as he sped up and over the lip.

I rolled my eyes as we rose up to see that the mountain 'top' was also forested. Nothing about this mountain was remotely correct. I even wasn't surprised to see that we had managed fly up next to a road that went right up to the edge of the mountain. At least this did give credence to Twixt'd's claim of a city and if we walked along the path maybe we won't get attacked like Twixt'd had been before.

"I don't believe what I am seeing." Silver gasped out.

"Of course you wouldn't." Garble facepalmed and shook his head. I slide off his back and onto the road before Garble could do anything to silver while I was on him. I was a bit surprised that he only seemed slightly annoyed with Silver.

"It would probably be best if we walked along this path. It should make us not only appear non threatening but like we aren't up to something."

"Walking..." Garble sighed as he followed me.

"Baby..." Twixt'd snarked.

This is going to be a loooong walk... I facepalmed as we walked into the woods.

Fortunately my predication of a long walk with the two dragons duking it out in some way never came to pass as both Garble and Twixt'd made no more antagonizing remarks. This made are trip through the forest much faster then I had anticipated. So fast was our trip through the forest that I was taken off guard when we suddenly broke through the trees a mere ten minutes later. Off at a distance of about a mile was a city, just as Twixt'd had claimed.

"I don't believe it..."

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