• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,495 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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The Necklace

ബഐബഐബഐ Garble ബഐബഐബഐ

"Wait, Spike!" I yelled as Spike ran. I have no idea what gotten into him to flee like that...

"Leave him be... gah" Discord grunted in pain, clutching his chest. Looks like Spike did break some of his ribs... It actually surprising that Discord was still conscious.

"He really did a number on you..." I didn't think he had it in him to be able to hurt Discord this badly. It was clear now he has been holding back on me. If I told him once I told him a dozen times he is ever going to be able to fight at his peak he needs to come at me with his all...

"Yeah... he did..." Discord gasped out as he conjured some bandages and quickly wrapped up his injuries. "Now... on to the other reason I am here."

"Which is?" I asked guardedly. While I'm impressed by Discord's ability to take such a beating in stride that did not mean that I wasn't cautious about him. Especially with how weird he is.

"That necklace where did you get it?"

I was right to be cautious. Why of all things would he come here for that? No way that I would tell anyone about this necklace, minus Spike, even if this thing claims to be H.K.s 'best friend.' The only friend that dragon seemed to have was Soots... and with his master dead he would have flown off not to be seen again as is the way of phoenixes.

"What, did my reason for me being here stun you? I was not born yesterday, dragon whelp. That necklace does not belong to you it belongs to H.K.!"

My eyes widen in shock! How did he know!? Was he there in the Empire when H.K. gave it to me or when I first tried to give it to Spike?! Or is he a mind reader?

"I don't know what..." I stopped mid question when I was suddenly found myself tied up by red rope. I immediately tried to get out out, but the ropes were just too... Did he tie me up with ropes of licorice!? "What is the meaning of this?!"

"That necklace you are wearing. I'll ask you again. Where did you get it? You are too weak to have killed him... So... Did you steal it from him or did you 'acquire' it from a 'merchant'?"

I growled in frustration as I tried again to get out of binds. I did not know who Discord really was I was not about to let him know about the necklace. H.K. impressed upon me that it had to get into Spike's claws not who ever this guy is.

"TALK!" Discord bellowed.

I smirked as I looked at Discord. If he thought that yelling at me would work he was wrong. He was no H.K or Dragon Lord Torch. Actually his rage was actually quite funny. It might have work if he wasn't being so ridiculous. I mean red licorice ropes? Who does that?!

"Oh, I see, you think because my magic has so far been 'silly' that I can't be intimidating. Well, I can fix that real quick."

Discord snapped his eagle claw and the sky suddenly went dark.

Really that's all!? I smirked at Discord pathetic attempt at intimidation. Darkness? Really? Dragon's like myself live in dark caves!

Discord suddenly appeared next to me. "Look up."

I did as Discord whispered to me. A cloud of arrows was raining down towards me. Well that was interesting by not enough to make me talk. That was until a few of them slammed to the ground around Discord and I. They weren't arrows but ballista! If even one of those hits me I'm a goner! I closed my eyes as the ballista began to impact the ground more and more.

I shook as I could hear the whistling of the projectiles in the air and the shuttering of the ground from the impacts. I silently waited for the end. I'm sorry H.K., but it looks like I will fail...

Wait... It's gone eerily quiet. I opened my eyes and to my relief the rain of ballista ended before it reached me. I heard a snap of a finger and all of the ballistas disappeared in a flash of light leaving just me and Discord in the gem fields.

"And that's not all!" Discord yelled out biting his eagle claw and slamming it into the ground. "Summoning justu!"

Summoning Justu?! All I saw a cloud of smoke where Discord used to be.

"Tell me, young whelp, have you ever seen a fire salamander?"

My eyes widen in fear as the smoke cleared leaving behind a fire salamander. He managed to teleport a fire salamander here!? They were one of the few creatures that would dare try and attack a dragon and at my age one could easily kill me even without me being tied up! If I don't get out of the bonds and fast I would be a goner along with the necklace!

The fire salamander quickly saw me and with a roar rushed at me full speed. Too late! I had no chance now! It didn't even slow down as it slammed into me knocking me down. It was about to chomp down on me when it disappeared with a bang and a cloud of smoke.

"Now, where were we? " Discord pulled on his beard in thought as he walked up to me through the dissipating smoke. After that display of power I don't want to know what he was thinking. "I know! The necklace. Now. Where. Did. You. Get. It?!"

"H.K.... gave it to me..." I gasped out struggling to get the words out. The licorice ropes were becoming so tight that I could barely get more then a sip of air in. "Said to... give to Spike... if something... happened...to him..."

"For your sake dragon you had best be telling the truth..." Discord slowly walked up to me. The malice in his eyes somehow rivaling that of H.K. He lifted me up using his magic, reaching out for my head with his eagle claw. "Now don't worry this won't hurt... me..."

The next thing I knew I was back on the ground the licorice binding gone with a pounding headache. What the hell happened? All I could remember was Discord approaching me then whiteness along with excruciating pain.

"Why?" Discord questioned as he paced a few feet from me. From the way he was walking I don't think he noticed me awakening yet. "What did he see in you?"

I nearly gasped when I saw the glisten of something in his eagle claw. He has the necklace! But with his power how am I going to get it back!? Maybe I can rush him before he realizes...

"Oh, you are awake..." Discord stopped, looking down at me. Damn it, too late. "Sorry about the pain, I had to make sure..."

"What did you do?" I grunted as I painfully rose back to my feet. I may have lost the element of surprise but if I can get him talking maybe I can find an opening.

"I forced my way into your memories specifically the one in which H.K. gave you the Shield Glowstone to you."

I growled in irritation at that. Damn magic user... If only I was older then he wouldn't have been able to get in!

"Chill, man." Discord grinned, a long scarf and hat appearing on him in a flash. His breath visible like if it was cold outside. "I only saw the memory of H.K. giving you the necklace... nothing more. And looks like he finally enchanted it... Took him long enough..."

"Enchanted?" I questioned as Discord handed the necklace back to me. Is that why it smells weird? I sniffed the gem again before putting the necklace back on and concluded like before it was the gem itself... What did he call it? A Shield Glowstone? Shield obvious refers to the type of cut, but I have never heard of a glowstone before, and I was no slacker when it came to gem knowledge.

"Yes, enchanted..." Discord nonchalantly answered my question as he spun around and began to walk back toward Ponyville. "Never you mind that. Just do as H.K. requested and make sure Spike gets that necklace, one way or another."

Who is this guy?!

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