• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,495 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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To Heal

ബഐബഐബഐ Twilight ബഐബഐബഐ

"Zecora what can I do to help?" I asked, not wanting to sit idly while Zecora worked on H.K. I had already examined almost everything here, but I don't really want to move around with all that black vomit all over.

"Remove all this mess post haste, then help put on this paste. Use only hooves, no magic, on the male, or death will be the end of his tale."

I nodded and conjured a mop and bucket and quickly mopped away the black goo while Zeccora removed jar, after jar, after jar filled with something that even Rarity would describe as vomit yellow. Once I finished the floor, I grabbed the cauldron and dumped it some distance from the tree.

I nearly gagged as soon as I returned. Zecora was now massaging the yellow paste from the jars deep into H.K.'s fur. However, whatever it was smelled like a mixture of rotten eggs, burnt toast, and feces. I just hope that it really didn't contain any feces... I was very much aware that some of her potions did require more, 'exotic' ingredients.

"Breath through mouth, so that your stomach doesn't go south."

It helped a bit... at least enough that I think I could handle it long enough to help Zecora out. H.K was lucky that I was even willing to help. Personally, after what he did with Princess Celestia I would have left and never looked back. I mean, I know I don't know what exactly is going between H.K and Princess Celestia but was it really necessary to so violent with her? However, I desperately need help with Spike, and with him the only one that might be willing if he dies...

I gulped, mentally preparing myself for how bad the paste will be once I had it on my hooves. I dared not to do my normal method of panic reduction. With closed eyes I opened a jar and scooped some of the 'paste' onto a hoof. It tingled a bit and felt a bit slimy but I pushed through and mimicked Zecora. Thankfully Zecora was working on the side with the large scar. I didn't need anything more grossing me out.

The process of applying the paste was a slow one. The paste didn't go every far leaving me to scoop more and more of the stuff. I was a little worried that I might be using too much but as I watched Zecora she too was using about the same amount as I was. I quickly took stock on how many jars and my jaw nearly dropped. There was enough here to cover his entire body and at the rate we were going we would do just that.

We were just about to work on his flank when I noticed something. Something I had not even noticed before. H.K.'s flank was blank. He has no cutiemark?! I had been so focused on his injury or that sword of his that I had completely missed a very noticeable feature of his. It seems my mental list of questions was becoming even longer. I just hoped that he would recover enough so that I...

Suddenly H.K. sat up, screaming. Both Zecora and I stumbled back. He was clearly in pain, but the force of his roar, which was sounding an awful a lot like a dragon, was making the air to thrash about just like when Luna used the Royal Canterlot Voice. Just as suddenly, he stopped, vomited some of the goo again, then collapsed.

For a few moments all I could hear was my haggard breathing and my heart pounding. One would think that after all I witnessed today that I wouldn't be so frighten but it was so sudden and the roar of pain so strong.

"Is he...?" I finally spoke once my heart rate and breathing calmed down.

"I... am... okay Twilight..." I nearly jumped out of my fur when H.K. whispered. I was sure that he, at the minimum, had passed out. The way he was screaming he had to have been in immense pain but then he managed to stay standing after vomiting as much as he did. He slowly lifted himself to a sitting position before continuing. "Though, I think I cut my life in half... Zecora thanks for the timely help."

"Master shaman, do not thank one such as I, you have done more then I can repay, you opened my people's eyes so that they may see. To merely heal you now is not enough pay."

Master shaman? Why did Zecora say that? It, in no way helped with any of her rhythms. Zecora had told me that her people dealt with dragons all the time and then that ambassador at the Summit Zephyr seemed very mad at Princess Celestia for getting into a war with the dragons. Could it be that H.K. helped her people with their dragon problem? The reactions of the buffalo and the zebra at the summit were beginning to make more sense. I had already understood the buffalo's feelings on dragons thanks to when we delivered a tree for AJ's cousin in Appleloosa but I didn't have the story on the zebra's.

"None-the-less I thank you."

Zecora smiled a bit and nodded. "I must leave now, I am hungry for stew, and I still have many potions to brew."

"Of course Zecora, Twilight and I still have things to discuss in private..." H.K then continued in what appeared to be Zecora's native tongue.

My suspicions were confirmed when Zecora spoke a few words back. I watched quietly as Zecora then gathered her jars, nodded her goodbye, and left. I had so many questions and my mind was running through the list once again that I didn't even realize how quiet it was.

I nearly jumped when H.K. broke the silence. "Ask your questions, Twilight, I know that you have them..."

"But..." I began objected. After all that he went through even I knew he needed to rest not answer my very long list of questions. As it was, he really shouldn't be sitting up.

"This will be the last you will likely see and hear from me Twilight.... Once I have recovered a bit I will be leaving..."

"But I need your help with Spike!" I protested.

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