• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,495 Views, 125 Comments

A Bridge Between Brothers - Rammy

Spike knows nothing of being a dragon and doesn't want to but when family he didn't know he had comes to Ponyville he might just find the true meaning of being a dragon anyway.

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An Impossibility

ബഐബഐബഐ Spike ബഐബഐബഐ

So high... so dizzy...

I've prided myself for having never once experienced vertigo even when Rainbow Dash took me for a 'ride' at near sonic rainboom speed. However, for the past hour I felt ill at ease as I just couldn't stop visualizing that the ground far below us opening up and me falling into a dark bottomless pit. I just hope that we get to safe ground soon. I had hoped we would land the moment we went from the sand and dry sun baked earth of the desert to light rolling grasslands but we did not.

I was about to ask about when we could land when Silver called out. "We should land now..."

"No, we keep going..." Garble growled out. "It's faster this way..."

"No, we really should land..." Silver repeated with a slight tinge of fear in his voice.

I could feel a shiver run up and down my back. Unlike Fluttershy, who was not only shy around others but also had an wide range of fears including flying, Silver just seemed to be shy. (How Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy managed to become friends as fillies mystery to me.) This was the first time that I could detect fear from him that was not related to being shy... Now that I think about it, all Silver had to do was tell us when to we could safely land and let us be on our way but he burst out of his hiding place spouting that he could come to make sure we got past the Salt Flats... there must be something big to make him overcome his shyness like he did.

"Garble, please, just land..." I begged. Besides whatever was spooking Silver I really needed to get onto the ground before my dizziness got worse.

"Ugh, fine!" Garble growled out in irritation, diving down to the ground.

The moment we got to the ground I jumped off of Garble and started kissing the ground in thanks, not caring that Garble was groaning in revulsion. I was tempted to dig in the soil and shower myself with it but felt that would be a bit too much ammo for Garble to tease me with.

"Are you done?" Garble sneered as I got up and dusted myself off.

"Yes." I grinned happily knowing that my cheeriness would irritated Garble, who, as I expected scoffed and looked away.

"Okay Mrs. Scaredy Dragon lead the way... and make it snappy!"

I shook my head. Garble was being especially difficult today. First at the oasis and now here... I think we are going to need to rest soon before Garble blows his top. At least with the grasslands we should have better luck finding water... hopefully.

As we marched through the grasslands I began to realize that it was a good thing that we were walking... after being in the air for so long in past few days my legs were a bit sluggish... I think the only reason I managed to keep up was that Garble seemed tired from flying nonstop with me on his back the past few days, not that he would admit it.

It was late in the afternoon when I noticed something ahead that didn't look right. There was a single large mountain in the distance, which in of itself wouldn't have meant much except that it looked like someone had scooped it up, flipped it upside down, and stuck it back into the ground. I repeatedly blinked and rubbed my eyes as we kept walking thinking that maybe I was seeing a mirage. If it was a mirage it was the oddest mirage I had ever seen... So odd that it occurred to me that it was a trick of Discord's... Discord had done something similar before though not quite on this scale... If only hadn't noticed that Silver sideways glance at me. It was as if...

But how can Discord have that kind of power? Even when he was making Ponyville the Chaos Capital of the world he had to actively keep the chaos chaotic. At least that what I recall from glancing at Twilight's notes on the incident and with the way Silver was nonchalant about the mountain it had been like this for some time... At least I could see now why Silver was so concerned. If Garble had freezed up in shock while in flight at seeing whatever I was seeing and I fell off...

"What the hell..." Garble shouted gesturing to the 'mountain before grabbing Silver roughly, "What are you pulling?!"

"It's... you see... the mountain is Terra Hourglass..." Sliver stammered, trying to make himself as small as he could.

"Listen you namby-pamby miserable excuse for a dragon..." Garble lifted Silver up by the throat, his mouth glowing with dragon fire.

"IT IS REAL!" Silver choked out in fear. "I DON'T KNOW HOW, BUT IT'S AS REAL AS YOU AND ME!"

"Garble! That is enough!" I snapped at Garble who, in a huff, let go of the shaking dragon. As I had feared, Garble had reached his limit.

"I'm sorry for Garble's... outburst." I cooed, trying to calm down the coughing dragon. "Its just that we have been fooled by numerous mirages before we found the oasis..."

"By-by the saaaands it'sss not a mirage." Silver stuttered, though it was clear that he was at least beginning to calm down.

"Okay, okay I believe you..." I rubbed my brow trying to rid myself of the headache over the implication that I was really seeing a mountain upside down. "It's just... ugh... I am soo glad Twilight isn't here right now..."

I shuddered as I got flash backs to lesson zero and to that week when Past-Future Twilight tried to warn Past-Past Twilight about a danger that wasn't a danger... When Twilight wasn't being manic her studiousness wasn't so bad but when she was however... I shudder again as I fought to resuppress even more memories.

"Maybe the top... bottom... bottom-top... whatever would give us a way to survey the area..." I muttered to myself. I needed to plan our next move as it had been a week since Silver had heard what may or may not be H.K. That and if I didn't check it out Twilight would go crazy and I don't wish crazy Twilight on anyone... though she would most likely go crazy over its impossibility... I wonder if Discord was originally from around here... "Are you calm enough lead us again to where you heard the sound?"

"Uh, sure..."

"Good." Garble grumbled. "Can we fly now?"

Silver gulped before quickly nodding and taking off, clearly not wanting to incur more of Garble's wrath. I quickly got onto Garble's back and nearly fell off when Garble leap into the air before I was fully on him. Luckily I was able to latch on more fully before that happened. I was going to have to have a talk with Garble later. Right now I doubt Garble would listen. Thankfully with us back in the air Garble seemed to relax, if only a bit.

It was less then ten minutes later that Silver began to circle an area that was fairly close to the mountain, a distance that seemed to be able the same as from Canterlot to Ponyville... I think. I could be wrong given the fact that the mountain was flipped and that as we got close I had to avoid looking at it without getting a sense of vertigo... first the Salt Flats and now this. If this wasn't Discord's homeland I would never eat another gem... ever... might even take up Garble's offer of meat...

"Will you make up your mind!" Garble shouted his irritation rising again.

"Silver is this the place?" I asked trying not to groan at Garble's continued hostility towards Silver.

"Yes... I think so."

"It had better be." Garble growled angrily.

"Garble..." I warned.

Silver loudly gulped before quickly dived down followed by Garble and I. So rushed was Silver that he nearly tripped as we landed in the grass. I sighed as jumped down from Garble waiting as Silver quickly glanced about, seemingly to double check.

"Yes, this is the spot." Silver nodded with approval.

"Good." Garble huffed, crossing his arms.

"Now, Silver when..." I paused mid question when I heard a sound that I knew all too well. It was the sound of someone or something moving at sub sonic rainboom speeds. And judging from how it sounded... My eyes went wide as I look up to see a dark object falling from the sky right at us!

"Scatter!" I screamed as I attempted to scramble away from the rapidly approaching object. I just hope that both Garble and Silver took what I said to heart and ran for cover. Getting hit by a fast moving object is no fun and this one appeared to be larger then Rainbow Dash.

I had just enough time to move a few hooves away and cover my head when I was knocked down by the shockwave of something slamming into the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut as clumps of dirt pelted by back. I waited for a second after everything went silent before picking myself up and looking around. A long trench was a merely three hoofs behind me. I sighed in relief as I saw both Garble and Silver looking around, neither looking worse for wear.

I looked down and at the end of the trench sprawled out and half buried in the dirt was a black dragon. Okay what is going on? I groaned as I facepalmed. First a fluttershied dragon and now a Rainbow Dash? I swear if we run into another 'mane six' clone I am going to go insane.... If this isn't a Discord ploy... No... I hope not, please not. I am not in the mood for him or his antics. I slowly walked up silently hoping that the dragon wasn't dead. I knew that crashing at that speed...

I let go of my held breath when I saw the tell tale signs that the dragon was breathing. So far so good. I glanced back to see that Garble seem unconcerned and was even smirking, clearly having a laugh over the crashed dragon. While Silver seemed to stay back, nervously wringing his claws. I was unsure completely what to think though I did quickly back away when the dragon suddenly groaned and slowly rise.

"What the hell are you three assholes staring at?" The dragon growled out as when he noticed us. At least I assume it was male. It was at that very moment that I realized that I had never seen a female dragon much less heard one... Either way I could not help but think Rainbow Dash the Dragon.

Author's Note:

Fave, like, comment... comment please :pinkiesad2: I always like it when I get comments :yay: or maybe it's when I get paid...:moustache:

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